
Block ads on YouTube. How to watch YouTube without ads - effective ways to get rid of ads on video Watch YouTube without ads in Yandex browser


Youtube service can be safely called one of the most useful, interesting, accessible sites in Russia. High ratings are maintained due to convenient functionality, ease of use and a huge number of video files contained on the resource. All network users can view videos. Alas, there are a lot of annoying ads on youtube: it is contained in almost all videos, pop-ups appear from time to time. Many people are interested in how to disable ads on YouTube. Special extensions will help solve the problem.

How to remove ads on youtube

  1. Differs in higher speed of work.
  2. It works in the background and does not require additional settings after installation.
  3. The program was developed by a domestic company, therefore it is initially issued in Russian.
  4. It is recommended to download it only on the official website.
  5. The cost of the licensed version is 199 rubles per year.

Partially blocking banners will work without applications, if we are talking about your own videos. You need to do the following:

  1. First you need to log into your account in YouTube hosting.
  2. Next, select one or more from the list of downloaded videos.
  3. Find the "Monetization" tab, uncheck "Monetize my video", save the changes.
  4. If you still see ads and third-party videos after that, it's likely that the extension isn't set up properly.

With Adblock

The second reliable way to get rid of annoying ads is to install Adblock:

  1. Works in all browsers (Opera, Safari, Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Yandex).
  2. When you go to the official site, the user's browser is automatically detected and the system offers to download the application according to the information received.
  3. With this extension, pop-up blocks and third-party videos are not terrible.

By default, the program is installed without filters, but the first time you run it, you are prompted to add a subscription. Most importantly, it integrates directly into the browser. After installation, a small red button appears, notifying that the application is running. The extension is completely free, understandable even for inexperienced users.

Video: Pop-up Blocker

Do you love a popular video hosting service, but annoying distracting ad units that you don't want to waste precious time on every time? Then you will be interested to know how to disable ads on YouTube. Recommendation: install Adblock for youtube for free and get rid of annoying banners, contextual ads for a long time, improve internet speed. Problems are solved immediately after downloading, but it is better to make additional settings. The video below provides more complete information on how to disable ads on YouTube using one of the popular extensions.

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This note prompted me to write a rather aggressive advertising policy of YouTube lately. If earlier the display of advertising was limited to various, but tolerable banners at the bottom of the player window, now as an advertisement, often before playing the desired one, YouTube also forcibly pushes a full-sized commercial, sometimes up to 15-20 minutes long, which cannot be skipped earlier than 5 seconds after its start, and only by pressing a special button!

In itself, this is already an occasion to at least think about how to remove ads from YouTube videos. And the fact that, as a young father, I sometimes put cartoons for my children in a list of 2-3 pieces, I want to be sure that their brains will not be washed in between cartoons by specialists, to put it mildly, of dubious moral qualities (read, advertisers), then the problem of blocking commercials in the video rises to its full height!

And in the application store that opens, enter the phrase in the search box

Adblock for youtube

....and press the button " + FREE» next to the extension with the name adblock for youtube:

After that, confirm the installation of the extension with the button " Add«:

Now it remains to close and open the browser.

All! When you open YouTube pages, this icon will be displayed to the right of the page address, and all ads will be blocked.

Needless to say, how interesting and convenient it is to watch videos online on YouTube? Still would! One of the most popular video hosting! Everything is fine, everything is fine on this site, but sometimes the question when visiting it worries, how, in fact, to remove ads on Youtube. Although it belongs to the trusted one and can provide useful information about goods and services, it still frankly interferes in some situations. Banners can cover important parts of the video sequence, and pauses with ad impressions take time (you have to wait for the demonstration to end).

Installing the script

Google developers, as an experiment, offer everyone a special script that allows you to get rid of ads on video hosting. It should be noted right away that the use of this tool is appropriate only in certain cases. For example, when a user needs to open a single video in the browser.

However, in this article, we'll take a step-by-step look at how to use this code:

1. Open the console by pressing "hot keys":

  • Ctrl + Shift + J - Chrome, Opera;
  • Ctrl + Shift + K - Firefox;
  • F12 - Internet Explorer.

document.cookie="VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE=oKckVSqvaGw; path=/; domain=.youtube.com";window.location.reload();

3. Banners will disappear on the open video hosting page.


Conventionally, extensions that can remove ads on Youtube can be divided into two large groups according to the scale of filtering:

1. Customized

This group includes anti-banners that filter out advertisements directly only on Youtube. They do not apply to other sites and services. They are great for those users who, in the process of surfing the web on most of the visited online resources, prefer to view ads (except for YouTube, for example).

Addons are available in the official browser extension stores:

Adblock for Youtube (for Google Chrome):

another version with the same name:

Nearly similar solutions are available for Firefox:

And for Opera - Adblocker for YouTube:

2. General action

The solutions of this group are designed to permanently remove any type of online advertising, not only on YouTube, but also on other sites. They can also be downloaded from the app store as well as from their official websites:

1. Adblock Plus (adblockplus.org).

2. Adguard (adguard.com).

Open the "Products" section.

Go to the subsection: Browser extensions → Adguard Anti-banner.

3. Adblock (getadblock.com).

How to download and install the addon?

1. Initially, you must choose one anti-banner to filter ads. Multiple blocking addons are not recommended. They can programmatically conflict with themselves, slow down the loading of web pages, remove banners incorrectly, etc.

2. Copy the name of the addon. Go to the app store:

  • Google Chrome: Menu → Settings → Extensions → More extensions (link at the bottom of the page)
  • Firefox: go to - addons.mozilla.org/en/firefox
  • Opera: Menu → Extensions → Load Extensions

3. Paste the copied addon name into the search bar of the app store. Press "Enter".

4. Go to the extension page. Click the link "Install ...", "Add ..." (depending on which resource you use).

If the download is performed from the official site of the addon, when you open the page, it automatically detects your browser and offers to download the distribution kit specifically for it (see the download links on the screenshots).

Advertising. It would seem that this word does not carry any emotions, but remember how it suddenly pops up when you watch a movie. Okay once, but when this is repeated all the time, then willy-nilly, in a fit of anger and rage, you just want to take and smash your own computer to smithereens. Of course, sites live thanks to advertising, they can’t do without it, and you can somehow put up with it, but when you turn on a cartoon for a child, and there they start rolling cigarettes and gambling instead, you start to wonder - what will this child grow up to be? Below you will learn how to block ads on YouTube, since this site is one of the most common and famous for watching videos all over the Internet, and its popularity is not falling.

What is YouTube? Brief information

YouTube is one of the largest video hosting sites on the Internet, owned by Google today. Therefore, this service has hundreds of millions of visitors a day, and each of them faced such a problem as advertising. Of course, annoying ads are not only on this site, but due to the fact that it has a huge number of visitors, it is simply impossible to “pass” past 30-second commercials.

on youtube

So how do you get rid of her? But there is nothing complicated about this, but many people think that this is not so. In fact, the YouTube service itself made a huge gift to its visitors in 2013 - now each user can turn off all ads on the site for their computer. In general, of course, YouTube is just conducting an experiment in which the largest video hosting site decided to test how its visitors behave. Just while visiting the YouTube site, you just need to enter the following command into the console of your browser:

="VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE=oKckVSqvaGw; path=/; domain=.youtube.com";.reload();

With the press of the ENTER key, advertising is gone! Bored, she will disappear from life, like a bad dream, and will never again get her appearance on the screen of a monitor or tablet. This line makes small changes to the YouTube cookie data, but this does not affect the operation of the computer itself. But then another question arises: « How to do it in different browsers? » Consider how to do this procedure in the most common browsers.


How to disable ads on YouTube in these browsers? The two most famous web browsers on the Internet, OPERA/CHROME, are not fully protected from ads themselves. You only need to remember that the version of OPERA must be from 15, that is, OPERA 15+. Suitable for operating systems Windows, Linux, ChromeOS. You need to simultaneously press the three keys Ctrl, Shift, J (Ctrl + Shift + J) and enter the above command. If you have a MAC operating system, you need to press Command-Option-J and also paste the command above into the console.


Firefox is easier. It is necessary, as in the OPERA browser, to simultaneously press the three keys Ctrl + Shift + K and also enter the command. It works on Windows/Linux OS. If you take the Mac operating system, then you need to press Command-Option-K there and paste the necessary script.


On YouTube in this browser is also quite simple - just press the F12 key and, selecting the "Console" operation, enter the necessary command presented above. There are also many different programs that are designed to block ads. Among them are AdBlock, Ad Muncher, Adguard, HtFilter, ChrisPC Free Ads Blocker and many others.

ad block

Initially, the program was intended to be used only as a Firefox utility, but over time it gained momentum, and, having modernized it, the developers began to release the program for some other browsers. So, if you don't know about YouTube, just download this program. There are several varieties of it. For example, AdBlock Plus. This program automatically blocks many types of ads, including those on YouTube. Those 30 second clips just stop popping up. Also cease to pop up banners on various sites. This is very convenient, especially if there is traffic on the computer. If the program does not automatically block ads, then using the utility you can block them manually.


Another recommended program. Its beauty lies in the fact that it discreetly blocks everything and banners. And for those who do not know how to disable ads on YouTube, this is just a miracle and a godsend. It consists of 3 modular elements: anti-banner, anti-phishing and statistics. Very useful and handy program.

How to disable ads on YouTube

Thus, if you are so tired of advertising on YouTube, and you no longer have the strength to view it again and again, while such precious time flows into oblivion, then you can turn it off in two ways.

  1. Just enter the code in the browser console.
  2. Download and install a specific program that will block any ads, including banners.

All the proposed programs work stably, and their functionality works not only on YouTube, but also on other sites with advertisements and banners. And thanks to their developers, we can enjoy watching videos without ads and banners that everyone is already so tired of.

A lot of people are wondering: Do I need to include non-skippable ads in videos? On the one hand, such advertising is the most expensive and can bring additional income, on the other hand, the viewer cannot miss this advertisement and he can close the video, this hits the indicator that is so important for promoting a video on YouTube.

Benefits of non-skippable ads

Ads are really expensive, but there are few such ads, and their overall contribution to the channel's income is far from decisive. And since there are not very many such advertisements, it means that it will not annoy the audience so much.

Cons of non-skippable ads

As I said above, in some cases, non-skippable advertising can negatively affect the retention of the audience of your channel. In fact, this rarely happens. You can experiment. On some videos, turn on this one, but don't turn it on on others. And then after a month, compare the audience retention rates.

Just remember that audience retention can go down due to a variety of factors, far from being the fault of interfering ads.

Summary. Should such ads be included?

In most cases, you need to enable everything on the channel. Especially if your channel's income is largely formed from advertising money.

If you have good information that non-skippable ads reduce audience retention on the channel, then do not include it. Also, if the video is aimed at promoting your brand, goods or services, it may not be worth including advertising in it in principle. Decide for yourself, but I wish that any of your decisions be based on facts, and not just someone's irrelevant recommendations.

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