
How to reset all perks in fallout 4. How to reset all character perks in Skyrim

Fallout 4 was released not so long ago, and various forums and sites on the game are already full of discussions how to reset perks in the game and allocate points to a new one. If you look at the skills in general, you can understand that among them there are quite a large number of simply unnecessary ones. Players, starting the game, do not realize that there may not be a second chance and choose anything.

At the moment, the answer to the question about perks is that they cannot be reset. But do not despair, if you really want to, you can ... reset skills. In order not to bother with editing files and a bunch of console commands, one small program will come to our aid. Its name is Reset All Points in Russian.

Using the program to reset perks

Download the archive, unpack and run the program. Specify the level and gender of your character, select the desired perks. Click on the "Create" button, the program will create 2 files run.txt and reset.txt in its folder. These 2 files need to be moved to the game folder. Now go to Fallout 4, open the console (~) and type bat reset to reset the perks, and then bat run to install what you saved in the program.

We hope you now know the answer to your question. fallout 4 how to reset perks.

On all sorts of forums, when discussing any part of Fallout, probably the most often asked is whether it is possible to reset existing skills and redistribute points. Given the number of frankly useless skills, there is nothing to be surprised at - you yourself will probably name a few perks for which you would not mind getting compensation. Everyone can make a mistake in the pumping vector, and there is no feeling worse than realizing your mistake in about twenty hours.

However, the answer is always the same - no. More precisely, it is possible, but in order to change the created character, you will have to arm yourself with a dozen console commands and set the desired parameters manually for a long, tedious time. Few people want to climb into these jungles, and the vulnerable technical nature of the series does not react to such manipulations in the most adequate way. Fallout 4 is no exception.

Fortunately, once again modders come to the rescue. For the new game, there is not yet a full-fledged toolkit to create comfortable-to-use scripts like Complete Respec from New Vegas, but a small program called Reset All Points will save you the hassle of re-upgrading.

In fact, this is a console command generator in a nice shell. It's easy to use:

  • Download the archive with the program, unpack and run it.
  • Specify the level and gender, select the desired characteristics.
  • Click the "Build" button - the output will be two files, reset. txt And run. txt.
  • Move both files to the game directory.
  • Launch Fallout 4, open the console (key "~") and enter at first « bat reset» to reset all skills and then « bat run» to install a new build.

That's all. In a couple of minutes you have a completely new character. As you can see, it was not without using the console, but for the sake of interest, you can open one of the text files and see how many commands you would have to enter yourself. So it's easier, right?

Of course, before all these manipulations, it is desirable make a backup copy of the saved game, because the utility is still at the testing stage and does not guarantee 100% stability.

Also note that the V.A.N.S. it is impossible to remove using Reset All Points. This is already a problem of the game itself, because even through the console no one has managed to get rid of it yet.

Doubly, by the way, it's nice that the program interface, including detailed descriptions of all perks, is translated into Russian. Items unique to the female gender, however, are still displayed in the English version, but this is unlikely to bother anyone.

The Fallout 4 Respec Tool serves a similar purpose. The principle of its operation is almost identical, but the program, for all its nondescriptness, can do a little more than Reset All Points. For example, it has the ability to adjust the maximum weight, the number of caps and the amount of health, as well as get the effects of all bobbleheads, magazines and companion perks. You can download it. Unfortunately, there is no translation, but there is a video with an overview of the functions:

Now go ahead and get rid of the "War Dog" and the last level of "Hacker" or whatever!

Quite often you can meet people online who complain about the leveling system in Fallout 4. Not that it was completely bad, but some perks really only clog the leveling tree and distract from useful abilities. As a result, the player loses a couple of points for an unnecessary ability and cannot return them, since there is no system for redistributing perks in the game. It is for this that we will now tell you how to reset perks in Fallout 4, even if the developers did not take this into account initially.

For this operation, you will have to use a special program created by the gaming community and a couple of console commands. Unfortunately, there is no easier way yet.

How to reset perks in Fallout 4

Here is a list of actions:

  • Download, unzip and run;
  • Inside we indicate what level and gender your character is;
  • Below we enter the necessary parameters for S.P.E.C.I.A.L.S and perks;
  • Click on the "Build" or "Create" button and we get two files with the names reset and run;
  • We transfer both files to the root folder of the game, where the exe file is and run the game;
  • In the game, click on "~" and enter the command "bat reset" first, and then "bat run";

After that, all the parameters that you previously set manually through the program are registered and now you can play for fun!


Before carrying out these manipulations, we recommend that you make a copy of the game saves, which are located at C:\Users\Username\Documents\My Games\Fallout4\Saves. This will help you avoid permanent character loss if something goes wrong.

> How to reset all character perks?

How to reset all character perks in Skyrim?

It's not uncommon to want to redistribute all of your character's perks and abilities in The Elder Scrolls 5 RPG. Maybe you just want to change your character's career path, or you've accidentally evolved unnecessary perks. If you play for the first time, then the description of the abilities does not fully characterize them, so it is quite possible to make a mistake.

And what to do as a result of a tired hero? After all, the redistribution of received perks can change your character beyond recognition, even if the levels of development of all skills in tes 5 remain at the same level. After all, creating a new hero, going through skyrim in a new way will be more than boring, and it will take a lot of time. I agree that I already wrote on the site about the possibility of passing the game in different ways, but if you have completed the same main quest recently, then the desire to repeat the exploits of the dragon fighter will not be so strong.

Okay, with the reasons that may prompt us to throw off all the perks received earlier, we figured it out. It's time to start the method itself, and immediately stumble upon a concrete wall. It is natural that there is no regular opportunity to reset your character, plugins for Skyrim also do not help yet. A console will come to our aid, which can control almost all objects and characters in the world of Nirn.

This event, however, cannot be called convenient. We will have to spend several tens of minutes on this good deed and concentrate a little, since all control over maintaining the balance will be entrusted to us. Id codes of perks from www.site will also come in handy, this will greatly facilitate the process of removing unnecessary perks and adding the required ones. For those who care about achievements on official game servers, they should also refuse such a reception.

We will need to remove each perk separately, which will help the player.removeperk command, after which we write down the id code of a particular perk. I have already written in detail how to use these commands in the article about perk id codes, I gave a link to this article a little higher. Perks removed in this way will not become free, so we will have to redistribute them manually as well.

Adding perks in batches will not work either, we will again need to use the command in the console, this time player.addperk. You will also have to monitor whether the necessary conditions for the development of skills are met on your own, because you can add any perks with the console without any restrictions. You can even develop your strongest ability by bypassing the minor perks of this skill.

So it will be convenient to stock up on a pencil and a piece of paper, where we will write down our step-by-step changes in the character's parameters. I personally recommend printing perk codes on a printer, so corrections will be much faster and easier. So, nothing is difficult, we only need a little time and a little care.

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