
Skyrim is the best armor. The best Skyrim armor. How to increase protection with magic

Hello everyone, dear friends!

Perhaps I'll start today's article with a question. By what criteria is armor considered the best for you? Could this be a sign of protection? Unique enchantments? Or do you prefer the appearance of armor more than its characteristics? Write your options in the comments. I tried to pick up universal armor for you in all respects, so stop procrastinating and move on to reviewing the best equipment in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim.

Top light sets

light armor- the most popular type of equipment for players. They allow you to move faster in battle, do not hinder movement and provide a lot of bonuses to stealth. In terms of protection, at high levels and at maximum pumping, such armor is not inferior to heavy armor, which is why it received the title of one of the most usable in Skyrim.

Among all game sets (not counting DLS), two armors can be distinguished:

  1. Nightingale. Awarded after completing the Thieves Guild quest line. Unique equipment increases stamina, increases damage from one-handed weapons, improves invisibility and by 25%, makes it easier to open locks. On top of that, the look of the equipment is very nice and will look great on the hero until the very end of the game.
  2. Draconic scaly. Crafted with 100 Dragon Scales. Requires level 100 blacksmithing and the corresponding perk. Features: protection indicator and chic appearance. It is easiest to bring security on scaly armor, among light armor of course.

Any of the listed equipment will be an excellent protection and decoration for the player and will appeal to most gamers.

Best Heavy Armor

As I said, there is not much difference between light and heavy equipment, because Skyrim has a cap of 576 points of protection, which provides 80% reduction in all physical damage taken. If the armor is above the specified limit, this will not be taken into account.

The only difference in this situation is the speed at which the protection threshold is reached. Using heavy armor, getting maximum protection against physical attacks will be easier and faster.

There are 2 top sets of equipment in the game:

  1. Daedric armor. The main components for crafting are Dudrov hearts and ebony ingots. The equipment has the highest defense in the game and is rightfully considered the best heavy armor. Plus, the appearance of the armor is also on top and pleases the eye of any gamer.
  2. Armor of Ahzidal. Received as a reward for completing the "Excavations" quest. The armor deserved its place in this top thanks to the cast spells: the chance to paralyze the enemy during his attack, spells of the constellation of Sorcery and rune skills cost 25% less, while their radius of action increases.

Despite the fact that the listed equipment is considered the best, according to most players, you can make the top armor yourself. It is possible to sharpen to maximum protection and give the necessary enchantment to almost any equipment, the main thing is to choose it according to the look that you like.

That's all, dear friends. Subscribe to the channel and drop the name of your favorite armor in the comments. See you soon!

1. Where does this stupid stereotype come from? According to your logic, a character who has the maximum skill of one-handed weapons, blocking, who can kill a dozen dragons with one hand, protects the weak and disadvantaged, will not be able to get into Sovngarde! Because he is not a glorious warrior, but a thief. Why is he a thief, you ask? Because he wears light armor. And along with him. It follows from this, based on your own logic, that any magician whose all schools of magic are developed to the maximum automatically becomes a warrior if he pumped blacksmithing. And to hell with him, that he did not hold a sword in his hands.

2. Increasing regen is good because you can get "that same unit" much faster.

3. Stop clinging to this stun. I'm already tired. In all the posts above, I told how to avoid it. In another post above, I talked about all the other advantages. But for all the time that we are arguing, you, as an argument, have not brought anything but stunning.

4. The shield has such an ability as "living hammer". With it, any run with a raised shield knocks opponents to the ground, no matter how many there are. Therefore, at least 10, at least 20 enemies at a time, what difference does it make if they lie down all the time? When I said that I almost always fight with 1-2 people, I don't understand. At first, yes. At the beginning of the game on high difficulties, the withdrawal tactic is the only tactic for all classes. Even for a tank. And this is an axiom. There is no need to argue with me on this. And if there is no difference, then it is easier to run in light clothing.

5. I would see how the horse will show itself in caves and forts, teeming with vampires and magicians. Oh yeah, he just won't fit in them. In open areas, a horse can be very useful if you need to escape from a bear or a spriggan, or some random encounter. But why do you need a horse? You love to fight, why do you need this "thieves' horse", on which you can run away from the fight? It's not boyish.

6. No one will ever spawn behind your back. Unless in the quest about the civil war, when cleaning up the fort. But at the beginning of the game, no one passes it.

7. I have never had any problems with the flare shaft. All opponents attack one by one, maximum two. Except at the very end, when an archer shoots at you from the bridge. But why put yourself in a losing position? You can go where he won't go. And it's not about "winning back", but in common sense.

8. About "millions of sick people". Everyone uses potions, even me, I'm a human too, right? But I never ate them by the millions. Maybe because the stars were so aligned, maybe because the blessing of Mara had such an effect, or maybe because I theoretically play better? Yes, no ... The thing is that I'm a thief. Exactly. Or how is it, based on your logic?

In the universe of the world "Skyrim" there are a great many races and peoples who make and use armor, depending on their living conditions and combat tactics. There is no absolute best armor, but there is a suit of armor that suits every play style.

Heavy armor

For the warrior class, there is nothing more suitable than heavy armor. Due to the high degree of protection, it wears out less and better protects the player from physical and magical influences. Having put it on, the player must remember that it is quite difficult to move quickly and quietly in it, and you don’t run much over long distances, so this type of armor is far from the best choice for scouts and travelers.

Daedric armor is the heaviest, but also the most effective defensive set. It is rare, very expensive and highly valued. Full Daedric armor makes the player nearly immortal.

Heavy dragon armor - although inferior in effectiveness to Daedric armor, it is slightly lighter and stronger, and, in addition, is slightly more common.

Ebony armor is a rare, but still quite common type of heavy armor. This armor protects better than metal, but weighs a lot, which affects the endurance of the game character.

Dwarven armor is the best type of metal heavy armor. Usually found in dungeons, it has medium defensive stats, which are quite consistent with the average weight.

Metal armor - this includes iron, steel and orc armor. They have average protection, but a lot of weight. However, in the early stages of the game, they are quite effective.

Light armor

This type of armor is used by characters for whom close combat is a necessary measure. It is worn by thieves, magicians, archers - all those who hit the enemy at a distance or in the back. The advantages of this type of armor are its low weight, which allows you to maintain stamina for longer, as well as the ability to move quickly and silently. Its reverse side is fragility and low strength, as well as lower protection parameters compared to heavy armor.

Light Dragon Armor is undoubtedly the best type of light armor. Combines protection at the level of heavy armor with low weight. It is very rare, which is not surprising for armor with such characteristics.

Glass armor is worse than dragon armor, but still has a high level of protection for light armor. The disadvantages include not only the rarity of distribution, but also its fragility, which is why it requires frequent repairs.

Elven armor - is already found more often than glass and has solid characteristics, both strength and protection. This armor is the most affordable of the expensive and rare types of light armor.

Leather Light Armor - Includes lamellar, leather, studded, and rawhide armor. These armors are easily available to the player, but their stats are low.

Defense is one of the most important stats in combat in Skyrim. Even if you play as a wizard, or if you prefer stealth kills, in some cases you will have to face enemies in close combat. And it depends on the defense parameter how many points of damage your hero will receive. This article will be useful both for beginners who are just starting to explore the world of the Elder Scrolls, and for those who have been playing for a long time. Let's take a look at what armor is in, learn about the types of armor and find the best armor for each class.

Why do you need armor in Skyrim

First of all, it affects how many health points the Dragonborn will lose in the next fight. And secondly, of course, the appearance. Many players spend dozens of game hours trying to create a character's appearance and choose a unique look. There are several dozen different sets in Skyrim, so you can definitely find the one that you like the most. And if not, there are always mods with thousands of variations for every taste, class and playstyle.

In Skyrim, the character's maximum defense is 567. This is the highest level of armor that you can get in the game without the use of cheats, game console or mods. It is very difficult to score the required number of points for the maximum defense value. Here you will need a full set of armor, which often gives delicious effects (+100 armor, for example). Having reached the maximum defense indicator, the protagonist will receive only 20% of incoming damage. However, reaching 80% damage reduction is extremely difficult.

Given the rather random appearance of items in chests, it often happens that the player cannot find the missing part of the set. Or he does not have enough resources or skill level to forge it himself. What then to do, how to increase the protection rate? This is where magic comes in!

First of all, you should pay attention to the spell "Dragon Skin". With it, the hero will receive maximum armor, albeit only for a minute and a half. This ability is very popular with mages who cannot wear heavy armor and suffer melee damage. This spell belongs to the “Changes” branch. As a beginner or adept, you will need to use weaker variations of this ability such as Oak Flesh, Stone Flesh, Iron Flesh, and Ebon Flesh. They also increase your defense, although not to the maximum value.

Change is a branch of magic, which is quite problematic to pump. Here teachers can help you, as well as special potions. You will hardly find them in the world, because they are very expensive, so you have to create it yourself using alchemy.

So, magic will help us for only a minute and a half, and you could not find the right part of the armor. What to do? Let's learn how to create armor yourself.

The first forge can be found to the left of the main entrance to Riverwood. Talk to the blacksmith and he will give you a couple of lessons, as well as materials to start leveling the craft. This skill will allow you to create any armor in the game with your own hands (except for unique ones). As with all other skill trees, in order to create the best armor, you must first gain as many levels as possible. In this case, you need level 100 blacksmithing to get the final talent. As I progressed through the game, my favorite place became the Skyforge in Whiterun. It has everything you need, and you can also quickly get to the nearest stores to buy the missing materials.

Attention! If you are going to create armor with your own hands, then you should complete the task “From the Depths”. For completing it, you will receive a unique talent “Ancient Knowledge”, which speeds up crafting and gives a bonus 15% protection when wearing Dwemer armor.

Dealing with the creation of items, as well as with enchantment, is very simple. Bring the necessary materials, create new things and pump the skill until you get the opportunity to create the armor you need. Don't forget that in addition to armor, you can also increase your defenses by enchanting rings, clothing, and other accessories.

The most important thing is to get to 567 defense points in order to calmly fight any boss that you meet. Well, those who wish can even increase this figure with the help of third-party mods or cheat codes.

Best Light Armor

Armor in Skyrim is divided into two types - light and heavy. All enchanted mage items are considered just “clothing”, so they are not included in this list. Light armor is suitable for those who want to maintain mobility in combat, while maintaining good protection. Of course, armor stats won't compare to heavy armor, but you'll drain your stamina more slowly, and you'll be able to easily dodge blows and defeat enemies with your speed.

In addition, in light armor you can turn thieves' deals. If you try to sneak in heavy armor, you will be heard right away, but light armor is ideal for burglaries, pickpocketing or stealth kills. And in the inventory it takes up very little space, unlike the heavy one.

In order to maximize the protection in light armor as much as possible, the dragonborn should pump the skill of wearing “light armor” to level 100. This can be done in many ways - skill books, teachers in cities, potions, or simply taking damage and restoring health.

The first light armor set you will see in the game will most likely be the Leather Armor. It can be removed from any bandit, or found in the dungeon. If you wish, you can make it yourself by hunting animals and getting skins. Its characteristics leave much to be desired, so do not bother too much, you will find a good replacement for it pretty quickly.

The second light set will be elven armor. She already has good stats and will serve you for some time while traveling. Upon reaching level 12, you will start meeting rogues in elven armor, so there will be no problems getting it. In addition, it can be created independently in the forge. To do this, you need to pump the required skill to the craft branch and collect the necessary resources.

As you adventure, you'll find tons of new items, armor sets, and weapons. Upon reaching level 70 “”, or after taking level 30, Dovakin will be able to get glass armor. This is one of the penultimate sets of light armor, which is worth enchanting and actively using due to its high characteristics. This set will serve you for a long time until you get enough dragon bones or complete the Thieves Guild storyline or.

Best Light Armor

And now let's talk about the best light armor that is in the original game. Here you should pay attention to two sets at once - “Nightingale Armor” and “Dragon Scale Armor”.

nightingale armor

Nightingale Armor - An enchanted armor set that increases damage with one-handed weapons and increases maximum stamina. The legendary set is one of the best options for those who use one-handed weapons. This set can be obtained during the passage of the storyline of the Thieves Guild for the task “The Reborn Triad”. When wearing a full set, you will get +40 maximum stamina, +50% fire resistance, +25% damage with one-handed weapons. In addition, the cost of the Illusion spell will be reduced by 17%, and stealth will increase. In this armor, it will be easier for thieves to pull things out of their pockets, as well as break locks.

If you have not reached this task yet, then you can use the “first” version of this armor - “Thieves Guild Armor”. This will greatly simplify pickpocketing and picking locks.

Dragon Scale Armor

Dragon scale armor - armor that you can create yourself with the help of "". To do this, Dovakin needs to pump the skill level to 100 and learn the special perk “Dragon Armor”. This set does not have unique bonuses like the legendary Nightingale Armor, but offers the player high protection. With it, you will be able to reach the maximum defense much faster, and bonuses can be obtained using enchantments. Each part of the set requires 6 dragon scales and bones, as well as 10 leather strips, which can be found at any blacksmith.

Assassin Armor

If you prefer to attack enemies from stealth mode and pump daggers, then you will also like assassin armor. You can get it by joining, or by killing any member of the guild and searching his corpse. The set has high resistance to poisons, makes the wearer silent, and also doubles back damage and increases bow damage by 20%.

The best heavy armor.

There are no significant differences between light and heavy armor. You can change one type of armor to another at any time and vice versa. You can reach 567 defense with both light and heavy, but it will be easier with heavy. Thanks to this, the player will have the opportunity to experiment with different kits and assemble one of the best from several parts.

Ancient nordic armor

The situation with heavy armor is the same as with light armor. As you progress through quests and travel around the world, you will come across many types of heavy armor, and the best one is waiting for you at a high level. One of the first good sets - Ancient nordic armor. This armor is created from steel and iron ingots, as well as leather and leather strips. Due to its high stats (for its level), Ancient Nordic armor will greatly help you during your first wanderings.

And speaking of the best heavy armor, there are two sets worth getting - Daedric Armor and Ahzidal Armor.

Daedric armor

Daedric armor is one of the most popular armor sets in the original game. This heavy armor looks great on the character, and also has the highest protection.

To create Daedric armor, you will need to upgrade Blacksmithing to at least 90, and also take the corresponding perk. When crafting armor, very rare resources are required - Daedra hearts, as well as ebony ingots and leather strips. You shouldn't have any problems with stripes, and with ebony ingots, too, because from level 27 they will sell in the store for 150 gold. But hearts are one of the rarest resources in Skyrim.

Hearts can be obtained for completing certain tasks, or by looting the corpse of a Daedra. Each part of the set requires 10 strips of leather, 5 Daedric hearts and 17 ebony ingots. The best place to farm hearts is the Shrine of Mehrunes. After completing the mission to Mehrunes' Razor, Daedra will appear at the entrance to the sanctuary every few days, which will greatly help you accumulate hearts for the coveted armor.

Ahzidal Armor

“Armor of Ahzidal” - this set can be obtained for completing the quest “Excavations”. The main advantage of this set is that it can be enchanted for a chance to paralyze opponents. In addition, it increases the range of spells of the Conjuration school, but they will cost 25% more mana. This set is a good temporary option, but still I advise you to get Daedric armor, which is significantly superior to any other heavy option.

Some sets of armor cannot be crafted by yourself, but can only be obtained by completing tasks or picking up enemies from the corpses. For example, the armor of the Stormcloaks or the Imperial armor, which can only be obtained by completing faction quests.

As well as many other unique things that you will find in the dangerous dungeons of Skyrim. Start your journey now to find them!

Protection is one of the most important parameters of a character in, besides, armor largely determines the appearance of a character. How is the balance between security and attractiveness? Is protection important? How much does it reduce damage taken?

This guide covers everything you need to know about armor in Skyrim. It will be useful to anyone who is looking for the best protection - both in terms of quantity and appearance. Guide for all versions of the game, including .

Max armor level

In The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, there is such a thing as maximum defense. It is 567, which is the highest level of armor that can be obtained without resorting to using and mods.

Of course, to achieve such an indicator, you need to wear a full set of armor. At the same time, Skyrim has bonuses when wearing armor elements from one set: +25 for body armor, helmet, gloves and boots. There is no shield bonus. Total +100, which is very good.

How exactly does the level of protection affect the damage taken? The game has a proportion between protection and real damage reduction. If the character's defense is 567, then the physical damage taken is reduced by 80%.

Thus, when wearing the best armor in the game, the character will receive only 20% damage, that is, only a fifth of the physical damage dealt.

How to increase protection with magic

If the character does not yet have the necessary items to achieve maximum protection, or, according to the player's idea, should not wear a full set of armor, he can use magic.

The best option is the Dragonhide spell. It gives maximum protection for 30 seconds, that is, it increases the defense indicator to 567 and due to this, reduces the physical damage inflicted on the character by 80%. This spell is very useful for mages who can't afford heavy luggage.

Of course, "Dragon Hide" is one of the two best spells of the Alteration school. To master it, you will have to develop the appropriate skill. Therefore, for a while, the character will be able to effectively use simplified versions of this spell:

  • Oak flesh (Oakflesh);
  • Stone flesh (Stoneflesh);
  • Iron Flesh (Ironflesh);
  • Ebony flesh (Enbonyflesh).

Interestingly, the effect of these spells can be greatly enhanced if the Alteration skill is not high enough. To do this, you need to use potions to increase the skill. They are quite rare and expensive, but with some skill, an experienced alchemist will be able to provide himself with a good supply of such "bottles".

How to increase protection with crafting

There are several skills in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim that allow you to craft and upgrade items. This process in games is called "craft" (from the English word "Craft"). Here are three crafting skills:

  • Alchemy (Alchemy);
  • Blacksmithing (Smithing);
  • Enchanting.

As mentioned above, alchemy can be used to increase knowledge of the School of Alteration, which in turn amplifies the effect of spells that increase armor.

Blacksmithing allows you to forge almost any set of armor in Skyrim, but the best items require a high level of skill. Ideally, you need to have level 100 Blacksmithing, level 100 Light or Heavy armor (depending on what you need to forge) and complete the Unfathomable Depths quest to get the Ancient Knowledge talent.

The latter speeds up the development of Blacksmithing and grants a 15% armor bonus when wearing a full set of Dwarven armor.

Enchanting is another useful skill that makes it easier to achieve maximum protection. Everything is very simple here: each item worn on the character must be enchanted with the same effect “Skill increase: Blacksmithing” (Fortify Smithing). It is important to understand that enchantments are applied not only to armor elements, but also to clothing, jewelry (rings, amulets).

If the character has reached the maximum level of protection (567), then a further increase in this indicator does not make any sense, since the percentage of reduction in received physical damage, in principle, cannot exceed 80%. Alas, that's the game.

The best light armor in Skyrim

Light armor is very handy for characters who want to find the sweet spot between mobility and protection. They do not take up much space in the inventory and do not interfere with the use of stealth. Of course, light armor is almost always inferior to heavy armor in terms of its effectiveness, but such is the price for the advantages mentioned above.

To get more protection against Light Armor, you should improve the corresponding skill to 100 as soon as possible. In principle, it grows by itself if you use light armor, but development can be accelerated by reading books and paying lessons to teachers. The higher the skill, the more armor any armor set will provide.

If we talk about specific sets, then in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim there are 2 most valuable sets: Nightingale Armor and Dragonscale Armor.

nightingale armor. A magical light armor set that increases stamina (Stamina) and improves damage dealt with one-handed weapons (One-Handed). Nightingale Armor can only be obtained as a reward for completing the last Thieves Guild quest, Trinity Restored.

When fully upgraded, the full Nightingale armor increases stamina by 40, improves cold resistance by 50%, and adds 25% additional damage to all attacks with one-handed weapons.

But that is not all. Nightingale Armor is useful to any thief: it improves the effectiveness of stealth (Sneaking), makes it easier to pick a lock (Lockpicking) by 25% and reduces the cost of spells of the school of Illusion (Illusion) by 17%.

Dragon Scale Armor. In terms of protection, this light armor is the best in its class. With it, it is easiest to achieve the maximum level of protection. Plus she looks really cool.

Dragon Scale Armor can only be obtained through crafting. In this case, the following resources will be needed: dragon scales (“falls out” only from killed dragons), iron ingots, leather strips. You will also need to raise the Blacksmithing skill to 100 and unlock the Dragon Armor perk.

The best heavy armor in Skyrim

Due to the fact that the game has a defense threshold, there is no fundamental difference between light and heavy armor, since in the end everything will be the same: 567 defense and 80% reduction in physical damage. However, heavy armor allows you to reach the maximum faster, and also leaves room for experimentation with incomplete sets.

As with light armor, The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim has 2 sets of armor that can be considered the most effective: Daedric Armor and Ahzidal's Armor.

Daedric armor. This set has a very high armor rating, in fact it is the best armor in Skyrim, if you do not take into account the content of official add-ons. She looks very impressive too.

Daedric Armor can be crafted from Ebony Bars, Daedra Hearts, and Leather Strips. To do this, you need to have a developed Blacksmithing skill (at least 90) and an open perk with the appropriate name.

Armor of Ahzidal. Obtained from completing the Unearthed quest. The armor has some very useful enchantments. First of all, it gives a chance that opponents attacking the player's character will be paralyzed. Conjuration spells and rune spells cost 25% more, but have increased range.

And if you attach 4 items from the set to Dovakin at once, then he will receive an increase of 10 points to the Enchantment skill indicator.

How to forge the best armor in Skyrim

Not all armor sets can be forged. For example, the Nightingale Armor and the Ahzidal Set can only be obtained by completing certain tasks. An experienced blacksmith does not have to go through them at all, because he can get maximum protection right without leaving the forge.

Daedric armor (heavy armor):

  • perk "Daedric armor";
  • 90 level Blacksmithing;
  • 10 leather strips;
  • 17 Ebony Ingots
  • 5 Daedra hearts.

Draconic Shell Armor (Heavy Armor):

  • perk "Dragon Armor";
  • 100 level Blacksmithing;
  • 6 dragon scales (Dragon Scale);
  • 6 dragon bones (Dragon Bone);
  • 10 leather strips.

Dragon Scale Armor (Light Armor):

  • perk "Dragon Armor";
  • 100 level Blacksmithing;
  • 14 dragon scales;
  • 4 skins (Leather);
  • 2 iron ingots (Iron Ingot).

Leather strips can be cut from leather at a special workbench or bought from merchants (average price - 3 gold per piece). Iron ingots are available for about 7 coins from the very beginning of the game, and Ebony ingots - only after reaching level 27 (cost about 150 gold).

The fastest way to get a lot of Daedric Hearts is to clear the Shrine of Mehrunes Dagon in The Pale.

Dragon scales and bones can only be obtained in one way - by killing dragons. Fortunately, there are definitely no problems with them in Skyrim.

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