
How to send I'm waiting for a call from a megaphone. How to send a beggar to clients of mobile operators from Megafon? Options are the same as above.

For subscribers of the operator cellular communication Megafon please call back - an affordable service that can be sent to the desired number using a special combination of numbers. In the people, such a function has received a simpler name “dialer”.

A person can use it with a zero or negative balance and send a free message.

About "Call Me"

The first question that a subscriber has with a negative balance, when they urgently need to contact someone - what code do you need to dial in order to call back a Megafon subscriber? Call me back request is sent using the following ussd command


You can send a request with a request by pressing the call button. After that, the subscriber whose number was registered in the middle of the command will receive an SMS with the text “Please call me back.”

The time the request was sent and the phone number to call will also be indicated. The sender of the request will receive a notification that the message has been delivered to the recipient.

The service is convenient in that it will be possible to send such a message not only to megaphone subscribers, but also to people using the services of other operators. The main thing is that messages can be sent between operators.

The service is provided free of charge not only in the home region, but throughout Russia.

A user of Megafon services can reset the “Call me back” beacon even while abroad. There is no charge for making a request.

At the same time, for incoming call in a foreign country you will need to pay.

Is this service included

The ability to send from Megafon numbers a request to call a specific number is provided automatically with all operator tariffs. However, one of the subscribers accidentally or intentionally disables this option.

You can connect it using any of the methods provided by Megafon:

  • Using the personal account of the Service Guide self-service center. You can get there through the official website of the operator. In the services section, the subscriber activates or deactivates services at his own discretion.
  • By contacting one of the Megafon salons. Employees, at the request of the subscriber, will activate the corresponding service if it is not provided by default or if the client has previously refused it. In this case, ID may be required.
  • Another option is to call hotline, where you can activate the service, after specifying the series and number of the passport. Call number - 0500 , you will need to press zero in tone mode.


Disable option

You can get rid of the “waiting for a call” service in the same ways as when you connected it. Despite the fact that it is not provided free of charge, some users prefer to disable this feature. What will be required for this?

The options are the same as above:

  • Call the hotline 0500 and ask the operator to stop the provision of the "Call me back" service.
  • Go to Personal Area on the website of the mobile operator Megafon and disable the service in the appropriate section
  • Visit the nearest communication salon and ask to disable the option from further use.

The service from Megafon - sending a request to call back - allows you to communicate with subscribers of your own and other operators, even when you are aground. The request is valid for 12 hours from the moment it was sent.

If its recipient does not call back for a long time, but you need to contact urgently, you can use the “call at the expense of the interlocutor” service.

How good would it be if mobile phone never ran out of money! But often there are times when you urgently need to call someone, but the balance does not have the required amount. Not everyone knows how to send a request to call back on Megaphone, so they often find themselves in an unpleasant situation. To avoid such problems, Megafone subscribers should be aware of all the possibilities of their mobile communications.

Please call back on Megaphone

The company offers within its tariffs a variety of options and opportunities to contact another person without money. All services are so simple that any subscriber can use them. The free function "Call me" is available to users of all tariffs, as it is connected automatically. The option starts to work at the moment when the client runs out of money on the balance, and he tries to call. Then the operator sends a message to the addressee that they want to call him.

How to send a "Call me back please" request

How else to send a request to call back on Megaphone? The operator provides its customers additional service- a beacon that allows you to send SMS to your comrades with a request to call. If you don’t know how to throw off the beacon from Megaphone, then learn by heart the request structure that you need to dial on your mobile phone: * 144 #, and then the number of the called user and at the end put the hash mark # again.

As a result of these actions, a person will receive a short SMS message on your behalf with a request to call. Confirmation that the request has been made will also be sent to your mobile phone. Megafone is the only mobile operator in Russia, allowing the use of an SMS beggar not only within its own network, but also among other operators. It is also possible to block the receipt of the beacon. Although there is no ban option, you can blacklist the person's name, then he will not send you SMS.

How to send free sms

You already know how to send a freebie from Megafon. But do not forget that the company has set a daily limit for its use. When the provided SMS is exhausted, use other communication options. On the Internet, on the official website, it is also possible to contact the desired subscriber without money. To do this, go to the appropriate section, enter the phone number of the called person, type the text and indicate your mobile phone number.

On the company's website you can see your balance, find out the number and find information about all the operator's free services. Any new Megafon promotion will also be available to you. For example, the Year of Unlimited Love service has just started. With this tariff, the user can talk to a loved one for free for a whole year. The service is available from any laptops, tablets and mobile phones.

"Top up account" service

It is easy to replenish the account without additional commissions in the "Personal Account" through the official website of the operator. Replenishment of the balance can also occur using auto payment, you just need to first link a bank card to your phone. When the money runs out, you just need to enter the following combination of numbers *117* amount # in your mobile phone. This amount will be debited from bank card automatically.

Team "Waiting for a call"

You can download the "Waiting for a call" application on the Internet if you have an android. Using it, you will be in touch with any balance. The downloaded application will allow you to notify the right contacts about wanting to talk. There is another beggar in Megafone - topping up your account with a friend. To do this, dial the combination *143* (number of the called user)# on the phone and press "Call". The friend will receive a message asking them to do remittance to your account. SMS confirmation will be sent to your mobile phone.

We will tell you how to call at the expense of the interlocutor when the money runs out. Unlike competitors, Megafone provides its customers with the most thoughtful service that does not require a good memory: dial the following combination: 000 (the number of the desired subscriber), then press the "Call" key. If a person confirms his readiness to talk for his money, then the cost for the conversation will be removed from his balance.

Video: how to ask to call back on Megafon

As you can see, sending an SMS with a request to call is very easy, especially if you are a happy owner of an android, for which the developers have simplified the service as much as possible. You no longer need to monitor the balance and worry that the funds will run out at the most inopportune moment. If you still don’t quite understand how you can send a request to call back on Megaphone, then watch two training videos on this topic:

How to drop a call

How to send free SMS

Each subscriber had to deal with a situation when there were not enough funds on the account for a call. Despite the fact that the Megafon operator offers a wide range of options for replenishing an account, sometimes it is not possible to deposit money. In this case, the operator comes to the rescue and offers several services in order not to be left without communication. For example, the options "Pay for me" and "Call me". Let's consider them in more detail and tell you how to send a "beggar" from Megafon.

Description of services

Among subscribers, you can often hear such a thing as a "beggar" regarding communication services. We are talking about a free request for replenishment of an account or a call to another person. The principle of using the previously mentioned services is identical: a person dials a request on his phone (a different combination is used for each of the options), which is sent to the operator. MegaFon, in turn, checks whether the request can be delivered to the client whose number is indicated in it (if the number is not available, then the request will not be sent). Options are provided completely free of charge and are available to all subscribers. However, there are several conditions for their use. Let's consider them before talking about how to send a "beggar" from Megafon.

Service Features

"Pay for me”- a subscriber of a white-green operator can send such a request only five times a day. This restriction helps to avoid abuse by some subscribers of the possibilities free service. No more than thirty such notices must be sent in one month. If you try to "ask" for the thirty-first time, the service will be denied. How to send a "beggar" from Megafon if the limit of free messages has been exhausted? In this case, you will have to use other operator options that can help out with a zero or negative balance.

"Call me"- this service has the same limitation on the daily formation of requests. Within a month, there are no restrictions - while it is not difficult to calculate that only 140 requests can be sent in 28 calendar days.

It should also be clarified that the retention period for a request, in the event that it cannot be delivered immediately, is twelve hours. Those. after their completion, the request is deleted and cannot be sent to the addressee. This condition applies to both one and the other service. How to send a "beggar" from Megafon? What requests to enter to send requests?

How to send a beggar from Megafon to MTS and to numbers of other telecom operators

So, in order to ask for a call, just dial *144*<адресат>#. If you need to send a notification with a request to replenish your account, then the first digits in the command should be changed to 143. Let's give an example: *143*8920CCCNNMM#.

It is important to note that you can use the service even when you are in roaming. At the same time, do not forget that incoming calls outside the home region are paid, provided that special options are not connected.

By the way, if you are interested in the question of how to send a beggar from Beeline to Megafon, we recommend using similar combinations: * 144 *<телефон_абонента># (request "Call me") and *143*<телефон_абонента># (request for balance replenishment).

Many mobile subscribers often had situations when they ran out of money on their balance, and you need to call right now and urgently. Of course, you can top up the phone and make a call, but this is not always possible. In case it happens similar situations, they can help Additional services from the mobile operator. One of these services from MegaFon is the "Call me" option, or the so-called.

It is this option that can help you make a call even with a negative balance. It is worth noting that using the option does not allow you to make the call itself, but only send a request to another person to call back. V this review granted detailed description options, cost and methods of disconnection and connection.

If the subscriber does not call back for a long time, you can commit.

It should be noted that the information in the article is relevant for residents of the city of Moscow and the region. Subscribers who live in other areas should check the information on the company's website before using the service. You can also find out the details of the service in the company store or by calling the operators on the hotline.


MegaFon subscribers with the "Call me back" service will always be able to stay in touch by sending a request to the interlocutor to request a call back. The operation is available for use with a negative mobile account and even if it is not possible to make outgoing calls.

The person for whom the request is sent will receive a text message with a request to make a call to the subscriber. By the way, the message does not come from the operator, but on behalf of the person who sends the request. The undoubted advantage of the option is its free use. Thus, subscribers do not need to pay for connection and for using the service. There is no subscription fee for the option.

There are several features of the service that every user of the service should know:

  1. You can send requests to other people not only within the MegaFon network, but also to subscriber numbers that use the communication services of other operators. The main thing is that the company should be able to exchange messages with another operator.
  2. If the subscriber starts using the service, he must be prepared for the fact that he thereby agrees to.
  3. The service is distributed both in the home region and throughout the country. In addition, it is possible to use the service in foreign countries.
  4. The use of the option abroad is also provided to customers on free terms, but it is important that the partner operator's network has support for sending ussd requests. Subscribers who stay abroad should remember that incoming calls are also paid.

In addition to the described features, the option also includes a small restriction on use. Accordingly, clients cannot send more than five requests per day. The option is considered basic, and therefore can be used on any tariff plan, except for those that are intended only for accessing the Internet.

How to connect

Since the service is standard, there are no special connection methods. It is set to all tariffs automatically. The only thing customers need to know is how to properly manage it.

To send a request for the "Call me back" service, subscribers must use service combination, which is specifically designed for this service. To do this, on the phone you need to enter a set *144*indicate the number of the subscriber to whom the request is sent# . The phone number should be indicated through 7. After entering the information, you need to make a call, this will send the request. Nothing else needs to be done, except to wait for the subscriber to receive the request and call back.

The person who submits the request will be notified of the delivery via text message. In turn, the other person also receives a message asking them to call back. The message, as a rule, indicates the date, the text of the request and the number to call.

Receive missed call notifications with the option

If it happened that the option was disabled, then you can enable it back using the following methods:

  • Activate on your own through the self-service center Service guide. You can find it on the company's website in the upper right corner. Having entered your personal account, you will need to register, and then activate the service by finding it in the appropriate section. Managing options and the SIM card as a whole through the cabinet is very simple and clear.
  • Also, employees of any MegaFon communication salon can connect the service. To do this, you only need to go to the nearest one and ask for activation. In turn, the employee will ask for a document that confirms the identity.
  • You can also activate the service by calling the hotline. To do this, call 0500 and press the number 0. After that, wait for the operator's response. The waiting process can take up to 20 minutes. For this method, you will need to know the number and series of the passport.

How to disable

There is no need to deactivate the service, since it is provided free of charge. But if the subscriber still wants to disable the "Call me" service, then you will need to perform any of the following actions:

  • Disconnect on your own through your personal account on the MegaFon website.
  • Deactivate the option by calling the hotline at 0500.
  • Make a shutdown by coming to the MegaFon branded salon and asking specialists to turn off the service.

Mobile communication is an integral part of our life. Every day we make calls to the numbers of friends and relatives, send messages, go online, etc. Meanwhile, all this is impossible if the personal account runs out of money. Not all subscribers regularly spend their time trying to. As a result, situations often arise when the money on the balance of the phone suddenly ends, and there is an urgent need to make a call. It would seem that the problem is easily solved, it is enough to use one of the many ways to replenish the balance and cellular services will again become available in full. Unfortunately, not everything is so simple and sometimes there is simply no way to quickly top up your phone account.

Mobile operators are well aware that regularly a huge number of subscribers are faced with a negative balance. To help such clients, a number of services available at zero have been developed. Each operator has such services, including Megafon, which simply could not help caring for customers, leaving them alone with their problems. Megafon provides a fairly wide range of services for subscribers with a negative balance. For example, among the most popular services, the following can be noted: “Promised payment”, “Call at the expense of the interlocutor”, “Call me” and “Top up my account”. Special attention should be focused on the last two services, which are also often called "beggars". The purpose of this article is just to figure out how to send a beggar from a megaphone using these two services. We will discuss each of these services separately below. If you do not have time or desire to read the article in full, you can read a brief information about the commands used to send the "Beggar".

  • brief information
  • "Call me back" service - *144*subscriber number# (example: *144*9193814225# call);
    "Pay for me" service - *143*subscriber number# (example: *143*9193814225# call).

How to send a beggar from a megaphone - "Call me back" service

You can stay in touch even despite the negative balance using the “Call me back” service. The service is absolutely free and does not require connection. To send an SMS with a request to call back, use the command * 144 * subscriber number # . For example, if you need to send a request to the number 8 919 382 42 25, then the command should look like this: * 144 * 9193814225 # . The subscriber, whose number will be indicated in the request, will receive an SMS message with a request to call back. You will receive a notification that your request has been delivered. The service is also available when roaming. During the day it is possible to send no more than 10 requests. Knowing how to send a beggar from a megaphone, you can ask a subscriber of any operator to call you back.

"Pay for me" service

In addition to the request to call back, subscribers of the Megafon operator can send a free SMS message with a request to replenish the balance. To do this, you need to use the "Pay for me" service. The option is completely free and does not require connection. To send a beggar using this service, dial the command * 143 * subscriber number # on your phone . For example, if you want to ask a subscriber with the number 8 919 382 42 25 to top up your account, then the command should look like this: * 143 * 9193814225 # . After sending the above USSD command, the subscriber will receive an SMS message with the text “Subscriber +7ХХХХХХХХХ asks you to replenish his balance”. You, in turn, will receive confirmation of the successful sending of the request. By the way, for subscribers it is possible to disable the ability to receive "Beggars". The easiest way to do this is in .


Before you send a beggar from a megaphone, it makes sense to also consider other ways to stay in touch with a negative balance. For example, the “Call at the expense of a friend” service can be very useful. Enter 000 in front of the called party number. For example, if you need to make a call to the number 8 919 382 42 25, then the call at the expense of the interlocutor will be made by dialing 000 8 919 382 42 25 . The subscriber to whom the call is addressed after accepting the call will be connected to the autoinformer, which will inform him that the call is made at the expense of the receiving party and to accept it, you need to press the number 1.

Another very useful service is the Promised Payment. If none of the above methods suits you, and there is no possibility to replenish your account, you can use the service, in which the operator provides a certain amount for a certain period. you can use the command * 106 # or by calling 0006 . As part of this service, the subscriber can replenish his account by 50, 100 or 300 rubles.

This is where we will end this article. Now you know how to send a beggar from a megaphone. We hope the material prepared by us was useful to you. You can also watch a video that demonstrates the process of connecting the services described above.

Video instruction

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