
World of Tanks accounts. Buy and sell World of Tanks accounts What are the tasks of a guarantor

In addition to the desire to quickly start driving top-end vehicles, there are other motives for buying an account. For example, the desire to have tanks taken out of the game - KV-5, Type 59 or 105 leFH18B2. These are quite good premium tanks, which were withdrawn from sale at one time and are currently promotional. That is, they can either be purchased at a promotion or won in a competition. The third motive that makes people buy an account is the desire to join a good clan. When joining it, the player is required to have good statistics, and not everyone has them. It is easier for a well-earning person to buy someone else's account than to invest time and effort in correcting statistics.

Black market accounts

Buying and selling accounts is prohibited by official rules. But at the same time, Wargaming did not take any means to counter this. This was the signal for the start of illegal trade in accounts, for the development of a black market for accounts. The sale ban itself has become an official reason for Wargaming not to bear any responsibility for the consequences of fraud when trading accounts.

Any purchase and sale of an account by a player is carried out only at his own risk. In case of fraud, Wargaming will not only not be held responsible for this, it will not even get involved in this matter.

Some sale rules

First, the account must be prepared for sale. If there are open, but not purchased tanks, it is better to purchase them. This will make it possible to sell it at a higher price or faster. Separately, rewrite the tanks available in the hangar, if there are open ones, enter them separately. Separately indicate premium cars, the number of remaining days of the premium account. Rewrite the statistics - the number of fights and the percentage of wins. Specify a nickname, take screenshots to confirm the presence of the declared tanks. Remove the link to the mobile phone number.

Accounts are sold along with a mailbox and a secret question to it. If mail is needed, contact Wargaming support with a request to change the linking of your account to another mailbox.

Look at the ads on the Internet for the sale of accounts. This will help you estimate how much money you can get from the sale. Think about the best way to get money - through Webmoney, PayPal, Yandex.Money or by card-to-card transfer. The latter option is preferable - you can get cash immediately after the sale. Also indicate the method of communication - Skype, ICQ or mobile number.

Then it remains only to place advertisements for the sale. There are a number of sites on the Internet that offer services for buying and selling accounts, for posting ads on this topic. Some sites offer the services of a secure account sale guarantor. To believe them or not is everyone's business.

You should talk to a potential buyer first. This will not give a 100% guarantee that he will not deceive, but you can get an idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba person. It is quite possible that the buyer will ask for some guarantee of the seller's honesty. It is difficult to say what guarantees can be provided. After all, the buyer can not give guarantees.

Send information about the login and password to the account and mailbox, about the secret question and the answer to it, when you are sure that the money has been credited to the account. Try to act without cheating on your part - after all, the buyer can always make a payment withdrawal. By the way, this, as a way of deception, is also worth thinking about in advance.

Today, many players are thinking about how to sell a tank in World of Tanks. Everyone may have their own personal reasons for this, but at the same time, in order to quickly and correctly complete a deal, it is initially best to prepare for it in advance and understand all the subtleties, so as not to be deceived and lose your money in the end.

Why do people sell accounts?

In fact, there are quite a few reasons why people start thinking about how to sell a tank in World of Tanks. Someone is disappointed in the next update, which Wargaming releases quite a lot. Probably, every player has faced such a situation when his favorite vehicle suddenly fell under the “nerf”, after which it was far from being as pleasant to drive it as before.

Some begin to think about how to sell a tank in World of Tanks, simply feeling the need for money. Birthdays, exams, problems that suddenly arise - there are a huge number of reasons why a person may urgently need money, and the best option would be to simply sell the Tanki account and then start a new one.

Some people just get bored with "Tanks" and want to start playing another game. And in order to somehow compensate for the time spent and, possibly, funds, he is thinking about how to sell a tank in World of Tanks.

How to sell?

There are several ways to sell your account. In this case, your choice will entirely depend on what exactly you are selling tanks for.


Thus, if you are thinking about how to sell a tank in World of Tanks to another player in order to get the maximum amount of money, then the option using specialized sites that are account auctions will suit you. On such sites, you can not only be guaranteed to sell your account, but, among other things, you will do it more profitably. The most popular sites have their own rating system. It allows you to determine how reasonable the price requested for the account is, how useful the player is in battles, what statistics he has, etc.

personal transaction

You can simply sell your account by agreeing with someone through Skype or other means of communication. In the overwhelming majority of cases, this is done by agreeing in advance on communication with members of a certain large clan. This way, you will be able to sell your account more quickly, however, you will most likely receive less money for it than you could through an auction.

It is worth noting that when selling your tank in World of Tanks through a personal deal, you must correctly understand that you definitely shouldn’t trust people you don’t know, and therefore you should definitely think about how to guarantee the honesty of the operations. The best option in this case would be to use the services of third-party sites that provide guarantor services.

Often, such sites, for a nominal fee, are ready to act as a party that confirms the honesty of the transaction. At the same time, it is worth noting that specialists on such sites will not only make sure that all parties receive what they intended, but also check that in the end the seller does not have the opportunity to fraudulently return the account back to their property. Thus, the transaction turns out to be absolutely honest and transparent, while the cost of the services of such guarantors is almost imperceptible even if a relatively inexpensive account is being sold. The transmission procedure itself, in the vast majority of cases, takes only a few minutes.

3 years and a month ago Comments: 0

The game World of Tanks provides an amazing selection of military equipment. All cars are divided into 5 classes. Gamers can purchase most of the military equipment for virtual credits. Conditional funds are awarded for participation and victory in epic online battles. However, there are also such combat vehicles that can be accessed exclusively for gold equivalents. This fictitious currency is purchased for real money directly in the World of Tanks premium stores.

The most valuable types of military equipment cannot be bought at all either for gold or for virtual loans. These include premium combat vehicles. Such unique models are presented to players on certain anniversaries, festive events. And here You can sell almost any type of equipment. The exceptions are those tank models that were introduced into the game temporarily.

Why sell the tank?

There are many reasons why a gamer has to get rid of military equipment available in a personal hangar:
  • acquisition of the most advanced, powerful models;
  • lack of virtual funds to buy a new tank;
  • lack of free space in the hangar.
If a player decides to sell any model of military equipment available, he must understand that the cost of the car will be much lower than that, for which the unit was previously purchased. In addition, the current discounts in World of Tanks can significantly affect the price. Top tier 10 military vehicles are always the most expensive. And for each tank there is an individual price. When selling combat vehicles from levels 1 to 9, the cost of existing modules is included in the cost. All these facts must be considered before selling in order to get the most favorable price for your tank.

Instructions for selling a tank in World of Tanks

The process of selling military vehicles is quite simple and consists of only a few steps:
  • select an unnecessary car from the list and mark it with the corresponding "Sell" button;
  • in the "Equipment" tab, remove the most valuable devices that will come in handy on another tank. It should be borne in mind that dismantling will require the presence of 10 gold;
  • confirm the deal.

The crew of the combat vehicle can be sent to the barracks. However, if there are no vacancies there, he will have to be sold along with equipment or demobilized. When selling a gift model of a unit, the player receives only credits, and when selling premium models, you can count on generous compensation in gold.

World of Tanks replenishes the ranks with new recruits every day, so players who want to buy an account are always there. Win statistics play a key role in World of Tanks. The most valuable World of Tanks accounts are distinguished by high percentage of wins and efficiency. Victories testify to mastery, and World of Tanks account holders, whose key parameter has exceeded 50% of victories, bask in the glory. The owner of such an account receives a number of advantages:

  • invitation to elite clans;
  • access to TOP companies;
  • communication with pro commanders;
  • the opportunity in the future to profitably sell your World of Tanks account.

A small percentage of wins is unthinkable for an ambitious player. The problem is that even good players cannot always overcome negative karma. If you have more than one thousand fights behind you, raising 10-20 percent is almost impossible. It is more profitable to buy a World of Tanks account than to swing it from scratch or try to improve your performance gradually, driving yourself into a temporary trap. Do not worry if the notorious statistics of your effectiveness is frozen at a low level, this often happens with beginners. Join the powers that be, because cheap World of Tanks accounts with good statistics and the best tanks are already waiting for you on FunPay.

Benefits of the FunPay exchange

  • security - controlled by the guarantor of transactions;
  • speed - transfers are carried out instantly;
  • savings - competition among sellers reduces the cost of accounts;
  • choice - thousands of sellers with feedback on their activities and time in the system;
  • payment methods - support for leading payment systems, mobile payments, cards;
  • responsive support.

You can find a World of Tanks account on FunPay for a ridiculously low price. No need to look for a catch - we just do not have predatory store percentages. The cost of accounts is regulated by the players themselves, and this reflects the real state of affairs in the market.

Buying a World of Tanks account

Profit and security on FunPay are combined with ease of transaction. Selling World of Tanks accounts is extremely simple - follow three steps:

  1. Find a suitable seller and go to their page.
  2. Contact the seller for details.
  3. Click "buy".

Please note: the purchase of a WoT account occurs through the guarantor of transactions, the money transferred from the buyer is "frozen" until the transaction is completed - the transfer of all data on the account. When the buyer receives the data necessary for access, checks compliance with the stated requirement, he completes the transaction by clicking the appropriate button. If during the transaction you notice deviations, immediately contact the arbitration of our exchange. We will immediately return the funds to you, and the attacker will be punished. As you can see, on the stock exchange you can not only buy a World of Tanks account cheaply, but also do it without taking unnecessary risks.


Dear sellers, we have great news for you! Selling WoT accounts through the exchange brings a stable and fairly high income. Do you consider yourself to be a “folder”, do you easily fill in the necessary statistics, spend all your free time on the battlefields? Turn your hectic activity into income.

There are more than three hundred tanks of five classes in World of Tanks. Most of the tanks can be purchased with credits that the player receives in battle. Only a limited amount of military equipment is bought for gold. Moreover, gold is a currency purchased for real money in the premium store of the game. True, there are separate combat vehicles that cannot be bought. These include premium tanks withdrawn from the premium store, as well as military equipment received by players as gifts for the New Year and the birthday of World of Tanks. But any vehicle in World of Tanks can be sold for credits. The only exceptions are two tanks that were temporarily present in the game: the T62a Sport and the SPG Karl. How to sell a tank in World of Tanks?

Most players sell combat vehicles in three ways:

  • a new tank is being researched, and the old vehicle is no longer needed;
  • not enough space in the hangar;
  • need loans for new military equipment.

Regardless of the reason, the process of selling a tank does not change. In only one of the patches, Wargaming introduced a limit on the number of tanks sold per day, and also added a "confirmation" function for the sale. But before selling, it is worth considering that the price of the tank being sold will be two times lower than its original cost. For example, the price of a Soviet T62a is 6,100,000 credits. You can only sell it for 3,050,000 credits. When selling, also consider the current discounts on tanks.

Each level of tanks has a certain price. For example, Tier 1 tanks are free, and selling Tier 1 stock tanks won't get you a dime. The price of the top tier 10 cars is the same – 6.1 million credits. When selling tanks of levels 1-9, the cost of the vehicle also includes installed modules. So, how to sell a tank in WoT and do it as efficiently as possible?

To begin with, we go into the game and select a vehicle for sale in the list of tanks. Right-click on it and click the "Sell" button.

A new window will open in which you need to check a number of parameters for an effective sale.

If you need a crew for the next tank, then in the "Crew" tab, do not touch anything. By default, the crew of the tank being sold is sent to the barracks. If there is no room in the barracks, then selling the tank will not work. Otherwise, you can demobilize the crew.

The "Equipment" tab is responsible for the sale of complex equipment installed on your tank. If you have gold on your account, then you can dismantle the equipment and put it on another tank. By default, the "To warehouse" item is used next to each installed module. However, additional modules can also be sold by selecting the “Sell” option. The cost of dismantling one module is 10 gold.

When all the parameters are entered, it remains only to indicate the final sale price in the appropriate box.

Only after entering the numbers, the "Sell" button will become active. Clicking on it will confirm the final sale of the tank.

If, when selling a tank, you do not have enough space in the barracks, but you still want to keep the crew, you can do the following: buy free tanks of the first level and put the crews of other tanks from the barracks into them. Thus, you will receive free places in the barracks.

Keep in mind that when selling premium tanks, you will not receive compensation in the form of gold. Only once did Wargaming make an exception: after the Super Pershing nerf, players got the opportunity to return the gold spent on T26E4 to their account balance. As for gift tanks, when they are sold, only credits will also be credited to your balance.

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