
Program for webcam: face distortion beyond recognition. All books about: "comedy club distortion ... Application from gum club distortion

November 30, 2014

Program overview - SplitCam

You can download the program for face distortion through a webcam from our portal without registration. Until quite recently, the videophone seemed to be a sort of technology of the future, existing only in science fiction novels.

However, even today any ordinary computer can become one. You just need to equip it with the simplest webcam, which are sold in any computer store. Well, if you are a happy owner of a laptop, then such a camera is most likely already in it. Yes, and programs with which you can organize a video call with your friends or relatives are more than enough today.

In fact, any IM-client (the usual "ICQ", Skype, MSN Messenger, etc.) has sufficient functionality for this. And the number of users of these features is growing at an amazing rate. So it's impossible to surprise someone with a webcam and video communication ... Or maybe it's still possible? In order to answer this question, let's look at the SplitCam program. This is an absolutely free utility that can significantly expand the functionality of your webcam, as well as give you and your interlocutors a lot of fun minutes.

It is probably worth starting a conversation about the SplitCam program with its name, which comes from two words: Split (eng. Separate) and Camera. Why did the developers name their brainchild that way? It can be assumed that the program was originally developed to solve the problem with the exclusive use of the webcam by some application. For those who have never encountered such an error, a little explanation is required. The fact is that applications in Windows use the webcam “exclusively”. And if at the same time any other program tries to access it, then nothing will work, an error message will simply appear on the screen. In order to download a program for facial distortion through a webcam on this site, you do not need to register.

However, the possibilities of the program are not limited to this. Probably, once the SplitCam program could only "split" the video source. However, today this product is a unique opportunity to significantly increase the functionality of a webcam and significantly diversify video communication.

At first glance, it may seem that the problem is far-fetched. Like, who needs it - use the webcam simultaneously in two, three or more applications. But only those people who have a small social circle on the Internet think so. Take, for example, IM clients. Today there are more than a dozen of them on the Web. And someone uses one, someone else.

As a result, many people keep two or even three programs for the IM client open at the same time (and you don't need to look far for examples: your humble servant has ICQ and Skype constantly running). In addition, we must not forget that many people make their webcam available on various online projects. In this case, there may be a conflict with one IM client. In general, many people need the image from the webcam to be transmitted simultaneously to several applications. This is exactly what SplitCam allows you to do. It is enough to install this program to forever forget about the problems with the exclusive use of the webcam.

However, the possibilities of the program are not limited to this. Probably, once the SplitCam program could only "split" the video source. However, today this product is a unique opportunity to significantly increase the functionality of a webcam and significantly diversify video communication. You can download a program for face distortion through a webcam without registration only on our high-quality website.

Screenshots from the program - Face Distortions via Webcam

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With the popularity of webcams, the question arose, is there a way to change or distort a person's face. Are there programs for a webcam that do face distortion without problems and with high quality?

Distortion software tools

In general, there are quite a lot of programs of this type. A program for a webcam that produces face distortion can have a very different scope, it can work not only and not so much with a webcam. But special attention will be paid to only two programs:

  1. splitcam;
  2. webcammax.

Both programs are freeware, and you don't have to pay anything to download them. They allow you to add a few changes to the webcam image that can make users laugh. Also, the programs themselves are able to distinguish where the person's face is, and if certain effects were imposed on it, then they will move along with the face.

What can be done with these programs?

The number of possible actions is huge. But let's take it in order, what can a webcam program do that creates face distortion:

  • Colorful visual effects for video that is filmed using a webcam installed on a computer or connected to it.
  • SplitCam provides the ability to split video into multiple video streams and the ability to use the camcorder in multiple applications without getting any errors like camera busy.
  • Ability to apply 3D masks.
  • Support for many different servers that are used both for communicating with other people and for broadcasting video.
  • Cameras can work with video streams that have different extensions.
  • The source does not have to be a video from a webcam, it can be taken from a video file or display what is happening on the desktop. They also provide the ability to process photos in the same way that video is processed.
  • There is also a little additional functionality, like quickly uploading videos to YouTube or using zoom in the video sequence itself.

Adjusting the Distortion Software

Their installation is no different from most programs. Initially, you should download the program itself and select the place where it will be installed. Of the most important areas of use, it should be noted: a workspace with a photo and selected effects; the program menu, where all the settings, reset options, program operation mode, etc. are located; superimposed effects menu; window for selecting a particular effect. It should be noted that the program for the webcam, which makes face distortion, creates it both in video and in photographs, you only need to turn on the necessary mode.

Using the Webcam Software: Distorting, Changing and Editing Displayed Images

What field of opportunity opens up for those who want to use these or similar programs? You can edit your face, attach masks that will be programmatically held on your face, change the location background and many other interesting implementations of such an incredible thing as an image. To summarize what the webcam program does:

  • Distortion of the face and its features.
  • The ability to work even with multiple video streams that are used by different programs for different purposes without the inconvenient protests of the "Camera is already in use" system.
  • The ability to edit the sent image, and changes relating to the face will be transferred along with the movement of the face itself.
  • Can be used as a fairly simple human face photo editor.
  • Editing and cleaning of unwanted effects that may be transmitted through video channels.

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