
Codes gta sanandres how to enter. How to enter codes in GTA. Cheat codes for weapons in GTA: San Andreas

In the old but respected game GTA: San Andreas, there are hundreds of cheat codes that can make the game much easier, or make it more interesting. In this guide, I will provide all the available cheat codes for GTA: San Andreas (GTA: San Andreas).

How to enter codes in GTA: San Andreas and how to disable cheats

To enter the code in GTA: San Andreas, you just need to type the necessary word at the time of the game. To turn off the cheat, you must enter the same code again or restart the game.

List of all cheat codes in GTA: San Andreas

It is worth noting that if you activate the code and save, then the action of the code will also be saved. If you exit the game without saving, the action of the code will be reset.

Keep in mind that no one has studied the long-term consequences of the codes, but the fact remains that after the introduction of codes in the game, bugs are sometimes observed that sometimes make it impossible to complete the game to the end. So, just in case, save and don't erase the last save file without any codes.

Cheat codes for weapons in GTA: San Andreas

LXGIWYL— weapon set #1 for amateurs (brass knuckles, bat, 9mm pistol, shotgun, micro SMG, AK-47, rifle, rocket launcher, Molotov cocktail, paint can).
PROFESSIONALSKIT, KJKSZPJ— weapon set №2 for professionals (knife, Desert Eagle pistol, sawn-off shotgun (Sawn-off shotgun), Tec-9, M4, sniper rifle, fire extinguisher, flamethrower, grenades).
UZUMYMW- Nutty Weapon Pack #3 (Chainsaw, Silenced Pistol, Combat Shotgun, MP5, M4, Stinger, Remote Controlled Explosives).
FULLCLIP, WANRLTW- infinite ammo and shooting without reloading.
NCSGDAG, PROFESSIONALKILLER- the highest level of possession of all types of weapons.
OUIQDMW- automatic aiming of weapons when firing from a car.

Cheat codes for health, armor and money in GTA: San Andreas

HESOYAM- full health, armor and $250,000.
BAGUVIX- infinite health with protection from bullets, fire and shock, however, from explosions, falling from a height, hitting a car, you can still suffer or drown by choking on water.
CVWKXAM- Unlimited breathing underwater.
AEDUWNV- always full and never hungry again.
MUNASEF, ANOSEONGLASS- the level of adrenaline.

Cheat codes for police attention in GTA: San Andreas

ASNAEB, TURNDOWNTHEHEAT- remove the crime rate (all wanted stars disappear).
LJSPQK, BRINGITON- Raise the crime rate to the maximum (6 wanted stars).
OSRBLHH, TURNUPTHEHEAT- increase the crime rate by 2 stars.
AEZAKMI— elusive, never caught or arrested.

Cheat codes for attractiveness and statuses in GTA: San Andreas

OGXSDAG, WORSHIPME- maximum respect and respect (recognition).
EHIBXQS, HELLOLADIES- maximum sexuality.
BTCDBCB- CJ is very fat.
KVGYZQK- CJ is skinny.
BUFFMEUP, JYSDSOD- CJ is a muscular jock.
VKYPQCF— Max Stamina.
VQIMAHA, NATURALTALENT- CJ has the maximum level of control over all transport.
BIFBUZZ- Gangs have captured absolutely the entire state of San Andreas. The streets of the cities are completely empty, there is no one on them except for the bandits from the opposing factions, who are firing without respite.
MROEMZH- gangs are everywhere, they will surround you everywhere, even where they do not exist (for example, Ballas in Las Venturas).

Cheat codes for cars in GTA: San Andreas

AIWPRTON- Rhino tank
CQZIJMB-Bloodring Banger
PDNEJOH-Hotring Racer 73
VPJTQWV-Hotring Racer 07
KRIJEBR— Stretch
UBHYZHQ— Trashmaster
RZHSUEW- Caddy golf cart
AMOMHRER— Tanker Truck
JQNTDMH— Rancher

Cheat codes for airplanes in GTA: San Andreas

Cheat codes for Jetpack, parachute and hovercraft in San Andreas

Cheat codes for car characteristics and traffic in GTA: San Andreas

COXEFGU- all cars have nitro, but its supply is limited, so to replenish it you will have to get out and get back into the car.
CPKTNWT- blow up all cars. All vehicles in the player's field of vision will be blown up.
XICWMD- all vehicles become invisible (transparent), except for motorcycles. The cars only have wheels.
PGGOMOY- Perfect control. Increased sensitivity and sharpness in driving. Out of habit, it is very easy to turn the car over.
ZEIIVG- traffic lights are always green. The green light is on steadily.
YLTEICZ- Aggressive drivers. Drivers and their passengers start skirmishes with the police.
LLQPFBN, AGRUXVHIQYH- the color of all cars becomes pink. Let the glamor in San Andreas.
IOWDLAC,AGRUJRYMNOL— the color of all cars becomes black. Mourning in the State...
RIPAZHA- flying cars. Once the car accelerates, you can take off. Control like in an airplane.
FVTMNBZ- all cars and people from the countryside. Rednecks drive through the cities of the state of San Andreas.
AFSNMSMW- flying boats. All boats and yachts fly, although yachts cannot fly high, because. she's too heavy.
BGKGTJH- on the streets of SA only cheap slow cars.
GUSNHDE- on the streets of SA only expensive fast and sports cars.
BSXSGGC, BUBBLECARS- at the slightest collision of your car with other cars, they lose weight and fly off up.
JCNRUAD- any car in which you sit down becomes practically unkillable, and when colliding with it, other vehicles explode.
CVWKXAM- infinite oxygen (you can swim underwater forever without suffocating).
VKYPQCF— all taxis eat nitro.
BMTPWHR Rural cars and pedestrians everywhere.

Cheat codes for weather in GTA: San Andreas

AFZLLQLL- Sunny clear weather.
ICIKPYH- very sunny weather.
ALNSFMZO- cloudy weather.
AUIFRVQS- rainy weather.
CFVFGMJ- foggy weather.
MGHXYRM- storm.
CWJXUOC- Buran (sand storm).

Cheat codes for time in GTA: San Andreas

YSOHNUL- speed up game time.
PPGWJHT- speed up the gameplay (gameplay).
LIYOAAY- slow down the gameplay.
XJVSNAJ, NIGHTPROWLER is always midnight. The game clock stops at 00:00. If you die, then after the return it will be noon - 12:00.
OFVIAC- orange sky The color of the sky will be the same as in the first screenshots of GTA San Andreas. Also the code will stop the time at 21:00.

Cheat codes for gameplay in GTA: San Andreas

AJLOJYQY— People hit each other with golf clubs.
BAGOWPG— Have a bounty on your head.
FOOOXFT- Everyone is armed.
SZCMAWO- Suicide.
ASBHGRB Elvises are everywhere.
BGLUAWML People attack you with weapons.
CIKGCGX- Party on the beach.
MROEMZH Your gang members are everywhere.
BIFBUZZ- Control of the streets.
BEKKNQV- Girls ... .
JHJOECW Huge Bunny Hop.
LFGMHAL- Mega jumps.
IAVENJQ- Mega hit.
AEDUWNV You don't know the word "hunger".
IOJUFZN- Riot mode.
PRIEBJ— Funhouse Theme.
OUIQDMW- Full aiming weapons in the car.
THGLOJ- Reduced movement.
SJMAHPE- Recruiting anyone (9mm).
ZSOXFSQ- Recruiting anyone (Rockets).
CRAZYTOWN Everyone becomes crazy.
NATURALTALENT- all your skills are pumped to the maximum parameters.

How to enter codes in GTA San Andreas, where to click?

    Interesting bonuses can be obtained in the game Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (GTA SA), if you simply enter the code according to the following scheme: during the game, just pause, drag and drop to move and turn on the English layout on the keyboard, press Caps Lock and enter the letter code, just type the desired word on the keyboard.

    In the popular game - the walker Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, entering codes was simplified to the point of impossibility. In previous versions, or in some other similar game, you had to first open a dialog box or line, and then enter the necessary code.

    In the same version of the game, you do not need to perform such actions. And you can enter codes immediately (during games, without any dialog boxes).

    You don't even need to confirm the code with the Enter key.

    We play and immediately on the key in the English layout we enter the desired code and it immediately takes effect.

    In order to enter cheat codes in the game GTA. San Andreas does not need to be logged into any additional consoles. Codes can be entered directly during the game. Press the letters that make up the code on the keyboard. It will be activated automatically (if entered correctly), no additional keys need to be pressed either.

    Unlike other Grand Theft Auto series and most other computer games, in GTA SA codes are entered during the game, without pressing extraneous keys (, esc, etc.). Through the Menu is also wrong.

    For example, there is a parachute code AIYPWZQP. So you need to sequentially enter it in (English) letters on the keyboard right during the passage of the game (sitting, standing, in the car - it doesn’t matter). There is no need to press ENTER at the end. The key layout, respectively, should be English, but it is possible that it will work in Russian (I don’t remember exactly). If the code does not work, then the problem is in the layout language.

    In this version of the game, this is very easy to do, for this, just play in the game itself, type the code that you want to use. You don't need to call the console first. And just type the name in English of the command and the code will work.

    As a rule, in such games, first you need to call the input window with a special key combination. In GTA San Andreas, this is not necessary. You don't even need to call any windows. Right during the game, without leaving the menu, enter the desired code and the game will immediately identify it. You don't even need to press enter!

    As for me, very convenient.

    If you want to enter a code for something while playing GTA San Andreas, then the code is entered just like that, simply by pressing the keys during the game. No additional action needs to be taken. Just quickly dial a sequence of numbers.

    A positive quality of this GTA series is the ease of entering codes. You can, without interrupting the gameplay, take a break from the game for a second and type the desired set of characters (code) on the keyboard to receive any bonus and you're done. The only thing you need to remember to check is that the English layout on the keyboard is installed.

    Yes, it's very simple - right during the game. If you are distracted by typing a command, you can pause the game using the Esc button. No menus, no dialog boxes - very convenient!

    One has only to better understand the commands, it's not so easy, because the codes are in Latin. I advise you to get yourself a notepad on your desktop with a list of the most interesting commands and just copy them. For example, the BAGUVIX code grants the hero an infinite supply of health, and WANRLTW grants an infinite ammo charge.

    In the popular game Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (GTA SA), codes must be entered directly in the gameplay, I personally entered the codes in the English layout, for example, we enter the ROCKETMAN code with the keys of these letters and get a satchel for flying, that is, in the game it is called a jet- pack. That is, you play, stop and press the letter code and get it in action. Here you will find many other interesting codes!

GTA (GTA) is one of the most popular computer action games for a single generation of gamers. At the moment, the authors have released 15 parts of the game of the same name, the last - GTA V was released in 2013 and is supported by both PC and PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 game consoles.

Standard Grand Theft Auto is a crime story, police chases, gunfights, American slums, a quality soundtrack, and, of course, a number of missions that the player needs to complete as the story progresses. Completing tasks with a character is sometimes not so easy, so players have to resort to using cheat codes, or, more simply, cheats, with which the passage is greatly simplified. Operations with the introduction of special combinations of codes are very simple. Both GTA San Andreas and GTA Vice City have the same cheating mechanism. The player does not need to exit the game or interrupt the mission, just go to the main menu, pause the game by pressing the Escape button, and simply enter the code you need.

The only addition regarding GTA San Andreas, if your CJ character is in the car at the time of using the cheat, and you are typing a word containing the letter F, then he can jump out of his car.

A distinctive feature of the fourth part of the game is that the protagonist has a mobile device, in particular to support communication with other characters. In order to enter the cheat, select the phone (with the button up), then dial the digital combination on the screen of the mobile device. If the cheat is entered correctly, the inscription "Cheat Activated" will appear in the upper left corner of the monitor.

Below are the most relevant cheat codes for each part of GTA.

Cheats in Gta Vice City:

  • aspirine - 100% health;
  • preciousprotection - 100% armor;
  • professionaltools - a set of professional weapons for killing;
  • leavemealone - remove police stars;
  • seaways - cars can float on water, and the hero can get to another city even if all bridges are blocked;
  • panzer - a tank falls from the sky;
  • lifeispassingmeby - time in the game speeds up.

Cheats in Gta San Andreas:

  • baguvix - unlimited health, but protection only from fire and bullets;
  • svwkham - breathe endlessly under water;
  • hesoyam - full armor, health and $250 on the account;
  • turndowntheheat - remove all police wanted stars;
  • lxgiwyl - weapon set #1;
  • fullclip - endless ammo and game without reloading weapons.

Cheats in GTA 4:

  • 482-555-0100 - full health and a set of weapons;
  • 362-555-0100 - increase the level of health;
  • 267-555-0100 - remove police stars;
  • 362-555-0100 - increase the level of armor;
  • 468-555-0100 - weather change.

Answer from Master[guru]
just enter during the game

Answer from Dima Popov[guru]
Codes for GTA 4 must be dialed while playing on the phone. After the correct introduction of the cheat, the inscription "Cheat Activated" will appear, and the cheat itself will be saved in the phone book.
For 100% completion of the game DO NOT SAVE after using cheats!!!

Answer from Yopektr[guru]
In the game, you take out a mobile phone, enter the numbers-codes and press call and the cheat is activated

Answer from Alexander Zamyshlyaev[newbie]
just type the code directly in the game, you just need to have the English layout on the keyboard turned on at this time)

Answer from Mitay1993[guru]
during the game is entered, but not in the pause

Answer from Yoeryoga[newbie]
Just enter while playing

Answer from Pavel MB116 Andreichenko[active]
Which layout is included - it doesn't matter!! ! Just enter the cheat code during the game (cheats are not entered during the pause!).

Answer from Yoasha Podgorny[active]
and what does GTA 4 have to do with it if a person asks about San Andreas

Answer from Alucard[guru]
Dima popov lo... arik))
stupidly enter in sa) if the game is paused, then the code is not activated, unlike GTA Vice City =) it was very cool to spam tanks during the pause) and then .... bigbang =) but this is history, as well as SA

Answer from BIOS[newbie]
Some people can't read, IMHO they say that GTA SA that 4 are the same and the column is the same and the phone is the same =))
During the game, you enter the cheat and if you entered it correctly, it will be written CHIT ACTIVATED in the top left corner

Answer from Elinsem[newbie]
"How to enter codes for gta sa" hahaha!!! !
During the game, for example, the most debilitating code is not in the menu. During the game, you type y / u (I honestly don’t remember the first letter) ecgaa

Answer from Fragrus[newbie]
Codes must be entered during the game, the main thing is that you do not enter the menu in the menu, otherwise it will not work out)

Answer from Yoasha Nikitin[master]
Codes for GTA San Andreas. Enter while playing
LXGIWYLWeapon Set 1 (Thug Weapons)
KJKSZPJWeapon set 2, (professional weapons)
UZUMYMWWeapon Set 3, (Psycho Weapons)
HESOYAM Health, Armor, $250,000.
OSRBLHH increases the police level by 2 points.
ASNAEB removes all police levels.
AFZLLQLLSunny weather.
ICIKPYHVery sunny weather.
ALNSFMZOCloudy weather.
AUIFRVQSRainy weather.
CFVFGMJ Foggy weather.
YSOHNUL Speeds up the passage of time.
PPGWJHTGame speedup.
LIYOAAY Slow down the game.
AJLOJYQYPeople hit each other with golf clubs.
BAGOWPPGYour underpants appear in the middle and a mask on your head.
FOOOXFTPedestrians get weapons
AIWPRTONGet a tank.
CQZIJMB Get Bloodring Banger.
JQNTDMHGet a Rancher.
PDNEJOHGet a Racecar.
VPJTQWVGet a Racecar.
AQTBCODX Get Romero.
KRIJEBR Get a limousine.
UBHYZHQGet Trashmaster.
CPKTNWT Blow up nearby vehicles.
XICWMD Invisible machines.
PGGOMOYExcellent traffic management.
ZEIIVGTraffic lights are always green.
YLTEICZ Aggressive drivers.
LLQPFBNPink traffic.
IOWDLAC Black traffic.
AFSNMSMWThe boats are starting to fly.
BTCDBCB The main character is fat.
JYSDSOD The main character is muscular.
KVGYZQK The main character is skinny.
ASBHGRB Around Elvis.
BGLUAWMLPeople are attacking you.
CIKGCGXBeach party.
MROEMZH Gang members everywhere
BIFBUZZGangsters control the streets.
BEKKNQVgirls are running after you.
BGKGTJHOnly cheap cars drive on the street.
GUSNHDE Only fast cars drive on the street.
RIPAZHA Cars fly.
JHJOECWhuge Bunny Hop
JUMPJET get Hydra
KGGGDKP get Vortex Hovercraft
JCNRUADSmash n "Boom
COXEFGU all cars get a nitrogen booster
BSXSGGC vehicles fly off on impact.
XJVSNAJ is always midnight.
OFVIACorange sky 21:00
CWJXUOC sandstorm.
LFGMHALmega jumps.
BAGUVIX infinite health.
CVWKXAM infinite oxygen (under water)
AIYPWZQP get a parachute.
YECGAAget Jetpack
AEZAKMI the police don't touch you.
LJSPQK increases the police level by 6 points.
IAVENJQ mega punch.
AEDUWNV Hunger does not torment you.
PRIEBJFunhouse Theme
MUNASEFadrenaline mode.
WANRLTW infinite ammo, no reload required.
OUIQDMW full weapon guidance in the car.
THGLOJ reduced traffic.
FVTMNBZall cars from the countryside.
SJMAHPERcruit Anyone (9mm)
BMTPWHR open door vehicles.
ZSOXFSQRecruit Anyone (Rockets)
OGXSDAG maximum respect.
EHIBXQSMaximum attraction.
VKYPQCFtaxi gets a nitrogen booster.
NCSGDAGGun Killer.
VQIMAHAMaximum driving skill.
OHDUDE get Hunter
AMOMHRERGet Tanker Truck
EEGCYXT get Dozer
URKQSRK get Stunt Plane
AGBDLCID get Monster

GTA San Andreas is one of the most popular games of recent years. The series has sold over 250 million copies since its inception, with The Telegraph of the UK calling GTA the preeminent British export, generating $1 billion in revenue. The gameplay of the game captivates literally from the first minutes, but what about those users who experience difficulties in the game? A variety of cheats will help them, but having received a list of such codes, the user sometimes does not know where and how to enter them. Below we will analyze how to enter cheats in the cult game GTA San Andreas, versions 4 and 5, and what we need for this.

Cheats in GTA San Andreas, 4 and 5

In versions 4 and 5 of GTA San Andreas, there are several options for entering cheats in the game.

Before entering the cheat, you will need to save your result. This is due to the features of the cheat functionality, the activation of which stops earning achievements in the game. Achievements will be credited again after your set-top box or PC is restarted.

List of achievements in GTA5

Also note that you can only create one vehicle using cheats.. If you try to create another one, the previous transport will disappear.

With the help of cheats, you can create only one transport

After entering the cheat, a confirmation notification about the activation of the cheat usually appears.

Let's take a closer look at how to enter cheats in GTA San Andreas, 4 and 5.

Directive keyboard input

The first way to enter cheats in GTA San Andreas 4 and 5 is to direct input of the cheat from the keyboard of a PC or gadget during the gameplay.

For PC: For smartphone:
Stop your game character, click on Caps Lock, and then enter the cheat combination on the PC keyboard. If you enter successfully, you will see a corresponding message about the activation of the cheat.

Cheat activation message

If you are typing a cheat for GTA San Andreas on your mobile, then you will need special applications that launch virtual keyboard on the phone (for example, GameKeyboard, Hacker's Keyboard and others). While in the game, press the volume key to launch the virtual keyboard, then enter the desired combination of characters.

Use applications that allow you to launch a virtual keyboard in the game

Cheats on Xbox One & Xbox 360

GTA 5 cheats on Xbox One can be entered using the numeric keypad and buttons on your controller or using a gaming mobile phone. If you are playing on Xbox 360, you can only use your controller.

On Xbox 360 cheat input is only possible on the controller

A combination of cheats for your console can be found, for example, on gtaboom.com.

Entering codes in GTA San Andreas using the [~] button

On a computer, the cheat you need can be entered by pressing the tilde key (the leftmost key in the number row above). After that, enter your cheat, and press "Enter".

Use the tilde key

The PC cheat combination can also be found at gtaboom.com.

How to enter cheats using a gaming phone

For GTA 4 and 5, the cheat can be entered using the in-game phone available in the game. During gameplay, press "Up" (up) to display Niko's mobile phone.

Use your phone

Click on "Up" again to open access to the keyboard of the game phone. Then enter your GTA 4 and 5 cheat code to activate the corresponding function.

Use game phone to enter cheat

As soon as the cheat for GTA 4 and 5 is entered correctly, a menu " Cheats" (cheats) will appear on your gaming phone, thanks to which you can launch cheats directly.

Activate the cheat menu in the GTA game

After activating cheats, do not save the game. This can cause unpredictable problems in the game's gameplay.


In our article, we have analyzed how to enter cheats for different devices in GTA San Andreas, 4 and 5, and what input methods will help us with this. Use the methods we have listed to enter cheats in GTA San Andreas, and receive the corresponding bonuses in this bright and exciting game.

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