
GTA sa where to click to enter the code. Codes for GTA: San Andreas for iOS and Android. Working with weather and time

At all times, console and computer games have had their own secrets and codes, which often helped players complete difficult tasks in an "honest" way. Today we will talk about the game GTA 4 San Andreas. Let's see what this part of the gaming bestseller has to offer us.

Weapons and more...

Of course, where in such a game and without weapons! But before talking about the combinations of letters that will give you this or that arsenal, you first need to answer the question: "How to enter the code in GTA San Andreas?" The answer is simple - you can simply enter all the codes during the game. In addition, you you can pause the game (using the Esc key) and then enter.Now closer to the combinations.

So, the codes for GTA San Andreas include 3 sets of aiming, endless ammo and the highest level of ownership of all weapons. Each "set" has its own name: amateur, pro and psychopath. If you want the first, enter LXGIWYL in the game, the second - KJKSZPJ and the third - UZUMYMW. Infinite ammo will become available after the introduction of WANRLTW, and automatic aiming while firing from a vehicle after OUIQDMW. The character will become a pro with every weapon after NCSGDAG.

What helps with the game

Now that we know how to enter the code in GTA San Andreas, and practiced on weapons, we can move on to more serious combinations. They help a lot with the passage of many tasks.

Let's think about what is necessary for any "toy"? Of course, money and health! Entering HESOYAM will give you full health, armor and $250,000. You can feel like a Terminator with BAGUVIX - the code helps you get infinite health with full protection from damage. However, the character may choke, explode, die after falling from a height, or be hit by a car. In order not to drown, enter CVWKXAM.

Another feature of GTA SA is that the player can go to the gym and eat. That is, from time to time it makes sense to look into the cafe. To avoid this, enter AEDUWNV.

On guard of the law

Now you are already a pro in the question of how to enter the code in GTA San Andreas - you can easily enter any combination right during the game, which means it's time to have fun. Sometimes it gets boring to play a more or less honest and calm, legalized game, and you want to "run away" from the city police. In order not to have to "make noise" in the city once again, just enter BRINGITON. This code makes your character a "God of Crime" (6 stars).

But what about the status? If this crime rate is too high, you can take 2 stars with OSRBLHH (increases crime by 2 stars). Do you want no one to ever catch or arrest you? AEZAKMI will help. If you don't want to be a "lawbreaker", just dial ASNAEB. All stars will be gone.

Now we will look at more interesting GTA San Andreas codes. New features, attractiveness and even appearance are now available without difficulty. In the game, as already mentioned, you must go to the gym. At the same time, the player's muscle mass and attractiveness grow. From overeating, the character gets fat. In addition, you now have the opportunity to receive respect from different factions. In order to win the "respect" of all groups at once and to the maximum, you must enter OGXSDAG. The sexuality of the player will be at the highest level after EHIBXQS or HELLOLADIES. Do you want the character to become fat? Help BTCDBCB. If you prefer skinny CJ, use KVGYZQK. Do you want a player to become a jock without training? BUFFMEUP will help. Do you want San Andreas to be captured by groups and shoot each other anywhere and everywhere? Just enter the combination BIFBUZZ. If you are looking for adventure and want to run away from bandits, just type MROEMZH - gangs will attack you everywhere, even where there are none in principle. These are the adventures. To quickly "run away", you need the ability to drive a car. Low level? Use VQIMAHA - and your character will master any vehicle.

On the road!

Now let's move on to the issue of transport. Open codes "GTA San Andreas" new modes of transport, which are either very difficult to get, or it is almost impossible. So what can you get with the help of code combinations in the game?

For starters, these are cars. No need to steal or buy. Enter one of the following codes and see what exactly "drops out" for you (it drops out - cars literally fall from the sky): CQZIJMB (classic game car), PDNEJOH (racing 1), VPJTQWV (racing 2), AQTBCODX (Romero car) ), KRIJEBR ("dead body"), AGBDLCID (off-road vehicle). If you are tired of cars, you can move around in a tank. AIWPRTON will help with this. Next come the planes. There are 3 types available in the game, which are obtained using JUMPJET (Hydra aircraft), OHDUDE (Hunter helicopter), URKQSRK (airplane). In addition, you can get a boat from KGGGDKP, a YECGAA "Nitro" flying backpack, or an AIYPWZQP parachute.

What to do with appearance?

Naturally, along with sexuality, fitness, muscles and weapons, different outfits are available in the game. Now that we know how to enter the code in GTA San Andreas, we can easily fool around with clothes. Unlike combinations for weapons, cars, or any other "trick", "clothes" must be worn at home - they will not fall from the sky and will not be taken from the air. GTA San Andreas clothing codes will help diversify the gameplay. Do you want the player to become a police officer? N7KLFG93BM will help with this. The TTYOP6M suit is ideal for an athlete. In order to feel like a military man, you need to use BNQWSK5U, and to become a homeless person, enter LK90IUYAX3W. Elegance will add a business suit 1Q3E62VBM. For a laugh, try HY4QWNM4, JJ9B4F the clown, or 71VN3Y Darth Vader. These are the entertainments available to the players of the GTA world.


So, to diversify the gameplay, you can use different codes. There are a huge number of them, not only those that we have described. The list of code combinations is infinite. The main thing is that we learned some information about GTA San Andreas: how to enter the code, the main codes for a successful game, how to have fun. Have a nice and successful game!

How to enter codes in GTA San Andreas, where to click?

    Interesting bonuses can be obtained in the game Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (GTA SA), if you simply enter the code according to the following scheme: during the game, just pause, drag and drop to move and turn on the English layout on the keyboard, press Caps Lock and enter the letter code, just type the desired word on the keyboard.

    In the popular game - the walker Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, entering codes was simplified to the point of impossibility. In previous versions, or in some other similar game, you had to first open a dialog box or line, and then enter the necessary code.

    In the same version of the game, you do not need to perform such actions. And you can enter codes immediately (during games, without any dialog boxes).

    You don't even need to confirm the code with the Enter key.

    We play and immediately on the key in the English layout we enter the desired code and it immediately takes effect.

    In order to enter cheat codes in the game GTA. San Andreas does not need to be logged into any additional consoles. Codes can be entered directly during the game. Press the letters that make up the code on the keyboard. It will be activated automatically (if entered correctly), no additional keys need to be pressed either.

    Unlike other Grand Theft Auto series and most other computer games, in GTA SA codes are entered during the game, without pressing extraneous keys (, esc, etc.). Through the Menu is also wrong.

    For example, there is a parachute code AIYPWZQP. So you need to sequentially enter it in (English) letters on the keyboard right during the passage of the game (sitting, standing, in the car - it doesn’t matter). There is no need to press ENTER at the end. The key layout, respectively, should be English, but it is possible that it will work in Russian (I don’t remember exactly). If the code does not work, then the problem is in the layout language.

    In this version of the game, this is very easy to do, for this, just play in the game itself, type the code that you want to use. You don't need to call the console first. And just type the name in English of the command and the code will work.

    As a rule, in such games, first you need to call the input window with a special key combination. In GTA San Andreas, this is not necessary. You don't even need to call any windows. Right during the game, without leaving the menu, enter the desired code and the game will immediately identify it. You don't even need to press enter!

    As for me, very convenient.

    If you want to enter a code for something while playing GTA San Andreas, then the code is entered just like that, simply by pressing the keys during the game. No additional action needs to be taken. Just quickly dial a sequence of numbers.

    A positive quality of this GTA series is the ease of entering codes. You can, without interrupting the gameplay, take a break from the game for a second and type the desired set of characters (code) on the keyboard to receive any bonus and you're done. The only thing you need to remember to check is that the English layout on the keyboard is installed.

    Yes, it's very simple - right during the game. If you are distracted by typing a command, you can pause the game using the Esc button. No menus, no dialog boxes - very convenient!

    One has only to better understand the commands, it's not so easy, because the codes are in Latin. I advise you to get yourself a notepad on your desktop with a list of the most interesting commands and just copy them. For example, the BAGUVIX code grants the hero an infinite supply of health, and WANRLTW grants an infinite ammo charge.

    In the popular game Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (GTA SA), codes must be entered directly in the gameplay, I personally entered the codes in the English layout, for example, we enter the ROCKETMAN code with the keys of these letters and get a satchel for flying, that is, in the game it is called a jet- pack. That is, you play, stop and press the letter code and get it in action. Here you will find many other interesting codes!

GTA (GTA) is one of the most popular computer action games for any generation of gamers. At the moment, the authors have released 15 parts of the game of the same name, the last - GTA V was released in 2013 and is supported by both PC and PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 game consoles.

Standard Grand Theft Auto is a crime story, police chases, gunfights, American slums, a quality soundtrack, and, of course, a number of missions that the player needs to complete as the story progresses. Completing tasks with a character is sometimes not so easy, so players have to resort to using cheat codes, or, more simply, cheats, with which the passage is greatly simplified. Operations with the introduction of special combinations of codes are very simple. Both GTA San Andreas and GTA Vice City have the same cheating mechanism. The player does not need to exit the game or interrupt the mission, just go to the main menu, pause the game by pressing the Escape button, and simply enter the code you need.

The only addition regarding GTA San Andreas, if your CJ character is in the car at the time of using the cheat, and you are typing a word containing the letter F, then he can jump out of his car.

A distinctive feature of the fourth part of the game is that the protagonist has a mobile device, in particular to support communication with other characters. In order to enter the cheat, select the phone (with the button up), then dial the digital combination on the screen of the mobile device. If the cheat is entered correctly, the inscription "Cheat Activated" will appear in the upper left corner of the monitor.

Below are the most relevant cheat codes for each part of GTA.

Cheats in Gta Vice City:

  • aspirine - 100% health;
  • preciousprotection - 100% armor;
  • professionaltools - a set of professional weapons for killing;
  • leavemealone - remove police stars;
  • seaways - cars can float on water, and the hero can get to another city even if all bridges are blocked;
  • panzer - a tank falls from the sky;
  • lifeispassingmeby - time in the game speeds up.

Cheats in Gta San Andreas:

  • baguvix - unlimited health, but protection only from fire and bullets;
  • svwkham - breathe endlessly under water;
  • hesoyam - full armor, health and $250 on the account;
  • turndowntheheat - remove all police wanted stars;
  • lxgiwyl - weapon set #1;
  • fullclip - endless ammo and game without reloading weapons.

Cheats in GTA 4:

  • 482-555-0100 - full health and a set of weapons;
  • 362-555-0100 - increase the level of health;
  • 267-555-0100 - remove police stars;
  • 362-555-0100 - increase the level of armor;
  • 468-555-0100 - weather change.

RockStar regularly add various codes to their games, because in non-linear games using them can be a lot of fun. In Grand Theft Auto V, we have the opportunity to enter codes in various ways, and the reason for this is the cross-platform game.

How to enter cheat codes in GTA 5?

  1. One of the main and exclusive ways to enter a code for a PC is to use the console, which opens when you press the tilde (~), aka Y. As soon as a window appears on the screen, you must enter the code into it and press Enter, which will help activate it. If the code for the PC is entered correctly, then you will notice a window with the notification “Cheat Code Enabled”.
  2. As in the previous part, you can use a mobile phone, which is true for PS4 and Xbox: get it by pressing the up arrow and go to contacts. After that press "Space" (X on consoles) which will take you to dialing. Using the arrows and the "Enter" key, type the desired code and press the spacebar again to make a call and activate the cheat, and if you need to enter the code again, just press the star on your phone.
  3. We also note that you can enter codes from the gamepad, for this you just need to press a set of buttons that the game developers came up with.

In total, the game has several types of cheats that you can activate:

  • Cheats responsible for changing the characteristics of the character.
  • Cheats for weapons and equipment.
  • Cheats for vehicles.
  • Cheats that contribute to editing the game world.

When the cheat code is entered correctly, the message “ Cheat activated".

The most important thing to remember is that if you activate cheats, GTA San Andreas codes and after that it persists, then the actions of the cheat code will continue to be used in the game, be careful! The following cheat codes must be entered during the game.

Cheat, codes for skills and health

Below are cheats and codes that will change CJ's health or ability.

Cheat, codes for weapons

Listed below are all cheats related to weapons and wanted levels.

Cheats, codes for a while

Below are codes that will change the weather or that will act on time, speeding up the gameplay or slowing it down.

Cheats, codes pedestrians

Below are the cheats that will change the behavior of pedestrians in GTA: San Andreas.

Cheats, codes for cars

Below are cheats, codes for cars, motorcycles and other vehicles.

Cheats, codes affecting cars

Below are cheat codes that will change the characteristics of some vehicles or traffic.

Effect Code
Cars explodeCPKTNWT
All cars with nitrogenCOXEFGU/Speedfreak
Cars become easy to drivePGGOMOY
flying boatsAFSNMSMW / flying
flying carsRIPAZHA
Cars without gravityBUBBLECARS
Green traffic lightsZEIIVG
Traffic is aggressiveYLTEICZ
All cars change color to pinkLLQPFBN
All vehicles are blackIOWDLAC
Vehicles as strong as a tankJCNRUAD
Vehicles of the poor all aroundEVERYONEISPOOR
Sports cars aroundEVERYONEISRICH
Vehicles from the countrysideFVTMNBZ / BMTPWHR
Nitrogen (Nitro) by taxiVKYPQCF
Maximum driving skillGUSNHDE

Video review of cheat codes for GTA San Andreas

Below you can find a video that shows all the codes and how to activate them.

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