
Restore history in VKontakte. Free recovery of deleted VKontakte correspondence. When it is possible and when it is impossible to restore correspondence

A fairly common problem when by mistake you erase part of the dialogue (messages), and then you urgently need to restore them. To begin with, you should understand that by deleting messages from their correspondence, you only erase it from yourself. The interlocutor has a message.

Hence the first way to solve this problem is to ask the interlocutor to drop deleted messages, i.e. send to you.

Recovering VK messages: the best ways

So, there are several main ways how to recover deleted messages:

1) Ask the interlocutor to forward the messages that you deleted from yourself, because you can only delete messages from your dialogue.

Can I recover deleted messages from myself?

Certainly! This is the easiest way. Just click on the "restore" button

Deleted VKontakte messages on the phone. How to recover?


To recover messages on iphone you can use the first paragraph, or write to those. support. To do this, click on the "help" tab and write the name of the message "restore correspondence" or "restore deleted messages". If the answer to this question has not yet been, then create a new question to the technical support agent.

As confirmation that it is the owner of the page who is trying to recover deleted messages, you will be asked to indicate the mail to which the account is registered and deleted messages will come there.

Agent's response support may take 15 to 30 hours. So that he does not have to clarify all the details several times, tell him everything in as much detail as possible in advance. At what time did you write messages, in what dialogue and with whom did you correspond, and immediately name your mail.

How to recover messages on android:

You can use again the first paragraph and the third, which indicates the procedure for contacting those. support to help recover messages. Or you can use a special program to recover deleted messages.

The program is called delmsg and you can find it on the Internet. It probably won't show up on the play store. This application is well suited for an android phone, but keep in mind that in no case should you download programs for recovering deleted VKontakte messages for a computer, because. most likely you will need to specify your token, and this is already fraught with the theft of your personal data.

Be careful and if you still decide to do this, then immediately change the password.

Interested in how to restore correspondence in VK, which was accidentally sent to the digital cemetery? Don't worry, there are at least 6 ways to restore an important dialogue - carefully study our article and choose the most convenient one!

On phone and PC

Let's start with instructions for a mobile phone, because most users today use a smartphone to access the Internet.

#1 Help a friend

Let's continue to study how to restore deleted correspondence in VK via phone and turn to a banal solution - ask the interlocutor to send the necessary messages.

  • Deleting a conversation is a one-way process, so the chat is saved for the second person. Unless, of course, you are.
  • If possible, write to a friend, explain to him the reason for the incident and enjoy the second chance you get.
  • And henceforth, be more careful with the "Delete" key.

#2 Alerts

If you have alerts for new text messages configured, you can easily restore lost correspondence from VK by e-mail, because each new message was duplicated in the mail. Keep in mind that long texts in notifications are only partially displayed.

Check settings:

  • Click on the circle with the avatar in the upper right, select the "Settings" key;
  • Inside the section, find the "Notifications" block;
  • Scroll down the page to "Email Alerts";
  • Check the accuracy of the e-mail, whether the permission to send you notifications is worth it, and whether there is a checkbox in the "Messages" item.
  • If everything is set up as it should, then open the mailbox and parse the letters.

Please note that this article is about your personal messages and SMS addressed to you. We are not talking about.

Only on a computer

There are two reliable methods that work only on a computer - we will tell you about them!

#3 Before page update

Answering the question whether it is possible to restore correspondence in VK after deleting the dialogue from the phone immediately after a rash act, we will say “No”.

  • But, if you perform this action from a computer, a blue “Restore” link will appear in place of the deleted message. One click - and the record will return to its place. By the way, the loophole will disappear after updating the page.
  • In the mobile application VKontakte, alas, this trick does not work.
  • A whole conversation both on the computer and on the phone is erased irretrievably, be careful - it can no longer be restored.

By the way, the above methods for the phone are also suitable for the computer - you can safely use them!

#4 Third party apps

Surely you have heard about special programs that expand the functionality of the browser in the field of using social networks. Vkontakte networks. These utilities are not official, so we do not recommend installing them.

There is always a risk of downloading a virus to your device or falling into the hands of scammers who will gain access to your VK profile or extort money to unlock it.

If you still decide to use this option, download applications from the official websites of the developers - at least they have been tested for safety and are not malicious.

  1. Many sources on the Internet claim that using an application from Google Chrome called VKOpt, it is possible to restore correspondence with a person.
  2. We responsibly declare that there is no such function in this extension and never has been.
  3. Alas, not a single instruction given on the network works - we have carefully checked everything.

So, nevertheless, is it possible to restore correspondence in VK if you deleted it thoughtlessly - and can VKOpt help at least something? We will answer positively, since the application contains the option to save correspondence in Html, Txt format, but you need to make a backup in advance, before deleting:

  • Go to the desired conversation;
  • Click on the three dots at the top of the dialog;
  • Select the command "Save correspondence";
  • Decide on the format;
  • Click OK.

Thus, the utility really expands and optimizes the work of Vkontakte, but, alas, it does not help to restore unsaved correspondence. All such programs promise to completely restore the cleaned data, but if you study the comments of real users, it becomes clear that these claims are false.

There are other similar extensions for the computer:

  • Vkontrole Message 0.1;
  • VKBot;
  • social network API;

And for mobile:

  • ChatRestore for VK;
  • Simple VK.

Additional ways

There are two more ways, but they are very dubious and most likely will not help you solve the problem. It's about contacting those. support and use of hacker services.

#5 Technical support

As an option, you should try to return the deleted dialogue to VK through social networks. network, for this we recommend coming up with a very good reason for data loss.

  • Click on the small avatar on the main profile page in VK;
  • Select the "Help" section;
  • In the search bar, enter "Removed content from the page." Attention! Do not write that you want to restore the correspondence - you will be politely turned 180 ° and sent home - the form for entering a message will not open.
  • If you followed our advice, you will see a blue "Contact Support" button.

We are talking about restoring all old correspondence in VK by contacting a professional hacker. Here is why we are against this decision:

  • Firstly, it is not known what such an acquaintance will lead to (and you will have to provide him with personal data from your VKontakte page);
  • Secondly, if even the slightest illegal or suspicious activity is noticed from your profile, you run the risk of being blocked;
  • Thirdly, it is unlikely that services will be provided to you for free.

Which way to choose?

We started with instructions for a mobile phone to later move on to algorithms for a computer. But in the process of writing instructions, "everything was mixed up in the Oblonskys' house." In order to structure the material a little, we will separately highlight which methods work on a smartphone and which ones on a computer - we suggest studying this plate!

Way Telephone Computer
Before update No Yes
Help a friend Yes Yes
Alerts Yes Yes
Third Party Programs No (we didn't find a 100% working app) Yes - VKOpt, provided you performed a backup prior to deletion.
Support No (the chance to convince the moderators is very low)
Breaking risky risky

Thus, it will be possible to return the Vkontakte correspondence that you deleted only if you managed to cancel the action before updating the page, it is possible to write to the interlocutor, or you have e-mail alerts configured. All other options are dubious and not one hundred percent.

Almost every Internet user has a personal page on social networks, regardless of his age or social status. And if one category of people spends online mode of their favorite messenger up to 24 hours a day, then another can “look” there from time to time, but they are all united by an important argument for everyone - curiosity, as well as the need to get acquainted with the incoming information, which, sometimes, it happens quite a lot and it is indiscriminately removed to the “recycle bin” for useful or spam. For such cases, we will analyze various options, how to see deleted messages in vk, the network most common among our compatriots.

Restoring a separate correspondence before switching (updating) to another page

Restoring an accidentally deleted individual message or correspondence in VK if the page has not yet been updated (there was no transition to another window) is quite simple. Messages sent for deletion will be replaced by:

Activation with the mouse cursor will instantly return the original view of a single correspondence.

The method can be used immediately after deletion, otherwise after an hour or after the first page refresh, the procedure will not lead to the desired result and the data will be lost.

It makes no sense to contact the technical support of the VK network, it does not have the necessary system for identifying the true owner of the page from the hacker and, in order to preserve the secrecy of correspondence, refuses in such cases to everyone without exception, although the appeal algorithm exists and looks like this:

  • Select the problem you are having from the support list.
  • Switch to a window with instructions on how to fix it.
  • Sending a request.
  • Waiting for a response from support.

Usually, the reason for refusal is that before deletion, the user is warned about the irreversibility of these actions and the complete loss of the deleted information (messages).

Restoring a deleted conversation

The easiest and most reliable way to restore an accidentally deleted dialogue is to contact the user with whom the communication took place. The probability that he did not delete the correspondence is quite high, and copying and sending the information requested from him is a matter of a couple of mouse clicks.

If at , the user has activated the service "notification of incoming messages to e-mail", then you can restore deleted information through the specified E-mail. The only drawback of this method is the limitation on the number of characters. The notification coming to the "electronic" will contain a cropped view.

The most risky and dangerous way to recover is to install a special program downloaded from the Internet. The chance of catching a virus or in this case is quite large, and the programs themselves, for the most part, are sold on a prepaid basis. When choosing this option, it is best to seek help from an experienced programmer who will help solve the problem of restoring correspondence for the same money as buying dubious programs on the Internet, but with a guarantee of security for the user's computer.

View already deleted messages in VK using Vkopt

With its help, it will not be difficult to restore any dialogue. To carry out the procedure, you must perform the following steps:

  • Download and install the extension in the browser of your computer or laptop.
  • Launch the VK application and check for the presence of the inscription "VkOpt", which means that the extension has been successfully installed.
  • Through the Vkopt extension, enter the "messages" section.
  • Select the "dialogs" menu and go to "statistics".
  • Enter the parameters of the remote dialogue and activate the "let's go" button.
  • Wait for the download of deleted messages.

Before installing on your personal computer, it should be borne in mind that it should be downloaded only from the official VK website. If during installation a request for personal or passport data, as well as passwords, occurs, the procedure should be stopped to prevent hacking of the personal page.

The principle of actions for restoring VK correspondence using a smartphone is similar and includes the same points as for a PC or laptop. If a user logs in to his page both from a computer and from a phone, deleted correspondence from one of them may be saved on the other.

How to recover deleted correspondence in VK? Every modern user should know the answer to this question. Social networks have become an important part of people's lives. And everyone should be able to work with them. Even schoolchildren. Correspondence in VK is one of the main objects. And its restoration raises many questions.

The Right to Success

How to recover deleted correspondence in VK? To begin with, it is worthwhile to figure out whether it is possible to do this at all. Some social networks do not provide such a function. And therefore, on certain sites, dialogs are not restored.

"VK" allows you to bring the idea to life. If we are talking about recently deleted dialogs, there are no problems with recovery and cannot be. And it is problematic to return the old correspondence. Here you can not do without preliminary preparation. We will consider all possible methods for solving the problem. Let's start with the most unusual tricks and finish with the simplest.

About methods for solving the problem

How to restore a long-deleted correspondence in VK? This can be done in several ways.


  • use the built-in recovery function;
  • write to the technical support of the social network;
  • contact the interlocutor to send messages;
  • activate third-party applications;
  • use notifications by mail or in the form of SMS.

All this works without much difficulty. But, as a rule, it is required to prepare in advance for the processes. Otherwise, it will not work to return the deleted correspondence.

Alert system

How can I recover deleted correspondence in VK? For example, each user has the right to use the notification system. In this case, messages will be duplicated on the phone and e-mail. By saving such letters, a person can read this or that message at any time. Too long posts are displayed partially. And this must be taken into account.

How to recover deleted correspondence in VK? The following guidelines will help:

  1. Log in to your profile on vk.com.
  2. Click on the functional menu (top right line, "down" arrow next to the avatar).
  3. Select "Settings".
  4. Go to "Notifications".
  5. Specify the method of notification. For example, "By e-mail".
  6. Enter the required information - phone or email.
  7. Mark the settings for informing the user.
  8. Click on the "Save" button.

Ready! After the actions taken, the user will receive notifications about the messages sent. If you do not delete them, then after cleaning the correspondence, you can find the desired letter at any time.

Friends to help

But this is only one of the possible layouts. How to restore correspondence in VK if you deleted it?

The following advice will help those who have cleared the dialogue with a friend or with an accommodating person. The thing is that when deleting messages in correspondence, they are erased only from one interlocutor. A friend's dialogues remain untouched. Accordingly, you can turn to him for help.

What to do? Either ask to repeat the information of interest, or ask to forward the desired message. The method does not give any guarantees, but in practice it is used quite often.


How to recover deleted correspondence in VK? If all of the above methods did not help, some prefer to turn to the "Help" section on the social network. Technical support helps to solve the problem.

In practice, such restoration of dialogues almost never takes place. Therefore, turning to the support of "VK", you can not really count on luck. Restoring conversations this way is a welcome exception, not the norm.


How to recover deleted correspondence in VK? The program for browsers (extension) will help to bring the idea to life. It just needs to be installed beforehand.

The algorithm of actions will be approximately as follows:

  1. Download and install VkOpt. The utility works fine in Google Chrome.
  2. Launch extension.
  3. Enter your profile on vk.com.
  4. In the left menu, click on VkOpt.
  5. Put a check next to "Correspondence".
  6. Click on "Let's go".
  7. Choose a date for the conversation.

All that remains now is to look at the menu that appears. Usually there are no problems with the reception. But it doesn't always work. VkOpt, as we said, works great in Google Chrome. With other Internet browsers, failures and malfunctions are not ruled out.


How to recover deleted correspondence in VK? You can refer to the built-in function. But it only works for messages and dialogs that have just been deleted. After refreshing the page, the function disappears. This is fine.

To restore a message or dialog, after deleting the corresponding object, click on the "Restore" hyperlink. Then the letter will appear again. This technique is used in cases in which the correspondence was deleted by mistake. For old correspondence, the method is not suitable.


We found out how you can restore deleted correspondence in VK. All of the suggested methods are working great so far. Most of them are aimed at preserving the existing dialogues.

The network is full of offers indicating paid restoration of correspondence in social networks. These are scammers. They either want to swindle for money, or they are trying to get the profile data of a gullible user.

You may also encounter various third-party recovery programs. Most of them are scams. It is better to either work with VkOpt, or look for specialized browser extensions in reliable sources.

Now it’s clear how to restore deleted correspondence in VK. It's better to think a few times before clearing dialogs. After all, leaving correspondence and finding the right letter there is easier than thinking about restoring.

Anyway, let's try to figure out how this function is possible for users. Maybe nothing will help us?

Appeal to the administration

The first option, which can serve us well, is to contact the site administration with a request to restore your correspondence. This is the only way you can quickly and easily read deleted messages in the "Contact".

To do this, log in to the social network, and then go to the "Help" section. It is located at the very bottom of the page. Further, in the window that appears, you will have to describe the current situation, and also ask to restore your correspondence. All or with a specific user. As a rule, if your request is approved, you will also have to prove your rights to own the profile. After that, they will help you, and you will be able to read deleted messages in "Contact". is not the only option that can help in solving today's issue. There are a number of interesting and simple actions. Which ones? Let's see.

From the archive

How to read deleted messages It is worth noting that when cleaning a correspondence, it is removed only from the user who performed this action. This means that the second member of the conversation will keep all the phrases.

So, if you want to read deleted messages, you can always contact your interlocutor with a request to find you this or that phrase and forward it. As a rule, if the conversation was with your friend, then no problems will arise. Otherwise, you can forget about this scenario.

To be honest, the method studied now is not the most popular. Especially if you suddenly need information of great antiquity. For example, which was about six months ago when there was an active correspondence with this user. In this case, finding the necessary information can be very difficult. Nevertheless, deleted messages in "Contact" can be read in several more ways. What exactly? Let's take a look at them.


Here is another quick and interesting scenario. He will definitely help you learn how to read deleted messages in "Contact". For example, you can restore what was deleted. True, this must be done in a very short time. How? Let's figure it out.

So, if you notice that you accidentally deleted a message, you can return it to history. The main thing - do not go from the page and do not update it. Leave everything as it is. After cleaning the correspondence, you will receive a message that the operation was successful, as well as the "Restore" line. If you click on it, then all conversations and phrases will fall into place. You can read messages, sort them, and then remove unnecessary information. That's all.

To be honest, this option is not very popular. Probably due to the fact that it is necessary to turn it just instantly. Indeed, in a different situation, it will be several times more difficult to understand how to read deleted messages in "Contact". Let's see what other methods exist to solve the problem.


For example, some users may stumble upon specialized programs that offer to extend the standard functions of a social network. Among the additions, you can also find the ability to read previously deleted messages. This is actually a very interesting feature. True, it must be treated with extreme caution.

The thing is that such programs are often real viruses. Instead of helping people, they simply infect computers and also steal user accounts. If you dare to use such applications, then be prepared for not the best consequences. To be honest, it is best to refrain from this method.


And now we will get to know you with another version of the development of events. In particular, it is suitable for those who do not particularly trust programs. Such users, as a rule, resort to the help of special hosting. They allow you to read the deleted correspondence.

In order to use this option, you will have to find the appropriate site, and then visit it. Register (in some cases), and then contact the main programmer. With him it will be possible to discuss all the nuances of the provision of services, as well as find out the cost of "pleasure". Usually it is not very big, but not quite miserable either.

Then, at the appointed time, transfer yours from the social network (login and password) to the programmer, and then wait for the result. To be honest, this option is also far from always safe. If you do not know the person who provides you with message recovery services, then there is a huge risk of account hacking. So you will be left without a profile. It will be possible to restore it, but with some effort.

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