
Motherboard beeps on boot. BIOS speaker signals Or what the computer tells us about. The meaning of the same signal in different versions of IBM, AMI, AST and Compaq

Probably, almost every computer user has noticed that at startup a characteristic sound is heard, similar to a squeak. In most cases, if all is well, one short beep will sound. Thus, the system informs us about the state of the PC even during startup, before Windows loads.

BIOS(Basic Input / Output System - basic input / output system) - a system-level program and located in the BIOS microprocessor. Designed for the initial start of the computer, it is loaded first after turning on the computer.

When the system starts, the BIOS starts the computer and the self-test procedure (Power-On Self Test - POST) performs general system diagnostics and if there are problems, the computer will emit a certain sequence of signals that you only have to decipher.

If you do not hear any sounds, then it is quite possible that you are missing a speaker on the motherboard. In the event of a computer malfunction, the lack of a speaker makes it a little more difficult to find the problem, but is not critical.

In modern motherboards, the speaker began to be built-in. On older models, the speaker was connected to the board.

BIOS manufacturer

Each BIOS manufacturer has its own sequence and decoding of sound signals. Before proceeding with decryption, you need to find out the manufacturer.

Method 1

The easiest way to determine the company is at the time of boot, usually the manufacturer and BIOS version are indicated.

Method 2

You can go into the BIOS during startup and find the item "System Information" or using the program Everest (Aida) in Windows. In both cases, all information will be indicated.

Now all modern computers come with an updated BIOS called UEFI.

Now that we know the manufacturer of the BIOS, it will not be difficult for us to decipher the sound signals.



Meaning (decryption)

1 short

No errors found

2 short

RAM parity error

3 short

Failure of the first 64 KB of RAM

4 short

Faulty system timer

5 short

Processor failure

6 short

Keyboard controller failure

7 short

System board failure

8 short

Video memory error

9 short

Wrong BIOS checksum

10 short

CMOS write error

11 short

Cache error

1 long 2 short

Faulty video adapter

1 long 3 short

2 long 2 short

Floppy controller error

No signals



Meaning (decryption)

1 short

No errors found

Continuous or short repetitive

Faulty power supply or short circuit in power circuits

1 long or long repeated

RAM error

1 long 2 short

Video adapter not detected or video memory error

1 long 3 short

Video adapter error or keyboard error

3 long

Keyboard controller error

1 long 9 short

BIOS read error or bad BIOS chip

2 short

A non-critical error has been detected.

No signals

Faulty power supply or system board

Phoenix BIOS

Phoenix BIOS beeps consist of several series of short beeps that follow at some interval. For example, a signal with the code 1-2-3 will sound like this: one short beep, pause, two short beeps, pause, three short beeps.


Meaning (decryption)

Error when reading data from the built-in memory chip CMOS

CMOS chip checksum error

Error on the system board

Motherboard DMA controller error

Error reading or writing data to one of the DMA channels

Error in RAM

Error of the first 64 KB of main memory

System board error

RAM test error

2-1-1 to 2-4-4

Error in one of the bits of the first 64 KB of RAM

Error in first DMA channel

Error in second DMA channel

Interrupt handling error

Motherboard interrupt controller error

Keyboard controller error

Video adapter error

Video memory test error

Error while searching video memory

System timer error

Completion of testing

Keyboard controller error

CPU error

RAM test error

System timer error

Real time clock error

Serial port error

Parallel port error

Math coprocessor error

Error in the operation of adapters that have their own BIOS

BIOS checksum calculation error

RAM error

Keyboard controller error

Errors when testing RAM

Error while handling unexpected interrupts



Meaning (decryption)

1 short

No errors found

1 beep and blank screen

Faulty video adapter

2 short

Faulty video adapter

3 long

Faulty motherboard (keyboard controller error), non-contact RAM

1 long, 1 short

Faulty motherboard

1 long, 2 short

Faulty video system (Mono/CGA)

1 long, 3 short

Faulty video system (EGA/VGA)

Repetitive short

Faults are related to the power supply or motherboard


Faulty power supply or system board


Faulty power supply, motherboard, or speaker



Meaning (decryption)

1 short

Error while checking processor registers. Processor failure

2 short

Keyboard controller buffer error. Keyboard controller malfunction.

3 short

Keyboard controller reset error. Malfunction of the keyboard controller or system board.

4 short

Keyboard communication error.

5 short

Keyboard input error.

6 short

System board error.

9 short

BIOS ROM checksum mismatch. Faulty BIOS ROM chip.

10 short

System timer error. The system timer chip is faulty.

11 short

System logic chip (chipset) error.

12 short

Power management register error in NVRAM.

1 long

DMA controller 0 error. Faulty channel 0 DMA controller chip.

1 long, 1 short

DMA controller error 1. Faulty channel 1 DMA controller chip.

1 long, 2 short

Error damping the reverse motion of the vertical scan. The video adapter may be defective.

1 long, 3 short

Error in video memory. Faulty video adapter memory.

1 long, 4 short

Video adapter error. Faulty video adapter.

1 long, 5 short

Memory error 64K.

1 long, 6 short

Failed to load interrupt vectors. BIOS was unable to load interrupt vectors into memory

1 long, 7 short

Failed to initialize video subsystem.

1 long, 8 short

Video memory error.

Compaq BIOS


Meaning (decryption)

1 short

No errors found

1 long + 1 short

CMOS BIOS memory checksum error. Possibly the ROM battery is dead.

2 short

global error.

1 long + 2 short

Video card initialization error. Check if the video card is installed correctly.

7 beeps (1 long, 1 s, 1?, 1 short, pause, 1 long, 1 short, 1 short)

AGP video card failure. Check if the installation is correct.

1 long standing

RAM error, try rebooting.

1 short + 2 long

RAM failure. Reboot via Reset.


As with the Phoenix BIOS, the DELL BIOS uses a similar signaling system. For example, 1-3-1-1 would be: one beep, pause, three beeps, pause, one beep, pause, one beep.


Meaning (decryption)

Video card not connected

BIOS ROM checksum error

DRAM update error

Keyboard error 8742

Faulty memory

RAM error on line xxx

RAM error on low bit xxx

1-4-1-1 test

RAM error on high bit xxx

Quadtel BIOS


Meaning (decryption)

1 short beep

No errors found

2 short beeps

CMOS RAM is corrupted. Replace IC if possible

1 long, 2 short beeps

Video adapter error. Faulty video adapter. Reinstall the video adapter or replace the adapter if possible

1 long, 3 short beeps

One or more of the peripheral controllers is faulty. Replace controllers and retest



Meaning (decryption)

1 short

2 short

There are non-critical errors.

3 long

An error was thrown by the keyboard controller

1 short + 1 long

Faulty RAM

1 long + 2 short

The error is signaled by the video card

1 long + 3 short

Video memory error

1 long + 9 short

Error while reading from ROM

Continuous short beeps

Power supply or RAM failure

Continuous long beeps

RAM problems

Alternating long and short beeps

Processor failure

Continuous signal

Indicates problems with the power supply

An attentive user may notice that the computer makes sounds when it is turned on. Usually this is one short beep of the speaker (device on the motherboard). But other signals may be emitted during operation. Read about what they mean and how to find out what to do with them in this article.

The first step is to find out which one you have. You can find out about this when you turn on the computer, when letters appear on a black background. Search above or below for abbreviations AMI or AWARD BIOS.

Learned? Then let's go!


  • Two short beeps from the speaker mean some kind of malfunction in the computer's RAM.
    How to solve a problem: remove the memory module from the slot, wipe it with a dry brush and insert it into place. If, after starting the PC, the signals are repeated, then further testing of the memory or its complete replacement may be required;
  • Three short beeps of the speaker in a row mean an error in reading the first 64 KB of the main memory of the PC.
    How to solve a problem: remove the memory module from the slot, if there is dust, wipe the bar with a dry brush and insert it into place, if the signals repeat, further testing of the memory or its complete replacement may be required;
  • Four consecutive short beeps from the speaker indicate a malfunction of the system timer.
    How to solve a problem: restart the PC, and if the signals are repeated, then repair or replace the motherboard;
  • Five consecutive short beeps from the speaker indicate a malfunction of the central processor.
    How to solve a problem: reboot the PC again, if the signals repeat - replace the processor;
  • Six consecutive short beeps from the speaker indicate a malfunction of the keyboard controller.
    How to solve a problem: check the cable and keyboard connection to the system unit, check the keyboard on another computer. If after checking it turns out that the keyboard is working, then the option remains to repair the motherboard, or replace it;
  • Seven consecutive short beeps from the speaker indicate a malfunction of the motherboard.
    How to solve a problem: we reboot again and if the signals are repeated, then repair or purchase of a new motherboard will be required;
  • Eight consecutive short beeps from the speaker indicate a problem with the graphics card's memory.
    How to solve a problem: reboot. If the signals repeat after a reboot, you will either need to repair the old one or purchase a new video card;
  • Nine short beeps in a row indicate a malfunction of the BIOS chip itself.
    How to solve a problem
  • Ten consecutive short beeps of the speaker indicate the impossibility of writing to the CMOS memory.
    How to solve a problem: Clear CMOS memory. If the signals persist after setting the BIOS defaults, the CMOS memory module needs to be replaced;
  • Eleven consecutive short speaker signals indicate a malfunction of the RAM.
    How to solve a problem

  • How to solve a problem: we check the cable going from the video card to the monitor, if the cable is in order, you need to remove the video card from the slot, wipe it, if necessary, from dust and insert it back. If these actions did not work, then it may be necessary to repair or purchase a new video card;
  • One long and three short beeps from the speaker, as well as one long and eight short beeps, again indicate a malfunction of the video card.
    Correct in the same way as in the previous case.

  • How to solve a problem: we check the fastening of the power supply plugs to the connectors on the motherboard, we clean the power supply from dust. If these actions did not work, if possible, we try to test the PSU on another computer. With such symptoms, you will either need to repair it or purchase a new power supply.


  • One short speaker signal means that there are no errors in the system and the computer is in full working order;
  • Two short beeps in a row from the speaker indicate the detection of “insignificant” errors.
    How to fix the problem: check the reliability of fastening components and cables to the PC motherboard, then set the default BIOS values;
  • A short, repeating speaker beep indicates a PSU failure.
    How to fix the problem: check the plugs of the power supply to the connectors on the motherboard, clean the PSU from dust. If these actions did not work, if possible, we test the PSU on another computer. With such symptoms, either its repair or the purchase of a new power supply will be required;
  • A long repeating speaker signal indicates a malfunction of the RAM.
    How to fix the problem: remove the memory module from the slot, if there is dust, wipe the bar with a dry brush and insert it into place, if the signals repeat, further testing of the memory or its complete replacement may be required;
  • Three long beeps from the speaker indicate a malfunction of the keyboard controller.
    How to fix the problem
  • One long and one short speaker beeps indicate a RAM failure.
    How to fix the problem: remove the memory module from the slot, if there is dust, wipe the bar with a dry brush and insert it into place, if the signals repeat, further testing of the memory or its complete replacement may be required;
  • One long and two short speaker beeps indicate a video card malfunction.
    How to fix the problem: check the cable going from the video card to the monitor, if the cable is in order, remove the video card from the slot, wipe, if necessary, from dust and insert it back. If these actions did not work, then it may be necessary to repair or purchase a new video card;
  • One long and three short speaker beeps indicate a keyboard controller failure.
    How to fix the problem: check the cable and connect the keyboard to the system unit, check the keyboard on another computer. If after checking it turns out that the keyboard is working, then the option remains to repair the motherboard, or replace it;
  • One long and nine consecutive short speaker beeps indicate a malfunction of the BIOS chip itself.
    How to fix the problem: flashing the microcircuit or its complete replacement;
  • The absence of speaker signals may indicate a malfunction of the power supply.
    How to fix the problem: we check the fastening of the power supply plugs to the connectors on the motherboard, we clean the power supply from dust. If as a result of the actions taken, when you try to turn on the computer again, there are no signals, the power supply needs to be repaired.

    Separately, it should be noted the continuous sound signals of the BIOS that change in tone. This can be caused by either a faulty power supply or an overheating PC.

    Now you know about BIOS sounds and how to decipher them.

  • In this article, we have collected the most common BIOS signals for diagnosing a computer problem. But, if your computer is beeping, not mentioned below, please refer to the guide for identifying faulty hardware components.

    Power-on self-test (POST) checks the computer's internal hardware for compatibility and connectivity before booting. If the computer boots normally, it may beep once (some computers may beep twice) as it starts up and continues to boot. However, if the computer crashes, it will either not beep or it will emit a beep that indicates a problem.


    AMI BIOS beeps

    Below are the AMI BIOS beeps. However, due to the wide variety of different computer manufacturers with this BIOS, the beep codes may vary.

    Sound signal Description
    1 short
    2 short Parity circuit failure
    3 short Base 64 K RAM failure
    4 short System timer failure
    5 short Process failure
    6 short Keyboard controller Gate A20 error
    7 short Virtual mode exception error
    8 short Display memory Read/Write test failure
    9 short ROM BIOS checksum failure
    10 short CMOS shutdown Read/Write error
    11 short Cache Memory error
    1 long, 3 short Conventional/Extended memory failure
    1 long, 8 short Display/Retrace test failed
    two tone siren

    AWARD BIOS beeps

    Below are the Award BIOS beep codes. Also, due to the wide variety of different manufacturers of computers with this BIOS, the sound codes may differ.

    Sound signal Description
    1 long, 2 short Indicates a video error has occurred and the BIOS cannot initialize the video screen to display any additional information. (Video adapter not detected or video memory error)
    1 long, 3 short Video card not detected (reseat video card) or bad video card (Depending on the BIOS version, this signal may indicate a video adapter error or a keyboard error)
    Endless repeating beep RAM problem. (Problems with RAM)
    Repeated high frequency beeps during PC operation Overheating processor (CPU)
    Repeating beeps alternate between high and low frequency Issue with the processor (CPU), possibly damaged.

    If any other hardware problems are detected, the BIOS will display a message.

    Dell Beeps

    For other Dell signals, you can refer to the page.

    IBM BIOS beeps

    Below are the IBM BIOS beep codes.

    Sound signal Description
    Absent No Power, Loose Card, or Short. (Faulty power supply, motherboard, or speaker)
    1 short Normal POST, computer is ok. (No errors found)
    2 short POST error, review screen for error code.
    Continuous beep
    Repeating a short beep No Power, Loose Card, or Short. (No power supply)
    1 long 1 short Motherboard issue. (Mainboard problem)
    1 long and 2 short Video (Mono/CGA Display Circuitry) issue.
    1 long 3 short. Video (EGA) Display Circuitry.
    3 long Keyboard or Keyboard card error. (Keyboard issues)
    1 Beep and black screen Video Display Circuitry. (Defective Monitor)

    Phoenix BIOS beeps

    Below are the beep codes for Phoenix BIOS Q3.07 ​​OR 4.X

    Sound signal Description
    1-1-1-1 Unconfirmed beep code. Reseat RAM chips or replace RAM chips as possible solution
    1-1-1-3 Verify Real Mode. (Check Real Mode).
    1-1-2-1 Get CPU Type. (Select processor type)
    1-1-2-3 Initialize system hardware. (Initialize system hardware)
    1-1-3-1 Initialize chipset registers with initial POST values. (Initialize the chipset register with initial POST values).
    1-1-3-2 Set in POST flag. (Enable POST).
    1-1-3-3 Initialize CPU registers. (Initialize the processor register).
    1-1-4-1 Initialize cache to initial POST values.
    1-1-4-3 Initialize I/O. (Initialize I/O).
    1-2-1-1 Initialize Power Management. (Initialize power management).
    1-2-1-2 Load alternate registers with initial POST values.
    1-2-1-3 Jump to UserPatch0.
    1-2-2-1 Initialize keyboard controller. (Initialize the keyboard controller).
    1-2-2-3 BIOS ROM checksum. (Checksum BIOS ROM).
    1-2-3-1 8254 timer initialization. (8254 initialize timer)
    1-2-3-3 8237 DMA controller initialization. (8237 initialize DMA controller).
    1-2-4-1 Reset Programmable Interrupt Controller. (Reset the software interrupt controller).
    1-3-1-1 Test DRAM refresh. (Check DRAM upgrade).
    1-3-1-3 Test 8742 Keyboard Controller. (8742 keyboard controller).
    1-3-2-1 Set ES segment to register to 4 GB. (Set the ES segment for registration to 4 GB).
    1-3-3-1 28 Autosize DRAM. (28 Autosize DRAMs).
    1-3-3-3 Clear 512K base RAM.
    1-3-4-1 Test 512 base address lines.
    1-3-4-3 Test 512K base memory
    1-4-1-3 Test CPU bus-clock frequency. (Check the CPU bus frequency).
    1-4-2-4 Reinitialize the chipset. (Reinitialize the chipset).
    1-4-3-1 Shadow system BIOS ROM. (Test system BIOS ROM).
    1-4-3-2 Reinitialize the cache. (Re-initialize cache).
    1-4-3-3 autosize cache.
    1-4-4-1 Configure advanced chipset registers.
    1-4-4-2 Load alternate registers with CMOS values. (Loading alternative registers with CMOS values).
    2-1-1-1 Set Initial CPU speed. (Set initial processor speed)
    2-1-1-3 Initialize interrupt vectors. (Initialize interrupt vectors).
    2-1-2-1 Initialize BIOS interrupts. (Initialize BIOS interrupts).
    2-1-2-3 CheckROM Copyright notice.
    2-1-2-4 Initialize manager for PCI Options ROMs.
    2-1-3-1 Check video configuration against CMOS. (Check the CMOS video configuration).
    2-1-3-2 Initialize PCI bus and devices. (Initialize the PCI bus and devices).
    2-1-3-3 Initialize all video adapters in system. (Initialize all video adapters in the system).
    2-1-4-1 Shadow video BIOS ROM.
    2-1-4-3 display copyright notice. (Copyright notice).
    2-2-1-1 Display CPU Type and speed. (Display processor type and speed).
    2-2-1-3 test keyboard. (Keyboard test).
    2-2-2-1 Set key click if enabled. (Install the key if it is enabled).
    2-2-2-3 56 Enable keyboard. (56 Turn on the keyboard).
    2-2-3-1 Test for unexpected interrupts. (Check for unexpected interrupts).
    2-2-3-3 Display prompt Press F2 to enter SETUP. (Tip display Press F2 to enter SETUP).
    2-2-4-1 Test RAM between 512 and 640k. (Check RAM between 512 and 640 k).
    2-3-1-1 Test expanded memory. (Check the memory extension).
    2-3-1-3 Test extended memory address lines. (Test extended memory address lines).
    2-3-2-1 Jump to UserPatch1. (Jump to UserPatch1).
    2-3-2-3 Configure advanced cache registers. (Set up extended cache registers).
    2-3-3-1 Enable external and CPU caches. (Enable CPU cache).
    2-3-3-3 Display external cache size. (Display external cache size).
    2-3-4-1 Display shadow message. (Display shadow message).
    2-3-4-3 Display non-disposable segments.
    2-4-1-1 Display error messages.
    2-4-1-3 Check for configuration errors. (Check for configuration errors).
    2-4-2-1 Test real-time clock. (Check if the time is correct).
    2-4-2-3 Check for keyboard errors (Check for keyboard errors).
    2-4-4-1 Set up hardware interrupt vectors. (Set up vector hardware interrupts).
    2-4-4-3 Test coprocessor if present. (Check the coprocessor if there is one).
    3-1-1-1 Disable onboard I/O ports. (Disabled I/O ports).
    3-1-1-3 Detect and install external RS232 ports.
    3-1-2-1 Detect and install external parallel ports. (Detection and installation of external parallel ports).
    3-1-2-3 Re-initialize onboard I/O ports. (Reinitialize the I/O ports).
    3-1-3-1 Initialize BIOS Data Area. (Initialize BIOS data areas).
    3-1-3-3 Initialize Extended BIOS Data Area. (Initialize BIOS data areas).
    3-1-4-1 Initialize floppy controller. (Initialize floppy disk controller).
    3-2-1-1 Initialize hard disk controller. (Initialize the hard disk controller).
    3-2-1-2 Initialize local bus hard disk controller. (Initialize local bus hard disk controller).
    3-2-1-3 Jump to UserPatch2
    3-2-2-1 Disable A20 address line. (Disable address bar A20).
    3-2-2-3 Clear huge ES segment register.
    3-2-3-1 Search for option ROMs.
    3-2-3-3 Shadow option ROMs.
    3-2-4-1 Set up Power Management. (Set up power management).
    3-2-4-3 Enable hardware interrupts. (Enable hardware interrupts).
    3-3-1-1 Set time of day. (Set the time).
    3-3-1-3 Check key lock. (Check your keyboard lock).
    3-3-3-1 Erase F2 prompt.
    3-3-3-3 Scan for F2 keystroke.
    3-3-4-1 Enter SETUP.
    3-3-4-3 Clear in POST flag.
    3-4-1-1 Erase F2 prompt. (Check for errors).
    3-4-1-3 POST done, prepare to boot operating system.
    3-4-2-3 Check password (optional). (Check your password).
    3-4-3-1 Clear global descriptor table.
    3-4-4-1 Clear parity checkers.
    3-4-4-3 Clear screen (optional).
    3-4-4-4 Check virus and backup reminders.
    4-1-1-1 Try to boot with INT 19.
    4-2-1-1 Interrupt handler error. (Interrupt handler error).
    4-2-1-3 Unknown interrupt error. (Unknown interrupt error).
    4-2-2-1 pending interrupt error. (Pending interrupt error).
    4-2-2-3 Initialize option ROM error.
    4-2-3-1 shutdown error. (Shutdown error).
    4-2-3-3 Extended Block Move.
    4-2-4-1 Shutdown 10 error.
    4-3-1-3 Initialize the chipset. (Initialize chipset).
    4-3-1-4 Initialize refresh counter. (Initialize update counter).
    4-3-2-1 Check for Forced Flash.
    4-3-2-2 Check HW status of ROM.
    4-3-2-3 BIOS ROM is OK.
    4-3-2-4 Do a complete RAM test. (Do a full RAM check).
    4-3-3-1 Do OEM initialization.
    4-3-3-2 Initialize interrupt controller. (Initialize the interrupt controller).
    4-3-3-3 Read in bootstrap code.
    4-3-3-4 Initialize all vectors.
    4-3-4-1 Boot the Flash program.
    4-3-4-2 Initialize the boot device.
    4-3-4-3 Boot code read OK.
    two tone siren Low CPU Fan speed, Voltage Level issue

    Reset BIOS to default settings

    The easiest way to reset your computer's BIOS settings is through its menu. To open the menu, restart your computer and press the key that appears on the screen at boot, in most cases it is Delete or F2.

    In the BIOS, find the setting ( Reset to default, Load factory defaults, Clear BIOS settings, Load setup defaults), or something similar. Select it with the arrow keys, press Enter and confirm the operation. The BIOS will now use its default settings.

    Another way to reset the settings is to remove the battery that is on the computer's motherboard.

    First, make sure your computer is turned off. Locate the round, flat battery on the motherboard and carefully remove it. Wait five minutes before putting it back in place. The settings will also be reset to factory defaults.

    Installation of new equipment

    Compared to AMI signals, Award BIOS sound signals are not so diverse, however, in the overwhelming majority of cases, their set is quite enough to encode all possible motherboard errors. Distinctive features of the Award BIOS are the extensive use of the long beep, as well as the use of signal types such as continuous and constantly repeating beeps.

    Below is a list of Award beeps and their corresponding problem situations, as well as possible solutions.

    • No signals

    This may indicate a malfunction of both the power supply and the motherboard itself. In some cases, the system speaker of the motherboard may be faulty. To remedy the situation, you can try to check the contact of the power cable coming from the power supply to the motherboard.

    • one short

    The user hears such a signal most often. It means that the BIOS POST hardware check procedure was successful and the computer can continue to boot.

    • Two short

    This Award BIOS message is reserved for cases where the error is not serious and allows the computer to operate normally. A detailed text message about the essence of the error is displayed on the monitor screen. The user's next steps to resolve the error usually depend on the type of situation. For example, a dead CMOS memory battery may be the cause of the error. In such a case, it must be replaced.

    • Short recurring

    The signal indicates a malfunction of the power supply or damage to the power circuits. To remedy the situation, you can try to check the contacts of the wires coming from the power supply to the motherboard.

    • One long and one short

    A message indicating a malfunction of the RAM or its absence altogether. If the latter option takes place, then the RAM modules must be installed, and if the memory is already present in the slots, then you can try to reinstall the RAM chips. If this does not help, then most likely the problem is a malfunction of the memory module. Sometimes these signals can be given when the video memory is faulty.

    • Long repeating

    An error similar to the previous one and indicating problems with the RAM. This error most often occurs when the memory modules are installed incorrectly. To correct the situation, you should check if the modules are installed correctly, and if not, then reinstall them.

    • One long and two short

    Such beeps indicate a video card error. Often in such a situation, the problem is just a poorly installed graphics accelerator card in the expansion slot, although the cause may also be a malfunction of the video card chip.

    • Three long

    This message means that the BIOS has detected a keyboard controller error. As in other cases, here you can try to check the connection of the keyboard to the system unit. In some cases, the signal disappears after restarting the computer again. If the keyboard works, but the signals still remain, then they can usually be disabled using a special BIOS option.

    • One long and three short

    Sound message, like the previous one, indicating a keyboard error. But, unlike the previous error, in this case, the signals indicate that the error manifests itself in a slightly different situation - the BIOS detected the keyboard, but could not access it.

    • One long and nine short

    The signals indicate a CMOS read-only memory error. This failure can be either random, disappearing after restarting the PC, or it can be the result of a malfunction of the CMOS memory chip, as well as an incorrect flashing of the BIOS.

    • Repeating signal with high and low frequencies

    An error indicating a malfunction or incorrect installation of the central processor. To correct the situation, you should try to check the reliability or correct installation of the processor and its fastening in the socket.

    If the computer refuses to start, then you can try to determine the cause by the motherboard signal. When a hardware error occurs, the PC sends signals to a standard PC speaker that can be decoded.

    First you need to determine the type of BIOS. This is necessary because PCs with different BIOSes have different signal encodings. To determine the BIOS, when you boot your computer, pay attention to the first thing that appears on the screen - this is the name of the BIOS. If you don't have time to look, go to CMOS SETUP using the DEL key. Usually the BIOS brand is written at the top. If your monitor refuses to display an image on the screen, you will have to climb inside the PC and look for the BIOS chip on the motherboard and look at the name on it.

    Below I will give a decoding of the signals of various BIOS known to me.



    When the computer boots, at least one signal should be heard, if there is none, either the speaker is disabled or faulty, or the motherboard does not start at all.

    One beep means that the initialization was successful. If the image does not appear on the monitor, check if the monitor is connected to the video card (video card to the motherboard). If so, try removing the RAM boards, put them back in place, and reboot.

    Memory recognition error. Basically the same as 2 signals.

    Basically the same as 2 signals. The timer may also be faulty.

    Processor error.

    Keyboard controller error. The microcircuit responsible for the keyboard is not functioning properly. The keyboard may be defective. If the keyboard controller chip is removable, you can try replacing it.

    Processor error. Perhaps the processor burned out.

    Video card error. The video card may have burned out.

    ROM error. BIOS burned out.

    CMOS error. Your problem is in CMOS. All chips linked in CMOS must be replaced.

    Your CACHE memory has failed and has been disabled by the computer.

    Phoenix BIOS.

    When you turn on a working PC, after a few seconds, one short signal is heard, which should please the ears of any user.

    Signal (sequence of short beeps)

    Decryption, troubleshooting

    The BIOS must be replaced.

    The timer does not work on the mother.

    The mother was out of order.

    The mother was out of order.

    The mother was out of order.

    Memory check error. Memory problems. Let's check the video first. If it works, you will see an error message on the screen. Check the RAM boards. Take them out and put them back. Try moving the RAM board to the adjacent slot.

    Mother is out of order

    Mother is out of order

    RAM is not functioning.

    Any set of signals after two short ones means that the RAM is not working properly.

    One of the chips on the motherboard is not working.

    The computer cannot find the video card. You can try to put the video card in another slot.

    Video card error.

    Faulty chip on the motherboard.

    Keyboard or input controller error.

    Same as 4-2-2

    One of the boards in the computer does not work.

    Mother is out of order

    See 4-3-1.

    See 4-3-1.

    Date and time counter error. Go to Setup and set the time again. Possibly a dead CMOS battery.

    Serial Port (COM) Error

    See 4-4-1

    Math coprocessor error.



    Decryption, troubleshooting

    1 short

    2 short

    CMOS error. Go to Setup and install everything again. Check the voltage on the CMOS battery, if necessary, replace the battery.

    1 long - 1 short

    RAM error.

    1 long - 2 short

    Video card error. Pay attention to the quality of the connection.

    1 long - three short

    Keyboard controller error.

    1 long - 9 short

    ROM (BIOS) error.

    Looped long

    The RAM board is installed incorrectly.

    Loop short

    Power supply error.

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