
Ordinary dating vk. A step-by-step guide for the correct acquaintance with a VKontakte girl. Search and correspondence

To date, the popularity of such a social network as Vkontakte has reached a truly serious level. This specialized site is used to solve a wide variety of tasks and find friends, and not only, is no exception. Dating VKontakte- this is a great opportunity to increase the number of interesting interlocutors, with many of whom, in addition to discussing relevant topics on the Internet, it is quite possible to develop relationships in reality. And due to the fact that the World Wide Web today has become available to almost all residents of our country, the audience of this site is almost one hundred million people.

Using this resource is very simple, you do not need any unearthly knowledge in the field of a computer and the global network. It is enough to know how to enter the Vkontakte page and exchange messages with other users. It is also worth noting that not only stationary PCs can be used for such acquaintances, you can also use a laptop, smartphone or tablet with online access. Choosing a mobile gadget, you can make new exciting acquaintances, being in any place where there is a connection, whether it is a street, house, vehicle or office.

To increase the activity of your acquaintances, visit the corresponding communities, in which people specially gather for the purpose of meeting and making friends with someone suitable. If you've never tried anything like this, you should definitely visit one or more of these theme groups in the very near future. As mentioned above, a variety of men and women communicate here, which only adds to the interest, because at any time you can chat with representatives of not only different age groups, but also professional groups, who will surely give you a lot of positive emotions.

In addition, if you want to quickly find a soul mate for yourself, you can select “actively searching” in the status of your social network account. Many are looking for guys and girls who are already ready to get acquainted and will definitely meet such an offer positively. Do not be shy if someone unfamiliar suddenly writes to you in VK, because this can be the beginning of something really pleasant. Be brave and you will definitely succeed.

The social network "Vkontakte" not only does not lose its popularity, but also continues to gain momentum. New services appear, the mobile application for Android and iOS is being improved every day. The latter makes it possible to constantly be online. Many, by the way, do just that. People live in VK: they communicate, learn the latest news, watch videos and listen to music. Of course, they still get to know each other.

In this article, we will talk about the following points:

Let's touch on other aspects of the topic.

VK as a platform for dating

Public opinion about finding a couple on the Internet has changed a long time ago. It was previously believed that only ugly or very shy single people who simply have little chance of finding their soul mate in the real world could be interested in such acquaintances.

Now it is considered that getting acquainted on the network, including Vkontakte, is a completely normal practice.

However, some are inclined to believe that in order to communicate and build any relationship, it is correct to go through the registration process on a specialized dating site, such as Mamba or Photo Country. Supporters of the opinion believe that in VK or on Odnoklassniki you need to communicate with your friends, have fun, but not get to know each other.

Meanwhile, the VK platform provides great opportunities to find your love. The following advantages can be distinguished:

  1. Each user can write on his page that he is looking for a partner for a serious relationship or for flirting. This is not prohibited by the rules. Moreover, the functionality of the site provides the ability to indicate your marital status. There are quite a few options: from “married / married” to “actively searching” and “everything is complicated”. Apparently, the creators of the site initially expected that people would look for a mate on the pages of the resource.
  2. A huge plus is the free use of the site. All features that help you get to know each other are provided free of charge. But a free external site for finding a partner is now a rarity. The maximum that can be done on such resources without spending money is to register and create your own page with several photos. VK has interesting paid applications and games. But, firstly, it is not at all necessary to enter them: you can do without. Secondly, the fee is set by the authors of the programs, and not by the administration of the social network. Many dating apps are completely free.
  3. In Vkontakte there are a huge number of groups and publics dedicated to this topic. Moreover, there are both "general topics" - those that relate to dating in general, and communities of a narrow focus. Examples: to find a couple among vegetarians, schoolchildren, Orthodox. And also: for moving to the village, meeting and building relationships with foreigners, etc. There are urban communities, as well as groups that unite people living near a certain metro station, next to each other. It does not do without publics, where men and women try to find a partner for intimate meetings.
  4. Convenient search. In VK, just like on any dating site, it is very easy to find people by city of residence, age and gender. And you can also search, for example, by name and surname, if the guy has a desire to get acquainted with a lady whom he met in the real world, but did not dare to offer friendship.

Speaking about the advantages, we will not be silent about the disadvantages of Vkontakte dating. Although there is only one minus: if almost any person visits specialized sites to find a mate, then in VK you need to choose those who want to start a family, get married or just flirt.

Communities in VK for dating

Considering each group separately due to their huge number is not possible. Anyone can create their own, promote it, motivate people to join.

We can only talk about the main types of communities for dating in VK:

  1. General topics. You can find them by the word "dating". As a rule, such communities consist of people from a wide variety of cities. The number of participants in them is different. There are “millionaires”, and there are publics with several thousand or hundreds of people in their composition. Quantity doesn't always match quality. You always need to look at who exactly is in the community. Sometimes for a thousand people - 500 "dogs", users who are blocked or whose pages are deleted. The question arises: if the community is not associated with a particular city or region, why do people go to it? You can give different answers. For some, virtual communication is enough. Someone hopes that love at a distance will sooner or later lead to a real meeting. In communities of millions, you can find a hundred, or even a thousand, people from your city.
  2. Support groups for popular sites. In VK there are official communities of such resources as Loveplanet, Photo Country, Tabor. In each of them you can find a link to the site, coordinates of the support service. In the group, you can always ask something about the performance of the main resource, find out the latest project news, and leave your feedback. In such communities it is quite possible to get acquainted.
  3. Sites for finding a partner for one night. For some people, it is quite normal to have short-term relationships built on sex. VK has communities where you can find a partner for this purpose. There are a lot of groups. It's hard to say how successful people get to know each other there. In such publics, you can usually find a lot of erotic content. Sometimes they are closed to guests. Administrators give permission to enter only adults.
  4. Urban communities for dating. Loneliness is not a problem when there are groups in which you can find love in a particular locality. If you have a successful dialogue, you can always meet with a person and talk face to face.
  5. Interest groups. What is meant by this? In such communities, you can meet people who share a certain passion, or who are gay. For example, if you have non-standard sexual preferences, a community of swingers, transsexuals, gays or lesbians may be suitable for you. Through such groups, you can find a partner or partners in order to have a good evening. Representatives of Slavic culture, Christians, Muslims, lovers of Japan, etc. unite in order to get to know each other. This is understandable: everyone wants his soulmate to share certain interests. As for believers, in religion, as a rule, there are a lot of canons and norms, which makes it impossible to choose just a lonely person “from the street” as a partner. We need to look for someone who shares the views on the world order. And it's best to do it in special groups.

You can also single out communities where people are looking for only serious relationships. Groups are "secular" and "religious". Some include atheists or "formally believers" who do not attach much importance to religious norms, but simply want to start a family. Views of the world do not allow others to be frivolous. As they say, if you love, then until death, and not until dawn.

How to meet in communities?

It is worth noting that a group is not a site where, upon request, a list of user profiles is issued with a description of who they want to start a relationship with. But if you look, there is not much difference.

A list of people's pages by parameters can be obtained by entering the search by members. The method is the following:

  • you need to click on the number indicating the number of people in the group;
  • in the window that opens there is a search icon that you need to click on;
  • Another page will appear on the screen where you can set the parameters of interest.

It doesn't matter which dating group you are in. The main thing is to be sure that it consists of people who can offer a hand and a heart, or sex - depending on the circumstances.

The advantage is that in most groups you can independently announce your desire to get acquainted, write comments, and participate in discussions. It happens like this: one person stated an interesting idea under a VK entry, another answered, a correspondence began between them, which resulted in some kind of relationship.

Dating apps

Each user of Vkontakte, without leaving the site, can turn on various games on the computer that help to find a soul mate. It is very easy to do this. These toys are for entertainment. But, judging by the reviews, there are couples who met through communication in certain applications.

There are a lot of similar game plans in VK now. There is no point in talking about everyone. Enough to dwell on the most popular. The more users in the game, the higher the chances of finding your love.


Probably everyone who has ever been interested in the topic of dating knows this very good application. You can enter it not only through VK. People play Mamba, OK and Mile.ru. The task is very simple: a photo of a random user appears on the screen, and you need to give him a “heart” if you like the image. You can skip a participant and move on to the next one.

The idea is quite original. This is probably why the application is popular among the people. But how can you get acquainted here if you only need to evaluate the photo? The game has a section "Mutual sympathies". If you open the application, then your photos will also be evaluated. If, for example, a girl spoke positively about a portrait of a guy, and he spoke positively about her image, a notification will come that the sympathies coincided. Then one of them will need to start a correspondence by sending a message.

Unfortunately for users, some Topface features only work if you pay.

But the cost is not very high. Maximum - a couple of hundred rubles. Not so much to increase the chances of a successful outcome.

"Kiss and meet"

Another interesting and useful application, the prototype of which was the offline spin the bottle game. What do we have to do?

  1. Sit at one of the tables.
  2. Rotate the drink container.
  3. To kiss or not to kiss other participants in the game.
  4. Communicate.

The application has its own chat. It is not anonymous like on some dating sites. But it's even better. The interlocutors see who wrote the message, they can open the author’s page, continue the conversation in a personal message. In the game, you can give and receive pleasant virtual gifts. At first glance, there is no benefit from them. In fact, these are positive emotions. Any sign of attention is always pleasant.

Of course, the main advantages of the game are as follows:

  • participants can express sympathy for each other - after the next rotation of the bottle, each of the two players must decide whether to kiss the other or not;
  • participants have the opportunity to chat, give gifts, play songs for each other;
  • you can open the pages of other players to see the information of interest, write messages if the "personal" is not closed.

The game has a system of achievements for which rewards are given. This allows users to get excited and maintain interest in the process.

Thus, the main advantage of such fun is that they can introduce two people who just came to play. Minus, by the way, is also in this. Some frivolously refer to applications in VK as a means to kill time, and nothing more.

Search and correspondence

If you are not a fan of groups and games, this does not exclude effective dating in VK. The site is endowed with an excellent tool - a fairly smart search. Learning how to use it is very helpful. Moreover, there is nothing complicated in this. It is enough to go to the page located at vk.com/search and set the necessary parameters. You can sort people by year of birth, gender, place of residence, marital status, and so on.

  1. Initially, you should put your page in order: remove unnecessary photos, add some relevant information if necessary.
  2. Then you need to carefully study the profile of the person you like. It is necessary to look for some clues that can be used in the first message. For example, if the girl is a student, you can ask her a question related to her studies. Say, ask if she has a book on medicine or law, depending on which department she is in.
  3. Creating the first phrase is the next step. The appeal must be carefully thought out so that it is: positive, calls for an answer, and is understandable to the interlocutor. The most interesting and correct write about this on the forums dedicated to the pickup. Professional dating guys know how to come up with an original message. It is often advised to be sincerely interested in the girl's hobbies, and ask about what is really close to her. And “hello” can also be written by a bot, or a fake that “sells” something on the network. Particular attention should be paid to literacy. The Russian language, as you know, is rich and difficult. For help, you can use special sites or download specialized applications. By the way, now you can send voice messages to VK. Probably, it is worth doing this only if your voice sounds beautiful.
  4. The next step is correspondence. If everything went well, the person responded to the first message, you need to develop the conversation. The main task is to take a phone number and make an appointment. Don't text for weeks. But it’s also not worth making a marriage proposal right away. We chatted a bit and then we went on a date.

If you follow all the tips, most likely, you will be able to find a mate pretty quickly.

Summing up all that has been said, it can be noted that the Vkontakte social network is a great place where you can easily and quickly get to know each other. The main thing is to choose the right tools and be able to use them professionally. A lot of modern pairs were formed due to the fact that VK exists and is successfully developing.

The Internet is an integral part of the life of almost every modern person. On the Internet, people work, have fun and, of course, get to know each other. In order to get acquainted, you need to put your page in order, find a suitable girl and write an interesting message to her.

Tidying up the page

It is not enough just to register a profile and wait for quick responses from the girls you like. The Vkontakte page needs to be put in order! We do this in a few simple steps.

We put a good avatar.

Do you like cats, dogs, cars, bikers, famous people and much more? Forget! You can save everything listed in your albums or publish on the wall. But the avatar should be your photo.

At the same time, it is desirable that it be of high quality and beautiful. Forget all kinds of frames, inscriptions and other “decorations” - the last century. An ordinary photo is enough, which would allow you to get a clear idea of ​​​​your appearance.

Fill out the form

Forget about "gags", questionable quotes and flat jokes. Are you ready for a serious acquaintance? So your profile must be serious! We write briefly, informatively and, most importantly, honestly.

We publish photos

If in real life one person arouses interest in another, first of all, with a “wrapper”, and only then with “content”, then in a social network everything is almost the same, but publications on the wall and in personal albums act as this very “wrapper”.

You can fill them in at your discretion. Add your photos and pictures of what you are interested in. Are you into sports, music, cars, etc.? Great! Make interesting collections and publish them on your page - the girl will immediately be able to understand if she has common interests with you.

We refrain from publishing indecent photographs and "black humor" - an adequate representative of the fair sex is unlikely to appreciate it. And we don’t need inadequate ones, right?

Getting rid of "compromising evidence"

We carefully study the list of our communities. Sadism, eroticism, black humor and other similar things - girls are extremely rarely interested in such things. And what's more, your membership in such communities may not make you look good. Therefore, we either leave all compromising communities, if we are members of such, or simply prohibit other users from seeing the list of our groups in the privacy settings.

We get rid of ambiguous statuses: “Brother for brother”, “Mother gave birth, brought up by the street”, “Life for thieves, freedom for boys”. Such statuses have long been the subject of ridicule, moreover, by any adequate person, regardless of their gender.

It is also better to get rid of phrases left in a fit of passion, anger, or, which happens much more often, in a state of intoxication - a potential chosen one is unlikely to appreciate them from your point of view.

Family status

The best option is not married. One could also put it “in active search”, but men with such a status are mainly regarded by girls as frivolous and fickle.

We support the "life" of the page.

We publish our favorite photos, videos, news, audio recordings. The main thing is that everything is decent.

Finding a girl

Everything is simple here: open the “People” section and enter the parameters we need: gender, age, city of residence.

There is an important nuance: there are a lot of fake accounts on Vkontakte. These include:

  • "Stars". Some girls like to "sit" under profiles filled with photos of famous and not so personalities. Apparently, certain complexes are affecting. The calculation is made on the fact that the average citizen may not know many of these celebrities.

    So if the profile pictures seem too suspicious to you, make inquiries. For example, do an image search on Google. If the photo shows a more or less famous person, the search engine will gladly inform you about it.

  • Banal fakes. It is not known why, but some people like to steal photos of people they know and don't know. At the same time, “robbed” people can be completely simple, unknown and not outstanding. This is done for various reasons. In most cases, it is possible to bring such a fake to clean water only through personal communication.

If you have any doubts whether the girl's account is real, then here are some simple tips that will help you.

  • The age of the page. The younger the account, the more likely it is fake.

    More than 200 million users are registered in the contact. Each of them has its own "serial number" - ID. We open the user page and see the ID in the address bar of the browser. If the user replaced the ID with some word, we open the list of our friends and look through it for the address of the page of interest. If the ID is within 100 million, the page was created a very long time ago - in 2010 or even earlier. If the "serial number" is about 180 million, the page was created around 2012. If the user ID looks something like this - 290 124 684 - it can be a freshly registered account;

  • Account activity. Bots, in order to create the appearance of a real page, actively fill it with photos, reposts and other content. Look at the publication date of the materials. If all of them are posted on the same day or in another suspiciously short period of time, you most likely have a bot in front of you. Real users fill their pages gradually, not in a day;
  • Advertising. A clear sign of a fake page created in order to generate income or promote a product / service is a large number of advertising posts;
  • Number of friends and followers. For a real user, if he is not a famous person, the number of subscribers and friends is unlikely to be too large. Fakes, on the other hand, use special services to cheat subscriptions;
  • Special services. Additionally, you can check the page through one of the specialized services, for example, vkfake.ru. The service analyzes the information presented on the page, collects statistics and issues its conclusion.

None of these methods can be 100% accurate.

Found a suitable candidate? Place of residence, age, marital status, appearance - everything suits you? It remains only to find out if you have common interests. To do this, simply go to the page of the girl you like and study her publications, photos, videos, music, list of groups and, in general, everything that can be studied.

Now you can start chatting.

Let's start communication

Although the Internet has somewhat blurred the notion of ethics in communication, we, nevertheless, will observe the limits of decency. Let's start with the usual greeting and an explanation of the purpose of our address.

A few examples:

  1. "Hello! I saw your page in the feed, and I really liked you. How are you?".
  2. "Hello! I accidentally stumbled upon your page and saw that we have the same musical tastes. How do you like the last song %artist_name?
  3. "Good afternoon! I saw your comment in the group %group_name and could not pass by without writing to such a beautiful girl.

Do you want to learn a lot more interesting how to quickly make your Vkontakte page attractive to girls and how to learn how to write truly “catchy” messages? Then we highly recommend reading new free book by Yegor Sheremetyev"Secrets of successful VKontakte dating." Our reading impressions and download link can be found in.

We continue communication

The object of sympathy replied to the first message? Amazing! Now the main thing is not to miss your chance.

You can communicate on any adequate topics that are interesting to you and the interlocutor. Remember only a few simple rules that are relevant both in life and Vkontakte:

  • We communicate without jargon and slang expressions. Of course, a girl may know all these phrases, and maybe even use them herself. But by starting communication with Priffet Krosavcheg, you obviously will not add points to your standings.
  • We write well. Everyone should know the elementary rules of punctuation, the peculiarities of writing “not” with adjectives, and the order of using “-tsya” and “-tsya”.
  • We do not impose ourselves. The girl stopped responding to messages? We must try to find out the reason. No answer? Alas! Constant messages like “where are you?”, “why aren’t you answering?”, “what happened?” and so on. You definitely won't win back her sympathy. You need to stop communicating.
  • We communicate in clear and simple language. Whether you are at least three times a professor, it is not a fact that the interlocutor will be able to normally accept and understand your complex adverbial constructions and encyclopedic expressions.
  • Emoticons are used minimally. Of course, they are an integral part of modern online correspondence, but there should still be more letters than icons and stickers.

Transferring communication offline

Communication with a girl develops even better than you expected? So why not bring it online! The main thing here is not to rush, but also not to delay too much. It is important to catch the moment when a real meeting would be appropriate. In each case it is individual. You yourself will understand when the “time” will be!

Here you can find even more examples and find out what must be in the first message, and what should not be written under any circumstances.

Another great way to start a conversation with a girl you like is to write a compliment to her photo. How to do it right you can read in.

Carefully monitor the mood of the interlocutor, remembering that girls love some secrecy, veil and, of course, hints. And you, as a man, need to be able to solve all these puzzles.

The best time to make an appointment is by phone. Ask for the number of the interlocutor. And if she writes it without unnecessary excuses, then you have almost achieved success!

If the girl does not agree to give her number, again, remain discreet and do not impose. It is quite possible that she is not opposed to transferring communication into real life, but she still doubts, is not ready, or is she interfered with by some circumstances.

No need to get too hung up on people you met on Vkontakte and never met in real life. Online interlocutors often disappear as easily and quickly as they appear.

Choose a place for the first meeting on your own, taking into account your preferences with the girl. Or you can use neutral universal options such as a park, embankment, cafe, etc.

Follow the recommendations received, do not forget about logic and common sense, remain restrained, well-mannered and courageous in any situation, and very soon a casual online acquaintance can turn into something much more serious.

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