
How to transfer the owner of a group in VK. How to appoint a group owner in VK. How to change group owner

To date, there is only one way to transfer a VK group to another person. At the same time, the transfer of rights is possible equally for any type of community, whether "Group" or "Public page".

Transfer conditions

Due to the fact that VKontakte publics are used not only to unite different user groups, but also to earn money, there are a number of mandatory conditions for the transfer of rights. If at least one of them is not observed, you will surely run into difficulties.

The list of rules is structured as follows:

  • You must have creator rights;
  • The future owner must be a member with a status of at least "Administrator";
  • The number of subscribers should not exceed 100 thousand people;
  • There should be no complaints about you or your group's activities.

In addition to the above, a second change of ownership is possible only after 14 days from the date of the last transfer of rights.

Step 1: Appoint an administrator

First, you need to grant administrator rights to the future owner of the community, after making sure that there are no violations on the page of the desired user.

  1. On the main page of the group, click the button «…» and select from the list "Community Management".
  2. Through the navigation menu, switch to the tab "Participants" and find the right person, if necessary using the search engine.
  3. In the card of the found user, click on the link "Appoint as leader".
  4. Now on the list "Authority level" set the selection in front of the item "Administrator" and press the button "Appoint as leader".
  5. At the next stage, read the warning and confirm your agreement by clicking on the button with the same text.
  6. Upon completion, an alert will appear on the page, and the selected user will receive the status "Administrator".

On this, the first stage can be completed. If you experience any difficulties at this stage, check out one of our related articles.

Step 2: Transfer ownership

Before proceeding with the transfer of rights, make sure that the phone number associated with the account is available.

  1. Being on the tab "Participants" In chapter "Community Management" find the desired administrator. If there are many subscribers in the group, you can use the additional tab "Leaders".
  2. Click on the link "Edit" under the username and status.
  3. In the window "Editing the Leader" click on the link at the bottom "Set Owner".
  4. Be sure to read the recommendations of the VKontakte administration, then click the button "Change Owner".
  5. The next step is to perform additional confirmation in any convenient way.
  6. After you deal with the previous paragraph, the confirmation window will close, and the user you selected will receive the status "Owner". You will automatically become an administrator and, if necessary, you can exit the public.
  7. Among other things, in the section "Notifications" a new notification will appear stating that your group has been transferred to another user and after 14 days it will no longer be possible to return it.

    Note: After the specified period, even contacting will not help you.

On this, the instructions for transferring the owner's rights can be considered fully completed.

Community return

This section of the article is intended for those cases when you have appointed a new owner of the public on a temporary basis or by mistake. However, as mentioned earlier, returns are only possible within two weeks of the change of ownership.

If you prefer to use the official VKontakte mobile application, you can completely repeat the steps from the instructions. This is due to the identical name and location of the necessary items. In addition, we are always ready to help you with solving difficulties in the comments.

Transferring ownership rights to a group or public on VKontakte is a common thing for users who use the network to make money, promote their company or brand, train or grow personally. It is not difficult to change leadership, as this is done with the help of the social network itself. You don't need any third party apps. However, there are a few important points that you need to be aware of.

In what cases does it become necessary to transfer the group to another person?

The need to change the management of the group is not so rare. Here are the most common situations:

  • The creator simply got tired of doing it. For example, he has lost interest in his brainchild or simply does not have enough time to fill the group with quality content;
  • the group is promoting a company or brand, but you've already quit. As a rule, issues with the transfer of the public to other hands are decided by the management of the company. If the celestials are too lazy to do this, then you will have to do it;
  • the person wants to sell the group. Since recently VKontakte has turned into a huge ad generator, you can make good money on communities. It is clear that when selling, it is necessary to change the owner.

The process of transferring the rights of the owner of the VK group

How to transfer a VKontakte group to another person? At the moment, this can be done in two main ways:

  1. Assigning a new owner through community settings.
  2. Transferring the owner's account to him.

It is also necessary to take into account the conditions under which the change of ownership will be possible. You must be the creator of the community, there should be no complaints about the activities of your group, it should not have more than 100 thousand subscribers. And most importantly, the potential new owner must be a member of a group with a rank of at least administrator.

Step-by-step instruction

Consider the process in the form of a step-by-step instruction to better understand what you need to do:

You can perform a similar operation on mobile platforms, for example, Android or iOS, only using the official VKontakte mobile application. Actions on the smartphone will be similar.

Possible problems when transferring ownership

  • You mistakenly appointed the wrong person - it's okay, the community can be returned. To do this, click on notifications (bell), where there will be a corresponding button. True, a group can only be returned within 14 days from the date of its transfer;
  • There is no “Set Owner” button - there are many options here. Perhaps you recently changed your manager, your phone is not linked to your account, penalties were applied to the community, etc. You need to contact support;
  • You became the new owner, but the previous owner returned the group to himself without your knowledge - in this case, you will have to rely on the good faith of this person or make a deal through guarantors.

Important! VKontakte does not allow the transfer of owner rights for commercial purposes. It is impossible to sell a public in such a way that the social network knows about it!

Various communities, groups and publics are the most important part of modern social networks. But sometimes it becomes inconvenient or difficult for the creator of a public to maintain its existence, and you don’t want to leave your own offspring unattended. To save the community, it is enough to figure out how to transfer the rights of the owner of the VK group. This procedure is extremely simple and will not cause serious difficulties. Moreover, the transfer can be canceled if the recent leader decides that he did something stupid and did not fully think over his own actions.

The transfer of the rights of the head is allowed, the developers of the social network do not put serious restrictions on such actions, although they exist. At the same time, the change process is sufficiently protected to resist intruders and scammers who decide to take possession of other people's work.

But, despite the availability of the operation, users who want to change the creator need to be aware of some barriers:

  • only the owner is obliged to carry out the change;
  • the operation requires the participation of support agents if the number of subscribers exceeds 100 thousand;
  • more than 2 weeks must have passed since the previous changes;
  • it is unacceptable to have suspicions that the manager's account has recently changed ownership;
  • sales and commercial transactions are prohibited.

How to transfer the rights of the creator of the group to another person?

It has already been said above that the process of replacing the head will not cause difficulties. Therefore, those people who are trying to figure out how to change the owner of a group in VK should follow the following instructions:

  1. the first step is to make sure that the future leader is among the administrators;
  2. then the owner of the community must go to the "management" section and switch to the "guides" subsection;
  3. here you have to click the inscription "edit" under the account of the future owner;
  4. and click the "make manager" button at the very bottom of the window that opens;
  5. the next step will be the introduction of the code that will be sent to the mobile linked to the account.

It is important to repeat that within the next 15 days, the operation can be canceled using the corresponding button.

How to change the creator of the group if there is no "assign owner" button?

The absence of a button, and, accordingly, the function of changing the main person of the community, is due to the restrictions mentioned above and the desire of the social network administration to protect the rights of users. But the desire to improve security should not limit the desires and capabilities of registered people, so the opportunity to make a replacement exists. To do this, you will have to contact technical support with a request to help in the plan. The VK administration will tell you what to do and what actions you have to take.

Change group creator from phone

It will not work to transfer the rights of the creator of the VK group through a smartphone, since such an operation requires a higher level of security, which cannot be achieved from a phone. Even using a full-fledged browser, and not the mobile version of the social. the network will not allow to change the situation. The only way out will be to contact the contact center, but the likelihood of receiving help and a positive solution to the difficulty that has arisen will remain minimal.

How to change the creator of the community without his consent?

There is no way to replace the owner without his active participation. Moreover, if attackers temporarily take over his account and intercept the community, the user will still have the opportunity to return power in the public to himself, simply by reversing the changes made.

What should I do if I have lost access to the page of the owner (creator) of the group? It was hacked, blocked, or access was lost for another reason, and it cannot be restored. It also happens that, having gained access to the owner's account, the attacker deletes all other administrators. How to restore rights and return access to group management?

Ways to restore access to a group

1. Restoring access to the owner page

First of all, if the page owner of the group belonged to you, but now there is no access to it, consider all options for restoring it. The fastest way is to reset your password (or unfreeze if the page is frozen) via SMS to the linked phone number.

But even if this number is not there, two options remain - Two ways to restore VK access if the phone number is no more.

2. Transfer of rights to one of the administrators or editors

If access to the owner's page is lost forever, but there are other administrators, editors in the group, then on behalf of one of them you can write to agents and ask to transfer the owner's rights to yourself - How to create a request to VK support agents. The support service will find out all the circumstances. If they fail to contact the current owner within a certain time, and there are no other obstacles, the rights can be transferred (this does NOT mean that they will necessarily be transferred; all cases are considered individually).

If a person retired

In the event that the creator (owner, administrator) of the group no longer works in the organization, you need to find out if his page is active. If yes, then the easiest option is to agree with him so that he transfers the owner's rights to one of the other administrators or editors of the group (if there are none, then he first needs to appoint a group member as an administrator, and then transfer the rights). The transfer of rights is done through the menu item "Control" in a group, then "Participants → Leaders". Keep in mind that after the transfer of rights, the previous owner will have another 2 weeks, during which he can return them to himself.

If the page of the group owner is not active (it is blocked, he has lost access, or simply has not been accessing it for a long time), then you need to either contact support agents with a request to transfer rights to one of the remaining administrators (see above), or provide official documents ( see below).

3. Providing official documents from the organization

If the group is associated with an officially registered organization, business, you can provide the relevant documents to transfer the owner's rights to yourself (your current page). Make a request to agents to find out exactly what you need. Be patient, the whole process can take two weeks or more.

What documents are needed to restore rights to a group? In one of the examples from open sources, the following list was indicated requested by the VK administration:

  • Official request on letterhead of the organization with the seal and signature of the director
  • Power of attorney in the name of the employee (VK user) with a list of powers
  • OGRN certificate
  • Trademark certificate (if any)
  • Placing a special confirmation code on one of the pages of the organization's website

I left the community (group, public) in which I was an administrator. How to restore access?

If you are the owner (creator), then you can easily restore access to group management. Just re-enter it. This can be done at any time, and no one will forbid you. Keep in mind that this must be the same user who is the owner. After all, if you created a group on behalf of one page, and now you are using another, then it no longer has anything to do with the owner of the group, even if the first and last name are the same.

If you are not the owner, but just an administrator or editor, then you cannot regain the rights yourself, even if you accidentally left the group. First you need to join the group back, and then ask one of the current administrators to return your rights. Why is this done? It's such a defense. You can forget about the administrator who left the group, and if he suddenly returned with full rights, he could do bad things.

How to return a group if the owner's rights have been transferred?

After transferring the owner rights to another person, you have 2 weeks to change your mind and return the group to yourself. During this time, in the notification center (bell button) there is a notification “You have appointed such and such a community owner ...” and a link "Bring Back the Community" Go to the full version of VKto find it. If more than 14 days have passed, then it is no longer possible to return the group in this way.

What do I do if content has been removed from a group?

If an attacker hacked the page of one of the administrators and removed content from the group (posts, photos, videos), then you need to create a request to support agents asking them to restore it (for example, see here at the end - How to recover a deleted VKontakte photo). The request should describe as accurately as possible what was removed and when.

Tips: How to stay safe and not lose access to the group

The owner is the creator of the community or one of its administrators, to whom the creator has transferred his rights. This is a critical element of your community.

You can’t take the security of the owner’s page lightly, this is the risk of losing access to the group forever. The owner is the same administrator as the others, but other administrators cannot take away the rights to the group from him, and only he can transfer the owner's rights to another administrator. In addition, only the owner can perform some community management actions - for example, transfer the group to public and vice versa.

  • Take care of the owner's account. Its page should always be linked to a valid phone number. Observe all security measures.
  • Do not do anything on behalf of the owner's page for which they can block. Do not break the rules of VK: do not send spam, invitations to the group.
  • Even if you do not use the owner's page, you should receive all messages that come in a personal, and be able to respond to them. It is recommended to enable notifications of new messages by email or SMS. The fact is that if one of the other administrators tries to send an application with a request to transfer the rights of the owner to him, then the VK administration will contact the current owner to find out the circumstances of the case. And if they don't get a response within two weeks, the owner's rights can be transferred to another person.
  • If the person who is the owner no longer participates in the management of the group, ask him to transfer the owner's rights to you. This is done in group management, under "Participants → Leaders".
  • If the group is owned by an organization, you need to double check who is assigned as its owner. It should not be an employee who is unable to ensure the security of his account, and even more so a former employee who has already been fired.
  • Be careful about appointing administrators. These should be people you fully trust. If there are extra people in the administrators, you need to remove them from there. And if a person will only publish materials or act as a moderator, there is no need to make him an administrator; it is enough to issue the rights of the editor.

Greetings dear friend! This article will focus on changing the owner of a group (community) in a social network - in contact!

Let's say the group was created under someone else's account, perhaps even under yours, but you don't use it and want to change the creator.

Is it possible to do this? Yes! This will take a little effort and time - there is nothing complicated in this procedure!

As you know, the creator has the most rights, so you shouldn't delay it (for example, after buying someone else's group).

Now, let's get straight to the point!

Creator Change Procedure

The whole procedure consists of two steps:

  1. appointment of the future creator as an administrator;
  2. appointment of an administrator by the new creator.

That is, someone who wants to become a “new” group creator must first become an administrator.

We go to the group and select the action - Community management:

In this section, select the subsection - Managers:

Now choose a new leader:

After that, we select the right person (you can use the search) and appoint him as the head, namely the administrator:

Now, a new administrator should appear in the list of community leaders, it is he who needs to be made the creator, for this, click - Edit:

In the pop-up window, click - Assign owner:

And then click - Change Owner:

Everything, after that the community will have a new “creator”!

As you can see, everything is very simple, that's all for me, I wish you good luck, bye!


Transferring community owner rights - VKontakte

Popular post!

From now on, the community creator will be referred to as the "owner". In this case, it will be possible to transfer full rights to the community to another person, and retire yourself. The owner cannot be deprived of administrative rights, and he himself can, if desired, appoint a new owner. There can only be one owner at a time in a community.

The transfer of ownership option is available to communities with fewer than 100,000 members. We plan to loosen this restriction in the future. You can transfer owner rights through the new manager appointment window if a number of conditions are met.

The button will not be displayed if one of the following conditions is not met:

Post has been editedTheTwister: 18 11 2016 - 21:15

Great news, thanks for the info.

Promoted VK accounts with friends - zismo.biz/topic/744195 Promoted VK accounts with friends - zismo.biz/topic/744195

Wow the best news today. Now I will start collecting all the communities on the landing page.

3 minutes ahead, congratulations.

and the news is good.

The cheapest captcha → + Opportunity to earn by entering captcha

wow, provoked the sale of groups.

this will be convenient for hucksters .. now you don’t have to give your page with the community. Bravo vk. You never cease to amaze!

They will steal pubs from accounts now

And if the creator is in an eternal ban for violating the rules of the site, what should I do?

also interesting

great news. Thank you

Gonna try to f*ck bands.

super news. the price of publics will skyrocket soon

hardly. vice versa will fall. because Creator is no longer needed

there in 14 days you can return + SMS confirmation (well, this is the easiest way to get around)

yes i fuck people easily

well, you get the rights of the owner and that's it.

well, those who poked aki. now the groups will merge on the left and along the chain. According to the idea, the market should collapse and a bunch of groups fly out for a penny

Haha, fuck the public

Interesting news! Thank you!


Is it possible to appoint another as the owner of the VK group? - In contact with

Yes, the line will be displayed here, assign owner!

Post has been editedDimTim: 09 09 2017 - 11:56

until 27.11 100 points - 13 rubles

Of course yes

Initially, the creator of the community receives the owner's rights. He can appoint a new owner. This will deprive the creator of special rights to the community. The new owner can also transfer the rights to another member of the community. There can only be one owner at a time in a community.

To transfer rights, open the "Community Management" menu and go to the "Leaders" tab. There you should select one of the administrators and click "Edit" under his name. In the permission level selection window, you will see the "Assign owner" button.

The button will not be displayed if one of the following conditions is met:

  • You are not the community owner;
  • more than 100,000 members in the community;
  • less than 2 weeks have passed since the last change of ownership;
  • there are indications that the owner page changed hands recently.

If any of the conditions are not met, you can contact VKontakte Support. A request to change ownership will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Once a new owner is assigned, you will have 14 days to cancel the community transfer. This can be done through a message in the notification center in the "header" of the site. After this period, the notification of the transfer of rights will disappear and the community will no longer be returned.

Please note: the ability to transfer the rights of a community owner does not mean that the VKontakte administration allows trading with VKontakte communities.

Clause 6.3.13. of the Terms of Use of the VKontakte Site states: “When using the Site, the User is prohibited from reproducing, duplicating, copying, selling, trading and reselling access to the use of the Site, including its Additional Functionality, for any purpose, unless such actions were expressly permitted to the User in accordance with the terms of a separate agreement with the Administration.

The rights of the owner of the community should not become the object of sale. The VKontakte Support Service will not help in eliminating the negative consequences that arose as a result of an unsuccessful attempt to sell communities.

It should also be remembered that the VKontakte administration considers it unacceptable to change the subject of the community. Including after transferring it to another owner. A community is a collection of information and people who subscribe to it based on existing materials and their future updates. When changing topics, the old information is either deleted or ceases to be updated, and subscribers are unilaterally forced to update on a topic that they did not subscribe to. Communities that have been re-themed may be banned indefinitely.

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