
How to reset hp laptop battery controller. Laptop battery recovery. Tools to fix your laptop battery

There are two options for resetting the laptop battery controller - using special programs or manually. It is worth carrying out this procedure when the battery was repaired, or when the software responsible for charging failed.

Software Calibration

If you have changed battery systems in the battery, then this method will be very effective. Now you need to reset the controller, otherwise correct operation will be impossible. The program that comes in handy is called Battery EEPROM Works. Among its functions:

  • Stitches the indicators of residual capacity. It must be set according to the corresponding value that the battery acquired after the repair.
  • Resets the cycle counter.
  • The release date is set according to the one shown on your device.

After the manipulations, the battery starts to work from zero. If you ignore the calibration, then there is a risk of ruining the battery itself, as the laptop will start to turn off periodically.

Zeroing the controller manually

In order to calibrate in manual mode, special software is not needed, professional skills are also not needed. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • Unplug the adapter from the network and restart the device. Call the BIOS service before the system has fully booted.
  • Now leave the laptop on. If it tends to overheat, then install a cooler first.
  • After the laptop has turned off, you can plug the adapter into the network and wait until it is fully charged. Now the battery will work in the correct mode.

This method is suitable when there are problems with the software, and the battery itself does not need to be repaired.

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A large assortment Batteries for laptops, phones, tablets, screwdrivers

Thanks to the battery, the laptop has become a mobile device. Users often encounter various battery-related problems.

These troubles are distinguished by their complexity, and in some situations you have to visit a service center. However, some shortcomings can be fixed on their own, but for this you need to know the pinout of the laptop battery.

Battery types

All batteries work on the same principle - the reversibility of the reactions occurring in them. Simply put, a chemical reaction proceeds in one direction, and a charge goes in the opposite direction.

Today on laptops 2 types of batteries are used:

  1. Lithium-ion, or Li-Ion.
  2. , or Li-Pol.

The second type of battery is more modern and is used by manufacturers more and more often. At the beginning of the era of mobile devices, nickel-cadmium batteries were actively used.

However, they contain cadmium, which is highly toxic. As a result, there were serious problems with the disposal of failed batteries.

They were replaced by nickel-metal hydride batteries, devoid of some of the disadvantages of nickel-cadmium. But the indicator of their energy intensity was still small, as was the number of recharge cycles.

Lithium-ion batteries have a high energy density and a low self-discharge rate. However, they are not without a drawback: lithium is gradually destroyed, and after a year the battery capacity is reduced. In practice, the service life of this type of batteries is 2-3 years, and not the 5 years declared by manufacturers.

Battery device

Modern laptop batteries are connected using the SMBus interface. They have a minimum of 5 contacts, two of which are for voltage transmission. Two more pins allow you to exchange information about the battery level, spent recharge cycles, etc.

The battery consists of the following elements:

  • thermostat;
  • controller;
  • battery cells;
  • contact area;
  • circuit breakers.

The controller is designed to disconnect the battery from the charger when the maximum charge is reached or when the voltage drops to 2.5 volts.

In the second case, shutdown is necessary to prevent irreversible chemical changes in the batteries. Modern batteries have a large number of sensors designed to provide reliable protection for the power source.

Pinout diagrams

Modern batteries have 5 to 9 pins. The battery pinout of a Samsung laptop or other laptop may differ depending on the model. That is why users are looking for a scheme for their mobile device on the official websites of manufacturing companies.

If the battery has a seven-pin connector, then it the pinout might look like this:

However, keep in mind that depending on the model, the pinout of the laptop battery from Acer, Lenovo, Toshiba and other manufacturers may differ depending on the specific model.

To find the pinout of an HP, Dell or other laptop battery, the user will have to visit the manufacturer's official website.

If you can’t find the necessary information there, then you have to go to the form of owners of laptops from a particular manufacturer.

An example is mu06 notebook battery pinout used in HP devices.

Reset controller

Even if the battery pinout of an Acer or other manufacturer's laptop is known, it may not be enough to fix the problem. It is equally important to have an idea about the battery controller - this is a microcircuit that interacts with the motherboard controller of the laptop itself and transmits to the OS all the necessary information about the operation and condition of the battery.

Here laptop battery controller circuit based on DW 01-Z chip.

If the controller starts to work incorrectly, then the OS receives incorrect information. As a result, various troubles may arise, for example, the laptop will turn off faster than it should be at 100% charge. This behavior of the device does not necessarily indicate a battery failure, and the problem can be solved by resetting the laptop battery controller ().

You can solve the problem in two ways:

  • Software.
  • Manual.

In the first case, special software is used, for example, the Battery EEPROM Works program. This is a powerful utility that often literally revives the battery.

However, to use it, you need to understand the microcircuits.

At home for most users manual calibration is the best choice.

If possible, you can use special utilities to manage the power of a laptop from the device manufacturer.

After launching it, you must select the option to reset the controller and strictly follow the instructions.

If no such program has been found, calibration can be done manually. To do this, the laptop is disconnected from the network and put into BIOS mode. After that, the device must be left on until the battery is completely discharged, without turning off the laptop, it must be put on charge and wait until the battery capacity is fully restored. If these manipulations did not return the battery to life, then it will have to be replaced.

Battery calibration is an important milestone for portable laptop users who monitor the health of their devices.

Due to the nature of their functioning, at the moment, they need to be periodically adjusted before use, so that the current charge is correctly determined.


When is the setup done?

The procedure is mandatory for new devices, which will give the user up-to-date information about the battery status.

The procedure will not eliminate physical wear and tear and defects in the structure of the batteries, but the battery life can be increased. At a certain level of charge, as a rule, by 30% the device goes into standby mode.

And if the controller shows that it has 30% left (and in reality this value is higher) and translates it into , then the current state of the capacity will be displayed.

In newer nickel-based cells, there is a so-called "memory effect".

It sort of remembers the charge level when there is mains power and does not discharge below this value, believing that this level corresponds to a full discharge.

Determine the battery capacity of a laptop computer

Before calibrating the battery, you should make sure that the operation is necessary, especially if there are no problems in determining the amount of charge.

  1. We launch it with administrator privileges, for example, by entering "cmd" in the "Run" window (Win + R) or through the search in Windows 10.
  1. Execute code in it "powercfg.exe -energy -output disk:\path\filename.html".

  1. We are waiting for the completion of the operation (marked by the closing of the window).
  2. We go to the specified directory and open the created .

To do this, you need a browser, and the functionality of IE or the built-in top ten is enough.

  1. We look through the report and find the capacity calculated by the controller and its value after the last full charge.

Calibration is carried out when the peak capacity of the battery is tens or more percent higher than the real one obtained as a result of its last charge.

Battery tuning techniques

There are two ways to make the controller work correctly:

Manual setting

It is performed in three simple steps and does not require third-party software.

1 We charge to the maximum value of 100%.

2 Disconnect the cable from the network and wait until its charge drops to zero.

3 We connect again(as soon as possible) and charge to the maximum.

It seems simple, but there is one caveat: when it drops to a certain level (about 30%), it goes into sleep mode, and therefore it will not work to achieve the desired effect in this way.

The following chain of actions will help to avoid such a situation (relevant for any Windows):

  • We call the applet Power supply .

This is done through the search in Windows 10 or the control panel when visualizing its elements in the form of large icons.

  • Click on the menu on the left "Create a power plan".

Here you can both edit the current plan and create a new one. Let's go the second way, so as not to distort the standard settings of standard plans.

  • Create a new power scheme, give it a name, and set it to high performance.

Introduction of the name and plan of the scheme

After the scheme will be automatically enabled.

If it suits you, after charging and disconnecting from the network, you can restart and wait for the device to turn off by entering the BIOS menu, but you will have to wait longer, because the processor load in this case is minimal.

Automatic setting

Many developers ship their laptops with power management utilities. , for example, come with the Energy Management utility.

  1. Run the software and click on the gear icon to start the process.

  1. Click "Start", closing all third-party programs.
  2. We connect the power cord to the network, if it is not connected, and click "Continue".

The battery will be charged, discharged to zero, and charged again. It is not necessary to remove and connect the cable, and it is strictly not recommended to interrupt the process, as well as use the device.

Only then is success guaranteed.


Those laptops that use the Phoenix BIOS I / O system have an integrated function for verification and calibration.

Third party software

If there is no desire / ability to do manipulations in, download applications like Battery Care or Battery Eater or Battery Mark if standard software is not expected to solve the problem.

The last program, after charging, loads the CPU with the task of calculating the never-ending value of Pi.

The utility will additionally allow you to conduct a comprehensive testing of the battery both during and in the event of its downtime.

A special algorithm will allow you to perform a couple of discharge-charge cycles for about an hour (the time depends on the capacity and degree of wear).

Hewlett-Packard ships laptops with HP Support Assistant.

The "My Computer" subsection contains tools for testing and debugging a portable PC.

Proper operation

To extend battery life, follow these tips:

Simple rules will also extend the service life.

During the operation of the laptop, the battery may become inoperative or simply in a bad state. You can solve this problem by replacing the device or by resorting to our further instructions for restoring it.

Before proceeding with the study of the following instructions, please note that with any intervention in the internal structure of the battery, the controller responsible for charging and detecting the battery by a laptop can in most cases be blocked. It is best to limit yourself to calibration if possible, or to replace the battery completely.

Method 1: Battery Calibration

Before trying more radical methods, it is necessary to calibrate the laptop battery by deep discharging and then charging. Everything that relates to this topic, we have considered in a separate article on our website.

Method 2: Manual Cell Charging

Unlike calibration, this method may well render the battery unusable or restore it to near-original state. To carry out manual charging and calibration, you will need a special device - iMax.

Step 1: Checking the Controller

Often the reason for the inoperability of the battery can be a broken controller. In this regard, it must be checked with a multimeter, after disassembling the battery.

If the controller does not show signs of life, the laptop battery can be safely changed to a new one.

Step 2: Cell charge check

In some cases, battery failure is directly related to cell failure. They can be easily checked with a tester.

If a non-working pair of batteries is found, a replacement will be required, described by us in the next method of this article.

Step 3: Charge via iMax

With iMax, you can not only charge, but also calibrate the battery. However, for this you will have to perform a number of actions strictly according to the instructions.

  1. Disconnect the negative terminal from the common circuit and connect it to the black wire from the iMax balance cable.
  2. Subsequent wires must be connected in turn to the middle pins on the connecting track or controller board.
  3. The final red (positive) wire is connected to the corresponding pole of the battery circuit.
  4. Now you should turn on iMax and connect the supplied terminals. They must be connected to the positive and negative contacts in accordance with the colors.
  5. Open the device menu and go to the section "User Set Program".
  6. Make sure your battery type matches the iMax settings.
  7. Return to the menu, select the appropriate operating mode and press the button Start.
  8. Use the navigation keys to select a value "Balance".

    Note: You must also change the value of the set number of battery cells.

  9. Use the button Start to run diagnostics.

    With proper connection and Imax settings, confirmation will be required to start charging.

Due to any inconsistencies described, the cells or the controller may be damaged.

Step 4: Final Check

After completing the calibration process and fully charging, you need to repeat the test from the first step. Ideally, the battery output voltage should reach the rated power.

The battery can now be placed in the laptop and checked for detection.

At one time, laptops gained immense popularity due to the ability to work on battery power, which made it possible not to be chained to one place and to perform the necessary work almost anywhere. The first models could not last long without a charge, and the nickel-metal hydride batteries used had a bunch of drawbacks. But manufacturers did not sit idly by, and over several decades, battery technology has undergone dramatic changes. Today, the vast majority of laptops use lithium-ion batteries. They can last quite a long time and are devoid of many of the shortcomings of their predecessors.

Nevertheless, they are not perfect and over time they can also become unusable. A battery malfunction is expressed in the fact that it is very quickly discharged, or the laptop incorrectly displays the charge level. In this case, manufacturers and sellers of equipment recommend purchasing a new battery. But, since the cost of the original component is quite high, you can try to correct its work yourself. Depending on the extent of the damage, either the battery cells need to be replaced, or a reset of the laptop's battery controller will suffice.

It is about the latter possibility that we want to talk in more detail in today's material. You can find out in which cases you need to reset the controller, and we will also talk about possible ways how you can do it yourself at home.

To begin with, it is worth figuring out what a battery controller is. This is a small microcircuit built into the battery itself, which controls its operating condition, as well as the process of charging and discharging. It interacts with the power controller on the motherboard of the laptop itself, and also transmits the necessary system information to the operating system. We hope you understand the diagram. We tried to describe everything in simple terms, but if you want to know the technical details, search the Internet.

When this little chip stops working correctly, it may be necessary to reset the controller. Popularly, this procedure is also known as battery calibration. By and large, there are only two situations when this may be required: incorrect charge display and replacement of battery cells.

An incorrect charge display should be understood as a situation when the laptop operating system, even after a long charge, shows that the charge level is less than 100%, or the charge drops sharply, and the laptop does not turn off after a few hours, as it should, but much faster. Many begin to think that the battery has become unusable, but this is not always the case. The problem very often lies in its controller, which simply incorrectly displays the charge.

By replacing battery cells, I mean that in some workshops and service centers they can offer the so-called repacking of the battery, that is, to replace the indoor units that have become unusable. The controller must then be reset so that all new elements are recognized and can be properly enabled. Although, if after replacing the blocks something does not work, you have every right to make a claim and demand that the defects be corrected.

Now let's look at how to reset a laptop battery controller. Let's touch on software and manual methods.

Software reset of the controller

On some sites you may see a recommendation to use the Battery EEPROM Works program. This is indeed a very powerful and advanced utility that can, in some cases, literally reanimate the battery. But there is one big BUT! To use it, you need to know a lot and be able to understand electrical circuits, as well as have the necessary adapters, which are far from always easy to get on the free market. We will not recommend this program to you for use in home devices, as it is very easy to permanently damage the battery. What then is right for you?

Battery EEPROM Works window

Almost every manufacturer has built-in power management utilities. It can be downloaded from the support site, from the driver download page for your device, and in some cases, the utility may be either preinstalled or written to the supplied driver disk. Select the reset or calibration function and follow the on-screen instructions exactly. Most often, the utility discharges the battery to zero, after which it charges up to 100%. The controller will remember the extreme indicators of the charge level and will work, as it did immediately upon purchase.

Manual controller reset

If for some reason you cannot find or install the power management utility, you can manually reset or calibrate the battery. How?

  1. Disconnect the laptop from the electrical network, then put it into BIOS mode. You can read more in the article how to start BIOS mode.
  2. Leave the laptop and do not touch it until it is completely discharged. Make sure it doesn't overheat.
  3. Without turning on the laptop, put it on charge. Wait for it to be fully charged, for this you can leave it on all night.

In 99% of cases, such simple actions will help bring the battery back to life. Well, if this does not help either, buy a new battery, or connect the laptop directly to the outlet, while removing the battery.

  • If you use a laptop only at home, then for less wear on its battery, it would be better to remove it. But before that, charge it to about 80%, and also check the charge level from time to time, as it is prone to self-discharge. After removing, connect the laptop to the power supply and use it as a desktop computer. This option is suitable for those who have a laptop only in one place, since with this use you can lose data if you disconnect the laptop from the power source during operation.
  • To increase the time spent on your device, set the appropriate options in the power plan settings. Use the power saving mode if necessary.


Friends, today we talked about how to reset the laptop charge controller. We learned that sometimes the problem is not only in the hardware of the computer, but also in the software. Therefore, there is no need to rush to immediately order a new battery. We hope that everything worked out for you, and there are no questions left. Don't forget to share your opinion in the comments.

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