
Transformer tv 3sh connection. Restoration of the TV-ZSh transformer. Tube sound hi-end and retro electronics. About some details of the amplifier

The article gives a brief analysis and determines the realistically achievable parameters of a tube triode single-ended amplifier with a unified TVZ output transformer from a television receiver. The method of alteration of the transformer is considered, which makes it possible to improve its parameters. A practical scheme of the amplifier and test results are given. The approach proposed by the author can be applied in the development of more powerful tube UMZCH.

The article is intended for radio amateurs of average qualification, recommendations are limited to information that makes it possible for everyone to repeat the amplifier.

Talking about the miracle of tube sound causes a natural desire to hear this miracle. And the first problem that those who want to repeat any tube amplifier will face is the output transformer. It can be solved in three ways. You can make it yourself, it is possible, but not at all easy. You can buy a good output transformer, it's simple, but not cheap at all. And you can try to use something affordable and inexpensive.

The study of the radio market showed that the most accessible output transformers (TVZ) from old TVs. The choice is wide, and the price - from 0 3 to 0.6 dollars, depending on the mood of the seller. Most often there are TVZ-1-9, they were purchased for experiments. I also bought other types of transformers for comparison. As it turned out later, the TVZ-1-1 and TV-2A-Sh transformers, the most respectable age, have the best parameters, but there were more TVZ-1 9 on sale, it was with them that I decided to experiment further.

The task was set as follows: try to improve the parameters of the transformer by altering it (without rewinding), and then design the output stage in such a way as to compensate its remaining shortcomings as much as possible. It is obvious that the output power of such an amplifier will be relatively small, but the main thing was not to obtain high power, but to search for fundamental solutions.

A bit of theory

To figure out where to move, let's remember what parameters of the transformer affect what. If we turn to the classics (for example,), then, without going into subtleties, we can say that six parameters are decisive: the inductance of the primary winding, the amplitude of the magnetic induction, the leakage inductance, self-capacitance, winding resistance and transformation ratio.

The parameters of the existing transformers were measured, and this is what happened:

  • inductance of the primary winding L1 - 6.5 H:
  • leakage inductance (referred to the primary winding) Ls 56 mH;
  • capacitance (reduced to the primary winding) C - 0.3 μF;
  • active resistance of the primary winding r1 - 269 Ohm;
  • active resistance of the secondary winding r2 - 0.32 Ohm;
  • transformation ratio n - 37.

Here are averaged data, unfortunately, only the inscriptions on the coils turned out to be the same for transformers. The material of the magnetic circuit remained unknown, but after taking the magnetization curves, I am inclined to think that this is E44 steel (high-alloy, designed to work in medium high-frequency fields). In principle, what is - that is, but for the calculations it was necessary to have a starting point.

Let us estimate what parameters can be expected when using such transformers. Most often they were used in simple amplifiers with output tubes 6F5P, 6FZP, 6P1P, 6P14P in a triode connection. In this case, the output resistance of the lamps is in the range of 1.3 ... 2 kOhm. For calculations, we will take the average value - 1.7 kOhm. On fig. 1 shows a simplified equivalent circuit of a transformer connected to a lamp, which is represented as an oscillator G1 with an output impedance R, (all referred to the primary side of the transformer).

Large Signal Options

Let's see how things are with induction in the magnetic circuit. Since the induction is inversely proportional to the frequency, it is the region of low frequencies that is most interesting, where it reaches its maximum values. In fact, the allowable induction will determine the maximum power that a transformer can deliver in the low frequency region with acceptable distortion. The amplitude of induction in the magnetic circuit is determined by the well-known formula

where E1 is the voltage applied to the primary winding, V; f - signal frequency, Hz; S is the active cross-sectional area of ​​the magnetic circuit. cm2; W1 - number of turns.

It is convenient to immediately express this dependence in terms of the power in the load. The voltage E1 applied to the primary winding is equal to the sum of the voltages on the load R2 "and on the winding resistance r2" Leakage inductance Ls2 "at low frequencies can be neglected. It should be noted that the lamp quiescent current flows through the primary winding I0creating a magnetizing field, which, in turn, determines the initial value of the induction B0. According to my calculations, it is approximately equal to 0.3 T. After the transformation, the formula becomes

For manual calculations, this formula is too cumbersome, but for computer calculations, cumbersomeness does not matter. The dependences of induction on output power calculated for three values ​​of frequency are shown in fig. 2.

If we take into account that the material of the magnetic core begins to saturate at an induction of about 1.15 T (this was found out when taking the main magnetization curve), and assume a maximum induction equal to approximately 0.7 T, then the graphs show what output power can be obtained in the low-frequency region : at a frequency of 30 Hz - only about 0.25, at 50 Hz - about 0.8 W, and at 100 Hz induction is no longer a limiting factor. Exceeding these values ​​not only greatly increases the level of harmonics introduced by the transformer, but also increases the level of harmonics generated by the lamp due to a decrease in the input impedance of the transformer. Measurements in a real cascade (on a 6F5P lamp) showed that at an output power of 1 W, a decrease in the signal frequency from 1 kHz to 50 Hz leads to an increase in the level of harmonics by more than a factor of two.

Small Signal Options

Let us evaluate the effect of the transformer on the frequency properties of the amplifier when it is operated at low power, when there are no problems with induction (for example, the amplifier is designed for telephones). In this case, it is more convenient to make an assessment using such parameters of the transformer as the inductance of the primary winding and the leakage inductance.

From fig. 1 it can be seen that in the low-frequency region the lamp is loaded on two parallel circuits (we neglect leakage inductances). The first is the magnetizing inductance L1, through which the magnetizing current IL1 flows, the second is the load circuit, consisting of resistors R2 "and R2" connected in series, through which the current I2 flows. As the frequency of the signal decreases, the reactance L1 falls, respectively, IL1 increases, and I2 decreases. In addition to reducing the transfer coefficient of the cascade, in the general case, one more unpleasant thing is observed - the input impedance of the transformer drops, which leads to a decrease in the resistance of the anode load of the lamp and, accordingly, to an increase in the harmonic coefficient. To assess the influence of the inductance of the primary winding, we use the well-known simplified formula:

where ML is the frequency distortion factor; R0 - equivalent generator resistance, determined from the expression

On fig. Figure 3 shows the results of calculating the frequency distortion of the cascade in the low-frequency region with the output transformer TVZ-1-9 for three values ​​of the output impedance of the lamp.

It can be seen from the graphs that with a lamp output impedance of 1700 ohms (middle curve), a 3 dB drop in frequency response occurs at a frequency of about 40 Hz. Reducing the output resistance of the lamp leads to a decrease in frequency distortion (upper curve).

But let's not jump to conclusions and see what happens in the high frequencies.

It follows from Fig. 1 that the leakage inductances are connected in series with the load (L1 can be ignored, since the current IL1 is negligible in the region of high frequencies), with increasing frequency, their reactance increases and this leads to a decrease in output power. The coefficient of frequency distortion is determined by the formula

where Mn is the coefficient of frequency distortion; Z - leakage inductance, reduced to the primary winding (measured value).

On fig. Figure 4 shows the results of calculating the frequency distortion of a cascade with the same transformer in the high-frequency region for three values ​​of the output impedance of the lamp.

But not all is lost! By changing the design of the transformer, we can influence the inductance of the primary winding and the amplitude of the induction, and this is not at all small.

Alteration of the transformer

The only thing that can be done in this case is to change the method of assembling the magnetic circuit. At the factory, it is made with a gap (there is usually no dielectric gasket, the gap is formed due to the loose fit of the packages of W-shaped and closing plates) Let's eliminate the gap by assembling the plates of the magnetic circuit in overlap and let's see what happens.

To begin with, the transformer must be freed from the metal clip, after unbending its mounting tabs. Further, having removed the magnetic core from the coil, carefully separate the plates from one another and assemble them again, laying them on top of each other. Do this carefully (to reduce the gap) and be sure to use all the plates. Perhaps there are not enough trailing plates, so it is desirable to have a second transformer with the same magnetic circuit.

After assembly, place the magnetic circuit with the wide side on a flat surface (a piece of plywood, getinax, textolite) and with light blows of the mallet on the protruding ends of the plates, ensure that they are flush with the rest. Repeat this operation by turning the magnetic core over to the opposite side. The view of the converted transformer at this stage is shown in Fig. 5. It is advisable to insert the finished transformer into the holder again. The easiest way to do this is using a large bench vise, but especially do not be zealous. Large mechanical stresses degrade the magnetic properties of steel.

Since the converted transformer cannot work with bias, a different type of output stage must be used to excite it.

Output stage

The most obvious way is to use the so-called choke output stage and separate the transformer from the anode circuit of the lamp with a capacitor (Fig. 6).

The most suitable in this case is the output stage with a current source in the anode circuit (Fig. 7), which has a number of advantages compared to the choke. The high output impedance of the current source makes it possible to obtain maximum gain from the lamp, the cascade has a wider reproducible frequency band, is less demanding on the quality of the power source, and the design as a whole has smaller dimensions.

There are also disadvantages. The most unpleasant thing is that the supply voltage of the cascade with a current source should be much higher (at least one and a half times compared to the choke). The efficiency of the cascade is, accordingly, less, and the circuit is much more complicated.

The current source can be made both on a lamp and on transistors. I leaned towards the transistor version for the following reasons. In this case, higher current stability is achievable, the minimum operating voltage is much lower (already a very high anode voltage is needed), no additional filament winding is required for the current source lamp.

Particular attention must be paid to the isolation capacitor C1. Its quality affects the output signal, as the output current of the lamp flows through it. It is unacceptable to use oxide capacitors here, only paper and polyethylene terephthalate ones can be used (for example, K73-17 with a rated voltage of at least 400 V; the required capacity is obtained by connecting the required number of capacitors in parallel).

Amplifier circuit

The circuit diagram of the amplifier is shown in fig. 8, the lamp modes for direct current are also indicated there. The choice of active components was mainly determined by the possibility of their acquisition by a wide range of radio amateurs.

(click to enlarge)

The amplifier is two-stage: the first is made on the triode part of the VL1 lamp, the second (output) - on its pentode part. In both stages, current sources are used in the anode circuit. We discussed the advantages of such a circuit solution in the output stage above, the use of a current source in the pre-amplification stage is also quite justified.

Firstly, it allows you to get maximum gain from the lamp. Secondly, its operation at a fixed current makes it possible to reduce the harmonic coefficient of the cascade by two to two and a half times. A good frequency response is ensured by choosing a sufficiently large quiescent current of the lamp. The cascade uses automatic bias, which is formed on the resistor R4, and a shallow local OOS is also introduced through it. If desired, the amplifier can be covered by a common OOS by supplying a part of the signal from the amplifier output through resistor R8 to the triode cathode circuit.

The output stage uses a fixed bias, adjustable by the trimmer resistor R12. The main purpose of the resistor R13 is to provide a convenient measurement of the quiescent current of the output stage.

The use of complex cascode current sources is due to the large range of alternating voltage at the anodes of the lamps (especially in the output stage). The use of simple sources on a single transistor (this also applies to the option on a field-effect transistor with a resistor in the source circuit), recommended by some authors, does not provide acceptable current stabilization in a wide frequency range. In the output stage, even the use of a cascode source does not solve all problems: at frequencies above 25 ... 30 kHz, the gain decay becomes noticeable due to the influence of the capacitances of the VT4 transistor. You can somewhat expand the frequency band of the cascade by replacing a pair of transistors VT4, VT5 with one high-frequency high-voltage pnp transistor of suitable power (for example, 2SB1011). However, such transistors are less accessible.

I will touch on one more issue related to the use of current sources and their influence on sound quality. An ideal current source, of course, will not have any effect, but real ones can. Before recommending the current source option under consideration, I studied it in sufficient detail and did not find a significant deterioration in the output signal spectrum in the audio frequency range. The spectrum analyzer HP-3585 from Hewlett-Packard with a dynamic range of 120 dB and a selective voltmeter D2008 from Siemens with an even more impressive value of this parameter - 140 dB were used for research. Of course, there are differences from the resistive stage, but only at the level of -80 ... -90 dB. In many cases, this is already below the stage noise floor. What you really need to pay attention to is the noise level of the cascade with the current source. The use of active elements in the anode circuit leads to a certain increase in noise (this also applies to sources made on lamps), but for cascades operating with input signals of hundreds of millivolts, this is of no fundamental importance. In the input cascades of highly sensitive amplifiers, this should be taken into account. mind.

I am not a supporter of the struggle "for the purity of the lamp series" for the sake of the struggle itself and the denial of the real advantages of hybrid devices. The result of this approach, in my opinion, will be trampling around the decisions of the 50s of the last century and reasoning about the necessary composition of the solder used. The most important thing in our case is that the signal is amplified by the lamps (the alternating component practically does not flow through the current source).

About some details of the amplifier

I will not list specific types of elements that are not indicated in the diagram, but I want to draw attention to some of them.

In the cathode circuits of the lamp, it is desirable to use resistors (R4 and R13) with a permissible deviation of resistance from the nominal value of not more than ± 1% (C2-1. C2-29V, etc.), and as trimmers (R5, R12, R14) - multi-turn (suitable for SPZ-37, SPZ-39, SP5-2, SP5-3, SP5-14). Isolating capacitor (C4) - metal-paper (MBGCH, MBGO, MBGT) with a rated voltage of at least 400 V. But, as noted, the use of polyethylene terephthalate (K73-17) with the same voltage is also acceptable. The required capacitance is obtained by connecting the appropriate number of capacitors in parallel.

Instead of the SIOV-S05K180 varistor, gas arresters or telecommunication suppressors with a low capacitance for a suitable voltage can be used.

Transistor VT4 must be installed on a heat sink capable of dissipating power of 5 ... 6 W (the required cooling surface area is 120 ... 150 cm2).

Setting up the amplifier

With the use of known good parts and proper installation, there are no problems with adjustment. To set up an amplifier, at least an avometer is needed, it is very desirable to have a 3-hour signal generator and an oscilloscope. Before turning on the amplifier, set the trimmer resistors R5 and R14 to the upper (according to the diagram) position, and R12 to the lower position. This is not a mistake, the VL1.2 lamp must be fully open. The amplifier input must be short-circuited. First, set the quiescent current of the first stage (with resistor R5), then the output (R14). The desired voltage at the anode VL1.2 is achieved last (with resistor R12).

Precisely, the bias voltage VL1.2 is selected by applying a signal from the generator to the input of the amplifier (the output, of course, must be loaded with a load equivalent). It is necessary to achieve the maximum swing of the signal voltage at the anode of the output lamp with minimal distortion. It should be noted that the limitation of the upper half-wave of the output voltage occurs quite sharply, which is associated with the exit of the current source from the stabilization mode. When using a lamp current source, this effect is less noticeable.

There is an interesting possibility in the output stage. The isolation capacitor C4 and the inductance of the primary winding of the output transformer form a low-quality series oscillatory circuit. With the capacitance C4 indicated in the diagram, its resonant frequency is approximately equal to 10 Hz and does not significantly affect the output signal. By reducing the capacitance of the capacitor, it is possible to shift the resonant frequency of the circuit to higher frequencies, which will lead to a rise (expansion) in the frequency response in the low-frequency region. But this is purely theoretical, the real processes occurring in this circuit are much more complicated, and the result is not always unambiguous. I do not undertake to give recommendations on this matter (it must be evaluated by ear) and I leave the conduct of such an experiment to the discretion of the readers.

Test results

The described amplifier was assembled on a breadboard. Power was supplied from an unstabilized rectifier with an LC filter. Below are the measured parameters of the amplifier and the spectra of the output signal when operating in various modes (general feedback was not used). Load resistance - 4 ohms, supply voltage - 370 V.

  • Rated output power, W.....1.2
  • Rated input voltage at a frequency of 1 kHz, V ..... 0.25
  • Gain at a frequency of 1 kHz: the first stage ..... 60
  • second cascade.....6
  • Output impedance reduced Ohm.....1839
  • Harmonic coefficient at a frequency of 1 kHz, no more, with output power W 1.2 ... 4.4
  • 0,1.....1,0
  • Bandwidth at the level - 1 dB, kHz, at the output power. Tue: 1.2.....0.03...18
  • 0,2.....0,02...22
  • Damping factor at a frequency of 1 kHz with an output power of 1.2 W ..... 2.99
  • Output voltage slew rate V/µs at output power 0.2 V.....1.2

The frequency response of the amplifier at two values ​​of the output power is shown in fig. 9. The spectrum of the output signal with a frequency of 1 kHz at an output power of 1.2 W is shown in fig. 10, with a frequency of 30 Hz (at the same output power) in fig. 11 is the same, but with an output power of 0.1 W - in fig. 12 and 13 respectively.

The response of the amplifier to a pulse signal with a frequency of 1 kHz at an output power of 1 2 V is illustrated in Fig. 14.

Compared to an amplifier with a traditional output stage and an unmodified transformer, the parameters have clearly improved. If in the region of medium and higher frequencies the changes are small (at a frequency of 1 kHz, the harmonic coefficient decreased by approximately 12%), then in the region of low frequencies the gain is significant. There was a noticeable expansion of the band to the lower frequency region with a significantly lower level of harmonics (almost twice at a frequency of 50 Hz at a power of 1.2 W) With an output power of 0.1 W, the harmonic coefficient at a frequency of 30 Hz does not exceed 1.2% In the spectrum the output signal in all modes is dominated by the second harmonic, the number of higher harmonics is limited and, moreover, their level is very low.


The resulting amp is certainly not an "Ongaku", but it's not a talking $20 can of unknown make either. It has a clear, melodious sound. Of course, a small output power imposes certain restrictions on its use: for scoring a medium-sized room, such power is clearly not enough, but as a telephone amplifier it will not be bad at all. I would compare this amplifier with a bottle of trial perfume. You will be able to evaluate the features of the "tube" sound and decide how much you like it, and not rely on the opinions of other people.

The amplifier can be improved. A very promising direction is the use of more "linear" lamps. The simulation results showed that the use of medium power triodes in the output stage makes it possible to reduce the harmonic coefficient at full power by another one and a half to two times. But this inevitably leads to an increase in the number of lamps (which are also scarce) and the complexity of the circuit.

The light did not converge like a wedge on TVZ transformers either. Experienced radio amateurs based on the described approach, using transformers of higher quality, can create their own designs with much better parameters. The potential of the output stage with a current source is quite large.

In conclusion, I want to note that the use of TVZ type transformers is a big compromise between quality and cost. A high quality tube amplifier must use a good output transformer.


  1. Tsykin G.S. Transformers of low frequency. - M Svyazizdat 1955.
  2. Voishvillo G.V. Low-frequency amplifiers - M .: Svyazizdat 1939
  3. Lozhnikov A.P., Sonin E.K. Cascode amplifiers - M Energy 1964
  4. Horowitz P. Hill W. The Art of Circuitry. - M.: Mir, 1983.

Restoration of the TV-ZSh transformer

An attempt to restore the output transformer TV-3Sh. The transformer lay for several months in water, as a result of which the plates of the magnetic circuit corroded.

To check the integrity of the windings, the transformer was connected to the network by the primary winding through an incandescent lamp in case of a short circuit. A short circuit was not detected, a voltage appeared on the secondary winding, similar to the voltage of a serviceable TV-3Sh transformer. After this check, it was decided to restore this transformer.

Stage 1. Rust removal.

To remove rust and restore the oxide layer of the plates, a rust converter containing phosphoric acid is used. As a result of a chemical reaction, the rust dissolves, and the iron is covered with a layer of phosphate. Theoretically, this should work as an analogue of lamination to isolate the plates and reduce eddy currents in the magnetic circuit. The plates are filled with a rust converter for at least 1 hour. In this case, the plates lay in it for a day. At this time, a slow reaction took place with the release of gas, so the container with the plates was in the open air, covered with a plastic bag.

At the end of this procedure, no traces of rust were visible and the plates were laid on drying paper, after which they acquired a gray tint - a sign of a phosphate coating. Then the transformer was assembled, but without tightening the casing - for the next stage.

Stage 2. Boiling in paraffin.

To prevent the destruction of the magnetic circuit and windings subjected to prolonged exposure to water, it was decided to boil the transformer in paraffin. This practice is well known among tube amplifier builders.

First you need to melt the paraffin. For this, an appropriate container is taken - for example, a tin can according to the size of the transformer, filled with paraffin and placed in a water bath. The last one can be an ordinary pot of boiling water. The water should not boil too much so that the splashes do not fall into the paraffin. The transformer is carefully lowered into the molten paraffin on wires and remains there until the end of the appearance of air bubbles, which will come out of it when the liquid paraffin fills the voids. Usually it takes about 2 hours.

During cooking, it is necessary to periodically pull the transformer by the suspensions, while an intensive release of air bubbles can be observed.

After the cooking process is completed, it is necessary to remove the container with paraffin and the transformer from the water and leave to cool. You can not immediately remove the transformer, because the liquid paraffin will instantly leak out. It is necessary to wait for the moment when the paraffin cools down a little and a frozen film forms on its surface. Then it must be removed and the transformer removed. Next, you need to act quickly and compress the transformer with a holder in a vice.

Excess hardened paraffin can be removed.

Checking the transformer in the amplifier layout showed a sound similar to a good quality conventional TV-ZSh transformer. Therefore, to create a pair, it was also decided to boil the existing good transformer in paraffin. Before cooking, it looked like this:

To create a non-magnetic gap in both transformers, a fluoroplastic film of the thickness of drawing tracing paper was used instead of a paper layer.

With a range of 20Hz - 2MHz sinusoidal and rectangular output signal, output impedance of 600 ohms, amplitude up to 5 volts at a load of 600 ohms (130, respectively, proportionally less). The generator is connected through a decoupling capacitor 200 uF x 100 V to the primary winding of the transformer under test. To imitate bias through the resistance PEV-10 130 Ohm, a laboratory power supply 0 ... 60 Volt with output current control is connected. Through such resistance it is possible to achieve "anode current" up to 400 mA. The secondary winding is loaded with its design resistance, 4 or 8 ohms. Parallel to it, an AC voltmeter V3-38A is connected.

In a good way, of course, it would be more correct to power the transformer from a 300 V source and use a resistance equal to its calculated anode resistance for the tested transformer as a current-setting one, but there are two problems: 1) the power dissipated on such a ballast will be rather big, a couple of tens watt; 2) there are difficulties with adjusting the current.
To control the shape of the current before and after the tested transformer, a two-channel digital oscilloscope is connected in parallel with the primary and secondary windings, which has the function of mathematical calculations. In the normal mode, the absence of distortion on a sinusoid and a rectangular signal is visually assessed; in math mode, the secondary voltage is subtracted from the primary voltage to estimate the distortion introduced by the transformer. The FFT spectral analysis function is not used, since in real life it is hardly possible to operate the output transformer outside its linear modes, so there is nothing to evaluate here.

Test results

Transformer TV-3Sh (2 pcs).

Not rebuilt, not modernized, not rusty, not ... in general, "as is". 1989, n1=3000 PEV1 0.125; n2=91 PEV1 0.5. Ktr \u003d 33, Rload \u003d 4 Ohm (?)

Judging by what is visible on the frame, the primary is wound first, then the secondary. Whether there is a separation between layers or other partitioning is unknown.

Level, dB
Frequency, Hz, transf. #1
Frequency, Hz, transf. #2
Reference 0dB (ampl. 24.5mV)
1 000 1 000

Frequency response decay at the level of -1dB 4 000
4 550
Frequency response decay at the level of -3dB 7 300 8 100
Frequency response decay at the level of -6dB 12 700 14 000
Frequency response decay at the level of -9dB 18 000 21 000
Frequency response decay at the level of -12dB 28 000 30 000

The bias current varied from 0 to 70 mA. Distortions are not seen.

The second transformer was poorly tightened and howls.

Summary: very mediocre, but the bias current can withstand quite a lot. For a bulkhead (rewind) or candidate a good choke. Significant RF cutoff due to non-sectional winding.

Transformer TW4SE (2 pcs).

A pair of new inexpensive transformers manufactured in 2012 by the Moscow company "Audioinstrument" Ra = 5kOm, Rload = 4/8 Om. Ktr=28, Imax=45mA.

Judging by what is visible on the frame, the windings are sectioned into 5 layers according to the scheme: II - I - II - I - II. The winding is done carefully, a transparent lavsan film is used. There is no impregnation. The original passport of the transformer from the manufacturer.

An attempt to measure the distribution of turns in layers:
conclusions Voltage
2 - 5
10.0 V
2 - 3
5.0 V
3 - 5
5.0 V
8 - 12
0.41 V
12 - 1
0.10 V
1 - 6
0.21 V
6 - 8
0.10 V

So, it is obvious that the primary winding is distributed 1:1, i.e. equally in two layers; secondary 1:2:1, that is, the first and last layer of a quarter (one full layer of wire), the middle one is half of all turns (two full layers of wire) of the secondary. The primary winding is made with wire PEV-2 0.14, the secondary - PEV-2 0.70. The resistance is 386 and 0.6 ohm, respectively.

Frequency response measurement results:

Level, dB
Frequency, Hz, transf. #1
Frequency, Hz, transf. #2
Reference 0dB (ampl. 24.5mV)
1 000 1 000
The frequency response decay at the level of -1dB, lower.
Frequency response decay at the level of -1dB 23 000
21 000
Frequency response decay at the level of -3dB 42 000 40 000
Frequency response decay at the level of -6dB 90 000 61 000
Frequency response decay at the level of -9dB 130 000 125 000
Frequency response decay at the level of -12dB 170 000 160 000
Natural resonance (peak relative to the course of the frequency response curve around the resonance)
63,000 (+1dB)
80,000 (+1dB)

The bias current varied from 0 to 90 mA. Distortions are not seen.

Both transformers are very poorly connected and whistle during measurements.

The intrinsic resonance of the transformer is about 60 ... 80 kHz.

Summary: Good. For a triode inclusion - very good. Not suitable for ultra-linear switching. The use of sectioned winding, 3 sections of the secondary and 2 sections of the primary, significantly expanded the operating range and "brought" the self-resonance far beyond the operating range. Unfortunately, there are questions about the quality of workmanship, ties and fastening. The non-magnetic gap does not hold its shape. In general, the condition of the transformer is more like a set "Young technician - assemble your own transformer yourself", and not a finished product. If the design of the transformer is brought to mind, it will turn out to be an excellent candidate for replacing the USSR-ovsky TVZ-1-1, TVZ-1-9, TV-2Sh, TV-3Sh and other "ULF from TVs on 6P14P". But so far this is not a transformer yet, but a constructor, and an incomplete one at that.

This material provides background information on TVZ output audio transformers - core dimensions, number of turns and winding wire diameter. The information will be useful for using these unified transformers as ready-made output transformers in home-made tube amplifier circuits. Examples of possible improvements to TVZ to improve the frequency response and reduce the distortion factor are given.

Connecting the TVZ transformer to the circuit will not cause problems. More low-resistance winding, wound with a thick wire - is connected to the speaker. Winding with a thin wire and a resistance of several tens of ohms - to the anode of the ULF lamp. The list of domestic sound reproducing equipment where TVZ transformers are used and their technical parameters are shown in the table:

The parameters of standard transformers TVZ-Sh, TVZ-1-9, TVZ-1-1 and others are shown in the table below:

Standard parameters of the most common transformer TVZ-1-9:

inductance of the primary winding L1 - 6.5 Gn;
leakage inductance (reduced to the primary winding) Ls - 56 mH;
capacitance (reduced to the primary winding) C - 0.3 μF;
active resistance of the primary winding r1 - 269 Ohm;
active resistance of the secondary winding r2 - 0.32 Ohm;
transformation ratio n - 37.

Most often, transformers are designed to connect speakers with a resistance of 4 ohms. For other values ​​of the output load impedance, they must be wound up.

Rn \u003d 4 Ohm, secondary \u003d 58 turns (without alteration)
Rn \u003d 8 Ohm, secondary \u003d 82 turns (wind up 24 turns)
Rn \u003d 16 Ohm, secondary \u003d 116 turns (wind up 58 turns)

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