
Step by step instructions on how to create a second Instagram account. What is Instagram (Instagram) and how to use it? What to do after completing the profile

Sometimes there is a need for two or more pages on Instagram. This is either an addition to a personal account of a business profile, or more than one advertising platform for earning money, or just a way to look at the life of some people without showing your true face. In any case, the question "How to create a second account on Instagram?" asked frequently. In this article, I will give an exhaustive answer to it.

Is it possible to have two accounts on Instagram?

Is it possible to maintain two pages at the same time? Of course you can! Only here there are some nuances. Instagram prohibits the use of email that has already been used previously when registering. That is, if you want to have two or more profiles, you will have to create two or more mails. If you are going to connect both accounts to a business profile, then two Facebook pages.

And if it is most convenient for you to access the social network through a phone number, then you will have to have two SIM cards. Everything is logical and elementary simple - the restrictions of the Instagram administration suggest that one person can have only one account, no more. But we can easily get around this if we follow the recommendations from the next paragraph.

How to open a second account?

Below I will write what exactly needs to be done to register a second acc. At the same time, I will omit the registration algorithm on the social network itself, because since you already have one profile, you know what to do.

So, in order to create a second account, you need:

  • First, create a mail.
  • If you plan to make money with it, I recommend that you also register an account on Facebook and immediately
  • Buy a second SIM card and link a new page to its number. This item is optional, mail and FB may be enough, but to ensure greater security, I still recommend that you fill out as much information about yourself as possible, thanks to which you can easily restore your account.

How to add a second account?

The most convenient way to use the second profile is through the Instagram application itself. Its functionality allows not only to enter through the second profile, but also to quickly switch between them, which makes the use of multi-profile as convenient as possible.

So, our algorithm of actions:

How to quickly switch between accounts?

That's all added. How to return to the first page? Maybe look for the treasured button in the same place where we entered the username and password? But there is only an offer to end the second page session. Is it possible to switch between accounts at all? Of course you can. And dealing with this is also simple - in order to exit one profile and enter through another, you need to go to your page, find your nickname on top and click on the small triangle next to it. After that, all connected profiles will open. Here you can add another one, if necessary. Instagram allows you to use five accounts through one application. Not more.

How to disable one of the accounts?

But removing one of the accounts from the menu on our page will not work. To do this, we need to open the settings again and scroll to the very bottom. There you will be prompted to end the session of the active profile. Yes, before you remove the second account on Instagram, you need to go to the profile.

On the Internet, I came across articles that said that you just need to open a list of profiles, press and hold one of them, and a menu will appear asking you to delete it. But this is not so, everything here, albeit quite a bit, is more complicated.

Why can't I register a second account?

Sometimes it happens that we are trying to create a new page, but we encounter some difficulties. Below I will list the most common ones. If their solution did not help you, contact Instagram technical support.

  1. Outdated version of Insta. In this case, there will be no "Add account" button at all. There is only one treatment here - you need to upgrade.
  2. Bug. Such a large social network, of course, cannot work without bugs. Therefore, if everything, it would seem, should work, but does not work, I recommend restarting the phone or trying to register through another gadget, and then add a second profile.
  3. If you are registering from the application itself, make sure that no page has been linked to the input data before.


So how do you create a second Instagram account? We made sure that the mechanism for registering the second page is no different from the process of creating the second one. The only thing that was potentially new for you from this article was the ability to use a multi-account through Instagram. This is a really useful feature, and I am very pleased that the administration of Instagram added it.

We have released a new book, "Social Media Content Marketing: How to get into the head of subscribers and make them fall in love with your brand."

Who is not on Instagram right now? Almost all friends, acquaintances and acquaintances of acquaintances already have their own profile. Cats, dogs, children also show off in a colorful news feed. And even world-famous stars are in a hurry to gain more followers and immodestly compete among themselves for a million-strong army of fans. By typing the nickname you are interested in in the search bar, in a few seconds you are viewing all the latest news in various photographs and reading their reflections. Instagram has become an accessible means of popularizing every inhabitant of this small country on the Internet. But, this was not enough and many began to ask the question: “How to create a second account on Instagram?”.

Yes, one more page is a completely justified need for many users of the popular social network. And then we will consider in what cases it is needed, how to start and then log into a second Instagram account and how to link it to other social networks.

Why do you need a second Instagram account?

Let's start with why this is necessary - another profile. By the way, the maximum Instagram allows you to create up to five accounts per user. And there are even those for whom even this figure is not enough. So, this is necessary in cases where one person has several directions in life. It can be both a hobby and work questions. Let's list them in order.

  • Main page. Here, as a rule, they publish photos from the category “what I saw, then I posted it”. In order to show everyone the daily moments of your life.
  • Blog. It is created for the purpose of publishing their thoughts, thematic stories or interesting events and observations on an ongoing basis. Travel bloggers, Instagrams, fitness bloggers and nutrition blogs are especially popular.
  • Job. It can be both services and goods, as in an online store. The main task of such a profile is selling. Therefore, as a rule, it is designed as a Business Page and content is maintained in accordance with all marketing rules, attracting as many subscribers and adherents of their products as possible.

We have listed the main three types. However, further, even within the same store, several profiles can be created for different directions. Of course, you can not bother and maintain one account, where daily selfies will be posted mixed with interesting thematic stories and the sale of some product. But, such a tape will not have an attractive appearance. In addition, in today's competitive environment, it will be very difficult to achieve the desired goal and attract more subscribers, and even more so the target audience. That is why for each direction, be it a hobby or sales, it is recommended to create a separate additional profile. To guide him in his unique and attractive style.

Also, additional accounts are created to carry out a variety of marketing strategies. For example, you can make a selling landing page of 12 photos for any product or service. Or temporary pages are created for holding marathons and contests, after which they are made into closed groups, and after all events, such profiles are most often deleted.

So, in fact, each user can have several account pages in working use at the same time. However, in order for all of them to be maintained in an attractive form, it is necessary to devote a decent amount of time to filling it with quality content. And here's another reason why you need to create additional profiles - to hire a freelancer, and then he himself fills it with the right content and attracts the target audience to increase sales. And at the same time, your personal page remains completely under your control.

Now that you know what another profile is for, we can move on to the practical part - creating another tool to attract attention and additional income.

How to register and log into a second account on Instagram

All you need is your mobile phone or computer, a few minutes and your desire to do it.

Mobile phone procedure

  1. To create an additional account on Instagram, open your profile on your phone and go to settings. There are three vertical dots in the top right corner. This is what they are.
  2. At the very bottom of the list is the “Add account” function. Find it and click.
  3. In the window that opens, you will see a login form for an existing page. You don’t need it now, so ignore it and click on the phrase “Register” at the very bottom.
  4. Then you also skip all offers to continue working with Instagram under an existing nickname and click on “Register with an email address or phone number”
  5. Then enter your phone and email details in order. Create a new email in advance, because only one account can be registered per email address.
  6. That's all, the second profile is ready. Then follow the instructions that Instagram will display on the screen.

Procedure in the computer

How to sign in to a second Instagram account

If we talk about a computer, then here it follows:

  1. in the open Instagram application, go to your profile in Settings and in the window that opens, click the “Logout” button;

  • go back to the Instagram page in the “Login” form;

  • enter a phone number, username or e-mail and password - now you have entered the second profile.

On a mobile phone, this is somewhat easier. To do this, you need to log into your account and click on the name of your page in the left right corner. In the drop-down box, you will be offered all your accounts. Choose the one you need and go.

How to link a second Instagram account to other social networks

Now that you have a new account, you will probably soon have a need to publish the same post on several social networks at the same time. Instagram has considered this possibility as well. Yes, you can save your time and immediately post to all social networks where you are registered.


How to log out of a second Instagram account from a mobile phone

How to exit an additional profile on a computer, we have already considered a little higher. In the phone, this procedure is somewhat different. For this you need:

  • go to your page in Settings;
  • at the very bottom, find “End session” and when you click it, you will log out of your account.

Now you know how to add and then remove a second account on Instagram. And in what cases it will be useful to you. Use this information to your advantage and with pleasure. And we will continue to prepare useful articles for you with simple ways to use this popular social network.

There is no doubt that Instagram is the most fashionable social network today. The account on the popular network has the laziest, even the smallest, mothers willingly create their own accounts for their beloved children, some for pets and also for business. If for some reason you do not know what it is, then this article, I hope, will shed light.

What is Instagram?

Instagram is an application that serves to share photos and videos from a smartphone. Like Facebook or Twitter, everyone who creates an Instagram account has their own profile and news feed.

When you post a photo or video on Instagram, it will appear on your profile. Other users who follow your updates will see your downloads in their own feed. Also, you will see all the photos and videos from other users you follow. This is almost the same as other social networks, only a slightly simplified version. You can interact with other users, subscribe to them, leave comments, likes, etc. If you have created and already have an Instagram account, but no one follows you, or you have an account for business and you crave fame, then you can try to cheat those same subscribers. available for free, for devices and .

Of course you can use and from a regular computer, but upload and share photos and videos only from smartphones. But even here there are solutions, with the help of special programs, you can do all the manipulations from a computer.

Registration on Instagram.

So, you have downloaded the app on your smartphone and before you start, Instagram will ask you to create a free account. You can sign up with an existing Facebook account or by email. All you need is a username and password.

Next, after you've created your account, you may be asked to follow a few of your friends who are already on the Instagram network. You can do this right away, or you can skip it and come back to this step later.

Then, customize your profile by adding your name, photo, short bio, and website link if you have one. Now, start following other people who are more likely to start following you to get to know you better. But do not overdo it with a subscription, because. the administration can block your account for a while, do everything gradually. Here is what the finished account looks like from the mobile application:

Using Instagram.

As previously mentioned, all Instagram is subject to visual sharing. The main goal of each of us is to find the best photos and videos, or friends, relatives, etc., that is, what we will be interested in. Each profile has a “Followers” ​​as well as a count of how many people you follow. Basically, you can safely follow other users, but sometimes, the owners make their accounts closed (private). By subscribing to such an account, you will need to wait for the approval of the owner, whether he wants to see you in his subscribers. You can just as well if you don't want everyone to see the photos and videos you post. See an example of what an Instagram post looks like:

To search for the profile you need, use the search field, indicated by a magnifying glass icon. Also, when you click the magnifying glass icon, you will be presented with a selection of profiles, photos and videos that may be of interest to you.

Apply filters and edit photos.

Instagram's post editing functionality has gone a long way since the 2010 version. Today, already edited photos can be uploaded either directly from a special editing application, or edited through the same application directly from Instagram. Also, today you can upload videos up to one minute long, while using a lot of filters, additional settings and options.

When you press the middle button in the form of a camera icon, you need to choose which post you want to create - a photo or a video. Instagram has over 23 filters applicable to both photos and videos. By clicking the “edit” button at the bottom of the screen, next to the “filters” button, you can also edit the brightness, contrast, and structure of your photo. As for the video editor, you can crop it to the desired size (limit - 1 minute) and select a frame for it.

After all the conversions and editing of your new post are over, you will find yourself in a section where you will be prompted to name your post, tag other users, determine the place where this photo / video was taken and post this photo not only on Instagram, but at the same time and in other social networks.

Once a post is published, your followers can react to it in the feed below. You can always delete a post or make any changes to it after you have posted it to the public by clicking on the three dots at the top of the screen.

In Instagram, there is such a setting where you can select several social networks. networks where your creations will be published simultaneously with insta:

To use Instagram, the program must be downloaded to your phone and registered. On Instagram you can find interesting information, various recipes, books, information about sports, as well as find people using the search.

In order to be aware of what events are happening in the life of stars or just interesting people, you need to find their active profiles on the network. There are two ways to search on Instagram:

  • Through a mobile application in the phone using Search and through “Contacts”;
  • Through the web version on the computer.

Search in instagram by phone number through “Contacts”

The application has the ability to search for people from the contact list of your phone book.

The search will take place among those contacts who have instagram installed

Attention! First, you need to give access to connect Instagram to the phones in your book through the phone settings (if access is denied for the application).

We find a person on the phone using the usual Search

Every day, the number of users of the social network Instagram is growing, at the moment there are about 1 billion registered accounts. In order to find, you need to ask a query in the search engine and add the desired person as a friend by subscribing to his active profile.

When registering on Instagram, a new user is assigned, which must be chosen independently.

To search for a person on Instagram on your phone, you need to download the application. After the download is complete, the next step is to launch the application and, if it already exists, either for a new user.

In the Instagram mobile application, there is a field through which you can search for the right person.

The search section looks like a line with a magnifying glass and is divided into 4 sections:

To facilitate the search, in the line you must enter the name or Nickname or the surname of the desired person and by pressing the “Find” button, the selection of people will begin, according to the specified search.

To make sure that the page of the right person was found correctly, you can go to his active profile.

We are looking for a person on Instagram through a computer

To view accounts, you can not register on Instagram.

Posting personal photos and videos will become unavailable, while leaving comments, likes and searching for other users will remain possible.

To search for a person through a computer, you need to go to the official website of the social network Instagram instagram.com. The search query is in the form of a page address.

In the example, via a computer it looks like this: instagram.com/account, where the account is the name of the person you want to find. After entering the username, you must press the “Enter” button and a list of found profiles with the given name in the search engine will appear.

To make sure that the right user is found, you need to go to his active profile.

how to find phone number on instagram

At the moment, such a search is not possible.

Search on Instagram is carried out in two ways:

  1. by name and surname;
  2. hashtag.

Such a search is possible only if the user has specified a phone number as his name.

Previously, the Instagram audience was made up of users of Apple gadgets, but with the advent of the Android version, the number of users of the social network has increased tens of thousands of times.

Instagram is very different from all other social networks. Here you can not only take photos and beautifully process and shoot videos with various filters, but also search for users by interests, involve new people.


Using Instagram is very easy. The main profile page also displays the posts of friends. Here you can scroll through the feed, put likes and leave comments.

During the day, the number of posts of all Instagram users is very large, so in the “Asterisk” tab you can see the most popular entries.

You can add photos and videos to your page. Photos can be cropped, apply various filters, brighten or darken. You can add a comment to the photo, and indicate where, for example, the photo was taken.

On the likes page, you can see everything from users who are in subscriptions, as well as likes and comments that subscribers have put to other users.

In the icon with a triangle is a personal profile, which contains all personal information, the number of subscribers, subscriptions and publications. Here is perhaps a brief overview of the use of the popular Instagram.

Every day we go to instagram, we see gourmet food, girls in the gym and famous lift bows. But today we have prepared for you 15 pages of a photo network that will dilute your feed with creativity and inspiration. In addition, such accounts will help you find unique solutions for your accounts, even if you maintain an account not just for yourself, but to promote your business.

Smiles to you in the feed! And this cute dog named Stitch just can't help but call them. Funny hats, strange wigs, extraordinary costumes and all this on a charming French bulldog.

The Instagram community has nicknamed him "the good Samaritan" and "the heavenly patron of waiters." An anonymous netizen leaves huge tips for waiters around the world and captures the emotions of lucky mini jackpot winners. Their joy charges for the whole day.

The owner of this original blog went against the stereotypes of the usual instagram for us. Euzcil Castaneto posts descriptions of typical web photos, as if ridiculing the whole idea of ​​having photo pages.

4. @nasa

And this account is the official page of the American NASA in instagram. Here you will find incredible images of the world outside the Earth, which will take your breath away.

A few years ago, Murad and Natalya created an authentic photo project “Follow Me”, where a girl takes her photographer along with her to unprecedented distances. Then the couple was not yet married, and did not even suspect that their idea would become a real mainstream. Moreover, with each post, the couple surprises us with more and more original costumes and beautiful corners of the planet.

Michael Muller is a professional photographer. But we, ordinary people, are much more interested in his hobby. Michael is a diver and loves to capture underwater inhabitants from unusual and extravagant angles.

This dark-skinned handsome man is blowing up the Internet so far. Here you will find nothing but cute full screen portraits. We promise that with each new photo the mood will rise.

Every day is a new circle. The motto of this page. The most unusual objects, objects and the world around us in a round shape. There are very few subscribers, and the idea is so-so, but it is clearly not ordinary.

We saw Paris from different angles, but never from such. A page where you will see the capital of France, standing on one hand.

Once you see these fabulous illustrations, you will never unsubscribe from this profile. Charming, lifelike and inspiring drawings that touch anyone.

The finished stories of Javier Perez have already gathered more than 160 thousand subscribers around them. The master turns the most ordinary objects into incredible stories and whimsical illustrations.

The page of the adventures of the green-eyed red-haired mischievous will not leave anyone indifferent. This cute cat already has 600 thousand fans around the world and continues to amaze with his antics.

A touching, and at the same time very comical, blog about the behind-the-scenes life of famous cartoon characters. Follow @dcerejo and learn new facts about Darth Vader and Baz Lightyear every day.

And finally, a pretty ghost who entered the world of the web not to scare the townsfolk, but to show his adventures to everyone around. When users begin to quip about the fact that this is just a person, the ghost replies: “What normal person would walk around in sheets in Spain?”


This page has appeared relatively recently and is really worth subscribing to. Every day articles and useful information that will definitely come in handy in life. Fascinating and informative account.

And what interesting Instagram users will you share with us?

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