
CPA networks: the whole truth from a marketer. CPA marketing is the gold mine of online business How CPA networks work

In simple words, CPA is the same affiliate programs, only more advanced in technical terms. Around 2012, the first serious networks began to appear on the market.

CPA - Cost Per Action (cost per action). The advertiser pays only when a specific action is achieved, which he indicated in the CPA network. This action can be anything, for example:

  • Confirmed order
  • Paid order
  • Left application
  • Registration in the online game
  • Installing the app on iOS or Android

How CPA networks work

A few years ago, a webmaster had to learn about new ones on specialized forums. Just imagine! To work, for example, with 10 online stores, you had to register in each of them. Understand where affiliate links are located. Fill in payment information. If there were questions with the affiliate program, then I had to conduct lengthy correspondence with them by mail and so on.

This is how CPA networks began to appear. Networks began to bring webmasters and advertisers together in one place. It became convenient for all parties.

There are always 3 parties involved in CPA business:

  1. Advertiser
  2. Webmaster

Benefits of CPA for an advertiser

By connecting to a large network with a high-quality and popular product, you can already receive 1000 orders a day!

Connection conditions for all networks are different. Someone works only with brands, and someone with individual entrepreneurs. In any case, you will have to conclude a contract and make an advance payment.

CPAs are well-suited for various financial themes, online games, e-commerce, mobile apps, and low-cost products like those sold in telemarkets.

Advantages of CPA for webmasters

Since this business came to us from the West, let's add one more term here.

Publisher - publisher (publisher). A person who has his own resource with traffic, such as a website or blog.

If you hear the word publisher or webmaster somewhere, then in the Russian-speaking space it is the same thing.

For webmasters, the plus is that by registering in one or two networks, he gets access to hundreds of affiliate programs at the same time. Among which there are large brands, for example, Eldorado, M-Video, Lamoda, Aliexpress, Tinkoff and many others.

As you can see, this is a unique opportunity to earn money together with market leaders! These brands are on everyone’s lips and you don’t need to explain to anyone what they do.

The webmaster also receives unified statistics for all clicks and orders. Now, when working with 10 affiliate programs, all statistics are shown in one place.

What does the CPA network do in this business

The network organizes all technical moments. Provides a tracker (a tracker is a powerful analytical system) that tracks all actions on both sides. This allows you to avoid various kinds of cheating and other "gray" schemes aimed at obtaining funds.

The network is constantly looking for and entering into agreements with various advertisers in different niches. From finance to free online games.

Each webmaster has his own personal manager who is ready to help in choosing an affiliate program. There is a support service that you can contact with any questions.

It is in the interests of the network to connect only reliable advertisers and attract new webmasters. Webmasters are also checked and asked to show how they are going to attract traffic. This is standard practice.

TOP 3 CPA networks

Over the years, a huge number of networks have appeared on the market. But not all of them need to work. Most lead to a miserable existence and there is a high probability that both advertisers and webmasters will not receive their money.

To date, there are 3 clear leaders in this market.

1. admitad.com. The company has been operating since 2010. admitad offices are located not only in Russia and the CIS, but also in Europe and even India. The best proof of the credibility of the company is the earnings of advertisers and webmasters.

On the main page of the site, you can always see the maximum earnings of the webmaster over the past day. For example, on November 11, 2016, there was a big promotion on aliexpress and affiliate earnings amounted to just over 23 million rubles in one day!

Maximum earnings for 1 day in admitad CPA — 23,198,697 rubles!

2. actionpay.net. The company began its work in 2010 and is also the undisputed market leader. The company's offices are also located in several countries.

This CPA network includes both big brands and ordinary entrepreneurs. The webmaster will find a lot of goods and services for promotion. The earnings of webmasters speak for themselves.

Earnings of TOP 10 partners in CPA actionpay

3.cityads.com. The CPA network started working at the end of 2010. The company differs from others by its innovative complex for both webmasters and advertisers, which have no analogues in the market. You will have access to the most advanced analytics tools. For webmasters whose traffic comes from different sources, this will be appreciated.

Earnings of TOP partners in CPA cityads

These 3 companies will be enough to start making money with CPA networks for both webmasters and advertisers. With them you can not worry about your earned money.

CPA terminology

In any professional activity there is a vocabulary of words that you need to know in order to understand what is at stake. For example, you have already learned what words like cpa, advertiser, publisher and tracker mean. Let's find out what other words mean.

Traffic(traffic) - in the Internet business, it is first of all people, only then visitors and potential customers. To attract traffic to the site means to attract people (visitors).

CTR(click-through rate, page, center) — the ratio of clicks to impressions is calculated. The more clicks made per 1000 impressions, the higher ctr will be. By this indicator, you can understand how much the advertisement is interesting to the audience. 1000 times the ad appeared, clicked on it 10 times, got ctr 10%.

EPC(earn per click) - shows the average income from 1 click. It is useful to watch those who are engaged in paid advertising. If you buy 1 click for 1 ruble, and the eps shows 5 rubles, then you are pouring into a plus and vice versa.

CR(conversion rate) - shows the percentage of visitors who made the desired action (purchased, ordered, installed). This action is also called a conversion.

Approve(approved, approved) - Shows the percentage of approved conversions. For example, 100 orders, 50 orders approved, 50 rejected. Approval is 50%.

Traffic arbitrage may be of interest to those people who do not have their own sites, but they really want to master cpa marketing or, as it is called in the West, Affiliate Marketing (affiliate marketing).

Have you tried affiliate programs yet? share your experience.

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Hello! There are many ways to make money online and make money online. Earnings on the sale of links used to be very popular, but this is in the past. Now one of the most profitable ways to make money on the Internet is CPA networks. In this article, I will tell you what CPA networks are, how to make money on them, and which CPA network to choose for making money.

Earnings on CPA networks is essentially earnings on affiliate programs, I think you are familiar with this type of earnings, when you place an affiliate banner or a link on a blog that users follow and if they buy an affiliate product, you are charged a certain percentage of remuneration as a partner. At the same time, partner products can be absolutely anything - from various information courses to various physical goods, such as cosmetics, clothing, etc.

CPA network (Cost-Per-Action) is a service where a huge number of affiliate programs are collected. At the same time, you do not need to independently search for thematic affiliate programs, register in each of them and constantly monitor. CPA networks pay only for some completed action - buying a product, registering, installing software.

By registering in the CPA network, you will receive a personal account where you can manage all the materials - choose thematic CPA affiliate programs, take advertising materials (banners, affiliate links, XML upload of goods), track the number of transitions, clicks and purchases. The advantage of CPA networks is obvious.

How to make money on CPA networks?

There are several ways to make money on CPA networks:

1. Placing affiliate links and banners on your site. The principle is simple, you register in the CPA network, choose programs, take advertising materials (banners, links) and place them on your website.

The method is good if you have highly visited thematic pages. For example, you have a blog about fashion and beauty. You can place advertising banners of such popular stores as Lamoda.ru and Lasumka.ru when you buy goods through an affiliate link, you will be credited with 10-12%. You sold a branded bag for 6,000 rubles, you will earn 600 rubles.

2. Creating your own online store. It would be more correct to call a showcase of goods. That is, you create a full-fledged online store with the only difference that all goods and transactions for the purchase of goods will take place on a third-party site.

At the same time, you do not need to worry about the technical aspects of receiving payment, send the goods to the buyer and think about where to get a warehouse for storing goods.

You simply download an XML upload with a huge number of products, upload everything to your online store, order from copywriters or write unique descriptions for each product yourself. It remains only to promote your affiliate online store and track sales.

3. Traffic arbitration. In fact, this is a resale of traffic. That is, the affiliate buys cheap traffic and sends it to the product page or landing page. The difference between the profit from the CPA affiliate program (percentage from the sale of goods) and the cost of purchased cheap traffic will be the earnings of the affiliate.

Thanks to this traffic, a certain number of goods were bought through your affiliate link and you received 5,000 rubles on interest. From this amount we subtract the money spent on the purchase of traffic, we get 2,000 rubles of net profit.

You can buy traffic anywhere (if it is not prohibited by company rules): Yandex Direct, teasers, VKontakte advertising, clickander, etc.

At first glance, everything may seem simple, but in fact, traffic arbitrage is not an easy process and requires hard work and constant analysis. In this business, you can both earn very good money, and merge into a minus. It is important to send only targeted traffic to a product or service.

How much can you earn on CPA networks?

The amount of earnings can be completely different. It all depends on the chosen offer, traffic quality, success and advertising costs, affiliate experience, etc.

Experienced arbitrageurs can earn hundreds of thousands of rubles. For example, in the Admitad CPA network, you can always see the maximum earnings for the past day:

As you can see in the screenshot, the amount is quite impressive.

Which CPA network to earn money to choose? List of CPA networks.

The choice of a CPA network depends on how you will attract traffic and who is the target audience of the offer. It's silly to try to make money by placing lingerie shop banner ads on a coding blog, but such banners can be profitable when placed on a women's blog. I think the essence is clear here you need to think with your head and constantly analyze. There is no clear methodology, making money on CPA networks requires constant experimentation.

Below you can see a list of the most popular and time-tested CPA networks. You can choose any network and offer (company) that suits the theme of your site.

– CPA network with a huge number of companies on the following topics: clothing and footwear, cosmetics, health, sports, tourism and travel, browser games, auto products, books, souvenirs, digital and household appliances, insurance services, entertainment and gifts.

The main customers of this network are large online stores. For most companies, it is possible to upload products in XML.

The minimum withdrawal amount is only 300 rubles.

is a popular CPA network that has proven itself over time. Unlike Admitad, here are mostly less cheap and popular products, such as: slimming drops, cream to improve potency, various plasters. In general, everything that is most successfully monetized by teasers.

There are also a considerable number of dating partners (dating) and Android applications.

The minimum withdrawal amount is 800 rubles. You can earn it thanks to 1-2 sales.

– this CPA network is younger than the previous two, but has proven itself only from the best side.

Among the offers, there are mainly physical goods – watches, phones, perfumes, various beauty services in salons, browser games and Android applications.

The minimum withdrawal amount is 2,000 rubles. Payments are made with a delay of two weeks.

Earnings in CPA networks on the example of Admitad

The principle of all CPA networks is the same. I will show the principle of work on the example of Admitad.

After registering in the Admitad CPA network, you need to choose the appropriate programs that fit the theme of your site.

On the page that opens, there will be a list of all available programs from which you can choose the ones suitable for your site. Thanks to convenient filtering, you can sort these sites.

Before working with any company, be sure to read the terms and conditions. Each company has certain conditions for attracting traffic. So that it doesn’t turn out that the rules prohibit the use of contextual advertising, but you didn’t notice this and leaked a huge budget just like that in Direct.

Arbitrator Dictionary

If you decide to try making money in CPA marketing, then at first you will see a lot of new and most likely incomprehensible words for you, such as leads, offer, hold. To make it easier for you to deal with all this, here is a small cheat sheet:

Leads- this is a conversion, that is, a specific action performed by a client - buying a product, subscribing, registering, installing an application.

Hold- this is a certain time of freezing the earned funds of the webmaster. During this time, the user action must be confirmed. The hold is used to avoid being deceived by the webmaster.

For example, the webmaster brought the client to the product page, the client ordered the product, but has not yet paid for it. At this time, the webmaster will be credited with a percentage of earnings, but he will not be able to withdraw money until the client pays for the goods.

CTR- from eng. Click Through Rate is the ratio of ad impressions to its click through rate. This ratio is measured as a percentage. The higher the click-through rate, the higher the CTR.

EPC or eCPC- from English. Estimated Cost Per Click is the average cost of a click through the system. This indicator allows you to determine the approximate budget spent on advertising.

What blogs can make good money in CPA networks?

I am very surprised by many bloggers. I have come across wonderful women's blogs more than once, where there is a constant live audience, where there are excellent articles, great design and everything is tasteful, but stupidly, almost all of these blogs have completely non-thematic banners.

Why on a blog about beauty and health hang banners of all well-known infobusinessmen in a narrow circle about blog promotion or video editing? Well, you sell a couple of video courses and your earnings will stall on this.

Choose the best thematic companies in CPA networks and your earnings will be constant. We wrote an optimized article about fashion handbags, placed an affiliate banner or a link to a well-known online store in it, and consider that sales are guaranteed if your article reaches the TOP.

Earnings on CPA networks is the most profitable income from information sites and blogs!

If you "wander" on the Internet, you can find many new and not always clear words. Among them is the English abbreviation of the CPA network or affiliate program. Everyone who is engaged in making money online or is just getting on this track knows it for sure. CPA networks - what is it and how to work with it?

What are CPA networks?

In short, this is a kind of exchange, system, or, more simply, an intermediary between the advertiser and the person who is able to bring customers. Most often, this is an online store and a site owner with a large number of visitors.

  • goods;
  • promotional offers;
  • "fresh" discount coupons;
  • information about the big sale.

CPA affiliate networks contain information about a huge number of products in various areas that need to be sold. Thanks to such an exchange, you do not need to look for the owner of the store, try to contact him and build relationships. Everything is open source and automated as much as possible.

How it works?

And yet, CPA networks - what are they and how to work with them? In the vast majority, the system pays for certain actions on the part of the client. It can be:

  • registration on the site;
  • ordering goods;
  • his payment;
  • call to a specific number;
  • installing a program or application;
  • following a specific link.

The task of a person who wants to earn money is to “force” the visitor to do the specified action. If this happens, the system will pay a percentage of the cost or a set commission. The list of CPA networks is quite large, and each has its own percentages and established rules.

For example, in some, 30% of the cost of the goods is paid, in others, a fixed amount for registering or installing a product. Before starting your activity in this direction, you should familiarize yourself with all the conditions and nuances of each exchange separately.

Basic concepts

The first thing a beginner will encounter is just a huge number of terms and concepts. All professionals communicate in a certain language. In order to ask a question and understand the answer to it, you need to understand what it is all about.

Traffic. A certain number of visitors or a stream, or a mass. There is also the concept of “drive traffic”, which means directing visitors and potential customers to some address, mainly to another site.

Arbitration. This concept was introduced by CPA networks, what is it? The process of "acquiring" a certain number of visitors to one site and redirecting them to another for profit.

Lead. This is the name of the person who clicked on the link and performed a certain action.

Cold time. In connection with the “winding up” of leads by some dishonest comrades, a verification time has been introduced in the system. Violation of the rules of the exchange can lead to the fact that the payment will not be made, and especially distinguished ones will be blacklisted and will not be able to cooperate at all.

Profit. Translated from English means earnings, profit.

Offer. Affiliate program or offer to earn.

CPA as a type of business

The best CPA networks provide an opportunity to earn for all participants. On the one hand, the customer receives a profit from the sale of a product or service, on the other hand, the contractor receives his percentage for attracting, and on the third, the exchange, which takes its “modest” commission.

Many people, having tried this type of earnings, left offline work and completely switched to CPA affiliate programs. To be successful, you need to have at least one of two things:

  • Own website with a large number of visitors.
  • The ability to create high converting advertisements.

The first method is more popular. It requires less time and effort, but the return can not be obtained immediately. The second allows you to get almost instant results. But you need to have creativity and bright marketing skills.

Traffic for CPA

The main task of the performer is to attract as much traffic as possible, and even better, that these are people who are interested in the proposed product. There are a lot of both paid and free methods, but they all have their advantages and disadvantages.

1) Own site. It can be a group in a social network or a personal site. On the one hand, the creation of such a platform requires certain knowledge and a lot of time at the beginning. On the other hand, after creation and promotion, it begins to generate passive income with minimal participation of the creator.

2) Announcements on free resources. There are a lot of sites, forums and news portals in the network that are ready to place an ad for free or almost free of charge. The good news is that there are a lot of such resources. Minus - a lot of manual work without a guarantee of results.

3)Banner. If you place an attractive or intriguing banner where there are many potential customers, then this can give an amazing effect. You can, of course, directly contact the owners of Internet resources, but it is better to register in special exchanges. This will save you a lot of time and nerves.

4) Teasers. The obvious advantage is a large amount of traffic. Disadvantage - not suitable for all offers. It is better to use for "female" products. You also need to know a lot of subtleties and rules of teaser advertising.

6) Social media. Given the popularity of social media, it would be extremely unwise to miss out on this place. The main thing is to interest users and offer a really worthwhile product. The rest they will do on their own. There are special organizations that offer services to promote a group or a certain product at once.

Rating of the best CPA networks

Beginners often ask the question: "CPA networks - what is it, and which affiliate programs are better?". If you read the descriptions of each system, then they all praise themselves and tell what riches you can earn with them. It turns out, however, that this is not always true. To learn more about CPA networks, the ranking of the best is presented below.

Admitad- a fairly large affiliate program, in which you can find the goods of many online stores, online games, the services of some banks and travel organizations. Offers great functionality and detailed instructions for both beginners and experienced users.

"Where is the elephant?" - this affiliate network can be safely attributed to one of the best and largest. It can offer a large number of tools for working with the system, including CSV and XML uploads. It also boasts its own plugin for Wordpress (an engine for blogging on the Internet).

ActionPay- the main difference of this CPA-network, the rating of which does not lag behind those already presented, is the presence of its own banking system. Otherwise, this is a good affiliate program offering a huge number of offers.

ActionaAds- offers a very wide range of offers from various fields. Quite often, in this affiliate program you can find very profitable offers that are not found anywhere else.

Foreign CPA networks

In the domestic Internet, this type of cooperation is actively gaining momentum. But foreign CPA networks, whose rating is simply huge, have been making a very good profit for a long time. Among the best and most reliable are:

Affiliatecube. Most webmasters work with this parterka. The range of offers is almost impossible to list all. There are topics for all countries. Despite the English-speaking administration, there is support for Russian-speaking users.

clickbank. The affiliate program, which operates in the CIS, offers foreign goods at "delicious" prices. The only nuance is the payment of earned funds. It is carried out either by check to the address, or to a card that will meet certain requirements.

paydaymansion. The main and only niche of this network is the conversion of financial traffic. The system specializes in small loans that are very easy to obtain. Today it is quite a profitable niche and a promising direction.

Peculiarities of work on foreign CPA

In addition to well-established work and proven mechanisms, foreign affiliate programs work with English, which has long become an international language. Almost all affiliate programs that work today have an impeccable reputation and reliability.

Some advantages of working with overseas CPAs:

  • the audience is several times larger than the domestic one;
  • the system offers thousands of really profitable offers;
  • profit figures are approximately equal to Russian ones, only the currency is dollars;
  • hundreds of job offers.

The Future of CPA Networks

Existing CPA networks offer a very promising opportunity to make money on goods and services that do not even need to be produced. If you look at the latest statistics, the growth rate is increasing every year.

This allows us to assert that affiliate programs of this kind will only grow and develop, which means that by cooperating with them you can earn very good money. If you start now, then you can still occupy a free niche, after which it will be extremely problematic.

Beginning webmasters often write to me with a request to advise a CPA network for work.

Indeed, there are many aggregators of affiliate programs on the Internet and in its Russian segment, in particular, and the trend is only growing. How can a beginner in traffic arbitrage not get lost here and choose among this abundance a network where it will be convenient and, most importantly, efficient to work?

I will show you a step-by-step algorithm with selection criteria and recommendations of the best affiliate aggregators, and I will also recommend some of them based on my own experience. Read carefully - having understood the essence, you will be able to independently expand the range of networks with affiliate programs and earn money in them without any problems.

CPA networks for beginners

How do aggregators differ from each other:

  • Launch date - there are well-established, with a history, and young, not hyped.
  • The categories and topics of offers presented on the site are gaming, commodity, information products, adult and so on.
  • The presence and variety of functionality that simplifies the work of the webmaster and allows you to earn more.
  • The quality of the support service - how well the feedback is delivered, whether there is a personal manager, online chat, social network groups for communication, and so on.
  • The number of offers on the site - if there are few of them, there is no possibility to choose according to your preferences.
  • Availability of exclusive offers.

These are just the main differences, there are many of them, and each CPA network is unique in its own way, but the points listed in the points noticeably affect the comfort and productive work of a novice affiliate marketer.

How to choose

Newly opened or little-known networks are not suitable for beginners for the following reasons:

  • firstly, they have not yet earned a reputation, there are no reviews from other webmasters and it is not known how things are done here, but you should not experiment on your budget;
  • secondly, the functionality of the CPA network is hardly launched in full, it is being implemented and tested, and there may be crashes, freezes, incorrect statistics and other jambs;
  • thirdly, as a rule, not only arbitrators, but also advertisers are wary of working with unknown aggregators, so it’s almost impossible to find good, sought-after offers on such sites.

You need to decide what category of offers you are going to deal with. For beginners in arbitration, I advise two options: . The former do not require special schemes for attracting traffic and it is easier to start with them, the latter give a better profit due to higher commissions.

For aggregators of information products - courses, trainings and other educational materials by well-known authors, read the article at the link above.

To get higher commissions, you can connect to (casino, gambling) or travel affiliate programs that convert well and give good profits, for example, where, among other things, there are a lot of tools and training materials for a quick start and efficient work.

Now let's focus on CPA networks with friends.

The most suitable for beginners, where there is everything you need to start and work successfully -, Ad1, M1-shop, KMA,.

I will briefly list what is in each of the above, and I will dwell on one in more detail, where I will clearly show which options and tools are important and help the webmaster.


One of the oldest and most famous networks with a rich history, a wide range of tools and good webmaster support.

It has more than 1000 offers of various categories on its site - from popular stores like M-Video, to banking services, games and dating sites. There are quite a few exclusive offers that you will not find in any other CPA network - due to the reliability and high volumes of traffic coming through, many advertisers prefer to work exclusively with it.

The same applies to webmasters - because of the simply huge selection of offers in a wide variety of niches, it is possible to get sales in any traffic sources by selecting the right product for the prevailing audience using various filters.

, KMA, Ad1.

All of the above can be repeated about these CPA networks, maybe to some extent more modestly, but still - a large selection of offers of various categories, including exclusive ones, a lot of wow-products, functionality and JV at the highest level. The difference between them is in some details that are not critical for selection.


This is a dropshipping platform with many interesting product offers, various webmaster tools, a 24/7 call center, and good order confirmation. Here you can set a markup on the goods yourself, create your own showcase of products or use ready-made landing pages.


An excellent product affiliate specializing in nutra - always relevant products for health and beauty with good conversion. The partnership began its work in 2016 and currently represents:

  • payments up to 2 times a day with withdrawal to webmoney, paypal or traffic sources;
  • 2 200+ nutra offers;
  • 50 in-demand high-converting niches;
  • 100+ GEOs with Trial, SS and COD solutions;
  • 10,000+ registered webmasters.

Paid action - a confirmed application with the size of affiliate deductions of $4-70, depending on the offer.

All drugs are accompanied by documents with information about manufacturers and certification checks, which ensures the trust of buyers and the passage of moderation in traffic sources.

For each offer, you can choose from several options of professionally designed landings and pre-landers.

24/7 support is very good — affiliate managers have experience in arbitration and will always advise top bundles and free offers for your traffic sources. And also will prompt a couple of sources with zero competition!

If you don't use dr.cash yet, without an interview and moderation, the process will take less than 1 minute.

M1 shop.

Using this grid as an example, I will show which options provide additional convenience for traffic arbitration.

When you log into your account, you immediately see who you can contact online and through what communication channels.

This is very important, especially for beginners - any issue is resolved in real time, and not through long correspondence in tickets.

Let's open the tab with offers, and in the filters we see the checkbox "Call center M1-shop".

Another positive point: practice shows that the percentage of confirmed orders is higher when CPA network operators, rather than advertisers, are calling customers.

Let's go to some offer.

The first plus is that several domains are offered to get an affiliate link. As you understand, if a bunch of webmasters are pouring on one domain, and many do it poorly, the advertising platform starts to increase the cost per click for such links, and several domains improve the situation. Of course, the best option is to park your domain and drive traffic to it, but this choice is better than not having one.

The next moment is a lot of tested pads and landing pages for the offer with an indication of convertibility. Good again. In addition, you can divide traffic into mobile and desktop versions of landing pages, or you can use your own landing and attach a ready-made Iframe form to it.

To increase the conversion of landing pages, there are a bunch of additional features that are implemented with one click

To track traffic during arbitration, it is imperative to use analytics systems - usually Yandex Metrica or Google Analytics. The introduction of your counter code into the selected landing page of the CPA network is done in M1 in two clicks, which is also important for beginners.

First, you specify the traffic source and UTM tags with macros are automatically added to the affiliate link, then you enter the counter ID in the required field and the issue is resolved - conversion statistics will be displayed in your analytics service account.

Very, very comfortable. To get data on completed requests, we do the following: we get an affiliate link and execute a test order - we are redirected to a thank you page.

Since the counter is also installed on it, we copy its address and visit the page. Now in the statistics we will see all order conversions.

These are interesting and useful tools that beginners should pay attention to when choosing a CPA network for work. They save time and help both beginners and more experienced webmasters get better results. I described those affiliate aggregators through which I work myself, which one you choose - decide for yourself, the criteria are described.

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