
The best mods for minecraft. Download best mods Top 10 most useful mods

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There are mods that have millions of downloads, they are very popular and you yourself probably do not think about how many players use them. And today we present our own TOP 10 best Minecraft mods site version. We can assure you that with a hundred percent probability you have used at least one of them. Mod genres are quite extensive from tech mods to new worlds. Of course, the top will be updated, you never know more worthy competitors will appear. As of July 2015, you see the following leaders:

10th place:

Zan's Minimap ( , ) - Adds a minimap in the upper right corner, this is very useful for many, because you can set special marks on the map, for example, not to lose a beautiful place or just your house. But labels are not the only setting, there are quite a few of them: such as showing mobs, cardinal directions, your coordinates and level above the sea. There is an analogue of Rei's Minimap, which is very similar, so you can choose it. There is a little criticism of the fashion, since the display, for example, of mobs, looks at least cheaty, you always know where they will come from - therefore only 10th place.

9th place:

Inventory Tweaks ( , , ) - With just one button, you can organize your inventory. All items in a fraction of a second will be laid out in a beautiful order, all identical blocks will be stacked. For people who love cleanliness and order, such a mod will be just the way, you don’t need to suffer by laying it out yourself. Only 9th place, due to the fact that the mod does only one, not to say that a big function, there are more global mods in which a lot of work has been done.

8th Place:

The Lord of the Rings ( , ) - The famous world of the Lord of the Rings has been transferred to Minecraft! The developers spent a lot of time adding so many objects from the movie to the game, because there are really a lot of them - places, weapons, monsters. Want to see Gondor? It's easy, you just need to take the cards and start traveling like a group of hobbits from the Shire (By the way, there is one too). Can you defeat Sauron in Minecraft? Well, try it, it's not that easy! After all, on his side are many different types of creatures, which are taken only by the best weapons that you have to craft and of course, crafting will require a lot of resources that you will look for throughout Middle-earth. You definitely have to spend a lot of time to become the strongest in a completely new world of Minecraft.

7th place:

Millenaire ( , ) - Standard villages in Minecraft are very simple and uninteresting, there is nothing special to do in them, this mod is aimed at adding new interesting features to NPC villages. The mod adds a normal trading system for residents, villages can develop by building new buildings, you can complete missions for local residents, in the villages you can find different races of inhabitants. And also the coolest thing is to create your own village and start developing it in various ways, a very funny feature.

6th Place:

Mo "Creatures ( , ) - Few mobs in the standard version of the game? Really, when compared with the real world, in our beloved Minecraft there is not even 1% of all species, and this is not acceptable, which is why this mod was created. It adds new types of mobs, of course, not as much in quantity as in real life, but definitely more than we now have.At the moment, there are 31 types of new mobs and varieties in the modification.And these are: Wyverns, Elephants, Mammoths, Monitor Lizards, Golems, Snails, Insects and many other.

5th place:

Buildcraft ( , ) - Mod simplifies mining and transportation of liquids. If you need to get a lot of resources for the IC2 mod or just resources, then now you can no longer strain. You only need to learn a fairly simple crafting system, and just place the quarries where you see fit.

4th place:

DivineRPG ( , ) - One of the biggest mods made for Minecraft, greatly expanding the game's facets. Many new dimensions are added, in which their own structures and biomes, their own resources and mobs. A new player development system, not as primitive as from the main developers of Minecraft. There will be an opportunity to equip yourself with armor more interestingly, various varieties appear: light and heavy, each with its own advantages. It will become much more interesting to play, as new opponents and goals will appear. And each of the creatures you meet will have their own characteristics and skills.

3rd place:

Galacticraft ( , ) - Dreamed of space? Introducing a mod that adds space and of course the resulting features. Firstly, you can craft space rockets and use them to colonize other planets. Moreover, each planet has its own gravity, suitability for life and the presence of life (Indicates whether there are other living creatures on the planet - mobs). And of course, new blocks and craft are present.

In this review, we offer you to consider the best top mods for Minecraft. Minecraft is a game that seems incredibly simple and even childish at first glance. However, the longer you play it, the more you are fascinated by this world that you create yourself. A variety of modifications are capable of diversifying this world, which not only add new elements to the game, but also give it a new direction. Also, some modifications can contribute to learning in various branches of science.

Industrial craft 2

This is a global modification that adds a lot of new features to the game. With the installation of this modification, your Minecraft will become not just a game about building houses and excavating mines, you will receive a whole set of various innovations. Metallurgy, electrical engineering, agro-industry. These branches of human activity allow you to plunge headlong into the construction of new machines for the improvement of your world. New blocks, materials, trees and plants, tools. All this is aimed at a more detailed study and conquest of the world. With Industrial Craft 2 you will experience all the subtleties of industrial work.

Project red

Who doesn't love building incredible gear in Minecraft? A whole bunch of different farms for the extraction of everything that your heart desires. And it all works with redstone. However, the redstone itself is not such a simple thing, since its use is often complicated by the mechanics of the game. Modification The red projects project fixes this problem and makes it easier to work with redstone as a conductor of energy to feed mechanisms.

Divine RPG

From the name of the modification, it becomes clear that it brings a greater RPG component to the game than it was intended by the developers. Deciding once buy minecraft key and install this mod, new full-fledged dimensions will appear in the game with their own rules and ecosystem. You will fully experience the spirit of pioneering. Also, Divine RPG adds a lot of new armor and weapons, thanks to which the exploration of new worlds will be easier. And, perhaps, the most important innovation is a more detailed system for developing your character with branches and levels.

Build Craft

This modification adds an improved resource extraction system to the game. With this system, you will be able to develop entire careers for the extraction of vital resources. Since the extraction of resources in Minecraft is an important aspect, and sometimes because of it you have to forget about other much more interesting things, the Build Craft modification will contribute to the improvement of your world and create a real technical revolution.

computer craft

Many children, and not only children, under the influence of the computer, wanted to become programmers. This is an easy way to create something of your own, which other people will use, without any extra investment. One of the best mods - Computer Craft will contribute to these desires. He will add full-fledged computers and robots to the game, which can be programmed for a variety of actions. All programming in the mod is done in the simple Lua language.


This modification will bring a mysterious aspect to the game. An ancient magic capable of inflicting damage, throwing "fireballs", charming yourself with a variety of auras. All this contributes to the creation of a magical atmosphere, which in turn will help you feel like real wizards. New magic runes, sorcerer's books and much more will lead you along a narrow path through the nooks and crannies of magic. New bosses and locations will be added to the game, which will help in the practice of using magic and the emergence of an adventure spirit.


Since Soviet times, children who grew up on the exploits of Yuri Gagarin dreamed of becoming cosmonauts. And in the modern world, this dream has not gone into the background. Millions of people around the globe dream of flying into space, exploring other planets. The Gakacticraft mod is able to make these dreams come true in the world of Minecraft. The ability to create space rockets is added to the game, with the help of which space and its unknown distances become subject to you. New planets may have an unfriendly environment, or they may, on the contrary, be uninhabited. With Galacticraft you will feel like a real space colonizer.

Big reactors

Most technological modifications, one way or another, require energy. A variety of mechanisms and machines created by you require constant energy supply. In this case, the Big reactors modification comes to the rescue. The entire nuclear potential is in your hands, because this modification adds nuclear reactors to the game, which produce a fantastic amount of energy. Big reactors is compatible with most Minecraft technology modifications.


Traditionally, technological modifications bring many new mechanisms and tools to Minecraft. But, they are all powered by energy. The PneumaticCraft mod corrects this shortcoming and allows you to create new mechanisms that will work from internal air pressure. Since pressure is a dangerous thing, the modification involves an accurate calculation of the construction of all mechanisms. Any mistake can lead to an explosion that will bring all your efforts to naught.


Someone likes to explore uncharted distant lands, someone likes to gnaw at the granite of science and create new mechanisms that are incomprehensible to the philistine mind, someone likes to extract resources, going deeper and deeper into the bowels of mines, and someone loves agriculture. This is the beauty of Minecraft, here everyone will find something to their liking. The Forestry mod will improve the gameplay for those who love farming. This modification adds to the game a lot of new agricultural mechanisms and blocks that will help in breeding animals. There is also a new opportunity - breeding bees. Create your own apiary and all the honey in the Minecraft world will be yours.

We reviewed the top 10 best mods for minecraft, we hope you liked it! See you soon!

Among the large number of materials on the site, we have identified top most interesting mods for minecraft according to user ratings. This includes mods for Minecraft version 1.7.2 \ 1.7.10 \ 1.8.0 \ 1.8.1 \ 1.8.9 , and ios \ Android, that is, literally all available categories. Since users do not tend to evaluate the mods that they download, we decided to bring the material to the top in terms of the number of views.
Not forget to leave comments to maps and mods, it helps other users a lot, and it’s also nice for the admin that there is activity on his site: 3

This mod will add the generation of new settlements of different nations, in which the corresponding NPCs with advanced AI will live.

Before you mod Mine & Blade Battlegear 2 which must be installed in each RPG map. And all because he will add to minecraft a huge number of new weapons, armor and other items, as well as add a new interface in the style RPG. Now you can create your character like a knight, take a sword or spear in one hand, and a shield in the other. It looks cool and looks in the style of the Middle Ages, on your server such a mod will only be a plus.

A very interesting mod that is designed to generate buildings around the world Minecraft. In addition, mod MyWorldGen also able to generate your own buildings added to the folder minecraft/worldgen as schematic file. In this way, the world of your server can be made unique and interesting.

I'm sure many have noticed that there are absolutely no girls in the Minecraft game and the iPixeli's Gender mod will correct this situation. Now almost any two-legged creature can be a girl. And outwardly it will be noticeable.

futurepack suitable for players who are interested in traveling in space to other worlds. Don't let this scare you, as flights can be arranged on a spaceship that can be crafted. In addition, the mod adds the generation of various worlds. In fact, these will be biomes that are not similar in structure to terrestrial ones.

Shaders are scripts that standard Minecraft cannot read, but with the help of an additional mod this becomes possible.
Mod GLSL Shaders designed specifically to support shaders for minecraft different versions.
Remember that GLSL Shaders is just a helper for installing shaders, which you need to download separately.

Adventure lovers are constantly trying to improve the game by adding various interesting modifications. For your attention, a unique mod Horror Pacman Mod for Minecraft 1.7.10, which adds Pacman. Moreover, these creatures will be extremely aggressive and dangerous. In fact, this mod can be compared to a hardmode, because from now on you will not be able to safely walk around the world.

Love interacting with the villagers? The Minecraft Comes Alive mod adds variability to the interaction, now you can have small dialogues in the residents. In addition, there will be new varieties of skins for residents in the total amount of which will be 200 pieces.

Epic Ruins will replace and add elements such as medieval settlements, stone castles and more to the Minecraft world generation.

If you are tired of placing a bunch of torches along the way when you are in a dark room, then mod Dynamic Lights rescue you. The fact is that this mod is for the version 1.8 improve lighting, will create dynamic light, which will illuminate everything around you as it should. It is enough to carry one torch with you and you will no longer know the troubles with a lack of light around.

Mod Dragon Mounts allows tame, grow and then saddle present dragon. First you need to grow a dragon from an egg.

Most of you are fans of the Marvel universe with its superheroes and superpowers. And for sure everyone wanted to have something supernatural in real life. In Minecraft, you can try out the role of a hero and become what you want.

By killing mobs you will earn trophy points for which you can improve the levels of your weapons.

The Wings of Alfheim Mod is unique as it adds a new magenta ore to the game. From such ore, you can craft magical wings for yourself, and there will be several options for the wings, from demonic to enchanted fairy wings. Such an accessory will certainly make you stand out from the crowd of other players.

Biomes o blenty is a popular mod for all versions of Minecraft and it changes world generation, adds new biomes and crafting recipes.

Alchemy and magic in Minecraft no longer a fantasy. With mod Thaumcraft, for version 1.7.2 you will be able to create the most unusual things and do magic. If you have not heard about this mod before, a book with the complex name thaumonomicon will come to your aid, in which everything you need to know is written.

Sometimes when building a map or a building, you need to block the passage to somewhere. This will help you Craftable Barrier Block which is transparent impenetrable block For Minecraft 1.8. This invisible block by setting which you will block the path anywhere. How to make an invisible block see full description.

With the Enhanced Visuals mod, effects like diving into water, taking damage, burning, and others will take on a new color.

Now, in order to store food, you can craft a small refrigerator that can fit everything you need.

First of all mod NotEnoughItems expands the variety of Minecraft items by increasing their number. But the mod also has a property because of which many players appreciate it. We are talking about a new interface thanks to which you can easily find the item you are interested in, as well as see what you can craft from it.

Mod that adds a large number of medieval weapons. These will be swords, axes, staves that can be taken in both hands!

Awesome mod Better Foliage that changes the appearance of leaves on trees, as well as grass. Now the leaves will not be square, but on the contrary, more realistic.

Fabulous armor mod and items for Minecraft 1.7.10 which can be used in the game on the network. All the beauty of fashion Special Armor in that he will add several absolutely new sets with good characteristics. I advise everyone who plays version 1.7.10 to install this modification for themselves in order to refresh their equipment.

A very interesting mod that will turn Minecraft into a battlefield where Zombies fight Plants. Zombies will attack, and you must defend yourself by planting defenders plants around your home. The pack contains the Plants vs Zombies mod for Minecraft 1.7.2. Video for clarity.

A mod for Minecraft that adds many elements from the TF2 universe. It affects mostly equipment and appearance. That is, you can apply the skin of any of the Team Fortress 2 classes, as well as pick up any of the local guns.

Better Foliage suitable for you if you make a realistic assembly of mods for Minecraft 1.8.9 \ 1.8 \ 1.7.10 \ 1.7.2 . By installing it in the game, additional leaves will appear on the trees, and real grass will sprout on grass blocks. It looks amazing, but the mod adds load on the computer, so players with a weak processor will lag.

The Betweenlands mod for Minecraft 1.7.10 turns the world into middle-earth filled with fantastic creatures.

A very popular mod for many new items for Minecraft 1.7.10. It includes items from different categories, but mostly armor and weapons with a lot of interesting effects.

I want to introduce you to my favorite Lord of the Rings mod. This is an extensive mod that adds a new dimension "Middle-earth".

The Goki Stats mod will make any map cooler by adding character leveling to it for the experience gained in battle. This doesn't give you much of an advantage, however sometimes certain buffs can drastically affect the course of a battle or your survival.

OptiFine HD this is a necessary mod that will significantly improve quality games. It automatically optimizes in-game files, reducing the load on the processor, thereby making the game smoother.

A useful script program that will automatically update the list of servers.

The Bibliocraft mod adds stylistic and practical items that no book lover could do without.

Mod for Minecraft 1.7+ which will add a whole pack to the game vegetation. A bunch will appear new plants from small flowers and grass, to huge deciduous trees. Moreover, under water you can observe algae, and lilies and other above-water plants will flaunt on the surface of the reservoirs.

Mo'Creatures The mod adds 28 new animal species, including elephants, leopards, various lizards and others.

If you think that your map does not have enough living creatures, then download and install the mod Exotic Birds. With this addition, more than a dozen will appear in the game. new types of birds. These will be various types of flying birds ranging from small exotic canaries to ostriches and peacocks. Each bird has its own unique skin with a bright beautiful color.

You will be pleasantly surprised when you install the Gravity Gun mod. After all, he adds a weapon and not a simple one, but a real gravity gun. Who did not understand what it was about, with the help of such weapons you can lift mobs into the air and then do whatever you want with them. It is also possible to lift blocks and carry them to the right place, although it seems to be easier to break the block and pick it up, but when the block levitates it looks more spectacular.

Xaero's Minimap this is a chic choice for those who are looking for an original minimap for your server minecraft. This minimap has many interesting features, such as rotating the map with you, displaying useful resources on it, places of death, and much more. And also here it is possible to configure some parameters and change them.

Modifications are add-ons for the game that are created by ordinary players and MC fans. They are divided into a large number of categories depending on the purpose. There are small additions that only slightly change, for example, the game interface, and there are global mods for Minecraft that add a bunch of new interesting content. An example of such a modification can be one of the coolest and most popular addons - . It adds a new item and object research system to the game.

Categories of mods

As mentioned above, there are a huge number of categories of such add-ons. First of all, all Minecraft mods that you can download for free from our website are divided into categories depending on the version of the game.

Categories of mods depending on the version of the game

Categories depending on the purpose

In addition, they can be scattered into different categories based on their purpose. Some Russian mods add new items, maps, buildings, Minecraft biomes, etc. Other additions simplify the interface and the entire gameplay. For example, a handy mini-map in the upper left corner of the screen will make it easier to navigate on an unfamiliar newly generated map.

It is convenient to download mods for Minecraft on our website!

On our site you can download any addon you like as quickly as possible. No registrations, sending SMS and links to file hosting. Only free fashion in one click.

Under each addition there will be a detailed description that will help you get to know it. The video has a more detailed overview of the mod. You can also read about how to install any mod on the corresponding page of the site.

Before you is a page where the most interesting mods for Minecraft are collected.

We are often asked a lot of questions: where to download this or that mod, where to find the official topic or site of the mod, where are the crafting recipes, etc. Now all this is in the past friends. Especially for you, we have created this page in the form of a table, in which you will find links to all popular and interesting Minecraft mods, links to recipes, as well as small descriptions of the presented mods.

Choose for yourself all the best and most interesting, and do not forget to add this page to your favorites and tell your friends about it!

This is not the final version, we will constantly improve it, add new things and change the old ones.
You can suggest a mod or leave a comment.

1. Technical mods:

What was previously impossible will become quite real. You have studied a lot of new technologies and discovered hundreds of new recipes, now you can easily create complex mechanisms, process resources and create the most advanced technical devices. You can turn your house into a real laboratory and explore all the secrets of atomic energy, although this is not the limit of your capabilities, is it?

Mod name Description of the mod Recipes Mod author

Industrial Craft 2

Industrial Craft 2 adds: electricity EU/t, more than 250 crafting recipes, new ores, a lot of devices and generators, a whole round of nuclear energy, automation, a resource processing system, more action and dynamics. Crafting Recipes. Alblaka

Applied Energistics

Applied Energistics adds: advanced systems for sorting and monitoring resources, complex auto-crafting schemes, systems for exporting and importing resources. Crafting Recipes. AlgorithmX2

thermal expansion

Thermal Expansion adds: more than 11 technical devices, the functions of which are entirely aimed at processing and obtaining resources. Each device from Thermal Expansion has a detailed input and output setting, which simplifies a number of tasks with the storage and sorting of resources. In addition to basic tools, more advanced ones will become available to you - allowing you to move resources, fluids and energy (MJ / t) from one point to another. Crafting Recipes. Team CoFH


Factorization adds: new automation schemes, tons of new crafting recipes, all sorts of technical tools and devices, a new type of electricity to power advanced devices, as well as new resource processing schemes. Crafting Recipes. neptunepink

MineFactory Reloaded

MineFactory Reloaded adds: a huge number of automation tools that allow you to automate literally all areas, from simple fishing, animal breeding, processing and collecting resources, and ending with fuel and energy production. There are so many possibilities that it is simply difficult to imagine them, not to mention the advanced redstone signal circuitry that allows you to control literally all elements of your production complex. MineFactory adds tons of decorative blocks so you have even more design options. Crafting Recipes. Alblaka

Steve's Carts 2

Steve's Carts 2 adds: a modular system for modifying trolleys, which expand their capabilities by an order of magnitude, as well as open up new horizons and allow them to be used not only for movement, but also for collecting resources. Crafting Recipes. vswe


Forestry adds: complex multifunctional automatic farms adapted to many types of resources, advanced beekeeping with the ability to reproduce bees and display their own genomes, many new types of trees, new types of fuel and engines, a lot of decorative blocks and many other practical tools. Crafting Recipes. SirSengir

Modular Force Field System

Modular Force Field System adds: extended modular system of protective fields. With this mod, you can reliably protect your home from outside interference, but only as long as you have the energy for it (+ UI / + IC / + BC). Crafting Recipes. neptunepink


BuildCraft adds: a new resource transportation system using many different pipes, a new type of energy, special generators, oil, pumps, quarries, fillers and builders. Crafting Recipes. SirSengir


computercraft: a complex technical mod that adds the ability to create your own programs for computers and "turtle" robots in the Lua language - for the subsequent execution of the necessary tasks. "Turtles" can dig, chop, collect resources, perform routine work, but before you force them to do this, you will have to go deep into coding and write special programs for them. Crafting Recipes. dan200


RailCraft adds: an expanded rail crafting system, new trolleys, a tunnel drill, special technical devices for rails, multi-block furnaces, new engines for generating electricity (Mj / t), many new tools, as well as multi-block tanks for storing all kinds of liquids. Crafting Recipes. CovertJaguar

Modular Powersuits

Modular Powersuits adds: modular power armor and special tools. Initially, the armor has no advantages and practically does not protect, only over time, after crafting a special table and the necessary modules, you can customize it, add the necessary parameters, tweak the power system, and build in additional functions. Crafting Recipes. Machine Muse

2. Magic Mods:

A lot of knowledge will appear in your hands, which will help you to understand the essence of things even more and direct their power to create incredible things. The world that was before will never be the same again. A lot of research, a lot of adventure, jumping into other worlds, and of course - magic.

Mod name Description of the mod Recipes Mod author

Aether 2

Aether 2 adds: a new dimension in the form of floating islands, new enemies, and new animals. Aether 2 also adds an expanded equipment system that will allow you to carry a lot of accessories. Exploring the mysterious world of Aether, you can stumble upon many dungeons with powerful guards and bosses that block the path to incredible treasures... Crafting Recipes. Kingbdogz


ThaumCraft adds: a whole branch of magical research, revealing many forgotten secrets and recipes for incredible artifacts. Magic trees, sources of aura, many strange obelisks, burial mounds, magical fragments of various elements underground will begin to appear in the world... Recipes are available after research. Azanor


Mystcraft adds: the ability to create a new world as a separate dimension. You can make it anything you want, but for this you will have to learn many secrets of mystcraft with the help of pages from ancient magical books found in various dungeons and libraries. By collecting them and putting them together you can create your own unique world, but before you go to it, do not forget to create a book that leads you back to your home. Crafting Recipes. XCompWiz

Equivalent Exchange

EquivalentExchange adds: a transformation stone with many functions. It allows you to smelt resources without using a furnace, transform objects standing on the ground, adds more than 100 crafting recipes that allow you to get others from one resource. Crafting Recipes. Pahimar

The Twilight Forest

Twilight Forest adds: new world: a magical dark forest, where you can find many dungeons, labyrinths, bloodthirsty and strong bosses, many interesting artifacts, fight with local heroes in the depths of the forest... Crafting Recipes. Benimatic

DivineRPG adds: more than 8 new dimensions, more than 100 new mobs, a lot of new recipes, dozens of new blocks, a lot of strong bosses. DivineRPG is one of the most global adventure and magical Minecraft mods. Crafting Recipes. Xolova

3. Mods that add weapons and additional tools:

Throw aside the usual, now you have even more unique recipes in your hands - you will learn how to forge battle axes, create spears, learn how to handle weapons and of course - learn the secrets of ranged combat by creating muskets and bringing down all their power on your opponents.

Mod name Description of the mod Recipes Mod author

Tinkers Construct

Tinkers Construct adds: a complex multi-level crafting system for various tools - picks, shovels, axes, hammers, rapiers, scythes, etc. All of them are created from components - which can be created from various alloys and materials, they, in turn, will depend on how quickly the tool will destroy blocks, what strength it will have and how many modifications it can have. Modifications, in turn, allow you to raise the characteristics of the tool. You can learn about all this from the books that you will receive in the process of researching the Tinkers Construct mod. Crafting Recipes. mDiyo

Mine & Blade: Battlegear 2

Mine & Blade: Battlegear 2 is: an expanded weapon system, a new combat mechanic that allows you to use shields and deal damage with two weapons at the same time. The mod adds new battle axes, maces, spears and daggers, crafting chain mail, shields, and with all this, you can carry three sets of weapons and easily switch between them using the R button, which will allow you to quickly go from melee to ranged in just a couple seconds. Crafting Recipes. Nerd_Boy & Oliv1er

Balkon's WeaponMod

Balkon's WeaponMod adds: many new types of weapons, both melee and ranged. These are halberds, flails, spears, daggers, muskets and even cannons. Crafting Recipes. BalkondeurAlpha


BiblioCraft adds: a huge number of design and decor elements, which at the same time have many practical functions. With BiblioCraft, you will be able to craft all kinds of shelves and niches, where later you can put or hang the tools or objects you need. You can craft an armor stand and place all sets available to you in your house, while you can change armor or put on a new one in one click (shift + click). Crafting Recipes. Nuchaz

Diamond Buckets

Diamond Buckets adds: more than 20 new types of buckets, both simple and magical, with special parameters and properties. Crafting Recipes. thorgot


backpacks: a simple, but at the same time very practical mod that adds crafting bags. They can be both simple - small, and large - more portable, bags with a built-in workbench, and of course ender bags. You can make them from plain leather, or add the dyes you need right away to change the color, while you can recolor them at any time by mixing an already crafted bag with the appropriate dye. Crafting Recipes. Eydamos


IronChests adds: new types of chests that can be placed close to each other, as well as modified without destruction, which ultimately will significantly expand their base volume. Crafting Recipes. cpw


TerraFirmaCraft: hardcore mod that changes almost all basic crafting recipes, as well as adding even more realism. Tons of new types of stone, an abundance of new trees, new survival schemes, changing seasons, an incredible amount of new tools and ways to make them. Crafting Recipes. bioxx

Better Than Wolves adds: a lot of new interesting recipes that allow you to create not only various tools, but all kinds of mechanisms that work due to mechanical energy, which in turn is one of the fundamental principles of fashion. Many basic crafting recipes no longer work, the mod significantly complicates the gameplay, adds more realism, making Minecraft even more interesting. Crafting Recipes. FlowerChild

End Storage

Ender Storage adds: a new type of edge chests, each of which you can customize a personal color or colors using any dyes. The color will determine which chests are connected to each other and which are not. In addition to chests, Ender Storage adds ender bags - you can link them to the chest you need and get quick access to the resources you need from anywhere, or, on the contrary, use them to unload your inventory right during mining. Ender Storage works great with other mods, especially tech mods. Crafting Recipes. chicken_bones

4. Mods that add practical features:

You have become stronger and more experienced, new opportunities have opened up for you, now you are even better at managing your inventory and have learned to move even faster and less noticeably, you have a map and now you know everything about your opponents...

Mod name Description of the mod Mod author

Not Enough Items (NEI)

Not Enough Items: adds a panel that displays all the items and blocks of Minecraft, by clicking on which you open their crafting recipe. With NEI you can see the required recipe right in Minecraft, not only basic items, but also those that add various mods. This mod has several modes - with one of them only recipes are shown to you, in the other, you can take the necessary items and blocks directly from the sidebar (you can switch between them in the settings). chicken_bones

Inventory Tweaks

Inventory Tweaks adds: the ability to quickly sort the contents of your chests and inventory. No matter how many resources you have and how much they are scattered inside the chest, you can easily sort them and get rid of the mess. In addition, whenever a tool in your hand breaks, the mod will automatically replace it with a fresher one, similarly when building - if the stack is over and there are still similar blocks in your inventory, they will immediately be in your hand without unnecessary manipulation. Kobata

Damage Indicators

Damage Indicators adds: a small GUI box at the top of the screen when hovering over any hostile or neutral mob, while it contains the amount of its hp, icon, positive and negative effects of this target. rich1051414


ArmorStatusHUD: displays your current state of armor and tools along with their health margin. With this mod, you do not have to constantly open your inventory and check the status of your armor, just like counting the number of destroyed blocks before the collapse of a particular tool, now all this will be in front of you. bspkrs

Rei's Minimap

Rei's Minimap adds: customizable functional mini-map to help you navigate the terrain. You will have a whole system of waypoints that will help you return to the places you have already visited - it is easy to find treasures already found, and it's easy - to return back to your home. ReiFNSK

smart moving

Smart Moving adds: advanced movement system - improved sprinting, the ability to cling to blocks and climb them, enhanced crouch jumping, alternative animations for many movements, acceleration on ladders, the ability to jump to the sides, the ability to dive into water and much more. ReiFNSK

The Warp Mod

The Warp Mod adds: warp system, which you have probably come across on many servers. The mod adds the ability to set warps and return to them. For each movement, you will be deprived of HP, depending on the difficulty on which you play. pjlasl

5. Mods for visualization and atmospherics:

Now you have learned to feel the world around you even better, to hear and see what others do not know. Be careful, beauty is insidious, it can pose a lot of dangers...

Mod name Description of the mod Mod author

Unbelievable Shaders

Unbelievable Shaders: saturates Minecraft with colorful lighting, live shadows, glare from the sun, adds even more atmosphere, the movement of grass and leaves, makes the water more realistic... Sonic Ether

Matmos adds: Lots of different sounds and sound effects to accompany you on your adventures. Now, climbing to a great height - you will hear gusts of wind, hitting the water - a splash of water, climbing into the forest - the chirping of birds, during the rain, - the sound of drops on the roof ... MAtmos, - a mod, without which it is difficult to create the right atmosphere. Hurricaaane

Better Grass & Leaves

Better Grass & Leaves adds: more realistic foliage for all types of trees, covers all grass blocks with tall grass, adds animation to tall grass when someone moves over it. Poersch

Weather & Tornadoes

Weather & Tornadoes adds: wind system, falling leaves, waves on the water, adds the possibility of tornadoes and tornadoes with varying degrees of intensity... Corosus

Dynamic Lights

Dynamic Lights adds: dynamic realistic lighting - now when you hold any light source in your hand, be it a glowstone or a torch, it illuminates your path, even when you walk, run or descend into the very bowels of the earth. Throwing a torch on the ground or into a deep cave, it will continue to illuminate everything around. Poersch

Mob Dismemberment

Mob Dismemberment adds: blood particles and tons, tons of scraps! Now when you saw out a zombie or a skeleton, or maybe even a creeper - they don't just disappear, they fall apart right into pieces! iChun

Mob Amputation

Mob Amputation adds: the probability of sawing out some part of the body of a zombie or a skeleton. Now hitting them on the hand or on the head - you can simply chop them off. iChun

Zombie Awareness

Zombie Awareness adds: blood, pain and humiliation! Zombies and skeletons begin to see even further, they gather in heaps, they react to light from torches, to sounds, they run to bloodstains. Corosus

Infernal Mobs

Infernal Mobs adds: randomly turns simple hostile mobs into mini-bosses, which are divided into three types of difficulty. Each mini-boss has random magical properties - he can throw you a fireball, he can poison you, he can throw you up, he can put a web under your feet, and then run up and mercilessly devour you. All mini-bosses drop various magical armor, tools. If you come across a mini-boss, you will definitely see a bar at the top when you hover over it. It is highly recommended to put this mod together with Zombie Awareness. AtomicStryker

Mo" Creatures

Mo" Creatures: global atmospheric mod focused entirely on mobs and animals. It adds a lot of animals - both hostile and neutral, a lot of new monsters, as well as the ability to get personal minions. DrZhark

Shoulder Surfing

Shoulder Surfing changes: camera view from the 3rd person (F5) to a more traditional one - "from behind the shoulder". Surely you remember him from such games as Grandfather Space or Resident Evel. Sabar

Presence Footsteps

Presence Footsteps changes: standard and familiar sounds of walking on blocks to newer, interesting and atmospheric ones that are fully consistent with the material you step on. Hurricaaane

Back Tools

BackTools: displays behind the player the tool or weapon that he most often uses. iChun

6. Mods that improve the generation of the world, adding dungeons and adventures:

New world, new adventures. Throw aside the past, throw away the familiar - now you can create your own worlds with incredible landscapes.

Mod name Description of the mod Mod author


Millénaire adds: random generation of many NPC settlements of different cultures. You can live in peace with them or fight, help with construction and development, and just trade. You can become their leader and open new horizons. Choose your path, your culture, start small, and maybe someday you will become their leader and create your own incredible settlement. Kinniken

Tale Of Kingdoms & Journey of Legends

Tale of Kingdoms: adventure RPG mod in which you can go from a simple warrior to a king, fight with many hostile fiends, complete a lot of quests, and of course create your own kingdom. aginsun

Battle Towers

BattleTowers adds: the generation of magical towers, where you can find a lot of treasures, a lot of opponents, and of course golems - guarding the treasures on the upper floors. AtomicStryker

wild caves

WildCaves adds: randomly and all over the world there are many caves with a mass of stalactites and stalagmites, with a mass of vines and skulls, with a mass of strange mushrooms - which glow dimly in the depths of gloomy caves... iChun


Ruins adds: generation of all kinds of buildings, from small ships to entire fortresses. Lots of dungeons, spawners, treasure chests. If this is not enough for you, you can add your own dungeons in the form of schematics and go looking for them in survival mode. AtomicStryker

Roguelike Dungeons Mod

Roguelike Dungeons Mod adds: an expanded system for generating all kinds of dungeons with a lot of spawners and treasure chests. The deeper you go down - the more difficult it will be for you to make your way through the crowds of zombies and skeletons. With this mod, the treasures have become even more difficult, you will always be on the lookout. AtomicStryker

Dungeon Pack

DungeonPack adds: generation of more than 20 new types of dungeons, these are pyramids, abandoned towers, temples, ships, as well as NPC villages, and of course bosses. Stuuupiiid

Better World Generation

Better World Generation adds: 9 types of world generation. You can go back in time (beta/indev), or work on something new - go to explore the sky world, or try to survive on a floating island, or on a deserted island in the ocean. Having discovered Better Default for yourself, you are unlikely to want to return to the standard world of Minecraft... ted80

Biomes O Plenty

Biomes O Plenty: awesome mod that adds a lot of new incredible atmospheric biomes. Bamboo forests, swamps, birch groves, dunes, flowering gardens, mountain ranges and this is just a small part of the biomes that you can see. TDWP_FTW and others.


Highlands adds: over 40 new biome types, over 13 new tree types, more realistic landscapes, mountain ranges up to 256 heights, even more NPC villages, as well as detailed settings for world generation. sdj64


Nature: an incredible atmospheric mod that adds a lot of interesting details to world generation. Changes affect not only the ordinary world, but also Nether - new trees, clouds, growing bushes, centuries-old trees and many more interesting points. Natura works great with other mods that make changes to world generation. mDiyo

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