
Frozen order for aliexpress. What does a frozen order for Aliexpress mean: possible options for resolving conflict situations. What to do if an order for Aliexpress is frozen

If you made an order on Aliexpress, but after a while found that it was frozen, then you should not panic. One has only to figure out what a frozen order for Aliexpress is, and everything becomes clear. This is only part of the buyer's protection program, when the administration of the Chinese Internet site checks the activities of the supplier, which seemed inadequate.

When the seller is suspected of fraudulent activities, the Aliexpress administration freezes the paid order. That is, she is trying to protect the buyer from an unpleasant situation - this is what a frozen order for Aliexpress means.

While the order has the status of frozen, the merchant must provide the site administration with documents that he is not a fraud and conducts his transactions honestly. If the administrators are satisfied with the evidence presented, the order will be unfrozen, and the buyer will receive the ordered goods within the specified time frame.

If the merchant does not pass the check, the administration considers his activity to be fraudulent, then the order will be closed. The shop of the seller who treated the customers in bad faith is being closed. In this case, the buyer receives a refund of the paid funds within 10 days from the date of closing the order.

Now you know why Aliexpress is freezing orders, and that this situation only turns out to be in favor of the buyer. The merchant is usually verified within 3 days. But he may not admit his guilt, which delays the procedure up to 15 days. But as soon as the administration makes a decision, it immediately informs the buyer about it by sending an e-mail message.

After the administration of Aliexpress has verified the seller, the following solutions are possible:

  1. If the seller turned out to be conscientious, provided the site administration with all the necessary evidence and documents of his legitimate activities, then the order will be unfrozen. The customer will receive the paid product.
  2. If the seller is proven to be fraudulent, then the buyer will receive their money back.
  3. If the seller could not pass the check within the specified time frame, then the buyer can receive his money, and after a while he will receive a package with the goods. But this is extremely rare.

Usually, when the supplier has been deemed adequate, the order is either re-sent to the buyer, or he is asked to wait for the order to be sent.

If the buyer is asked to wait until the package with the ordered product arrives, then there is one unpleasant moment. If, in a normal situation within the order, you can follow the counter, what time limit is left until the automatic completion of the order, then in such a situation the counter is not available.

The paid money is in the Aliexpress bank, but as soon as the supplier is able to resume its activities, the order is automatically unfrozen. And here the buyer is in for trouble - if the time to protect the order has come to an end, then the money is transferred to the merchant, and the order is considered completed.

But the big plus on the Chinese Internet site is that now buyers have the right to open a dispute within 15 days from the completion of order protection.

So, now you know what to do if the order for Aliexpress is frozen. In principle, nothing needs to be done - you just need to wait a little, without going into panic. After checking the seller by the administration of Aliexpress, everything will become clear. And most likely the situation will turn in your favor - you will receive your goods or get your money back.

Video - what to do if the order for Ali is frozen

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Aliexpress Natalia 18 08 2015

Welcome to my blog, dear readers! Many newbies have Ali often there is a fear of everything that goes beyond the standard work scenario.

To avoid it, it is enough to deal with all the possible pitfalls of working with this resource once. Today we will talk about what a frozen order for Aliexpress means and what to do if you are faced with such a seemingly unpleasant situation and how to get out of it correctly.

What are the statuses and what is "freezing"

Order statuses on the site can be as follows:

Waiting for payment,
Waiting for confirmation,
and freezing.

How do you know if your product is frozen? Everything is very simple: in the "My Orders" tab, where a list of all your orders for aliexpress is displayed, a new label "Frozen orders" will appear opposite the newly purchased product.

What if you are faced with the most obscure and cryptic last option? Frozen status means that the seller of this product is temporarily on probation due to suspicion of fraud or unfair work... The administration looks after his activities and makes a decision on his further fate. Why is this happening?

Most often, customers complain about suppliers due to inconsistencies in the quality or appearance of the goods presented on the site, long delivery or the inability to track the parcel using the track code. Sometimes the culprit is not the seller at all, but blockages in the Chinese post office, problems with the parcel tracking service, inattention or cunning of the buyers themselves, filing baseless complaints in the hope of returning the money and receiving the goods. Therefore, you should not panic and think that you were deceived and honestly earned funds have sunk into oblivion.

Refunds and possible event scenarios

How do I get my money back? Whatever the decision of the administration, you will not be deceived. If the seller really turned out to be a fraud, you are obliged to return the money, but if not, you will receive your goods within the specified time frame. Sometimes situations of "absolute luck" are possible - the seller was recognized as a fraud, although he was not one, in the end you get both the money and the purchase back.

Why you shouldn't panic

"How long to wait for the administration's verdict?" - you ask. Certainly less than the delivery of goods by Chinese mail, namely, up to 7 days.
As you can see, this status is rather a positive sign, indicating that the resource management cares about the safety of its customers and provides its guarantees.

Best regards, Natalia Melnikova!

The website http://www.aliexpress.com runs a customer protection program called frozen order. If you paid for the purchase on Aliexpress, and later found that your order status is frozen(in English Frozen orders), this may mean that Aliexpress has taken care of the safety of the buyer.

One of the reasons may be that the seller was suspected of fraud or deception - this means that all purchases from this seller are frozen for a while while the administration checks his activities.
It takes about 7 days to verify the seller. Usually, orders are frozen due to complaints about the seller, the seller does not send goods, is absent from the site for a long time, etc. It should be noted that the seller will not receive money for purchases until the buyer confirms receipt of the goods. Options for exiting the status of the order is frozen:

1. after checking the seller, the money will be returned to you within 7-14 days (there are often cases that you will receive the goods too, since they have already been sent).

2. after verification, the seller will send you the ordered goods.

How and when will the money be returned if the order is frozen on Aliexpress?

If a buyer of the Aliexpress online store is faced with the fact that his order is frozen, then a logical question arises: how and when does Aliexpress return money for a frozen order? To find out at what stage of the process, when, how and where the money will be returned or where the money has already been returned if your order for Aliexpress is frozen, go to the My Orders section http://trade.aliexpress.com/orderList.htm and look for your frozen order in the list and next to the order, click "View data" (if the money is returned, the order status may change to Closed):

Then on the page with a detailed description of the order, click on the "Payment" tab, there will be all the information on your payment and refund:

In the Payment tab, you can see at what stage the refund process and all information about your payment, but do not forget, if the order is frozen, then it can be unfrozen in the same way.

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If you are a lover of discounts and sales on Aliexpress, then sooner or later you will come across the "Frozen order" status. It is clear that such a phenomenon immediately triggers panic. But, as they say, whoever is aware is armed. This article will help you navigate the situation and take the necessary measures.

What does the status "Frozen order" mean?

So, you received a notification that one of the orders is frozen. Don't be alarmed. This is a common practice on aliexpress. This action is subject to the Buyer Protection Program.

The order is frozen if the seller receives complaints from customers or is seen in fraudulent actions in relation to customers.

The general list of reasons is as follows:

  • the seller unexpectedly closes his store on Ali, while he has many still undelivered goods;
  • the Aliexpress security service blocks the work of those stores that send non-existent track codes to customers, in fact, no one sends any goods;
  • Buyers complain that the seller uses fraudulent schemes.

If your order has been frozen, then proceed as follows: in the section "My orders" click on the inscription "view data". The order status will look like this:

Order status

This means that the aliexpress administration checks the seller's records. It lasts 3 days, but if the seller tries to provide some documents to prove his innocence, then the investigation can take 14 days. You can familiarize yourself with the result of all these actions in the letter that will come by e-mail, which informs about why the orders were frozen. In it you can read all the necessary information regarding your further actions. Read everything that is written on the page. If you are having difficulty with the English language, use an online translator. The message looks like this:

Order status notification

Potential consequences upon completion of the investigation:

  • Aliexpress returns money to the buyer for the order within 7-10 days;
  • the seller, who has confirmed his good faith, resends the order;
  • you will be prompted to wait for your order to arrive, as the security service must make sure it has been sent.

According to the experience of most of the site's clients, most often they are frozen in a day or two and the money is returned to the buyer's account within a week. Refund rate depends on the type of payment.

It rarely happens that the seller, for reasons beyond his control, was unable to refute the accusations against him. The frozen aliexpress order is closed and a refund is made, but the goods still arrive.

What if the order is frozen?

There are complications caused by the situation when the order is in the "Frozen" status. This status does not allow you to see the time counter. It is necessary to constantly monitor how much time remains until the end of the protection of your orders. Since the money for the order is stored in the Aliexpress bank, if the administration decides to resume the operation of a suspicious store, the order will automatically close and the money will be transferred to the seller's account. If the order protection expires during the blocking period, you will no longer have the opportunity to open a dispute, and you will not be sure that the goods will arrive. When the order has been frozen, it is important to immediately submit an application to Aliexpress online support asking for information about the remaining time to open a dispute.

When the order is closed, the product card will look like this:

Closed order

To minimize such incidents and save yourself some nerves, you need to buy in trusted stores with high status and positive reviews.


If you have already paid for the goods, and after a few hours or days you saw a characteristic inscription about the freeze of the purchase, this automatically means that the Aliexpress administration suspects the seller of fraud or unfair treatment of customers.

If the seller's side does not in any way deny the facts of their own guilt or fraud, then the duration of the investigation will be about 3 days. In some cases, the seller simply makes excuses, in which case the case is delayed for at least 15 days. After that, an appropriate decision is made and there can be several ways out of the situation:

  1. You will be refunded in full.
  2. A resubmission of the order will be initiated.
  3. You will be prompted to wait for the goods to arrive at the post office.

What if the order for Aliexpress is frozen?

If, due to certain circumstances, your order was frozen on Aliexpress, do not worry. The administration is automatically resolving the situation, the decision will be announced additionally. In reality, such an outcome of the case can be considered a rarity, it is enough to issue 3-4 complaints against the seller and his orders will be completely frozen.

Often, the complaints received are simply frivolous, for example, the wrong size or color was sent, which is different from the one indicated in the description. In some situations, the package is simply lost in the mail or arrives with a delay of 2-3 weeks.

In some cases, after receiving the track code, new clients very often complain that it is simply impossible to track it using the corresponding sites. It must be remembered that after you receive the corresponding track number, the ability to track the location of the parcel opens only after 3-5 days.

In what cases are money returned when an order is frozen on Aliexpress?

Many users ask a natural question: why does the Aliexpress administration not return money for an order that has already been frozen for so long? There are cases when an order has received the status of "frozen" and it is stored for 25 subsequent days, you have to wait a little longer than the specified period.

It also happens that the order is banally closed within 4-7 days after the freezing of funds, in which case the money is returned to the buyer's card. Here a lot depends on individual characteristics. In some cases, the parcel may be frozen altogether, then it is simply defrosted and all that remains is to wait for the parcel to arrive.

Let us dwell in more detail on how you can find out the stage of consideration of the process, when and to what address the funds will be returned. First of all, you need to go to the My Orders section http://trade.aliexpress.com/orderList.htm and find exactly the order that has been assigned the "Frozen" status. We click on it and press the button "view data". In case of a refund, the status will automatically be adjusted to "Closed".

Then, on the page where a detailed description of the ordered product is presented, click on the "Payment" tab, detailed information about the payment will open and the status of the refund will be indicated here:

Remember that if an order is frozen, it may soon be unfrozen and will be active. The stoppage of the dispatch of goods is often due to the fact that the Administration has certain suspicions in relation to or the seller is selling a frankly bad product that does not correspond to the description.

note! In some cases, the Aliexpress administration automatically returns the funds to the buyer's Alipay account, from which the goods are paid. Therefore, if it is not indicated that the funds were returned back, it is likely that the administration simply returned the funds to the internal account. By default, funds are returned exactly to this address.

To check your own Alipay account, you need to go through a simple authorization procedure using the link https://login.aliexpress.com/ipayLogin.htm and then open your own profile https://intl.alipay.com/index.htm, in the lower part, detailed information is displayed regarding where exactly the money will be credited from Aliexpress.

If you are tired of constantly opening disputes, receiving goods that do not match the description, and also do not want to purchase additional problems with the selling party, we strongly recommend checking the status of sellers using the service

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