
Training ais gz. Automated information systems for electronic procurement in the Russian Federation See what "AIS GZ" is in other dictionaries

AIS "GosZakaz" is automated information systems which provide the ability to automate the activities of control bodies and customers. That is, support is provided in the organization of procurement procedures. Along with this, the system can send additional control notifications, this ensures the minimization of violations by the law.

This system created on the basis of the current legislation of Russia in the field of procurement. It also takes into account all the existing requirements of the Federal Law of April 5, 2013, 44 Federal Law entitled "On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods to meet state and municipal needs."

In addition, you can integrate with officialAIS website Russia on the Internet. This is required to make it possible to place orders related to the delivery of goods, to perform various types of work. Along with this, there is a provision of services that help to combine procurement documentation and then post information about procurement to the OOS.

2. Legislative support of the AIS GosZakaz system

These laws and regulations will include:

  • This will include the Constitution of the Russian Federation;
  • The Civil Code of the Russian Federation will apply;
  • RF Budget Code;
  • This will apply to Federal Law 94 of July 21, 2005 "On placing orders for the supply of goods, for the execution of work and the provision of services for state and municipal needs";
  • This will apply to Federal Law 44 dated 05.04.2013 "On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods to meet state and municipal needs"

Would you like to get help in organizing your procurement activities?

Working with us, you will receive the help of our qualified specialists.

3. Advantages of working with AIS GosZakaz

  • It is possible to go through all possible stages directly in the same system: planning can be carried out, requests are collected, procurements are prepared and provided, procurement time is monitored;
  • There is support for centralized and various mixed procurement schemes;
  • There is a reduction in the time and effort for the creation and conduct of purchases due to the use of automation tools;
  • The procurement process becomes more open and at the same time there is an increase in the number of potential participants due to the development of its own portal, on which important information related to procurement available to the CAB is posted;
  • There is a convenient electronic document flow within the system itself;
  • There is the provision of different types of control, which are required to meet all the requirements of the law on the Contract System.
1.Sketch design of AS GZ; GOST 34
2. Terms of Reference for the modification of the Official Site together with the Broker subsystem (subject to the relevant requirements of clause 2.1.4 of these Technical Requirements); GOST 34
3. Draft documents to ensure the maintenance of the Official Site, given in clause 2.1.4 of these Technical Requirements; in the format determined by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia
4. An installation kit, a set of technical and operational documentation (including source codes of software components developed under the contract, together with instructions for assembling a working (executable) program from them), software The official website for placing information on placing orders together with the Broker subsystem; CD-R
5 Information System Survey Report Federal Treasury for the possibility of implementing the function of information interaction of the "Register of State Customers" block of the Official Site with a similar subsystem of the information system of the Federal Treasury within the framework of open standards of information interaction (or other implemented method) to ensure the identity of the information used; GOST 7.32
6. A private technical assignment for the implementation of the function of information interaction of the "Register of state customers" block of the Official website with a similar subsystem of the information system of the Federal Treasury within the framework of open standards of information interaction (or another implemented method) to ensure the identity of the information used, if such a possibility is provided for in the report on the results of the survey; GOST 34
7. Act on testing the Official website together with the subsystem and the Broker:
a) for transfer into permanent operation of the Official Site from 01.01.2007 within the framework of the functional requirements defined in clause 2.1.4, with the exception of the requirements for accounting systems formulated in the State Accounting Concept, including requirements for interaction with information disclosure systems, electronic notaries and electronic archive (see www.economy.gov.ru);
b) for transfer to trial operation of the Official Site from 01.01.2007 within the framework of functional requirements for accounting systems formulated in the Concept of State Accounting, including requirements for interaction with information disclosure systems, electronic notaries and electronic archives (see www.economy.gov. ru);
8. Draft order of the Minister of Economic Development and Trade on the commissioning of the Official website and the Broker subsystem from 01.01.2007 within the framework of the functional requirements specified in clause 2.1.4 and in accordance with clause 3.1.
9. Terms of reference for the modification of the specialized information system "Register of contracts" (taking into account the relevant requirements of clause 2.1.4 of these Technical Requirements); GOST 34
10. Draft regulations of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia on the procedure for maintaining the register of state contracts of the Russian Federation
11. Installation kit, a set of technical and operational documentation (including source codes of software components developed under the contract together with instructions for assembling a working (executable) program from them), software of the specialized information system "Register of Contracts" (version 2.0); CD-R
12. Report on the survey of the information system of the Federal Treasury for the possibility of implementing the function of information interaction of the "Register of state customers" block of the AU fixing the limits of budgetary obligations in the AS RK; GOST 7.32
13.Separate terms of reference for the implementation of the function of information interaction of the "Register of state customers" block of the CA of the RK with a similar subsystem of the information system of the Federal Treasury within the framework of open standards of information interaction (or another implemented method) to ensure the identity of the information used and to fix the limits of budget obligations in the CA of the RK if such a possibility is provided for in the report on the results of the survey; GOST 34
14.Act on testing the RK AS:
c) for the transfer into permanent operation of the RK AS from 01.01.2007 within the framework of the functional requirements defined in clause 2.1.4, with the exception of the requirements for accounting systems formulated in the State Accounting Concept, including requirements for interaction with information disclosure systems, electronic notaries and electronic archive (see www.economy.gov.ru);
d) for transfer to trial operation of the RK AS from 01.01.2007 within the framework of functional requirements for accounting systems formulated in the State Accounting Concept, including requirements for interaction with information disclosure systems, electronic notaries and electronic archives (see www.economy.gov. ru);
15. Installation kit, a set of technical and operational documentation (including source codes of software components developed under the contract, together with instructions for assembling a working (executable) program from them), software "Register of unscrupulous suppliers" (version 1.0); CD-R
16.Act on testing AS RNP:
e) for the transfer into permanent operation of the AS RNP from 01.10.2006 within the framework of the functional requirements defined in clause 2.1.4, with the exception of the requirements for accounting systems formulated in the State Accounting Concept, including requirements for interaction with information disclosure systems, electronic notaries and electronic archive (see www.economy.gov.ru);
f) for transfer to trial operation of the RK AS from 01.01.2007 within the framework of functional requirements for accounting systems formulated in the State Accounting Concept, including requirements for interaction with information disclosure systems, electronic notaries and electronic archives (see www.economy.gov. ru);
17. Draft document on the transfer of the RNP to the Federal Antimonopoly Service; in the format determined by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia
18. Draft standards (data formats and regulations) of information interaction of functional subsystems (modules) of AS GZ; GOST 7.32
19. Terms of reference for the creation of the AU software "Placing an order" (taking into account the relevant requirements of clause 2.1.4 of these Technical Requirements); GOST 34
20. Installation kit, a set of technical and operational documentation (including source codes of software components developed under the contract, together with instructions for assembling a working (executable) program from them), AS software "Placing an order" (version 1.0); CD-R
21. Draft documents regulating the operation of NPP RZ by state customers, including the information interaction of NPP RZ with the Official website and AS RK; in the format determined by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia
22. Act on testing NPP RZ; in the format determined by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia
23. Terms of Reference for the creation of the ANALYSIS AS (taking into account the relevant requirements of clause 2.1.4 of these Technical Requirements); GOST 34
24. Installation kit, a set of technical and operational documentation (including the source code of the software components developed under the contract, together with instructions for assembling a working (executable) program from them), the ANALIZ AS software; CD-R
25. Act on testing AS ANALYSIS taking into account the requirements for ensuring information interaction between AS ANALIZ and the official website and AS RK; in the format determined by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia
26. Terms of Reference for the modification of the NPP NPP (version 3.0) (taking into account the relevant requirements of clause 2.1.4 of these Technical Requirements); GOST 34
27. Installation kit, a set of technical and operational documentation (including the source code of the software components developed under the contract, together with instructions for assembling a working (executable) program from them), the AS POZ software (version 3.0); CD-R
28. Report on the survey of the information system of the Federal Treasury for the possibility of implementing the function of information interaction of the currently operated version of the AS POZ with the information system of the Federal Treasury for fixing the limits of budget obligations in the AS POZ when forming the forecast of the volume of purchases; GOST 7.32
29. A private technical assignment for the implementation of the function of information interaction of the AS POZ with the information system of the Federal Treasury for fixing the limits of budget obligations in the AS POZ when forming a forecast of the volume of purchases, if such an opportunity is provided in the report based on the results of the survey; GOST 34
30. The act of testing the AS POZ taking into account the requirements for integration with AS GZ modules and the data of the Official website, AS RK and AS ANALYSIS in an automated mode; in the format determined by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia
31. Terms of reference for the creation of software for the AS "Classifiers" (taking into account the relevant requirements of clause 2.1.4 of these Technical Requirements); GOST 34
32. Installation kit, a set of technical and operational documentation (including source codes of software components developed under the contract, together with instructions for assembling a working (executable) program from them), Classifiers software (version 1.0); CD-R
33. Act on testing AC CLASSIFIERS; in the format determined by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia
34. Report on consulting support until November 20, 2006 of representatives of authorized executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for maintaining the official websites of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (only for those constituent entities of the Russian Federation whose providing the official website and / or AC Portal public procurement Ministry of Economic Development of Russia in 2005-2006); GOST 7.32
35. Report on information support of the project; GOST 7.32

St. Petersburg is traditionally a leader in the implementation of information systems... The public procurement system is no exception. For customers of the city on the Neva, there is a separate information system for training AIS GZ.

Training of AIS GZ St. Petersburg

For many years, the University of Public Procurement has been successfully and effectively training customers of St. Petersburg on 44-FZ and 223 FZs using practice and extensive experience, including training in the AIS of St. Petersburg. Our experts will help you to perfectly understand how to work with the system, tell and demonstrate all the algorithms for placing information, focus on common violations.
All students will receive practical skills, recommendations in work both in the AIS GZ system and in the contract system as a whole, will study all the changes planned for the next year, and will also receive annual information support from the University of Public Procurement with the opportunity to receive individual consultations. Each trained customer gets access to a personal account with all materials on 44-FZ and 223-FZ, access to the legislative framework of St. Petersburg, video lessons and much more.
The expert teachers of the University of Public Procurement have vast experience, are familiar with the administrative and judicial practice of St. Petersburg, and during the training they practice an INDIVIDUAL approach to EVERY student. Get quality and actual learning by filling out an application on the University website.

AIS GZ training in the Leningrad region

The Leningrad Region also continues to actively implement a centralized public procurement management system. Most of the districts are already working in the AIS GZ system, the complete transition of the region is planned to be carried out by the end of 2018.
The University of Public Procurement provides comprehensive support to customers by conducting high-quality AIS GZ training, using new technologies and practical materials. Especially for customers of the Leningrad region, realizing the vast experience gained during the development and implementation curricula in subjects with regional EIS, the University experts have developed an effective training program in AIS GZ and ACK-Finance based on practical work in the system itself.
Placing information, a procurement plan and a schedule plan, making changes, integrating with the EIS, these and many other questions arise for customers working in the AIS GZ system. Our experts will help you to perfectly understand how to work with the system, tell and demonstrate all the algorithms for placing information, focus on common violations.
All students will receive practical skills, recommendations in work both in the system and in the contract system as a whole, will study all the changes planned for the next year, and will also receive annual information support from the University of Public Procurement with the opportunity to receive individual advice. Each trained customer gets access to a personal account with all materials on 44-FZ and 223-FZ, access to the legislative base of the Leningrad region, much more.

Training "ACK-Finance"

The University of Public Procurements, among other things, provides training for specialists to work with the ACK Finance system, a specialized financial platform acquired by the Finance Committee of the Administration of the Leningrad Region, in order to improve planning and financial reporting in the implementation of state and municipal purchases. Our experts will teach all the intricacies of working in this system so that it facilitates the work of customers.
University of Public Procurement long time successfully cooperates with customers of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, which allows us to offer one of the best and most effective practical solutions for training AIS GZ on the market.

State portals, websites

  • ESIA. one system identification and authentication - esia.gosuslugi.ru
  • EPGU. Single portal of public services - gosuslugi.ru
  • Portal of state services of St. Petersburg - gu.spb.ru
  • Portal of state and municipal services of the Leningrad region - gu.lenobl.ru
  • Portal of state and municipal services of the city of Moscow - mos.ru
  • EFRSDUL. Unified federal register of information on the facts of activity legal entities- fedresurs.ru
  • FTS. Electronic services - nalog.ru
  • FIAS. Federal information address system- fias.nalog.ru
  • GIS Housing and Communal Services - dom.gosuslugi.ru
  • Software registry. Unified register of Russian programs for electronic computers and databases (Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications) - reestr.minsvyaz.ru
  • Unified Register of Banned Sites (Roskomnadzor) - eais.rkn.gov.ru
  • Register of NAP. Copyright violator register - nap.rkn.gov.ru
  • Register of information prohibited by law 398-FZ (Roskomnadzor) - 398-fz.rkn.gov.ru
  • GISP Industry. State information system of the Industrial Development Fund - gisp.gov.ru
  • KIO. Property Relations Committee of St. Petersburg - commim.spb.ru
  • FSIS TsS. Federal state information system of pricing in construction - fgiscs.minstroyrf.ru
  • GIS EGRZ. Unified State Register of Expertise Conclusions of Design Documentation of Capital Construction Facilities - egrz.ru
  • DOM.RF. Unified information system for housing construction - our.dom.rf
  • GIS ESGFK. State and municipal financial audit portal - portal.audit.gov.ru
  • EISUKS. Unified information system for personnel management of the state civil service - gossluzhba.gov.ru
  • The official website of the Russian Federation for posting information about the bidding - torgi.gov.ru
  • EIS. Unified information system in the field of procurement - zakupki.gov.ru
  • AIS GZ. Automated information system of the state order of St. Petersburg - start.gz-spb.ru
  • AIS GZ: Electronic store. AIS subsystem State order St. Petersburg - estore.gz-spb.ru
  • Portal 223. Portal AIS GZ St. Petersburg - 223.gz-spb.ru
  • Portal of suppliers of the city of Moscow - market.zakupki.mos.ru
  • PIK EASUZ. Portal for the execution of contracts of the Unified Automated Procurement Management System of the Moscow Region - pik.mosreg.ru
  • UIS GOZ. Unified information system of the state defense order
  • EGISSO. Unified state information system of social security - egisso.ru
  • AISGZ LO. Electronic store - zakupki.lenreg.ru
  • Electronic store of the Moscow region - market.mosreg.ru
  • FIU. Electronic services and services - es.pfrf.ru

Reporting systems

  • Rosprirodnadzor. Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources - rpn.gov.ru
  • Rosfinmonitoring. Reporting to the Federal Financial Monitoring Service - portal.fedsfm.ru
  • FGIS EIAS FST of Russia Unified information analytical system - eias.ru
  • IAS FST of St. Petersburg. Unified information analytical system - web.spbeias.ru
  • Rostekhnadzor. Reporting to the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision - gosnadzor.ru
  • Housing and communal services SPb. Housing and communal services portal of St. Petersburg - gilkom-complex.ru
  • GZI SPb. Reporting to the State Housing Inspectorate of St. Petersburg
  • AS AKOT. Federal state information system for recording the results of a special assessment of working conditions (FSIS SOUT) - akot.rosmintrud.ru
  • Rostrud. Register of declarations of conformity of working conditions - declaration.rostrud.ru
  • Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Personal Area on financial markets - cbr.ru
  • ESOD. A unified data exchange system with external subscribers of the Central Bank of Russia - portal4.cbr.ru
  • GIS Energy efficiency. Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation - gisee.ru
  • Energy passport, GIS subsystem Energy efficiency - passport.gisee.ru
  • EGAIS Forest. Unified state automated information system for accounting for timber and transactions with it - lesegais.ru
  • Rosnedra. Subsoil user's personal account - lk.rosnedra.gov.ru
  • Register of manufacturing SMEs. SME Corporation JSC - monitoring.corpmsp.ru

Information agencies for information disclosure

  • AK&M. Analysis, Consulting and Marketing- disclosure.ru
  • Interfax-TsRKI. Disclosure center corporate information e-disclosure. ru
  • PRIME. Agency economic information- disclosure.1prime.ru
  • SCREEN. Integrated disclosure system of information and news - disclosure.skrin.ru

Electronic document management systems

  • SMEV. Interdepartmental electronic interaction system (certificate of an authorized person) - smev.gosuslugi.ru
  • EGISZ. Unified state information system in the field of healthcare - portal.egisz.rosminzdrav.ru
  • EIIS Sotsstrakh - Unified integrated information system of the FSS "Sotsstrakh" (Electronic sick leave) - cabinets.fss.ru
  • ESSK. Unified system of the building complex of St. Petersburg - essk.gov.spb.ru
  • AIS Project declarations of shared construction of the Ministry of Construction of Russia - dol.minstroyrf.ru
  • City planning portal of St. Petersburg - portal.kgainfo.spb.ru
  • AIS GATI. State Administrative and Technical Inspectorate of St. Petersburg - xc.gati-online.ru
  • FAU Glavgosexpertiza of Russia - gge.ru
  • GAU Lenoblgosekpertiza. Department of State Expertise of the Leningrad Region - loexp.ru
  • Gosstroyzhilnadzor NAO. State Inspection of Construction and Housing Supervision of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug - stroy.adm-nao.ru
  • GAU "Department of State Expertise of the Republic of Bashkortostan" - lk.expertizarb.ru
  • GAU "Department of State Expertise of the Republic of Buryatia" - personal.ekspbur.ru
  • Center for construction audit and support - csas-spb.ru
  • GIS APK LO. Geographic information system of the agro-industrial complex of the Leningrad region - gisapk.lenreg.ru
  • Federal Property Management Agency. Interdepartmental portal for state property management -mvpt.rosim.ru
  • FSIS Rosaccreditation - fsa.gov.ru
  • ARM MUNICIPAL. Municipal automated workplace system
  • CONTROL. State automated information system - gasu.gov.ru
  • GIIS Electronic budget... Subsystem "Budget planning" - ssl.budgetplan.minfin.ru
  • FSIS TP. Federal State Information System for Territorial Planning - fgis.economy.gov.ru
  • GIS GMP. State information system on state and municipal payments - gis-gmp.kck.ru
  • FCS of Russia. Foreign economic activity participant's personal account - edata.customs.ru
  • AIS Foreign trade information. Support for foreign trade participants (Ministry of Industry and Trade) - non-tariff.gov.ru
  • FIPS. Federal Institute for Industrial Property (Rospatent) - 1.fips.ru
  • FAS Russia. Submission of applications and complaints to the Federal Antimonopoly Service
  • Rospotrebnadzor. Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare - rospotrebnadzor.ru
  • IS Rossvyaz. Operator's personal account - is.rossvyaz.ru:8081/rossvyaz/
  • Russian public initiative - roi.ru
  • UIS notary. Unified information system of notaries of Russia - fciit.ru
  • OMSU portal. Portal of Local Self-Government Bodies - app.fciit.ru/oms
  • Register of notifications on the pledge of movable property - reestr-zalogov.ru
  • Information system Numeral-PNU - numeral.su
  • AS BOT. Automated system of electronic vehicle passports - elpts.ru
  • Provision of CASCO and OSAGO insurance policies in electronic form
  • ROSGOSTRAKH. Personal account - my.rgs.ru
  • AIS NSSO. National Union of Liability Insurers - nsso.ru
  • Supreme Court of the Russian Federation - vsrf.ru
  • GUS Justice. Service "Electronic justice" - ej.sudrf.ru
  • Information system My referee - my.arbitr.ru
  • Moscow City Court. Moscow City Court - mos-gorsud.ru
  • FSSP. Federal Bailiff Service - fssprus.ru
  • Traffic police. Online appeals to the traffic police service - traffic police
  • SMAO. Self-regulatory interregional association of appraisers - smao.ru
  • Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. Conclusion on the state historical and cultural expertise
  • State registration bulletin - vestnik-gosreg.ru
  • IS State bibliography. Russian Book Chamber, department of ITAR-TASS - online.bookchamber.ru
  • OEC. The system for accepting legal copies of printed publications in electronic form - oek.rsl.ru
  • EGISU R&D. Unified state information system for accounting of scientific research, experimental design and technological works for civil purposes - rosrid.ru
  • Moscow State University. Moscow State University Lomonosov - cpk.msu.ru
  • AIS Electronic voucher. Federal Agency for Tourism - russiatourism.ru
  • To the Far East.rf - nadalniyvostok.rf
  • Petroelectrosbyt. EDF with JSC "Petersburg Sales Company" - pesc.ru
  • EDF with PJSC Rostelecom
  • EDF with SUE "Vodokanal of St. Petersburg"
  • 1C-EDO. Electronic document management system
  • Synerdocs. Electronic document management system
  • ATI-DOKI - d.ati.su
  • A business. Electronic document management system
  • Diadoc. Electronic document management system with counterparties
  • INFINITUM. Electronic document management system of a specialized depository
  • Rosinvois. Electronic document management system - docs.roseltorg.ru
  • Sbis. Electronic document management system
  • SPHERE EDI. Electronic document management system
  • Edisoft. Electronic document management system
  • EDO PORTAL. Electronic Document Management System (EXITE)
  • Sberbank Leasing - e-leasing.sberleasing.ru
  • First Expert Bureau (PEB) - 1expb.ru
  • ASTO OGV Krasnodar Territory - asto-23.ru
  • EDF with Mosenergosbyt JSC
  • OFD platform. Fiscal data operator
  • BIFIT EDO. Electronic document management system
  • EDF LeraData
  • FSIS ARSHIN. Rosstandart metrology information system - fgis.gost.ru
  • IS EPS. Electronic mail system - zakaznoe.pochta.ru
  • IS EPT. Unified testing portal - eptb.umkrtn.ru
  • IS Numeral PNU. Roszheldor - numeral.su
  • GIS TEK - gis-tek.ru
  • Various corporate information systems for secure document flow

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