
How to view the blacklist on Samsung. How to detect blacklist in Samsung phones? Editing the blacklist in the phone

Although mobile connection is an integral part of everyday life of almost every person, it often causes a lot of inconvenience. For example, many are faced with constant calls from various organizations conducting opinion polls, banking institutions, Internet sellers and other annoying subscribers with whom smartphone users do not want to have anything to do. Fortunately, all Samsung Galaxy devices have such a tool as a blacklist. It allows you to block incoming calls and SMS text messages from specific numbers, thereby limiting the owner of the gadget from unwanted communication. Let's take a look at where the blacklist is on a Samsung phone, as well as how to add and remove a contact from its database.

Search Blacklist on Samsung

Blacklist is preinstalled on many devices running operating system Android. And Samsung is no exception in this regard. To find the blacklist on Samsung, you must:

You can get into the blacklist in another way:

Depending on the Samsung model and the version of the operating system, the menu sections may have different names. However, this should not cause you any difficulty, since there will not be much difference here.

How do I add a contact to the blacklist?

If a person on the blacklist wants to contact you, then when trying to get through the system will consider the number as mistakenly dialed. Adding a subscriber from the phone book to the blacklist is done as follows:

Execute blocking phone number also possible via standard for Samsung Galaxy app"Messages":

After completing these actions, the subscriber recorded in the blacklist will no longer bother you with his calls and SMS messages.

The procedure for excluding a number from the blacklist

If a subscriber from the phone book was added to the blacklist by accident, you will need to remove his phone number from the blacklist to unblock it. Let's see how to remove a blacklisted number on Samsung phone:

After you managed to remove a contact from the blacklist on your Samsung phone, the subscriber will be able to contact you and send text messages without any restrictions.

Blacklist creation and cleaning via additional software

If standard application blacklist does not suit you with something or does not work correctly, you can use to block incoming calls third-party software... Among such programs, the most popular are:

  • "Black list";
  • Call Blocker;
  • Call Blocker;
  • Blacklist.

They all function according to a similar algorithm, so as an example, consider how to add and how to remove a number from the blacklist using Call Blocker:

  1. Download this utility to a mobile phone. This can be done with Play Market absolutely free.
  2. If your Samsung Galaxy runs on Android OS 4.4 or higher, the screen will display a message about the need to install Call Blocker as the default application for sending and reading SMS. Confirm the shift by clicking Ok.
  3. After downloading the program, open the "Blacklist" section and click "Add contact".
  4. Manually enter the phone number you want to ban, or select a contact (multiple contacts) from your address book, call history or message history.
  5. To block calls and SMS messages, check the boxes next to the corresponding items. If you want to receive notifications when a subscriber attempts to contact you, additionally activate the "Enable notification" item.
  6. Confirm your actions by clicking "Add".

To clear the blacklist created via Call Blocker, just re-run this program, enter the "Blacklist" tab and click on the red cross in front of the desired subscriber.

If someone very often calls your phone, then you can stop answering the call, turn off the sound, but the call will still interfere. The problem can be solved using the function built into smartphones - "Black List". Thus, the contact will be blocked, and the person will not be able to reach you.

What is the "Blacklist" and what is it used for

Blacklist is an additional feature that all modern telephones are equipped with. With the help of the "Black List", owners of smartphones based on the Android operating system can protect themselves from calls from hooligans and unpleasant people with whom they try not to communicate, block calls from various advertising agencies and their mailings.

You can block a contact through your operator cellular communication... Unlike blocking via the phone, the function is paid, but it provides more options. For example, except for incoming calls, you will not receive notifications about calls to the specified subscriber, his messages.

Adding a contact to the blacklist using the built-in function does not provide such an opportunity, but it is completely free. In this case, calls from the selected subscriber will be blocked, but the system will automatically send you a notification about this call, as well as all messages sent by the subscriber.

How to add a contact / phone number to the "Blacklist" on Android

In different versions mobile devices based on the Android operating system, the way to add a contact to the blacklist is slightly different. The main differences in settings exist between Android versions below 4.0 and, accordingly, newer versions above 4.0.

Adding to the "Blacklist" on Android below 4.0

On Android version below 4.0, the number of the subscriber you want to block must be in the list of contacts on your phone. In older versions of the operating system, you first have to activate the "Blacklist" function and only then add a contact:

  1. Go to the "Settings" menu.
  2. Open the "Calls" parameter and find the "Call rejection" item.
  3. Click on the "Black List" and turn it on using the button of the same name.
  4. We open the list of contacts. Hold your finger until the context menu appears on the screen. The list will contain the "Add to blacklist" option, which we need. We indicate the subscriber whom we no longer want to hear.

    In order to put everything back in place, go back to the "Blacklist" menu through "Settings" and uncheck the box that was put earlier.

Adding to the "Blacklist" on Android above 4.0

Adding a number to the blacklist on smartphones with Android above 4.0 will be slightly different:

  1. We open the list of contacts and calls.
  2. We select the number that we want to block. In the right upper corner contact there is a settings menu, depicted in the form of three bold dots located horizontally. After clicking, a list will be displayed.
  3. There can be two options for the same option: "Block incoming call" or "Only voice mail»(Differs depending on the OS version). In both cases, we need to check the box opposite the inscription, after which the contact will be automatically blocked.
  4. To get everything back, just uncheck the "Block incoming call" item ("Voice mail only").

Please note that in all cases, after blocking a subscriber, you will no longer receive calls from him. Nevertheless, every time after a blocked subscriber calls, an SMS notification will come about the time and date of the call, and the subscriber will also be able to independently send messages to your smartphone. If you are regularly bothered by an unknown number, for example, an advertising agency, then add it to your contacts and to the black list, then he will not be able to get through.

Video: how to add to the "Blacklist" on an Android phone

Configuring the "Black List"

You can return a contact to the whitelist different ways... Most often, it is enough to do the same procedure as when adding, only you need to uncheck the box next to "Enable black list" (the wording will differ by different models phones). Unfortunately, standard means smartphones do not allow you to change other parameters, for example, indicate a specific date when you cannot be reached, but this can be done using additional programs.

Additional programs for blocking

With the software, everything is a little easier, and all owners of smartphones based on Android can use it, and it does not matter what version of the phone you have. In the Play Market, find an application called Blacklist. Key feature the application is that it allows you to block not only calls from subscribers, but also SMS messages.

To do this, you will need to make the following settings:

The application allows you to block even non-numeric numbers, which will be relevant in cases when you are bored with advertising companies. You can always view the history of blocked calls and messages in the "History" tab and even read the contents of SMS. You can unblock the subscriber by highlighting the number and clicking on the bucket image located in the upper right corner.

Video: Working with the Blacklist program

One more unique way also allows you to block incoming calls and messages from subscribers. Download Avast! Mobile Security antivirus from the application store (not all antiviruses have the ability to add contacts to the blacklist).

Whichever method you use, each blocked subscriber will hear that the number is busy. Messages sent to them will not be displayed on the screen, but you can still view them.

The advanced functionality of setting the blacklist is available only for additional software. With their help, you can not only block the calls themselves, but also incoming messages, view their contents, the date of receipt and, in the case of antivirus, even set the date for disabling these functions.

All these applications are distributed free of charge (there is paid versions with great capabilities), so any user can download them even if the phone parameters and system requirements install programs on your smartphone.

Video: Blocking Unwanted Calls with Avast! Mobile Security

Possible problems and solutions

The main thing is, when you download and install the program, do it only with the help of official or trusted sources (Play Market or AppStore). Otherwise, you run the risk of "catching" malware on your phone. software... With its help, attackers can easily figure out the contacts of people with whom you communicate, your personal phone number and steal a huge amount of confidential data (especially if you often text via SMS). If you still use unverified sources, for example, forums where "flashed" versions of programs are posted, then install antivirus software in advance.

When using the blacklist, one serious problem can arise - after adding a person to the blacklist, you can skip some important event. If you used an additional utility, then the person will not be able to let you know about him at all, because incoming messages will also be blocked. Also, be careful when dialing a number when adding a contact to the blacklist, so that another person does not accidentally get there. Usually no one has any other serious troubles when working with blacklists (especially built-in ones).

Each owner of a smartphone on the Android operating system can quickly block unwanted contact. The traditional tools of the operating system itself will help with this, and additional applications... If it doesn't matter whether SMS will come from a blocked subscriber and you don't need to set a specific time and date, then use the standard features. In all other cases, various applications will come to the rescue. After blocking, neither calls from the blocked subscriber, nor SMS messages will bother you.

White list for android or how to protect yourself from unwanted contacts

For quite some time in modern telephones and smartphones there is such a built-in function as the "Black List" - the ability to add contacts or numbers to the list of those with whom you do not want to communicate. However, sometimes you need to protect yourself from everyone - except for the elect. This list has its own name - "White List".

Not all phones have the ability to create whitelists by default, this also applies to gadgets with android os. What are the ways to solve this problem? First, try to use the services of your mobile operator (we have a phone, did you forget?). For example, a megaphone has a "white list", the service is called that. You can add up to a hundred of any numbers to this list, if you call from another, not included in the list, you will receive a message about an erroneous call. Everything seems to be fine, but there is one thing - the service is paid. And not everyone has a megaphone. So let's try another way.

The android OS provides its users with the ability to install a great variety of applications, is it possible that there is no needed one among them? There will be! Whitelist Call Blocker is a program designed just for this (and the name already hints).

So, we download it for free from the play market and install it on our device. Now on the screen of your gadget there will be a new icon with an old telephone set.

However, we will not start it yet - you need to reboot the device. After rebooting, we look at the menu. And here there is a pleasant surprise - it is in Russian; the translation is true, not very, but the main thing for us is functionality, right?

So, let's take a look at the menu items:

  • Settings:
    • Enable notification icon;
    • Show their subscribers in the subscriber history;
    • Turn on the timer;
    • Enable Logging (for support only).
    Everything should be clear here.

  • Change the group list (please select the groups you would like to give permission to call you):
    • My Contacts;
    • Starred in Android;
    • Friends;
    • Family;
    • Coworkes.
    We mark, for example, the first item - and only those who are in the phone book can call you.

  • Change individual contacts (Please select the contacts you would like to give permission to call you): And here you can already specifically mark those who can call - not the entire phone book.

  • Schedule.
We choose what we need, go to home page and click "Services are disabled" - the inscription changes to "Service is activated". And everything is ready. This is how you can easily protect yourself from unwanted calls on your android - install an application with the "White List" functionality. Simple and free.

P.S. Phone number incoming call(how the device accepts it) must be exactly the same as recorded in the phone book - otherwise, an incorrect definition is possible. For example, you need exactly "+7", not "8" at the beginning of the number.

UPD: An error occurred in the application

It should be noted that the program may not work correctly on all phone models. For example, we have a phone ZTE blade a5 pro. If you install the Whitelist Call Blocker application on it, add certain numbers to the white list and enable it, then when you call from a number that is not included in this list, the program generates an error, and the call goes through:

If this error is displayed on your phone, then you can try to look for a replacement. For example, Call blocker... After installation, go to the settings:

Now everyone who wants to call you from any other number that is not included in the allowed numbers will not be able to do this. Works great against collectors, for example.

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Calls are so accessible today that we can talk on the phone all day long. Therefore, our smartphones are bursting every day from a huge number of incoming calls, and not every call is already a joy. I would like to skip some conversations, and I would like to never hear some calls. Fortunately, smartphones do not allow us to block a phone number and never hear incoming calls from it. We will tell you how to do this to the owners different smartphones.

Of course, Android smartphones, which is simply impossible to talk about how incoming calls are blocked on each of them. We'll have to choose. The easiest way to do this is for owners of Nexus smartphones and stock Android devices. They just need to make a long press on the number in the call list and select the blocking option. Similarly, the function is implemented in HTC smartphones... However, manufacturers of other smartphones with branded casings provide access to this function in different ways.


There are many Samsung smartphone users among our readers, the South Korean company is the largest smartphone manufacturer. If you have a Samsung device and want to block one of the numbers, follow these instructions:

  • Open the Phone app.
  • In the call list, select the number you want to block.
  • Call up the menu additional functions and select the "Add to blacklist" function.

In order to remove a number from the blacklist, go to the settings. Select the call settings, and in them you will find the item "Call rejection", in which the black list is managed.


For smartphone owners from another South Korean company, the procedure is very similar.

  • Open the Phone app.
  • Click on the three dots in the upper right corner and select Call Settings from the pop-up menu.
  • In the "General" section you will find the item "Call rejection". Select the Reject Calls From feature and add the number to the list.

Of course, our readers are not only owners of smartphones Nexus, HTC, Samsung and LG. In many other smartphones, the function is implemented in a similar way, but if suddenly you cannot find it, third-party applications that can block incoming calls will come to your aid, such as

The idea of ​​creating a blacklist in mobile phones The Samsung list is good. If someone is annoying with their calls, it is good to be able to prevent this subscriber from calling you. But many users do not know how to find the blacklist in a Samsung phone. Almost all smartphones from this Korean manufacturer have such a function. But it is important to be able to use it correctly.

Another problem often arises: when a user mistakenly added a contact to this list, and then does not know how to find the black list in the Samsung phone in order to delete it. After all, the mistakenly entered will not be able to get through, but it is necessary to contact him. There is also an instruction for this case.

Where is this list?

To add a contact to the blacklist, you need to go to the smartphone menu and select the items: "Settings - Applications - Calls - All calls". There you will see the "Blacklist". But for it to work, you first need to enable it by clicking on the "Activate" button and selecting the "Enable" option.

Adding to the blacklist in the Samsung Galaxy phone

As you can see, everything is very simple. Now you know how to find the blacklist on your Samsung phone. And to add a certain number there, you need to select the "Add to list" option and specify the unwanted number from the phone book.

If it is not in the book, then the numbers will have to be entered manually. It is also possible to add numbers from the call log. Here you have to act a little differently. Open the call log, select the options for the unwanted number and press "Add to blacklist". Now this subscriber will not be able to reach you.

Removing a number from the list

If you mistakenly added a number to the blacklist (and practice shows that this often happens), then it should be removed from there. We find the list in the way described above, we find there the number that we accidentally added. Select it and click on the "Remove from the list" item. That's it, now this number will be able to call you.

Differences in menu items

Depending on which phone model you have, the names of the menu items may differ slightly, but in general, the logic of working with this function remains the same. So if some menu item in the phone does not coincide with the description given here, then it's okay. Just choose more or less logical points. The function itself should be in the "Calls" section.

In most cases, this guide will help you find this list and manage contacts (delete and add them there).

If nothing works

Operating room phones Android systems allow setting third party programs... The Play.Market service is full of third party applications which can replace the built-in function. We recommend using them only if you cannot find it or it is simply absent.

In Play.Market in the search enter: "blacklist", and you will immediately see a list of available applications (including free), which also prohibit calling certain unwanted contacts. In this case, you do not have to scour the settings for call barring. specific contact... You will have to use the settings of the application itself, which appears on the desktop after installation.

Which application is better to install? It is advisable to choose those programs about which users respond positively. Be sure to read their opinions. This way you can filter out a lot of complex and little-functional programs. Also, do not choose paid applications, because there are much more free ones, and their functionality is no worse, and sometimes even better.

Now you know how to find the blacklist in your Samsung phone and use it. There is nothing difficult about this, because the developers are trying to make menu items accessible and intuitive to everyone.

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