
This 7 is culinary. A million dollar recipe from anastasia violkina. Recipes: description and photo

Breakfast: Bran pancakes, 156 kcal.

Oat bran pancakes are the staple of the Ducan diet and can be eaten at any time in any quantity, even during a stage called the attack. In Paris, packs of such pancakes have been on sale in every supermarket in recent years.

Dinner: Cabbage cutlets, 127 kcal.

Semolina can not be soaked in milk, but added directly to chopped cabbage. And the cabbage itself, after boiling water, can be divided into two parts: squeeze one, pass the other through a blender or scroll twice through a meat grinder (if you want more tender cutlets, the second part should be larger). For flavor, black pepper and dried garlic or asafoetida are added to the minced meat.

Dinner: Hake in green garlic sauce, 678 kcal

Green Sauce - a mixture of olive oil, garlic and parsley - is the main base for seafood dishes in Spanish cuisine. It is especially often used with squid and shrimp. Additional ingredients - lemon juice, dry white wine and flour - are added for inspiration, just like seafood for inspiration is replaced with hake (aka hake), fish in Spain is extremely popular.

A blogger today is no longer just a hobby, but a real profession. This is an occupation that, with the proper approach, investment of time and effort, can generate income, and not bad. However, for this you will have to work hard, create a truly interesting and useful website / blog, earn the sympathy and trust of a large Internet audience.

Everyone chooses a topic that is close and interesting to themselves and potential readers. One of the most simple and complex at the same time is the topic of cooking. To succeed in this category, you will have to "hook" with something visitors to your resource, stand out among a huge number of competitors ("culinary geniuses") and keep the interest of a fickle audience.

Anastasia Skripkina, one of the most popular culinary bloggers on Runet, has chosen a different path. Her recipes are as simple and understandable as possible, even for an absolute "teapot" in the kitchen. With her ease and spontaneity in cooking, she has won the hearts and loyalty of her site's thousands of audiences. And now she has released a book designed to help novice culinary specialists master such a useful and interesting lesson without special efforts... Her success and work deserve the attention that we will give them in this article.

Briefly about the author of the site

Anastasia Skripkina is the simplest and most unremarkable resident of Novosibirsk. There she was born, got a family, started her own blog and gained popularity in a fairly wide circle of Internet users. She lives there today.

Say7.info is Anastasia Skripkina's culinary site, which was born back in 2006, but has not yet lost its relevance and relevance. During this time - as many as eight years - Nastya managed to give birth to a son and daughter, write and publish a full-fledged best-selling cookery book and increase the number of her readers dozens of times.

The Skripkina family is her husband Sergei (they have been together for more than eleven years), Denisk's son (born in February 2010) and daughter Dasha (in July 2012). The family supports her in this activity and gives her inspiration for new recipes and ideas. And Anastasia has more than enough of them! Let's take a short tour of her website, get acquainted with the book, and in the end we will learn some interesting recipes for a full-fledged menu of one day. Go!

Walk through the site Say7.info

This extensive resource contains all the recipes of Anastasia Skripkina, which she shares with her readers. It is quite convenient and understandable, so it will be easy to learn for anyone who first looks into this "pantry". On home page collected the most favorite dishes of visitors, as well as new items published for recent times... The preview of each recipe is accompanied by a photo and a title, which makes it easier for the reader to choose. On the side is a column of categories if you need to find something specific.

All recipes from Anastasia Skripkina are divided into the following subsections:

  • picnic and salads;
  • snacks and sandwiches;
  • first and second courses;
  • Fish and seafood;
  • baked goods (sweet and savory);
  • pancakes, pancakes and cheese cakes;
  • cakes and pastries;
  • desserts and drinks.

Each of the categories presented has its own classification. So, you can choose salads depending on the desired component (for example, vegetables, cheese or mushrooms) or snacks in the form of soufflés, pâtés, sandwiches, etc.

Recipes: description and photo

Any recipes from Anastasia Skripkina are supplied with detailed instructions and photographs. Moreover, for each of them there is a photo of the finished dish, all the necessary components and each step taken in the cooking process. This makes the process very clear and simple, even for those who decide to step behind the oven for the first time.

Before a specific instruction for a particular recipe, there is a small informative-incentive block, which describes the taste and texture of the dish, given useful tips on the replacement of ingredients, as well as the number of servings for the taken amount of products. It is simply impossible to "screw up" with such support! That is why people are happy to use these recipes. With Anastasia Skripkina, they discover the previously unknown world of culinary, which turns out to be so simple and interesting. And reputable gastronomic publications and trendy culinary TV shows remain outside their attention. In this case, simplicity is the key to success.

Book "Best Recipes": mini-review

Per long time the existence of the site, Anastasia has accumulated many recipes that can be safely called win-win for any occasion. They were included in the paper edition, published in 2011. This book is a practical desktop guide to cooking, of course, with photos and step by step instructions... Detailed, but at the same time simple explanations make it easy to cook using it for both beginners and avid chefs (for whom the process will be insanely simple, but still interesting).

Of course, if you have mastered the initial stage a long time ago and prefer to try complex recipes that require special skills and complex ingredients, then the book may seem boring and unnecessarily "chewed" to you. In this case, it is better to present it to your friend who is beginning the culinary path or to a child who wants to learn how to cook on their own - it will be extremely useful for them and will make it easy to enter this interesting and fascinating world of delicious dishes.

What categories did Anastasia Skripkina collect in the book? Best Recipes is a hands-on publication that includes all the best dishes, from hot and cold to desserts and drinks. Only the best and only win-win options. In addition to the cooking instructions themselves, the book contains another useful information- instructions on the sizes and diameters of forms, the volume of pots, the number of portions, etc. There are also tips in case of the absence of any product: how to replace it, how to do it, what will be the result. Some of them are not devoid of humor, which pleases.

Let's try out some of Anastasia Skripkina's culinary recipes for a three-course spring lunch. We will cook the following: vegetable salad with poached egg, vegetarian cutlets and a healthy apple dessert.

Snack: light salad

It is worth warning that salad recipes from Anastasia Skripkina are one of the most voluminous categories on the site. Each subcategory (for example, vegetables) is divided into other - even smaller sections (carrots, cucumbers, etc.). And as a result, you get a huge list of dishes with the specified component, from which you can choose endlessly. In this case, we settled on a light but hearty salad, perfect for a spring lunch. The main "highlight" here is the poached egg, which makes the dish more nutritious and interesting.

For cooking we need:

  • cherry tomatoes - about 25 pieces;
  • mozzarella balls - 20 small pieces;
  • green salad (for example, romaine) - 100 grams;
  • lime juice - from half of the fruit;
  • vegetable oil- 5 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt and pepper.

Cut the tomatoes and small mozzarella balls into halves. Tear the salad with your hands and put in a bowl, on top - vegetables and cheese. To make a dressing: mix oil with lime juice and seasonings, pour it over salad.

Poached eggs: how to cook

Now you need to cook the eggs, for which you will need:

  • water - 2 liters;
  • salt - a teaspoon;
  • vinegar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • eggs - 2-3 pieces.

In this case, salt and vinegar are needed in order for the protein to curl better and to properly envelop the yolk. Boil water, salt, pour in vinegar. First, break each egg into a separate bowl, and then throw it into the water (for best results, you can make a funnel with a spoon). Cook for three minutes, and then take it out with a slotted spoon and put it on the salad. Pierce the eggs with a fork or knife so that the yolk flows out. If necessary, add salt and pepper, serve. Salads from Anastasia Skripkina are quite simple, but interesting in taste. This recipe is the best confirmation of this.

Second: vegetable cutlets

Many people today are trying to cut back on meat and include more vegetables in their diet. Especially for such people, Anastasia has a recipe, the main components of which are potatoes and mushrooms. At the same time, the dish turns out to be hearty and healthy, and the sour cream sauce well complements and emphasizes its taste. For cooking you will need:

  • potatoes - a kilogram;
  • mushrooms (champignons or others) - 300 grams;
  • onions - 150 grams;
  • milk - 100 grams;
  • butter - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • an egg is a piece;
  • bread crumbs, vegetable oil, seasonings - by eye.

Finely chop the mushrooms and onion. Fry them in vegetable oil for 10 minutes. Peel and boil the potatoes until tender, add butter and warmed milk, make mashed potatoes. Salt and pepper to taste, then stir in the onion-mushroom frying into the potatoes. Beat the egg in a separate bowl. We form cutlets from minced vegetables, dip them in an egg and roll in breadcrumbs. Put in a frying pan and fry on both sides until golden brown. Put it on a flat dish.

Making the sauce

  • sour cream - 250 grams;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • greens and salt to taste.

Finely chop the herbs, chop the garlic. In a bowl, mix the sour cream and the rest of the ingredients, salt to taste. Put two cutlets on portioned plates and pour them generously with sauce. Here is such a simple, but incredibly tasty recipe that Anastasia Skripkina offers her readers. Try it, you won't regret it.

Dessert: apples in the oven

Not all desserts are high in sugar and fat. There are those that are not only safe for the figure, but also useful, and tasty, and more than affordable. Anastasia's website has a large number of recipes of this kind, many of which use fruit as the main ingredient. Today these will be apples, which we will bake under a delicious crispy crust - streusel. For cooking you need:

  • sweet and sour apples - 500 grams;
  • lemon juice - from half of the fruit;
  • or any crushed nuts;
  • cinnamon to taste.

Cut the apples into cubes, pour with lemon juice and sprinkle with cinnamon (you can not use it if you don’t like it), mix. Place them in a small refractory bowl. Then we prepare the streusel. For him you need:

  • sugar - 100 grams;
  • flour - 100 grams;
  • butter - 100 grams.

Despite the complex name, this dressing is very simple to prepare. First, flour and sugar are mixed, then softened butter is added to them. The mixture is kneaded with your hands and kneaded so that a crumb is obtained. Sprinkle with it the already prepared apples. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and add our dessert. It is prepared for about 25 minutes - until a golden crust appears. Sprinkle the top with chopped nuts or almond petals. You can serve. When warm, it goes well with a scoop of ice cream.


Surely you have visited Say7.info at least once in search of a suitable recipe. Now you know who is behind this site and why it attracts so many visitors (after all, you liked it too, didn't you?). All thanks to the simplicity with which Anastasia approaches each recipe of Skripkin. The photos with which she supplies each of her instructions make it easy to master even seemingly complex multi-component recipes and learn culinary skills for beginners in this business. Let's say "thank you" for this and cook something special from the variety of dishes offered to our attention on the popular website.

Found 43 records

Cheese soup with cheese balls Ingredients: chicken breast (about 500 g) 600 g potatoes 400 g processed cheese (Hochland, Viola, President, etc.) 150 g carrots 150 g onions 100 g pasta salt pepper cheese balls: 150 g cheese (Lambert, Tilzer, Russian, etc.) 1 egg 30-40 g flour Pour water over the breast. Boil. Cook for 40-50 minutes. Cooking cheese balls. Grate the cheese on a fine grater. Recipe: Cheese soup with cheese balls www.say7.info/cook/recipe/1257-Syirnyiy-sup-s.html

Curd stollen with marzipan Ingredients: 200 g butter 150 g sugar 10 g vanilla sugar 3 eggs 350 g cottage cheese (6-9%) 1 orange 200 g dried fruits (I used dried peaches) 100 g dried cranberries 100 g candied fruits 150 g almonds 1 / 2 tsp ground ginger 1/2 tsp 1/2 tsp cinnamon nutmeg 650-700 g flour 10 g baking powder 400 g marzipan also: 100 g butter (for greasing the Stollens) powdered sugar Squeeze juice out of the orange (100 ml is required). Chop dried fruits. Culinary recipe: Curd stollen with marzipan www.say7.info/cook/recipe/1249-Tvorozhnyiy-shtollen.html

Lamb stewed with quince Ingredients: 800 g of lamb (I have meat with a bone) 400 g of quince 150 g of onion 5-7 sprigs of thyme 1 tsp. cumin salt pepper vegetable oil Core the quince, cut into wedges. Cut the onion into half rings. Recipe: Lamb stew with quince www.say7.info/cook/recipe/1175-Baranina-tushennaya.html

Bulgur with tomatoes and onions (garnish) Ingredients: 150 g bulgur 350 ml water 200 g tomatoes (I used tomatoes in my own juice, without the skin) 150 g onions salt pepper vegetable oil Finely chop the onion. Fry the onion in vegetable oil. Recipe: Bulgur with tomatoes and onions (side dish) www.say7.info/cook/recipe/1176-Bulgur-tomatami.html

Cupcake with marzipan and cranberries Ingredients: 3 eggs 100 g sugar 150 g butter 20 g cocoa powder 2 tsp. baking powder 100-150 g flour also: 200 g marzipan 100 g dried cranberries Cut marzipan into cubes. Grind the butter with sugar. Recipe: Marzipan Cranberry Cupcake www.say7.info/cook/recipe/1173-Keks-marcipanom.html

Chicken pate Ingredients: 800 g chicken (I used breast and legs) 300 g onions (two onions 150 g each) 300 g carrots (2 carrots 150 g each) 50-100 ml cream 10-15% 3-4 bay leaves 10 black peppercorns vegetable oil salt pepper optional: baguette garlic pickled cucumbers sun-dried tomatoes quail (or chicken) eggs Chop one carrot and one onion coarsely. Pour water over the chicken. Add chopped carrots and onions. Add bay leaf, peppercorns, salt. Cook until tender (about 35-40 minutes). Cool down. Recipe: Chicken Pate www.say7.info/cook/recipe/1172-Pashtet-kuricyi.html

Shrimp in sweet and sour sauce Ingredients: 350 g shrimp (not peeled) 250 g pineapple (pieces) 50 ml soy sauce 100 g tomato sauce (ketchup, pasta) 2-3 cloves of garlic 1 tbsp. butter 1 tsp. ground ginger 1 tsp starch salt pepper Peel shrimp. Finely chop the garlic. Recipe: Sweet and sour shrimp www.say7.info/cook/recipe/1171-Krevetki-v.html

Cookies with apples and walnuts Ingredients: 3 eggs 100 g butter 100 g sugar 1 tsp. cinnamon (optional) 400 g apples 100 g walnuts 2 tsp baking powder 350-400 g flour Peel the apples, grate on a coarse grater (if there is a lot of juice, drain it). Chop the nuts. Recipe: Cookies with apples and walnuts www.say7.info/cook/recipe/1170-Pechene-yablokami.html

Salad with pear, goat cheese and arugula Ingredients: 200 g of goat cheese 300 g of pears arugula (or any salad, to taste) Dressing: 50 ml of vegetable oil 1/2 orange 1 tbsp. mustard (paste) 1 tablespoon honey, salt Cut the cheese into thin slices. Thinly chop the pear. Recipe: Pear, Goat Cheese and Arugula Salad www.say7.info/cook/recipe/1169-Salat-grushey.html

Duck baked with oranges Ingredients: duck (2.5-3 kg) 3-4 oranges Marinade: 100 ml soy sauce 50 g honey 100 ml orange juice 1 tbsp. ground ginger (optional) salt Squeeze juice from one orange (we need 100 ml). Cut the rest of the oranges into 4-6 pieces. Recipe: Duck baked with oranges www.say7.info/cook/recipe/1168-Utka-zapechennaya-s.html

Duck fillet with quince with onion-lingonberry sauce Ingredients: 500 g of duck fillet (breast) 300 g of quince 150 ml of soy sauce juice of half a lemon 150 g of onion (best of all, red) 100 g of lingonberry (I used frozen) butter, salt, pepper optional: arugula (or any green salad) Mix soy sauce and lemon juice. Pour fillet with sauce, leave for 20 minutes. Recipe: Duck fillet with quince with onion-lingonberry sauce www.say7.info/cook/recipe/1167-Utinoe-file-s.html

Beef with bacon and tomatoes, baked in puff pastry Ingredients: 1 kg of beef (fillet) 200 g of bacon (I used uncooked smoked) 300 g of tomatoes 400 g of puff pastry (I used yeast) 5-7 sprigs of thyme herbs to taste marinade: 5 tbsp .l. vegetable oil juice of half a lemon 1 tbsp. dried herbs (I used Provence) 2-3 cloves of garlic salt pepper Cooking the marinade. Mix vegetable oil and lemon juice. Add garlic squeezed through a garlic press. Recipe: Beef with bacon and tomatoes, baked in puff pastry www.say7.info/cook/recipe/1166-Govyadina-bekonom.html

Anastasia Skripkina is not only a person who constantly pleases thousands of housewives with brilliant culinary recipes for every taste and color. But also a truly talented woman who won the popularity and love of many people with her professional activities. This is proved by her huge site traffic. It is not enough to praise a person for such achievements, just as it is not enough to write this article about Anastasia, but the Secret Culinary Master decided to do this and thereby somehow thank the heroine of today's article. I think the outline of today's article will be an overview of the recipes that impressed the Secret Culinary Specialist, and we will also discuss the heroine's website, and in the end we will wish certain things to Anastasia Skripkina. So, let's begin! Culinary recipes from Anastasia Skripkina that conquered the heart of the Secret Culinary specialist I decided to make the TOP 5 of these recipes. Of course, this list is not long, because you need to choose the very, very recipes, and not all, although for me it is so, there are very few bad recipes. The fifth place recipe: "Fish with sorrel sauce" is an extra dish! The recipe is unremarkable in appearance, if it were not for the non-standard sauce. This is a game changer! Products that should be on hand: Fish carcass (from 300g), the type of fish does not matter; Chicken egg Salt Oil for frying Standard flour For our mega sauce: Onion, 100 grams A glass of milk cream with a fat content of 20% Salt and a spoonful of table flour Sorrel leaves, 50 grams is enough The essence of cooking boils down to the usual frying of fish, pre-dipped in flour and an egg ... It is, of course, salted. But the sauce is prepared in several stages: Finely crumble the onion and sorrel. The mixture must be extinguished. What we have stewed we move the saucepan with cream, which we begin to heat up. Salt the almost finished sauce, add a spoonful of flour and bring to a temperature of 90 degrees. Next, the sauce is placed not on the fried fish), but in a blender container and whipped. And the final touch is filigree pouring a delicious-smelling sauce over the fish that will not leave you indifferent. Frankly, the recipe lured me into cooking it only with sauce, but believe me, but rather try it: just fried fish in flour and in an egg and the same fish with such a sauce - 2 completely different things! This is what happened with my armless =)

And here comes the 4th place: Cheesecake that does not need BAKING! Yes, it was the unnecessary baking that bribed me to put this recipe in fourth position. For the base, we need to get: 150 g butter butter easily crumbling cookies 250-300 g For the filling you need: Gelatin, 20 g Half kg mascarpone 100-150 g sugar A glass of heavy cream Cooking process: with a slight movement of the hand, pour gelatin with cooled boiled water and forget about him for an hour. We make powder out of cookies using either a meat grinder or a blender. Melt the butter in a saucepan. Fill us with an unusual powder with heated oil. We put what we have done in the form and send the form to the refrigerator. Next, remember about gelatin and heat it without bringing it to the boiling point. switch to cream and sugar. We combine them and beat with a mixer. Add mascarpone to the whipped mass. And the final touch is the addition of gelatin to the whipped mixture. We take out the form with the base and put the filling on it and hide this case back in the refrigerator for several hours. In addition to making an amazing dessert, this masterpiece also does not need to be baked. This is a time saving + less greasy dessert, which is good news for those who watch the waist. The next in line are the three winners, and we can already say that the culinary recipes of Anastasia Skripkina are distinguished by their individuality and simplicity of approach. Ta-dam! =)

Bronze of our top at Hawaiian Toast! The reasons for putting this dish in third place are as follows: Time spent on cooking is minimized, you can make them literally in 5 minutes! Non-standard combination of products, due to canned pineapples. The combination opens up unidentified taste preferences for us. We go to the hypermarket and buy the following: Ham, I took half a kg Hard cheese, preferably in slices, so as not to cut it into Special bread for toast with a jar of canned pineapples Operations that we do with all this good We put several slices of bread on a wide plate. Top with sliced ​​ham. On the third floor, pineapples (when choosing, give preference to pineapples, which are cut into rings). And the last layer, you guessed it, is cheese slices. This beauty goes to the microwave for 5-7 minutes and voila! +5 to taste will be when decorating a sandwich with an olive or cherry tomato, or herbs. Until I came across this culinary recipe, I thought that a sandwich is an ordinary thing and will not surprise him with anyone. Now I realize how wrong I was.

Silver for soup) for cheese soup with porcini mushrooms As a child, cheese soup caused me more pleasant taste sensations than any others, so I gave this recipe second place, and even with mushrooms. In short, gourmet soup. Products: Potatoes, 500-700 g 50-100 g dried mushrooms, if there are fresh ones, then 200 g is enough 100-150 g carrots 300 g cheese, melted cheese is most suitable 100 g onions or leeks spices and salt to taste Let's use mushrooms: fill them with warm water and distract from them for half an hour. After soaking, cut them and throw them into boiling water, cook for about 20 minutes. Cut the onion as best we can, three carrots on a not very fine grater and turn the already peeled potatoes into diced, let's say. In the reverse order, add everything that was cut to the boiled mushrooms. And when the soup is on the verge of full cooking, add the cheese. It is advisable to cut it too, then it will spread much faster and more evenly throughout the entire volume of the soup. Cheese is the key product in this recipe from Anastasia Skripkina.

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