
The most frequent errors "1C" and methods of their correction. The most frequent errors "1C" and methods of their correction Correction of errors in the exchange of 1C

The 1C error "The database file is damaged" regularly occurs when working with platform versions 8.2 and 8.3. This error may appear as at startup information base, and in the course of any operation. Let's see how you can fix this error.

Rice. 1. Error window

First of all, ALWAYS (!!!) make a copy of the damaged database. Better to make a copy of the 1Cv8.1CD file. To do this, go to the directory where the database is stored, copy it and save it in any directory convenient for you.

Rice. 2. Copying the base

Rice. 3. Inserting the database into the catalog

After copying the database, internal testing is required. To do this, go to our database through the configurator, go to the “Administration” tab and click on “Test and fix”.

Rice. 4. Launching the Configurator

Rice. 5. Testing and fixing

A window for testing and correcting the infobase appears in front of us. Check the boxes as shown in Figure 6 and start testing.

Rice. 6. Run testing and fixes

After internal testing, external testing is also required. To do this, we close the configurator and open the chdbfl.exe utility. It is located in the platform folder, which is usually located in the C: \ Program Files (x86) \ 1cv8 \ \ bin folder.

Fig. 7. Utility path

Launch this file, in the “Database file name” field, write the path where our database is located and put a checkmark “Fix detected errors, then we perform testing.

Rice. 8. Launching external testing

After all the operations performed, you can go to the base. If none of the above methods helped to restore the damaged database, you will have to deal with it manually. This can only be done by a qualified programmer.

Pivkin Andrey. Consultation Line Specialist

Sometimes troubles happen in 1c databases - the 1c report that used to work does not start, the document is not held due to an incomprehensible error, it is impossible to enter the program ... One of the main means of correcting 1c errors is testing and fixing the 1c 8.3 database using the utility built into the platform.

I want to note that for any incorrect work 1C Enterprise 8.3, the main methods for restoring the program's performance are:

  1. Clearing the cache 1C Enterprise;
  2. Testing and fixing the base 1c 8.3.

The method for removing the 1C cache is described in detail in the article. Consider the second service tool for administering the 1C platform.

Testing and fixing the 1c 8.3 database using the built-in utility

To start this operation, you do not need to have any special knowledge, so any user can handle this without contacting 1c specialists. To start testing and fixing, you need to enter the 1c configurator and select "Administration" - "Testing and fixing ..."

Description of the "Testing and repairing the 1c infobase" utility

The form that opens contains a number of items that allow you to correct errors. In order to use this tool professionally, you need to understand the purpose and logic of each of the points, so let's take a closer look at them:

  • Reindexing infobase tables.

To quickly search for information, auxiliary tables are added to the main tables with the main data, in which the data is sorted according to the specified fields of the main table - the indexing table. Due to the use of indexing tables, the performance of 1c increases significantly, since there is no need to iterate over the entire main data table for selection, you can use the index file and select the necessary records from there.
When writing data to the main data tables, the indexing tables are also filled. But for various technical reasons, the indexes can get lost, which can ultimately lead to errors. To correct this class of errors, when testing and correcting the 1c 8.3 base is performed, you must check the box next to this menu item.

  • Checking the logical integrity of the infobase

At the time of creating new objects in the 1c configuration, new tables are created in the database, which indicate links with other tables in the database. For various reasons, connections may become incorrect (for example, due to an incorrect update or an unexpected power outage at the time of recording). To fix this kind of error, select this menu item.

  • Checking the referential integrity of an infobase

To identify and correct these errors, select this menu item, while the options for handling such errors are activated below (see the figure above). We can choose how to fix errors when if there are references to non-existent objects: create objects, clear links, do not change; and with partial data loss: create objects, delete an object, do not change.

  • Recalculation of totals

To perform quick data selections in the 1c database, there are tables with already calculated data with a monthly frequency. When we apply for this data, it is not collected from the main tables (it would take a long time), but are returned immediately from the data of the totals tables. Accordingly, for this mechanism to work, it is necessary to have correct results for the past periods. Therefore, if 1c "cheats" in the reports, then such an error is corrected by this menu item.

  • Compressing infobase tables

Deleting objects in the database is a rather painstaking and time-consuming operation, therefore, in 1c configurations, the deletion process is divided into 2 stages. When you delete objects in the configuration, the data in the 1c database is nullified and, because of this, does not participate in further operations, although it physically remains in place. To clean the tables from these records, do testing and correction of the 1c 8.3 base with the "Compress infobase tables" menu item.

  • Restructuring infobase tables

When changing the details of any 1c metadata object, the database must supplement all tables of the changed object with new records. This is done through restructuring the database tables. During the restructuring process, copies of the database tables with the structure of the current configuration are created, after which the data is transferred to the created tables. If a variable is added to the 1c metadata, an empty column will be created for it in the new table; if an attribute is deleted, a column for this attribute will not be created in the new table, and, accordingly, it will not be transferred.
During the restructuring process, all tables in the database will be re-created, so this is the longest operation.

Testing and fixing the 1c 8.3 base in practice

After receiving comprehensive information, I think that you can easily navigate what points of the utility you need to select to fix any.

Testing and fixing the 1c 8.3 base can be done in two modes:

  1. Testing. In this mode, the database is tested and technical fixes for minor errors are made.
  2. Testing and fixing. In this mode, the 1C database is tested and tries to fix all noticed errors (see the figure above).

To test and fix the 1c 8.3 base, you must click the "Run" button, after which in the information window at the bottom of the configurator you can watch the progress of testing and fixing.


In this article, we will consider this system utility "Testing and fixing the infobase" in 1C 8.3 and the features of its use.

Before carrying out any operations necessary !

Testing and fixing the 1C infobase

The testing and correction mode is called in the 1C 8.3 system configurator by selecting the Administration - Testing and correction menu.

Checks and modes

This window contains a list of necessary checks and modes that will be performed as a result of the utility's operation. Let's consider each checkbox in more detail:

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  • Re-indexing infobase tables- if this flag is set, the tables will be reindexed. Reindex is a complete rebuild of indexes for specified tables. Re-indexing significantly improves the performance of the system as a whole. This procedure will never be superfluous and increases system performance.
  • Checking the logical integrity of the infobase- the system can check the logical and structural integrity of the database, find errors in the organization of data (for example, pages in a file).
  • Examination referential integrity information base- logical check sub-item, checks the information in the database for the presence of "broken" links. "Broken" links appear in the database due to incorrect processing of information by the developer, most often with direct deletion of data or incorrectly configured data exchange. When errors are found, you can choose 3 options: Create objects- the system creates stub elements that can then be filled in necessary information, Clear links- "broken" links will be cleaned, Do not change- the system will only show you errors.
  • Recalculation of totals- in the 1C platform, there is the concept of totals. Totals is a table of counted results, data from which is faster than analyzing the entire register of information. Generally, recalculating totals increases system performance.
  • Compressing infobase tables- if this flag is set, it will be compressed and reduced in volume. This is due to the fact that when deleting data from the database, 1C does not physically delete these objects, but only "marks" them for deletion. Those. the user does not see them, but they are :). It is precisely the compression of the database that removes such records permanently. Also, this effect can be achieved by unloading and loading a database file (* .dt).
  • Restructuring infobase tables- the process by which the system re-creates database tables, usually this procedure is called when changes are made to the configuration metadata structure. Restructuring the entire database is a long process, be careful.

If for some reason testing and fixing does not help or you do not have access to the configurator, use the utility.

1C experts tell how the user can correct his own mistakes made in accounting and tax accounting for income tax.

Let's consider how in the program "1C: Accounting 8" version 3.0 you can correct a technical error made when registering a receipt document.


Organization LLC "New Interior", which uses common system taxation and provisions of PBU 18/02 (approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated November 19, 2002 No. 114n), in February 2016 revealed an error in accounting: the amount of expenses for renting an office space for the III quarter of 2015 was erroneously overestimated by 30 thousand rubles. The amount of VAT deduction, which was mistakenly registered in the purchase book for the III quarter of 2015 (RUB 5,400), was also overestimated. The error was discovered and corrected before the submission of the income tax return for 2015 and before the signing of the 2015 financial statements. The organization made a decision to make the necessary changes in the data of accounting and tax accounting and submit to the tax authority the revised tax declarations: for VAT - for the III quarter of 2015; for income tax - for 9 months of 2015.

The cost of renting an office space was reflected in the program using a document Receipt (act, invoice) with the type of operation Services (act). We remind you that access to all documents of admission is carried out from the section Purchases... As a result of the document, accounting entries were generated, as well as entries in special resources for tax accounting purposes for accounts with the tax accounting (OU) attribute:

Debit 60.01 Credit 60.02 - for the amount of the credited prepayment for the lease of the premises (76,700 rubles); Debit 26 Credit 60.01 - for the cost of renting premises (65,000 rubles); Debit 19.04 Credit 60.01 - for the amount of VAT (11,700 rubles).

On the basis of the receipt document, a document was registered Invoice received, and VAT is accepted for deduction in full in the period of receipt of services. The corresponding entries are entered in the accounting register and in the special VAT registers.

To reflect errors in accounting made by the user when registering primary documents and invoices received from the supplier, you should use the document accounting system Correction of receipts. It is advisable to enter the document on the basis of the document Receipt (act, invoice)... To do this, click on the button Enter based on(available both from the receipt document form and from the receipt document list form) and select the command Correction of receipts.

Document form Correction of receipts on the bookmark The main thing is modified depending on the selected type of operation, as well as on the period of making changes to the document-basis.

According to paragraph 6 of PBU 22/2010, the reporting year error detected after the end of this year, but before the date of signing the financial statements for this year, should be corrected by entries on the corresponding accounting accounts for December of the reporting year. Therefore, in our case, the document Correction of receipts should be dated December 2015 (field from).

On a bookmark The main thing in field Operation type the following operations are available:

  • Correction in primary documents - is used to reflect the correction of errors made by the supplier during the paperwork. Correction in primary documents is not an independent event and refers to the same period as the document being corrected itself. The supplier, correcting primary documents, issues a revised invoice;
  • Adjustment by agreement of the parties - registers a change in the value of previously sold goods, works and services agreed between the seller and the buyer, that is, an independent event that relates to the current period. The supplier in this case issues a corrective invoice;
  • - designed to correct data entry errors made by the user when registering primary documents and (or) the received invoice, and allows you to correct the erroneously entered invoice details, including sum indicators. The correction applies to the same period as the incorrectly entered document itself.

Since, according to the conditions of Example 1, a technical error was made in the accounting of the organization, it is necessary to select the type of operation Correcting your own mistake(fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Document "Correction of receipt", tab "Main"

Depending on the set value of the requisite Reflect adjustment the document can reflect changes in two versions:

  • In all sections of accounting(you need to leave this option);
  • VAT accounting only.

Switch Reflection of income and expenses in example 1 should be set to position Charge to the same account as services (20, 26, 44, ...).

Tabular parts Goods and Services filled in automatically according to the document specified in the field Base... Each line of the original document corresponds to two lines in the correction document (Fig. 2):

  • before the change;
  • after change.

Rice. 2. Document "Correction of receipt", tab "Services"

Into a string before the change the quantity and amounts from the original document are transferred and this line is not edited. Line after change initially filled with the same values ​​as the string before the change... In line after change you need to indicate the corrected sum indicators.

Based on the document Correction of receipts you need to register the revised version of the document Invoice received by button Register.

After the document Correction of receipts the following accounting entries will be generated:

Debit 60.02 Credit 60.01 - for the resulting amount of advance payment to the supplier (35,400 rubles) paid for the lease of the premises; STORNO Debit 68.02 Credit 19.04 - for the entire amount of VAT (11,700 rubles), which was previously mistakenly accepted for deduction on the "wrong" invoice to be canceled in the purchase book; Debit 68.02 Credit 19.04 - for the due amount of VAT deduction (6,300 rubles); STORNO Debit 19.04 Credit 60.01 - for an erroneous overstatement of the amount of VAT charged (RUB 5,400); STORNO Debit 26 Credit 60.01 - for an erroneous overstatement of the cost of renting premises (30,000 rubles).

For the purposes of tax accounting for income tax, the corresponding amounts are also recorded in resources Amount OU Dt and Amount OU Kt for accounts with a tax accounting attribute (OU). There are no differences (permanent (PR) and temporary (BP)) between accounting and tax accounting data.

All records without exception are dated 12/31/2015. After processing Close of the month(chapter Operations) in case of automatic completion of reports, the corrected data of accounting and tax accounting will be included in both the annual financial statements and the corporate income tax return for 2015. But the revised income tax return for 9 months of 2015 will have to be adjusted manually. To do this, the automatically completed indicator of line 040 "Indirect costs - total" of Appendix No. 2 to Sheet 02 of the income tax declaration (approved by order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated November 26, 2014 No. ММВ-7-3 / [email protected]), should be reduced by 30,000 rubles.

After the document Correction of receipts in addition to entries in the accounting register, corrective entries are entered in the accumulation registers VAT charged and VAT on purchases. With a decrease in the cost of purchased goods and services, an additional sheet of the purchase book for the III quarter of 2015 will be generated automatically. The additional sheet will reflect the records:

  • reversal - for an erroneously registered amount of VAT deduction;
  • the deductible VAT amount shown on the invoice from the supplier.

Operations to correct your own mistake and to deduct VAT on lease will be automatically reflected in the revised VAT return for the III quarter of 2015:

  • in Section 3 "Calculation of the amount of tax payable to the budget ...";
  • in Section 8 "Information from the purchase book ...";
  • in Appendix No. 1 "Information from additional sheets of the purchase book" to Section 8 of the VAT declaration (approved by order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated October 29, 2014 No. ММВ-7-3 / [email protected]).

We remind you that the organization must independently calculate and pay penalties if the due taxes are paid at a later date than those established by the legislation on taxes and fees (clause 1 of article 75 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

To calculate the amount of money that the taxpayer must pay as a penalty, you can use the assistant for calculating penalties from the "Taxes and Contributions" section of IS 1C: ITS.

Everyone knows that any software can give from time to time various failures or, simply put, not work properly. Such failures that lead to disruption of the correct functioning of the system are called in mistakes... 1c program is software product (software), respectively, in this program, various errors may also occur that lead to incorrect operation of the system. can be very diverse, and if you do not have a number of special knowledge in the field of programming and the specifics of the work of the internal mechanisms of 1c, then you will not be able to correctly understand and diagnose the error, and even more so fix it. Any our 1c programmer is always ready to help you in solving any issues related to errors 1c!

What causes errors in the 1c database?

Now let's talk a little about why, after all, various errors in the 1c database when working with the program. In fact, there can be a lot of reasons, and they can all have completely different grounds. And yet, we will try to understand in general terms the reason for the occurrence of various errors in 1s.

Types of errors in the 1c database

Errors in 1s there can be a great many and they can occur for a variety of reasons. In this article, we will not consider all possible mistakes 1c, we will try to highlight the so-called main "types" of errors encountered. We conventionally call them "types" because the content of the error that the program shows you is usually always different, but the essence is often the same. So let's highlight the most common errors in the 1c database:

  1. Stream format error
  2. Object field not detected
  3. Object method not found
  4. Not enough memory
  5. Errors related to SQL tables (relevant for 1c servers that run on relational databases, such as MySQL)
  6. Access error 1s

Stream format error in 1s

stream format error 1c

Object field not detected

Object field not detected

Index is out of bounds of array

Error 1s

Stream format error in 1s

This error is very often manifested when the erroneous reading of a sequence of commands from the bytecode in the stream, which is why it is called stream format error 1c... Any transaction will be aborted if this error occurs as a result of its execution. Such errors require immediate correction as they can harm the operation of the 1C Enterprise system. These errors can only be corrected by qualified 1c programmers.

Object field not detected

If the 1c system gives you an error message with the text " Object field not detected", it means that the error occurs in a situation when the program tries to access an attribute (field) of an object of which simply does not exist. This error is in the nature of a" runtime error "if it occurs in 1C Enterprise. Errors of this kind can also be corrected only programmers.

Index is out of bounds of array

An array in programming is a certain memory area in which many objects of the same type are stored (in 1c such types can be, for example, ReferenceLink, DocumentObject, etc., as well as any primitive types such as number, string, boolean, etc.). Error 1s associated with going out of bounds of an array just happens when the program goes beyond the bounds of memory that is allocated for the array. Accordingly, in this case, the program generates an error, notifies the user (programmer) that the array is being accessed, and this, in turn, is a program error.

Object method not found

A similar error occurs when the system tries to access a method (function) of an object whose description (which) does not exist in the code. Errors of this type can be corrected by programmers.

Not enough memory in 1s

This error occurs if the system runs out of all RAM dedicated to the needs of executing programs in the operating system, so the program generates an error " Not enough memory in 1s". It can occur during various events such as configuration update, processing large file, when generating a report, loading a large database, etc. The user can try to fix such an error himself.

Possible correction of error 1s "Not enough memory"

The error lies in the limited allocation of address memory by the operating system for software (software).
The default limits for addressable memory are:

  • for a 32 bit system - 2GB
  • for 64 bit - 4 GB

In order to increase the size of the address memory, you need to do the following:

  1. Run the command line: "Start - Run" - type CMD and press enter
  2. Now in command line enter text without quotation marks “bcdedit / set increaseuserva 3072 ″, where 3072 is the size of the desired addressable memory
  3. Reboot your operating system(a computer)
  4. Try to perform the action in 1C that did not work before and led to an error.
  5. If everything worked out and the operation is repeated not so often, it is recommended to return the size of the address memory to the default value using the command “bcdedit / deletevalue increaseuserva”

Errors related to SQL tables

Errors of this kind usually occur on the server side, when the system accesses the table and cannot read the data. This error can occur due to not correct setting server, and also due to damage SQL tables... In special difficult situations, it may not even be possible to restore the database, and then you can only be saved by an archive copy of the database. We strongly recommend making timely backup copies of the database.

Access error in 1s

This error occurs when the user tries to perform any action that is prohibited by access rights (roles). That is why the system issues an access error in 1s. Roles are configured in the configurator by the programmer.

Couldn't fix the error in 1s?

If you didn't manage to fix any error in 1c, don't despair, pick up the phone and call us! Our experts are always ready to help you in solving any issues related to 1c, including errors that occur during the operation of the system.

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