
Reproduction of articles. Programs for the reproduction of articles. Program for multiplying articles - Generating The Web Filtering by the uniqueness of the generated texts

Generating The Web is a program that may come in handy for some writers rewriting text. With it, you can somewhat automate workflows and speed up writing.

Quite an interesting feature of GTW is the ability to automatically check the syntax of the source text. In other words, it is able to analyze the linguistic structure of sentences and, if there are errors, inform the user about them.

Displaying synonyms

It's no secret that any rewriter sometimes has to replace certain words with sensible synonyms. With the help of the program in question, the user loses the need to constantly search for them on the Internet: here they are displayed automatically.

However, although the program files contain a standard dictionary containing the base of synonyms, for some reason they are not displayed. You can only add your own custom dictionary, but this is a rather laborious and unnecessary process, because there are many other services that do not have such problems.

Generating texts

In addition to the standard display of options for replacing text fragments, you can use automatic generation all possible variants with all words from dictionaries.

But it is obvious that this function not suitable for authors who write meaningful articles for readers.

Plus, there are additional functions after generation: delete similar variants or mix them.


  • Free distribution;
  • Russian language.


  • Some functions are working poorly or incorrectly;
  • Has not been updated since 2012.

The bottom line suggests itself - if you use the Generating The Web program to rewrite articles for sites that people will read in the future, then it is best to turn to other similar programs. However, the functions implemented here can be useful for other text-related purposes.

Quite often you can hear about the reproduction of articles. It would seem quite understandable procedure, implying some mythical way of creating tens or hundreds of articles from a single basic article, but for what purpose is all this happening ...

Who benefits from copying articles?

This is done in order to get the required number of ready-made articles on similar topics. This method of obtaining a large amount of content is much cheaper for the publisher than obtaining a similar number of articles with the assistance of a copywriter. This kind of content is widely used when it is placed in catalogs or on thematic sites (fortunately, there are a lot of them on the net now!). The meaning of the articles during reproduction, as a rule, is preserved, therefore, in the text, you can additionally embed suitable thematic links that purposefully lead the user to a specific resource. Thus, the reproduction of articles contributes to an increase in the traffic of the resource, and, therefore, to the promotion of the site.

How is the process of copying articles going?

In practice, texts are easily reproduced. The whole process, as a rule, is built on a banal collection of synonyms using special programs... That's all! Such a "stupid" selection of words similar in meaning, thanks to which the text is obtained, is called nothing more than synonymizing. Meanwhile, the possibilities of programs for generating texts are somewhat wider than it might seem at first glance. The fact is that synonymizers have the ability to replace whole sentences, and this, you see, already presents certain technical difficulties, albeit feasible.

Before the source text is in the program, it is subjected to a certain modification. In other words, a certain formula is compiled from the text, as a result of which each word is selected possible options words-synonyms, the places of some sentences are changed. The text is undergoing significant changes.

Reproduction cost of articles

Prices for synonymizing services can differ significantly from each other (approximately 3 times!), But site owners are still willing to shell out money, since this ultimately saves money significantly.

Synonymizing programs overview

As you can imagine, programs for generating texts can be completely free and on a paid basis. In addition, there are free text reproduction software built into some of the popular resources. For example, scripts Lieks, Content 1, Allsubmitter, etc.

So, I present to your attention the TOP-3 free software to generate texts in Runet:

ANCHOR. After downloading and running the file, 5 tabs will appear in front of you, with which you will have to work properly. The process of generating the text consists in alternately filling in the corresponding fields.

SEO Anchor Generator... This program positions itself as a kind of generator of anchors or descriptions. However, it is also used to reproduce small texts. Due to the fact that the author of this masterpiece is in constant search of program improvements, there is now a free online version with a text generator. The program menu is very easy to learn.

Generating The Web. A free program with more features than those described above. Through its application, it is possible to perform the most important tasks for generating texts - rearranging and enumerating synonyms using external dictionaries, correcting errors in the results and removing duplicates by adjusting the number of shingles, setting restrictions on the number of generated variants, etc.

The other day, I actively started working with articles, as I promised, I think to test this method of work in practice, and this is not only to, but rather just bring the project to the top. The subject in this experiment is a site about the gothic 4 game. I am going to prove to potential buyers that there are good prospects there, given that the peak of popularity of the game (more precisely, simply) will begin in late autumn + all winter. Therefore, it is a good idea to prepare the foundation for this business right now. Generally a niche computer games- very interesting, there are positive aspects, I will tell you about it somehow. So, back to the topic of the post - you can post articles both on paid sites and on the internet full of free options - blog hosting, services that offer to create your own simple website and host them, plus, of course, article directories.

But for this you need raw material- the article itself. Effect from identical texts minimal, it's good when each of the published notes is more or less unique. Therefore, a mandatory point of such promotion is - that is, the generation of texts from 1 unique pair of hundreds of similar, but not identical materials. For the Gothic, I decided not to risk it and ordered this service from one person on Serch who deals with such - for 55 articles I paid 14 bucks (1.4 wmz for 100 characters in the article). In principle, the texts turned out to be very good, I am satisfied with the result, it remains only to find out how they will be perceived by the PS :) Who will be interested in contacts - write to ICQ.

However, there is a second method - do it yourself. There are some programs for reproduction of articles, which, in principle, also allow very good results to be achieved. To admit this issue, I have been interested for a long time, somehow I tried to study the text generation module in AllSubmitter, but its interface is so cumbersome that it was not so easy to do it. But now, since now the issue with articles has become quite acute, I had to search the net, blogs for other software to solve the problem. And I found it.

SEO Anchor Generator

Firstly, thanks to the blog author Shakin for an article on how to make thousands from one article, where he talked about his experience with a program called SEO Anchor Generator .

Although it is not positioned as an article generator, but suitable for descriptions, anchors, her can be used... The main features are quite standard for this kind of programs:

  • support for 3 kinds of constructions (brute force: (x1 | x2 | x3), permutations:, permutations with separator: [+ separator + x1 | x2 | x3];
  • support for nested syntax;
  • syntax highlighting, brackets;
  • restrictions on the length of lines, the number of results.
  • bug fix: multiple spaces, capital letter in a word after a period, adding spaces after punctuation marks, etc.
  • mixing results;
  • deleting identical lines;
  • saving generated lines to a file, or copying to the clipboard.

This program for generating texts is free. To get started, if you've never duplicated articles, I recommend reading the documentation and trying the program on simple constructions. It will also help you get used to the interface and deal with a lot of settings.

Generating The Web

A little later, I found on Sercha another very interesting program from a company that develops seo software - Generating The Web... It is also distributed absolutely free of charge, but here she has more opportunities than the first.

The program performs all the basic tasks for reproducing articles that I said came out - permutations, enumerations, correcting errors in the results, limiting the number of generated variants, etc. I will only point out its differences:

  • permutation with different separators -, in the end we get, for example - 2, 3, 1 and 4.
  • using variables (#set% VAR% = SomeValue) - variables come before the text, help to make the construction more readable.
  • saving results to one or several files; when saving generated articles, you can choose any convenient separator in one file.
  • Placement of links in the text!

Two very unique features should be noted separately.

Substitution of synonyms using external dictionaries! - 2 dictionaries are built into the program, plus you can connect custom dictionaries. Moreover, if you add synonyms to the text, they are saved in the so-called "database of recently used synonyms" and then used in new tasks.

Removing duplicates using the shingles method- in addition to exact matches, there is such interesting method, which allows you to get the highest quality unique reproduced articles. As parameters, you set the length (number of words) of the shingle and the percentage of text similarity. For example, I put shingle - 3, the similarity is 10%, as a result of which, out of several million options, I got about 50 articles that satisfy the requirements.

That is, the shorter the shingle length, the more unique the results and, of course, the longer the processing will take. The higher the percentage of similarity, the more texts you will have after filtering. The process takes a lot of time, but I stake on the quality of the articles, so I don’t worry about the fact that it is “long”. The algorithm of my work is as follows- I break the text into small paragraphs, after which I start adding options to iterate over and permute each of them. Then I start generating the text and take on the next piece of the article - while doing it, the results from the past will be ready. Then I fill it all in several files - for example, I got 3 files for 3 paragraphs of text. Well, at the end, I randomly combine the final version from different files.

Like this :) In my opinion, the results are quite good. So, if someone needs to copy the text, I could take on this job :) Holia, of course, it's better for you to figure out the program yourself - spend a couple of hours (even days) on it, but in the end the knowledge will turn out to be very valuable.

Who uses what other copying software? Or are you ordering services?

P.S. You can also order a copy of the article from the Textprom company, it is convenient and of high quality.

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The uniqueness of the text is the most important requirement for any site by search engines. And although some successful web resources consist of copy-paste (copied material), they are the exception rather than the rule.

With the fall in prices for hosting providers, with the advent of free blogging platforms (BlogSpot, LiveJournal, Blogger, etc.), webmasters had an idea: "why not promote one site, but several at once?" For example, you can create one main web resource and a group of others that support it (satellites). From them it would be possible to link to the main website, thereby improving its position in search engines... But such a "satellite grid" also needs unique content. Where can you find a large number of identical and at the same time unique articles? Text generation solves the problem.

Obtaining from one text a large number of unique articles that are similar or close in meaning to each other is called text duplication. Replacing words in the main article with their synonyms and combining various options for their combinations, you can get a sufficient amount of material for the satellite grid.

Generating texts - This is the reproduction of one article into several unique copies, as a rule, similar in subject matter.

The quality of articles obtained as a result of reproduction will largely depend on the method of generation, the program used and the experience of the person accompanying the process. Reproduction is based on replacing the words of the main article with synonyms. The more synonyms there are, the more unique the output texts will be. And the better they are selected, the more "readable" the result will be.

A large number of unique texts are obtained through combinations of various synonyms with each other. And since uniqueness is checked by word combinations of a certain length (this is called shingle), then it is quite simple to achieve its high value using combinations of synonyms. To better understand the principle of determining the uniqueness of text, read.

1.1 What is text generation for?

Obviously, the main purpose of reproduction of texts is getting a large number of unique articles ... Everything else follows from this basic generation task.

Generation is one of the ways to get unique and free (in most cases). After all, not every webmaster is ready to pay money for filling his Internet projects. If there are a lot of the latter, then the purchase of content will result in a lump sum.

On the other hand, if you run a group of sites of the same subject, then it is extremely difficult to write the same article for them. You can, of course, choose some ready-made article and rewrite it () several times, but after 5-10 copies of the rewrite, the person runs out of imagination, and the work slows down. What if you need a hundred identical articles for 100 sites? In this case, generation turns out to be not only a cheap, but also a very convenient way to get content.

Another case when copying texts is useful is associated with the announcement of an article on a site in popular services. Let's say you need to write 10 announcements for a new article that you have posted on the site. These ten announcements will be posted on other resources to get links and new visitors from them. But the efficiency will be much higher if all these announcements are unique among themselves. Again, generation helps out.

There are also disadvantages to copying texts, but they are disadvantages not for webmasters, but for the Internet. The point is that the quality of any generated content will always be lower than that of a human-written article. Thus, the Internet is littered with "junk" texts of low quality, which is not very good.

1.2 Generator syntax

To multiply the text, you first need to prepare a small template, which will be further multiplied. It is not difficult to create it, you just need to know some of the nuances of generation. Whichever program you decide to multiply the text, they all support two standard operators:

  • () - an opening and closing curly brace, used to create blocks of synonyms.
  • I is a vertical bar (not an uppercase “i” or a lowercase “L”, which looks the same), this symbol is used to separate variants of synonyms among themselves.

The construction is as follows:

(Option 1.1 | Option 1.2 |… | Option 1.n) (Option 2.1 | Option 2.2 |… | Option 2.n) ... (Option m.1 | Option m.2 |… | Option m.n)

Thus, we got a template consisting of the mth number of blocks. Each block contains n-th number of synonyms.

An example of a small template might be like this:

(Generation | Reproduction | Obtaining) high-quality (texts | texts for the site | articles | unique articles) (by | using | using) (synonymizer | program | service).

As a result of multiplication, various combinations of text will be obtained, one of which may be the following (random samples):

  1. Reproduction quality unique articles using the program .
  2. Generation quality texts for the site by means of a synonymizer .
  3. Generation quality articles using the service .

All these phrases obtained after generation will be unique relative to each other, which is what we need. The more synonyms and blocks are used, the more unique the texts will be, or the more they can be generated.

Please note that not all words of the text need to be enclosed in blocks. For example, the period and the word "quality" are outside the curly braces; are outside of any block. This means that they will be used in all generation options. This, by the way, is noticeable in the example above (in bold).

Each specific program can use other, "own" operators, but these two are standard for all services.

If you find it difficult to master this syntax, you can use the services of copywriters by ordering a rewriting or template for reproduction on.

2. Online services for generating text

Using online services to reproduce articles is not a good idea. The problems are associated with the limited functionality of these resources, as a result of which their use is extremely inconvenient. Use online services if you only need to copy the text once. This will be easier and faster than installing the program on your computer.

2.1 ServiceSeoGenerator.ru

There are quite a few services that allow you to multiply text online. One of the most convenient options can be a resource.

The prepared template must be placed in a special form, as shown in the screenshot below.

It also shows how to set the required number of text options, and where the button for copying the results is located. When you click on it, the result will be saved to the clipboard, after which it will remain to be pasted into any convenient document (for example, in a notepad or Word).

It is noteworthy that this resource also contains a synonymizer. To use it, you need to go to the "SYNONIMIZER" tab located at the top of the screen. Then the required text is inserted into a special form, and after clicking on the "Process" button, you will see the result. Now, when you hover over the highlighted words, you can choose the appropriate synonyms for them.

Not a very convenient synonym, but you can use it.

2.2 ServiceLinksFarm.ru

A less successful example of a free online service for reproducing articles is a website. Unlike the previous example, there is a preview of the results here. This makes sense because reproduction of the text in this service takes much longer.

Everything is the same here: you need to add the prepared template to the form, and then select the required number of copies. After that, after a while, the options will be generated, and you just have to copy the multiplied text.

The interface of this service is not very convenient, it is much better to use specialized programs for reproduction of articles.

3. Programs for reproduction of articles

If you plan to frequently copy texts, then it is easier to download the program once to your computer and use it in the future. It is much easier than constantly visiting the sites of online generating services. The functionality of the programs is more powerful, and the usability is more convenient.

3.1 GeneratingtheWeb

In my opinion, the most best program on the reproduction of articles. Both English and Russian versions are supported. You can download it.

The program contains a built-in synonymizer, so if necessary, you can choose synonyms for some words.

Before starting the generation, it is best to first make sure that the syntax of the template is correct. After this is done, feel free to click on the "Generate!"

Outline of the article:

Reproduction of articles can be applied anywhere and in any way, but it is often used in the following places:

  • when posting articles on sites (using the article exchange).
  • when cross-posting to social networks and blogs.

Since, now, time is running by weight of oil, then multiplication clauses apply. Right reproduced articles are unique and readable.

How to reproduce an article correctly? Everything is simple, we use: synonyms, phrases (2-3 words). A large number of variations for a word will give you a great deal of uniqueness in your text. It should be understood that there is nothing shameful in this, the articles are readable and unique. Accordingly, Yandex eats the text without problems.

I wrote about how to write articles correctly and.

To download the program, type in the search GENERATING THE WEB and you will find a bunch of sites offering to download the program.

Now let's look at an example. I'll show you how this is done in one phrase: “ Your organization needs written rules and guidelines for spending. ” We just put the sum brackets and the vertical separator and list the words. I got it like this:

Next, we choose according to what rules to leave the text from all results. I choose not very rigid, but at the same time to preserve the readability and uniqueness of the text. To do this, go to the options => delete by the shingle method, set the ones you need or leave the standard ones (I leave the standard).

Check the box - delete similar ones. We can also place links in the finished text (similar to the auto-link function in the Windows Writer live article program). And we see several articles at the output, for example this one:

“Your company organization needs written rules and guidelines for generating costs. - 100% unique offer.

Usually I use the program like this - I copy the article and use the cross-posting service to fill blogs, services that give backward external links.

In this article, I told you about reproduction of articles using the program Generating The Web... And also told what reproduction is used for.

My readers, if you do not understand something in the article or you need to clarify something, unsubscribe in the comments, I will explain to you. Please ask questions, share with friends, learn.

Also, a video on the topic, talk about the reproduction of articles using a similar program:

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