
Removing duplicate phrases in the text. How to select text with the same formatting How to find duplicates in a Word

To replace all of the same words in the text, you do not have to manually scan the entire document. This can be done using the Replace tool in Microsoft Word, which is present even in the oldest versions of the program.
Regardless installed version Microsoft Word to open the tool, use combination of "Ctrl + H» .
To open a similar window in the 2007 or older version, go to the tab "Home" and in the section "Editing" Press "Replace". A small dialog box with two text fields will open: "Find:" and "Replaced by:".
In the first, you need to enter the text that you want to replace. In the second, what should be in its place.
For example, entering in the first field the word "Microsoft" (with a space), and in the second - "Microsoft" (also with a space), we will replace all repeated words in the text, affecting those that are used in the site address. If spaces are not used, the site address will also change.

By pressing Find Next, you can see how the text you want is highlighted. For a single replacement, press "Replace". If you are sure that you do not need to check each case, click "Replace All" and check the work.

By pressing the button "More >>" you will get a list of additional tools:

  • "Direction" - in which direction to carry out the replacement relative to the current position of the cursor;
  • "Case sensitive" - ​​whether to take into account upper and lower case letters in the text;
  • “Whole word only” - with this parameter you can omit the space when replacing;
  • "Font" - allows you to select text with specific changes applied, for example, only bold, italic, and so on;
  • Wildcards - simplifies the search process. By entering "a * b", you will replace all phrases starting with "a" and ending with "b". Using the symbol "<», поменяете все слова, которые начинаются с введенной фразы. Полный перечень подстановочных знаков доступен в справке для Microsoft Word;
  • "Pronounced as" - helps to find and replace words that are similar in sound, but different in spelling;
  • "All word forms" will change words in all cases and with different endings.
As additional options, you can also select options that will ignore suffixes, prefixes, punctuation marks, and spaces.

Since this tool often behaves unpredictably, you can experiment with it using the tool "Undo input" (Ctrl+ Z). If you apply it immediately after the replacement, then all the changed words will be returned.
When using the tool for the first time, you should be careful and take into account such nuances as case, spaces and punctuation marks.

Computer cheat sheets from Konstantin Fest
(based on Windows 7 Ultimate and MS Office 2010)

How to select text with the same formatting

Quite often, it becomes necessary to change the appearance of parts of the text that already have the same formatting.

For example, suppose you have subheadings in your document that are in bold, and you need to make them underlined.

In this case, an inexperienced user will start manually scrolling through the document, looking for all these subheadings in it, highlighting each of them separately and changing its formatting.

In Word, there are many automation tools that make it easier to perform routine operations, but few of the users know about their existence and know how to use them.

Let's see what the creators of the text editor have prepared for the case described above.

This is the tool I call "Format Selection". Its essence is that if you indicate to Word a text with a certain formatting and apply this tool, then sections of text with a similar design will be found and selected throughout the document. And after they are selected, you can change the design of all these parts of the text in one fell swoop.

In my opinion, great!

This is how it works.

While in the document, you need to place the cursor on any part of the text that will be a sample. It is the parts of the text with this design that the program will select for us after using the tool.

Then, being on the "Home" menu tab, you need to click the "Select" button and select the "Select text with the same format" item there (click on the picture to enlarge):

Voila! All pieces of text with matching formatting were selected (red arrows):

Now it will not be difficult to remove the bold highlighting from them with the corresponding buttons and turn on the underline (or any other design properties).

But this method has a peculiarity that needs to be understood. You probably noticed that some parts of the text, which are also bold, were not highlighted as a result of using this function (green arrows).

This happened because when searching for text with formatting as in the sample, the function checks other design parameters (not just bold). Our swatch is a bulleted list, and the parts of the text that were not highlighted by the tool are regular text.

Enjoy using this useful feature!

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So, delete the lines that are in bold and leave only the text you want.

Note that the length of the text to be deleted is different. To select a line, regardless of the number of characters, press Ctrl + Shift + Down Arrow... Under the spoiler at the end of the post, you will see all the commands for selecting text using the keyboard. And now we move the cursor to the beginning of the text, go to the "Macros" menu and turn on the macro recording.

When you name the macro, do not leave spaces - Word will generate an error. We assign it to a button or keyboard. I like working with the keyboard more and therefore chose the keys.

Setting up a macro. Here we just press any key combination. If it has already been assigned, then information will appear about it.

I assigned a keyboard shortcut to the macro Ctrl + G... This combination is not used in standard editing mode and is free. Don't overwrite combinations that you use often.

Let's start recording the macro. In fact, there is nothing complicated here, just do as you usually edit text. Use the Home and End keys more often because they work faster and are not tied to the number of characters.

Thus, when recording, you need to sequentially press the following keys and key combinations after starting the macro recording. Arrow "down" to move the cursor one line lower by pressing " Ctrl + Shift + Down Arrow»Select a line, delete the line with the« Delete »key. The complete sequence is shown in the table below.

Enabled macro recording

Arrow to down

skip the line and go to the next

Ctrl + Shift + Down Arrow

select line 2

delete the line

Ctrl + Shift + Down Arrow

select line 3

delete the line

Ctrl + Shift + Down Arrow

select the 4th line

delete the line

wrap line 5 to line 1

move the cursor to the beginning of the line

Arrow to down

Move to the beginning of the next repeating block

Turn off macro recording

The macro was recorded, the recording was stopped. The stop recording button will be in the same place as the macro recording button.

Wonderful! Push Ctrl + G and the extra text just disappears. Fast, easy and convenient. But what if there are 1000 or more entries?

Let's give the command to process all attachments. And how many are these investments? One way is to find a constant expression through search. I pressed Ctrl + F and entered the expression "Read the blog site" into the search bar. Word did not show the number of occurrences to me, but I asked him to replace this expression with "*". A window appeared with the words "Replacements made 24".

Memorized the number and pressed Ctrl + Z- canceled the replacement of text with an asterisk. Now I know that I have 24 occurrences in the example. This I have to press 24 times the combination Ctrl + G in order to format the text. Let's simplify this matter.

Push Alt + F 11... We are now in the macro editor. This is a large and complex topic, this is a real programming language, but everything will be simple for us, I assure you.

We enter, as in the picture, two lines at the beginning and a word at the end.

Dim i As Integer

For i = 0 To 23

What does it mean? We designated i as a numeric variable and assigned values ​​from 0 to 23, after the end of the first replacement cycle, the number i will increase by 1 and the macro will repeat again (Next) until it reaches the end (23).

That is, these lines give the command after pressing Ctrl + G to repeat the "Delete 3 lines" macro 23 times. Here is the text of my example macro.

Sub Delete 3 lines ()

'Delete 3 lines Macro

Dim i As Integer

For i = 0 To 23

Selection.MoveDown Unit: = wdParagraph, Count: = 1, Extend: = wdExtend

Selection.Delete Unit: = wdCharacter, Count: = 1

Selection.MoveDown Unit: = wdParagraph, Count: = 1, Extend: = wdExtend

Selection.Delete Unit: = wdCharacter, Count: = 1


Selection.HomeKey Unit: = wdLine

Selection.MoveDown Unit: = wdLine, Count: = 1


End Sub

Save the macro and close the editor.

Please note that after we move the fifth line to the first, the text may appear on another line and the macro will continue to work incorrectly.

Then you can temporarily replace the regular expression with any character or reduce the font at the stage of the macro and the like.

Returned to the editor, clicked Ctrl + G, and the text instantly took on a new look. Everything worked out. In a couple of minutes, we processed a rather large text in automatic mode.

Select text using the keyboard.Highlighting elements in the body of the document

Highlighted item


One sign to the right


One sign to the left


Word from beginning to end

Position the cursor at the beginning of a word, and press CTRL + SHIFT + RIGHT ARROW.

Word from end to beginning

Position the cursor at the end of the word and press CTRL + SHIFT + LEFT ARROW.

Line from beginning to end

Press the HOME key, and then press the SHIFT + END keys.

Line from end to beginning

Press the END key, and then press the SHIFT + HOME keys.

One line down

Press the END key, and then press SHIFT + DOWN ARROW.

One line up

Press the HOME key, and then press SHIFT + UP ARROW.

A paragraph from beginning to end

Position the cursor at the beginning of the paragraph, and press CTRL + SHIFT + DOWN ARROW.

A paragraph from end to beginning

Position the cursor at the end of the paragraph, and press CTRL + SHIFT + UP ARROW.

End to Beginning Document

Position the cursor at the end of the document and press CTRL + SHIFT + HOME.

Document from beginning to end

Position the cursor at the beginning of the document and press CTRL + SHIFT + END.

From the beginning to the end of the window

Position the cursor at the beginning of the window and press Alt + CTRL + SHIFT + PAGE DOWN.

The whole document

Press CTRL + A.

Vertical block of text

Press CTRL + SHIFT + F8, and then use the arrow keys. Press the ESC key to exit selection mode.

Nearest sign

Press F8 to enter selection mode, and then press the LEFT ARROW or RIGHT ARROW; press the ESC key to exit selection mode.

Word, sentence, paragraph, or document

Press F8 to enter selection mode, and then press F8 once to select a word, twice to select a sentence, three times to select a paragraph, or four times to select a document. Press the ESC key to exit selection mode.

Highlighting table elements

Highlighted item


Content of the next cell

Press the Tab key.

Contents of the previous cell

Press SHIFT + TAB.

Content of multiple adjacent cells

While holding down the SHIFT key, press the corresponding arrow key several times until the contents of all the desired cells are highlighted.

Column content

Select the top or bottom cell in a column, press and hold SHIFT, and press the UP ARROW or DOWN ARROW key repeatedly until the column is highlighted.

Entire table content

Click anywhere in the table, and then press Alt + 5 on the number pad (with the NUM LOCK indicator off).

In the next posts I will tell you more about simple but important skills of working with office applications.

A program for removing and high-quality cleaning of duplicate phrases in the text. Supports work with a large number of files.


Cleaning the text from duplicate (repetitive) phrases in the text can be done in two ways:
  • 1) Copy text from your file (which needs to be cleaned from duplicates) -> Paste -> Clean;
  • 2) Cleaning from a file. The program will clean any file in a matter of seconds, with any extensions (.doc, .docx, html, htm, etc.).
To remove duplicate phrases or phrases from the file, you need to:
  • a) Select a file for cleaning on your PC;
  • b) create or select a folder to output the cleaned file.
Simple, routine installation of the program. Screenshots of settings hints are.

The program additionally has many functions for working with text: removing spaces, changing case, removing HTML tags, changing file encodings, sorting text, and much more.
The program will be an indispensable assistant when working for copywriters, rewriters, webmasters, doorway page creators, etc. who work with text documents.

Find this program by keywords: System requirements for installing the program:
  • delete excel duplicates;
  • clean up the repetition of words in the text word;
  • remove duplicates in Excel;
  • how to find duplicate words in a word;
  • search for repetitions in the text online;
  • find duplicate excel;
  • find repetitions in the text;
  • how to find identical sentences in a Word;
  • remove duplicate word lines;
  • how to remove duplicate words in a Word.
Microsoft® Windows 8 x32, x64, Windows 7 x32, x64, Vista x32, x64, 2008/2003 Server, XP.
Interface language: Multilingual (Russian is present)
Treatment: Yes.

Buy the program:

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