
The parcel was stuck at customs. What to do? Deciphering the statuses of international postal items Where does the parcel go after customs vnukovo

06.09.18 112 614 25

Instructions from the person who goes to customs, how to work

In July, I spent 12 hours at the Moscow customs, scribbling my parcels from abroad from them.

Maxim Ilyakhov

former editor-in-chief T-J

I already know the local inspectors by sight, I come well prepared and can resolve issues, if not quickly, then at least the first time. Here's what I learned about receiving parcels through Russian customs: read if ordering from abroad.

What will you learn

How the package and customs are related

To get to Russia, parcels from abroad must go through customs: this is a special service that monitors the import and export of goods across the border. There are customs offices at airports, seaports, post offices. When you arrive in Russia and walk along the “green corridor” at the airport, this is also customs.

When international parcel arrives in Russia, she also goes through customs. This applies to all parcels, without exception, even those sent by courier services. The customs officer checks the contents of the parcel (on x-rays, according to documents and sometimes even in person) and if everything is in order, he lets the parcel go further into the country. In most cases, this happens unnoticed for us: we just receive the package in the form in which it was sent. We don't even know she went through customs.

Why Customs Delays Parcels

Customs have many reasons to detain a parcel, but in our case, most likely, it will be one of four:

  1. the customs officer has a suspicion that the product is commercial, although it is declared as a private purchase;
  2. the recipient has used up the monthly limit on duty-free purchases abroad - in 2019 it is 500 € per month or 31 kg;
  3. the customs officer did not understand what was in the parcel, he needs an explanation;
  4. the customs officer decided that there was something forbidden in the parcel.

In these cases, the recipient will be invited to the local customs office to provide clarification and pay the fees.

If you suspect that you have exceeded the limit, check if the store or courier knows your TIN. At the time of this writing, the customs considers the limits on purchases only for those parcels for which the recipient's TIN is requested: usually these are courier parcels. If the courier service does not know your TIN, you will receive a letter from them: “Specify the TIN”. Courier services know these features of Russian legislation and no longer even send parcels without knowing the recipient's TIN.

If you order something that comes by regular mail and does not require your TIN, the customs office will probably not count this item within the limit. But this is now. They will introduce some kind of control system, and then everything will be counted.

How to understand that the parcel was detained at customs

If Customs detains your package, two things will happen:

  1. The track number of your parcel will show that it is ready for delivery, but not where you usually receive it, but in some unfamiliar place. In Moscow, this is the international post office at 37 Varshavskoye Highway. But you don't need to go there yet, it will be a waste of time. Alternatively, the tracking parcel will say “Sent with customs notification”.
  2. Customs will send you registered letter at the place of delivery of the parcel. The envelope will contain a template letter from customs, they say, come, dear. The reasons for the delay, most likely, will not be indicated - the letter is stereotyped and vague, but in different customs offices it may be different. A notice of receipt of the parcel with its track, weight and shelf life will be attached to the letter.

If you received a certified letter, collect the documents and get ready to take time off from work.

Bad business: the track shows that the customs in St. Petersburg sent my parcel to Moscow with a notification. One of these days a letter will fall to me ...

Pay attention to the shelf life of the parcel: if it is about to expire, you need to arrive as soon as possible. There is a danger that 2-3 days will pass between the first arrival at customs and the actual release of the parcel - you will have to collect some additional documents or they will not have time to receive you on the first day. During this time, the storage period may expire, and the parcel will be sent back.

Do not receive a letter if you are not going to customs

By the notification in your mailbox, you will understand that the letter came from the main post office.

If you understand that you will not go to customs for economic reasons (read about this below), you can simply ignore the letter. Then the parcel will go back in two weeks, and you can order this product again after a while, for example, when the limit on duty-free import is reset.

What to take with you to customs

Since we do not yet know why customs delayed the package, we need to prepare for the worst. Here's what to take with you from the documents.

The letter and notification that was sent to you. This is the basis for the customs officer to speak to you. The letter will need to be given, and upon notification, you will be given a parcel if everything goes well.

Copies of passport: first page and registration. It will take one copy, but it doesn't hurt to have several in stock. When ordering products from the internet, it can be difficult to stop. On Varshavka, there is a photocopier right at the post office, 15 R per copy.

Copies of documents of relatives. If the parcel contains a lot of goods that you ordered for family members, copies of their passports will be required to prove that you ordered the goods not for sale, but to your relatives. It should be clear from the copies that these are your relatives. If it is not clear - copies of documents that establish kinship: marriage certificates, birth certificates.

Confirmation of purchase- an invoice from the online store and confirmation of payment. The invoice is usually downloaded from the store's website, and the receipt is downloaded from the Internet bank. It should be clear from the invoice and receipt that it was you who paid for the goods.

Descriptions of what is in the package. You need to be ready to explain to the customs officer what is in the parcel, with pictures. Photos of the product from the site, printouts of the pages of the online store will do. If the parcel contains a lot of different things, documents are needed for everything: a customs officer may have questions about a particular thing. The last time I went to customs, I had a dozen photographs of the goods in the parcel, the customs officer studied them with great interest, asked, “What's this? And here? How does it work? " The photos helped a lot.

14 days

storage period for a parcel at customs

Cash to pay the fee: if you have exceeded the cost limit - 30% of the cost exceeding the limit; if exceeded in weight - 4 € for each kilogram of overweight. All in terms of rubles. In Moscow, Varshavka does not accept cards, but there is one Post-Bank ATM. Whether it will work and whether there will be money in it is unknown.

From everyday things it is worth taking another thing.

Thermos of tea and a snack. It is easy to spend 5-7 hours in the queue for the inspector. You can go out, at the post office you can drink coffee from the machine, but I prefer to take mine.

A set of bright Post-its stickers and an unusual marker. You might wonder why they come in handy. For now, just throw in your bag.

In Varshavka, according to my observations, Mobile Internet catches badly. If you are planning to watch TV shows over the Internet, it is better to download them to your tablet in advance. If you work with google documents, install the Chrome extension to work offline.

Pay attention to the receiving days of customs and working hours. In Moscow on Varshavka, individuals are not accepted on Monday, and on Saturday is a short day. Better to arrive from Tuesday to Friday right at nine in the morning, or even at half past seven.

What to do in the queue

Different customs work in different ways: somewhere it's complete hell, somewhere it's a civilized place. I'll tell you about the customs office at 37 Varshavskoye Highway, where those who ordered them to Moscow receive parcels. My best years have passed in it.

The customs on Varshavka is a dozen windows, of which at best two worked with me - they say there is not enough staff. The line moves slowly. Placards with an electronic queue are hanging, but they do not work, so whenever I was there, I had to stand in a live queue.

The peculiarity of the live queue at this customs office is that it moves monstrously slowly (with me 3-4 people passed through two windows per hour), and people often leave without waiting. Decent people leave, having previously introduced those who are behind them with those who are in front of them. But it happens that 2-3 people from the middle of the line give up silently, and then it is not possible to find the ends, who was behind whom. Screams, tantrums and waving begins.

500 €

limit on duty-free purchases abroad per month

Advice. Take along a set of bold Post-its stickers and a bold marker. If there is a live queue at your customs office, write numbers on these bright pieces of paper and hand them out to everyone as if it were an electronic queue.

You are not obliged to do this, but with this gesture you will greatly simplify life for everyone, first of all for yourself. When a person has a bright piece of paper with a number in his hands, he feels calm in the queue, no one asks: "Girl, who are you for?" here are the women in red. " Be the person who tidied up the queue. You will not be thanked, but you will spend the next 3-4 hours in peace. If not you, then who?

If it's stuffy. If you are in Varshavka and you feel stuffy, find the air conditioner panel near the information stand. She works. Press the button - it will be easier for everyone.

What to do with the inspector

When it's your turn, give a notification to the inspector. He finds your business and starts working with you. He will ask questions and ask for clarification about things in the package. Show him all the documents that you have prepared in advance.

The inspector does not have any parcels; he has not seen them in his eyes and will never see them. He only looks at the documents. Therefore, asking the inspector to open the parcel and make sure of something for yourself will not work. The package itself lies somewhere in a warehouse two floors below, completely different people will give it to you.

All the inspectors I came across were calm, methodical and friendly. They worked slowly but thoroughly. If something was not clear, they explained everything to me. When they were rude and snapped at them because of the long wait, they shrugged it off. I did not meet any hellish scoop and rudeness, although people in the queue constantly complained about changes in the rules and inaccurate instructions.

Here you need to understand that we are dealing with people who, in turn, are dealing with papers and regulations. They must comply with all the formalities and rules, this is their task. If the inspector breaks something or makes a mistake with the papers, he will fly to him for it. However, he is a man, he can be wrong. But in the end, we do not need him to do everything right - we need to understand what specific actions this particular inspector expects from us in order to release our specific package.

Advice. Try to do everything to the maximum on the spot, without postponing work the next day. For example, an inspector may ask you to write some kind of clarification. Agree that you will come back out of line in 10 minutes.

If you postpone the case until tomorrow, then you may come across another inspector, and instead of explaining he may ask for another document or even send you to some mysterious department that no one has ever heard of. All the people who came back the next day in my presence always started the proceedings from the beginning and were very annoyed that each new inspector demanded from them some new things.

What not to do at customs

Don't mention the word “for sale”. The inspector will decide that this is a commercial batch, and you are not paying the duties.

You shouldn't say the words "surveillance", "tracker", "hidden audio recording", "encryption". All encryption tools must undergo a special inspection by the authorities. If, for example, you ordered a computer or a microcontroller from abroad, keep quiet that you can encrypt something on it or monitor something.

Don't joke about guns and drugs. Imagine how many times the inspector has heard this joke.

You shouldn't freak out and be hysterical. The inspector works according to the regulations and sits behind the glass. He doesn't give a damn about our psychos. But if your proceedings with the inspector drag on, your colleagues will take turns it will be clear that you are slowing down the whole process - they can arrange a people's court.

Payment of duty

A likely development of events - if you ordered something expensive from the Internet and exceeded the limit on duty-free import, which is now 31 kg and 500 € per month. In case of excess, you will have to pay a fee of 30% of the value exceeding the limit, or 4 € for each kilogram of excess. Most likely, even with this surcharge, the purchase will be cheaper than in Russia.

The duty is paid by the postal money order, which can be issued right there at the post office. They take a commission.

For payment, you will need a passport and an invoice for duty, which will be issued by the inspector. The operator of the post office will accept the money and issue a check, with the check you need to return to the inspector and get his blessing to release the parcel.

What if you don't go

If you do not go to customs before the expiration date of the parcel, it will most likely be sent back to the store. Most often, stores will return the cost of the item, but retain the shipping cost. Perhaps this makes economic sense, see.

Let's say you ordered an item for € 490, but it so happened that this month you already bought € 500 worth of items and exceeded the duty-free threshold. You will need to pay an additional fee of 150 € and spend time at customs.

Five hours at customs costs you some money. Let's say you earn 500 rubles per hour. A trip to customs, not counting transport and overhead costs, will cost you 2-3 thousand rubles. But the goods will be available immediately.

On the other hand, you can ignore the product, wait for it to return to the store, get a refund, and order it again when the limits are reset. The goods will be in 1.5-2 months, but they will immediately appear at the post office near the house.

Two options for savings

Go to customs, pay the duty:

  • −150 € duties;
  • −2500 R for the time;
  • −5 hours of life.

Total:−23,200 Р, −5 hours of life, goods immediately.

Do not go to customs, re-order the goods:

  • −60 € for shipping back;
  • −60 € for re-delivery;
  • +5 hours of life.

Total:−8600 R, goods in two months.

How to keep your mind at customs

  1. If you are waiting for an expensive parcel from abroad, add its track to your Personal Area on the Russian Post website to be aware of the fate of that parcel. This way you will not miss the moment when she gets stuck at customs.
  2. Do not twitch until you receive an official letter from customs. Go there without a letter, only if the parcel is about to expire. Now the shelf life is 14 days.
  3. Take a copy of your passport, cash, and every conceivable purchase document, including a bank statement of the purchase. Product photos, screenshots from the site - print everything.
  4. Collect as many documents as possible to resolve issues with the parcel in one trip. Better to print ten extra pages than spend ten extra days visiting the inspectors.
  5. Get ready for 5 hours in line. Organize a live queue yourself so that no one freaks out.
  6. First, study what is prohibited for import into Russia, and if possible, do not provoke the customs officer with these words.
  7. If the problem is in duties, consider which is more profitable: pick up the goods at customs now or re-order them in a month or two.

This summer, our Post Russia finally pissed me off, and I decided to start fighting it. In general, after wandering around Hayrek, I realized that parcels take a long time for us, and this is wrong. If the parcel goes for more than 30 days from abroad, this is a violation, and if we do not report it, the Post thinks that we are happy with everything, and its statistics do not deteriorate. And as soon as we start to act, to complain, the statistics deteriorate, it needs to be corrected, so the mail begins to work.

So, my review is for those who have a track number. Do not spare money on it, because if your parcel gets stuck somewhere for a long time and you prove it, then the money for delivery will be returned to you in part or in full, and so you at least know where your parcel is. It's just that in other countries the track number itself is a confirmation that the parcel was sent. And we have all the papers and papers. As they say, you are an insect without a piece of paper.

So, if your package takes longer 30 days, we start to act. First, you need to ask the sender for a check or invoice.

Later downloadstatement from the Russian Post website and fill it in. But here one point should be taken into account: even if your package is stuck somewhere, it should be noted: Shipment not received, otherwise no one will look for your package. Well, the statement there is simple, everything is intuitive. We fill in one copy, take with us a printout of the invoice / check, do not forget about the passport and go to the post office. There you must fill out a tear-off coupon and give it to you. You are waiting for a call within two weeks, if you have not received a call, call yourself. They wrote my numbers on the back of the ticket. Here they are: 495-351-14-03, 495-351-60-00, 495-351-47-47, 495-351-44-94.

FSUE "Russian Post"

from __________________

your address____________

Your phone: +7 ___________


"___" __________ 2013, I used the services of FSUE Russian Post for the forwarding of international registered mail, ___________________________. The parcel was sent from the post office to the address: ___________________. Shipping cost ___________________, departure number ______________. The parcel arrived in Russia "___" __________ 2013

The services were not provided in full (violation of the delivery time). My package is more than ______________ in Moscow and has not yet been delivered to me. This is confirmed by a tracking link postal items[link] . In particular, the status of the shipment to date:

(Attaching the status screen)

I have suffered the following losses: Shipping cost _________________, parcel cost ______________________

In this regard, I demand, within the time limit established by law, to respond to my claim, pay me compensation, find and hand over my parcel to me.

Sincerely ______________

"___" __________ 2013


This document we print, put our signature and also send it to the post office... We give one copy, we keep one for ourselves. The answer to it should be a certified letter in mailbox... I was told that within 5 working days, but in the internet they write that they can answer within two months.

But we still need this text, copy it and send it to email Russian Post (oil): [link]- here they answer steadily, but only on Mondays, well, at least to me only on Mondays.

They are obliged to answer. By the way, when you submit this form on the site there will be request code, also it is sent by mail, so, you can write it down and call Roskomnadzor and ask how the solution to your problem is progressing.

2. If the parcel is stuck at customs. I have never had this, all my parcels go through customs in 5 minutes, and by law they can only keep the parcel for 24 hours, if there are no problems.

“Dear FCS!

My registered package from (indicate the sending country) with the tracking number "RT111222333HK" (indicate your tracking number) has not been sent to the Russian Post for more than ... business days

(It is better to indicate the dates from which to which)

I ask you to clarify the current situation and explain why on your part the terms for processing and checking IGOs ​​are violated. And also provide me with information about the location of my shipment.

What actions should I take to resolve this issue?

Sincerely, …"

3. If the parcel is missing after leaving customs , then it will only help to do what I wrote at the beginning.

We are also writing a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor and the Ministry of Communications. We write either in free form. You can take the text from the claims above. Since I wrote there at the very beginning, I just described my situation, it is imperative to indicate the track. But do not ask them to look for a package, this is not in their competence, they will simply abandon your application.

I did it all, it just looks scary. Thanks to the method from point 1, now my package is moving quickly, everything else is also about to be in my hands. I was looking for all this information to find my lost, she has been walking with me somewhere for 92 days, still in the process.

The parcel got stuck in the MR LC Vnukovo how to speed up the delivery

5 (100%) 2 votes

The movement of parcels from Aliexpress can be tracked by the track number using the official websites of postal services. When tracking their parcels, buyers regularly encounter situations where the shipment long time is in one place and does not change its status. Most often it concerns the statuses “Package released by customs” and “Issued by customs of MR LC Vnukovo”. This status may not change for a week or two.

Usually, the delay in updating the status is due to the high workload of the customs and sorting center. This phenomenon occurs during holidays or after international sales like Black Friday, when huge flows of parcels pass through sorting centers.

What to do if the status of the parcel does not change?

If the tracking stopped at the "Issued by customs" status, then you just need to be patient. Some buyers start looking for contacts of MR LC Vnukovo and call there, but more often than not it is useless. The center's employees will most likely tell you that they do not have the package, and it has already been sent further, but the status has not yet been updated.

If the tracking status is frozen and Buyer Protection Time on AliExpress is already running out, please contact the seller. Ask him to extend the protection period by 15-20 days. Explain to him that there is a delay in delivery and the tracking status is not updated for a long time.

The status "Issued by customs" should be changed to "Submitted for delivery in Russia" if the delay was due to the workload of the sorting center or some technical problems... If the parcel is not just delayed, but is clearly lost, then feel free to open a dispute a few days before the expiration of the extended buyer's protection period. Claim a full refund. As proof, you can provide a screenshot of the tracking page.

Delivery to the addressee

Handing over to the recipient

Means the actual receipt of the postal item by the recipient indicated in the postal item.

Flew to destination country

The postal item will be handed over to the mail of the country of destination, for delivery to one of the places of international postal exchange, and subsequent import / export operations.

Departed from the airport

The next status will not be displayed immediately upon arrival at the airport of the country of destination, but after the postal item arrives and is accepted (unloaded, processed and scanned) by the postal service.
This may take from 3 to 10 days.

The postal item departed from the airport of the country of origin and is being sent to the country of destination.

After the parcel leaves the territory of the sender's country and enters the country of destination, such items are re-marked with untraceable track codes and are no longer tracked.

When the parcel arrives at your post office, you will receive a paper notice, with which you must come to the post office and receive the parcel.

Issued by customs

The customs clearance procedure has been completed, in the near future the postal item will be handed over to the mail of the country of destination for further delivery to the recipient's side.

Ready to ship

Ready to ship

Means that the postal item is packed, labeled and will be sent as soon as possible.

Detained by customs

This operation means that the postal item was detained by the FCS employees for carrying out measures to determine the purpose of the postal item. Upon receipt of goods in international mail within a calendar month, the customs value of which exceeds 1000 euros, and (or) the total weight of which exceeds 31 kilograms, in terms of such excess, it is necessary to pay customs duties and taxes using a uniform rate of 30% of the customs value of goods , but not less than 4 euros per 1 kilogram of their weight. If information about the goods sent to the IGO is absent or does not correspond to the actual ones, this significantly increases the time spent on processing the items, since it becomes necessary to conduct customs inspection and document its results.


The parcel was sent to the wrong index or address, found an error and redirected the parcel to the correct address.

Import of international mail

The operation of receiving a shipment in the recipient's country.

All mail arriving on the territory of the Russian Federation from flights begins its journey in the aviation department of mail transportation (AOPP) - a special postal warehouse at the airport. Within 4-6 hours from the plane, the shipments arrive at the AOPP, the containers are registered, their integrity and weight are checked. Mail is registered in an electronic database. When registering, a barcode is scanned, data is entered about where the container is addressed (for example, MMPO "Moscow"), from which flight it arrived, about the country and date of formation of the container, etc. The time of these operations can be increased from 1 to 7x days due to the limited capacity of AOPP.

The next operation after export from the country of origin, which is reflected on the site when tracking the shipment, is import to the country of destination. The import information appears after the shipment is handed over by the carrier to the postal operator of the country of destination. Operation "Import" means that the shipment entered the territory of Russia and was registered. International shipments arrive in Russia through the International Postal Exchange (MMPO). There are several MMPOs in Russia: in Moscow, Novosibirsk, Orenburg, Samara, Petrozavodsk, St. Petersburg, Kaliningrad, Bryansk. The choice of the city where exactly will go international departure depends on the country of the sender. The choice depends on the availability of regular flights and free carrying capacity in one direction or another.

Unsuccessful attempt of delivery

It is assigned if the postal operator reported that an attempt was made to deliver the item to the recipient, but for some reason the delivery did not take place. This status does not reflect a specific reason for non-delivery.

Options for further action:

  • New delivery attempt
  • The parcel will be deposited on demand or until the circumstances are clarified
  • Return to sender
What to do if this status is received:
  • It is necessary to contact the post office delivering the shipment and find out the reason for non-delivery.
  • It is necessary to independently contact the post office to receive the shipment without waiting for a notification.


Processing at a waypoint

The parcel arrived at one of the sorting centers for processing and further shipment to the recipient.

Processing at the sorting center

The Processing status in the sorting center is assigned in the process of delivery of the shipment through the intermediate sorting centers of the postal service. In sorting centers, mail is distributed along trunk routes. Parcels are reloaded from one transport to another, for further shipment to the recipient.

Processing completed

Generalized status, meaning the completion of the processing of a mail item before sending it to the recipient's side.

Awaiting delivery to the post office

Means that the postal item is packed, labeled and will be sent as soon as possible.

Awaiting shipment

Means that the postal item is packed, labeled and will be sent as soon as possible.

Awaiting quality control

Means that the package has not yet been completed and is in the seller's warehouse, awaiting content verification before shipment.

Shipment operation completed

Generalized status, which means that the parcel has left the warehouse / intermediate sorting center and goes to the next sorting center towards the recipient.

Export operation completed

The customs clearance procedure is completed, the postal item has been handed over to the post office of the country of destination for further shipment to the recipient.

Shipment from the seller's warehouse

The parcel has left the seller's warehouse and is moving towards the logistics company or the post office.

Cancellation of shipment

Generalized status, meaning that the parcel (order) for some reason cannot be sent (continue further movement).

Sending to terminal

The package is sent to the postal terminal at the airport for loading on the plane and sending to the country of destination.

Shipment ready to ship

Means that the postal item is packed, labeled and will be sent as soon as possible.

Sent by

Generalized status, meaning the sending of a postal item from an intermediate point towards the recipient.

Sent to Russia

The postal item will be handed over to the Russian Post for delivery to one of the places of international postal exchange, and subsequent import / export operations.

Shipped to destination country

Mailing in the process of transferring to the mail of the country of destination, for delivery to one of the places of international postal exchange, and subsequent import / export operations.

The next status will not be displayed immediately, as soon as the parcel is in the country, but after the postal item is accepted (unloaded, processed and scanned) by the postal service.

This may take from 3 to 14 days, depending on the workload of the place of international postal exchange.

Sent from warehouse to sorting center

As a rule, this status means that the foreign sender (seller) brought your package to the local post office.

Transferred for storage

Means the arrival of the item at the post office (OPS) of the recipient, and transfer to storage, until it is delivered to the recipient.

As soon as the shipment arrives at the department, employees issue a notice (notification) that the shipment is at the department. The notice is given to the postman for delivery. Delivery is carried out on the day the shipment arrives at the department or the next day (for example, if the shipment arrived at the department in the evening).

This status indicates that the recipient can independently contact the post office to receive the shipment without waiting for notification.

Transferred to customs

In the country of the sender

In the recipient country

Plane loading

Loading on the plane before departure to the country of destination.

Loading into transport

Preparation for shipment is complete

Means that the postal item is packed, labeled and will be sent as soon as possible.

Preparing for shipment

Means that the postal item is packed, marked for further shipment.

Export preparation

Packaging, labeling, container loading and other procedures required for shipment to the country of destination.

Left the airport

In the country of the sender
The postal item departed from the airport of the country of origin and is being sent to the country of destination.
The next status will not be displayed immediately upon arrival at the airport of the country of destination, but after the postal item arrives and is accepted (unloaded, processed and scanned) by the postal service. This can take from 3 to 14 days.

In the recipient country
The postal item is delivered to one of the places of international postal exchange for subsequent import operations.

Left the international sorting center

The postal item was sent to the country of destination, for delivery to one of the places of international postal exchange, and subsequent import / export operations.

Left the place of international exchange

The shipment left the place of international postal exchange and then goes to the sorting center. From the moment the shipment left MMPO, the delivery times for shipment within Russia begin to operate.

According to the information received from the Russian post office, the status "Left the place of international exchange" can last no more than 10 days. If, after 10 days, the status has not changed, this is a violation of the delivery time, which can be reported to the Russian post office by phone 8 800 2005 888 (free call), and they begin to respond to this application.

Left the postal terminal

The postal item has left the intermediate point of its route and is heading towards the recipient.

Left the warehouse

The parcel has left the warehouse and is moving towards the post office or sorting center.

Left the sorting center

The postal item left the sorting post center and is sent towards the recipient.

Left Sorting Center ShenZhen Yanwen

The mail has left the sorting center of Yanwen Logistics and is heading towards the recipient.

Left the country of transit

The postal item left the country of transit and was directed towards the country of destination, for delivery to one of the places of international postal exchange, and subsequent import / export operations.

Left transit country

The postal item left the sorting center in the transit (intermediate) country, was sent to the country of destination, for delivery to one of the places of international postal exchange, and subsequent import / export operations.

Received information about the mailing

Received information about the postal item in electronic form

Means that the seller has registered the postal item (track code) on the postal website ( courier service), but in fact, the mailing has not yet been sent postal service... As a rule, from the moment of registration to the moment of the actual transfer of the parcel, it can take from 1 to 7 days. After sending the parcel, the status will change to "Receiving" or similar.

Received for further processing

The parcel arrived at one of the sorting centers for processing and further shipment to the recipient.

Postage registered

Means that the seller has registered the postal item (track code) on the website of the postal (courier service), but in fact, the postal item has not yet been transferred to the postal service. As a rule, from the moment of registration to the moment of the actual transfer of the parcel, it can take from 1 to 7 days. After sending the parcel, the status will change to "Receiving" or similar.


Generalized status meaning arrival at one of the intermediate points such as sorting centers, postal terminals, airports, ports, etc.

Arrived at the airport

The package arrived at the airport for unloading, loading, processing and further shipment to its destination.

Arrived at the international sorting center

Came to the place of delivery

Means the arrival of the shipment at the recipient's post office (OPS), which must deliver the shipment to the recipient. As soon as the shipment arrives at the department, employees issue a notice (notification) that the shipment is at the department. The notice is given to the postman for delivery. Delivery is carried out on the day the shipment arrives at the department or the next day (for example, if the shipment arrived at the department in the evening).

This status indicates that the recipient can independently contact the post office to receive the shipment without waiting for notification.

If the parcel was repackaged in a package with other parcels, then in order to be able to receive it, you need to find out the track code of the general parcel.

Arrived at the place of international exchange

Means the arrival of a mail item at an intermediate post office for sorting, route selection and sending to the recipient.

Arrived at the post office

Means the arrival of the postal item at the recipient's post office, which must deliver the item to the recipient. This status indicates that the recipient needs to contact the post office to receive the shipment.

Arrived in Russia

Arrived at the sorting center

Means the arrival of a mail item at an intermediate post office for sorting, route selection and sending to the recipient.

Arrived At Sort Facility ShenZhen Yanwen

Means the arrival of the postal item at the intermediate sorting center of the logistics company Yanwen Logistics, for sorting, route selection and sending to the recipient's side.

Arrived at the sorting center of the destination country

The postal item has arrived at the sorting center of the country of destination for subsequent import / export operations.

Arrived in the destination country

The postal item has arrived in the country of destination at the place of international postal exchange for subsequent import / export operations.

Arrived in a transit country

The parcel arrived at one of the sorting centers of the transit (intermediate) country for processing (sorting) and further shipment to the recipient.

Arrived at the small package processing center

Means the arrival of the parcel at the mail distribution center, for sorting, route selection and sending to the recipient.

Arrived at the warehouse

Arrived at the carrier's warehouse

The parcel arrived at the warehouse for unloading, labeling, processing, loading and further shipment to its destination.

Arrived at the terminal

It means arrival at an intermediate terminal for unloading, loading, processing and further shipment to the destination.

Arrived on the territory of the Russian Federation

The postal item arrived on the territory of Russia for further import and sending to the recipient's side.



Means that the foreign sender (seller) brought your package to the local post office. At the same time, he filled in all the necessary documents, including the customs declaration (forms CN 22 or CN 23). At this time, the shipment is assigned a unique mail ID- special barcode (Track number, Track code). It is on the check (or receipt) issued when the mail is received. Operation "Acceptance" shows the place, date and country of receipt of the shipment. After receiving the parcel, it moves on its way to the place of international exchange.

Reception at the customs service of the country of destination

The status means that the shipment was transferred to the Federal Customs Service (FCS) for clearance. At MMPO, shipments go through a full cycle of processing, customs control and clearance functions. Postal containers arrive under the customs transit procedure. Then they are sorted by type and transferred to different areas. Shipments with merchandise enclosures undergo X-ray control. By the decision of the customs officer, the postal item can be opened for personal control, the reason for personal control may be violation of property rights, a commercial party, orientation to the party, where there may be substances prohibited for shipment. The postal item is opened by the operator in the presence of a customs officer, after which an act of customs inspection is drawn up and attached to the item.

Admission to customs

In the country of the sender
The postal item has been handed over to the customs service of the sending state for inspection and other customs procedures. If the parcel passes the customs check successfully, then it will be sent to the country of destination.

In the recipient country
The status means that the shipment was transferred to the Federal Customs Service (FCS) for clearance. At MMPO, shipments go through a full cycle of processing, customs control and clearance functions. Postal containers arrive under the customs transit procedure. Then they are sorted by type and transferred to different areas. Shipments with merchandise enclosures undergo X-ray control. By the decision of the customs officer, the postal item can be opened for personal control, the reason for personal control may be violation of property rights, a commercial party, orientation to the party, where there may be substances prohibited for shipment. The postal item is opened by the operator in the presence of a customs officer, after which an act of customs inspection is drawn up and attached to the item.

Reception at customs

In the country of the sender
The postal item has been handed over to the customs service of the sending state for inspection and other customs procedures. If the parcel passes the customs check successfully, then it will be sent to the country of destination.

In the recipient country
The status means that the shipment was transferred to the Federal Customs Service (FCS) for clearance. At MMPO, shipments go through a full cycle of processing, customs control and clearance functions. Postal containers arrive under the customs transit procedure. Then they are sorted by type and transferred to different areas. Shipments with merchandise enclosures undergo X-ray control. By the decision of the customs officer, the postal item can be opened for personal control, the reason for personal control may be violation of property rights, a commercial party, orientation to the party, where there may be substances prohibited for shipment. The postal item is opened by the operator in the presence of a customs officer, after which an act of customs inspection is drawn up and attached to the item.

The parcel has arrived at one of the sorting centers and is being processed. After a while, the parcel will leave the sorting center for further shipment to the recipient.

Customs clearance

In the country of the sender
The postal item has been handed over to the customs service of the sending state for inspection and other customs procedures. If the parcel passes the customs check successfully, then it will be sent to the country of destination.

In the recipient country
The status means that the shipment was transferred to the Federal Customs Service (FCS) for clearance. At MMPO, shipments go through a full cycle of processing, customs control and clearance functions. Postal containers arrive under the customs transit procedure. Then they are sorted by type and transferred to different areas. Shipments with merchandise enclosures undergo X-ray control. By the decision of the customs officer, the postal item can be opened for personal control, the reason for personal control may be violation of property rights, a commercial party, orientation to the party, where there may be substances prohibited for shipment. The postal item is opened by the operator in the presence of a customs officer, after which an act of customs inspection is drawn up and attached to the item.

Transportation of postal items from one sorting center to another, in the direction towards the recipient. On average, an export operation takes 7 to 14 days, but sometimes this operation can take up to 60 days.

Export (content check)

The postal item has been handed over to the customs service of the sending state for inspection and other customs procedures. If the parcel passes the customs check successfully, it will be sent to the country of destination.

On average, an export operation takes 7 to 14 days, but sometimes this operation can take up to 60 days.

If the shipment is in the "Export" status, then you cannot track it (find out what exactly is happening to it), only at the import stage you will be able to see your shipment and monitor its further movement. Transit uses and certain restrictions often delay shipments. However, if your parcel was sent more than 3 months ago, but did not receive the "Import" status, then the sender must contact the post office and submit an application for search.

Export, processing

Means the actual dispatch of the postal item to the country of destination.

The "Export" status includes the transfer of a parcel to a foreign carrier, which transports it by land or air transportation to the MMPO of the country of destination. As a rule, this status is the longest and the transition to "Import" may take some time. This is due to the peculiarities of the routes of flights and the formation of the optimal weight for transporting it by plane. For example, shipments from China may be delayed due to the fact that cargo planes can carry at least 50-100 tons.
On average, an export operation takes 7 to 14 days, but sometimes this operation can take up to 60 days.

If the shipment is in the "Export" status, then you cannot track it (find out what exactly is happening to it), only at the import stage you will be able to see your shipment and monitor its further movement. Transit uses and certain restrictions often delay shipments. However, if your parcel was sent more than 3 months ago, but did not receive the "Import" status, then the sender must contact the post office and submit an application for search.

Electronic registration of postal items

Means that the seller has registered the postal item (track code) on the website of the postal (courier service), but in fact, the postal item has not yet been transferred to the postal service. As a rule, from the moment of registration to the moment of the actual transfer of the parcel, it can take from 1 to 7 days. After sending the parcel, the status will change to "Receiving" or similar.

Sending parcels in Russia is an especially painful problem, since all sorts of delays in delivery, loss of the sent item and a whole series of other problems often occur.

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In this regard, before using the postal services, most citizens try to get as much information as possible in advance about how many different parcels are going and how this process can be tracked.

In particular, many are looking for information about how long to wait for a parcel released by the customs office 102976 Sharapovo.

How shipments are tracked

For example, you go to Aliexpress, after which you order the product you like, choosing a suitable delivery service after entering the required amount.

To do this, just go to the "Delivery" section, which is to the right of the image of the product you have chosen, and then select the "Delivery to your country" item, as a result of which a menu will open containing a full list of available delivery services. In this section, you can track the status of the parcel and its delivery to the desired point.

In addition, you can use the official website of the company that was chosen as the delivery of the parcel. Most often, such services provide the most detailed information about the state of the shipment and at what stage at the time of the request is the delivery of the goods to the final addressee.

Sorting center in Sharapovo

The sorting center in Sharapovo is located near Podolsk and operates quite simply. For example, a person sends a certain product to Vladivostok.

Initially, this parcel goes to the Podolsk sorting center, and only after that it goes to the regional post office.

After arriving at the territory of this institution, the parcels are distributed to several streaming lines:

  • privates;
  • parcels and boxes to be sent outside of Russia;
  • ordinary parcels.

In the course of processing, parcels are automatically distributed among several compartments corresponding to a certain post office or the area to which they are to be delivered.

Why are the parcels delayed?

Today, delays in items arriving from abroad are quite common, and according to statistics, approximately every third package is delayed.

In the overwhelming majority of cases, this happens because the received goods exceed the permissible limit for the cost of the parcel, and also if the person has any problems with the documents for this cargo.

If the parcel was delayed during the customs clearance process, waiting for the receipt of this cargo can be delayed for a rather long period of time, and ultimately the person runs the risk of being left without a long-awaited purchase or parcel.

What problems may arise

Today, you can easily find a complete list of goods that cannot be imported into the territory of Russia in accordance with the current legislation. This list includes a fairly large number of items ranging from all kinds of spy gadgets designed for hidden entry or getting any information, and ending with natural diamonds and weapons.

It is worth noting the fact that the list often includes those products that at first glance seem to be absolutely harmless.

On the forums, an active discussion of the reasons why, for example, customs officials refuse to accept Xiaomi phones purchased from Aliexpress portal.

Previously, a little-known village, in which parcels from abroad are processed, was nicknamed the "black hole" for the reason that parcels from China are delayed in it for a long period of time or disappear altogether. Similar situations are quite common at the Orenburg customs, as well as in a number of other similar points.

The general features of this situation are due to the presence of similar reasons. The overwhelming majority of problems arose due to the entry into force of Article 328 of the Customs Code, in accordance with which the protection of intellectual property rights is ensured.

Many buyers, discovering a delay in their parcel and seeing where it happened, submit appropriate requests to the customs service, but receive a response that the parcel will be sent back.

Some of the most common causes of this problem are:

  • the phone is counterfeit and manufactured by an unknown manufacturer;
  • the company may interfere with the delivery of commercial products purchased on the AliExpress portal;
  • the manufacturer's representative did not delve into the details of the shipment and simply recognized the phone as "pirated".

How long to wait if the parcel left customs

If the official website says that the parcel has already left the customs, there were no problems with registration and it will soon be delivered to the addressee. After passing through customs, the goods are immediately sent to the territorial division of the Russian Post, which is located near the recipient.

The time in this case will directly depend on how far the department is from the customs and how heavily the representatives of the Russian Post are loaded. In the majority of cases, delivery is carried out within 3 to 14 days.

When to open a dispute

Some sellers even advise their buyers to open a dispute on their own, while others, on the contrary, ask them to wait for the delivery deadline.

In fact, it is not always possible to determine what exactly the seller wants to get, who asks to open a dispute early.

Some consumers open them, after which sellers immediately approve the return, but some, on the contrary, ask to open disputes in the hope that the buyer will be automatically blocked, that is, it is rather difficult to determine the purity of the seller's intentions.

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