
Smart cover mode. Smart Cover mode on Xiaomi: what is it for and how to use it? What is smart cover

Apple knows how to make not only unique gadgets, but also accessories for them. Think back to the original iPad Case. It would seem a simple cover, but they added one bend, a small hook, and here's a stand. At the same time, a high-quality technological material was used, which is easy to wipe, and is pleasant to the touch, and looks great. And the Bumper for iPhone 4 couldn't be easier: a rubberized bezel. But after all, it was made perfectly and there were no analogues before it.

With the release of the iPad 2, Apple has surpassed itself in the accessories arena. iPad Smart Cover is something. Do not consider me to be too impressionable person or crazy "apple". You just need to take and touch this miracle, experience it, examine it from all sides and you will understand me. In the meantime, let me tell you about your impressions of this extraordinary accessory.

Apple has always been famous for high-quality and efficient packaging of devices and the company has not deviated from its canons in this case. iPad Smart Cover is packed in a hard case, in another way, and not to call it, of very high quality cardboard with cool printing. Top cover-plaid is covered with transparent plastic. The accessory is removed in a rather unusual way: you need to remove protective sticker on the back side, which will make it possible to lift the plastic cover and get the Smart Cover.

I got my hands on a gray polyurethane model, the one that officially costs $ 39. The outer coating is very pleasant to the touch and resembles original iPad Case - there is the same feeling of a rubberized Soft-touch surface.

The cover weighs a little, up to hundreds of grams - it does not increase the weight of the tablet especially much. The accessory evokes the feeling of a solid and reliable thing, as well as something very technological. This is probably due to the presence of aluminum in the design and how the blanket is attached to the tablet, but more on that later. In the meantime, I want to tell you about the unusual effect of changing the shade of the accessory. This depends on the ambient light, its type (incandescent light bulbs, bright sunlight, cloudy day, etc.) and intensity. The cover can be light gray, almost white, it can become darker, the shade changes from pale beige to turquoise - very unusual. Another funny phenomenon can be observed when you stand next to a window in daylight and look at the Smart Cover from different sides or just move it from side to side: the angle of incidence of the light changes and it seems that the accessory becomes either flat or voluminous section. All these experiments, of course, are childish, but after all, many of us remain children at heart, otherwise life becomes gray and boring.

Now about the design. It's simple, reliable, and ingenious. The whole magical effect of automatic alignment of the case on the tablet and its instant attachment is achieved thanks to a couple of dozen magnets in the accessory itself and in the tablet. There is also a freely rotating aluminum hinge and a pair of aluminum holders.

To secure the blanket cover, just bring the aluminum hinge to the left side of the iPad 2 - click and you're done. Removing it is also very easy by pulling one edge to the side. At the same time, the cover is held securely and even holds the tablet in weight.

The inside of the Smart Cover is finished in microfiber, but it is not just a glued-on piece of matching fabric. The cover is perceived as a whole. There is no feeling that it is assembled from several layers. Microfiber perfectly cleans the display from dust and fingerprints, but only when it is used cloth. Smart Cover can also create a similar effect if you move it well across the screen, but usually it is rigidly fixed, so it doesn't clean the screen very much, but protects it well.

And the accessory is very thin, it practically does not increase the dimensions of the tablet!

But Smart Cover not only acts as a protective cover on the screen. This is extremely comfortable stand... You can use it for printing, and in this position it is very good to read when the tablet is on the table, and the user is drinking tea or coffee with snacks.

In addition, it is enough to turn the whole structure over and you get a stand for using the tablet as a photo frame or a small TV. In this position, by the way, the tablet keeps more stable than the first generation iPad in its own branded case.

Smart Cover folds into stand mode easily and can be done with one hand. When folded, it is held in place by magnets. Also, when unfolded, the cover protects the back of the tablet when it lies on a table or any other surface. It can be easily thrown back. Of course, it is difficult to accidentally scratch unpainted aluminum, but it is possible. And the plastic apple, behind which the Wi-Fi antenna is hidden, is generally easily covered with scratches. Although, when thrown back, the cover extends beyond the tablet and in this state, for example, while reading or surfing the web, lying belly up on the couch, it is not very convenient to hold it.

If you wish, you can fold the cover in half - it is easily magnetised and held, and the tablet's grip improves. In principle, taking it off is a matter of seconds, so there will be no problems in any case. During the active testing of Smart Cover, I remembered the pain with which the first iPad was removed from its own case. But, what is most interesting, the personal iPad Case withstood at least a dozen of such operations with honor and did not suffer or stretch at all, and this despite the fact that not the most slippery SGP Incredible Shield was glued to the back of the tablet.

It is impossible not to mention such a feature of Smart Cover as automatically putting the iPad 2 to sleep when the cover is lowered onto the screen and exiting from it if it rises. It would seem a trifle, but damn convenient trifle. This is realized with the help of an additional sensor in the tablet and the effect of electromagnetic induction.

It is worth noting that the gray color for Smart Cover is quite versatile. It fits well with a white tablet and looks good on black, contrasting with the bezel and matching the silver back. For my own use, I bought a gray polyurethane model. (It's funny, there is no tablet yet, but there is already a case for it.)

By the way, about buying Smart Cover. Now there is a lot of excitement on the iPad 2 and on branded accessories. Accordingly, prices skyrocketed. Many merchants demand three or even four real prices for a fashionable case and people are willing to pay, otherwise there would be no such offers. I used the eBay buy option. Even taking into account the rather expensive delivery (about $ 40) and a small markup from the seller, it will still cost less than buying at home retail. And if you order several covers at once, then the delivery of each additional unit will cost four times cheaper. Accordingly, you can cooperate with friends and order several Smart Covers at once - it will be even more profitable. I personally received an order from the USA to Ukraine in a week, and the courier delivered the desired envelope to my home - conveniently.

There are also variants of Smart Cover made of leather, which officially cost $ 20 more than their polyurethane counterparts and differ in color. Such a blanket cover looks rich and cool, but I somehow prefer the gray polyurethane version. Maybe because there is still a black Belkin leather sleeve, bought in due time for the first iPad and perfect for the second. Inside, it is trimmed with soft gray fabric - in color it is cool to match the gray cover, with which new tablet should fit easily into it.

Why do you need a Smart Cover if you already have a cover? First of all, this accessory is just awesome. As a good friend of mine puts it, if you don't want an iPad 2, then you definitely want Smart Cover. Secondly, it is an extremely convenient stand and only for the sake of such a function it can be purchased.
I don't know who in Apple came up with Smart Cover - Jonathan Ive or a designer unknown to the public, but this person is a genius, and while such geniuses work in the company, it will continue to amaze with its bold solutions and every year offer people a small technological miracle. After all, that's why we love Apple.

Most people still have no idea what is called smart or smart accessories. In fact, these are ordinary cases that can protect the device from falls, but have additional features... You will find out what it is by reading the article. At the same time, it is worth noting in advance that the smart cover in Xiaomi may have the same high level efficiency, like similar products used in more expensive smartphones.

What is smart cover

As already mentioned, a smart cover is a kind of regular book covers. They differ in that they have a corresponding cutout on the front panel, covered with glass. This makes it possible to view all notifications without folding the front. Also, instead of a window, a completely transparent front cover made of tempered glass can be used. There are also varieties with a plastic panel, in which there are a huge number of holes through which the image on the display is very clearly visible.

Cases are produced in which it is impossible to see the contents on the screen through the front surface. In these covers, a special magnetic sensor is used, which, when the accessory is opened, sends a special signal to the smartphone to unlock. Thus, you do not need to unlock the device by touching the fingerprint reader or pressing the power button. By the way, such a sensor is found in almost all smart cases that have a wide variety of implementation methods.

It should be said separately that the phone used must support the smart cover mode, otherwise the purchase of such a cover will not bring much joy, because the smartphone will simply not be unlocked when the front cover is opened.

Attention! In order for the smart mode to be available, and the device supported work with such cases, Xiaomi phone must be equipped with a Hall sensor.

How to use

In Xiaomi smartphones, smart cover support is largely provided by Note line models and flagship versions. At the same time, it will not be enough to put the accessory on the phone to make everything work immediately. First, you need to activate a special mode in your smartphone. This requires:

Note: the name of this item depending on the version MIUI skins may differ. However, its location remains unchanged.

Possible problems

Sometimes the user may be upset by some of the difficulties associated with the use of such a case. In other words, he may simply not unlock the screen. If the smart cover does not work, you need to do the following:

It cannot be ruled out that the accessory can be of poor quality, damaged or defective. Some unscrupulous manufacturers simply put a non-working dummy magnet.

For a successful purchase, it is recommended to purchase only models from the manufacturer Xiaomi, which will exactly fit the phone. Moreover, the manual for such a case will tell you which model it is intended for. In this case, the risks that the smart cover will refuse to work are reduced to zero.

For a long time, covers were perceived as an accessory exclusively for beauty and protection of the phone from external influences... But now they have gradually begun to turn into full-fledged devices that add additional functionality to the devices. There was even a new concept - Smart case... And today we will tell you about 8 most interesting accessories of this kind.

The simplest variant of a smart case is a case with a built-in extra battery for your phone. After all, standard batteries in almost any modern smartphone barely allow you to actively use it during the day. Therefore, additional energy for the apparatus is never superfluous.

The most popular of these is the Mophie Juice Pack Helium, designed for iPhone phone 5. This accessory weighs only 69 grams. At the same time, it has a 1500 mAh battery, which increases the life of the smartphone by about 80 percent.

Dot View is a case that covers the phone on both sides, thus protecting it from external influences. But this accessory allows you to learn a lot of information from a smartphone without actually disclosing it.

The fact is that the front surface in Dot View is covered with many small dots-holes through which light seeps through. Actually, with the help of these "pixels" the necessary image is formed.

Without opening the case, the phone user will be able to find out who is calling him, the air temperature, time, phone charge level and many other parameters. At the same time, for a full-fledged work with Dot View, a special application must be installed on the phone.
In the "smart" case Dot View information is displayed on the surface of the accessory using the screen of the smartphone itself, the glow of which breaks through hundreds of holes in the cover. This, of course, has certain advantages, but it drains the phone's battery a lot. And such messages themselves are very limited and conditional.

But all these drawbacks are leveled in the "smart" case InkCase. It has its own external display, on which both text and images can be broadcast on a permanent basis. However, this accessory practically does not touch the phone's battery.

The point is that InkCase works on a. It drains the batteries to a very limited extent, and even then only when changing the image on the screen. With the help of InkCase, the user can receive fresh information without opening the phone, read books and even set black and white “wallpaper” on the cover of his mobile device.
Lunecase “smart” case, like other similar devices, can inform the phone user that he has received a text message or a call. For this, a small LED screen is built into the accessory, which can glow in the form of a tube, envelope and other pictograms.

But we didn’t highlight the Lunecase because of this rather commonplace feature. The interesting thing about it is that the accessory actually takes the energy for the glow of the above-mentioned screen from the air. It uses for work electromagnetic radiation emanating from the very mobile phone.

V recent times are becoming more and more popular, which are able to measure the user's physical activity, as well as indicators of his health and well-being. But the similar functionality, as it turns out, can be carried by “smart” cases for smartphones.

An example is a case called Wello, which has sensors that track the user's blood pressure, heart rate, and body temperature. He knows how to draw up an electrocardiogram, as well as measure the oxygen content in the blood.

The Wello case can be useful not only for athletes, but also for the elderly and those who suffer from chronic diseases.
The Canopy Sensus smart case gives the user a new way of interacting with the phone. If earlier we could control the smartphone using touch screen, as well as several built-in keys, this accessory allows you to transfer control to the rear panel of the device.

The Canopy Sensus case has a built-in dense touch surface that allows you to swipe your fingers over the phone, for example, when playing games or browsing the Internet in a browser. And this greatly simplifies and speeds up the interaction between man and apparatus.

But a significant drawback of Canopy Sensus is that this case does not have its own battery, and it uses the energy of the phone, and this significantly reduces its operation time on one full battery charge.
The SnowLizard SLXTREME is arguably the world's most versatile smartphone case. After all, it has many of the functions listed above and not yet declared in this review. For example, it also has a built-in 2300mAh battery that at least doubles the performance of a mobile phone. Moreover, a solar panel is integrated into this device, which allows you to charge the battery, even being hundreds of kilometers from the nearest outlet.

In addition, the SnowLizard SLXTREME case completely protects your smartphone from dirt, sand and even water. With it, you can dive to a depth of 20 meters without worrying about the safety of the device.

And those who are not enough will surely like the screwdriver and opener for glass bottles built into the SnowLizard SLXTREME. True, the accessory itself costs more than inexpensive ones. chinese smartphones, - about 250 US dollars.
And we will conclude our review with a story about a case from Ztylus, which probably has the most useful function of all those listed in this article. The fact is that this accessory turns a smartphone into a full-fledged camera.

Ztylus has a lens with four interchangeable lenses with different focal lengths and effects. They allow you to take decent photos with your phone in different conditions. Indeed, recently good photographic matrices have been built into smartphones, but the lack of adequate optics does not allow them to be used to the maximum.

On the Internet, in various forums, you can find such a thing as "smart cover on xiaomi". At the same time, many users do not know anything about this. What is it? Any special mode or an unusual gadget that can expand the functionality of your smartphone? Let's figure it out.

In fact, this is not an electronic device, but an ordinary protective case in the form of a book, which allows you to automatically turn on or off the phone display when you open or close the front cover. It is very convenient for the user with such an accessory - there is no need to constantly press the power button to activate (or vice versa) the smartphone screen. Many models of similar cases also have windows. Through them, you can view notifications and even answer calls without opening the case.

Smart covers are produced by different companies. There are those that are produced by xiaomi itself. But most are done by third-party companies. In any case, everyone can choose a similar accessory to their taste and color.

What is the price?

As for the cost, it varies on average from 300 to 1500 rubles. So, my friend on his redmi note 5 bought a cover-book for aliexpress for 350 rubles. Of course, considering the cost, such a clever plastic and polyurethane cover was made. If you need a casebook made of better materials, you will have to pay more. For example, on mi-shop.com the original smart case for redmi laptop 4 costs 1290 rubles.

For reference! Some users prefer not to use smart covers on their xiaomi mobile devices. The reason is insufficient security. After all, with this cover, anyone who opens the cover gets access to the device and all its contents.

How smart covers work on xiaomi

How does a smartphone understand that you have opened the cover of the case and needs to illuminate the display at this moment? Really simple. These smart covers have built-in magnets. Well, xiaomi smartphones or tablets are equipped with special sensors located under the glass.

It turns out that when the smart cover is opened, the sensor is triggered, and the device is automatically unlocked from the display. When closed, on the contrary, the screen of the device goes out.

Smart cover not working on xiaomi: why and what to do?

So, here you have purchased this accessory and "dressed up" your smartphone with it. But for some reason, the display does not want to automatically turn on or off when you close / open the lid. First of all, we activate the function:

  1. We go into the settings.
  2. Go to the "System and Device" section.
  3. Next, tap on "Screen lock and fingerprint".
  4. Click on the item "Advanced settings".
  5. We translate the switch "Smart Cover" in the active position.

Now check - everything should work. If suddenly no action occurs when closing and opening the smart cover, then you should check the cover on another smartphone. Does he work there? Then, most likely, the proximity sensor of the phone on which this problem is observed is out of order. It is necessary to check its performance.

Also, keep in mind that over time, the magnets built into the case may become unusable. Therefore, on old covers, the device sometimes does not respond to user actions to open or close the lid. There is only one way out - to update the smart case.

For reference! After sometimes they go astray desired settings... This also applies to the Smart Cover function. So after installing new version OS, look in the appropriate section and make sure that the slider is moved to the "On" position.

To ensure ease of use and maximum accessibility of the screen, a unique folio case has been developed, on the front panel of which there is a window made of thin and transparent plastic. Its synchronization with the smartphone allows the owner to enjoy key functions phone without opening the top cover: make voice calls, view messages, take photos using the main camera, monitor the battery level. You will learn how to activate the Nilkin case for Xiaomi yourself in our detailed article.

How to download the Kview app

Installation via QR code scanner

Before proceeding with the installation, put the case on your smartphone and download the QR code reader.

Step by step guide:

Installing the app

  1. To go to the site, enter http://app.nillkin.com in the address bar.
  2. You will be prompted to select a browser and remember your choice.
  3. Since we have a model for Mi Max, we choose Round, presented in the form of a round dial. For other models (Redmi Note 4X, Mi Note 2, Redmi 4 Pro) there is a choice of Square Window style with clock and date in 24 hours format.
  4. The "Install" button gives permission to install.
  5. Confirm that “Application is installed”, you need to touch “Finish”.
  6. The next step is to issue permission to access photos, media and files on your smartphone. The "Allow" button is responsible for the issue, clicking on which makes it possible to:
  7. use the phone book and select the required contacts;

    make and reject calls;

    type an SMS message, send it, receive and read incoming messages;

    control the rear camera, including photo and video shooting;

    allow to determine the location.

  8. A picture with a magnifying glass and the inscription “Settings” will appear on the screen, the image on which is scrolled from right to left.
  9. After going to the "Overlay on top of other windows" menu, you need to enable this function by clicking on the circle located on the top right side. The fact that it is not activated is indicated by the gray color of the circle. By allowing overlays on top of other windows, you can comfortably use all the functionality of your smartphone.
  10. The blue color of the circle indicates that the Blend on top of other windows function is active.
  11. A blue background appears in front of you, at the bottom of which there is a "Use" button. Click on it
  12. Functionality check is carried out by closing / opening the top cover. Close it 1-3 times.
  13. To confirm your registration, you will need the registration code, which is on the card. Erase the protective layer on the left side.

  14. Write the code data in the “Then enter the registration number”. Letter designations are entered on the English layout.
  15. Further settings are possible after clicking on “Activate” administrator mode to control the device.
  16. You will see the smartphone desktop with the Kview icon installed.

Setting in the application interface

After touching the icon, the user enters the settings menu.

It contains the following items:

Management Basics

The developers have taken care of making the interface intuitive and easy to use. In the sleeping state, the display of the case is a clock. You can turn on the program by sliding your finger (swipe) from right to left or from left to right. The main thing is that it should be done in a horizontal direction.

Your attention is offered the main possibilities, the choice of which is made by touching the desired option.

List of functionalities:

  • "Camera". Rear camera ready for photo and video shooting.
  • Music player”. You can play a track, pause it, skip to the next or previous music track. "

  • To return to the main menu, touch the arrow at the bottom of the display.

    In the center of the desktop there is a control menu in the form of a cogwheel, when touched, a window with 4 sub-items opens.

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