
How to promote a VKontakte public from scratch. How to promote your VKontakte group in free and paid ways? Evaluation of the effectiveness of promotion

How to make a group in VK popular for free? How to create a poll and edit a VKontakte group? How to properly design a group to attract users?

The popular VKontakte group is an asset with unlimited possibilities. The promoted community opens up amazing prospects: earnings on advertising, trade in goods and services, business development, promotion of brands and products to the masses, sale of promoted accounts for 1 million rubles.

Do you want to make money on a group in VK? Read this article and get started!

With you Denis Kuderin - expert of the magazine "HeatherBober" on the issues of monetization of social networks. I will tell you how to properly promote a VKontakte group, what promotion methods exist, why it is important to choose the correct group name, and how contests affect the popularity of the community.

You will find tips and life hacks from experienced bloggers, as well as an overview of the best services on the Runet for promoting groups in social networks. Sit back and read to the end: I guarantee it will be interesting!

1. Promotion of VKontakte groups or how to deal with competitors

Want to join them? Get involved in the creation and promotion of your own resource. A popular VK page is an effective tool for generating income. A promoted account attracts money like a magnet. One advertising post in a popular group costs thousands, or even tens of thousands of rubles.

You don't even have to engage in promotion and monetization yourself - hire a social network administrator and delegate this task to him. So you will receive a source of stable passive income: you are diving in the Red Sea, and money will drip into your account by itself.

Dozens of free promotion methods are available for beginners: you don't have to pay anyone - just increase the popularity of the community by natural methods, and the result will definitely be there.

But remember the main rules:

  • it takes time to properly promote a page;
  • black promotion methods, abuse of bots and other "artificial" methods are fraught with account blocking;
  • commerce is good, but do not forget that VK is created for communication and entertainment;
  • the topics of the communities should correspond to their content;
  • being active in a group is the key to success.

An audience with such potential will be the envy of any commercial project. It would be surprising if enterprising people didn't learn how to generate income from social media with such promising data.

Commercial projects compete with each other in all areas and elements. Contact is no exception. SMM marketing (attracting potential audiences on social media) is relatively cheap, but when properly configured, it brings tremendous returns.

Who needs promotion in the first place:

  • owners of online stores - every self-respecting company has pages on VK, Insta, Facebook;
  • freelancers who find their customers via the Internet - copywriters, translators, editors, designers, web developers, SEO specialists;
  • service representatives who need new clients;
  • bloggers, public figures;
  • everyone who wants to earn income on the Internet.

The more popular a community is, the higher its commercial potential. On special exchanges, the sale of promoted VK groups is flourishing. Popular resources with tens and hundreds of thousands of subscribers cost from 100,000 rubles to 1 million and more.

An example of a popular community with more than a million subscribers

These groups once also started from scratch, and at first they had only acquaintances of the owner and his relatives in their subscribers. Now these are assets with a monthly six-figure income. Do you want the same? Read on!

2. Why promote a group in VK - 3 main reasons

VK groups are different - corporate accounts, associations of interest, resources for the sale of services and goods, pages for brand promotion. Each community has its own target audience, its own commercial potential, its own promotion goal.

But there are three main reasons for promoting an account.

Reason 1. Boosting sales

Online trading is a full-fledged branch of business, in which a lot of money is being invested today. Entrepreneurs do this with a specific goal - to enter new sales markets. And not in the distant future, but today.

In conditions of competition and an overabundance of offers, the struggle for the attention of buyers is carried out by all methods, including partisan ones.

Even large companies have representative offices in VK and other social networks, which are already doing well with sales. Nevertheless, the marketers of these companies are aware: if you miss this niche now, it will be much more difficult to catch up with competitors in the future.

For representatives of small and medium-sized businesses, social networks are a real gift from heaven. If you do not have your own website and money to launch a full-fledged online store, take advantage of the benefits free promotion his small but proud public in VK. Let not immediately, but there will certainly be a return.

If you have an online store, a branch in VKontakte will be its mobile branch. If there are at least one such branch in each social network, sales will increase many times over.


The spouses Valera and Sophia have their own offline shop for wholesale Indian incense, aromatic oils and other pieces of this direction. A year ago, they launched their online resource, but the return on it was low.

I advised them to do SMM promotion - start a group, arrange it beautifully (fortunately, Sophia has a designer education) and start promoting. I helped them with the text content, and then specialists from the specialized agency got down to business.

The cost of promoting the page paid off in three months. Through VK, hundreds and thousands of new customers began to come to the store, and sales increased 2.5 times.

VK users are a solvent and active audience, ready not only to comment, like and watch videos, but also to buy.

Right now, smartphones, laptops, T-shirts, sneakers, tours to Prague, weight loss simulators, watches, special equipment and even industrial ventilation equipment are being sold through the social network. I'm not kidding - my friend has such a group on Insta and VK.

In Contact, copywriters, animators, fitness specialists, hairdressers, lawyers, photographers and designers promote their services.

To open a store in VK, you do not need to involve programmers, pay for a domain name and hosting. "Contact" will not charge you money for creating and launching a community. The resource interface is convenient and understandable to everyone, and if customers have questions, they will ask them in comments or messages and get answers instantly.

An interesting design of the community plays an important role in attracting subscribers

But opening a page is only the first stage of the process. The project needs to be decorated, filled with unique and attractive content, and launched an advertisement for the store. The more people learn about the newfangled point of sale, the higher the profits will be.

Reason 2. Increasing brand awareness

Any brand or product needs promotion. The VKontakte platform is a great way to promote a brand to the masses, provide it with advertising and target audience.

This channel is much cheaper than media promotion, flyer printing and banner installation.

Reason 3. Increase in the number of visitors on the promoted site

A site that is visited by one and a half people a day brings only losses. Among the most effective ways to attract an audience is the promotion of a resource through communities in VK.

Even if your site is not engaged in direct sales, but makes money from advertising, it needs readers. SEO promotion is expensive and troublesome, and promotion through Contact is almost free. But very effective.

3. Ways to promote VKontakte groups

Let's talk about ways to increase subscribers in groups.

Account holders have three main promotion options.

On one's own

It's simple, free, and quite time consuming. But natural, "environmentally friendly" has a special value in the network. If your community has only real subscribers, and not fakes, the cost of such an asset will be much higher than that of an artificially promoted one.

How to proceed? The old fashioned way: we add friends "manually" by sending out invitations. The site rules provide for a limit on the number of applications. You are only allowed to add 50 friends per day. At the initial stage, this is a lot.

In order for users to add to you yourself, attract them with interesting content, contests, polls, discussions.

When adding friends, do not send business cards to everyone in a row - conduct at least a basic sample of target audiences by age, gender, interests.

Using services

This method is best combined with a "handbrake". Automatic and fast is what dozens of different services and programs do. You should not get carried away with them, because the machine always remains an automatic machine - it attaches not only real users to you, but also fakes.

If you actively use such cheating methods, be prepared for sanctions from the admins.

Through the services of intermediaries

Ordering a service from specialists is a more reliable and effective option, but on one condition: you choose an honest, professional and experienced contractor. There are not many of them in any industry, but in the field of SMM, the cat cried altogether. The reason is simple: the direction is relatively young and has just entered the phase of its active development.

Yesterday's schoolchildren call themselves promotion professionals and are employed by the agency as full-time employees. But there are also really qualified specialists who do their job honestly.

Finding them is as difficult as, for example, a good copywriter - there are a lot of offers on the market, and only 5% have elementary literacy. In addition, there are outright scammers on the network who will simply take your money, but will not promote anything.

There are many paid methods for boosting subscribers, and agencies use all of them, but not randomly, but systematically. Good specialists use only "white" methods and do not leave the group to the mercy of fate after a couple of weeks of work.

It doesn't matter for whatever reason you need to attract the audience's attention to your project.

Promotion methods are universal for all types of communities.

Being active in publics and communities is the key to success. Polls should be relevant to the topic and perform several tasks at once: to warm up the interest of users and analyze their needs.

There is a special option to create a poll:

  1. In the community settings, select "More" and from the drop-down menu, select "Poll".
  2. We choose a topic and answer options.
  3. If you want to hide the names of those who voted, check the box next to the "anonymous poll".
  4. Click "Send" or "Pin in header". The poll has started.

Another effective way to entertain your audience and stimulate their activity is through contests. This option is suitable for projects with a large number participants who are ready to repost the event.

The best way to increase the popularity of the competition - to support it with valuable prizes. The bottom line is that users see the offer to participate in the competition on other pages and join the community to try their luck and win a valuable prize.

Simple and transparent terms are beneficial. The winners are determined either randomly (using a random number generator), or by voting in the same public: best photos, pictures, stories and posts are chosen by the participants themselves.

Contests are not a free way to promote (you have to spend money on a gift), but they are effective and simple. Online stores should hold such events on a regular basis in order to fuel interest in the company.

The recommendation is obvious, but for some reason some people forget about it. The filter on the part of "Contact" works tirelessly, but if you make the invitations selective and "human", the likelihood of sanctions will be significantly reduced.

You will need partners. Not competing firms, but similar in subject matter. For example, you have a store selling clothes for children. Choose a community that organizes children's parties, educational groups for children, etc.

However, experienced SMM marketers warn: the method of mutual pumping will be effective only if you have more than 5-10 thousand subscribers. So you will communicate with other admins and publishers on an equal footing.

Tip 5. Use specialized services

But don't overuse them. Automated services are great, but attracting real subscribers is much more effective.

Secret "Contact" options that you did not know about in this video:

5. TOP-3 services for promoting groups in VK

Let's get down to specifics. These services will definitely help you get started, if, of course, you use them wisely.

Compare, choose, use!


Is a service popular not only among entrepreneurs and social media administrators, but also among schoolchildren and students.

The latter earn here on completing tasks - they put likes, comments and reviews for a reward. The first ones order a boost of likes and comments, thus increasing the popularity of their account.

- a universal service for boosting likes, friends and subscribers in all popular social networks of the Runet. The option of free account promotion for everyone is working. Great playground for beginners.


Saves 90% of the time for promotion in VK, works completely in automatic mode... Cheats friends, sends mass mailings, even replies to messages from users.

Comparative table of sites:

6. How to make a VK group popular - 6 rules for successful SEO optimization of a VK group

And now valuable life hacks from well-known bloggers.

Explore and use!

Rule 1. Make the group competently

Memorable, laconic and bright design attracts attention in itself.

Users see the community header first, and only then browse the content. This means that the design should be such that the user does not want to close the page.

A good name and an interesting, competent description - 50% of success. Introductory info should be informative, useful, concise, without any lyrical digressions. Do not forget about key phrases in the title and description that are relevant to the topic. And don't be afraid to edit the content if you find new options.

Rule 2. Publish quality content

Original content reigns supreme on the web. People and robots (search algorithms) need benefits, they need unique entertainment. Videos, audio files, texts, contests and everything else should be of high quality.

Reposts of messages and news from other projects are sometimes in the topic, but you should not abuse borrowing. Popular communities become popular precisely because they only publish original posts.

Do not forget that people come to Contact primarily for communication and entertainment. Therefore, 40-50% of your content should be entertaining, not promoting goods and services.


You are blogging about football. Make a selection of the best films about this sport in the discussions. And invite community members to indicate their options.

Rule 3. Advertise the group through thematic sites

Rule 4. Publish posts evenly

The gradual and even publication creates the effect of stable activity. If you don't have the time or desire to post on your own, use automated services.

But for this you need to develop a content plan in advance and select materials for publication.

Rule 5. Use hashtags

Hashtags are tags that a user can click on to see all posts on a given topic. Many people underestimate this tool. And completely in vain. In the right hands, it turns into a laser sword for SEO promotion.

Rule 6. Monitor the activity of participants

If new messages and posts do not appear in the community, there are no discussions, this is a wake-up call. Subscribers have lost interest in your brainchild and want to leave for others.

To prevent this from happening, encourage participants to be active all the time. Publish provocative posts, tips, tricks, life hacks.

7. Conclusion

Competent promotion of groups in VK is an effective tool for commerce and monetization. But you need to promote the community competently and gradually - prohibited methods of boosting subscribers will lead to a ban.

Question to readers:

What VK communities do you personally like?

In this article, we have compiled a step-by-step plan for the promotion of Vkontakte commercial communities. Despite the fact that a large percentage of businesses leave to promote on Instagram and Facebook, VK is still in the lead. And the audience there is far from schoolchildren, as some are used to thinking.

Before you start promoting goods and services on VKontakte, decide on a goal. You can create and promote a community in order to:

- look for clients;
- promote the site;
- share company news;
- increase brand awareness and audience loyalty.

These goals can be combined, but it is important for you to define them clearly. The strategy for promoting VKontakte may differ depending on your goal. If the goal is sales, then you can't do without selling posts, discounts for subscribers and uploading goods to the public.

If you need vkontakte promotion to improve your image, then the community will have less selling and more useful informational content. The methods for recruiting subscribers will also be slightly different.

What is better for promoting a VKontakte business - a group or a page

In a nutshell, a group is more suitable for exchanging opinions about a product or service, and public page- for sales and publication of official information about your company.

Group features

1. In a group, subscribers are free to post and discuss - this is a good source of content and a way to “keep things alive”. You only need to keep order and set the right vector of communication.

2. The group, if necessary, can be closed from those who are not its members. In commercial groups, this is done, for example, when they conduct a contest-voting in order to avoid cheating. According to the terms of the competition, only a group member can vote.

3. A group can be managed by several people - administrators or editors. This will come in handy when the promotion of the community in VK will bear fruit and you yourself can no longer or do not want to engage in moderation and content creation.

Features of the public page

1. More suitable for publishing official information, ideal for media and brand image enhancement.

2. It is displayed on the user's page, so everyone who visits his page can see it.

3. Absolutely all information on the public page is available to everyone, even those who are not registered in VK.

4. Minus the promotion of the VK page - it is impossible to invite friends there, there is no such function.

Promotion of the VKontakte public is more tailored for sales and customers, so we recommend this particular method. But in fairness, we note that the VK group as a selling tool also works and has the right to exist.

How to start promoting a VKontakte group

The creation and proper design of the community is the next stage of online promotion of VKontakte. And here you just need to do everything according to the rules. Because if mistakes are made at this stage, further promotion efforts may be ineffective.


The correct name of your community is a guarantee that you will get to the TOP of the search on VKontakte. Therefore, you need to choose a name not from personal preferences, but by keywords-names of your product or service. If your brand is already known and you are being searched for by name, you can include it in the name. But more often than not, this is not necessary.

The SERP is formed by the number of subscribers and by how well your name matches the keyword.

A typical mistake is to use several keywords of your topic in the name of a group at once in the hope that the group will get to the TOP for all at once. We do not recommend doing this, because the TOP includes, first of all, those groups and pages that match the search query, and the more precisely, the higher.

Another criterion is the number of participants. But if you start leading a group, you only need to rely on the name. By the way, do not forget to evaluate the competitiveness of the selected keyword for the title. Enter your key in the VK search and see how many groups and with how many participants there are already.

Do not take too frequent a request, which gives out tens of groups with hundreds of thousands of subscribers - it will be difficult to "get around" them. It is better to choose a mid-frequency request, and later, when your group is promoted, change the name.

In the process of promoting vk, you may have to change the name of the group more than once. It's okay to experiment with the name, fortunately, VKontakte provides such an opportunity.


The need to optimize the description of the community is what unites the promotion of VKontakte and SEO promotion To make a group appear in search engine results, optimize it with keywords.

Make the description concise and informative. It shouldn't go to "Show in full", people are unlikely to make an extra click to finish reading it. The purpose of the description is to briefly describe your activities and benefits.

Below is an example of an unfortunate description. The first two paragraphs are “captain's” and uninformative. On the positive side, only a listing of brands (useful for SEO), a call to invite friends and contact information:

And this is an example of an informative description: the assortment is listed, contacts are indicated, there is a selling element “We deliver on time or pizza for free”:


The design of the VK community is not a whim, but an important selling element. We recommend that you get down to it thoroughly because menu design, avatars, and thumbnails create the first impression of your community and work better for people than text.

Basic requirements for community design:

1. Vertical avatar, minimum resolution - 200x500 pixels;
2. Thumbnail in the same style, resolution 200x200 pixels;
3. Avatar and banner for groups must be of high quality;
4. Pictures should reflect your theme;
5. They should be readable on desktop and mobile versions.

VK technical support has created a cheat sheet with the basic requirements for pictures. There she is:

The main things to look out for are the community cover and avatar.

As the main picture, you can use:

1) horizontal cover:

2) vertical cover:

3) a pinned post with a picture:

4) group menu:

Any of these elements should be styled accordingly. Use themed pictures, your logo or texts. The main thing is not to overload the graphics with elements and do it in the same style.

One-time ways to promote VK

Here we list the actions that you can do once and get long-term results. As a rule, they are all free.

Sending invitations to friends

The promotion of the VKontakte community at all times began with this action. There is nothing spammy about it. If most of your friends and subscribers know you personally, then they will subscribe to your community in a friendly way. If there is your target audience among them, then they will do it out of interest, and will also recommend subscribing to one of their friends.

Depending on the quality of the audience, 20 to 80 percent of friends respond positively to group invitations.

There are two ways to invite friends to the community.

Automatically, using the VK functions.

Click on the three-dot symbol below the community avatar and select “Share with Friends”.

A post with an invitation will appear in the feed of your friends and on your page.

Manually, by sending messages with a request to subscribe.

You will have to spend time here. You need:

1. Write a compelling message asking you to subscribe. It is advisable to make several options for different groups of friends. For example, for those with whom you communicate closely and who will subscribe to you out of friendship, for those with whom communication is not so close (they can be offered to subscribe for friendship and unsubscribe when you get the first subscribers) and for those who are interested in your theme.

2. Send messages carefully, no more than 10-20 per day from one account. Remember that for sending the same messages with a link, VK will block the page. Therefore, it will be great if you stock up on several VK accounts and use them in turn.

3. Thank people for subscribing.

Link to the group in your profiles

Provide the group URL wherever possible and appropriate:

- in his signature Email;
- in information about yourself in messengers;
- in the “Website” column in the VK profile;
- in the column "Place of work" in the VK profile.

In order for a group or public page to be displayed in the “Place of work” column on your page, go to the profile settings, the “Career” section and in the “Place of work” drop-down menu, select the desired page.

After that, a preview of the group and a clickable link to it will be displayed on your page.

Social widget on the site

If you have your own site, install a social widget there, inviting you to go to the community and subscribe to it. It is a block with community subscribers. If there are friends of the user among the subscribers, he will see them first in the list. This encourages him to subscribe too.

Also, instead of subscribers, the widget can display community news, cover and other useful information.

To connect the widget to the site, configure it, copy the resulting code and paste it on the desired page of the site.

Read more about widgets for promoting VKontakte.

Connection of goods

If you are interested in promoting the VKontakte online store, then make a showcase with goods or even a full-fledged store out of your community.

To connect products, enter the section "Community Management - Sections". Upload photos of products, list prices and descriptions. After that, the products will appear under the community description and users will be able to buy from you, just like in an online store.

Sending invitations to thematic groups

If you use this method wisely, you will not be banned for spam and you will be able to attract the first subscribers to your page.

Let's give a plan step by step promotion Vkontakte groups by mailing to thematic groups.

1. Looking for a group search where your target audience may be. For example, if you are looking for orders for making holiday cakes on VKontakte, you can search for the following queries:

- children's birthday;
- wedding;
- organization of holidays;
- cooking, recipes;
- and many other related interests.

2. Collect a list of subscribers found groups. This can be done manually or by one of the promotion programs, we will talk about them below.

3. Send invitations manually or through a special program.

There are other ways to interact with related communities (not your direct competitors). There are many partnership options, for example:

- contact administrators and ask for an exchange of PR posts;
- contact the administrators and ask them to post a link to your group in the “Interesting Pages” block in exchange for posting the same link;
- ask for a post for money;
- track comments and discussions, link to a post in your community on the topic.

When you start promoting your community, these and similar proposals will be sent to you as well. Partnership is always good in business, including when it comes to SMM promotion of VKontakte.

Boost subscribers - do it or not

At INTERMONTE, we regularly come across communities where subscribers have been winding up. Let's put it bluntly - there is more harm from such promotion than benefit, and here's why:

1. Swelled subscribers are non-targeted subscribers. They are not interested in your content and your products, they signed up to receive their 20-50 kopecks of reward from the exchange where they work. In addition to increasing the number of participants, they do not give anything.

2. If you use cheap cheating methods, then fake pages subscribe to you, which sooner or later (often early) will be banned for other prohibited actions, for example, for sending spam. As a result, the so-called "dogs", that is, blocked users, will appear in the list of your subscribers. They indicate better than any words that you are using black methods to promote the group.

3. If there are too many dogs in the group, the VK administration first sends a warning, and then completely removes the group from the search results. It's the same as getting under the filter search engines- very difficult for further development.

4. For systematic violation of the rules, the community can be removed, with all real subscribers and content. It doesn't matter how much time and money you put into creating the group's promotion.

This is theory. But practice is the real experience of one owner of VK communities.

There are hundreds of such stories. Do not repeat other people's mistakes.

Promotion of the VK group on an ongoing basis

The first method in this category is a must for everyone. Next, select the appropriate tools from the ones listed below and use them on a regular basis.

Publishing interesting content

This is a well-known, but basic advice for VKontakte SMS promotion. Whatever topic you are in, you will have to compete with other communities. The best way to win this fight is to publish really useful and interesting content.

Here are some content ideas:

- useful tips;
- posts stories;
- quotes;
- collections (facts, statements, books, personalities);
- questions from subscribers with answers in the comments;
- publication of the most interesting answers in a separate post;
- answers to subscribers' questions;
- the achievements of your company in numbers;
- new reviews from customers;
- case stories;
- posts in the format “Did you know ...”;
- presentation of a new assortment;
- your own or someone else's videos on your topic;
- just beautiful pictures - cats remain in trend.

And dozens of similar ideas. Based on them, you can come up with gigabytes of interesting content. And it is not at all necessary to borrow it from other groups.

An example of a post-collection of useful tips:

An example of a post to increase audience engagement:

Don't try to use everything at once. Choose several formats that work best for you and organize them in your content plan. Make a fasting schedule for 2-4 weeks and follow it. To do this, you can use Excel or Google-Table.

Conducting live broadcasts

This Vkontakte promotion tool will continue to gain popularity in 2018. If the topic permits, make training videos or broadcast your speeches at specialized conferences. You can do a broadcast where you tell the story of the company, answer subscribers' questions, conduct an interview or a discussion with an expert.

To start broadcasting, go to the Community Videos section and click the Create Broadcast button.

When you start broadcasting, all subscribers will receive a notification. When we wrote this article (early 2018), this option was the default.

Content from users

You can encourage users to create content themselves in different ways, for example:

- create an album or theme where users can upload photos of packages from your store - customers love to share the joys of shopping;
- ask users to write reviews or reviews of purchased products;
- telling about the service provided is a classic example for the tourism industry, where users share their travel stories.

This is a free VK promotion, but it requires your constant participation - the content needs to be moderated, edited, and also constantly come up with reasons that would encourage users to create it.

Commenting on other people's posts

Select communities with similar topics and subscribe to them. Follow their updates and comment. Your comments should be relevant, interesting and stimulating for further discussion. The goal is to draw attention to your profile so that as many people as possible come to your page and see a link to the community.

Since 2017, it has become possible on VKontakte to leave comments on behalf of the communities that you manage. it good tool promotion, but do not abuse it - people are more willing to communicate with ordinary people than with communities.

To leave a comment on behalf of a community, click the arrow to the left of the Submit button and select the desired community from the list.


A reliable method for promoting VK, especially at first. But subject to a number of conditions:

1. Do not run contests for iPhones, cars, headphones and other banal prizes. You will not attract the target audience with such a competition. Only “prize catchers” will participate, they will quickly unsubscribe from your community when the competition is over. The best way to attract the right people to the competition is to donate your product or service to the winner.

2. Be clear about the rules, the method of determining the winner and the timing, the method of delivery of the prize, and so on. If you have not prescribed something, then it will be possible to dispute it. Do not give a reason for negativity.

3. A contest with a random selection of a winner is the simplest, most commonplace and ineffective type of contest. Promotion of such VK contests is more difficult to do - they are boring to everyone and do not cause the expected reaction.

Here are some more recent ideas:

2. Mini-competition - the correct answer to the question with the choice of the winner on the same day. If you sell books, post a photo of the bookshelf and ask how many books there are. If you sell coffee, sprinkle the beans on the table, take a picture, and let the subscribers count them. A prize to the one who is the first to give the correct answer.

3. Contests for photos, stories or other user-generated content with a jury. In this case, you need to tell in detail who and how will determine the winner, so that you are not accused of bias.

Subscriber Discounts

Simple but efficient way promotion of the VKontakte group - give a discount to community members. Even if they are not going to buy from you now, the promise to save 3-5% for a couple of clicks to subscribe will work in most cases.

You will acquire not only subscribers, but also potential customers. When a user has a need for your product, he will remember that he subscribed to you and you promised a discount. The main thing is not to let him forget about it, reminding about himself in the tape.

Programs for promoting VK

SMM implies not only creativity, but also routine processes, so there are many services for promoting VK. But not all of them are equally useful. So that you do not waste time and money on ineffective ones, we have selected some of the best.

Community decoration
https://www.canva.com/ru_ru/ is a free and easy-to-use application for creating graphics for posts. It has pre-installed pictures specifically for different social networks.

If you need to create something unique - just create your own template. In each ready-made template, you can change the size and position of the text, load your own background and set its transparency.

Search for target audience
https://segmento-target.ru - a program for promoting a VK group, which collects a target audience for targeting More information about targeting is written below. In a nutshell, this is an advertisement aimed at a specific segment of the audience, for example, by age or place of residence.

Segmento Target can collect an audience of your competitors, people who leave comments in certain communities or are just there. It has a simple and convenient interface, it is regularly updated and supports work not only with VK, but also with other social networks. The basic tariff "Segmento Target" costs 500 rubles. For 60 rubles, you can try to use the service for one day.

Deferred posting
https://smmplanner.com is the most famous auto-posting service that supports not only VKontakte, but also Instagram, Facebook, Odnoklassniki, Twitter and even Telegram and Viber. You can connect an unlimited number of accounts to SMMplanner, create watermarks in graphics, add photos, videos, audio and polls to posts, remove ads.

The advantage of "SMMplanner" is the opportunity to use the service for free for 7 days after registration. V free version you can only schedule 10 posts at a time, but that's enough to get started.

Statistics and analytics
VK has a built-in community analytics system, and at first you will have enough of it. But if you want to know more about your audience, use special application for VK, for example, Popsters.

https://popsters.ru - finds the most popular publications and sorts them according to different criteria. Compares your page with similar or similar pages in different social networks... Can export reports in XLSX, PDF, PNG, JPG, CSV formats.

Popsters can be used for free for the first 7 days. In the free version, you can only work with one social network. Monthly subscription price - 399 rubles.

VK promotion for online stores
https://vkontakte.store is a service for bulk editing of goods. Can import products from Excel and Google Docs, as well as edit them in bulk - edit names, categories, descriptions, prices. Vkontakte.store is completely free.

Paid ways to promote VK

They will help you find clients quickly, maybe even the next day after launch.

Targeted advertising

Targeted advertising is one of the most effective ways to promote a VKontakte group SMM. It allows you to show your ad to a specific audience (you yourself define its characteristics, from place of residence to interests). You pay for these ads either by views or by clicks.

As you can see, there are many settings here. It is impossible to describe all the subtleties in this overview article. The main advice - before using the target, clearly define the target audience, divide it into segments, create your own attractive ad for each and set up the impressions correctly.

Cases of VK promotion through targeting speak about the success of this tool. It clearly follows from them that for the right approach the costs pay off.

Buying posts

Paid way to promote the VK public. It can be done either through the official VKontakte exchange, or by manually selecting a suitable site and agreeing with the administrator about the placement.

Exchange VKontakte

Select Actions - Advertise Community under the community avatar. You will be taken to your personal account, there select the Market platform section.

First, fund your account. Then create an ad post with a picture and submit for moderation. After checking, VKontakte will offer you communities where you can publish it. Choose a suitable audience in terms of quality and price, indicate the desired time and conditions of placement and confirm the placement.

Manual site search

More flexible, allows you to find more groups and post at a better price. When selecting sites, pay attention not only to the number of subscribers, but also to their quality. Be sure to ask the administrator for statistics to see the age of subscribers, their geography and other parameters by which you can estimate how much the target audience of the public is.

Promoted communities that periodically publish ads usually post a separate post with conditions for advertisers. It can be found either in a separate topic or in the Links on the side to the right.

Agency services for SMM promotion of VK

To do everything described above efficiently and regularly, you most likely will not have enough time. Therefore, it is reasonable to entrust the promotion of the VKontakte group to specialists. The prices for VK promotion are very different.

Someone calls bots surge promotion and takes 1,000 rubles for it, while someone writes 3 viral posts a day, sets up targeting, negotiates with opinion leaders and estimates their work at 50 thousand rubles.

In order not to get confused in the proposals, determine how much money you are willing to spend on promotion per month. With this figure and contact the experts, compare what you will be offered for this amount. If your budget is modest and fluctuates around 5 thousand rubles, there may be no point in looking for a specialist. Better to spend this money on training and promote the community yourself.

If there is no time, but the budget allows, order promotion services in VK to an SMM specialist. We at INTERMONTE A have been promoting VKontakte groups for a long time and successfully, developing communities from scratch to tens of thousands of subscribers and customers. Do you want the same? Contact us, we will do it.

leave a request

Hello everyone, I am describing the correct one and quick way how to promote a Vkontakte community from scratch. I see no point in talking about ineffective, long and free ways to promote entertainment publics.

We will focus on the only method used by millionaires.
There are many pitfalls and subtleties, stock up on popcorn.


What kind of public promotion method is this?

Without a budget for VKontakte promotion, there will be no success if you are going to make money on an entertaining public. This is the point.

Publics grew on their own in 2011-12, when they first appeared, now users need to be interested and retained. Work on content, engagement and ... advertising.

We choose a market platform because it is a quick and white way to promote the VK community.

Let me give you an analogy. A man wants to hammer in a nail, but he read somewhere that this can be done without investing in a hammer, only by the force of his hands. You come up to him and say: "Buy a hammer, why are you suffering?" Let's say that hammering in a nail is real. But why do that when hammers exist? Why all this suffering, waste of time, when it is enough to hit once, get the result, and spend time somewhere else?

The same story with the promotion of entertainment publics and VK communities.

All we need is to get into the topic with the available money once firmly.
However, everything needs to be done correctly. This promotion hammer is more expensive than usual, therefore, read on carefully, and you will understand how to promote the VK community cheaper than others.

How much money will it take to promote the Vkontakte community?

I will give the achievable figures for the cost of a subscriber in different topics, from which we will push in the calculations.

All results that go beyond these limits should be analyzed and improved.
The good news is that you have all the tools to do this, it's just a matter of practice.

Example: I want a public for 100k souls at a construction site. I think: for 100,000 people I will need about 250,000 - 300,000 rubles of the net budget.

Important additions

A public for 200,000 people differs from a public for 1,000,000 only in the amount of funds invested and profit from it.
The sites can be grown on the return of part of the funds received from the income from the same public.
Imagine the situation for real. A live public for 200,000 souls will bring money for the corresponding number of less than 500,000
From the previous point it follows that a large platform will have more active growth on its own resources.
Think about your investment in advance. With 20, 30, 40 thousand rubles - it is better to go to Turkey for a week.

Preparing a Vkontakte promotion rocket for takeoff

2-3 days of preparation and into orbit.

Choosing a niche

The worst ones to get started are those without a specific audience. Those where the audience is equally feminine and masculine. They are more difficult to monetize. If you want to make money, avoid such topics, they are more difficult.
The analytical site - allsocial.ru will help us in choosing a niche

We filter publics by growth for this month and limit the size to a million, you can see trends, promising directions, freshmen that have swelled up to 200,000 and more.

I will give two ways to choose a niche

Catching the trend

We are looking for unusual niches in which money is pumped, we do the same (for example, "mothers" were a trend a year earlier)

Minus: the trend will end, the audience will cool down, it is risky for a long time.

Choosing a topic

From the list on the right, select a topic to your liking, and then specify the choice of topics even further. Let's say the general category is "Sports", it contains both the public MMA fans and "Fitonyashki".

Choose a niche more precisely in order to stand out against the background of general niches and get YOUR audience.

Dead topics, it is difficult to develop them and it is not necessary

- "quotation books"
- "beautiful pictures"
- "positive".

Dangerous niches

- shock content
- immoral of all stripes
- porn, sex, erotica

We create and design a community

How to create - information for the retarded. If you can't do it yourself, you don't need all this material.

To important things

If you plan to sell the community in the future, create it with a fake account. You will sell together with the "owner".
You can buy a group yourself on the black exchange in order to invest in the finished one. This option is only for smart, careful and cunning, you will become them later, do not try now, you will be thrown in 90% of cases.

By design

Order an avatar and a cover from a designer, if you have no skills in FS, this is the face of the public and the first thing that a person sees when entering the VK community from promotion.
Use the design widgets from the "Applications" section - they grab attention.

We fill the public with content

A dozen high-quality unique posts will be enough until the launch of community promotion.
What exactly to post and how, I'm not an advisor, we're talking about how to promote the VK community, but ...

Content AFFECTS subscriber value. Worse content - fewer people will subscribe from ads.

In no case, do not forget to post. Now this is your job and it will make money. Just imagine if you were so confused with content on an empty group without getting a dime in return? 99% of those looking for free ways promotions of publics cool down in a week.

A general schedule of activity will give you an idea of ​​what hours you can slow down.

We monitor the uniqueness of the content in the community - Nemesis does not sleep

Vkontakte recently rolled out an algorithm for punishing non-unique content - Nemesis.

The essence is this

The algorithm itself, or upon a complaint, will identify stolen content from the public and issue a warning to the violator. After several such violations, sanctions will follow:

Excommunication from monetization
inability to publish links

We will make money on this, so fight for the uniqueness of your content.

A recipe for fast promotion of a Vkontakte community (public) up to 100,000

Everything will depend on how you work here.

At this point you have:
Niche selected
Community decorated
First posts uploaded
Allocated a budget for the development of the site

There is a legend that small communities are very reluctant to join, and you need to gain at least 1000 subscribers by some means (what?) Before the normal promotion of the VK community.
This is only partly true. It is worth calling a dozen friends so that it is not completely empty, however, the first ad releases will quickly fill the missing first asset.

As a result, donate an extra thousand rubles, not a big problem when you grow a hundred thousandth.
The main enemy of the Vkontakte media buyer is pettiness.

The main friend of the promotion of Vkontakte communities - Adspoiler

Normal buyers get all the information to promote communities through the service -
It costs money, moreover, we need a premium rate or nothing will come of it.

What's valuable on the AdSpoiler premium rate

Algorithm of work in AdSpoiler

Detailed instructions are in your personal account
Take it, poke it, it is useful.

Basic actions:
- Cling to the top ten public pages of competitors, see the last month of their advertising exits and the results from it.
- We find sites where cheap price subscriber to indirect competitors
- See exactly which of the creatives are coming to the audience right now
- based on the data, plan your own outputs
- Analyze how and where it went with you

Check out the cost of an adult subscriber in my purchase. This is the merit of AdSpoiler.

Do you know how the purchase was carried out earlier? Ixel table with a planner of the exit of each post and measurement of intersections a separate application at the end of each ad release.
Fuck it, I don't know how we survived.

Now for 1500 rubles. you can get such valuable information a month that I envy you. You are either doing the right thing using AdSpoiler, or you drain the budget and sit with a dead community.

Where do creative posts come from?

Either you do it yourself, or use the services of designers. You can steal some advertising content from not very smart competitors, but I do not recommend building your work around this.

We protect the created creatives, they are stolen

Put watermarks on all graphics, gifs and videos, or in a few days you will see competitors coming out with your successful creative. They also sit in Adspoiler and see everything. And sometimes their budgets are higher than yours.

Once, I made this mistake, distributing ad outputs for a month, after a week all my top creatives were burned by competitors who just took them into circulation. The audience, of course, quickly got used to them and the response dropped.
If the creative FLASHED IN with the best performance, quickly drain the budget on it.

We buy advertising on the market platform

General rules

Don't reinvent the wheel in creating promotional posts. Use what is working for your competitors right now. It could be ANYTHING!
use Adspoiler for analysis. Without it, you are a blind kitten.
the relevance of the data decreases every day, went a week ago, will not go now, modify the creatives

Procurement rules

Choose from 5,000 record coverage and 50,000 daily coverage
The more you buy with coverage from 5,000 at the minimum cost - the better.
Monitor only the performance indicators, do not look at the number of subscribers
The market platform chooses supposedly effective sites for the budget, but you don't need to believe it, believe AdSpoiler
Make selections of dates wider, popular advertisers' pubs are bought a week in advance.
Make the first purchase for 10% of the budget, analyze the result
Found an effective creative - buy in full.

Launching official monetization

It's no secret that today almost every entrepreneur promotes his product using social networks. Vkontakte is one of the most popular and very large-scale developed networks, where users number over 430 million. Where else but here to advertise your product or service, because it is VK that people of different sexes, ages and preferences are present around the clock. In this article we will consider the promotion of a group in VK.

Quick navigation:

Rating of services for promoting the Vkontakte group

Service Link Speed ​​/ Quality Subscriber price
1 Bosslike https://bosslike.ru 10/10 0.56 RUB
2 Likeinsta https://likeinsta.ru 9/9 0,45 rbl
3 Vktarget https://vktarget.ru 8/10 0.8 rub
4 Olike https://olike.ru/ 6/5 0.7 rubles
5 Like4u https://like4u.ru/ 4/4 0.9 rbl

Review of the best services for free group promotion

Below is a list of the most popular online promotion services on Vkontakte:

1. Bosslike.ru- high quality multifunctional and optimized service. It quickly adapts to the innovations of Vkontakte, and is distinguished by a tough policy in relation to bots.


  • High speed of work. In a few minutes, new subscribers will be added to the group.
  • Assignments must be tested. This is a special point, since the promotion of the VK community can be stalled if the service has fraudulent accounts. In Bosslike, each task is checked by moderators, and for unscrupulous leaving the group, or deleting a post sent to their page, users will be punished in the form of deleting an account from the service.
  • The design of the service is very clear and attractive and does not cause any complaints.
  • Service users are real people, which cannot be said about fakes that can be cheated on forums for money. It is worth noting that you can even get into trouble if people whose pages have been hacked join your community, and so the promotion of the Vkontakte group may stop.
  • There is a flexible discount system and bonuses. The more points you get, the less you will pay for each feature.
  • One registered account in Bosslik makes it possible to work with all social networks at once. That is, you can purchase points in one social network and use to promote the group in another.
  • High partnership fees. The promotion of your Vkontakte group will move much more vigorously if you attract like-minded people and receive from them half of the service's monetary income.
  • The support service is distinguished by its special attention to your questions. Operational specialists have a sufficient level of competence.

2. Likeinsta- is considered a highly respected service. High-quality design, high winding speed and stable flawless work are welcomed.


  • Very reasonable prices for services.
  • All system calculations are carried out in money, which, if necessary, can be withdrawn from the account at any time.
  • The site is appreciated for its stable performance and practical interface.
  • Subscribers find themselves in the group pretty quickly.

3. Vktarget- is rated as a good site for those whose Vkontakte group needs time and money to promote it. The service, like the two previous ones, offers its services for free, which is a huge plus for beginners.

  • Almost all accounts in the service are "clean". The rules regarding bots are very strict, which has a very positive effect on the promotion of the Vkontakte group.
  • The prices for paid markup are quite acceptable.
  • It is pleasant and convenient to work with the site, and thus the independent promotion of the VK group will be easy and fast.


  • High site slowdown, which periodically occurs due to the fight against bots. Cheating practically stops by itself.

4. Olike- a good system from among the "gray horses", but he also knows how to promote a Vkontakte group quickly and with average quality.

There is nothing particularly distinctive or very negative about it. If you intend to know how to promote your Vkontakte community to 100,000 people - Olike will give an answer to this, but for a fairly decent period of time. It is worth noting that the service has quite high prices.

  • Average cheat rate.


  • The site is distinguished by the presence of bots among its visitors. There are not so few of them, which annoys many.
  • The speed of people subscribing to your group can be called average, which is a significant disadvantage compared to Bosslike and VkTarget.
  • Poor service interface.

5. Likesrock- an excellently promoted site with a large army of admirers. It works quite well, is not greedy and has sufficient functionality.

  • Honest affiliate program with the ability to earn money.
  • High rate of arrival of subscribers.


  • It is difficult to promote a Vkontakte group when the site slows down enough.
  • The service interface is very overloaded with information.
  • There are limits on withdrawal of funds, but this does not affect the efficiency.
  • In addition to the large commission, the service has set a very minimum payout amount.

Next, briefly about the rest of the services

6. ILIZIUM- a site for the promotion of Vkontakte. There is an opportunity to cheat subscribers to a group absolutely free. Now you know how to promote a Vkontakte group is very profitable.

7. BONUSLIKE- a service for promoting Vkontakte publics. You can wind up likes, subscribers, reposts, comments in VK.

8. SMOFAST- a project that has a direction to help in wrapping up everything you need in groups and pages on social networks.

9. VkMix- a service for the full promotion of VK pages and communities. Equipped with a free version.

10. SNEBES- another way to answer the question of how to promote a Vkontakte group for free in a short time.

11. VKRUTILKA- a good team for promotion on Vkontakte. Wrap up all the necessary indicators is available: subscribers, likes, reposts, comments.

12. VKSERFING Is a rather promising project. There is an opportunity to make money on paid tasks and cash out the money earned.

13. RELIKE- a service with an archaic design and great ambitions. Works only with Vkontakte.

How to promote a Vkontakte group with the Bosslike service

Boosting likes on Vkontakte is one of the best methods to show off your popularity or the importance and profitability of your products and services. Almost every user and administrators of various groups, in one way or another, for different purposes, want to have the greatest number of likes. But at the same time, few people know how quickly and without money costs how to promote the Vkontakte group. Admit it, how nice it is to see a large number of posts in your photos or useful posts. You can always quickly sell your product or service, win contests, if you use a boost of likes. This is why the Bosslike service exists, where you can easily wind up the required number of free likes online.

The same can be recommended to those who are interested in how you can wind up subscribers to the Vkontakte group, and why is it needed? VK subscribers and friends can be considered a unit for assessing the popularity of a particular user. The more friends and subscribers, the more interesting and popular the page will be. As a rule, famous people have millions of subscribers who can be considered their fans, and if your page is constantly distinguished by numerous likes and subscribers, you will become a famous person in your city, which will be very useful for

promotion of your business. After boosting a large number of subscribers, you will be added and ordinary users, which can be defined in the column "friends" or - as before, leave in subscribers.

How to quickly promote a group or page using Bosslik!

First of all, of course, you need to go through the registration process. Here is very simple registration, which consists in filling out one small form. First you need to go to the official website of the project. By clicking you will immediately be taken to the page where the registration form in Bosslike is located. In it, you will need to open the "Registration" tab, then enter your e-mail, which will further serve as your login and password. Then click on the "Register" button. This completes the registration process in Bosslike and the promotion of the VK group will become easy and affordable. No further action such as email confirmation or verification personal account, do not need to be produced. It will be possible to immediately start cheating, and subscribers to Bosslike.

How Bosslike works is quite simple and straightforward. Here a user with any income (even with zero income) will be able to purchase likes or subscribers. The site has a special currency calculated in points. They can be bought for real money or earned without investment. Each user on Bosslike creates a task, completing which, the performer will receive a certain number of honestly deserved points.

This forms a kind of Bosslike currency circulation, which makes it possible not to spend money on promotion at all, or to save part of your budget. For those who want to save their time, they can simply top up their Bosslike account and buy any number of points for real money, but we'll talk about that later in the article.

Bosslike will help with the promotion of such social networks: Vkontakte, FaceBook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube. The project is relevant for absolutely all social media users:

Bosslike will be very useful for those who want to increase their popularity without money, by winding up subscribers, reposts and likes on the avatar, posts and other content.

Make up your task having, of course, already earned points.

How to promote a Vkontakte group with little or no investment

Bosslike will help those who organize any online business by creating their own online store or opening a website. By purchasing promotion and promotion in Bosslike, it is possible to get many new useful clients from social networks.

Now you can walk through the steps of how to use Bosslike for free. To do this, you will need to do two simple steps: link a page from a social network and complete tasks and receive points in Bosslike.

1. How to link a page from a social network to Bosslike? This procedure is needed in order to honestly earn points and use Bosslike promotion without any cash investment. To do this, go to your account settings, follow the link in the right upper corner personal account.

Then a small window will open where you will need to insert a link from your profile on the social network. Do this and click on the "Link" button.

After that, a green button will appear, which you also need to click on. After clicking, a page with a photo will appear. Now you need to like the photo and close the page. By doing this, you will link your page from the social network.

2. How can you earn points with Bosslike? To do this, you need to go to the "Earn" subsection, using the link located in the top menu of the cabinet. Next, a list of tasks to be completed will be formed. There are assignments for all social networks that Bosslike works with. They are sorted by type: like, subscribe, and so on.

Select any item of the task from the list and click on the button where the payment in points for its completion is indicated.

Now we will look at how to use Bosslike in order to wind up subscribers, comments, reposts or likes and understand how to promote a Vkontakte group, you need to create your own special task. To do this, you need to go to the "Cheat" section located by the link located in the top menu of your personal account.

Do simple tasks

For example, we will order a task for cheating subscribers to the community. To do this, you need to provide a link to the community, set the number of subscribers you intend to buy, and you also need to indicate your payment cost for performers. The higher the cost of payment is indicated, the more often and faster the task will be completed. After filling out the form, click on the "Create task" button.

That's all, the task is created. Now you just need to wait for it to start performing. You have the opportunity to create several different tasks to promote faster on social networks with Bosslike.

Now you know how to use Bosslike to make the promotion of a VK group easy and accessible for you. Now you can make a choice: whether to promote with Bosslike on your own, or by investing your own money - but without effort.

There are a few more important points to consider here, for example, how you can replenish an account with Bosslike, as well as what amount is better to replenish the account. And it's better to start the research from the second one. To determine the amount to replenish funds, you should rely on the capabilities and needs. If you intend to buy a couple of dozen reposts, then it makes no sense to replenish your Bosslike account with a few thousand.

That being said, there is one more important point What should be taken into account when choosing the amount to replenish an account in Bosslike is the availability of discounts. Depending on the amount of funds deposited, the price for 1 point will be different. The larger the deposit amount, the lower the cost of one point.

You can top up your account and everything is simple here

As you understand, it is most profitable to top up your Bosslike account with at least 3000 rubles or more. The minimum amount that can be used to top up an account in this service is 100 rubles. Now it's worth considering how to fund your Bosslike account. To do this, click on the balance button in your account in order to go to the account replenishment form. Next, enter the amount that you intend to spend on the purchase of points in the Bosslike system. After that, click on the "Deposit" button.

Then a page will appear where you should select the method of replenishing your account. There are many payment systems here: it is convenient to replenish using popular payment systems (QIWI, Perfect Money, Yandex Money), using Internet banks (such as Tinkoff, VTB24, Sberbank online and many others), you can replenish your account in cash or by SMS payment. Choose any convenient method and complete your account replenishment.

Bosslike is a great project that is suitable for all users who want to make money on social networks or run their own business in them. Also Bosslike can help you to raise your popularity without any investments. Sign up to Bosslike and use effective methods of promotion and promotion on social networks.

To increase group members, there are many useful services, you can learn how to promote a Vkontakte group for free. To understand how sites for the promotion service work, you should watch the video. So, let's start our rating: services for promoting a VKontakte group and, for webmasters, promoting sites and groups, you can learn how to promote a group for free.

Service for free cheating subscribers and likes in the public. The project works on the principle of barter. By registering on you add your Vkontakte account and join groups of other people, put likes. For this, points are awarded that can be spent on promoting your community.

Dmitry has been using it for over two years. As advantages, he notes high speed work, a large selection of tasks for accumulating points and responsive administration.

As a disadvantage, he refers to the fact that there is a possibility of getting a blocking of a work account on Vkontakte.


The site has over 500,000 registered users. With the help of LikesRock, you can attract live subscribers without investing in a group. To do this, you need to complete tasks to earn local currency, which can be spent on promotion.

Maria leads a group dedicated to pets. Uses LikesRock for promotion.

Of the advantages, she highlights:

  • attracting only living participants;
  • fast promotion speed;
  • convenient and intuitive interface.

Maria refers to the disadvantages:

  • limitation on the execution of 200 tasks per day when using LikesRock for free.


Young service for promotion. The principle of operation is based on a barter system.

To attract subscribers, you need to complete tasks from your accounts to earn money. The money earned can be withdrawn or spent on increasing the subscribers of your sites, promoting vk online.

Alexander is the owner of a coffee shop. As a service for promoting a group of coffee shops on Vkontakte uses. In two months, he managed to attract 5,000 live subscribers.

Of the advantages of using, Alexander highlights:

  1. Convenient interface.
  2. A large selection of tasks for earning money.
  3. High speed of work.

The disadvantages he noticed:

  1. Technical support takes a very long time to answer questions.


Using this service, you don't have to worry about the safety of your group. Roboliker has 3.6 million live users who can join your community.

Oleg is an SMM specialist. Engaged in promoting publics. To attract participants, he uses the services of Roboliker.

To the pluses, he refers to a small percentage of write-off of users, the absence of "dogs" (deleted pages). Of the minuses of using, Oleg notes that it is different
when system failures occur and funds are not credited for the implementation of projects.


Some of the most popular sites for. To attract new members, you need to complete buildings on the service and earn points.

Olga spins about women's fashion with the help. Every month with its help she attracts 3,000 new members. According to her, the main advantages are a large number of active and live users, fast speed of work, and prompt technical support. Of the shortcomings, she notes account blocking.


A foreign service that makes it possible to promote groups on social networks, including Vkontakte. By earning virtual currency within the system, users can promote the Vkontakte group.

Ivan has been using AddMeFast for 3 years. During this time, he promoted 4 of his groups. The largest of them has 450,000 members and is dedicated to the latest in music.

According to him, the main advantages are as follows:

  • a large selection of projects for earning domestic currency;
  • high-quality and "live" subscribers;
  • minimum unsubscribe percentage of users

Among the shortcomings, Ivan notes failures in the system, due to which points are not awarded for the implementation of projects.

Like 4u

On the site, you can wind up both live users and bots. To do this, you need to perform tasks within the system to earn money for cheating.

To attract live subscribers to the fitness center community, Alexey uses Like 4u. Every day he performs tasks for 100-200 rubles and spends them on attracting users.

He refers to the main advantages of Like 4u:

  1. Simple and intuitive interface.
  2. Quality followers who are active.

Of the shortcomings notes:

  1. A small number of available projects to be completed per day


The site has been operating for more than 4 years in the promotion market and offers users high-quality and, most importantly, live subscribers.

Irina is promoting a group of flower shops in Yekaterinburg. The main advantage is the presence of daily bonuses that can be used to promote communities. Of the shortcomings, she singles out technical support, which is not distinguished by its efficiency.


Free service working on the exchange system. Join groups of other users, get points for this and spend them on promoting your sites.

Alina has been using the site for three months. During this time, she attracted 3,000 new members to the entertainment group. As the girl notes, the main plus is live and high-quality subscribers. Of the shortcomings, she notes the blocking of social accounts. networks.


Free service for promoting groups in social networks. It is very simple to promote a Vkontakte group in it - for this you need to complete system tasks and earn internal currency for this. All funds earned are spent on promoting their own sites.
[Total: 16 Average: 3.6 / 5]

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