
Installing the iphone 5s button. Where are the Home and Power buttons on the iPhone

IPhone 5s buttons do not work. What to do?

During the operation of the IPhone 5S, users often encounter a malfunction of the Home and Power keys. In most cases, only replacing the button mechanism can fix the problem. Let's take a closer look at how to carry out the repair yourself, having all the necessary parts.

Breakdown reasons

The Home and Power keys are used very often, which is why they are most susceptible to various breakdowns. Common reasons why the button does not work in the IPhone 5S:

  • ingress of dust or moisture inside the button;
  • breakdown of the mechanism. In this case, the keys may periodically sink in or not be pressed at all;
  • violation of the membrane;
  • malfunction of the loop. Moisture can oxidize the plume. Also, due to shock, contacts may be broken.

We disassemble the phone

At this stage, you need to perform a number of standard steps to disassemble the iPhone case. All the steps described below must be performed, regardless of which key you change.

Disconnect your phone, it should not be connected to a charger or a computer. Take a screwdriver and unscrew the two screws at the very bottom of the phone case, they are shown in the figure:

Use a suction cup to gently pry off the front of the phone case. Then take a spatula and detach the edges of the display from the main body.

Open the case, but do not completely disconnect the display from the main body. Position both elements at a 90 degree angle as shown in the illustration and continue working.

Using a screwdriver, unscrew the screws circled in the picture and remove the cover plate.

Take a spatula and use it to pry and remove the cables of the front camera, display and sensor.

Only after disconnecting the three loops can the display be removed.

Now you can start replacing individual parts of the smartphone.

Replacing the Home Key

If the Home button of the IPhone 5S does not work, you can replace it yourself. The repair process does not require any special skills. All it takes is new details and follow-up step by step instructions... To replace the Home button, you first need to unscrew the two screws located at the bottom of the inside of the display module.

Remove the protective bracket, thus freeing the Home button. Take out the button.

Now replace the old part with a new one, assemble the device, following all the steps of the described instructions in reverse order. Turn on the phone and test the operation of the key. In case of poor responsiveness, disassemble the phone again and check the quality of the connection of all loops.

Replacing the Power Button

Disassemble your phone by following the steps outlined in the first instruction of this article. After you have detached the display module from the phone case, remove the 2 screws shown in the figure below. They hold the battery shield in place.

Now you need to carefully remove the protective cover of the phone battery:

Take a spatula and hook up the battery panel part. This action must be done very carefully so as not to catch with the spatula motherboard.

Use a spatula to remove the battery from the device.

Use tweezers to pry out the antenna cable.

Remove the bracket by first unscrewing its bolts.

Now disconnect the up / down button loop and all two antenna loops.

Inside the case, unscrew and remove these two bolts:

Remove the panel that covers the charging socket.

Use tweezers to disconnect the charging jack ribbon cable. This is necessary in order not to disrupt the electronics of the phone.

Remove the SIM card holder from the smartphone along with the card itself.

Using a screwdriver, unscrew all the bolts circled in the picture:

Without removing the phone's motherboard, turn it on its side towards the battery compartment.

Disconnect all cables that secure the board to the case and remove it completely. Use a pair of tweezers to push back a portion of the Power button as shown below. Set the part aside.

Remove the screw that secures the bezel to the Power key.

Detach and remove the bracket that is between the flash and rear camera devices. Now slide the protective cover of the Power key and remove the button mechanism. Replace it and put the phone back together.

Many iPhone owners, after reading the title of the article, will think that why write such obvious things. And I'll tell you that many do not know what the Home and Power buttons on the iPhone are.

Yes, of course, every owner of Apple devices uses them all the time without even realizing the name. And when it comes to some kind of instruction, they start looking for the right names on the Internet.

Today will not be a very long article, I will just tell you exactly where these buttons are and tell you a little about their main purpose.

Home and Power buttons on iPhone

So, well, I'll start with the fact that these two buttons can be found as in the very first iPhone models, and the newest. I think this option for controlling the device is to everyone's liking.

POWER button. This button performs two main functions such as locking and switching off the device. Over time, the situation has changed slightly.

Before the iPhone 6, it was on top, but then it had to be moved to the right side due to the large diagonal of the screen.

After all, not everyone could reach it, and controlling the device with one hand would become generally unrealistic.

The design changed slightly depending on the case, but in general it is still the same button that you use absolutely every day. And fortunately, it fails quite rarely.

HOME button. You can find it on the front of the device below. It is she who helps to return to main screen or invoke multitasking.

It was she who became the symbol of recognition of the iPhone and other Apple devices. It is also used to read your fingerprints and today, to unlock.

The most global changes have taken place since the iPhone 5S, when Touch ID was added and because of this, the famous square had to be removed.

The second change happened not so long ago and now we can observe, starting with the iPhone 7, touch button Home. Works in conjunction with the Taptic Engine technology.

The failure of this element does not happen so often, although as for me, it is probably changed most often. After all, physical pressing a large number of times makes itself felt.

But now we forget about it, because there are no buttons as such. There is simply an area that replaces it and make it function.


Replacing both the Home and Power buttons is not very cheap for the owners, so many try to press them very carefully, from the first days of use.

It seems to me that you were looking for where the buttons are due to the fact that you just need to restart your iPhone. If I'm right, then this material might come in handy.

If not, write the reason for reading the material. It will be very interesting for me and maybe if I have any questions, I can help.

Hi. This "problem", voiced in the title of the article, is very, very many years old. Some have crunches, others have mechanical clicks when pressed, someone thinks that this is a marriage of the "Home" button (it is simply impossible to use it and needs to be changed urgently - where is my guarantee ?!), someone uses it and worries (what if it breaks later ?), but someone just "scores" on this matter. Whom to believe is not clear. There are many opinions and it is very difficult to get to the truth.

Therefore, today I will just share with you my observations (I touched a lot of iPhones, and my friends and acquaintances mostly have Apple phones), read the forums (let's see what people write there), and then ask about the crunching and clicking of the key " Home »from Apple technical support (do they think it is normal or a marriage?). Let's go!

Of course this is a joke and after reading the article to the end it will be clear why it is very appropriate here. Although not so simple ...

Important note! In the article, we deal with the sound that the button makes not due to any mechanical damage or, for example, the ingress of liquid. Of course, if you pour it with sweet water or hit the phone “successfully”, then you can get not only a crackle from it, but also all kinds of other surprises.

It will be about its work in the "standard" mode, without the influence of external factors.

Personal experience or does the author's Home button click?

There were a lot of iPhones in my hands, but it was the crunch that I began to notice with the 5S model. Similar sounds when pressing the "Home" key appeared immediately after purchase. Moreover, with one characteristic feature:

If you don't use your iPhone for a while, you press and hear a crunch. But only for the first time. Then, if you continue to use and periodically press the button, it goes like clockwork. As soon as I put it on for a couple of hours - again the first press and crackle.

One would assume that dirt got into the button and thus rubbed off, but why did this happen from the moment of purchase? By the way, now I still have an iPhone 5S and no sounds are produced when I press "Home". Generally. Apparently got used to it completely. And at first there was such a crack that I thought it would just fall off.

How are friends and acquaintances doing? I talked to those with whom I could. Some have clicks, some do not. Everyone has different models - here are the iPhone 5, SE, 6S. Someone even talked about the iPad - there is a key sound. But the most interesting thing is that no one paid any attention to it. True to such a social. With a survey, I sowed doubts in the head of one person, he now began to think - is it a marriage or not? I had to calm down. How? More on this below.

The first conclusion is that many people have clicks, but most do not think about it.

Are there many such iPhones (with a "defect" of the Home key)?

It is clear that I cannot speak for absolutely everyone, but after reading a large number of messages and threads on various forums (including in the English-speaking segment), you can summarize the public opinion.

Many people have a mechanical click sound when pressing and releasing the "Home" button. It's just that not everyone is writing about it and not everyone is worried about it. Well, or the same situation occurs as in my example - at first it was, and then (apparently from numerous clicks) it disappeared.

Probably, it would be much worse if there were no sounds at first (upon purchase), and then suddenly appeared - this may indicate the ingress of dirt or liquid.

The second conclusion only confirms the first - we are far from alone with such a clicking button :). It is worth worrying only if a crack appears after a while and a problem such as a bad button press is added to it - then perhaps you flooded it with something or something worse ...

The Home button clicks - marriage or not? Apple technical support is in charge

And now the most important and important turn in this whole story, after which I, frankly, very much even thought about it. Who can give an official answer to this question? Of course technical support! And here a very big surprise awaited me. And all because I received two completely different answers.

At first I decided to contact them by phone - just call faster. We talked and found out that clicks when you press the Home button are more than normal for iPhone. This really happens and there is no need to be afraid of it. All OK! I sat down to finish writing this note ...

However, a telephone conversation cannot be inserted into an article, but a picture is easy! Therefore, I decided to clarify this question again, but this time in the chat. And here was the exact opposite answer:

What is the conclusion from all this?

  1. Sounds like these do not indicate any problems with the iPhone - two technical support specialists agree on this.
  2. In my opinion, it was the word “crunch” that confused the employee in the chat, and therefore he gave such a categorical answer - marriage.
  3. It is very difficult to convey the degree of audibility of this sound through the text. When talking on the phone, it was much easier to explain what I mean by clicks and extraneous banging of the "Home" button.
  4. In any case, decide whether to exercise warranty repair or a replacement will be service center.

P.S. If you have had similar cases or you have already contacted the service center with such a problem, write in the comments about the results. Very interesting.

Apple smartphones and tablets compare favorably with products from other brands not only due to high quality but also ease of use. It is simply impossible to get confused in the navigation keys on an iPhone, iPad or iPod - there is only one. However, one of the main strengths of Apple devices is also one of their main weaknesses. The physical Home button tends to wear out. In this case, the ability to display it on the screen will come in handy.

When it is necessary

Even the most tidy user is not immune from breaking the Home key. In this regard, adding the Home button to the gadget screen will be relevant:

  • with the complete inoperability of the physical analogue;
  • with partial malfunction and periodic sinking;
  • if desired, delay the breakdown of the physical button by using a virtual one.

It should be noted that in the case of the first two points, displaying the Home key on the screen is an extreme measure. It is necessary to resort to it only in the absence of a valid warranty or the ability to contact a service center.

Displaying the virtual Home button on the iPhone, iPod, iPad screen

In all versions software Apple starting from iOS 5 there is a function Assistive touch, allowing to display the floating Home button on the device display. To activate this function you will need:

The virtual Home button will appear on the screen. It will remain on the display regardless of which menu or application is open. Therefore, it will have to be periodically moved around the edges of the screen to avoid inconvenience.

As for the functionality of the key, all the capabilities of its physical counterpart are fully preserved. By pressing the virtual Home button, you will see a small menu on the screen, which offers the following options: Home, take a screenshot, change the volume, lock the screen orientation, open the multitasking panel, etc.

Virtual selection menu Home buttons

You can also activate Assistive Touch with a Siri voice prompt. This will save time and make life easier for users who have difficulty navigating through iOS settings.

To turn off Assistive Touch, repeat the first three steps above and then tap Deactivate / Off. If physical button Home is functional, you can turn Assistive Touch on and off by quickly triple clicking on it.

Many users are faced with the problem that the. At the same time, problems often begin not six months later, after use, but literally immediately after unpacking. This does not always indicate a breakdown of the key itself or the cable, quite often this behavior is associated with a small flaw that the manufacturer made when designing the phone.

In most cases, it is eliminated without disassembling the phone, using the tools at hand. If y, then you can apply a special lubricant to an ordinary thick and thin strip of paper, and then grease the key. To do this, just push it into the hole between the body and the button.

Other causes of iPhone 5s Home button clicks

But there are other reasons for mechanical problems when you press the Home button. Devices that have been in use for a long time show wear on this key. It is associated with the fact that the button is subjected to the greatest mechanical stress, since it is pressed most often. As a result, the key mechanism fails, and it begins to emit extraneous sounds.

Another cause of damage can be the ingress of foreign elements and water. The liquid oxidizes the contacts, so the stroke becomes tight and y as you go down. Only careful use smartphone or the constant wearing of special waterproof cases.

Features of iPhone 5s Home Button Repair

Repairing a button on an iPhone 5s is not easy. This is due to the fact that a complete disassembly of the smartphone will be required. In the new device, Apple has complicated the internal structure, and also used a special compound that tightly covers all parts. To access the key, you will need to disassemble the smartphone using special tools and clean it inside. All operations should be done with utmost care, since there is a high risk of accidental damage to microcircuits, which are quite fragile, and tracks.

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