
Sticker protective films on the phone. How glassy! How to stick a protective film on the phone yourself so that it is not noticeable. Any napkins will not work

Every mobile device, be it a smartphone or tablet, today has a large touch screen. You can control such a gadget, of course, only with the help of touches on such a screen. And this, in turn, causes pollution of a perfectly clean display surface, the appearance of cloudy spots, sweat marks, and so on. And this is not to mention the banal possibility of polluting the display due to external factors.

The only solution that can help all of us in working with devices is a protective accessory - a film. We are going to talk about how to properly stick a film on a phone and tablet in this article.

Why glue the film?

In addition to protecting the screen from dirt, dust and fingerprints, it also protects the display of the device from mechanical damage. And this, believe me, is much more serious.

After all, in real life it is impossible to provide 100 percent ideal conditions for using a phone or tablet - a situation can always arise when an object, touching the screen, leaves a scratch or abrasion. Obviously, the gadget will suffer from this, not to mention performance (and image transmission).

If you know how to properly stick a protective film on your phone, and do it in a timely manner, you should not worry about your device. You simply remove the old film in the event that its appearance ceases to suit you, and replace it with a new one. Thus, the screen of the tablet or smartphone itself will remain safe and sound.

Without a film, obviously, it will be possible to get rid of the scratches that have appeared only after replacing the screen.

How are films arranged?

Having understood the benefits of a protective film, you should pay attention to how it works. So, if you take one such film in your hands, you will see that there are two labels on it. The first one may indicate that this is the number one protective layer; on the second, respectively, "layer number 2".

That's right - modern films are delivered to the market in three layers. If you imagine them as a sandwich with two slices of bread and a sausage inside, then the real film that will protect your screen is the same “stuffing” (sausage). The extreme layers - "bread" - will be removed during the installation process. They serve to protect the film itself from damage (both from the top and from the bottom). If you want to know how to properly stick a film on a phone, remember to remove them.

Preparing the screen

The guarantee that the film will hold securely during the use of the device is not only its condition and quality. In fact, the surface on which the film will be pasted also plays an important role here. In this case, we mean the screen of a phone or tablet.

In order for the film to hold, it is necessary to remove everything superfluous from the display surface: dust, specks, fingerprints, moisture. If anything remains, in the future, the appearance of the gadget's screen will be slightly spoiled.

Again, if you want to know how to properly stick a film on an iPhone 3q (as well as on any other model), do not forget to clean the display. This can be done with a soft cloth or cloth that does not leave lint.

It's simple: rub the screen and look at it from an angle to determine if there is anything left on it or not. Ideally, the display surface should appear flat and smooth. Then, even after gluing the protective layer of the film, the screen will look great.

First step

So, after cleaning the display, the first step is to try on the edges of the film to the border of the screen itself. According to the instructions on how to properly stick the film on the Fly 4403 phone (and not only on it), the indent between it and the display border should be approximately 0.5 mm.

This does not mean that you need to arm yourself with a ruler and measure the same distance - no. You just need to estimate “by eye” so that there is a small gap from the film. This is normal, because films are produced in slightly smaller sizes than the screen so that they lie more evenly.

After you have outlined the "beginning" - the line from which you will glue the film, you need to proceed with its further gluing. This should be done gradually, without haste. However, read on for more on this.

Putting a film on the device

As you already understood, if you don’t know how to properly stick a film on a phone, start with a clear line, then gradually move towards the opposite edge of the device. As experts say, you need to act from the narrower side of your gadget. So it will be easier to glue the film with an even “front”.

Next, you need to use tools to level the surface of the already glued layer of material. In particular, we are talking about a plastic card (although some kind of scraper will do). By pressing it against the surface of the display, covered with a film, you can “drive out” the air bubbles that have arisen there. Thus, the screen will look nice and neat.

Removing the top layer

After you managed to cover the screen of the device with a film, we proceed to further steps, namely, we remove its upper protective layer. This is done simply: you need to pull the tab left on the film, which says "Layer No. 2" or "Remove after gluing" (depending on the type of film). Do it gradually and carefully.

If you have learned how to properly stick a protective film on a phone (Gerffins or any other brand), after removing the top film, you should have a perfectly even coating that protects the display of the device. Actually, after that you can start using your gadget.

Possible problems

Trouble may arise if, although you read how to properly stick a film on a phone, you did not do everything properly. For example, this applies to uneven film sticking or air bubbles remaining on the screen.

In the first case, you can simply re-glue your film. It will take a little time, and if everything is done correctly, the accessory itself will not deteriorate, it can be used again.

Another problem is bubbles that will make your screen look ugly. There are several ways to deal with them. We already described the first one earlier - you arm yourself with a scraper or a plastic card and simply “squeeze out” them to the nearest edge of the device. This will help to overcome large bubbles. As for the small ones, most of them, as practice shows, can disappear on their own. So don't be discouraged if you see a couple of them. The main thing is that they should not be the result of some speck getting between the glass and the film.

The place where to stick the film

As noted above, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of dirt, dust, hairs and other objects getting on the glass of the device. This means that sticking the film with high quality in dirty, dusty rooms will not work normally. The same applies to open space - the wind can ruin everything.

Go to such a room and glue your film. Let's hope everything works out for you!

In this article, I will tell you how to properly stick a protective film on the display of your tablet or smartphone. A protective film is simply a necessary accessory that will protect the screen of your device from dust, scratches, mechanical damage, etc. The most interesting thing is that after a few months you can return the device to its ideal appearance by simply replacing the film. But many have absolutely no idea how to glue it correctly and beautifully, in this article we will sort it out in this matter in a similar way.

How to stick the protective film correctly:

1) First, prepare soft, lint-free wipes to clean the display of the device. Wipes that are used to clean LCD monitors are ideal.

2) The ideal place to apply the film is in the bathroom, as it tends to have the least amount of dust. Before gluing, wash your hands well with soap and water in running, warm water, wait until they dry themselves, do not wipe with a towel because there will be lint. It is also recommended to turn on a hot shower for a short time so that the humidity level in the bathroom rises and all the dust settles.

3) We very carefully wipe the screen of the device with a napkin that we prepared earlier, make sure that there are no dust particles, fingerprints or other contaminants on the display. For better cleaning, you can use LCD monitor spray or a little water. Never wipe the screen with household cleaners or products that contain alcohol!

4) Now let's open the package and take out the film from it. Any protective film should have a special transport coating with stickers. Generally, coatings are called Step 1 And Step 2. Step 1 should not be removed entirely. Sticking is better to start with a straight and wide part of the display. Carefully remove Step 1 about three centimeters and evenly apply the edge of the film to the edge of the screen. It turns out the following picture: the protective film is only slightly stuck to the screen, it can be pressed tightly, which makes it possible for us to see whether the gluing is going smoothly, and if not, if desired, it can be easily re-glued.

5) After making sure that the film is glued evenly, smooth it over the surface of the screen, gradually removing it. Step 1. In the process of gluing, air bubbles will appear on the surface, just take a credit card and swipe it several times over the film, the bubbles will go away (the smallest ones will remain, they will disappear by themselves after some time). If large bubbles do not go away, then under these bubbles there is still debris or lint, which can only be dealt with by peeling off the film, removing dust particles and re-gluing and smoothing.

6) When the film is already pasted completely, the bubbles are removed, you can remove the protective layer Step 2 from the front side and start using the device.

A few more tips:

A good quality film can be removed and washed under running water if dust has stuck to it from the back, but you should not do this often
- During operation, the film can be cleaned with any non-aggressive agent, but rather with just water.
- If you use it correctly, it will last at least 12 months.
- If in the process of applying the film a few dust particles nevertheless got under it, do not remove and wash it! You are unlikely to be able to glue it better next time. And the dust particles will become less noticeable after a while.
- It is recommended to purchase the film immediately when purchasing the device. Since the screen of the new device is protected by a technological film, removing which you will get a pristine clean screen.
- You will never wipe the screen perfectly - there are always fluff and dust (or they will fly while you glue). PAPER TAPE is the best way to remove them! or any adhesive tape that does not leave glue on the surface after peeling off.
- If there are dust particles after gluing, bend the edge of the film and remove dust and lint with the same paper tape. It is not necessary to completely peel off the film.
- You need to change the film once every six months or less often if you see that the film is in good condition.

Screens of smartphones and tablets need protection, even if you have a Motorola Defy with Gorilla Glass. Any screen eventually becomes covered with small scratches and scuffs. Therefore, I strongly recommend gluing a protective film on the screen, because the cost of a protective film is disproportionately less than the cost of replacing glass. Although, of course, the owners of Motorola Defy were more fortunate, their screens withstand much more "bullying" of their owners.

The Internet is replete with recommendations on how to properly stick a protective film. As a rule, photos of the process of correctly sticking the protective film are given. And the necessary conditions for this. Such as clean hands, phone case, glass, absence of dust in the room where the protective film is pasted on the phone screen.
And I found on YouTube a really cool video tutorial on how to stick a film on a smartphone. After viewing which all questions will disappear by themselves.

The entire procedure took the author of the video three and a half minutes. And the music didn't disappoint either.
If the video from YouTube does not go, then you can download it via a direct link: Video instruction How to stick a protective film on the screen of a Samsung Galaxy smartphone

What you need to successfully stick a protective film on your phone

A room with little dust, such as a bathroom. Paranoids and maniacs, before locking themselves in the bathroom, need to turn on the water and wait until the dust settles (humidity increases, respectively, dust particles settle).
A credit card, wet lint-free wipes, and a dry, lint-free cloth will also come in handy (fans of a domestic manufacturer recommend a terry towel).

Wipe the surface of the phone with wet wipes (streaks from a damp cloth may remain, the main thing is that there are no stains). Next, take a terry towel. But I always use the cloth that comes with the screen protector.
Never blow, breathe, or spit on the screen. Only wet wipes and a lint-free cloth (terry towel).
Do not use any cleaning or alcohol-containing substances.
After cleaning the screen, we take the protective film and begin the sticker process.
The protective film consists of three layers. Actually from the screen protector itself and the “shirt”, one additional layer on each side.
As a rule, stickers are attached to the film on two different sides. One of them marks the side facing the smartphone screen (may be called Step1 and have a blue color), the second indicates the outer side of the protective film (may be called Step2 and have a different color from the first side).
We apply the film in place and fix it with adhesive tape on one side, preferably long, so that the film does not have a chance to move during the sticker process. We get a door. “Open” and “close” several times, make sure that the film fits correctly on the screen.
Wipe the phone screen again with a dry, lint-free cloth (terry towel).
“Open the door” and pull the blue sticker Step1 - peel off the auxiliary layer of the protective film for a couple of centimeters.
“Close the door” and press the released film to the screen. We apply the card parallel to the plane of the screen and straighten the film by squeezing out air bubbles.
Slowly and gradually detach the auxiliary layer of the protective film from the side of the screen, and at the same time evenly press the plastic card onto the surface and level the film. Watch for air bubbles. They shouldn't be. The main thing is patience. And everything will work out. And if you don't understand, watch the video again.
And lastly, do not forget to remove the second auxiliary layer of the “shirt” from the protective film from the outside. When I first glued the protective film on the screen of Motorola Defy, out of ignorance I passed a whole month with an auxiliary layer on the outside of the protective film. And then I wondered for a long time why it was so muddy, and why my fingers slide so badly across the screen 🙂

What to do if it was not possible to stick a protective film on the screen beautifully

The tape must be removed. But in no case do not pry her. It is enough to stick a piece of adhesive tape on the corner and pull it.
Then the film must be washed, dried and repeated the procedure for sticking the protective film again.

01.10.2017 16:00:00

Types of protective films

The main task of the film is to keep the presentation of the cell phone for a long time. In addition to this task, the protective film is used to matte the screen, or vice versa, to create a glossy effect, protects the screen from fingerprints. Accordingly, you can purchase a variety of films depending on the purpose of their application: matte, glossy, anti-reflective. Each person chooses a film, guided by personal tastes and preferences. Thick films are easier to stick than thin ones. They don't stretch. However, it is worth considering one fact: a thick film reduces the color reproduction of the screen and its sensitivity.

Glossy films of medium thickness are considered universal. You can find them in communication stores or online stores. They will suit any user. If you do not know how to stick a film on a phone, we will help you. Everything is made easy.

Sticker film on the phone: Necessary conditions and improvised means

We need a soft cloth. You can take one of those that are used to wipe monitors.

Where to stick a film on the phone? A similar procedure is best done in a room where there is not a lot of dust. You can use the bathroom. To create high humidity, which is an indispensable condition for the correct gluing of the film, turn on the water for a couple of minutes. Use a plastic spatula or a credit card as a smoothing item.

How to stick a film on a phone

The sticker of the film on your mobile device takes place in three stages. We will describe them to you below.

1. How to cut a film on a phone that matches its size?

In order not to make a mistake with the dimensions, use as a sample the film that the phone was equipped with during the packaging process at the factory. It exactly matches the parameters of the screen and will serve as an excellent example.

Remove the original film, put it on the protective, carefully aligning.

Take a special knife and scissors. With their help, cut the film of the required size according to the existing sample. In a couple of minutes, the result is ready - a new film for your irreplaceable and beloved gadget.

2. Sticking a protective film on the phone: preparing the device

Your first step in this procedure is to thoroughly wipe the screen with the microfiber. Then we prepare a solution based on soap or shampoo in the following proportions: add one drop of soap to twenty grams of water. We take a brush and use it to cover the screen with a thin layer of the prepared solution. This procedure will help the material not stick at random, and will make it possible to easily fix it in the correct position.


The material with which we will have to work has two different protective coatings. On the front side it is colored, and on the side of the adhesive layer it is transparent.

You should remove the transparent cover, and then put the film with an adhesive layer to the screen. Carefully align the film. The previously prepared solution helps us with this.

Now boldly remove the second coating. The time has come to use a plastic card. Use it to expel the air formed under the film. Do this in the direction from the center of the screen to the edge. Wipe off the remaining soapy liquid with a swab. Avoid getting the solution on the buttons of the device.

Other smartphones Fly
All models of Fly phones can be found in our online store.

That's all. Hard work done! Your cell phone is like new.

Leave the device alone for a while so that the film dries. After an hour or a little more, you can safely use it.

  • To stick a protective film on the phone along the edges with high quality, cut it with a millimeter gap from the edge of the screen.
  • Avoid touching the adhesive side of the material, otherwise there is a risk of dust being deposited on it, which may cause bubbles to form.

Now you know how to stick a protective film on your phone yourself. The next lesson will be devoted to how to reanimate a phone that has fallen into the water. Do not miss!

Mobile phone screens are prone to scratches as they are made of fragile plastic. Devices with glass (for example, Gorilla Glass) are spared this shortcoming, but they belong to a high price category. All other phones are usually protected with special films. And here a reasonable question arises - how to stick a film on a phone without bubbles?

Films for mobile phones are very thin. They are made to be completely invisible. And the presence of bubbles causes a feeling of irritation, as users see that there is something on top of the screen. Therefore, you need to stick a protective film on the phone so that bubbles are not created.

Self sticker film

Modern screen protectors are made from materials that adhere tightly to mobile phone screens without forming bubbles. However, they still form - this is due to the presence of sufficiently deep scratches and dust on the screens. Therefore, you need to be well prepared for the sticker. And it is best to stick the film not when the phone was already scratched, but when it was just pulled out of the package, they came home and immediately pasted it.

Manufacturers of mobile phone accessories know how to properly stick a film on a phone. Therefore, they have developed special kits that include the following components:

  • protective film;
  • A piece of soft cloth for wiping the screen (used to remove grease stains and dust);
  • Dust removal stickers;
  • Stickers for re-removing the film;
  • Film scraper.

If earlier dust was removed with the help of improvised means, for example, with adhesive tape, today all the necessary tools are supplied in the kit. So, how to stick a protective film on the phone with your own hands? First of all, you need to remove grease stains and visible dust.. To do this, the screen surface is carefully wiped with a soft cloth.

Looking at the device screen at an angle, you need to make sure that the surface is clean. Next, we take a sticker to remove dust and stick it on the screen to remove the dust that could remain after the fabric. As a result, we have at our disposal a surface ready for gluing.

After removing the dust, immediately proceed to sticking the film - do not wait for atmospheric dust to settle on the surface of the screen, which causes the formation of bubbles.

Next, carefully place the phone on the table, trying not to touch the screen surface with your hands. After that, we remove the protective film itself from the envelope and inspect the stickers pasted on it - it will be drawn here which sticker is removed first. After removing the first sticker and holding the protective film by the edges, carefully place its edge on the prepared screen surface. Do not try to stick the entire film at once, as this will definitely lead to the formation of bubbles. Stick about a quarter of the film and smooth it with a scraper.

Continue gluing the film, laying it down with the smoothing movements of the scraper - this will ensure that the film is laid without bubbles. As soon as it lies completely on the screen, smooth the edges with a scraper. When sticking a film, small bubbles often remain under it - what to do with them? If they are formed due to dust, try peeling off the film and removing dust particles with a sticker. If the bubble has formed due to a sloppy sticker, use a scraper, as if squeezing the bubble out from under the film.

After that, remove the second protective sticker and get your phone ready for use. Everyone can stick a film on a phone at home - the main thing is to prepare the surface of the screen and place the film so that it lies on it as evenly as possible, without covering the buttons, cameras and speaker holes. If there is no film specifically for your phone, purchase a universal film and cut it to fit the screen. Then follow the instructions above.

While sticking the protective film on the phone, do not touch its adhesive side with your hands - it is almost impossible to remove fingerprints remaining there.

Pay attention to such an accessory as protective glass - it resembles a film, only differs from it in increased thickness. In the event of a fall of the phone or an accidental impact, the main display will remain intact - the protective glass will take the impact on itself. It is glued in the same way as a protective film.

Protective film sticker in communication box

No matter how detailed the instructions are, many users still have problems with the sticker of the film - either it lies unevenly, or bubbles form under it. Some even drop the film or grab it with their hands. If you experience problems with the sticker of the film, contact any communication salon where it will be pasted by salon specialists. However, they themselves will offer you this service when buying a phone or film.

How much does it cost to stick a film on a phone? The estimated cost of the service is in the range of 100-150 rubles.. Sometimes consultants of communication salons offer to stick a film for free, but this is how lucky. If during the sticker process the salon specialist spoils the film, then you do not need to pay for it - he will replace the film at his own expense.

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