
Lenovo a328 does not see the memory card. Lenovo service center. The smartphone does not see the internal memory

Lenovo is currently the fourth largest PC maker in the world. The company's arsenal includes desktop PCs, laptops, mobile phones, smartphones, netbooks and even servers, monitors, tablets, video cards. And this is despite such additions to all of the above, such as mice, keyboards, memory modules, optical drives, power supplies, software and accessories, as well as cases, bags for laptops. The breadth of the company's product range is impressive, and filling the consumer market with Lenovo electronics requires serious support. The Lenovo specialized service center carries out it in many cities, especially in large centers of the country.

Today, there is a fairly common tendency to turn not to specialized service centers, but to little-known "but very understanding" equipment repairmen. When making such a choice, it is worth understanding that the Lenovo service center is directly engaged exclusively in this type of equipment and electronics and one hundred percent knows the intricacies of this particular company. Moreover, the Lenovo service center has the opportunity to quickly cooperate with other specialized companies that supply the necessary original parts for Lenovo equipment.

It is worth noting that most of the gadgets that are produced by this company have a wide range of non-standard and unique parts that can be found in few places. This is a known problem of Lenovo devices, but everything is solved thanks to specialists. Only a Lenovo service center is able to get such necessary parts for a laptop as, for example, a matrix or original backlight lamps. In any case, if you have any problems with the electronics of this company, you should contact the Lenovo service center, and here's why:

1. Only specialists can guarantee the quality of the work performed, with a complete diagnosis and determination of the exact cause of the problem.

2. Exclusively at the Lenovo service center, if necessary, you will be offered to replace a non-working part with an original one. You can get an original part only by specially ordering it somewhere in advance, or from another phone, but in the center it comes directly in the shortest possible time.

3. Lenovo service centers carry out maintenance of all company equipment, as they have selected and trained specialists directly to service Lenovo.

4. After the purchase of a particular Lenovo gadget, the buyer acquires a warranty card or receipt, with which you can get free service. This service is provided exclusively at the Lenovo service center. This right is lost if the device has already been opened before the service specialist.

5. Maintenance of any Lenovo products can take place in any of the services after the end of the warranty period.

On the Lenovo service center website, you can see the list of gadgets that are subject to repair, as well as see the pricing policy (if the repair is not under warranty) and the location of the nearest service office. Among them you will see services for the repair of tablets, laptops, netbooks, monoblocks at low prices. Masters performing repair work not only replace parts, but also carefully understand the essence of the problem, doing everything possible to prevent a recurrence of the incident.

In the Lenovo service center you will be offered a wide range of services for repair and determination of the cause of the breakdown:

testing the entire system for breakdowns, the correct operation of all functions;
diagnostics of the gadget, including the operation of internal systems, heating, the operation of each part, which helps to accurately determine the cause of the breakdown, and also prevents new breakdowns of the device;
replacement of parts, including the matrix of an electronic device. The size of its diagonal is not important, since the Lenovo service center works directly with the company's suppliers;

repair of the matrix and other elements of equipment. Masters undertake repairs only after a thorough investigation and diagnosis of the problem, when the cause is discovered, and the repair solution becomes obvious to them;
complex repair of the entire device, which may be necessary in case of major breakdowns, for example, after the gadget falls from a great height, etc.

Repair of individual parts, not to mention a comprehensive repair, requires the intervention of a true professional, and given the originality and originality of some of the company's electronics designs, only a Lenovo service center can perform this work with high quality. In their daily work, the masters regularly use high-class repair equipment, which allows them to perform the most delicate tasks. Among these working tools, mention should be made of:

specialized digital microscopes that allow for accurate diagnosis;
soldering stations class BGA;

necessary for the implementation of a complete repair and diagnostics of the hardware-software complex.
Moreover, each Lenovo service center also offers simpler services, for example, qualified advice to customers who wish to purchase electronics and equipment from this manufacturer. The specialists in the center have experience working with many devices, as well as deep knowledge in each of them, so consultations on the correct operation, use of individual device functions, etc. are also provided directly by Lenovo service centers. Among other offers, there is also a change, software update for laptops, netbooks or stationary PCs.

Thus, the decision to use the services of the Lenovo service center is the most correct one if your gadget has begun to work incorrectly, or if specific functions are not recalled, as well as in the event of absolutely any problems or questions in the field of technology and electronic technologies from Lenovo.

Good afternoon, in touch Max. I receive a lot of letters in the mail with the question of how to increase the internal memory on the Lenovo A328 smartphone, unfortunately, the inability to transfer applications to the SD card is a feature of this version of android.

On the blog, I already wrote about how you can change the memory for the lenovo A328 using a patch, we read, as I understand this method, not everyone is satisfied with the fact that the explorer shows one memory, for example 14 GB (depending on how big your flash drive is), but if you go along the path "Settings", "Applications" there are completely different numbers.

When you install applications, no matter how you want it, they are still installed in the phone's memory, this is a kind of android feature. Therefore, in this article we will analyze the method of transferring installed applications from the phone's memory to the SD card using custom firmware.

But here there is also a small nuance, the applications will initially be installed in the internal memory of the phone and when transferring installed applications from the phone to the SD card, some of the files (of any application) will still remain in the memory of your smartphone. I hope this is sorted out. I think it's time to start the firmware of the device.

What do we need for firmware

  • Device for firmware
  • Firmware LEWA V5.1 download here
  • UPDATELEWA( for stable operation of settings and contacts), we take here
  • Kernel updates to S328_For_LEWA download by this link
  • Boot for the left swing here
  • UPDATE SuperSU (Root rights) link here

We throw the firmware and all the necessary files on the SD card of the device. Disconnect phone from computer if connected).

Firmware V5.1 Lewa for Lenovo A328

Turn off smart. Now you need to boot into TWRP-recovery mode, for this we press the power key, for two, three seconds, after which we will hear a small vibration response, at this moment we release the power key and, at the same time, hold down plus and minus on the volume keys until the device is fully loaded into TWRP recovery mode. Click on the "Wipe" button. Then click on the "Advanced Wipe" button.

Next, check all the items except Micro SD, then you need to do “Swipe to Wipe” to the right, wait a few minutes, after which Wipe Complete Successful will appear on the phone screen. Now you need to reboot in TWRP-recovery mode.

To do this, click on the icon in the form of a house on the left, then on the "Reboot" and "Recovery" buttons, move "Swipe to Reboot" to the right and "Swipe to install" to the right.

The device will reboot in TWRP-recovery mode. Next, click on the "Install" button, then click on the inscription "Storage: Internal Storage", select Micro SD and click "OK". After that, select the firmware LEWA_V5_WALTON.zip and do "Swipe to Contirm Flash" to the right, the firmware process will begin, which will take some time, about 4-5 minutes.After the firmware is completed, the blue inscription Successful will appear on the smartphone screen, the firmware has been successfully completed. Click on the "Home" button.

Now we need to flash UPDATE LEWA (for stable operation of settings and contacts), press the “Install” button, select UPDATE LEWA.zip and move Swipe to the right, the same actions must be done with the boot_S328_For_LEWA.zip archive (kernel updates to S328_For_LEWA), update .zip (boot for left) and UPDATE-SuperSU-v1.99r3.zip (Root).

After all the manipulations, press the "Reboot System" button. After the smartphone reboots, you will see such a pop-eyed miracle.

After the firmware, the phone turns on for quite a long time, be patient. After the phone starts up, go to "Settings", "Details", go to the "Memory" section and check the SD card section, a window will open with a warning about rebooting the phone, click "OK".

But for some reason, System Rom Total 8 GB shows, as can be seen on the screen, although the main memory of the phone is only 4 GB. It can be seen in the firmware so it is written.

Transferring apps to SD card

When installing applications, as I wrote above, they will still be installed in the phone's memory. For testing, I installed two programs "Archos Video" and "AliExpress", now go to "Settings", "Applications" and click on the name of the installed program "Archos Video". As you can see in the screenshot, it is possible to transfer the application to the SD card.

Now let's look at the second screenshot, the program "AliExpress", here, as you can see, there is no such possibility.

How to transfer such applications to the SD card, I use the "Remove system applications" program (it has the ability to transfer applications to the SD card), you can download it from this link or website Google Play. Install the program on the phone, go to the applications, click the arrow at the top left, the sidebar will open, select the "Move to memory card" section.

We tick off those applications that we want to transfer to the SD card and click the "Move" button. The movement takes place in turn, that is, one application has been moved, you need to tap the “Move” button again and so on with each marked program.

If you install any clock widget, weather, third-party keyboard, then it is better to leave them in the phone’s memory, because if you move them to an SD card, when you reboot the device, they will simply fly off and you will have to reinstall them on a new one.

Installing themes on Lenovo A328 phone

With the Russian language of the system, in the “Themes”, “Online” section, there is no way to download them, so we go to “Settings”, “Language and input” and select “English”, after which we go to the “Theme”, “Online” section , select a theme, download, apply, then switch back to Russian.

That's basically all, I think this article will be useful to many. Subscribe to blog updates, bye bye everyone ...

Lenovo phone owners often complain that their smartphone completely refuses to recognize a memory card. The reasons for this are of a very different nature, but before taking any action, you should diagnose the gadget and the removable drive.

Primary diagnosis

Perhaps at this stage you will find the answer. So, here's what you need to do first if your Lenovo phone does not see the memory card:

  • Insert the card into any other device. It can be a camera, camcorder, another phone, etc. The main thing is that you know for sure that this device reads such cards.
  • If possible, check if the phone will read other memory cards. If so, then most likely the problem will be in the card itself and you will have an answer to the most important “why”.
  • Remove and reinsert the drive, then restart the phone. Sometimes Android crashes and refuses to see the memory card.

If you have tried all three methods, and the question remains relevant - “why does the phone not see the memory card?”, Then you need to move from diagnostics to actions.


In 90% of cases, the solution to the problem lies in the formatting of the card. To do this, you need to insert it into the card reader, place it in the computer. In the "My Computer" section, right-click on your drive and select "format". Most likely, you won't need to configure anything in the pop-up window. The main thing is that the file system is specified as FAT32.

If this does not help, then the problem lies at the physical level - the card is damaged. Solving this problem on your own is highly discouraged, because there is a huge risk of aggravating it to such a level that even the master will not be able to repair anything. It is better to immediately take the drive to an experienced specialist. Restoration, by the way, will cost several times cheaper than buying a new card.

The phone does not see the map at all

There is an even more difficult problem - when the phone does not see any card - neither its own nor someone else's. In this case, the answer to the question “why does the phone still not see the card?” lies already in the phone itself. Most likely, you will need a flashing or repair of the device. In this case, it is best to take the smartphone to a service center - they will find and solve the problem there.

The smartphone does not see the internal memory

In this case, there is only one solution - to restore the phone settings (Full Reset). To do this, do the following:

  • turn off the phone;
  • press the power button and the volume down button at the same time;
  • in the menu that appears, click "wipe media partition".

After completing the necessary operations, Lenovo will reboot. With a 99% chance the problem will be solved.

Despite the fact that most Lenovo smartphones have a microSD slot, many users are faced with the problem of being unable to install new applications due to lack of memory in the phone. This is due to the fact that, as a rule, programs are installed in system memory.

Since the budget Lenovo has quite a bit of system memory (256-512 MB), it gets clogged up quite quickly. How to deal with it? Starting with Android 2.2, it became possible to transfer some applications from system memory to the built-in or SD card.

For maximum convenience, I recommend using the AppMgr Pro III (App 2 SD) program, which can be installed by downloading from the link: link

After launching the program, we see a list of all applications installed on the smartphone. The Roaming section contains those applications that can be moved to a memory card. At the bottom of the screen is a memory status indicator, and under the icon of each is the amount of memory occupied in the phone.

To move the selected program, you must click on its icon, a window will open in which you need to click on the "Move to SD card (built-in memory)" button, after which the transfer process will take place.

By transferring several programs, you can free up memory for installing new games and software.

Of course, to transfer applications, you can not use additional programs, just go to "phone settings" - "all settings" - "applications".

And a list of installed programs will be displayed, but it does not indicate what could be transferred, so I prefer AppMgr Pro III, although if you wish, you can go to each item in this list and see if it can be transferred to a memory card.

Of course, first of all, to ensure free memory, you need to follow WHAT and WHY you install in your smartphones.

If there is no need for some applications, it is advisable to remove them immediately. Many programs use the so-called cache - temporary files that provide quick access to information. For example, the VKONTAKTE application caches music recordings for listening to them without access to the Internet. If all this is initially cached into system memory, then it is natural that the free space will run out very quickly. It is necessary to follow this.

The cache clear button is located under the button for transferring applications to a memory card. Here it is already necessary to go into the programs and look at their cache, for example, the Aliexpress program caches all the pictures that are viewed by the user, which greatly clogs the place, but in fact they may never come in handy. Conclusion - it is worth monitoring the cache of each application.

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