
Services on a megaphone in roaming. Roaming in Turkey. Minute packages - roaming abroad for calls

We have long been unable to imagine life without a mobile device. This is not only a way to get through to an important interlocutor, but also an opportunity to get on the Internet, find out important information. Therefore, even when going on vacation, far beyond the borders of our region, it is important for us to stay in touch. And I really want the tariff chosen right away to help save money by providing the necessary options. The “Be at home Megafon” service, which includes various connection options, is quite capable of giving a good quality connection, reducing the cost of it.

For traveling in Russia, the consumer can easily choose one of the options he likes: "Be at home", "All Russia", "Crimea", "Gigabyte on the road", "Internet in Russia", "Travel without worries", "Everywhere Moscow - in the central region". In addition, being constantly in roaming, you can choose one of the proposed tariffs, which were developed by the Megafon network to optimize the money spent. Let's try to understand thoroughly and in more detail in order to make the right choice.

"Make yourself at home" Megaphone

When moving around the Russian Federation, by connecting this option, the consumer gets the opportunity to make calls, write SMS, use the Internet, paying for it at the cost of a home network. In order to connect, you will need to pay an amount of 30 rubles. and the subscription fee given by you per day will be only 15 rubles.

How to activate the service "Everywhere at home" Megafon?

the whole procedure is very simple. You are recruiting *570*1# and a call button. If this is difficult to do, then send a regular SMS to the service number 05001030 and the system itself will transfer you to this option. To disable, use the usual command, similar to the first *570*2# and a call button.

Megaphone "All Russia"

By choosing this option, you create the opportunity to receive incoming calls for free on the territory of our vast country and call back by paying up to 3 rubles per minute. At the same time, the cost of SMS is reduced. Your first connection will be free. But, if there is a need to disconnect, and then return the option back, then you will pay 30 rubles. The daily subscription fee is also not high and amounts to 7 rubles per day. There are also 2 ways to connect.


  • dial the command *548*1# and the call send key;
  • send SMS to the number 0500975. Disconnection occurs by dialing *548*0# and the send call key.

"Travel without worries" Megafon

For those who like to talk a lot and discuss all the events that have happened, such an option has been invented. It allows you to make all incoming calls unlimited, makes it possible to call Moscow numbers of the Megafon network for free and without time limit. In addition, every day 30 free minutes are given for calls within Russia, and then their cost is set at 3 rubles and you can write SMS for free up to 30 pieces. Having exhausted the issued limit, you will pay the cost of the message at 3 rubles 90 kopecks.


The first connection for the subscriber becomes free, and each subsequent connection will be 30 rubles. The subscription fee, for the most sociable, is set at 39 rubles per day. We dial the command * 186 * 1 # and send a call key or send an SMS to the number 0500991. There are also two ways to disconnect. This is the word "STOP" sent by SMS to the number 0500991 or the command *186*0# and the call send key.

"Everywhere Moscow - in the central region"

If you decide to go on a tour of Russia and visit one of the proposed regions: Bryansk, Vladimir, Ivanovo, Kaluga, Nizhny Novgorod, Kostroma, Kursk, Orel, Ryazan, Smolensk, Yaroslavl, Tver, Tula, then you should definitely use this option. You get the cost of a call at the same rate that you pay when you are in your home zone. This saves you a lot of money. Considering also the fact that the cost of a daily subscription fee is only 3 rubles, and the transition to it will cost 30 rubles.


You are recruiting *105*167# and send call key or write SMS to the number 000105167 . The megaphone also involves a simple shutdown. To do this, send the command *105*167*0# and a call button. It is worth paying special attention to the fact that each MMS sent by you will be evaluated according to your home tariff with the addition of 3 rubles.

Megafon "Crimea"

The opportunity to have a rest on the territory of the Crimea makes its own adjustments to the work of a mobile operator. It is important to specifically clarify that the options described earlier do not provide an opportunity to save here. But this option will bring you significant benefits. All incoming calls become free, and it will be possible to call any Russian number for only 5 rubles per minute. If you decide to send SMS, then pay for it at 3 rubles. The connection and its cost remain unchanged, equal to 30 rubles, but the subscription fee set for the option is 6 rubles per day.


The connection is made by one of the methods most accessible to you. Recruiting a team *105*1037*1# and a call button or an empty SMS to the number 05001037. But we turn off only with the command *105*1037*2# and a call button.

Megafon "Internet in Russia"

Such a service is likely to be important to those who are already using the "Unlimited Internet for phone" or "Internet XS" option. Its essence is that being anywhere in Russia, you can easily and simply use the proposed traffic without changing your own habits. Its subscription fee can be from 5 to 10 rubles per day and the cost of connection will cost the subscriber 30 rubles. all specific parameters can always be clarified with the operator, who will adjust the exact cost depending on the tariff connected to you earlier.


The process of self-connection also involves SMS to the number 0500942 or command set *574*1# and a call button. To disconnect, you need only one command *574*0# and a call send key.

"Gigabyte on the go"

This option is for those who spend a lot of time on the Internet and rely on high speed. Paying 300 rubles per month for a gigabyte of traffic that has no expiration date. Dial a team *105*730# and send a call key or send SMS to a number 000105730 . Disabling can be done using the command *105*730*0# and a call button.

It should be understood that if you enter the territory of the northern or Far Eastern region, then such options will not work there. In addition, all the previously described possibilities for connecting the “Everywhere at home Megafon” option can be carefully studied on the official website and subscribe to them using your personal account.

On which Megafon tariff plans can I activate the service "Everywhere at home"?

The most voluminous and complete satisfaction of your needs can be obtained with a whole package, for this it is worth changing only the tariff plan. In the Megafon line, you can connect 3 tariffs to choose from everywhere like at home. These are "All inclusive M", "All inclusive L", "All inclusive VIP". You will receive from 400 to 2500 free minutes, the same amount of free SMS, and 5-10 GB of internet traffic. The cost of tariffs is 700 rubles, 1300 rubles and 2700 rubles per month, respectively. Of course, the higher the pay, the greater the opportunity. Any incoming calls will be absolutely free for subscribers. And you can waste the proposed Internet in any Russian region.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the convenience of working on connecting or disconnecting services, switching from one option to another is provided by "", connected to each user. It is there, within 10-15 minutes, that you can always understand all the intricacies and benefits of the purchased offer.

Do you often travel outside the region and want the connection to be profitable? Megafon has developed several services and tariffs especially for you.


Today it is difficult to imagine yourself in everyday life without a phone, and even more so when traveling. Therefore, it is always very important for us to be in touch. Especially for such cases, MegaFon provides various opportunities for communication, which are introduced specifically for roaming within the country. How to activate Megafon services for roaming in Russia?

For moving within the country, it will be useful for you to connect one of the services listed below.

"Fell yourself like at your own home"

This service makes it possible to communicate for a regular fee while leaving the area. Adding will cost you 30 rubles, and the payment will be 15 rubles daily.

  • To add a service to the used ones, enter the USSD command *570*1# or write SMS with any text to the number 05001030
  • You can disable the service with the command *570*2*1#

"All Russia"

Thanks to this service, all incoming calls within the country will not be charged, and the price of one message will be reduced to three rubles. If you connect for the first time, then nothing will be debited from you, and in subsequent times you will be charged 30 rubles each. Payment is 7 rubles per day.

  • To activate the service, enter a request from your phone *548*1# or send an SMS with any text to 0500975
  • If you want to delete, type *548*0#

"Travel without worries"

This service is more suitable for those who communicate a lot and actively. The option is subject to the following rates:

  • Calls to Moscow MegaFon numbers are free and unlimited
  • Free incoming calls
  • In Russia, half an hour of free communication is provided for a day, at the end, 3 rubles are charged per minute
  • 30 free messages per day, and then - 3.90 rubles

A similar set of options costs 39 rubles for each day of use, which is a very advantageous offer for those who are especially talkative. At the first connection, the fee will not be deducted, and in subsequent ones - 30 rubles.

  • Enter the USSD command to connect *186*1# or write a message to 0500991
  • Disabling is done by sending a request *186*0# or messages with the word STOP on 0500991

"Everywhere Moscow - Central Region"

This service reduces the cost of calls when traveling in the Central Region to the prices of your area. The list of regions covered by the service can be found on the official portal of the operator. For connection, 30 rubles will be deducted from you, and the fee per day will be 3 rubles.

  • The service is activated by sending a message to the number 000105167 or USSD command *105*167#
  • To remove an option, use the query *105*167*0#


Unfortunately, all the above options do not work in the Crimea and Sevastopol. If you are going to these regions, then the service "Crimea" will help you. It reduces the price of incoming calls to free, and outgoing calls will cost only 5 rubles per minute. One message will cost three rubles, regardless of the place of receipt. Payment per day is 6 rubles, and the addition costs 30 rubles.

  • To add yourself an option, type from the keyboard *105*1037*1# or write an SMS with or without any text to the number 05001037
  • You can disable it with the command *105*1037*2#

"Internet in Russia"

This service is intended for users of the following services: "Unlimited Internet for phone" and "Internet XS". It allows you to use the Internet within the available traffic throughout the country. The price of the option depends on the additional services used and is 5 or 10 rubles per day. For the first connection, you will not have to pay anything, and for the second or subsequent ones, you will be automatically charged a fee of 30 rubles. For more precise information on the cost, check directly with the operator.

  • Enter a request to add *574*1# or write a message to the number 0500942. The text can be any
  • You can opt out with a request. *574*0#

"Gigabyte on the go"

The name speaks for itself. Clients are provided with one gigabyte of Internet for 300 rubles without any restrictions.

  • Send a USSD command to add *105*730# or write an SMS to the number 000105730
  • To disable use the request *105*730*0#

If the subscriber is located in a remote area or the Far East region, as well as the Crimea and Sevastopol, then all these services will not work. In addition to the above methods, all options can be added using the Personal Account.

Roaming rates by country

If you do not want to use any of the individual travel services, simply change the current tariff. For this, the following plans will suit you.

"All Inclusive M"

The tariff provides 400 minutes to numbers within the region and throughout the country, 400 messages to numbers within the region and 5 GB of traffic. All this you get for 700 rubles a month.

You can switch to the tariff using the USSD command *105*0034# or call the number 0500934.

"All inclusive L"

800 minutes, 800 messages and 8 GB of traffic are provided. It costs 1300 rubles per month.

Adding is done by request *105*0400# or call the number 0500940.

"All inclusive VIP"

This is the highest rate. Here you will get 2500 minutes for calls to all subscribers, 2500 SMS and 10GB of internet. You will receive all this for 2700 rubles per month.

To connect, type a request *105*324#.

To work with the options and tariff plans of the company was much more convenient, use the Personal Account. It allows you to see the full list of available options, as well as add and remove them.

Video: Options for traveling "All Russia" and "The whole world"

When traveling abroad, most users want to always stay in touch. And they have such an opportunity with the Megafon Roaming service. Thanks to it, you can use all cellular services anywhere in the world and keep your own phone number. In this case, the user does not need much action. International roaming Megafon will start working fully automatically after turning on the mobile phone. The device itself will select the appropriate network and register in the available network, and the subscriber will be able to use voice, Internet or SMS.

It's worth knowing that costing Megafon roaming abroad is quite expensive. Tariffs for it are much higher than in the home network. There is a change in prices due to the technological features of the service and settlements between operators. This is worth knowing before connecting Megafon roaming. Fortunately, the cost can be significantly reduced if you use additional options from the operator.

Megafon roaming abroad

The roaming service is easy to use, but the subscriber should prepare a little before visiting another country in order to be sure to stay in touch. To do this, you need to follow just a few simple steps:

  1. Balance check. Roaming services are provided only with a positive personal account status, it is worth checking it before the trip and replenishing it, taking into account the rather high cost of services.
  2. Getting information about roaming in a particular country. Megafon enters into agreements with telecom operators in other countries, thanks to which users can stay in touch almost anywhere in the world. But it is worth visiting the company's website and checking the availability of roaming in a particular country.
  3. Service activation check. The international roaming service must be activated to work in the networks of other countries. Usually it is active for all subscribers, but you should check it through your personal account, in the office or by calling 0500. If necessary, the operator will also tell you how to enable roaming on Megafon.

Currently, roaming with online billing is available in 152 countries around the world. This is sufficient for most subscribers. If the desired country is not in the list, you will have to activate the service " Extended roaming”and independently plan their expenses, given that the money will be withdrawn with a long delay. Such countries include China, Chile, etc.

Important! You will not be able to contact support while roaming using the usual 0500 number. To do this, use the phone +7-926111-0500. Fortunately, it will also be free.

The cost of the company's services will vary depending on the country of residence of the client. Let's take a look at a few popular trends:

  • Türkiye. Here, for calls in Russia or within the country, as well as incoming calls, you will have to pay 49 rubles. per minute, if you need to call to another country, then the call will cost 129 rubles. For SMS, you will have to pay 19 rubles, and 100 Kb of traffic will cost 49 rubles.
  • Egypt, Europe and USA. The price for calls from the Russian Federation or within the country, as well as for incoming calls, is set at 79 rubles. per minute, SMS cost 19 rubles, and for 100 Kb downloaded from the Internet, the operator will charge 63 rubles. A call to other countries will also cost 129 rubles/min.
  • Canada. Here you will have to pay 129 rubles for any call.
  • Abkhazia. For incoming calls, local connections and calls, you will have to pay 33 rubles. per minute, SMS costs 139 rubles, and 100 Kb of traffic costs 11 rubles.

The whole world - roaming abroad for calls

Option " The whole world» allows you to save on incoming calls, when traveling to other countries. It costs 39 rubles per day of use. At the same time, 30 minutes of incoming calls will be free for the subscriber, after the limit is exhausted, the standard client tariff will apply.

Minute packages - roaming abroad for calls

Buying minute packages You can save a lot on calls. 25 minutes for calls from the CIS countries and Europe will cost 329 rubles, and 50 minutes - 529 rubles. Call packages in other countries will be much more expensive than 25 minutes. - 829 rubles, and 50 min. - 1429 p. Packages for incoming and outgoing calls are valid for 30 days.

Internet abroad - international roaming for mobile Internet

Internet roaming Megafon pleasure is very expensive. You can save if you connect traffic packages. They are much cheaper, but of course, they cannot be compared with home tariffs. Megafon Internet roaming packages offer 10 and 30 MB. When a subscriber is in Europe, you have to pay 129 rubles for 10 MB, and 329 rubles for 30 MB. In the CIS countries and popular states (Japan, Georgia, China, etc.), a 10 MB package costs 329 rubles, and 30 MB - 829 rubles. In other countries, for a 10 MB package, you will have to pay 1990 rubles, and for 30 MB - 4990 rubles.


Effectively save on mobile Internet allows the option " Vacation-Online». It costs 30 rubles per day. At the same time, the cost of 1 Mb of traffic is reduced to 19 rubles. The service works so far only in some countries, before connecting it is better to check their current list on the operator's website.

Roaming Megafon abroad is simply a necessary service for those who are constantly on the road. You can not purchase a SIM card from a local provider, but use your old number, as the company cooperates with many foreign telecom operators.

The subscriber receives a full package of mobile services, but at a higher cost. To reduce customer spending on roaming, Megafon provides them with options that optimize the cost of sending text and voice messages, calls, and the Internet.

The cost of mobile services depends on the types of roaming. Let's consider the most basic of them.


This type is connected to Megafon users when they travel outside their region (from one city in the country to another). The company provides in this case the “National” package. It includes the following tariff plans:

  1. "All Russia". This is a budget option that provides the opportunity to communicate with subscribers from other regions for 3 rubles per minute. There is a limit of 30 minutes for 1 day. All the time that goes beyond these limits is paid at an automatically selected rate. Please note that prices in the home region and on the Crimean peninsula may differ significantly from those listed above.
  2. "Travel without worries." For 39 rubles per day you get 30 minutes of free calls throughout Russia.
  3. "Internet in Russia". Need mobile internet while traveling? This tariff provides Megafon customers with the opportunity to use unlimited traffic at a price that is almost the same as at home.


What are the roaming rates for Megafon 2019 when traveling to other countries? Among them are:

  1. "Around the world". This tariff plan allows subscribers to communicate with their loved ones at preferential rates. As in the previous case, the client is provided with free 30 minutes of calls daily.
  2. Internet Abroad. It is intended only for the use of mobile traffic.
  3. "Vacation-online". Comprehensive package without a monthly fee, which includes budget calls and mobile internet. This tariff plan is the most advantageous for holidays in Turkey.

How to enable roaming on Megaphone?

As a rule, roaming is automatically connected when you change location. If this does not happen, you can switch to a new tariff on your own. Consider the main ways to switch to intranet or international roaming Megafon.

Call to head office

The first and probably the most common way is to call the operator at the head office. You can call the Megafon hotline and apply for roaming connection. A call from anywhere in the world will be absolutely free for you. The hotline number is +79 26 111-05-00.


Do you want to connect Megafon roaming in Turkey? Or are you vacationing in the mountains and need an advantageous tariff plan? Send an empty message to Megaphone's short number. The destination number will change depending on your location. Check the information on the operator's website.

Service Guide

If you have access to the Internet, you can go to the operator's website and use your personal account - the Service Guide. On this page, you can activate not only roaming, but also any other services that you will need while traveling.

Instructions for connecting roaming on the site:

  1. Open a browser and go to the official website of Megafon.
  2. Find the “My Account” section in the context menu. Go to it by entering your username and password in the appropriate fields.
  3. Find the section “Change tariff options”. Go to the subsection “Discounts for roaming”.
  4. In the list that opens, select the tariff plan that suits you. Make adjustments to it if necessary.
  5. After completing the work on the site, click the "Make changes" button.

Roaming is set!

Technical support

Not only the hotline of the operator's head office, but also the technical support service can help in connecting roaming. 24/7 staff are available to assist you in connecting options on your cell phone.

To call technical support, dial 0500. Follow the instructions on the answering machine to contact a specialist. It can take some time.

To activate roaming through the technical support service, you need to dictate your passport data. Be sure to indicate your location for the selection of the optimal tariff.

As soon as the conversation with the operator is completed, an SMS will be sent to your phone about the successful connection of roaming.

Mobile app

Another equally popular way to connect roaming is to use the Megafon mobile application. It is available to all users who have Google Play, Microsoft Store or App Store on their devices.

The Megafon application gives users a wide range of opportunities:

  • Changing the tariff plan.
  • Replenishment of the balance of the number.
  • Enable/disable roaming.
  • Number blocking, etc.

Such applications are very popular among customers of mobile service providers. First, it's pretty fast. The Megafon application loads within a few minutes and allows you to perform any operations with the number at any time of the day.

Second, it's practical. You no longer need to stand in lines or wait for a call center specialist on the line. Everything can be done remotely, the need for visits to the operator's department disappears.

Finally, it's free. You can download applications from the store without spending a single ruble. In addition, most transactions with the number are also free.

At any time, you can delete the application and unlink your phone number.

How to disable roaming on Megafon

Want to turn off roaming after being abroad? As with connection, this operation can be done in several simple ways:

  1. Through the service team. For a specific tariff, there is a team, their list can be found on the official website of Megafon.
  2. Contacting the head office of the company.
  3. Call to technical support.
  4. Through a personal account on the operator's website.

Each of these methods is described in detail in the previous paragraph. The main difference is that, for example, when talking with an operator, as a service, you need to specify exactly turning off roaming and refusing all additional options for communicating abroad.


Roaming communication provides users with a wide range of opportunities:

  • Calls on the most favorable terms to anywhere in the world.
  • Free text and voice messaging.
  • Use of mobile high-speed Internet.

But there are also some peculiarities. It is very unprofitable to use the mobile Internet abroad: a large amount of traffic consumed leads to significant spending on mobile communications. Almost every hotel, many cafes and restaurants have Wi-Fi. As a rule, it is free and publicly available. If you need Internet access, use a public network. This will save you a lot. In addition, there is no need to connect a special package for using mobile Internet.

If you have any questions or encounter a problem regarding the tariff plan, you can contact the operator for help at any time of the day. The technical support service is staffed around the clock by experts who are ready to give advice absolutely free of charge. The number is 0500.

International communication services provided by Megafon are available in a huge number of countries. However, before going abroad, you need to absolutely know whether there are enough funds on your account to connect a particular service. In addition, you should study all the tariffs, find out their features and cost, and also determine the countries in which they operate.

Connecting international roaming Megafon abroad

The Megafon company provides the opportunity to use mobile services in many foreign countries. However, there are some nuances:

  • Basic roaming service must be connected. It allows you to use the networks of other operators to send SMS, make calls and access the Internet.
  • The opportunity to use communication services directly abroad is provided by the "International roaming" service. It is connected additionally, over the main roaming.
  • "International roaming" does not require prior connection when visiting 152 countries of the world, since the service is activated automatically upon arrival in any country from this list. To clarify whether certain states are included in this list or not, it is most convenient by visiting the page http://moscow.megafon.ru/roaming/world/. In the column "Find out the cost of services in roaming" when entering the name of the country, the cost of services in its territory will be indicated. If it is not included in this list, or does not provide communication services at all, then a corresponding warning will immediately appear on the page.

Note: In order for international roaming to be connected automatically, a certain minimum amount of funds must be on the account. At the same time, Megafon will not charge a penny for the connection itself.

When visiting certain countries, a roaming connection is required in advance. It bears the name "Extended international roaming". Its list includes over 60 states, which can be found on the page http://moscow.megafon.ru/roaming/world/wir.html.

Attention!!!: Connection of "Extended International Roaming" is made in advance and exclusively in Megafon's communication salons! There is no charge to activate it.

Roaming communication options

The mobile operator provides subscribers who are abroad, in most cases, the same services as in their homeland.

These services include: the ability to send and receive SMS / MMS messages, receive and make calls, as well as use mobile Internet in 3G and 4G networks.

A Megafon subscriber is provided with the same high level of mobile support as in the Russian Federation. Advice can be obtained by calling the specialized number: +7 926 111 0500 . The cost of the call is 0 rubles. Calls to the short number 0500 should not be made, since the number is intended only for Russia, and in other republics a fee may be charged for connecting to the operator.

The cost of mobile communications abroad

The price of mobile services depends on the state in which the Megafon subscriber is located.

For Turkey, Spain, Italy and the Republic of Belarus, the payment is the same. Any incoming calls, as well as calls made within these countries, or made to Russia, are charged at a single price - 79 rubles per minute. If you call from them to other countries, the cost will increase to 129 rubles / min.

You do not need to pay for incoming SMS, and for outgoing SMS the price will be 25 rubles per message.

Internet with the “Turn on” tariff will cost 99 rubles per day for all messengers, when connecting to other services, 10 Mb of traffic will automatically become available for the same amount. Internet on another tariff plan will cost 350 rubles for 50 MB of traffic.

More details about the prices for all services can be found on the official website of the company by clicking on the link http://moscow.megafon.ru/roaming/.

How to reduce call prices?

Some tariffs that Megafon has developed specifically for users will help reduce costs.

  • Worldwide option. It does not provide for payment for connection, but its cost per day is 99 rubles. For this amount of money, the subscriber is given 40 minutes to any number. After this limit, the cost of one minute will be calculated according to the tariffs of the host country.

Connection is made by dialing a number *131*1# or by sending SMS with the text YES to the number 0500978 .

To disable - you need to send the text STOP to the same number.

Tariff details: http://moscow.megafon.ru/roaming/world/allworld.html.

  • Option "Around the world"will help you save a lot.

A fee of 15 rubles is charged for connecting the service. Every day, 9 rubles will be withdrawn from the account for using it. At the same time, the cost of a call for most countries will be from 13 to 19 rubles per minute. Details here: http://moscow.megafon.ru/roaming/world/aworld.html.

To connect, type the command *105*708# . Through the SMS service, the connection is made by sending the word YES to the number 000105708 . By sending the word STOP, you can disable the option.

Megaphone SMS packages in other countries

Megafon subscribers have access to 2 packages: "50 SMS Europe" and "100 SMS Europe". They operate in 46 European countries, and their price is 195 and 295 rubles, respectively. Read more here: http://moscow.megafon.ru/roaming/world/pakety_sms.html.

In order for these services to operate in other countries, you will have to pay 495/695 rubles.

Package "50 SMS Europe" becomes available after dialing the number *114*2*1# , but "100 SMS Europe" after calling the number *114*2*2# .

To check the balance of SMS, you need to make a call to a short number *558# .

Savings on Internet traffic abroad

  • Option " Vacation-online» makes it possible to save on the cost of traffic abroad. When it is connected through the command *105*0060#, or after sending the word YES to the number 0500960, the user is provided with each megabyte of traffic at a price of 15 rubles. You will also have to make a one-time payment for connection - 30 rubles. Details can be found at the link: http://moscow.megafon.ru/roaming/world/online.html.
  • Option " world online» from Megafon is a profitable solution when you need a lot of traffic. For one day, the subscriber is provided with an unlimited amount of traffic. With the only caveat that when 1 GB is used up, the connection speed will drop to 64 KB / s. Information here: http://moscow.megafon.ru/roaming/world/bezlim_internet.html.

The connection is made by typing the command *136# or by sending an SMS with the text YES to the number 05001190 .

You can also disable the service using the command *136# or by sending SMS with the word "STOP" to the number 05001190 .

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