
Download blockade cutting program for chipboard. Manual placement of parts on a sheet. PractiCAM™ Standard Packages

You can also cut sheet material manually, but it takes a lot of time and special skills. It is much easier to do this by using accompanying programs. They will help optimize the nesting map, offer other layout options and allow you to edit it yourself. In this article, we have selected for you a few representatives who do an excellent job.

Astra Nesting allows you to work with orders by importing their blanks from the catalog. There are only a few templates in the trial version, but their list will expand after purchasing a program license. The user manually forms a sheet and adds details to the project, after which the software automatically creates an optimized cutting map. It opens in the editor, where it is available for editing.

Astra S-Nesting

The next representative differs from the previous one in that it offers only a basic set of functions and tools. In addition, only pre-prepared parts of certain formats can be added. The cutting map will appear only after purchase full version Astra S-Nesting. In addition, there are several types of reports that are generated automatically and can be printed immediately.


Plaz5 is outdated software, has not been supported by the developer for a long time, but this does not prevent it from performing its task with high quality. The program is quite easy to use, does not require any special knowledge or skills. The cutting map is created quite quickly, and the user only needs to specify the parameters of parts, sheets and design the map.


The last one on our list will be ORION. The program is implemented in the form of several tables, in which the necessary information, and then the most optimized cutting map is created. From additional features there is only the option to add an edge. ORION is distributed for a fee, and trial version available for download on the official website of the developers.

Cutting sheet material is a rather complicated and time-consuming process, but this is if you do not use special software. Thanks to the programs that we reviewed in this article, the process of drawing up a cutting map will not take much time, and the user is required to make a minimum amount of effort.

Automated production system PractiCAM™ is focused on the production of products for ventilation systems from sheet and rolled metal, as well as from pipe blanks. PractiCAM™ works with plasma and laser machines with numerical program management(CNC), as well as with stamping, spiral and coordinate punching machines. The program has great functionality for cutting sheet metal, i.e. it is focused not only on the production of air ducts, but also flat parts, signboards, weather vanes, roof elements, etc.

The main advantages of the PractiCAM™ system:

Creation of air ducts of any type, as well as any other elements from sheet and rolled metal, and pipe blanks

System Libraries PractiCAM™ very extensive and unparalleled. They contain over 4000 fittings and over 1600 parameterized flat parts. Despite this diversity, the system libraries PractiCAM™ are still increasing (every time you download a new version of our program, new items will be waiting for you).

In addition to existing libraries, we can create as many different fittings, flat parts and other elements for you as you wish. We will make the parts you need and send them to you as soon as possible (as a rule, the development of a new part, depending on its complexity, takes from one to three working days).

Compatible with any equipment

System PractiCAM™ supports many models of plasma and laser CNC machines. It can also work with punch, scroll, jig punches, pipe cutters and bar code readers. If your machine model is not yet in our library, then we will write a postprocessor for you free of charge in the shortest possible time, which will connect our program with your equipment.

Instant and accurate cost estimates

During your work, the system PractiCAM™ continuously creates an accurate estimate of the cost of all costs for the manufacture of parts. The full calculation takes into account the cost of the material, labor costs for the manufacture of parts, the cost of all fasteners (bolts, screws, tires, rivets, etc.), as well as the cost of various accessories (blades, rods, dampers, etc.). As an example, the American SMACNA tables are given, but you can create your own standard tables for accounting for labor costs in your enterprise, taking into account the specifics of your production.

Export and import of information in common .dxf, dwg and .csv formats for communication with software products of 1C, Microsoft, Autodesk companies

All information about the spent metal, consumables and components contained in the system Practicam™, can be converted to a .csv file, which is supported by 1C: Accounting and Microsoft Excel. This makes it possible to calculate the cost of all your products using accounting programs.

System PractiCAM™ can work with .dxf and .dwg files, which allows you to import drawings from AutoCAD and Compass programs, as well as export nesting plans, fitting patterns and flat parts to these programs.

Import orders from the program 1C: Accounting

In the 1C: Accounting program, you can create orders for cutting fittings, indicating the names of fittings, their quantity, the material from which they should be made, technological parameters, names of allowances, etc., and send them to the system PractiCAM™. After receiving the order, the system PractiCAM™ automatically finds the specified fittings in their libraries, applies to them set parameters and lays out the fitting patterns on sheets of metal. After automatic laying, control commands for your equipment are generated, as well as various reports and labels.

metal saving

It is possible to use the rest of the sheet metal, suitable for cutting out any products from them, and to maximize the use of the sheet area. To do this, the "Warehouse" functional module has been added, which allows, after laying the parts of the main work on metal sheets, to automatically add flat parts from a pre-created list to an unused place.

Possibility of automatic stacking of products using a combined cut

V PractiCAM™ There are two options for automatic stacking of products: normal stacking and stacking with a combined cut for products that can be combined along one of the sides.

Fully Russified

In addition to the Russian language, the system PractiCAM™ translated into English, French, Spanish, Chinese and Korean.

Various types of allowances

Allowances (connectors, locks, joints, seams) and notches contained in a large number in the system libraries Practicam™, can be created in any geometric shape, fully parameterized and editable. Graphics editor provides ample opportunities for creating and editing allowances and notches.

Report creation

System PractiCAM™ provides you with a wide range of standard report templates. In addition to this, you can create your own reporting forms in any convenient format and with any type of layout. The main thing is that in the report you can report any information contained in the system Practicam™.

Create labels

Mark parts in the system PractiCAM™ easy and convenient. Various label templates are provided for your attention, but if they do not suit you, then you can create your own template. Add any information to your labels: your organization's logo, barcodes, 3D parts images, any part parameters you are interested in; edit these captions with any font style and size. You can make a label for any fitting and flat piece.

Useful specifications

Specifications (SNiPs) of the system PractiCAM™ allow you to set all the features of your production standards when working with different products, allowing you to unify production, automate the input of products for manufacturing and reduce input errors, thereby increasing your productivity, and with it your profit. You can create your own rules for the production of products that are used in your enterprise.

Availability of libraries of double wall fittings

In system PractiCAM™ there are libraries of double wall fittings. They are used in cases where it is necessary to increase the level of heat and noise insulation. For each double wall fitting, insulation can be cut to fit between its walls.

Possibility of manual and automatic segmentation for large products

System PractiCAM™ allows you to segment (break into separate components) products big size that do not fit on a sheet of metal. You can set the segmentation rules for each product yourself or entrust this process to the program.

Benefits of our technical support:

  • Better product support — at the request of users, we develop and add new software modules, we create new fittings and parametric flat parts (within 1-3 days depending on the complexity of the product), we add new ways of cutting fittings to the existing ones.
  • Free education working with the program.
  • Regular update PractiCAM™— a new release comes out at least 1 time in 2 weeks.
  • Development and addition of new labels and reports, placing on them the information required by the user.

Currently developed a new version programs PractiCAM™. Its main difference is that now the program is divided into many functional modules that can be turned on and off in various combinations, reducing or increasing the set of functions performed by the program. Depending on the number of included modules, the price of the program is formed. PractiCAM™ can still be purchased in its entirety with all its features, but it is also possible to buy either one of the standard program packages (each of which is a truncated version of the system PractiCAM™), or a standard package with additional options.

Standard packages PractiCAM™:

PractiCAM™ for generic parts.

  • Use libraries of parametric flat (two-dimensional) parts, create flat parts using a graphical editor.
  • Work with graphic model details, set dimensions, material and thickness.
  • Use multiple layers when creating a part.
  • Import files with the extension .dxf, .dwg (AutoCAD systems, Compass, etc.).
  • Apply automatic stacking of parts on metal sheets using various algorithms, including a combined cut.
  • Lay parts on sheets of metal by hand.

  • at the exit).

PractiCAM™ for ventilation.

This package allows the user to:

  • Use libraries of fittings (fittings).
  • Work with a 3D graphical model of a fitting, set dimensions, allowances, material, and determine the fitting cutting method.
  • Work with a library of fittings accessories, set flaps, stiffeners, ties, rotary blades.
  • Use different marking recesses, automatically generate bending lines, create marking lines.
  • Create a library of used materials indicating the thickness of the material and type (sheet, roll).
  • Create a library of used allowances (connectors, locks, joints).
  • Apply automatic stacking of product patterns on sheets of metal using various algorithms, including a combined cut.
  • Lay patterns of products on sheets of metal manually.
  • Based on the laying results, generate and print laying maps.
  • Based on the laying results, automatically generate a sequence of control (CNC) commands for the cutter.
  • Set the cutter parameters (table dimensions, table positioning and orientation, size and shape of the cut at the input and cut
    at the exit).
  • Determine how control commands are sent to the cutter (via file or COM port).
  • Automatically segment (cut into pieces) patterns of large size.
  • Automatically add allowances when segmenting patterns.
  • Create and edit seam allowances connecting segmented parts of patterns.
  • Create tables to recalculate fitting section parameters and apply them when creating fittings.
  • Import/export files with .pmx extension (PractiCAM™ program files).

PractiCAM™ Classic.

This package combines the "PractiCAM™ Generic Parts" and "PractiCAM™ Ventilation" packages and provides all the features listed for these packages.

The list of additional options (program capabilities) for packages is given in the table.

If you want to learn more about PractiCAM™, we can especially for you absolutely free of charge at Skype help or TeamViewer to conduct a demonstration of the program at a convenient time for you, at the same time answering all your questions. Also, especially for your machine controller, at your request, we can write a post-processor and activate PractiCAM ™ for you for 1 month, completely free of charge, so that you can evaluate all its capabilities directly at work. All you need to do is call us or write a message to our email, or leave your contact details by filling out the following form.

Optimization of cutting of various sheet materials is carried out in special programs, which helps to do everything right and save a lot of time on this task. We have compiled a small list in which we have selected for you several representatives of such software.

"Master 2" provides users with great opportunities not only in drawing up a cutting project, but also in doing business. Multi-user mode is supported, sorting and systematization of the entered information is present, data on materials and contractors are saved.

The implementation of the warehouse will help to always be aware of the remaining amount of materials. There is a distribution into tables where active orders, planned and archive are located, all information is available to the administrator for viewing and editing. "Master 2" has several assemblies, one of them is distributed free of charge and is available for download on the official website.

Cutting 3

This representative with a huge selection of materials and parts is more suitable for individual use. The cutting is well optimized, the user only needs to enter the required dimensions, select materials and specify additional settings, if necessary.

Cutting 3 gives users the ability to use files from other programs, such as loading parts from . In addition, visual design is supported.

Astra Cutting

"Astra Cutting" simplifies the cutting process as much as possible. All you have to do is load the parts, specify their dimensions and wait for the nesting plan to be processed. Third-party and official libraries of furniture and other objects are supported that are suitable for harvesting in this way.

We recommend that you pay attention to the presence of built-in documentation. It is systematized and formed in the course of work on the project. Just go to the appropriate tab when you need it and print any of the prepared documents.

There are many programs on the Internet that perform the same actions as the representatives of our article, but they all copy each other. We have tried to select the most suitable and high-quality software.

Cutting chart - is a documentation that displays which parts need to be cut from a chipboard sheet. But, in fact, it is possible not only to cut chipboard, but also any sheet material.

With the help of nesting, you can see how you can lay out the parts on the sheet. The map also contains information about the remains that will be as a result of cutting.

In the end, the advantage of cutting is to display the amount of material that will be required to create furniture.

You can also cut chipboard in the company where you will buy materials, but our task is to create cabinet furniture at home with minimization of costs, and it will not be difficult to make it yourself, even for a beginner.

To create a map, we will use the Cutting 2 program (cutting). You can download it for free at the end of the lesson.

The program interface looks like this:

In the "Materials" field, you must specify the parameters of the chipboard sheet, or if you have leftovers that you plan to cut, then the size of the leftovers. As for the chipboard size, I use sheets from the manufacturer Swisspan, whose dimensions are 2750 * 1830 mm (for large sheets) and 2440 * 1830 mm (for small ones).

Also note that in the settings of the chipboard sheet, it is necessary to set the values ​​\u200b\u200bof “Sheet cut”, since the sheets initially have chips.

If you plan to glue the PVC edge, or if you want to calculate how much paper edge is required for gluing, then you can also set it in the "Properties".

For convenience, it is possible to choose the color of the edge. This feature will facilitate the work when using more than 1 type of edge. For example: 2mm and 0.6mm or use multiple colors.

After setting up all the details, press the "Cut" button or F9.

We see that the cutting turned out unsuccessfully. To solve the problem, you can try to cut it again or shift the parts yourself. By clicking on the part and dragging it to the right place. There is also an option to expand everything by dragging it into the details in “not placed” and put it on your own as needed.

Important! When drawing up the cutting yourself, make sure that there is a place for cutting, as everything can be done “optimally” with a serpentine cutting line. After that, no one wants to cut them.

First I used Cutting 2, then Cutting 3. They differ quite strongly. But I liked the Cutting 2 version better. The third version has additional features, which by and large are not really needed for small-scale production. Cutting 2 still helps me to pre-calculate the amount of material and the length of the cut lines for large orders, such as the kitchen. To create the final cutting map, I use the Nowy Rozkrój program (Cut Optimiser or New Cut Manager) from the creators of the PRO100 program. . Both sites can be switched to Russian and read the description of the programs. And now I will describe the simple process of creating cutting maps. .

We open any project created by us in PRO100. Click on the Σ tab.

In the window that opens, a table will be displayed in which all elements of the project with their characteristics will be indicated. At the bottom of the window we find the Copy All tab.

We click on it. Now we can insert a table with our elements into the parts list in Cutting 2. But we only need elements of the base material, let's say 18 mm chipboard. Therefore, we open Excel and insert a list of PRO100 elements. Now select those lines in which the elements are not 18 mm and delete them. As a result, there remains a table consisting of 4 columns, in one of which there is only the number 18 in all cells. Select and delete this column. The remaining elements are selected and copied. We launch the Cutting 2 program. The parts table is on the right.

If it is not empty, click on the X icon above the right table and confirm clearing the list. Now we right-click on the first empty cell of the list and select the line Add from clipboard in the drop-down menu.

Click on the Execute Calculation icon.

The cutting map is ready. Can be printed and used. But I ran into some inconvenience. For example, the numbers are small, the cut lines are not clear enough.

The people who cut the material for me were unhappy with the need to use a magnifying glass. But for the preliminary calculation of the cost of the product, the program was ideal due to the transfer of parts from PRO100 to Cutting 2 described above.

Nowy Rozkroj's program is a better optimizer.

However, all part dimensions must be entered manually.

The program calculates several cutting options at once.

Depending on what is important to you, you choose your option. The option with a smaller total length of cut lines is more suitable for me, but someone needs an option with fewer trimmings (trash).

First, in the settings, I specify the cutting option without a strip,

which allows you to place more parts. After the first attempt at cutting, I see how much free space remains on the last sheet. If more than 30% is not occupied by details, then in the program parameters I indicate the horizontal cut option

and run the final calculation. the rest horizontal stripe the seller keeps the running colors of the material, which reduces the cost of furniture. The nesting maps created by Nowy Rozkroj are detailed and clear enough, and the dimensions are displayed perfectly.

Cutting result may be different. For example, you made the optimal cutting with the option without a strip, and you got 3 sheets and 3 parts. This is especially important if the seller does not sell this color of the material in a strip, but only in a sheet. In this case, apply the following option:

When adding each part, uncheck the box in the Part properties table in the Structure position.

Then, looking at your project, go through the detailing and note the structure in the details, the structure on which can only be consistent with the design, i.e. other variations of the structure on these parts are not acceptable. If this method does not help, then reduce the dimensions of hidden parts, such as plinths and connecting strips, by 10 mm or more. But don't overdo it.

There is another important advantage of this program. If you marked an edge on one side of a part, it will not move from that side to the other when the part is rotated by the optimizer, which can happen in other programs. In the event that the end edge is paper, the dimensions of the parts remain the same as in the project, and if the PVC edge is 1-2 mm thick, then do not forget to subtract the thickness of the edge from the size of the adjacent side with the glued edge.

An example of nesting maps

At the beginning of the video, until the start of the Nowy Rozkrój program, do not pay attention. And then everything on the topic. A small technical hiccup.

If your sheet is, for example, 2800 by 2070, and the cut along the side is 10 mm, forgetting that 4 mm is needed for the cut, you indicate the size of the part 2790 by 600 with an edge of 2790. As a result, the edge slips by 600. Pay attention to it's attention. I once did not check the card and gave it to work. Firstly, the guys suffered when they glued the edge on the 600 side, because. the part rested against the door of the workshop, I had to move the machine. No one thought that the distance from the machine to the wall of 2.5 m could ever be insufficient. And secondly, I had to pay for the edge to be glued on the long side, and at that moment I did not count on it. Therefore, be careful.

An error that you may encounter when drawing up nesting plans

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