
How to charge your phone in 10 minutes. Simple ways to instantly charge your smartphone. Close all applications

Perhaps, every person has faced an unpleasant situation when, before leaving home for an important meeting, it suddenly turned out that the charge in the mobile phone battery was almost exhausted. And there was not enough time to charge it. It is not surprising that the question of how to charge a phone very quickly worries every second owner of a mobile device. Fortunately, there is an effective answer to it. That is what we will talk about today. It is immediately worth noting that one should not expect any miracles.

Change the power supply

Every mobile phone comes with a charger. Its task is extremely simple: to convert an alternating mains voltage of 220 Volts to a constant one and lower it to some value determined by the features of the device model used. If you carefully study the data given on the charging case, you can see Input / Output there. For the owner, who is interested in how to charge the phone very quickly, the data presented in the second line is the most valuable. For example, it could be "5V/300mA". What does this mean? The first number indicates the output voltage. In the vast majority of chargers from modern mobile phones, it is always equal to five volts. This is done for compatibility with the computer standard, which provides exactly the same 5 V.

Now everyone knows how to charge a phone without charging - just connect it to the appropriate port of the system unit or laptop. But the second number is issued by the charger to the phone per unit of time. Depending on the model of the charger, this value can be from 300 mA to 1.2 A. Those who do not want to read further how to charge the phone faster can be advised to simply replace the charger with one in which the current is greater than " native."

Amps and battery

One of the characteristics of any battery is its indication of the amount of accumulated. For example, a battery with a capacity of 1 Ampere, after being completely discharged, will be able to recover to its original state in 1 hour, provided that the charger supplies it with a current of 1 A. Accordingly, charging that produces 300 mA, will charge such a battery in about 3 hours. In this case, the capacitance is usually specified in watts, not milliamps. You can find out the battery current by simply dividing the power by the voltage. It would seem that it is enough to replace low-current charging with a more powerful one - and you can not think about how to charge your phone faster. However, this does not work in all cases.

Charging replacement features

Sometimes from people who at one time studied how to quickly charge an "Android" (phone), you can hear that if you change the "native" charger with a low current to a more powerful model, then you can disable the mobile phone. This statement is only partly true. In modern mobile communication devices, a special microcontroller is used to regulate the amount of current supplied to the battery. That is, if the "native" charging produces 300 mA, and it was replaced with a model with 1 A, then you may encounter a situation where the controller will limit the incoming current to 300 mA. The difference in this case is dissipated in the form of heat. From the foregoing, the conclusion follows: if after the phone began to get very hot, then such a simple method should be abandoned.

Use the updated version

Those who are interested in how to quickly charge a phone should be aware that there are two universal serial bus standards in the world - USB 2.0 and 3.0 (older versions are almost never found). One of the differences lies in the amount of current that can be transferred through the corresponding port. In the second version, its value reaches 500 mA. But in the newer revision 3.0, not only the data exchange speed was changed, but also the power circuit, which made it possible to transfer as much as 900 mA through such a USB port. Thus, one of the effective and safe options on how to charge your phone without charging is to connect your mobile phone to a computer USB 3.0 connector and watch the battery fill up. Since the port itself is outwardly the same in the standards, it is recommended to use the instructions for the motherboard or laptop to determine which one is which. Some manufacturers of the nest of a newer, third version are highlighted in color, but this is rather an exception. In principle, this method is similar to replacing the charger with a more powerful one.

Take advantage of software

Anyone who is looking for an effective way to charge the phone faster can be advised to look through the instructions for the computer board. In many modern solutions, manufacturers provide for the possibility of accelerated charging of the mobile phone battery. For example, Asus offers proprietary technology proudly called AiCharger. Although there is nothing revolutionary in it, it still works. It is enough just to install the application of the same name and connect the phone to the port. In this case, the current passing through the connector increases to 1-1.2 A. A similar mechanism is offered by the Gigabyte company. On the boards of this manufacturer, the function of increasing the current per port is called On / Off Charge (sometimes 3x USB power boost). True, the phone will have to be connected to certain connectors, which are indicated in the instructions. However, these features still lose in terms of ease of use by simply replacing the charger.

Buy a dedicated USB cable

Everyone knows what a standard Universal Serial Bus wire looks like. However, the owners of external hard drives and drives are aware of modified USB cords made in the shape of the letter Y. On one side of such a wire there is a plug that connects to the device (phone, CD drive), and on the other, two connectors that connect to free USB connectors on the computer. Here is such a kind of "tee". When using it, the output current almost doubles. That is, for USB 3.0, theoretically, you can get 1800 mA. The disadvantage of this charging method is that not everyone has a Y-wire at hand.

Turn off your device

There is a very effective solution on how to charge your phone faster. Many mobile phone owners do not quite correctly charge their electronic assistant. You can speed up this process by simply turning off the phone's power while the battery is charging. Sometimes this gives an almost two-fold reduction in the time spent.

A dying smartphone battery is an all-too-common problem in today's world, with devices always seeming to be unrecoverable when you need them most. Let's take a look at some quick hacks that will show you how to charge your phone faster when you were supposed to leave the house five minutes ago.

1 way - flight mode

The easiest way to speed up the charging process is to put your phone in flight mode before plugging in the charger. This feature disables cellular, Bluetooth, radio, and Wi-Fi services that silently suppress background power even when you're not using your phone. Whether you're an Android, iOS, or Windows Phone user, you can turn on Airplane Mode by tapping the Settings app on the home screen, then selecting Airplane Mode and sliding the switch to the On position. You will know that this mode is enabled by a small airplane icon that will appear at the top of your phone screen. Switching to airplane mode means you won't be able to make or receive calls or text messages, or use data or GPS until you return your phone to normal settings.

2 way - the original zaryadnoe

When it comes to how to charge your phone, the official wall chargers that come with your smartphone are the best choice. Simply put, this is an adapter + USB cable. Plug-in charging delivers power much faster than the USB ports on a laptop or computer, and the original charger will work better than cheap imitation third-party cables.

Be careful: suspicious charging cables are associated with electric current and overheating, so we recommend avoiding fakes and using chargers approved by your phone manufacturer.

While a wall outlet is best, sometimes it's more convenient to plug your phone into a USB port on your laptop. The downside here is that the output power of the USB port is much lower, which slows down the charging time significantly. The process may take several hours to go from low battery to fully charged battery. You can also work with a slower USB port output if you are in a hurry to charge.

Another interesting tip: buy specially designed cables with two "male" USB connectors and one micro USB connector - you can charge one device at the same time using power from two USB ports.

If you have an iPhone and have a new Macbook or iMac at home, the Apple product will automatically recognize the iPhone when you plug it in and increase the phone's power output to speed up charging.

Method 3 - replacing a more powerful power supply

If you're unhappy with how quickly your device charges from a wall outlet, your phone may be compatible with fast charging accessories such as the HTC Quick Charger or Samsung Quick Charge Pad. Newer Android devices support ultra-fast charging, which basically just boosts your smartphone's power without sacrificing battery life - meaning you can charge your phone to 100% in a short amount of time. Another new Qualcomm Quick Charge 2.0 technology is a new generation of fast charging technology for phones and tablets with select Snapdragon processors. In its own lab tests, Qualcomm found that a Quick Charge 2.0 device with a 3300 mAh battery was able to reach 60 percent capacity in 30 minutes.

4 way - external battery (power bank)

Alternatively, you can also purchase an external battery for emergencies when you can't connect to a power outlet. Good external batteries range from $50 to $100 depending on capacity and features, and most importantly, they can charge your phone and help make sure you don't get stuck with a dead device on those days when you need a smartphone.


Knowing how to charge your phone faster is essential, because in the modern world, time is an integral factor. While all of these tips are designed to help you get an extra and faster charge for your phone, we don't recommend using these tips on a daily basis. In general, slow and stable charging is much better and safer for your phone.

Hardly anyone today can imagine their usual day without a smartphone. This device serves not only for communication, but helps in study and work, replaces the player, camera, computer and video camera. Therefore, if the battery of the gadget is discharged at the wrong time, it can turn into a real disaster. How to quickly charge your phone, and what to do to maximize battery life - the answers to these questions in our article.

Most mobile phone owners have Android devices. If you need emergency charging of your gadget, you can use these life hacks.

  1. Put your smartphone into airplane mode. This option turns on the blocking of all signals coming to the device. Therefore, the battery will be able to charge up to 25% faster than in normal mode.
  2. Disable phone. This method will allow you to minimize energy costs. Of course, this will not work to receive and send calls while charging. But if the situation is critical, you have to make sacrifices.
  3. Let your gadget rest. Putting the battery to charge, you need to move away from the device. After all, even just turning on the screen additionally drains the battery.
  4. Remove cover. This advice is especially relevant in the hot season. Indeed, in a protective shell, the phone receives additional overheating to what is already in the environment. A cold battery will be able to charge more efficiently.
  5. Charge with an outlet. The USB port of a computer or laptop does not allow for fast charging, just like popular wireless devices. Only standard cable and 220 volts.
  6. Use a quality adapter. Cheap chargers not only reduce the charging speed, but also negatively affect the operation of the gadget. It is better to purchase a normal device from the manufacturer of your phone.

With the help of special programs, you can speed up the charging time of Android. The DU Battery Saver and Avast battery saver apps optimize power consumption by increasing battery life by 15 to 30%.

Very fast iPhone charging

Apple device owners can also speed up the battery charging process by following these helpful tips.

  1. The power saving mode helps you to quickly charge your phone. After all, the less energy the device consumes, the faster it will replenish its reserves. The iOS 11 model already has a quick button to switch to this mode; in older iPhones, you should go to the battery settings.
  2. If you do not use the gadget while recharging, the process will go much faster. In the case when it is already necessary to go out and every minute is precious, it is better to turn off the phone altogether.
  3. The included "airplane" mode allows you to charge your iPhone up to 30 - 40 percent in half an hour. Indeed, in this state, network search, wi-fi, GPS and bluetooth are turned off, which affect the energy consumption of the device.
  4. If you remove the protective case from your iPhone, charging will be significantly faster. The whole secret is in the heating of the battery, which occurs under additional "clothes" and requires energy for cooling.
  5. Apple's terms of use recommend that you use the original device to power the battery, and also use an outlet, not a USB connector on your computer.
  6. If there is no other way out, and you have to use USB charging, you need to turn off synchronization, which draws additional energy, and also make sure that the computer or laptop does not “fall asleep”.

To optimize battery consumption, you can use the Mobile Doctor pro iPhone app.

Ways to fast charge Windows Phone

Microsoft's new models, such as the Lumia 950 XL, have a redesigned battery with a feature that allows you to charge your phone very quickly. In just half an hour, the battery accelerated by 50 percent.

But the secrets of extremely fast charging will also be useful for the owners of smartphones of this brand.

  1. Do not touch your phone while charging. This uses the remaining battery power to light the screen and open applications.
  2. It is worth putting the gadget into "airplane mode". This optimizes the work of all applications, and reduces the functionality of the device. But the rate of replenishment of the battery increases.
  3. A radical and effective method is to turn off the phone. Nothing will distract the smartphone from the work of replenishing energy.
  4. It is necessary to abandon wireless charging and the method through the USB port of the computer. They work too slowly, so they are not suitable in an emergency.

It is worth buying a Powerbank. Then, if the drive is charged, you can attach a device to it, and albeit slowly, but charge it right on the go, if you need to rush on the road.

How to charge the gadget as quickly as possible, it became clear. Is it possible to use the precious charge that the battery received with particular care?

For this you need:

  • close all currently unnecessary applications;
  • set the screen brightness to minimum;
  • turn off mobile data, wireless network, if you do not use them;
  • set the minimum time in the settings to automatically turn off the gadget screen and lock it;
  • remove the additional vibration mode;
  • connect headphones to listen to music, do not use speakers;

turn off system sounds.
And the following tips will help you make your smartphone battery last much longer from one charging process to another.

  1. It is better not to charge the gadget to 100 percent and not to discharge it to zero. The battery is more suitable to be in a state of 40 - 80%, which extends its life. Therefore, if you choose between several charges a day for a couple of percent and full depletion, and then a full charge, then you should give preference to the first option.
  2. Once a month - one and a half, you should completely discharge the battery of the gadget, and then do a full charge cycle to the maximum. This process adjusts the battery threshold settings.
  3. It is necessary to use the original, so-called native device for charging. Only it ensures maximum safety of the device and preserves the factory characteristics of the battery.
  4. It is not necessary to allow overheating or hypothermia of the smartphone. Temperatures below 40 or above 35 degrees are no longer suitable for using gadgets. Therefore, it is necessary to protect the device from the sun, heating devices and extreme weather conditions.
  5. If the battery is not in use, it is better not to store it completely discharged, but to bring it up to at least 30 - 40 percent before removing it. Otherwise, after several months of improper storage, the battery will have to be thrown away.

Listening to advice, you can make sure that the smartphone is always ready at the right time to help in communication, work or study. It is very easy to follow the rules, you just need to have the desire.

The question of how to quickly charge the phone arises when the battery level tends to zero, and the quick owner urgently needs to get away from outlets. The high-speed charging method will easily help out those who are often on flights or trips. It will allow you to competently reduce the time to recharge the battery and extend the use of the phone.

Fast ways to charge phones and other electronic devices are based on the principles of lithium batteries and their proper charging. In order to learn how to charge gadgets quickly and not harm the device itself, you need to understand how the phone works.

One of the most important parts of a modern mobile phone is considered to be an autonomous power source, or battery. In the process of technological development, mobile phones have changed several types of such devices. But almost all models of the current generation have lithium-ion batteries. To meet a device that uses a different type of energy is a rarity.

A little physics.

The advantages of lithium-based batteries include high energy density, small size of the device and low self-discharge when the device is on.

Rechargeable batteries are capable of uninterrupted and high-quality operation for a rather long period of time, but in order to maintain all important characteristics, it is necessary to adhere to the general rules of operation:

  • carry out the procedure for turning off the device before removing the battery;
  • a new battery must be subjected to at least 3 full discharge cycles;
  • do not use chargers designed for other phone models;
  • do not expose the battery to the procedure from frost or after heat, let it reach room temperature;
  • do not keep the battery on charge for more than a day, it will overheat it.

Saving battery power

To increase the charging speed, it is necessary to make sure that the device does not spend additional energy on providing secondary functions. Mobile phone manufacturers strive to increase battery capacity with each new model.

There are universal methods that reduce the level of phone power consumption:

  1. Disables the "Auto Brightness" screen settings feature.
    When this setting is enabled, the phone regularly uses power to detect indoor and outdoor light levels and adjust the backlight settings. In most cases, when this setting is disabled, the owner does not feel a difference.
  2. Disable the "Automatic Screen Rotation" program.
    A continuously operating sensor in a telephone uses a fairly large amount of energy to be saved.
  3. "Standby" setting.
    Setting a shorter amount of time before the unit enters standby mode provides more power savings.
  4. Clearing RAM.
    Mobile phone programs that are not signed out continue to work offline. This is especially true for smartphones.
  5. Change to dark screen tones.
    When using dark color screen wallpaper, battery consumption is reduced. The same applies to the night reading mode.
  6. Disable Bluetooth and Wi-Fi devices.
    The operation of the device without using these functions allows you to increase the period of activity for a long period.
  7. Rejection of the vibrating signal.
    The motor that causes the phone to vibrate uses energy, and the need for this is extremely low.

Ways to speed up the charging process

By reducing battery consumption, the phone automatically reduces the time it takes to fully charge the battery.

But with forced urgency, you can use additional small tricks:

  1. Turn off your phone.
    If the time to charge the battery is half an hour or less, then you need to exclude all the costs of the device for yourself. In the case where this is not allowed, use "Airplane Mode" or try not to use the device.
  2. Charge with a charger.
    The instructions from the manufacturer often indicate that the replenishment of energy by the device proceeds faster when using a charger rather than a computer cord. This statement is confirmed in practice.
  3. Observe the temperature regime.
    Charge the battery faster at room temperature. Due to cold or heat, the process will be slower.
  4. PC charging.
    If it is possible to charge only from a computer via a USB cable, it is necessary to refuse the function of synchronizing the actions of devices. This process is quite energy-intensive; if you need a quick charge, the procedure will greatly slow down. Please note that when using a laptop as a power source, the procedure may be interrupted. You need to make sure that the mobile phone is charging in sleep mode or the laptop is connected to the network.
  5. Choose the right charger.
    The phone comes with a standard charger that corresponds to a specific phone model. But for greater efficiency on devices with the Android OS, you can use charging for the tablet. This will help to significantly speed up the process due to the greater current supply. You don't have to worry about battery life. Each gadget has a power controller that regulates the battery charge rate. For fast charging, it is better to use devices with a thick and short wire.

It's easy to charge your mobile phone quickly. But do not resort to these methods often. If possible, let the phone charge normally. To ensure long and high-quality operation of the device, carry out preventive procedures for the battery.

At least once a month, fully charge the communication device and allow it to fully discharge.

This ensures maximum battery capacity.

Today on the agenda is an issue that is very popular and will be useful to every Android phone user. Imagine the situation, you received a Sotmarket promo code, get yourself a smartphone, and start using it. But it often happens that you need to go somewhere, and the phone is discharged, and there is only time left to charge it by a maximum of 5%, admit it, has it happened?

What to do?

There are several ways and here is the first one. If you need to quickly charge your device, you need to charge it by connecting the original charger through the adapter to the outlet. In this case, the smartphone will charge much faster than when you connect it to your laptop only via a USB cable.

Another charging option

The next trick is to use Airplane Mode while the phone is charging. Of course, you will not be able to receive calls and messages during the charging time, but this way you can achieve a stronger filling of the battery with energy in a shorter period.

Turn off your phone

If the deadlines are running out for you very much, the best way out is to turn off your smartphone. So he will not spend energy at all, but will only receive it. Naturally, in this case it is better to charge the device from the outlet.

Restriction of opportunities

If you turn off the phone or put it into flight mode, there is no way, the option to turn off the functions you don’t need at the moment is suitable for you. It can be a GPS connection, a wireless network adapter, bluetooth, and so on. These interfaces draw on some of the battery charge, and when they are disabled, you can charge your smartphone faster.

Hands off!

The last piece of advice is that you do not touch your smartphone while it is charging. You can not turn off any functions, do not limit modes, do not put the device on a vibrating alert. Just do not check the charge level every minute, let the phone charge quietly and you will be happy.

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