
Find a folder on your computer by name. How to find hidden folders - step by step instructions. Search box in a folder or library

The large capacity of modern discs allows you to store many documents or multimedia files. Therefore, without initially subjecting your directories to a certain structuring, you can get complete chaos on your hard drive. If this has already happened, and you have forgotten the location of any files, it will be difficult to find them without knowing how to use the built-in search of the operating system.

Search by file name

Knowing the name of the document, you will greatly facilitate your task and after a short period of time you will already see the file you are looking for on your computer screen. There are several ways to find it by name in Windows 7.

Through the start menu

There is a search box in the start menu of the operating system. To find the required document through this field, you must:

  1. Click on the "Start" button.
  2. Find a field.
  3. Enter the name by which the search will be carried out.
  4. See the proposed results.

After entering the proposed name of the document, you will immediately be presented with a list of found files:

In this case, Windows 7 was looking for a document called "Agency". As you can see from the previous screenshot, the first suggested option is the desired file.

How to find in a folder?

There is another way to find documents. In each directory Windows explorer 7 there is a corresponding field:

Therefore, knowing the name of the file and its location, you can:

  1. Open the desired folder in the explorer.
  2. Enter the name of the document in the field.
  3. Get the result.

In this example, the search was performed using the Biology template. As a result, the following files and folders were found:

Knowing the location of the object is not necessary. It simply speeds up the search for files by the operating system. Because modern computers have high productivity, duration of stay necessary information with a known location and with an unknown one practically does not differ. If you have no idea in which folder and even on which disk the file is saved, you can search your entire computer:

Additional filters

With a common file name, you run the risk of seeing several thousand options that complicate the choice of the desired document. If you know the date the file was modified or its size, you can specify them when searching (by entering a template in the field, you will see the proposed filters):

You can also scroll down the found list and limit the search range by clicking the "Other" button:

After such a click, Windows 7 will display the settings window:

In this window, you must:

  1. Mark the necessary folders in which the search will be carried out.
  2. Confirm the selection with the "OK" button

After the performed actions, the number of found items in the list will significantly decrease, so it will become much easier to find the one you need.

How to find inside files?

The above methods make it easier to search by name. But what if you don't know the name? In this case, you should roughly know the text of the document you are looking for. Windows 7 can find files by their contents. Such a function was not introduced in vain, because it is easier for a computer user to remember what is inside a document than to try to recall its name in memory.

By default, this method of finding files is disabled in the operating system. To enable it, you must:

  1. Open "Computer" in Explorer.
  2. Press and release the ALT button (this action allows the top horizontal menu to appear, which is normally hidden in its normal state).
  3. Select the "Service" item.
  4. Go to the sub-item "Folder options".

After clicking with the mouse on the specified submenu, Windows 7 will display the following window:

In it, you must:

  1. Go to the "Search" tab.
  2. Check the box responsible for scanning the contents of objects;
  3. Confirm the changes with the "Apply" button.

The procedure is shown in the following screenshot:

This method significantly slows down the search for the desired object, but sometimes it is simply irreplaceable (for example, if several people use the computer). Therefore, if you do not want to wait and do not want to waste time scanning inside all documents, you can enable or disable this option at your discretion. After changing the settings, the file search is carried out according to the same scheme as described above, without any changes.

An example of finding a document by its content

You can find an object by any phrase, but it is especially easy to search for a file with poems. After all, it is easier to remember a line from a poem than a phrase from an accounting report. However, in the second case, a few of the most common words in the document will help you find any report.

For example, you have somewhere a document with Shakespeare's sonnets, and you remember the phrase from one sonnet: "Will you compare me?" To find this collection on your computer, you need:

  1. Open "Computer" in the explorer.
  2. Go to the required folder (if known).
  3. Enter the phrase you remember in the search field.
  4. Get the result.

In this way, any information is found, provided that it is saved on your disk.

Sometimes it becomes a big problem for the user to find hidden folders. It is especially difficult to find system files on the computer. Windows operating system device does not display all system files... In fact, the process of finding them on a computer is very simple, everyone can master it without difficulty. And the question: "How to find a hidden folder?" won't be a problem anymore.


Windows is the most used OS in the world, so we will work with it. It should be noted right away that in different versions of the operating system, the location of the submenus may change, but the algorithm of actions is unchanged.

Working on the computer comes from the Start menu. This is a bright rectangular or round button with the inscription or Windows icon... It is located in the lower left corner of the screen on the taskbar.

The first stage - "Control Panel"

Left-click on the "Start" button, after which a directory consisting of 2 parts will open. One with a white background, the other with a blue background fill (there may be other colors).

The next step is to find the "Control Panel" section on the colored part of the directory and click on it. Then the "Parameter settings" window will open.

Opposite the window is a drop-down menu called "View". In it, select the item "Small icons".

As a result, the files contained in the directory will become smaller and larger. Now we find the section "Folder Options" and click on it.

This will open a new window with the same name. It contains various settings.

The second stage is working with tabs

At the top of the window on your computer there are tabs: "General", "View", "Search". You need to select the "View" tab.

It contains 2 blocks:

They are located one under the other. You must select a block "Extra options"... In it, among a series of square fields, where some are marked with checkmarks, and others are empty, you need to find round icons. There are only 4 of them, of which you need to mark an empty form with the name "Show hidden files, folders, disks". By default, a directory with the same name is checked, but with the "Not" particle in front.

To make it easier to navigate, you need to go down to the very bottom of the block and find the name "Hidden files and folders".

The final stage

After desired function activated, you need to confirm the action. This is done using the "Apply" button. It is located at the very bottom of the block and is the last in a row with the "OK" and "Cancel" buttons. Directly above it is a form called "Restore Defaults".

After clicking on the "Apply" button, it dims. All you can go to the Windows partition on the C drive, all hidden partitions on the computer are now displayed, they are translucent.

Using this guide, you can find all hidden files on your computer.

I often find that even experienced users do not know a simple trick to quickly find a file in a folder.

Suppose you have a folder with a lot of objects and, as usual, it is difficult to find the desired object in it. How to quickly find desired file or folder? For example, starting with "B" without using the "Find" function (ctrl + F).

Of course, you can use the search, that is, go to Start and enter a word, or press hotkey ctrl + F and search directly in the folder. You can search with your eyes.

But there is an even easier way

For example, I need to find the "Bob Marley" folder. To do this, make the window active (select it) and press the letter "b" on the keyboard - an object with a name on this letter will be highlighted in the directory. To iterate over objects on "b" press the letter several times.

Thus, even in the most heaped folder, you can quickly find the desired file!

How to quickly find a file in a folder of a specific format

To select files of a specific format, e.g. .mp3, use the search ctrl + F3. To do this, type in * .mp3 in the search bar.

Where the * sign will denote all possible characters. In the same way, you can find files with any number of characters in the name by substituting the combination of characters * file * between the asterisks.

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You know that not all directories are user-accessible. This was done by the OS developers for a reason. Let's take a look at why you need it and how to find a hidden folder in Windows 10.

What is it for

The developers have created hidden directories where data with important system information is stored. This is necessary so that the user does not accidentally delete the files used for the operation of the OS. Sometimes it becomes necessary to make them visible. This is necessary in order to:

  • Clean your PC from "junk" files;
  • For safety, so that a person does not accidentally delete the information necessary for the operation of the OS;
  • When a virus hits.

Take seriously the data stored in hidden files, the stability of the system depends on it.

How to find a hidden folder on a Windows computer

Include directories in explorer.

Removing the "Hidden" attribute

Click on the file or directory with the right mouse button, then "Properties".
Remove the checkbox opposite the corresponding item.

Hidden folders on Windows 7 how to find

Follow the sequence of these steps:

How to find in Total Commander

Many people use this popular one for work, so let's look at how to enable the display of hidden information in it. To do this, go to "Configuration" - "Settings".

Click on the link "Content of panels", mark the item as in the screenshot.


We've covered how to open a hidden folder. Use the methods described above to clean your system of malware and junk files. Be careful not to delete the system information necessary for the OS to function.

Many of us prefer not only watching movies, reading text, listening to music on the Internet. I also want to download it to my computer or laptop. But where to find the downloaded files, in some cases it can be quite difficult.

Although gradually many are abandoning this idea, realizing that any information can be found on the Internet again and again. But, firstly, the Internet is not yet available everywhere. Second, Internet access is not always cheap or free. Thirdly, you just want to have your favorite files on your PC or laptop. I want to, and that's it.

Therefore, the task of downloading is relevant. It seems like it was downloaded, but where did it all go, where can I find the downloaded files? The problem was drawn.

Let's consider 3 (three) ways to find downloaded files from the Internet on your computer:

  1. using Windows Explorer, which is available on computers with the Windows operating system,
  2. through "Search",
  3. using the Downloads folder that is in every browser.

Let's start looking for files using Explorer. This method is suitable for those who have installed on their computer operating system Windows.

1 Explorer to find files downloaded from the Internet

We open the Explorer. In Windows 7, Explorer is next to the button:

Rice. 1. Downloaded files from the Internet are located in the "Downloads" folder in Explorer

There is a Downloads folder in Explorer (1 in Fig. 1). If you click on it, then in this you can see the downloaded files from the Internet.

2 "Search" line to find the downloaded file

On a computer, the Search string can be found, for example, in Windows 7 in the Start menu.

Rice. 2. "Search" line to find the downloaded file

1 in fig. 2 - click "Start".
2 in Fig. 2 - in the "Search" line, enter the name of the file downloaded from the Internet.
3 in Fig. 2 - file search results.

If the file name in the "Search" is entered more or less reliably, then it is very likely that the file will be found as a result of the search.

There is no doubt: searching for a file by its name is a convenient service on a computer. But who remembers the name of a file that was once downloaded on the Internet?

I will take the liberty of saying that the majority of users do not remember it. In addition, files downloaded from the Internet may have strange names that are impossible not only to remember, but even to understand, some kind of gibberish. Therefore, we move on to the next method of finding a file on your computer downloaded from the Internet.

3 "Downloads" folder in different browsers and how to change it

A browser is usually used to access the Internet. With the help of a browser, users go to social networks, go to various sites. Therefore, files from the Internet (pictures, songs, videos, etc.) are most often downloaded through a browser. The browser has a Downloads folder where you can find downloaded files from the Internet.

Below is a look at how to find the Downloads folder in browsers. Google chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Yandex Browser, Internet Explorer, as well as how to change the standard download folder for downloaded files to a convenient folder.

So, we will look for the downloaded files in the browser, in the "Downloads" folder. To do this, you usually need to go to the menu of any browser and find the "Downloads" option there.

1 in fig. 3 - in the Google Chrome browser on the right upper corner click on the button-menu "Configure and manage Google Chrome".
2 in Fig. 3 - a menu will open in which you need to click on the "Downloads" option.

Rice. 3. The "Downloads" folder in the Google Chrome browser

By clicking on the "Downloads" option, we will see the downloaded files.

How do I delete my download history in Google Chrome?

To delete something unnecessary, just click on the cross in front of the irrelevant file:

Rice. 4. Downloaded files in the "Downloads" folder in Google Chrome

In the browser settings there is a tab “Personal data”, and in it there is a button “Clear history”. This is how you can quickly delete the history of downloaded files over a period of time:

  • over the past hour,
  • for yesterday
  • last week,
  • for the last 4 weeks, for all time.

This removes the list of files downloaded from using google Chrome. The files themselves remain on the computer.

How to change the Downloads folder in Google Chrome

By default in Google browser Chrome files saved to folders:

  • Windows Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8: \ Users \<имя_пользователя>\ Downloads
  • Windows XP: \ Documents and Settings \<имя_пользователя>\ My Documents \ Downloads
  • Mac OS: / Users /<имя_пользователя>/ Downloads
  • Linux: / home /<имя пользователя>/ Downloads

To change the Downloads folder, open google settings Chrome (3 in Figure 3). At the end of the settings page, click on the "Show additional settings" button and in the additional settings we find the "Downloaded files" option (1 in Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. You can change the location of downloaded files in Google Chrome

If you click on the "Change" button (2 in Fig. 5), the "Browse for folders" will open. In this overview you can

  • using the slider (3 in Fig. 5) find the desired download folder,
  • either create new folder for loading (4 in Fig. 5).

After choosing a new download folder, do not forget to click on "OK".

Screenshots are for Google browser Chrome 55.0.2883.87.

  • To do this, in the "Downloads" folder, click on the file icon (but not on the link) with RMB (right mouse button). On either touch screen hold your finger on the file icon a little longer. A context menu should appear for the file, which contains a list of all valid actions with respect to this file.
  • In this menu, click the "Save As" option (for example, maybe "Save Image As").
  • The "Save As" window will open, in which you need to find the folder to save the file from the downloads to another location. Instead of a folder, you can select Desktop. Although you need to understand that cluttering the Desktop on your computer with files downloaded from the Internet is not a good idea.
  • After you have decided on the save location, you can change or leave the same file name.
  • Now that the location for storing the file (folder) and the file name are determined, click the "Save" button in the "Save As" window.
  • You can make sure that the file is saved in a location where you can easily find it later. To do this, find the file in a new location. You can check that it opens and everything is OK with it.
  • Now you can remove the duplicate of this file from the Downloads folder.

Where are the downloads in Yandex Browser

Yandex Browser has the same engine as the Google Chrome browser, so the settings of these browsers have a lot in common.

In Yandex Browser, in the upper right corner, click on the "Yandex Browser Settings" menu (1 in Fig. 6), and in the menu that appears, click on the "Downloads" option.

Rice. 6. Downloads in Yandex Browser

Open "Downloads" and see the downloaded files. Move the mouse cursor to the downloaded file and click on button 1 in Fig. 7, or you can right-click (right-click) on the file. A list of operations that can be applied to the downloaded file will appear. For example, you can delete a file (2 in Fig. 7).

Rice. 7. What can be done with downloaded files in Yandex Browser

Screenshots are for Yandex browser version

How to change the Downloads folder in Yandex Browser

To change the standard Downloads folder in Yandex Browser to another folder, you need to open Settings (3 in Fig. 6).

Then, on the settings page, click "Show advanced settings" and find the "Downloaded files" option there, which has the same as for the Google Chrome browser (Fig. 5).

Opposite the "Downloaded files" option, click on the "Change" button, select the appropriate folder to save the downloaded files.

Mozilla Downloads folder

Rice. 8. Downloads in Mozilla

Folder Mozilla Downloads has the form of a down arrow (1 in Fig. 8). You can click on this arrow, a drop-down menu will appear.

2 in Fig. 8 - By clicking the "Show all downloads" option, we will see all downloaded files in the Mozilla browser.

To change the default Downloads folder in Mozilla to a different folder,

click "Open menu" (1 in Fig. 9),
then "Settings", the "General" window will open.

You can click on the "Browse" button (2 in Fig. 9) and select another folder to save the downloaded files in it:

Rice. 9. Change the "Downloads" folder for downloaded files in Mozilla

Screenshots are for browser Mozilla versions 50.1.

Opera Downloads folder

Rice. 10. "Downloads" folder in the Opera browser

To find downloaded files in Opera:

1 in fig. 10 - click "Menu" in the upper left corner of the Opera browser,
2 in Fig. 10 - open "Downloads".

How to change the download folder in Opera

To change the download folder for downloaded files from the Internet, click "Settings" (3 in Fig. 10). Then in the "Downloads" tab opposite the "Download folder" click on the "Change" button and select another folder to download the downloaded files.

Screenshots for Opera browser version 42.0.2393.137.

Where downloads in Internet Explorer

Rice. 11. Downloads in Internet Explorer

To find downloaded files in Internet Explorer:

1 in fig. 11 - click on the top menu "Service",
2 in Fig. 11 - click "View downloads".

Screenshots for Internet browser Explorer version 11.0.9600

What can you do with files in the Downloads folder?

Video version of the article "Where to find downloaded files from the Internet on your computer"

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