
How to disable paid Tele2 services. How to enable the second line on Tele2 How to disable the second line

The leading mobile operators in the service price list have a rich functional service. So, for example, in order not to miss a call, while communicating at this moment with another subscriber, the "Call waiting" option is connected. It allows you to make an outgoing call or receive an incoming call without rejecting the conversation, putting it on hold. To understand how the second line on Tele2 is connected, we suggest reading the article to the end.

Service and its description

The option is actually up-to-date. In the world active communication sometimes you do not have time not only to answer the call, but even forget who you wanted to dial. And what to do when you are waiting for an important conversation, and then your best friend calls you. If you do not answer, then he will be offended, and pick up the phone, then you cannot avoid the missed contact. It is for such situations that Tele2 has developed the Second Line service.

The option functions as follows:

  1. The subscriber is conducting a conversation on the phone.
  2. At this moment, an incoming call comes in.
  3. Short beeps (peak-to-peak) can be heard in the handset.
  4. The device monitor will display information containing the number, the name of the contact, if it is entered in the phone book.
  5. It remains for the subscriber to decide what to do with this? To answer. Reset. Leave without attention.

With the Call Waiting service, the user independently determines who to talk to and who to give priority to. If the second call is answered, the system allows you to alternate conversations, one by one to put subscribers on hold. Therefore, the option is unambiguously important for those people who lead an active lifestyle and strive to always be in touch, even when talking on the phone for a long time.

Service activation

Since 2014, up to this time, the "Second line" option worked in automatic mode, it is connected after the telecom operator receives official personal consent from the subscriber. To manage the service, just use the USSD command by sending a request to * 43 # call sending. In a response message, a text will be sent to the mobile device informing about the change in the status of the service. It is possible to conduct a conversation on two lines without the participation of a provider. To do this, you need to study the phone settings. In the "Calls" section, check the box next to or enable "Parallel call". The item you are interested in in each device can be called differently.

You can check this service by calling the subscriber:

  1. If the option works, then at the moment of making an incoming call, instead of short beeps, the phrase “Please wait, the subscriber is busy” is heard.
  2. If this option is not active, the line will be busy.

Each of the users has the right to use one of two options in order not to miss an important contact.

Disabling the service

Surely you are wondering how to disconnect the second line? If the service was provided by the operator, then with mobile device system request # 43 # send a call is sent. From this moment on, the service stops working. In addition, turn the above paragraph to the off position, in the case when parallel conversations were carried out thanks to the internal settings of the phone. If another contact with his signals interferes with an important conversation, you can disconnect the second line in a simple way- drop the call.

Service maintenance

The option for Tele2 subscribers is provided free of charge, and a monthly fee is not charged. Multiple activation and withdrawal of the service is allowed. The cost of calls on a parallel channel is charged according to the included tariff plans.

When we talk on a mobile phone, the rest of the subscribers who are trying to call us have to wait until the busy line is free. At the same time, few people know that all Russian operators support such quite common functionality as the second line. This functionality is provided by the MTS operator with the Call waiting and holding service. How to connect the second line to MTS and what is needed for this?

The second line is the opportunity not to lose two simultaneous calls... For example, you are talking to relatives and waiting for a work call. When you receive this call, you will hear a characteristic beeping in the receiver and you will be able to receive the second incoming call leaving the first call pending. The same applies to outgoing calls - while talking to one subscriber, you can put him on hold and call another subscriber.

In this review, we will analyze in detail how the Call Waiting and Holding service works, which offers us a second line on MTS.

How to make a second line on MTS

The presence of the second line will allow us not to miss an important call when making an ongoing call. In this case, the second caller the subscriber will not hear the hang-up signals, but the offer to wait until the called party can answer the call. At this time, the called subscriber will hear a “beeping” signal in his phone, announcing another incoming call. Having heard the signal about the second incoming call, the caller can do the following:

  • Continue the current conversation, ignoring the second incoming call;
  • Press the number 2 and the green key, accepting the second call and leaving the first subscriber on hold;
  • Press the number 1 and the green key, accepting the second call and completely ending the first call;
  • Press the number 0 and the green key - the second call will be dropped, and the current conversation will be continued.

All these actions can be performed without number keys, using the functionality of your mobile phone.

Support for the second line, as well as the functions of holding current calls, are available in any modern mobile phones and smartphones. Moreover, it is impossible to receive the third incoming call - this subscriber will hear a busy signal.

By the way, the presence of a second line allows you not only to receive additional incoming calls, but also to make outgoing calls - for this you can right in the middle of a conversation with the current subscriber, dial the desired number and press the call button. After that, the current call will be put on hold, and we will be able to call another subscriber.

As for the tariffication, everything here depends on the direction of the current and held calls. Both incoming calls will be free, and both outgoing ones will be charged in accordance with the direction of calls, for example, long distance within Russia and local outgoing rates. When you are in intranet, national or international roaming, the tariffication will correspond to the roaming tariff scale in one direction or another.

Connect the second line to the MTS, if necessary, can all subscribers, regardless of the tariff plan... To do this, dial a simple USSD command * 43 # on your mobile phone. The same command checks the status of the Call Waiting and Holding service, which provides the functionality of the second line.

How to set up a second line on MTS through the phone menu

Many mobile phones, including old ones, allow you to connect a second line through the call settings menu. Find this menu, check the status of the service through it, and then connect it. Not to miss an important call when your phone was unavailable, the service MTS called you will allow, thanks to which you can get all the information about missed calls.

How to disconnect the second line of MTS

The disconnection of the second line on the MTS is carried out via the USSD-command * 43 # or through the corresponding menu of the mobile phone.

For subscribers who have connected after March 13, 2009, the Call Waiting and Holding service is automatically activated. If you connected to the MTS network before this date, activate the second line yourself, using the tools presented in the review.

Articles and Life Hacks

It is always important for a busy person to stay in touch.

One missed call can cost not only a lot of money, but also a missed dream, for example.

Therefore, it is important to know how to set up a second line on your phone so that you can always have all incoming calls.

We set up the second line on phones with the help of operators

offer their services for setting up the second line on the gadget. To do this, each of them has their own specific commands:
  1. - to activate the option on the device, type the command *43# and press the call key. Also, a call to the operator at the number will help 0890 ... Service activation is possible through Personal Area, to enter it you will need to enter your mobile phone number and password.
  2. - the installation of the second line will occur after dialing a combination *43# , call the operator at the number 0500 ... It is also possible to enter your personal account, in which the option is enabled in the corresponding section.
  3. - command *43# allows you to turn on the second line, call the operator at the number 611 will also assist in activation.
  4. - the combination does not differ from other operators, *43# - and the second line will work. Operator number 0611 , you can call around the clock. Connection is available through your personal account.
This type of service is completely free for subscribers of all operators.

How to do this through the device settings

It's easy to set up a second line on your phone. On gadgets with Android OS, connection is possible at the following pattern of action:
  • Opens the main menu of the device.
  • Go to the settings section.
  • Finding the section "Parameters" and "Call".
  • Setting a check mark or moving the slider to the right in the “Call Waiting” subsection.
Now, during a conversation and a new call arrives, you will hear a melody.

If you want to answer a call while communicating with another subscriber, then on the screen you should press the "Answer" button.

In this case, the first call will remain on hold, and the second person will be able to have a conversation.

A rather limited number of subscribers know about the availability of such a service as "second line". So they have to languish in anticipation of the moment when the called interlocutor ends his conversation. One of the leaders of the domestic mobile market, the operator MTS, provides the specified service with a corresponding option - "Call waiting and holding". To find out how the MTS Second Line functions, one has only to read the proposed article.

The use of the second line is the only chance that makes it possible to keep two subscribers connected at once. Hearing periodic beeping during a call, you will be notified of a call from another subscriber. You can accept it with one touch of your finger. In this case, the previous interlocutor will have to "hang" a little on the line. The situation will be similar with outgoing calls. It will not be difficult for you to send the first subscriber to standby mode and dial the number of the second one.

The principle of operation of the Second line of MTS

The presence of one more line will allow you to find out about the second call in the current call mode. Once on the talking interlocutor, the caller will be able to hear in the receiver not the usual "hang up" sounds, but a polite request to wait a little.

Simultaneously with the calling party, "beeping" sounds "will appear in the phone of the called subscriber," informing about a new incoming call.

Depending on the importance of the first and second calls, the called subscriber will have several options for conducting a conversation:

  1. You can ignore the appearance of the second call, calmly continuing the current conversation;
  2. To answer the persistent signals of the second caller and send the first to the "standby" mode, press in turn the "2" key and the green call key;
  3. Alternate pressing of the number "1" and the same green key will allow the second subscriber to answer, and completely stop the conversation with the first one;
  4. If you are not interested in the second incoming call, you can simply drop it. To do this, after pressing the number "0", you will have to press the same green key.

By the way, these manipulations can be successfully performed without pressing the number keys. Functionality of all mobile phones implements this process quite easily.

Important: Both smartphones and all phones support "second line" functions. But the third to the caller you will not be able to get through to the interlocutor. In any case, he will only be able to hear the dial tone.

Using the second line function provides additional features, and when receiving calls, and when making them. Without interrupting the conversation, you can dial the necessary numbers on the keyboard and make a call. In this case, hold will be enabled for the current call, and you will be able to call the second subscriber.

The tariffication of the described service will be influenced by the directions of the calls made. Incoming payments will not be charged, and outgoing ones will be paid according to the current tariffs. When the subscriber is in the roaming zone, the cost of calls will be determined by the current roaming network.

Whatever tariff the subscriber uses, he may not worry about how to turn on the second line on MTS. The service will be available to absolutely everyone. Its activation is performed using a USSD request in the * 43 # format. The same combination can be used to check the status of the service.

Configuring the Second line in the MTS network through the telephone menu

Even the oldest phone models are capable of connecting another line. To do this, you just need to "go" into the call settings. First, it is advisable to check the status of the service, and only then start using it.

MTS will be able to offer another very useful service, which allows you to find out about those calls that were made during the period of the switched off (unavailable phone). We are talking about the "You've received a call" option.

How to disconnect the Second line of MTS?

It is also not difficult to find out how to disconnect the second line on MTS. Such a shutdown is performed using the already specified USSD code in the format *43# or using the telephone menu.

Important: For those subscribers who “joined” the MTS network later than 13.03.2009, the service will be activated by default. Users whose subscriber experience began earlier than the specified date should activate the second line on their own.

The rhythm of life modern man is so dynamic, and the day is full of various events that we have to constantly make and receive many calls. To minimize the risk of missing an important call while you are already on the phone, you need to know how to set up a second line on your phone.

This option will notify you that someone else is trying to call you at the time of the conversation. In this situation, the subscriber, instead of a busy signal, will be notified that you are talking, but will be able to wait until you answer the call. You will be notified of an incoming call by a characteristic signal, and you will be able to decide whether to answer the new call by putting the current interlocutor on hold, or ignore it. Note that this service is usually provided mobile operators free, and is most often enabled by default. If you wish, you can turn it off, and then you will be notified about the missed call in an SMS message.

How to enable the second line

The second line option on the phone assumes the activation of the standby mode for the subscriber who called you at the moment when you are already talking with another person. Moreover, you can switch the first subscriber to standby mode by switching to a conversation with the second one. If it is not long and the interlocutor waits for the end, then you will return to the interrupted conversation. In this way, using one number, you can simultaneously hold two calls in the talk mode.

To use this service (if you have not connected it), check with your operator how to enable the second line on your phone, and under what conditions this option is provided. As we have already noted, most likely, it will be included in tariff plan, and you will not have to pay extra for its use. If the operator has confirmed the activation of this service, its settings and mode can be checked using the smartphone menu. To check the status of the service or enable it, go to the phone settings menu, go to the call options tab and check the “Call waiting” box, thereby activating it.

If you did everything correctly, then the next time you receive a call during a conversation, you will hear a short sound signal reporting another incoming call. At this moment, looking at the screen, you will see information about who is calling you. You can answer the call by putting the current subscriber on hold, or reject it by continuing the conversation. If you reject an incoming call, the subscriber will hear a busy signal. The one of the subscribers whom you put on hold will hear the corresponding melody at this time.

What is required to use the second line

So, we figured out how to connect the second line on the phone, and now it is clear that for this we only need two things:

    Mobile phone.

    Active sim card one of the operators cellular communication(MTS, Megafon, Beeline, etc.).

If you could not find the item you need to activate the service in the menu of your smartphone, use the following combination of numbers: dial * 43 # and press the call key. This is the default combination used by most mobile operators to activate the standby service. You can also disable this option using the appropriate combination: # 43 # and the call button.

Before installing a second line on your phone, you need to understand one point. If you made a paid call, and during the conversation switched to an incoming call, putting the first interlocutor on hold, the corresponding fee will be debited from you all this time. Until the connection with the first subscriber is interrupted on your or his initiative.

Modern technologies allow not only not to miss an important call within the same number, but to divide personal and business contacts into different SIM cards, while taking advantage of the savings from choosing different operators and tariff plans for voice calls and data transmission (Internet connection). If you have one, you can experience all the benefits of using two SIM cards in one device. Personal conversations - on one number, all business contacts - on another. You can choose an inexpensive model of a modern, powerful and inexpensive LTE smartphone that supports work with two SIM cards in the line of models of the Wileyfox company.

Briefly about Wileyfox

The British company Wileyfox first offered its products to the market at the end of 2015. Users' attention was immediately attracted stylish smartphones with modern technical characteristics... And most importantly, high-quality gadgets are available at the most affordable prices.

It is worth emphasizing that all models of Wileyfox smartphones support work with two SIM cards. Moreover, each of the two slots, of your choice, can be used to connect to high-speed 4G LTE Internet. This is a great way not only to split personal and business calls into two numbers, but also to choose the optimal tariff plan, both for voice services and for mobile internet.

Check out the affordable Wileyfox Swift 2 and Wileyfox Spark +, which offer great performance and superior design.

Smartphone Wileyfox Swift 2

The smartphone, traditionally for all Wileyfox devices, supports work with two SIM cards, and both slots can be used to connect to high-speed 4G Internet. You do not have to rearrange SIM cards, you just need to select from the smartphone menu from which slot the 4G connection will go.

There is a fingerprint scanner on board for more smartphone security and limited access to your data and / or protection individual applications... NFC technology is also supported for contactless pairing with other devices and accessories, such as wireless headphones or speakers, and making contactless payments using a smartphone.

Stylish and powerful, Wileyfox Swift 2 features a 5-inch IPS 2.5D screen with high HD resolution and the widest viewing angles, providing excellent quality visual content. Thin metal case lightweight and durable at the same time, got its qualities thanks to the high-tech aluminum alloy from which it is made.

Uninterrupted multitasking and stable operation of demanding applications is ensured by a powerful 8-core processor Qualcomm Snapdragon 430 MSM8937, clocked at 1.4 GHz and 2GB random access memory... Wileyfox Swift 2 has 16GB of internal storage. If this is not enough for storing your photo and video content, the smartphone has the ability to use microSDXC memory cards up to 64 GB. The phone also received a modern 16-megapixel camera and a front-facing module for high-quality selfies.

An important feature of Wileyfox Swift 2 is support for Qualcomm's fast charge technology Quick Charge 3.0. Thanks to the Quick Charge function, a full charge of Wileyfox Swift 2 will take no more than 100 minutes, and up to 25% the smartphone can be charged in just 10 minutes.

On the official website Wileyfox Swift 2 can be bought for 9 490 rubles.

Wileyfox Spark +

Affordable, modern and powerful, the Wileyfox Spark + will be the best choice for the person who needs to be always connected. The smartphone can work with two SIM cards, and both SIM card slots can be used to connect to high-speed 4G Internet, for this you just need to select in the menu from which SIM card to make LTE connection. It is enough to indicate in the device menu the slot in which the card for the mobile Internet is installed.

The model has a high-quality 5-inch 2.5 D HD IPS display with the widest viewing angles. High performance is provided by a powerful and reliable 4-core MediaTek processor Quad Core 1.3 GHz. The phone has 2 GB of RAM and 16 GB of internal memory. You can use microSDXC memory cards up to 64GB. Also, the device is equipped with high-quality modules for the main and front cameras.

You can order Wileyfox Spark + on the official website for only 6,990 rubles.


Now you know what you need to do to activate the second line on your phone, and what this function is for. Also you learned about the original and effective way to always stay in touch - all you need to do is to buy an inexpensive but two-SIM modern powerful smartphone.

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