
Stalker shadow of Chernobyl turn off the brain burner passage. Laboratory x10 walkthrough - Walkthrough Shadow of Chernobyl - Catalog of articles - Casino blog - Casino blog. True ending condition


The bartender will offer you to turn off the brain burner under the radar, for which you will need protection against psi - radiation, which fortunately you already have. But .. He will inform you that the head of the Duty base needs a volunteer to complete complex tasks. (If this does not happen, complete the task with the bartender to improve their relationship with you).

If you want to see one of the false endings (make a wish to the Monolith), then now is the best time to decide on it (for more details on the endings, see the section "Walkthrough of the game Stalker Location Pripyat".

In order to get to Voronin, exit the bar (before the Arena sign), turn right, then left, then talk to the military, who will let you through further. In the game Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl, the passage at the end will directly depend on the decisions you make now.

Voronin will give you a task to steal the Bulldog 6 grenade launcher from the warehouse of the Svoboda group. To do this, you will have to ingratiate yourself with Svoboda .. by getting their cook drunk. Among the additional quests of Voronin, you should immediately take the quest to find a modified rifle. The exit from the base this time will be different, so follow the place indicated on the map.

Appearing at a new location, you will see well-armed stalkers. Search their victims - you will find vodka, first-aid kits, grenades. After talking with the stalkers, you will be offered to help in the destruction of Freedom, but Voronin strictly forbade this. .. And I just do not recommend, for the following reasons.

The task that you will receive from the Skull (commander of a group of stalkers) is to kill a sniper. In the hut with a roof there will be the “Wind of Freedom” armor, but as it was written above, it is ineffective. Getting close to the sniper is great if you have a weapon with good optics, otherwise it will take a long time to shoot. After killing the sniper, you can return to the Skull, who will pay 4,000 thousand and ask you to accompany you on a disastrous mission, your task in which will be to help remove several snipers, Freedom Warriors, and help kill Lukash, the commander of the Freedom group. The chances that the Skull will survive are small, so it is necessary to cover it, but it is far from certain that this will work out successfully. If he is killed before you kill Lukash, his deputy will give the command to retreat. If he is killed after killing Lukash, then most likely the quest will not be protected. As you can see, the probability of a successful outcome is very small.

Alternatively, complete the quest correctly. And here there are 2 options (immediately run for weapons) or do as it is prescribed in the plot.

To complete the passage of the Shadows of Chernobyl according to the plot, go to the territory of Freedom, in principle, the guys are quite friendly. Talk to the senior at the outpost, he will give you the coordinates of the cook and tell you that the main one at the base is Lukash.

A conversation with the chef will amuse you a lot, especially the reaction to “good afternoon” is completely inadequate. Topics stalker - drunkard will push even those. You will need 3 bottles of vodka to talk the client to the location of the Bulldog 6 grenade launcher. He will be in a village near the Freedom group. Having reached the village, find a group of stalkers who will tell you that there are a lot of bloodsuckers in the village and it would be just great if you reduced their population to 0. The desired house with a grenade launcher is located to the right of the line of pillars, behind the tractor is a white brick house with whole roof. The problem of a clogged doorway is solved by a queue from the machine. In the basement of the house you will find a Bulldog grenade launcher, shells for it, first aid kits. Next, take a look at the water tower. Most likely, 2 bloodsuckers will jump out of the tower. Carefully search the bodies of stalkers near the tower. Then, going into the tower, on the 1st floor you will find an excellent Springboard artifact, which will strengthen the armor and simplify the passage of Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl. , At the very top of the tower there will be a cache and first aid kits. Probably, in order to destroy all the bloodsuckers, you will have to run home to find the rest. After you finish off the creatures, you will be offered to go to the base of Freedom, to a certain Miser for a reward.

Along the way, you can complete the quest to find a special weapon. To do this, go to the icon on the map, but in reality it will turn out to be a Freedom checkpoint with four opponents, which are best killed from a long distance. The sample rifle will be on the workbench.

After that, run to the Freedom base for a reward. Tell the stalker who met you at the entrance that you have important information. From the Miser, get the artifact "Crystal Thorn". Next, you have a choice - either "knock" on the Dolgovets of the Skull or go home (I mean to the base of the Debt). In any case, you will be able to pass the quest, but if you "snitch", then your reputation will not change.

At the base of "Freedom" you will first be offered to help in the murder of Duty's stalkers, and then in the murder of the informer. But I do not recommend doing this for ethical reasons :)

At the base "Debt" you will receive an excellent suit for completing the quest with a grenade launcher and get a sniper rifle "Vintar" for the quest with a modified rifle. It would be nice to take a quest from the Bartender to destroy the bandits.

A very interesting quest, which will provide information on the passage of the game Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl in the final part, is waiting for you at Cordon. To complete it, you need to find the Explorer - one of the most experienced stalkers in the Zone, who will help you find the Doctor - the very one who saved your life in the scripted video, and about the disappearance of which the characters in the stalkers' settlement told you about. The conductor is located where you fought off the Fox mutants. The conductor will inform you that the Doctor is currently in Strelka's cache at the Agroprom Research Institute. On the way to the Research Institute, you will see another attack on the hangar, but you don’t have to help, you won’t meet any serious opponents.

At the main entrance to the dungeons of the research institute there will be bandits whom the bartender asked you to destroy - this is a great opportunity to practice shooting from the Vintar, small problems can be delivered for no reason by the warriors who came running from the neighboring base. A couple of bandits will probably be waiting for you at the bottom, and a couple of bloodsuckers at the lower level, don't be surprised if you see a warrior. Climbing into the cache you will get into a draw, but the "Doctor" will cure you and give you perhaps the most important information for the game, which will help a lot in the final. When you finally wake up, the doctor will be gone.

Return to the Garbage, on the way going to the bartender and thoroughly replenishing the stocks of cartridges and first-aid kits. You can proceed to the implementation of the main storyline.


If you have not yet received a reward from the Miser for killed bloods, then do it, you can also replenish the stock of cartridges from him. After that, feel free to move to the antennas.

When the goal remains very close, you will be informed that you have come close to the Barrier base of the Freedom group, so do not kill someone inadvertently. You will be strongly asked to work as a sniper during the attack of the Monoliths, but the battle will be extremely "hot", so it's very dangerous to pretend to be Rimbaud. Many of the Monoliths will be in exoskeletons, and armed with VLA rifles. But the main thing - do not accidentally kill the Svobodovites - then you will also have to fight them off. Look for the corpse of Svobodovets - he may well have GP 37 (if you haven't bought it yet, of course). Near the character who gave you the tasks, find a supply box, which can contain 5.56 armor-piercing rounds. If you have information on a cache near the helicopter - great, in the box under the helicopter there will be armor-piercing rifle cartridges.

Moving to a new location, you will be limited in space, as the surrounding rocks and equipment have a strong radiation background. After you successfully deal with the opponents at the outpost, do not be too lazy to look into the gatehouse for first-aid kits and cartridges.

In the course of further advancement, use a sniper rifle - armor-piercing cartridges work wonders. There will be a green trailer to your left, a sniper sat to the right of it, whose weapon is not more powerful than yours, but the armor near it may well come in handy if yours is already worn out.

After that, you have a choice: either take a short path through the forest (go in the direction of the arrow from the trailer with a sniper), or a long asphalt road.

The road through the forest will present you with quite interesting landscapes, from opponents bloodsuckers (in my case there was 1), dogs and mutants (if you notice from a distance you can not touch them at all), but in the forest you can find both artifacts and places with extremely high background. Having reached the fence, you may run into the resistance of the military (they will be behind the net). Next, find a hole in the fence and thus significantly shorten the path.

The asphalt road will be long and full of enemies, but a sniper rifle will make your job much easier. Do not forget to search opponents in search of cartridges, first-aid kits, and antiradium. On the way you will meet a checkpoint of opponents, one of which will be armed with an RPG, there will be a fork behind this post, it makes sense to go to the right if the CCP has information on caches there, otherwise the trip there will be in vain (significant resistance).

Going further you will meet another fork a little further, this time the roads are at 90 degrees. You should not go to the right - psi radiation will instantly fry your brains. You are right. In the process of climbing, barrels will roll down on you, but killing the opponents who suit you will solve the problem. You can also shoot at the barrels themselves, then they will explode near the opponents or simply will not have time to reach you.

On the way, you will increasingly come across images of mutants - phantoms, there is no harm from them, but they greatly distract attention from more "real" opponents.

At the top of the rise, the X-10 base is located. The developers took care of several base attack routes:

1. Through a gap in the fence (effective, but very strong radiation background and most likely you will be “pressed” from behind by opponents)

2. Running across a fallen tree, but this way you will be in full view and become an easy target.

Whatever path you choose, beware of snipers on the towers and a fairly powerful base garrison (up to 20 people). In the center of the base there will be several wagons, in the middle of which there is a fire. In one of the trailers you will find the Wind of Freedom armor. Opposite the camp, across the railway track, there is a trailer with two Monolith armored suits and first-aid kits. It is better not to meddle with the antennas - otherwise the main character's brain will not stand it. The entrance to the laboratory can be found by passing through the wagon standing on the railway tracks.

Entering the laboratory, blow up the barrel on the right. In the broken boxes you will find shells for a grenade launcher and an artifact. You will not have a card, but this is not so scary. Leaning against the closed door, you will see a passage on the left - you go there. You will have problems with further finding the path. Problems will arise with bloodsuckers, but if you do not make much noise, there will be few meetings with them. After reaching the marker on the map, go down. On the lower level, there may be a bloodsucker and possibly a controller. To one of the doors, the password is 342089 - there you will find first-aid kits and armor-piercing cartridges. After you turn off the burner, the main character will lose consciousness. The way back will be extremely difficult - in every corridor there are Monoliths. Some of them will be in exoskeletons (especially effective for headshots). Search them for first aid kits and ammo if you have a small supply.

Coming to the surface, do not be surprised to see how the warriors “wet” the Monoliths. You can safely move on without entering into a conflict, but you will have to lay down a couple of warriors. As soon as you leave the base, the Bartender will get in touch and inform you that everyone who is not lazy has rushed to the center of the Zone in the hope of finding artifacts or the "Wishmaster". He will also invite you to join a group of veterans who are also in pursuit of happiness. In order not to be late, you are advised to return quickly.

When you go down from the hill, you will hear a very eloquent communication between "Duty" and "Freedom", you can help, or you can calmly move on.

At the fork, you need to turn left, and you will have to kill several soldiers. Then you can get to the location of Pripyat.

Along the way, in the Wild Territory, Bullseye can help scientists repel an attack of mercenaries on their helicopter and lead Professor Kruglov to Yantar. Upon arrival at Yantar, Marked goes to the scientists. Their head, Professor Sakharov, talks about the development of a psi-radiation protection device, but it requires tuning. With Kruglov or with Semyonov, if Kruglov dies before that, Tagged goes to take measurements.

Along the way, destroying several zombified stalkers, they come to the place of measurements, suddenly an outburst begins. Bullseye and his partner fall to the ground.

Seeing the blackout, Bullseye hears a dialogue between two people in his head (presumably about Strelok).

Having taken measurements, Marked and his partner return to the bunker, where they report on what they saw, after which they receive a prototype.

Sakharov also says that they have known about the laboratory for a long time. The week before, Prizrak and their employee Vasiliev, who was in charge of this laboratory, went in search. A few hours later, the radiation temporarily disappeared, and an hour later, a signal was received from the swamps from Vasiliev, and then disappeared. Apparently he is dead. Vasiliev had information about the location of the laboratory. Tagged goes in search of him. Having found Vasiliev's body and learned the location of the laboratory, he gets inside and turns off the installation, which is a giant brain.

The marked one loses consciousness and sees a second dream:

Waking up, Marked meets with the Controller and finds the body of the Ghost with the necessary documents. The Ghost is the person whose photo is attached to the quest to kill Strelok. The labeled understands that some kind of mistake has occurred. The voice recording of the Ghost speaks of the Doctor - that same mutual friend and the Guide, who knows about his location. The tagged one gets out of the laboratory through the tunnels and goes to Bar, at this time the military clears the territory of the plant from the air.

Disabling the Brain Scorcher

The bartender, having studied the documents, instructs the Tagged Man, who has psi-protection, to penetrate the X-10 (X-19) laboratory under the antennas "Scorcher" and turn it off. He also agreed with the leadership of "Debt" on access to their base, where several tasks become available. The path to the Radar lies through the Army warehouses - the last inhabited territory of the Zone. Here the player can take part in the local war between "Duty" and "Freedom", defend the Barrier and visit the village of bloodsuckers.

The entire Radar location is controlled by the Monolith group. All the way to the laboratory, the hero will be affected by strong psi-radiation, the world will lose its colors and turn gray-brown. Along the way, he will be attacked by fanatics, zombified stalkers and phantom formations. You can shorten the path and go through the Dead Forest, where almost all the creatures of the Zone are found.

Once in the laboratory, Marked turns off the installation and sees another dream:

Waking up, he hears the call Monolith in my head. On the way back, he has to overcome the resistance of the Monoliths and the military. The Bartender who got in touch reports a large-scale breakthrough to the center of the Zone, on the outskirts of Pripyat Tagged, a detachment of stalkers will be waiting. On the way there, Marked becomes a witness to the clash of "Freedom" and "Debt".

True ending condition

From the moment the Ghost is discovered to the transition to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the player can go to Cordon, where the Guide is located. He indicates the location of the Doctor - the cache of the Strelok. At the meeting, the Doctor tells that Marked is the Shooter and warns against approaching Monolith. He also gives a tip to a cache in Pripyat, where a decoder is hidden from a certain door discovered by Strelok during previous trips. This episode is a condition for fulfilling the true endings.

Who knows how to complete the task "turn off the brain burner" in Stalker "Shadow of Chernobyl", that is, 3 antennas, tell me pzhl !! and got the best answer

Answer from Versus[guru]
You reach a brick wall, there are 3 snipers, 2 are sitting on towers, one is on the road near the truck, you bring them down, there are 2 passages behind the wall. One is closest to the right of the towers with snipers, but there are a lot of monoliths and radiation, the other entrance is at the other end of the wall, there is also a monolith. You will see the car standing on the rails, it is half in the tunnel, bring down everyone who gets caught, you go into the car, there is a passage into the tunnel, 3 Monoliths are hiding in it, fill them up. There is a passage to another location, to the laboratory. There is almost no one in it, except for a few bloodsuckers (if the game is version 1.000), fill them up, go to the end of the laboratory, you won’t get lost there, go into a large room, there is a switch, cut it out. Watch the video, wake up, hear the voice of the Monolith. Go back the same way that you came, but in the laboratory, there will be 25 monoliths in different places. Be careful, some are in exors with G-36s, the rest are just with Kalash. Kill everyone, collect first-aid kits and bents, you will leave the laboratory, you will hear the negotiations of the warriors, they will fight with the monolith, but they will also shoot at you if they see it, so do not be shy to bring them down, if you go beyond the wall, the bartender will contact you, he will tell you something -what, go the same way that you came here, on the way you will hear the negotiations of the detachments of Freedom and Duty, they will start firing at each other, if you are in none of these groups, then do not interfere. One of the groups will die entirely, the second will explode to the top, there are 6 Monoliths, help them fill up, there is a transition to the Pripyat location.

Answer from Anna Nikolaeva[active]
But what if I just want to get to Pripyat, how can I remove psi radiation?

Answer from Ilyas Sattarkulov[newbie]
Install a zone master....

Answer from Vitya Kenshev[newbie]
Go immediately to Pripyat, it will help.
The quest just can't be done

Answer from Vadim Mnogolet[expert]
This quest is, perhaps, the only story quest in the series of games, the passage of which can be "automatically credited". To do this, without looking into X10 and without turning off the Scorcher, you must immediately break into Pripyat through the Monolith units and strong psi-radiation. Before visiting X16, this is practically unrealistic, because without the protection issued by Sakharov on the way to Pripyat, one psi-hit takes away all the health from the GG. But in the psi-helmet, Marked is protected enough to withstand the radiation of the antennas and break through from the Radar immediately to Pripyat. When he is there, the shutdown quest will automatically be considered completed. A scripted detachment of stalkers will be waiting in the city, and the player will be asked to find the entrance to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and the sarcophagus. In this case, the quest "Wishmaster" will be unavailable.

Answer from John smith[guru]
You need to go down to the laboratory, there is a passage behind the cars.

Answer from Ўra Aprishkin[master]
it is necessary to enter into the car standing almost in the center of the territory of the monoliths! there you go to the laboratory and turn off the burner!

Answer from VoV4uK[active]
tak nada bcpomnit
aaaaaaaaa Bce ty cpyckaeIIIcya b 3abroIIennyI-O laborotoryy tebe daetcza
Bremya ty dobigaeiII do konja tyHHellya tam bydet 6olIIoe ctroehye u3 3ex eta3eu ha ka3dom eto3e po rubilHiky 3meIII 3 ry6ylHyka on otkly4eH
Ps. Kagda otKly4iIII Idy daLIIIe He Bo3braIIIaucya B kon3e 6ydet typIk u dyra B poly prygaeIII tyda dalIIe legko . Da eiiiie uzbiny 4to he ha russkom !!!

The Brain Scorcher is one of the strangest and most mysterious places in S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Shadow of Chernobyl. A gamer who decides to explore the expanses of the Zone for the first time will invariably stumble upon this location. On the one hand, this promises to reveal the secret of the appearance of zombies in the Zone, on the other hand, it helps to determine some of the plot aspects of the game.

The plot of the game

The action takes place in an alternative universe, where on April 12, 2006, the second one that contributed to the emergence of the Zone took place - a huge location filled with all sorts of anomalous areas of a different nature.

Wanting to investigate the causes, the government sends troops to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, but the operation ends in failure. A decision is made to fence off the Zone, checkpoints are being erected on the approaches. Mostly scientists, military and SBU employees get inside.

Over time, mutated animals began to appear in the Zone. Rumors spread about the appearance on its territory of objects with unique abilities. Artifacts (that's what they were called) quickly gained demand on the black market, as some of them contributed to the rapid healing of wounds. This nuance contributed to the emergence of medical interest in amazing finds.

This led to the emergence of artifact hunters, who were nicknamed stalkers, they illegally entered the territory of the Zone in order to search for artifacts in order to sell them to scientists in the future.

"Stalker. Shadow of Chernobyl"

The Brain Scorcher is not mentioned immediately in the prologue. First, the player is presented with a video of the crash of a truck carrying "cargo 200" as a result of a lightning strike. The stalker, who examined the crash site, discovers the main character, who soon receives the nickname Marked with a light hand from a local merchant named Sidorovich.

During the game, it turns out that the main character has lost his memory. How he ended up in the Truck of Death (as the local stalkers call transport with the dead, which periodically appear from the center of the Zone, as is commonly believed), is not clear. And the survivors have never been found before, because trucks always carry corpses.

In the process of exploring the Zone, the player discovers new locations in which various groups are engaged in quite ordinary life activities (search for artifacts, trade, sleep, search for prey, rest), in addition to war with each other and periodic looting.

psi radar

The first hints of the existence of some kind of mind control installation are the appearances in the game of zombified stalkers. They do not pose a particular threat, because they are easy to deceive and kill. There are only three problems:

  • Armed with firearms.
  • Often they are wearing bulletproof vests. To kill, you need to hit in the head.
  • A lone zombie is a rarity. They live mainly in large groups.

The second hint is the local folklore, which tells about the existence of the "Klondike of Artifacts" - Pripyat. But the path there is blocked by the mentioned burner. If the usual mutants of the Zone represent a certain degree of danger, then they can be shot. Some easily, some not. The "brain burner" can neither be touched nor shot, it cannot even be seen. It's just that the stalker falls within the field of action and becomes zombified.


Turning off the "brain burner" is not an easy task, but this is exactly what the main character needs to do. It is a station with old radar antennas converted into a psi-installation. In the bunker on the minus first floor there is a burner control center. Here, an improved model of the Kaimanov emitter sends pulses to the antennas, covering a wide area with a strong psi-field.

Everyone who finds himself within the field experiences clouding of consciousness or loses his mind. The territory is a fortified outpost of the Monolith group - fanatics protecting the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, and a certain "grandfather of desires", which, according to local folklore, is located under the Chernobyl sarcophagus.

The territory of the Radar is full of snipers and patrols that attack any stalker, except for zombies.


To turn off the installation, Marked will need to get a psi-radiation protection device, which is located by scientists not far from the Yantar plant. After completing the task received, the hero is given a prototype device and documents indicating the location of the X10 laboratory - the bunker in which the control center of the "brain burner" is located.

The bartender (the owner of the 100 X-ray establishment) examines the documents and issues the task to turn off the burner.

The path runs through the last inhabited territory in the Zone - army warehouses. Here the protagonist becomes a witness of the confrontation between the groups "Duty" and "Freedom", and will also help to resist the militants of the "Monolith" group.

The road to the Radar is accompanied by constant firefights, zombie attacks and the emergence of strange phantom formations.

Upon entering the Psi Radar Control Bunker, the player encounters a door two to the right of the stairs leading to a dungeon where the Brain Scorcher has yet to be disabled. The first code is easy to find when searching the corpses of the Monoliths during the passage of the location, this is 342089. The second is hidden in the resources of the game and is not involved in any way. There are modpacks that fix this error. The code itself is 2011533.

When Marked turns off the "burner", a large detachment of Monoliths appears in the bunker.

Also, after turning off the radar, the main character receives a message on the PDA about a large-scale breakthrough of detachments in Pripyat. It is not surprising, because the rumor about the "Klondike Artifacts" has long been disturbing the heads of local stalkers - in the district, go and steal everything that is available.

Codes for "Stalker" and other ways to improve

It is not necessary to turn off the "burner", you can turn off the road towards Pripyat. It will only flatten very much due to radiation and active psi-radiation, but everything will end as soon as the player gets to the Duty assault squad in Pripyat.

After that, a note will appear on the PDA stating that the psi-emitter is disabled. Whether this is a bug or by design is unknown.

Codes for "Stalker. Shadow of Chernobyl", which are console commands, are very few: they only allow you to move around the Zone constantly running (g_always_run 1) and activate a couple of bonuses (pseudodog and snork). Console commands don't provide the most requested features, such as immortality or getting the coolest weapon from the first minutes of the game. Therefore, all kinds of trainers and cheat modes quite successfully cope with the tasks set.

Passage of the game S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl

This walkthrough presents ways to pass the main
missions. This guide specifically does not cover the full 100%
passing. Mostly there were side quests that did not affect
to the final ending of the game, they are monotonous and their meaning
describe no. However, I strongly advise you to go
all quests, this will allow you to get the most out of
games. Happy hunting S.T.A.L.K.E.R.!!!

Start: Cordon

After watching the video, at the beginning of the game, you woke up before
a man named Sidorovich. You owe him for saving your
life. And debts must be repaid. Sidorovich - the first merchant with
who will you communicate and sell swag, but not the only one in
game. You can sell weapons, buy, produce, so to speak
exchange of your honestly earned tugriks. Well, or vice versa,
sell it to him and get a reward. Know what you are buying
you are at a higher price than you will be selling. If you
playing for the first time, select, in conversation, to Sidorovich
talked to you as a newbie and listen to what he has to say.
You also learn from him that your main target is the SHOOTER.
It is such an entry in your PDA.

Get Information from a stalker captured by bandits.
(flash drive)

Conversation with the wolf
The wolf is located in a small camp nearby, in the same place where you are
you start the game. It will be marked green on your map.
dot. Find him and talk to him, find out about your
missions. You can talk to him again after completing
missions, thereby getting new tasks and earning money.

Meet the people of the WOLF
After you talk to the wolf, you are given a gun and
cartridges. You need his group near the base of bandits on
north. Follow the road to the north, near the road on the left
side you will see a corpse, nearby, writhing in pain, lies
stalker. If you take the first aid kit next to the corpse and give
stalker, then he, upon returning to the camp, will tell all the people
what a good guy you are, deep down! Look for gray dots on
your minimap, this is the PDA of the slain stalkers. There are very
useful things. You can shoot the animals that will be on
attack you. Go ahead. On the minimap will be a green marker
wolf people are marked. We approach them and talk. You can
ask them to come with you. Or refuse and how
terminator act alone.

Destroy the Bandits in the car park
Ah, the first fight. There are about seven bandits in the parking lot. you with
With the help of your teammates you must complete the mission.
A pistol is a good weapon, but not an accurate one, you must
get close to the target. Lucky for you, there are big
holes in the walls that you can use. Valim
bandyukov, simultaneously taking away from them cartridges, provisions. The stalker himself
in a multi-storey building, the very first in the parking lot. We go
inside, and in the left corner he will be asking for help. We fit and
we are talking .. We get a flash drive, and information. You can take
he has an additional quest to find a modified
armor. You decide. I agreed, the quest is simple, let's go
up the road from the car park. We go inside
tunnel and turn on the flashlight. Bronik in the far right corner.
Be careful when you take it, dogs will appear.
Return to camp. We approach the Wolf, the op will offer an artifact
- "Medusa" as a reward. We can talk to him and take
an additional quest, at the same time you can put an artifact on your belt.
Return the flash drive to Sidorovich for a reward. Now have
you got some money to buy a gun
Fort12mk2. After you complete this mission,
Sidorovich will offer you a "special mission", and the usual
missions that are simple, for profit. Special
missions must be completed according to the plot, while
regular missions will have a certain time frame for their completion.
None of the regular missions are particularly difficult.

Find Military Documents/Gather Information on ARROW
Sidorovich could help find the shooter, but he wants
You have also worked for him. He wants you to go to
laboratory of the Research Center. To the northwest
and found documents for it. Sidorovich suggested that you
met the conductor in the tunnel, under the railway, but, to
Unfortunately, the conductor turns out to be dead! In his PDA we find
information about the tunnel and how to get through it. Us
warn about anomalies - they move. Fine.
Save. And so, we make our way through the tunnel. anomalies
do move, first appear near the start
tunnel, then slowly move to the end of the tunnel and
temporarily disappear. If you don't want to deal with anomalies, you
you can go through the military checkpoint. If
soldiers shoot at other stalkers, they will be hostile and to
to you. If they're just standing around minding their own business, you might
come up and, having paid 500 rubles, calmly pass. Also you
you can go through the railroad embankment. moving from
road to the right and climb the embankment. We see a hole in the fence
we move to the other side and quietly pass the checkpoint.

Fox asks for help
When you pass through the railway embankment, Sidorovich
will inform you by radio about a stalker named Fox, who knows
something about Arrow. He is in a neighboring house, lying wounded on the floor.
on the first floor. He needs help, give him a first aid kit to
help him. If there is no first-aid kit, we return to Sidorovich and
we buy a first-aid kit, or we kill bandits or military men and take
they have first aid kits. After helping the fox, you get the right
information. You also learn about a stalker named Gray, who
knows more than him. Well, let's go to gray.

Help fight off the attack of the bandits in the landfill.
At the entrance to the location, we hear the voices of stalkers. Let's go straight
we go around a couple of cars and see - three in black surrounded the stalker and
demand swag and money. He replies that, they say, there is nothing. AND
then he shouts to you - "These are bandits, help." Methodically and
carefully, so as not to hurt the stalker, we kill all the good
trinity. We take away their weapons. Moving north in search
Gray. On the road, the path of which passes through the landfill, we
you have to help a group of stalkers, clear the landfill from
bandits. We agree to help the group, we are waiting for the stalker's cry about
approaching bandits. After the command, we begin to methodically kill
a group of bandits. Better hide behind the truck and drive from there
fire. After the destruction of the bandits, we approach the main and
we get a reward. Go ahead.

Talk to Gray
The stalker the Fox wants you to talk to is
at the factory, heading north. When you reach
factory where Gray is located, he will also need help.
We fight off the attack of the bandits. For this he reports on the group
MOLE. A group of stalkers. MOLE will tell you something important about
ARROW. We move on. Along the way, from the exit from the factory we can
go into the railway tunnel, which Gray told us about.
Carefully go through the anomalies, throwing bolts (button 6), pick up
artifacts and in the same way we leave from there.

Meet the KROTA group
We move along the road, having previously specified the path on the PDA. Let's go
and get to a new location (loading). Upon entering the location
we see a stalker, he is not hostile. Let's go and talk
this moment you hear a plea for help. Brother Stalker gets beaten
military!!! We are moving forward. Before that, they show us a video,
let's take a closer look. We will be shown the location of the warriors. Help
beat off the military. The mole reports on the radio that he is cornered.
military group, need help! We run to him and help
fight back. After we talk. We know that a new squad is coming soon.
the military will be here. He suggests running, good idea.
We run after him. He leads us to a hatch in the ground. Reports
information about the cache of the shooter.

Stash Arrow
We go down the hatch. New download and move to another location.
We are inside, underground. Be careful, it's full of bandits.
We move forward and to the right. We kill a couple of bandits. We're going down
On the stairs. Keep on the right side. Three more to come
bandits, kill them and collect supplies and first aid kits. Again
forward. Do not forget that we have a card in the PDA, if
confused, check with her. Then we go to the left. We pass
forward and to the right. After passing 50 meters, on the left side there will be
drawers and vent. We rise to the boxes and up
On the stairs. We are in hiding. We pick up a flash drive for the card. Next to
racks of a modernized machine gun and on the left side of the suit
gangster. On the right side of the boxes, break them and find more
one suit. We leave the hiding place. We go down the stairs
which they climbed up. Going down, we go to the left.
We kill two soldiers. We approach the stairs, there are two more at the top.
We kill and go up. We move forward, we move
a few meters and we come to a dead end. Look up and see
Luke. Are you thinking up? No. The controller appears! Hiding behind
corner, we throw grenades at it. Here, now through the hatch
stairs up. We get out, we are already on the territory of the military base.

Research Institute Agroprom
Mission: Find military documents.
After leaving the cache, you will find yourself in the Research
Institute Agroprom, very good location. You can safely
run to the neighboring barracks and stand in the doorway. Be
be careful, the windows behind you are shot through. Now just
we stand and wait for the warriors. One appeared - we shoot, the second, the third.
There are about 18 soldiers in total. To turn off the alarm sound, you can
shoot at the roof of the building. That is where it is
speaker. Now we leave the barracks. Let's go big
building. There are still guards in the building itself, be
more carefully. The documents we need are at
third floor. We go up the stairs. The documents are in
table, come and take. There are no special features in the building. Bottle
vodka on racks and a couple of bandages. Take it if you want. Not
I advise you to immediately rush to the bottom. We better move on
up. After leaving the roof, go to the left and kill the arrow on
tower, we do the same on the right side. Now we come to
edge of the roof and sit down. There will be about 8 soldiers on the road,
a couple behind the helicopter and the rest on the road itself. We kill them.
It is better to shoot from the upgraded AK74 single
shots. Now you can go down. We leave the building and go
northeast to the road. According to it, we will attribute documents

Take the documents to the Bartender (Bar)
Now that you got the documents, let's go to the bar. Let's drink a beer
chat with someone there. Sidorovich will arrange a free passage for us
through the post in the north to Bar. It is guarded by Dolgovtsy. Approaching
soldiers. On the radio we hear the transfer of duty - "To us from the side
dark valley moving mutants. Everyone who helps will receive
reward. Word of Duty' will probably have to help them
eliminate mutants. It's better to do it quickly. As soon as
mutants appear, shoot. If you hesitate, Dolgovtsy
they will start shooting. And you'll have to go to the bar
pay. We move on. Going forward, we find ourselves on
new location. Outpost ahead, we approach. You can chat.
Dolgovets will tell you about this place and give you the coordinates of the bar,
arenas and other necessary information. Let's go to the bar. Approaching
bartender and give the documents. The bartender gives us the following task:
he wants you to find the second set of military documents,
hidden elsewhere. In the laboratory x18. To get into
x18 you need a key card. You have one, but the second one
Borova. Your goal is now to reach the Dark Valley, take the key
and penetrate x18.

Dark Valley
We leave the Bar and go to the dark valley. There are many along the way
artifacts, collect. When you reach the Dark Valley, you
it's a simple mission. You can skip this task.

Follow Bullet to recapture Dolgovets from the bandits
The first time you enter the Dark Valley, you will come across
on a soldier. He is trying to find out from the bandit about the fate of his
comrade. Apparently a gang of bandits captured one of the soldiers.
You can help free the soldier, for a reward.
We move behind the soldier (Bullet). We set up an ambush. hide behind
stop. When the gang appears, we shoot at the bandits. Mission
completed. We receive as a reward optical
aim. It is better to put it on a modernized AK. After that,
as you complete the mission, talk to the freed
soldier. You will receive information about Hog and his base from him.
He will also report that there may be another one of them.
comrade. If you help him free, you can hope for

Find Documents / Release the prisoner from the Prison
Both of these missions can be completed at the same time. Before
before you start check the gray markers. Surely you will find
the right things. Pay special attention to the top floor
structures on the east side of the zone surrounded by bandits.
Now moving north is where you have to go to
find the second key to the laboratory, this is a pipe on the western
the side that will go under the wall. Find and visit
inside, then take left to reach the ground.

Take the Key from the Borov
Borov is a bandit, he hides in one of the buildings on the south
side of the small complex. He is on the second floor of the building, and his
the marker is on your map. When you reach the stairs
cells in the middle of a brick building, you can go down
a little down the stairs to find a soldier. You
must flip the switch on the wall near the camera,
to free him. We communicate with him and get information.
Now we go up the stairs to the second floor. moving on
to the right. We suppress resistance. Now to Borov. He is in
room, shoot and take the key. We search the closet standing with
right from the entrance to the room. We take first-aid kits and bandages. Now you can
search the building. On one of the floors you will find an arsenal of a boar.
We take armor and cartridges there. You can also climb the
top, there will be a bandyuk in a black cloak. Kill him and pick him up
machine gun "Abakan with a grenade launcher". Then you can
give it to Dolgovets in a bar and get your profits. Or leave
yourself and use.

Exit the Base / Find the entrance to the Laboratory
You must exit the base. We look at the map. Exit base and
moving towards the laboratory. We approach, we kill a couple of gruntels
(bandits). We enter and go straight then from which to the right and into
them. Before us is the entrance to the laboratory.

With both keys at your disposal, you can enter
to the laboratory and complete the tasks, find the second part
documents for the bartender. You find yourself in a room where
there is a door. It's locked with a combination lock, its necessary
enter on the numeric keypad. You must find the code for the door.
Search around, in close proximity, until you
find a dressing room. It's not very far, northeast of
code door. Open all the lockers, here is the Monolith suit,
which is better than your stalker suit. There is also an AKM
74/2 rifle with an underbarrel grenade launcher, and a pair of grenades to
him. This is a rather small lab level, but dangerous.
There are numerous foggy anomalies scattered around, from
which will burst into flames when you pass through them. Can
throw bolts and mileage at them after activating the anomaly. Are looking for
further and find the body find the body of a scientist. In his PDA you
we learn the code to the door - 1243. We return to the door and enter the code.

In the laboratory.
When you reach the stairs, you will notice that there will be
fly through the air anomalies. They are not particularly dangerous, more
beware of fast moving electrical anomalies.
Head to the green dot on your PDA to find
second locked door. The pseudo-giant will interfere with you, he
blocks your way to the access code. We quickly run to the right and
We climb the stairs, from the top we throw grenades at him.
Then find a dead scientist in a red suit, we get the code
for the door - 9524. The scientist will also have an IL 28 rifle.
Return to the locked door and open it by entering the code. We enter.
There will be a ladder on the right, we go up. We take documents.
We search all around.

Get out of the laboratory x18
Now when the documents you have to get out. Walking up to the door
you will see an inscription, someone is holding it. To open it is necessary
shoot the fireball. The passage is free. We go back.
Soldiers will interfere with us. They will be armed
modernized Abakan assault rifles. We go back the same

Escape from the Dark Valley
When you reach exit X18, the building will be full of soldiers.
You can kill them all or just run away. The only way out
currently available to you is the south gate., which
will lead you back to Cordon. You can return to
Sidorovich to collect new cash missions
money. And get new quests.

Return to Bartender
If you wish, you may not speak to Sidorovich. Just go
back through the junkyard north to the bar. There we go to the bartender. He
will give you a reward. 10000 tugriks. The bartender announces a new
task - laboratory x16. Where is the rest
documents. We receive tasks, but we are in no hurry to leave the bar.
We approach the Stalker who stands in the course of the bar. We take from
his mission is to "find the family gun". We are not going northwest from
Bara to the Wild Territory. On the way to the wild territory in you
snipers will shoot. Kill them and go up the stairs
take a new weapon.

Wild Territory
You are moving towards the center of the Wild Territory, the bandits are shooting down
military helicopter with scientists and surround the team of scientists. Your
the goal is to kill the bandits and help Kruglov,
one of the scientists. You will fail the level if Kruglov dies,
so we do it quickly. The bandits have a new type of rifles, not
we forget to search them and take ammunition. Now we go from
helicopter to the right and go down under the bridge. At the end of it
the container will contain a family gun, which will need to be
give it to the stalker in the bar. Now we are talking with Kruglov.

Help Kruglov / Escort him to Yantar Lake
Kruglov asks you to accompany him to the Yantar Lake. How
once you agree, be ready to attack. Total will be
three ambushes while following with Kruglov. The first in
the beginning of the path. The second ambush will be in a few meters.
A group of mercenaries will hide behind the wall and ahead of
barricade. We kill them and run further. Kruglov stops
and the ambush screams. This is the third wave of attacks. We fight back.
Act fast and shoot accurately. Better than grenades. IN
eventually you reach a tunnel filled with anomalies
where Kruglov wants you to go ahead. Tunnel
not directly dangerous, just stick to the middle. She
marked with a white stripe. When you reach the end, Kruglov,
tells you the bartender will pay and gives you the artifact. He also
reports important data and promises you a science suit if you
visit the science lab in Yantar. If you sell
artifact to the bartender, he will pay you 5,000.

Lake Yantar
We go down the road. Through the swamp and in front of you is a bunker. We go
into the bunker, we hear the conversation between Kruglov and Professor Sakharov.
We talk to him. He will give us an ecologist suit, it is very efficient.
against radiation, but less protected from shots. Sakharov is
one of the merchants in the game from whom you can buy and
sell various things. In the course of the conversation, we learn that
to get to the laboratory x16 you need to use
psi protection. This is a special helmet that protects against psi radiation.
But the helmet is just being developed, and in order to use it,
scientists need measurement data.

Escort Kruglov to the measurement site/Perform measurements
This is a pretty simple escort mission. Kruglov must reach
collector pipes and take measurements. While he is taking measurements
near the pipe, we protect it from enemies. Finished the first stage
measurements, we move further along the pipe. Along the way, killing enemies.
And so Kruglov takes measurements a second time. At that time
radiation is released. You lose your mind and see
screensaver. Waking up, we approach Kruglov and help him
rise. We go back the same way to the bunker. Sakharov
will reward you with a psi helmet that should protect you from
effects that are triggered on anyone who enters X16. However
Sakharov says he cannot guarantee permanent protection.

Find Vasiliev's body

To enter the lab, you must find documents that
are with the scientist Vasiliev. But he's dead. We need to find him
bodies and collect information. Vasiliev also tried to get into
x16 along with a stalker nicknamed Ghost, but alas, they are not
returned. We leave the bunker. We go to the lake. We see from afar
crashed helicopter. The body will be there. On the way we are afraid of zombies.
It is better to use weapons with optics. Shooting zombies from afar.
We approach the body, we get information. Next we move to
northwest. We go up the embankment. We go straight and turn
left. It will be a complex of laboratories x16.

Laboratory X16
After entering X16, move slowly. There are a large number here
zombies oh, they're not dangerous on their own, but there are a lot of them. More
beware of snorks. They are very dangerous in close combat. Let's go to
to the left, we see a broken car. There will be a body nearby. We search it
and find a suit. We are moving forward. We go into the building. IN
eventually you arrive at a large control room.
The countdown timer starts. It turns out the psi helmet is not
can protect you from ejection and psi radiation for a long time.
The timer starts. It is necessary to turn off the radiation. For this
you need to turn off the three switches on the panels. Climbing up
turns on the stairs and turn off. We go up to the control room.
And turn off the lever there to turn off the floating brain in the flask.

Find the Ghost's Documents/Learn about his fate
Now that you have turned off the psi-radiation, you are being attacked
zombie. We kill them and move forward a couple of meters and rise
On the stairs. We see the entrance to the room. Be careful out there
there will be a controller. We throw it with a couple of grenades. We see the body
Ghost. You must search it and get information.
After searching it, we learn very important information about the conductor and
get a suit. The ghost is special, he helps
heal wounds. We leave the room by jumping into the hole in the floor in
right corner of the room. The way back will not be particularly difficult.
Several mercenaries, zombies. The main danger is
pseudogiant. You've already met him in the lab x18.
We do the same, throw grenades, if not,
We shoot. We move again to the bunker of scientists.
Sakharov will be happy with your success and the information you
mined. He will give you a suit - SEVA. This is the most optimal
protection option.

Return to Bartender
You have now completed several important story missions. This and
will affect the ending. We return to the bartender, we give the family
gun. We speak with the bartender. He reports a brain burner
which is located in the north in the center of the zone. We agree
perform a task.

Meet the guide
The guide is located on the territory in the region of Kordon, in one
from the huts near the railroad crossing. Where you helped the fox.
We talk to him, he tells you a simple message: to
to meet the Doctor, you must go to the shooter's cache.

Return to Stash Arrow/ Talk to the Doctor
We return to the territory of Agroprom to the hiding place of the shooter.
We go down and move in the same way as the first time. Not
we forget you have a card in your PDA. We enter the hiding place and see
screensaver with a doctor. He will give you information about
monolith, and how to access it.

Disable Brain Scorcher

Army Warehouses
If you missed and did not meet the guide, this is
can be done later. But much harder and longer.
When you enter the location, you will see a fight between the group
freedom and dogma. You can immediately play for debt. Or
refuse to join and go to the base of freedom. Next you
go on a mission for freedom. If you just want
turn off the burner, then move forward and that's it. Is not
affect the final ending.

Freedom Missions
None of these missions affect the ending. Award for
completing missions - money, you. just get cash.

Freedom Missions I: Destroy the Duty Group
After talking with Lukas, you are instructed to meet with Max,
who collects a group of soldiers at the entrance to the base. Max gives you
task to destroy the debt group in the village. We distribute
roles, who will be on the front lines and who will be on the flanks. We go to the forehead
village. After the approach, we start the fight. We kill everyone. After
collect supplies and weapons. All! Mission completed.
We return and receive a reward. Upon your return, you can
go to the base and after entering the building turn left.
We approach the merchant. He asks to clear the area from
mutants. If we want, we agree. The mission is simple, describe it
I won't. We rise to the next floor and meet with the main
Svoboda factions - Lukash.

Freedom Missions II: Kill the traitor (informant)
One of the Freedom Soldiers is an informer and Lukasz wants him
kill. Before you kill him, he wants you to hunt down
and his associate. We move according to the map. Approach carefully and
we wait. The snitch enters the house. We follow him and kill him. Through
a contact will appear for a few seconds. This will be a group of
bandyukov. We kill them. Mission completed. Back to

Freedom Missions III: Help Outpost Barrier
Lukash tells you about the need to help the outpost. moving forward
to it by consulting the map and following the green marker. We are coming
at the outpost to the main. He tells you that the powers of the Monolith
attempted to breach the barricade which the soldiers of Liberty
established, and that they will attack again soon. You must help
Drive them away by destroying and protecting the outpost. Better climb up
tower and from there methodically destroy the Monoliths. We use
night vision. After destroying them, we collect ammunition. At
monoliths will have a new weapon - a screw cutter. silent,
rapid fire weapon. Let's take it. Now back to
chief for the award. We talk to him and move on to
north. Turn off the brain burner.

DEBT missions

mission I: Kill the Liberty Sniper
Dolgovtsy in a rural house really want to "talk" with the soldiers
Freedom, but they are prevented by a sniper on a watchtower .. Your
the task is to eliminate the sniper. Suitable for the task
any weapon with optics. Personally, I liked the TRS 301 more.
We are moving northeast from the house with Dolgovtsy. As soon as
we reach the broken cars (mound) we stop. This
the most convenient shooting point. We rush .. and bam! Exercise

mission II: Kill Lukasz
Now that no one interferes with the soldiers of Duty, they can
advance to the base of Freedom. They plan to make a hole in
wall using explosives. The mission itself is not difficult, but there is
moments in the game due to which the task can fail.
If a soldier who places explosives in a wall will
shot through the wall, yes precisely through the wall, by the enemy before,
than he could install them, the mission would simply fail.
If someone from Duty kills Lukash first, the mission will also be
failed. If they kill the main Dolgovets, you will not be able to
Get an award. Your main goal here is to
kill Lukash, but first you need to kill three snipers.
First sniper, to the left near the main entrance to the camp. Second
on a tower near the middle of the camp and the last one to the right in another
tower. There are approximately 25 soldiers in the camp, try
cover yours. Now quickly focus on the mini map and
run to Lukas. A little skirmish with him and that's it.
We return quickly for a reward, until Dolgovets is killed. But to
Unfortunately, it doesn't always work out that way. Most likely you are not
be able to complete missions due to scripting bugs in the game. However
however, this mission is worth taking only because of the weapon of freedom. At
they are excellent GP-37 rifles. And also collect the weapons of the slain
snipers - SVUmk2 sniper rifle.

Road to the Burner
On the way you will face a large number of enemies and
the same number of radioactive zones. try to bypass
vehicles, buildings. Use weapons with optical
aim, thus destroying opponents from afar.

Find the entrance to the Brain Scorcher
The base of the road that leads to Scorcher, mountainous area
to the east, where the burner is located. Be careful,
soldiers will drop barrels, they are explosive. Or
dodge, or shoot them on the way. When you
reach the burner, your first goal will be to
to find antennas. You should not get involved in a fight on the base itself,
it is better to quickly run to the entrance to the bunker. He is on
northwest. You will see railroad tracks and a train.
We approach them, jump into the car and go straight. We are inside

Inside the Scorcher
The mission inside is quite linear and there are problems with finding the main
There shouldn't be a "breaker". When you see the freight elevator,
look for a stairwell nearby and climb it.
We find the corpse of a soldier and find out the door code - 342089, behind the door
a lot of first-aid kits, grenades and ammunition. go on
go from there until you find a row of four generators. The last generator will have a stairwell nearby leading to a small hallway. Follow there. A couple of steps and you are at the switch. We turn it off. Escape the Brain Scorcher Now comes one of the hardest parts of the game. We will be opposed by a large number of soldiers, a monolith. They are well armed. I don't think I need to be reminded to search corpses for weapons and supplies. We move back the same way. Before entering the corridors and rooms we throw grenades. Then we quickly run out and finish off the living. We get to the surface and run north to the entrance, to the road leading down to the east. The bartender tells you on the radio that a group of stalkers is going to Pripyat to break through to the sarcophagus, they intend to be the first to get to the executor of desires. He does not know what is there, but assumes that there are a large number of artifacts. We move north to the exit, to Pripyat, to meet them. Pripyat I will not describe the road to Pripyat, it is similar to the road to the burner, only in the opposite direction. Approaching Pripyat, we see a group of stalkers, they will help you get into the area to the sarcophagus. We move with them. Be careful, snipers and shooters appear on the roofs of houses. Snipers will be on rooftops on each side of the road. We kill them. Eventually the stalkers will lead you to an underground car park where they stop. Then you need to move alone. We move ourselves. Onward from the car park. When leaving, pay attention to the roofs of buildings, there are snipers. There is one in the ruins to the right, and the second is upstairs in front. Either we run or we kill. Better to kill with a sniper. Further forward, straight ahead, we get to the hotel building. Find the Secret Cache in the Hotel If you have spoken at the cordon with the guide and the Doctor, then you should have the mission information in your PDA. We approach the hotel, there is little resistance, we climb the stairs one floor, we find the door on the western side of the building. We take the decoder, documents and a new suit. The decoder will help open the door to the monolith control center. We go down. At the exit from the hotel, we take the path to the north. Directly to Chernobyl. There is a second way there, to the east. But there is a huge number of soldiers of the monolith. We are going west. There is a small group of soldiers there. Well, if you still decide to go the eastern path, get ready. There are a large number of soldiers with grenade launchers, snipers and mutants. Reach the Power Plant After reaching the entrance to the stadium, at the northern end of Pripyat, watch the cutscene. Loading screen and new location. Monolith military forces are everywhere. They have modified rifles, grenade launchers. From the air they are supported by the military. Your goal now is to reach the entrance to Chernobyl. You must move far west to reach the entrance. Beware of snipers. It is better to move on the left side. When you reach the crossroads and see an armored personnel carrier crawling through a hole in the wall, move straight ahead. We pass to the right side and move forward. When you enter the zone, the ejection timer will start. You will have 5 minutes. Try not to fight, better run. Having reached the green marker on the map, we enter the passage. We move to the left, and we see a staircase leading down. We're going down. Chernobyl A lot of Monolith soldiers are patrolling the area. They are wearing exoskeletons. Be extremely careful. The combat tactics are simple. We throw a grenade, we clean the remains. It is better to use not the most powerful, but rapid-fire weapons. At the end of some corridors there are snipers, you can’t get off with them with a grenade, we kill them with a sniper rifle. Follow the corridors until you eventually reach a fork. The door to your left is five soldiers, in the corner to your right there will be two more soldiers. In the room with pipes there is a place leading to a ladder leading down. There's a cache of ammunition and an exoskeleton suit. We make our way further through the soldiers, we reach the rooms that look like soldiers' barracks. Wish Granter When you reach the stairwell leading to several square rooms that connect with each other, you just need to move to the southeast, there will be a room with a Wish Granter. Depending on how you played the game, how many people were killed and what your rating is, you will get one of the endings (money 200,000 thousand - I want wealth, etc. For information on the conditions of false and true endings, read the FAQ). To get to the Wishmaster, you need to get to a small luminous ball - a teleport. He teleports us to the opposite wall. We go straight, but carefully so as not to fall, then we jump to the right and forward to the wall, then to the left and again straight. A couple of meters and you are already with him. We approach and press the enter button. Let's look at the intro. Game over. Secret Lab On the north side, near the square rooms, opposite the wish-maker's guard room. We go to the stairs, under the rotating yellow lantern. We rise. You are in a room with a secret door. We approach, we use the decoder. We'll have to wait 30 seconds. At this time, soldiers of the monolith will appear, shoot back, it is better to throw grenades. After entering, down into the hallway on your left at the very beginning. Save more often. Don't miss the turn. Eventually, you will reach the control room, to the left and into a small, darkened room. True Endings When you enter a room, the door closes behind you. You stay in the room, in the middle there are 8 purple balls. We shoot them, when you start, shoot, fiery anomalies will appear. We just run from them while continuing to shoot. As soon as you destroy all the balls, a green hologram with the image of the professor will appear. Starts a conversation with him. You can find out what the abbreviation S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is, "death trucks", the history of the zone, etc. After a monologue with him, you are offered to join the "O-Consciousness". You can agree and watch the false final ending, this will end the game. If you refuse, you get an additional mission. This is where the true ending will be. Destroy O-Consciousness Group Consciousness

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