
Replace the processor on the ipone 5s home button. Displaying the Home button on the screen. Apple Service Center Locations

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The main reasons for the incorrect operation of the "Home" button

Products Apple characterizes reliability and quality. But even such high-quality products can break. And the "Home" button, which means "home", is no exception. This button has the function of returning from any viewed page to the home screen.

Why did the home button stop working or does not work well? The reasons for such malfunctions can be different: from careless handling of an iPhone to a factory defect (which happens extremely rarely).

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How much does it cost to repair a smartphone if the iPhone 5s Home button doesn't work

Why the iPhone 5s Home button doesn't work

Most often, breakdown occurs due to the following factors:

1. Contact with liquid on the button. To disrupt the operation of the button, a couple of drops of water are enough, you could simply press the button with wet hands, as a result of which moisture that got through the microscopic gaps started the corrosion process. After getting wet, the button may not respond at all to pressing, or it may freeze.

2. Mechanical damage. Usually appear as a result of impact or falling of the device. The button may not press well or may not work the first time.

Also, the reason that the Home button does not work on the iPhone 5s may be a software glitch.

Independent recovery method

If a software glitch occurs, you can try to fix the gadget yourself.

The way to restore the sensitivity of the button is as follows: by running any iOS app, press the “Power” button and hold it until the shutdown slider appears, then press the “Home” button until the slider disappears. Thus, the iPhone will be rebooted. If this method does not help, then the malfunction is of a technical nature and then you need to contact the service center.

Displaying the Home button on the screen

Apple developers have foreseen the possibility of failure of the return home button, and have come up with a way to display this key on the display if it does not work Home button iPhone 5s

In order for this very popular and necessary button to appear on the display, you need to go to the "Settings" section. Then we follow to the "Basic" function, then - "universal access". We find the section "AssistiveTouch". After activation, a virtual button appears.

This function can temporarily replace the mechanical button, but provided that the smartphone is fully functional. Unfortunately, this operation cannot be performed if the touchscreen is malfunctioning. You can find out the prices on our website.

Why you shouldn't change the Home button yourself

If it's not a software failure, then you have to restore the button's functionality by replacing it. Button Home iPhone 5s not working? - there is a lot of information on the Internet on self-repair of this button.

The "Home" button in the smartphone has functions not only to return to the main screen, but also is a fingerprint scanner of the owner of the gadget. If you change the button yourself, this function is lost.

The right decision would be to entrust the repair of your device to the reliable and experienced hands of specialists, and be sure that all work will be carried out properly and in a short time.

Contact the professionals

Entrust the repair of your iPhone to InApple! Our specialists will carry out a complete diagnosis of the device, identify the cause of the breakdown and eliminate it in the most affordable and less expensive (if possible) way. All accessories for iPhone repair we purchase only from official manufacturers. Be sure that after repair in InApple, your gadget will be in shape again.

You are faced with the fact that in recent times Does the Home button on your iPhone become less responsive, or even stop responding altogether? A decrease in the sensitivity of a button or its "jamming" most often indicates the need to replace it. Experienced craftsmen of the X-Repair service center will quickly solve this problem by replacing the Home button on the iPhone 5s at the best price in Moscow.

"Symptoms" that indicate partial or complete malfunction of the Home button in the iPhone 5s

  • When pressing the "Home" button, a crackling or crunching sound is heard;
  • Instead of clicking silently, the Home key makes a strange, clicking, or squeaky sound;
  • The button "sinks" under the body and does not return to its normal position;
  • After pressing the "Home" button in the iPhone 5s, it returns to its original position, but the command is not canceled (the pressing effect remains);
  • The smartphone does not respond to the command of the "Home" button;
  • The reaction of the device to pressing the button is delayed;
  • Built into the Home button, the Touch ID scanner stops recognizing the iPhone 5s owner's fingerprint (in this case, access to the phone is possible after entering the digital password).

Reasons why the Home button does not work in iPhone 5s

  • Pressing the "Home" button too hard;
  • Smartphone hit or fall;
  • Oxidation of the button contacts due to the smartphone getting into the water, using the gadget in the rain or with wet hands;
  • Contact with dirt, dust and liquids (tea, coffee, juice);
  • Mechanical damage to the controller or the loop of the Home button, as well as other elements of the iPhone 5s;
  • Incorrect software operation;
  • Natural wear of the contacts of the "Home" button.

What to do if the Home button does not work in iPhone 5s

If the Home button on iPhone 5s stops working, don't try to fix the problem yourself. Unprofessional home repairs can lead to more expensive and time-consuming repairs to the "not cheap" gadget. Contact the service center "X-Repair"! Experienced specialists of our SC will diagnose your smartphone for free and determine why the Home button in the iPhone does not work. If the Home button is broken due to corrosion, it will be enough to simply replace the oxidized contacts. However, in the event that the breakdown was caused by a break or damage to the loop, the only option to restore the device's operation would be to completely replace the Home button with an iPhone 5s.

Note! V iPhone models 5s, the Home key is hardwired to the Touch ID fingerprint scanner. In the event of a complete replacement of the Home button in the iPhone 5s, Touch ID will cease to function, since the fingerprint recognition mechanism is locked and tied to the device's processor. If only the membrane has been damaged, it will be replaced with a new one and the Home button will work together with the scanner in normal mode.

Here's what the owners of the iPhone 5s who have replaced the Home button in our service center have to say:

IPhone 5s Home Button Replacement at X-Repair Service Center

Home button broken on iPhone 5s? We are waiting for you at the X-Repair service center! By contacting us, you will receive a prompt and high-quality replacement of the Home button on the iPhone 5s by best price in Moscow and service at the highest level... You can bring your smartphone to the nearest branch of our network (

Modern mobile phones with the development of technology, they are trying to get away from push-button control. For changing regular buttons came touch screens... It is much more convenient to work with them. But buttons are still used as rare controls. Sometimes they can break.

What if the Home button doesn't work? The iPhone 5S is where the mentioned control comes in. Why is it needed? How do I fix the Home button? All this will be discussed further. In fact, even a person who has recently become acquainted with "apple" products is able to fix a malfunction.

Description of the control

The first step is to understand what is at stake. What is it What is it for?

This control on a smartphone is pressed most often. The Home button has a variety of functions. They directly depend on the installed operating system.

In general, the Home button is used to:

  • exiting games and applications;
  • unlocking the device.

It follows that the button is pressed several times daily. It is located on the front of the smartphone, under the screen. It has a round shape. What if the Home button doesn't work? iPhone 5S often needs to clean this item.


Getting this control to work isn't that hard. It should be noted right away that the Home button is made of high-strength glass. Accordingly, real breakage of the element is unlikely. Usually, her refusal to work is caused by a system failure or the presence of debris / dust in the gadget's slots.

Home button not working (iPhone 5S)? You can solve the problem in the following ways:

  • clean the device;
  • grease a broken control;
  • replace the button;
  • adjust the position of the connector;
  • display "Home" on the display of the gadget;
  • calibrate the button;
  • take the device to a service center.

How exactly should you proceed? It all depends on what caused the problem with the device. Fortunately, repairing the Home button (iPhone 5S or any other Apple gadget is not important) is not necessary in most cases. It is possible to cope with the task at hand without radical solutions.

About cleaning and lubrication

For example, you need to clean all the cracks in your smartphone. It is recommended to pay special attention to a non-working control. Use a toothpick to remove dust and dirt from the space between the iPhone bezel and the Home button.

After that, it is recommended to lubricate. You can drip it with alcohol or a special lubricant, and then wait until the liquid enters the space between the control and the gadget. A few minutes of waiting, and you can try to press the button.


The next way to solve the problem is to calibrate the Home button. How it's done?

To calibrate the mentioned element, you must:

  1. Open any regular program on the iPhone.
  2. Press the power off button. Hold it until the functional menu appears.
  3. Release the power button. Click on "Home". Keep the button in a similar state until the menu disappears.

There is nothing special about the procedure. Usually this method helps with system failures.

Connector adjustment

Occasionally, the Home Button (iPhone 5S) ribbon cable comes loose or displaced after constant active use. This leads to the fact that the contacts of the gadget stop interacting. In this case, you can try to adjust the position of the connector.

To do this, the owner of the gadget must:

  1. Connect a USB cable to the iPhone.
  2. Press the place where the cable is connected to the device in the "bottom-up" direction.
  3. Pull out the wire carefully.

This technique must be used with caution. There is a risk of permanent damage to the button and its components. Fortunately, it is not difficult to buy spare parts for the iPhone 5S. Therefore, you can repair the broken control yourself.

About repair

But is it worth doing this? It should be said that inexperienced owners of "apple" products are better off avoiding such decisions. If all the tips listed earlier did not help, most likely, the reason for the failure of the element called "Home" from work lies in its real breakdown.

What to do? It is best to take your iPhone to a service center. What for? They will help not only quickly find spare parts for the iPhone 5S, but also replace the faulty component. Only experienced specialists will be able to disassemble the device, install new button and assemble the gadget so that it works fine.


What should a user do who has not yet decided how to deal with the problem under consideration? Home button not working (iPhone 5S)? You can display it on the screen. For this, the Assistive Touch function is used.

To activate it, you must:

  1. Open the "Settings" menu.
  2. Go to the "Basic" menu, then go to "Universal Access".
  3. Click on Assistive Touch.
  4. Change the position of the switch to "Enable".

After the actions taken, the "Home" button will appear on the display of the device. You can customize it and use it instead of the physical interpretation of the given element.

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