
Beeline tariff “Everything for the family. Tariff "All for the family" Beeline: description and prices. We connect the Family tariff Beeline Internet for the whole family Beeline

Many users save up to 50% on internet costs and mobile communications using the services of one operator. The company did not disregard this fact and brought the Family tariff to the attention of consumers of Beeline services. It includes a single package of minutes for calls, SMS and traffic that is shared among several users. And now more about that.

Family rate: description

To begin with, it should be clarified that he has a lot of names. The official name under which this product is registered is “Everything for the Family”.

This service is intended for family use, in which the options that are included in it are removed and distributed from the primary number (the so-called base number), namely:

  • Minutes for calls.
  • SMS messages.
  • Internet traffic.

Bye main user is capable - funds are debited from him. After blocking it, each member of the "family" will be serviced independently and have their own personal balance.

Features and features of the tariff plan

For easy connection to the service and so that later there are no difficulties, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with several nuances of the action of this offer:

  1. Additional users are connected to the packages "All!" that are prepaid.
  2. Members must be in the same region.
  3. Balances individual users no need to top up... All financial activities are carried out on the general balance sheet.
  4. Detailed report for each user can be obtained in the form of a statement on calls made and expense transactions from the main number.
  5. Go to family room you can add not only additional users but also devices such as a tablet, modem or laptop.

Reference! The options that are provided to members under the terms of the agreement can be used not only in their home area, but also in other regions of Russia. This fact suggests that the service is very convenient for those whose life or work is connected with moving around the country, whether it is a trip or a business trip.

Now let's look at the conditions that apply to citizens of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow.

"Everything!" locally

Local communication for users of the services "Everything!" provides free incoming calls to phones that are part of the family. The exact same situation awaits users connected to common packages services on the main balance.

If the main user is blocked, calls to Beeline phones will cost 0.25 rubles. for a minute of conversation. If the phone is not connected to general packages, then a minute of conversation will cost 1.6 rubles. For calls to other operators, the cost is 1.6 rubles. in a minute.

Long distance rates for family package

As in the previous paragraph, calls to Beeline subscribers, if the user is connected to the general packages "All" are free with a long-distance connection. But if he is connected to such packages, and the basic one is blocked, then the calls will cost the subscriber 0.25 rubles / min.

With a long-distance connection, a subscriber who has not connected general packages on the main balance for a call will pay 3 rubles. in a minute. The same cost of calls to subscribers of other operators.

Family rates for international calls

The following information will be of interest to those who have relatives abroad. After all, when making calls to the CIS countries and Georgia, including Beeline subscribers registered in the CIS or Georgia and Ukrainian Kyivstar users, the subscriber pays 30 rubles / min.

Conversations with European interlocutors, as well as calls to the USA, Canada, China, Vietnam and Turkey are charged at 50 rubles. in a minute.

The most expensive calls from this group are calls to other countries - a minute of conversation costs 80 rubles.

Mobile Internet for the whole family

The source of traffic is the total balance, on which a certain amount of megabytes is charged upon payment, according to the agreement. Each additional member spends megabytes allocated from the main account.

It will be helpful to review:

If the general account is blocked or the additional account is not connected to the general tariff, then the mobile Internet does not work.

Important! Subscribers who want to receive only the Internet have the opportunity to connect to the “Internet for Everything” tariff.

Family rate messages

Sometimes messages for subscribers are no less important than packages of minutes. Therefore, we have prepared a short excursion on the tariffication of these options.

Sending SMS messages in rubles:

  • Local phones - 2.00.
  • Long distance calls - 3.95.
  • International - 5.50.

Users in the family tariff will pay 6.45 rubles for outgoing MMS. a piece.

Roaming for subscribers connected to the family tariff "Everything!"

For certain subscribers, whose activities and personal life are associated with travel around the country and the world, very important option is roaming. Now we will tell you in detail what the “All for the Family” tariff plan can offer regarding this option.

ServiceCost, rub.
Incoming calls within Beeline on the territory of the Russian Federation
Outgoing calls in the Beeline network on the territory of the Russian Federation
The subscriber is connected to the general account0
Connected to the main account, but it is blocked0.25
Not connected to general packages of the main account9.95
Calls to other operators in Russia9.95
Incoming SMS messages on the territory of the Russian Federation in the Beeline network0
Outgoing SMS messages on the territory of the Russian Federation in the Beeline network2
Tariffs for trips to regions of the Russian Federation such as: the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, the Jewish Autonomous Region, the Trans-Baikal Territory, the Buryat and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District, the Khanty-Mansiysk and Chukotka Autonomous District, Yakutia, as well as for connecting to other networks mobile operators
Incoming calls9.95
Outgoing calls9.95
Incoming SMS0
Messages for local callers4.95
Messages to international mobile networks5.95
International roamingAccording to the tariffs for the provision of roaming

Attention! Roaming services are provided automatically, provided that the balance is 600 rubles. and more. If it drops below 300 rubles, the service is automatically blocked.

What is included in the additional tariff "Everything for the Family"?

All are automatically transferred to this tariff plan. additional subscribers that connect to the base. There is no subscription fee for such users under the terms of the agreement, which makes it possible not to replenish their balances.

If for some reason the main account is blocked, the following amounts will be debited from the additional accounts:

  • Calls in the local region - 0.25 rubles / min;
  • For other operators - 1.60 rubles / min;
  • Intercity - 3.00 rubles / min.

For outgoing SMS (in rubles):

  • Local phones - 2.00;
  • To other regions - 3.95;
  • Abroad - 5.50.

Connecting additional numbers to the main

After choosing the main subscriber, on which the tariff plan "Everything!" you can connect additional ones to it, which will be included in the family.

The easiest way to link another number is to add it in your personal account. To do this, you need to register there, then in the upper part of the window, which contains all the information about your tariff plan, you need to select "Add number". By entering numbers and clicking "Send invitation". The invited subscriber will receive a message containing the code. The last step will be to reboot the phone, after which it will enter the family.

“Kicking out” a user can be as simple as connecting a second one on Beeline to a family plan. This can also be done through your personal account, where in the "Manage numbers" section you need to select the "Disable number" item.

Advantages and disadvantages of the tariff

We examined the pros and cons of this tariff from the point of view of the consumer, and this is what happened:

  • Simplified system of payment for services, when the replenishment goes through a common account, and services are automatically distributed among subscribers;
  • All services are mainly used optimally and at the end of the month nothing unused is burned out;
  • Excellent cost control.

As for the flaws in the tariff, these are:

  1. The inability to limit the expense of services for family members;
  2. Sometimes services end before the end of the month.

Summing up

The family tariff from Beeline is designed specifically to unite the family even when using mobile communications. Along with this, the cost of services is affordable for any ordinary resident of our country. Saving, convenience and care for loved ones are the main principles of the "Everything for the Family" service from Beeline.

A number of services included in the company's line cellular communication, suitable for families using Beeline communications, in addition to these TP is "All for the family" Beeline. The tariffs related to the line, whose provided minutes, messages and package traffic can be divided among several subscribers, imply significant savings - one user pays a subscription fee, all subsequent subscribers who join use the received options.

Brief analysis of Beeline family tariffs

The set of tariff plans, under the general name "All", will attract the attention of such families who are active participants in the possibilities of cellular communication: Internet, SMS-services, outgoing calls. After evaluating the scope of options that your relatives need, you can choose the optimal tariff of the Beeline provider. After purchasing the family offer, the owner of the newly acquired tariff will be able to connect and share the provided package benefits among several people. In addition to the initial subscriber who made a direct connection, the operator allows you to add up to 5 people to one TP.

Each member of the family of proposals has an individual cost and its own package of options available to the user. Let's look at a brief description of several of them:

  • "Everything for 800" contains a set of not requiring payment of minutes - 1000, free SMS in the amount of 500 and high-speed access to Internet services - 7 gigabytes. Invite to sharing can be up to 3 people.
  • The service "All for 1200" allows you to choose up to 4 people and has much wider packages - 10 gigabytes of traffic, SMS messages available free of charge - 1000 pieces, as well as 2000 free minutes intended for sharing between family members.
  • 5 people can be invited by the main owner of "All for 1800" to consume the general package services. The number of unpaid minutes and text messages is the same at 3000, network traffic reaches 15 GB.

Description of the additional tariff

The tariffing of the family tariff plan can be used only by those customers of Beeline who were invited to become co-owners of the services available to the main owner. The subscriber fee is not included in the terms of the tariff plan. Voice communication and SMS sending is carried out using the packages of the main subscriber phone. When it is blocked, the tariffication of options will be set in the following amounts: 0.25 rubles / min per conversation in the home region, intercity line - 3 rubles each, SMS addressed to local residents and representatives of other regions of the Russian Federation - 2 and 3.95 rubles, respectively, outside the country - 5.5.

It is important that the additional subscriptions of the connected communication people are not covered in cash that are on the balance sheet of the main number.

How to activate and deactivate the tariff plan in question

How to connect "Everything for the Family"? Family members cannot make this transition on their own. The owner of one of the services of this line, using an application for smartphones from the operator or through the service of his personal account, invites additional consumers of his package options. To activate the tariffs of the described "All for" line, you need to use special telephones, after calling to which a certain tariff plan "All ..." will be purchased:

  • "For 800" - 0674000800;
  • "For 1200" - 067410257;
  • "For 1800" - 0674001800.

Important! After sending the invitation, the recipient who received it must agree to become a user of the service, then the "All for the family" add-on will be automatically activated.

How to disable the tariff "All for the Family" Beeline? The provider's client does not need to set special USSD deactivation commands or look for any number. You just need to find a new tariff plan and complete the transition to it.

Before all relatives switch to another operator, you need to weigh all the costs of communication and the purchase of SIM cards. In the case of Beeline, the all-for-family tariff is what you need when you want to communicate with family members and other subscribers without spending a lot of money on communication.

Previously, it was difficult to save money in a large family, because each person had to replenish the account by at least 300 rubles a month, and that was enough for the very minimum of services. Now it is enough to replenish the balance of one person and the main number will pay for everything.

Description of the tariff "Everything for the family" from Beeline

Everything for 800 for 5-6 SIM cards includes:

  • 22 GB of internet traffic,
  • unlimited calls to Beeline throughout Russia,
  • 500 sms to Beeline in the country,
  • 1200 minutes for communication with other operators within Russia.

The offer works if all connected SIM cards belong to the same area. It is also necessary to clarify the possibility of using one account for "All for the Family" from your tariff plan. This is not possible on every "All" line. Additional numbers are automatically set with the “Tariff for family” conditions.

How to connect the tariff "All for the Family" from Beeline

You can switch to a tariff plan that is beneficial to all relatives at once in several ways:

  • On the operator's website https://moskva.beeline.ru/customers/vse-family/ by clicking the "Go" button, in the window that opens, enter your phone number in the format 89XXXXXXXXX.
  • In your personal account https://my.beeline.ru/, you can immediately add up to 5 SIM cards of your relatives, confirming the action of the sms with the code.
  • In the mobile application from Beeline directly on your smartphone.
  • In a sales office or a communication salon, where you will be provided with all the necessary information.

Download the mobile application from the markets: AppStore, Google play, Windows Market.

How to disable the "All for Family" tariff from Beeline

Disabling additional telephone number is possible in your personal account https://my.beeline.ru/ both by the user of the main and additional phone... You can deactivate a tariff plan only by switching to other conditions. You can change the tariff like this:

  • by calling the operator on 0611,
  • in your personal account,
  • on the website of the operator Beeline in the "Products" section, "Mobile connection", "Tariffs" by selecting the appropriate one and clicking the "Go" button.

Tariff cost

The cost of the tariff option is 800 rubles per month. The subscription fee is charged on the same day of each month.

The main number pays the subscription fee for the family tariff plan, and the rest simply use the services that are included in it, as well as when minutes, traffic and sms are exhausted in excess of the package at the cost of "All for the Family".

Additional numbers, which are included in family numbers, pay only for their own international roaming services and paid subscriptions.

Calls and SMS in the home region

  • Incoming 0 rub./m.
  • Outgoing to Beeline unlimited 0 rubles / m., If the main SIM is blocked - 0.25 rubles / m.
  • To other numbers of the region for all numbers together 1200 minutes, after the expiration - 1.5 rubles / m.
  • 500 sms for all, at the end of 1.5 rubles 1 pc.
  • Mms 6.45 rubles.

Long distance calls and sms

  • Calls to Beeline in Russia are unlimited, if the main number is blocked - 0.25 rubles / m.
  • 1200 minutes within the country to any operators for all SIM cards connected to the conditions when the package ended - 1.5 rubles / m.
  • 500 SMS for the whole family, in addition to the package of 1.5 rubles per unit.
  • mms 6.45 p.

When the package services end, each of the numbers connected to the "All for family" option is notified about this. Funds for sms, minutes, traffic in excess of the package are paid by the main number according to the above tariffication.

Long distance sms and calls

  • CIS, Ukraine, Georgia, including Beeline subscribers 30 rub / m
  • Vietnam, Turkey, Canada, USA, China, Europe 50 rub./m.
  • The rest of the states 80 rubles / m.
  • SMS to any country 5.5 rubles.

Internet on a tariff plan

The Internet is available to all numbers in the amount of 22 GB for relatives. When the traffic comes to an end, everyone receives a notification to their own mobile device... If the main SIM card blocked, Internet access is terminated.

You can connect additional packages to each subscriber who needs traffic until the packages are updated. From the services you can choose: Internet for a day 100 MB for 19 rubles, Internet for a day 500 MB for 29 rubles, Highway 1 GB, 4 GB, 8 GB, 12 GB., 20 GB. costing from 210 to 1250 rubles for a month.

Internet on Beeline package 22 GB does not work in the following regions: Republic of Crimea, Sevastopol, Dolgano-Nenets region, Magadan region, Kamchatka Territory, Chukotka Autonomous District, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

Advantages and disadvantages of the tariff

Benefits of the "All for the Family" tariff:

  • you only need to replenish one SIM card, which is the main one, it also controls costs and takes on additional costs, except for subscriptions,
  • unlimited calls to Beeline in your city and throughout Russia,
  • a large number of SMS in the package,
  • a large amount of traffic,
  • easy management of numbers in your personal account.


  • when the main SIM is blocked, the rest of the subscribers who are attached to it cannot use the Internet, and also have to pay for communication services on their own.

Telecommunication operator Beeline takes into account the needs of its customers and periodically updates the additional services provided. Option "Additional number" Beeline - an excellent opportunity to save money for most subscribers. During development, special attention was paid to ease of activation and management special offer... V this material we will consider in detail:

  • function description;
  • examples of beneficial use;
  • cost and procedure for debiting funds;
  • methods of activation and deactivation.

Service additional number Beeline offers any existing subscriber of the operator to bind several third-party numbers to the main one, which will significantly reduce monthly service costs with economical use. The function can only be activated by TP users with a monthly fee, since they have the necessary amount of prepaid minutes, traffic and Internet.

The service works as follows:

  1. The client binds one or more additional numbers to the main number, having previously filled out a request and confirmed his actions;
  2. Funds are debited from the main personal account. There is no longer any need to replenish the balance of each number separately;
  3. Every month you can get detailed statistics for each subscriber, which will indicate the exact amount of money spent, minutes, traffic and messages.

The function is quite new in the telecommunications market and has received demand among Beeline customers. It should be noted that the service cannot be added in all service regions. More detailed information is located in the corresponding sections of the official website of the company. Additional advice can be obtained by calling the toll-free technical support number.


The total cost of service is the most pressing question among potential users additional service... Service activation does not require additional debiting of funds from the balance, and you link the number to your tariff. For maximum savings, it is recommended:

  • pre-analyze the needs of linked subscribers and summarize them, which will allow you to choose a suitable tariff plan from the entire line of the operator;
  • at any time you can get a detailed statement in your personal account;
  • use additional data packages in case of premature use of the basic TP.

From all of the above, it follows that funds will be deducted from the balance for the used TP and additional costs, which depend on the frequency of calls or work with the Internet. The additional number activation service is free of charge.

How to connect an additional Beeline number

Having dealt with the terms of service, cost and recommendations for use, let's start studying ways to connect an additional Beeline number. Traditionally, you can use:

  1. system of USSD messages;
  2. custom control panel;
  3. feedback from qualified employees.

The first option is the easiest for clients. You will need to enter the following request in the form of dialing: * 888 * direct subscriber number with operator code #. The USSD command must be sent from the donor number, which will provide resources for other subscribers. The subsequent activation procedure requires obtaining permission from both the sender and the recipient. Further instructions will be sent via SMS.

Connection of a landline telephone cannot be made, which is one of the limitations. In the user's personal account, you can also activate the function if it is available for use in your region.

You can get additional advice by calling the operator's toll-free support service number. The specialist can manually activate the service at the request of the client. You must first provide some personal data that will help to verify the status of the subscriber.

How to disable additional numbers Beeline

Considering how to disable an additional number on Beeline, the user's personal account is the most effective way here. The corresponding section displays information about all attached numbers. With just a few taps, you can deactivate the service for a specific subscriber. Do not forget to save your changes, after which you can link a new contact. The maximum limitation is 3 numbers per donor.

The custom control panel is available as mobile application for operating rooms Android systems and iOS. Download and install the program from the official market.

"All for 800"

If you connect to this tariff plan, you can link up to 2 numbers to it, for which Beeline offers 7 GB for use mobile internet, 1000 free minutes for communication on the network, as well as 500 SMS-messages. The cost of using the tariff for the whole family is 800 rubles per month.

"All for 1200"

If you want to choose the tariff "Everything for 1200" for a family, then the operator will provide you with 10 GB for accessing the network, 2000 minutes for talking on the phone, as well as an SMS package of 1000 messages. You can connect up to 4 numbers, and its cost will be 1200 rubles.

"Everything for 1800"

Connect your loved ones to this tariff, and you will get 3000 minutes, 15 GB for communication on the Internet, 3000 SMS-messages provided by the package. Up to 6 people will be able to communicate by phone within the framework of this tariff, and the subscription fee for the whole family will be 1,800 rubles per month.

How to connect "Everything!" for the family?

To do this, you should buy a starter pack with the "Everything!" and bind to him the number of relatives that his conditions allow. You can add numbers yourself, just go to your "Personal Account" on the Beeline website. After you do this, the connected subscribers will receive a notification from the operator in the form of an SMS message. To complete the connection, you must reply to the message from the service number.

Bonuses for connecting those close to the package

The promotion is valid until September 27, 2016. You can transfer your loved ones to the “All!” Tariff, after which they will be able to use mobile services for free. For you, if your relatives are connected, there is also a valid promotional offer - 500 rubles of bonuses, which you can spend according to the program.

Can I connect to the tariff without changing the number?

If your family uses the services of other domestic mobile operators, and it is too troublesome for them, then Beeline provides them with the opportunity to connect without changing their previous phone number:

  • In order to receive bonus funds and connect your loved ones to Beeline, you need to contact the company's customer service center together with the subscriber you want to add to the "Everything!" for the family. You must have your identity documents with you. Together with your relative, you are required to write a statement of your intentions to switch to Beeline.
  • The subscriber connected to the operator's services receives a temporary number on the new Beeline SIM card with the “Everything!” Tariff. After that, your loved ones will immediately be able to use the tariff.
  • If you do not have the opportunity to contact the office together with the connected subscriber, then there is a way out of this problem. A new client will be able to switch to Beeline on his own, subject to the purchase of a SIM card with a temporary number. , the subscriber will be able to add it to the list of numbers according to your tariff and use it for free.
  • After eight days, the previous number will be transferred to new card... Thus, the temporary number will be replaced with the old one. The client will be additionally notified about the activation of the service, in the form of an SMS message from the operator, which will be sent to two SIM cards at the same time. Before the old data is transferred to the new card, you can use it as before.
  • The transition to Beeline is paid additionally: for the return of the number, a payment of 100 rubles will be charged from your previous account.

except mobile phone You can also connect other devices to the family package (for example, tablet, modem, etc.).

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