
Sony Ericsson K750i: specifications, photos, reviews. Sony Ericsson K750i: specifications, photos, reviews Battery and charging

Sony Ericsson is perhaps the only mobile phone maker that hasn't embarked on hyper-productivity under the slogan "more and more." Of course, it represents more models this year than in the previous year, but all of them, as before, are piece samples of engineering creativity, and not products in the style of "the base model plus a new case, plus a very small functional difference."

Let us recall the situation a year ago. Back then, the company had a recently won but solid reputation as a technology leader and trendsetter in the GSM phone industry. In the middle class it offered the successful Bluetooth solutions T610 and T630, in the business class - the folding Z600 and the monoblock K700i, both successful and popular products, and in the top class - the amazing S700i camera phone. Since that time, the company has actually been working on fine-tuning its solutions and "cutting coupons" from them. Successful and stable sales of the T610 / 630, Z200, Z600 and K700i ensured a strong position for the company, and a fairly long debugging of the S700i and its launch only in late autumn did not dampen consumer interest in this product. However, by the new year it became clear that Sony Ericsson wanted something just as interesting, and the Cannes novelties K600 and Z800, to be honest, seemed a little trivial and therefore to some extent even disappointed.

On March 1, the company announced a large-scale (of course, by its standards, literally several new products were presented) update of its line, in which the K750i, previously known under the working name Clara, becomes the flagship model.

Sony Ericsson has tried to make a hit model, which implements the maximum number of functions and technologies applicable to a phone with a closed OS (not a smartphone). The basis of multimedia functionality is a two-megapixel CCD-camera with autofocus, there is also support for removable memory, which made it possible to fully implement the function of an MP3-player. Of course, business functions and connectivity have not been forgotten, which together makes the K750i the most functional GSM phone at the moment.

Design and construction

Sony Ericsson K750i is a monoblock device of average size for nowadays. The geometric solution of this model, although it has some similarities with the previous generations of Sony Ericsson, is still independent and new. The device is almost rectangular, only with slightly rounded edges and ends. The design is quite attractive, however, not as much as that of the T610 or K700i - a certain number of potential buyers are not quite satisfied with it. The most controversial point is the thickening on the back surface of the case - although it is functionally justified, it is still not so convenient to place the phone on a flat surface, and when the device is in the hand, the relief of the back wall is felt under the fingers, which is also unusual. However, this cannot be called a critical flaw.

The selection of materials and build quality are able to satisfy the demanding user - all this is at a high level. The hallmark of the new top models is the translucent bezel with drilled speaker holes. The rest of the phone's surfaces are semi-matte; the combination of black and silver colors is a classic, it always looks noble.

Sony Ericsson K750i corresponds to the concept of a “two-sided” camera phone, its rear surface is designed like the front side of a camera. The camera lens is located under the convex part of the rear wall. It is difficult to say how much it was necessary to place it in this way, and not to make the back panel flat. With the existing shape, it turned out to be easier to implement another idea - protecting the lens with a sliding cover. Part of the silver bezel labeled "2.0 Megapixels" slides towards the bottom of the phone. In the opening gap there is a lens (by the way, recessed inside the body, which suggests a possible space saving) and a mirror for self-portrait photography. A similar design is used in many "soap boxes", in which the lens cover is connected to the camera's power switch, and when it is opened, the camera turns on automatically. Something similar happens with the K750i: if you slide the cover, the phone automatically switches to the photo mode. Above the lens is a LED "flash", in this model its role is played by a battery of two LEDs, which gives brighter light.

The keyboard of the K750i is typical of Sony Ericsson products. It consists of a standard digital block and management group, which includes a five-way joystick, a pair of soft keys, buttons for undo / erase and return, as well as a separate key for calling up a list of shortcuts for the most common functions. Like all Sony Ericsson models, the K750i lacks call and end buttons, their functions are performed by soft keys.

Number keys are located together, but they are rather large. The profile of the keys is not very high, however, they are located with a reverse slope - the top edge of each row is higher than the bottom, so the rows can be easily distinguished by touch. The keyboard is moderately suited for completely blind typing, but it can be used quite fluently and confidently. The pressing force is selected optimally, the response threshold is quite clear, so it's pleasant to press the buttons. The same goes for the control keys. The joystick is characterized by average values ​​of pressing and deflection forces, so it is comfortable to use. The pad with which the finger contacts has a concave surface and clearly marked edges - especially pampered users on this occasion declare that the joystick cuts the finger. This opinion, in our opinion, is purely private. The joystick is located in a recess and almost does not protrude outward, and, moreover, it has a clearly marked response threshold, so the K750i is free from the main problem of the K500i equipped with such a control - numerous accidental pressings of the joystick.

On the left side near the top there is a so-called "music" button - it allows you to start and pause the playback of music from the current playlist. This button only works when a hands-free headset is connected.

On the opposite side of the body there is a swinging volume control, rather convex, and equipped with special convex "points" that make it easier to search by touch, so this organ is easy to use. The power switch is located at the top end.

On the right side, closer to the bottom, there is a camera shutter button. It is located so that if the phone is placed like a camera, horizontally, it falls under the index finger. Taking pictures in this way is much more familiar and convenient. Note that the K750i, in contrast to the K700i and K300i, has the correct arrangement of photographic elements; if you take the phone with one hand like a camera, the lens will not be under the fingers of the right hand, but on the opposite side from it.

The phone is equipped with a slot for Memory Stick Duo, a shortened version of the standard Memory Stick; a similar version of the newer format - Memory Stick PRO Duo - is also supported, unlike the previous generation of Sony Ericsson phones such as the S700i. The slot is located outside the case, as a result, the card can be replaced without turning off the phone and laborious disassembly of the case. The hole is located in the lower part of the left side edge, it is covered with a folding rubber plug. The slot is equipped with a spring-loaded ejector, so you have to push it down to eject the card.

New phone equipped with a new standard data connector. Outwardly, it looks a bit like the old one, but narrower, and differs in the location of the pads and key holes. The interface of the machine has been completely redesigned to achieve higher data transfer rates. Changing the form factor of the connector, as is usually the case in such cases, led to the incompatibility of the K750i with the wired accessories released so far. A similar effect took place, in particular, when the Pop-Port connector was introduced into Nokia phones and changing the format of the connector in Siemens x55 phones - it caused a slight indignation, but users did not have big problems associated with changing accessories.

If you install the appropriate software on your computer, the phone can be recognized as a USB Mass Storage device, which means that in those versions of Windows that support the corresponding mode, you can work with the phone's memory as a logical drive directly from Windows Explorer. It is also possible to charge the battery from the USB bus.

An IrDA window is located on the upper edge of the case. Sony Ericsson has chosen the strategy of creating “phones that have everything”, therefore it does not abandon this interface in new models, and this, in our opinion, is correct.

The K750i is equipped with a 176x220 dots display displaying 262,144 colors. Of course, the display is made using TFT technology, displays a bright, clear and smooth picture, fades a little in the sun, but remains quite readable. In this model, Sony Ericsson made a compromise, setting the screen to a high-quality, but not the highest resolution for today. It is quite obvious that the display with the maximum characteristics is reserved for the continuation of the S700 model, however, the capabilities of the matrix available are quite enough for the K750i. There is even a specific positive side of such a solution: the interface of 320x240 pixels on the S700 noticeably "slowed down", but on the new model it works quickly.

The phone comes with a 900 mAh lithium-polymer battery. The design of the battery compartment is somewhat unusual. It is located at the very bottom of the case, and is closed by a removable cover, the height of which corresponds to about half the height of the battery itself. The battery slides into the slot from below and is secured with a small nut along the bottom edge of the compartment. There is a SIM-card slot under the battery, located horizontally so that it remains accessible even with a low opening height. The cover has a sliding fastening, it is fixed with a latch on the upper edge. It holds tightly, without creaking or backlash.

Menus and functions

The control system and menu structure of the Sony Ericsson K750i are completely borrowed from the previous generation models. The only difference is the nice animation of the main menu items, as if spilling out in rows one after another in the direction from the top edge of the screen.

The main menu is two-dimensional, pictographic, with icons arranged in 4 rows. Submenus are textual, one-dimensional, sometimes a bookmarking system is used, scrolling through the bookmarks horizontally, you can actually view two levels of the menu hierarchy at once.

The phone is equipped with extended address book for 500 entries, each of which can contain up to 5 phone numbers (mobile, work, home, fax, other; you can enter only one number of one type) as well as auxiliary information - e-mail address, URL, presence ID (the phone supports Presence services), an individual ringtone, picture and voice commands for all available numbers, place of work, position, mailing address, birthday and additional information. In the contact list for each entry, a default number is indicated, horizontal scrolling you can view other information without opening a contact window.

The entries from the phone memory and the SIM-card are displayed in separate lists, if you wish, you can display the list of contacts from the SIM by default. Of course, a number of service functions used for contacts from the built-in memory are not available for SIM entries. When installing a new SIM for the first time, the setup wizard offers to copy all entries from it to the phone memory.

The first item in the main menu is Sony ericsson- this is a direct link to the manufacturer's WAP-page, next is the item Internet services- this is, in fact, a WAP browser.

Menu Entertainment provides access to the entertainment functions of the phone. First of all, these are games. The device supports 3D Java and contains three preinstalled games. Aero mission 3 is a three-dimensional arcade flight simulator with excellent graphics for the phone, rather simple controls, very entertaining both from a technical point of view and from a gameplay point of view. The point is that the small screen of the phone is not very suitable for flight simulators, which by definition require a wide view. Puzzle Slider- a simple puzzle that automatically forms a puzzle from any picture that the user points to. Finally, Super real tennis is a tennis simulator traditional for Sony Ericsson. It is noteworthy that the K750i Java machine allows not only closing applications on exit, but also “minimizing” them, as phones on the Motorola P2k platform do (v300 / 500/600 and later).

VideoDJ- quite an interesting program, it is a simple linear video editor. It allows you to "stitch" video clips into a movie, simultaneously cutting out the necessary fragments from them, overlay text titles, and perform some other operations. The purpose of the program is obvious - it is needed to quickly design videos intended for transmission via MMS, its use can make it possible to create a much more interesting, informative or funny video than those that can be shot, let's say, in a natural way.

PhotoDJ- the simplest graphic editor with a small set of tools, designed for approximately the same purposes - the simplest adjustment, annotation and design of images intended for sending via MMS.

MusicDJ- a program for composing polyphonic ringtones by mixing various samples (fragments of sound recordings). The program is not very difficult to learn, although to work with it you still need to understand the basic principles of mixing, it allows you to get quite high-quality, but somewhat monotonous and predictable compositions.

Remote control- another not very noticeable, but useful new function in the K750i. The phone can control the Worker Windows table, a media player or program for displaying presentations on a large computer via Bluetooth. Of course, this requires the corresponding software preinstalled on the PC. This is not to say that this function is so convenient to use that it can replace the usual methods of managing a computer, but it is quite entertaining and in some cases can be really useful.

Sound recording is a dictaphone, it is extremely easy to use and allows you to record long phonograms. During a conversation, the dictaphone also works, registering the voices of both interlocutors. It is noteworthy that in paragraph Entertainment -> Sound Recording and in the context menu of the conversation, the recorder is immediately switched on for recording; you can listen to the recorded excerpts from the media browser, they are in the folder My sounds.

Camera. Of course, this is the most interesting function K750i, so we will dwell on it in more detail.

The phone is equipped with a 2-megapixel CCD-sensor, which allows it to take pictures with a maximum resolution of 1632 × 1224 pixels (which is slightly higher than the standard 1600 × 1200 pixels format for 2-megapixel cameras); resolutions of 640 × 480 and 160 × 120 pixels are also available. The first of the auxiliary modes is intended for MMS, the second is for creating photo illustrations for contacts in the address book. Switching between JPEG compression modes is also available - quality level Common corresponds to greater compression, and High- smaller, in the second case, you can get a better picture at the cost of increasing the file size. By default, pictures are saved to a memory card, but if it is missing, the phone's internal memory is used.

The presence of an autofocus system means that the phone can change the focal length depending on the distance to the object being shot; automation allows you to do this by analyzing the picture quality and changing the parameters of the optics until maximum sharpness is achieved. Apparently, the metering is performed in the central part of the frame, there are no options for choosing the focusing area, however, it would be too much to expect something like this from the phone.

Accordingly, the style of working with the device is close to that of a conventional digital camera, the similarity is enhanced by the system of automatic activation of the camera when the shutter is opened. In this case, the phone automatically switches to capture mode, and the viewfinder window is displayed in landscape orientation. To shoot, you need to aim the lens at the subject and press the shutter button halfway, after which the focusing and setting of the exposure parameters will take place, which is indicated by the change in the color of the frame in the center of the frame from white to green; after that you need to "press" the button to the end, as a result of which the frame is captured and automatically recorded.

The use of an autofocus lens made it possible to organize another function unusual for camera phones in the K750i - full macro photography. By choosing the appropriate option in the camera menu, you can shoot subjects from a minimum distance of about 8 cm, while the phone focuses clearly in the foreground. Of course, after macro shooting, you must not forget to turn off the corresponding mode - with it the camera cannot focus normally on distant objects.

It is noteworthy that only the hardware shutter button can be used for shooting; you cannot capture a frame by pressing the soft keys or the joystick. This is easily explained: only the photographic button has a mechanism with half-press registration; without it, the autofocus system does not work. So it is most convenient to use the phone in the style of a camera, and in this case it is very clearly visible when it is being photographed; The more common one-handed shooting method, suitable for hidden photography, is less convenient here, but we are not inclined to regret it.

The camera functions are controlled using a menu similar to the menu of some cameras. The same principle was implemented in the S 700 i, but there it was equipped with an automatic confirmation function: after scrolling through the nested menu to the desired option, it was enough to release the joystick to select the desired sub-item, here, for this, you need to press the joystick.

The phone allows you to select the shooting mode (normal, panoramic photo, photo in artistic frame, continuous shooting), turn on night mode, flash, timer for the release delay if necessary. Allows you to use filters (black and white, negative, sepia, overexposure effect), set the white balance (the main mode is automatic, modes for clear and cloudy weather, fluorescent lamps and incandescent lamps are also available). From service functions available timestamp (automatic time and date stamping on the frame), reset the file counter used for automatic naming, as well as the choice of memory, where information is stored - built-in or Memory Stick. As you can see, the set of options is quite typical for a high-end camera phone, there is nothing supernatural here, but everything you need is present.

The quality of the shooting turned out to be very high. The optics, although plastic, are quite good, the lens practically does not suffer from vignetting (darkening of the corners) and provides sufficient image clarity. The autofocus system works perfectly, the camera phone almost never misses the focus, however, as well as the choice of exposure parameters. Dynamic range the matrix is ​​quite large, in pictures where there are very dark and very light areas, both, as a rule, are transmitted normally. The photos are saturated, they never show tonal shifts or distortions, the white balance selection algorithm works quite well. So, when shooting outdoors or in bright studio lighting, the photos are almost the same as with conventional digital 2-megapixel cameras.

As the light falls, the picture quality naturally drops, but the K750i resists this factor better than other camera phones. Firstly, the CCD-matrix has a low level of intrinsic noise and sufficient sensitivity to shoot with not too slow shutter speeds in room conditions. So the "shake" in the photographs taken, say, during the day in rooms with large enough windows, is hardly noticeable, with the transition to artificial lighting it appears, but not as much as we expected. Secondly, the LED flash, although not very effective, nevertheless shines brighter than a single LED, and allows you to reduce the noise of frames obtained in poor conditions, and in many cases, simply ensure the distinguishability of objects in the frame. We repeat that it is not suitable for interior or indoor portrait photography, but still lifes it “pulls out” reliably enough.

The phone allows you to shoot video clips with a resolution of 176 × 144 or 128 × 96 pixels, which can be either unlimited in length or optimized for transmission via MMS. When shooting video, macro mode, night mode, backlight, the same artistic filters as when shooting a photo, and white balance are set. The phone shoots pretty well, providing sufficient smoothness of movement in the frame and frame rate.

Messages. Here the possibilities are traditional for high-end Sony Ericsson - SMS, MMS and e-mail are supported. The menu item for accessing Presence services is called My friends; here you can determine if your favorite subscribers are within the coverage area of ​​the network, as well as configure the appropriate options for your own phone.

Player. K750i can play MP3 files; its capabilities are basically the same as those of the S700i, but they have additional extensions. New is support for playlists - you can now create and save private playlists. However, the consolation from this is rather weak, since there is still no possibility of arbitrary sorting of compositions; within each playlist, you can arrange the playback order by artist or song name. This information is read from ID3 tags, which the phone has limited support (only some of the tag fields are available). The rest of the functions are the same as, for example, in the S700i - the ability to play list files once and cyclically, a fairly effective equalizer, support for MP3 and MP3 Pro with constant and variable bit rates in both cases. The bundled stereo headset provides good sound quality, in this respect Sony Ericsson phones are among the best among the MP3-capable models.

File Manager. This utility allows you to view files in the phone memory and on the Memory Stick. Operating system unites in shared folders files of the same type, located in both memory, which allows you to view them together. The directory structure provides separate folders for images, videos, sounds, themes, saved Web pages, Java games and applications, and other files. Highlighting desired file, you can view / listen to it by pressing the joystick or the corresponding soft-key.

Radio. The phone is equipped with a built-in FM-receiver; it works only when a headset is connected, the wire of which acts as an antenna. The tuner is sensitive enough to provide good reception of radio broadcasts. It is easy to set up the receiver, there is an auto-scan function.

Challenges. The call log is located here, with the division of entries by type of calls (incoming, outgoing, missed). This item is called by the left soft-key from the standby mode, the possibilities in the latter case are the same as when accessing from the menu.

Organizer. In the K750i, the organizer practically repeats that in the previous business models of Sony Ericsson, although there are still a number of innovations. The calendar can be viewed in daily, weekly and monthly modes, it allows you to program reminders with a number of options, but only once, and without specifying the type. The organizer is supplemented with a to-do list and a simple notepad for non-date-bound notes.

There are two alarms in the K750i - one allows you to program a single signal, the second one - triggered on specified days of the week.

The functionality of the K750i can be extended with business Java applets. Initially, the phone has a world time clock written in this language.

Countdown timer, stopwatch and calculator are common utilities for Sony Ericsson phones. Also traditionally in the K750i there is Code memo- a notebook for confidential entries (usually logins and passwords) protected by a four-digit password.

An unusual feature of the K750i is a flashlight, which can be accessed in the organizer menu. The principle of operation is simple: the phone allows you to randomly turn on the LED "flash" so that it plays the role of a flashlight. The function is interesting, but accessing it through the menu is too difficult, it would be more appropriate hotkey.

Options. All settings and modifiable options of the phone are collected here. They are all sorted into tabs according to their purpose, so finding the options you need is usually easy.

Impressions and conclusions

Sony Ericsson K750i provides a normal call quality. The phone works on a full charge for about 3 days with a fairly active use of its functions and not a very large number of conversations. However, prolonged listening to MP3 or radio can significantly reduce this indicator.

Polyphony sounds loud and clear enough; MIDI and MP3 files, dictaphone recordings can be used as ringtones. Sound signal complemented by a well-felt low-frequency vibration alert.

Our K750i experience is the best. This is an excellent functional device, which contains almost all the business and multimedia functions found in modern mobile phones with a closed OS (not smartphones). The functionality can be significantly expanded using Java MIDlets, this is not as effective as using additional programs on smartphones, but in many cases it can help. The Java support is well implemented, the preinstalled games are good, and the 3D Java compatibility promises great entertainment possibilities of the device. The musical capabilities of the device are also good, the MP3 player, despite minor flaws, is very convenient and useful, and is successfully complemented by an FM tuner. The advantages include wide communication capabilities, including perfectly working Bluetooth, the ability to control programs on a PC from the phone via this interface, a full-function infrared port, support for USB Mass Storage and USB battery charging. The most noticeable drawback of the device is the limited number of reminder options in the organizer, but this, in principle, can be put up with.

The key feature of the K750i - the 2MP autofocus camera - also deserves the highest praise. It works very well, in a wide range of shooting conditions, and is very easy to use.

The cost of the new item promises to be very reasonable, as for a top-end camera phone with the best performance on the market. During the period of high demand, it will be in the range of $ 450-500, later it will decrease to $ 420-450.

As a result, we can say that Sony Ericsson K750i is a uniquely successful product. It has no noticeable drawbacks, has a lot of advantages, is "stuffed" with almost all nodes and technologies known today, and at the same time it is not so expensive. The buyers' interest in this model will be very high, already now there are many people who are ready to buy this device and are looking for opportunities to pre-order it.

The new Sony Ericsson model should appear on sale in the near future, in this case it will be well ahead of its era. It has no direct competitors yet, and they are not expected to appear in the near future. Only two promising models known today will have similar characteristics - Samsung SGH-D600 and Panasonic xx7 (three models are planned in the series, differing in design and equipment details). In both cases, we are also talking about a two-megapixel camera phone with removable memory, but equipped with a screen of higher resolution and / or color (16.7 million shades in the case of Panasonic products). But both of these models belong to the fashion class, which means that they will cost significantly more. Nokia N90 with better optics should also become a strong competitor, but this model will certainly be more expensive than the K750i. In general, the direct competitors of the new Sony Ericsson, which could count on comparable popularity, are not yet foreseen. A model of the same class could be presented by Siemens (presumably S75), at least until now the competition between the companies has developed approximately according to this scenario, but the prospects of the German brand still look rather vague. So, if Sony Ericsson is not late with deliveries, the K750i can be safely included in the bestsellers of this and possibly next year.

Due to their high quality, push-button phones will be in use for a long time. A striking example of such devices is the mobile Sony phone Ericsson K750i. Its release fell on 2005. At this time, this model was the best-selling one. The manufacturer Sony Ericsson was famous not only for quality, but also for innovative technologies. Before the release of this model, massive promotions, and it is worth noting that the mobile device fully met the expectations of potential buyers. All owners have highlighted the ideal combination of price and quality, the use of new developments relevant for 2005, extended functionality.

Let's take a closer look at the characteristics. Thanks to the information presented, each user will be able to really evaluate this device.

About the model

At the time of the release of the phone with the K750i index, authoritative publications recognized it as the best copy among the existing products of 2005. The campaigns took advantage of the combination of two brands - Sony (camera quality) and Ericsson (high connectivity and hardware). To be fair, it should be noted that all the owners were satisfied with the collaboration product, namely the Sony Ericsson K750i.

At that time, it was the only one on the market with a camera whose matrix had a resolution of 2 megapixels. The buyers were delighted with autofocus, by that time it was a novelty. Many people believed that taking pictures of acceptable quality with a mobile phone was unrealistic. However, the camera of this model could compete with the “soap dish” cameras produced in 2005.

The prototype of the K750i phone is the W800. Updates affected not only the firmware, but also the appearance. The buyers also highlighted the complete set of the new model. Of course, at the present time this unit is compared with modern smartphones makes no sense, but this particular push-button telephone has become a legend about which many users still speak only positively.


The first thing I would like to start describing a mobile device is the package bundle. The phone is packed in a box made of thick cardboard. It is decorated in green and white colors. This is quite symbolic, since it is these colors that are used in the brand logo. The front and back panels, the side edges are white, and the manufacturer has chosen green for the top and bottom ends. The packing box is informative. It shows the phone itself, the model name and short specifications... There is also information about the country of origin.

The box has a special pad, divided into several compartments. They contain a mobile device Sony Ericsson K750i, instructions in Russian with the stated information on 119 pages, a warranty card, headphones, a cable for connecting to a PC, program disk, charger and memory card.


This model has the following dimensions: 100 × 46 × 19.5 mm. Such indicators are quite standard for devices of that time. The device weighs 99 g. Buyers in their reviews noted some similarities with their predecessors, but still the design can be safely called individual and new. The manufacturer, choosing the shape of the case, preferred straight lines. And only the side faces and ends have slight bends. Not all customers liked the innovations used in the Sony Ericsson K750i. A review of the lineup of this brand shows that there are models with more favorable external design, for example, the T610 and K700i.

The protruding element on the rear panel was not enthusiastically received by all buyers. According to their reviews, the phone does not lie flat on a flat surface, which can lead to a fall during the vibration alert. Also, many noted that it is somewhat unusual to hold it in your hand because of this thickening. However, these points are fully justified by the functionality, therefore they are not critical.

The developers paid special attention to the quality of the materials. The buyers have no complaints about the assembly. The model received a translucent front panel. There are three round speaker holes above the screen. The rest of the case is made of matte plastic. The manufacturer used a classic combination of colors - silver and black. Thanks to this, the device looks presentable outwardly.

Unlike other models, Sony Ericsson K750i can be safely called a two-way camera phone. Its rear panel is the front of the camera. Buyers will not see the lens they are accustomed to. In this model, it is covered with a sliding cover. This decision has received mixed reviews. Many buyers did not like the fact that the placement of the camera required a significant thickening of the body. There is an LED flash above the lens. It is not closed by a "curtain". The manufacturer used two LEDs that give the brightest light possible.

On the left side there is a button for playing music tracks. It only becomes active when a hands-free headset is connected. On the same side, only at the bottom, there is a slot for a Memory Stick Duo (SDHC) memory card. Sony Ericsson K750i is equipped with a volume rocker and a camera shutter button (located on the right side edge). The latter in the horizontal position of the phone just falls under the index finger. The owners focus on its convenient location.


No innovations were introduced into the management and menu structure. Here users will see everything that was present in the previous models. The only thing that has changed is the appearance of icons on the screen when entering the menu. This device used animation, which allowed each row to appear smoothly in the next order. The main menu is two-dimensional. The icons are arranged in four rows. Scrolling through bookmarks is carried out in the horizontal direction.

The main menu contains the following sections:

  • Internet services. Used to go directly to a WAP page. There is a built-in browser for browsing the Internet.
  • Entertainment. It combines games (Aero Mission 3, Puzzle Slider, Super Real Tennis) and other entertainment features such as the inline video editor VideoDJ.
  • Camera- activation of the photography mode.
  • Messages. This item has a submenu. It consists of sections: "Inbox", "Drafts", "New message", etc.
  • File Manager. The information on the memory card is displayed. It is combined into separate folders, which are filled with files of the same type - images, videos, sounds, themes, etc.
  • Options. Used to set individual settings.

There are also sections such as radio, calls, organizer, however, as in other phones from this manufacturer.


What photos are obtained with with Sony Ericsson K750i? The characteristics of the camera at the time of the release of the model amazed many. Few people at the time believed that photographs taken with a mobile phone could be of decent quality. With the camera, you can take pictures with a size of 1632 × 1224 pixels. If necessary, it can be reduced to 640 × 480 and 160 × 120. The CCD-sensor has a resolution of 2 megapixels. The optics are plastic, but the image has no darkening in the corners. The picture is clear. The presence of autofocus has delighted all owners. In short, Sony did not disappoint users this time either.

Accumulator battery

Sony Ericsson K750i (photo of the device is in the article) is equipped with lithium-ion battery... Its capacity is 900mAh. The phone will work in standby mode for about 200 hours. From this it follows that at an average load, the battery will need to be charged no more than once a week. If we compare it with modern gadgets, then their battery will work for a maximum of 1-2 days. In continuous talk mode, the charge is only enough for 2.5 hours. Duration autonomous work not very impressed with the owners, as in the line of the Finnish manufacturer "Nokia" there are phones, which are twice as high.


In this model, the developers used a typical Sony Ericsson keyboard. There are no special innovations here. The digital block is standard. There is a joystick for five positions (left, right, up, down, center press). Directly under the screen itself there are two soft keys. They are rectangular and rather large in size. Call and reset buttons are absent, their function is performed by soft keys. Sony Ericsson owners are familiar with the back and erase / reset buttons. In this model, they are square, located at some distance from the soft keys and the digital block. This solution made it possible to completely eliminate accidental pressing. There is a separate button in the center below the screen. She is responsible for quick access to certain menu items.

The digital block Sony Ericsson K750i has a clear rectangular shape. The buttons are large, located in one piece. They protrude slightly beyond the overall level of the case. Made with a reverse slope - in each the lower edge is lower than the upper one.

The opinion of buyers about the keyboard is positive. All buttons are easy to press, the response is clear. The joystick requires medium force. All owners have noticed that it is convenient to use.

Memory card

The Sony Ericsson K750i does not have a large built-in memory (38 MB), so the developers offer a 64 MB card in the bundle. You can store photos, pictures, music on it. All information from the memory card is located in the "File Manager" section. The slot is located on the side edge. It is equipped with a spring, so it will be easy to remove it. The top is closed with a lid. It protects the slot from dirt and dust.


By modern standards, the display resolution is small. At the time of release, it was also difficult to name strong point apparatus. The screen displays only 256 thousand colors. The image is grainy. Display resolution - 176 × 220 pix. Matrix type - TFT. For protection purposes, it is covered with a glass case. Over time, scratches can form on the surface as there is no film. In bright sunlight, the screen burns out a lot, but there is practically no glare. The image loses its brightness, but the text remains readable. 8 lines are placed on the screen at the same time, on the top there are network signal icons mobile operator and battery level. Time and date are displayed at the bottom of the screen, below them there is a decoding of soft keys.

How to disassemble Sony Ericsson K750i?

Many owners are interested in how to disassemble the K750i. Sometimes a situation arises when it is necessary to clean the inside of the phone from dust. Not every user wants to carry the device to a service center and pay a certain amount of money.

In order to clean the phone, it is enough to remove the back cover, take out the battery, memory card (located on the side) and sim-card. After that, you need to unscrew the 4 screws with a Phillips screwdriver. Rear part the case is removed using a special tool (for this purpose, a scalpel or knife with a thin rigid blade is suitable). Carefully pry off the places with latches that hold the case - there are six of them around the perimeter. The front panel is removed in the same way.

There is a black plate under the keyboard. It is supported by brass latches. When disassembling yourself, you need to handle them very carefully, as they break easily. The display is secured with two screws. When removing it, it is necessary to disconnect the matrix cable. It has a hole for a joystick. After these simple manipulations, the phone is completely disassembled. Assembly is carried out upside-down.

How to flash a Sony Ericsson K750i?

Very often, the owners of mobile devices are faced with such problems as freezing the device for a long time, turning it off or on on its own, flashing the screen. Don't get upset ahead of time. In most cases, changing the firmware helps to fix such breakdowns. How to do it? Some contact a service center, while others flash the phone on their own. It is not difficult to carry out this manipulation. It will take no more than half an hour.

Step-by-step description of work:

  • Fully charge the battery.
  • Install drivers on your PC.
  • Download the firmware file.
  • Connect the device with a USB cable.
  • Run the installer.

It is important to understand that the user does all the work on changing the firmware at his own peril and risk. If a mistake is made or the installation is interrupted for some reason, the phone will be completely out of order and will not be subject to repair.

General characteristics

Phone type Body type classic Control joystick Number of SIM-cards 1 SIM card type regular Weight 99 g Dimensions (WxHxT) 46x100x21 mm


Screen type color TFT, 262.14 thousand colors Diagonal 1.8 inches. Image size number of lines - 7, 220x176 Pixels Per Inch (PPI) 157


Type of melodies 40-voice polyphony, MP3-melodies Vibration alert Ringtone editor there is

Multimedia capabilities

Number of main (rear) cameras 1 Main (rear) camera resolution 2 MP Rear flash, LED Main (rear) camera functions autofocus, macro mode, digital Zoom 4x Video recording yes (3GP) Max. video resolution 176x144 Audio MP3, FM radio Voice recorder yes Games yes Java applications yes


GSM 900/1800/1900 standard Access to the Internet WAP 2.0, GPRS Interfaces Bluetooth, IRDA, USB Protocol support POP / SMTP, HTML Modem is Synchronization with a computer there is Connector for external antenna there is

Memory and processor

Number of processor cores 1 Built-in memory 34 MB Memory card slot there is


Additional functions SMS text input with a dictionary, message templates, sending SMS to several recipients MMS yes EMS yes


Battery type Li-polymer Battery capacity 900 mAh Talk time 9 h Standby time 400 h

Other functions

Speakerphone (built-in speaker) there is a voice dialing control, voice control There is an auto-dial Audio coding modes HR, FR, EFR yes there is a flashlight

Notebook and organizer

Notebook in the device 510 numbers Book search yes Exchange between SIM-card and internal memory there is Direct (flash) dialing 8 numbers Organizer alarm clock, calculator, task planner

Additional Information

Complete set phone, battery, network charger, portable hands-free, interface cable, 64Mb memory card, software disk, manual Features actual amount of free memory may vary depending on the phone's preliminary configuration Announcement date 2005-03-01

Before buying, check with the seller for specifications and configuration.

Contents of delivery:

  • Telephone
  • Battery
  • Charger
  • Instructions
  • USB cable
  • Stereo headset
  • 64 MB memory card
  • CD with software

In 2005, the most anticipated novelty among users interested in mobile phones the Sony Ericsson K750 has certainly become. The expectation was due to many factors, including the fact that information about the device appeared long before the official announcement of the phone. The first mention of this device can be found on our resource already in December 2003, at that moment the general functionality of the phone was determined. At that moment, based on the functionality, the existing classification of models, we assumed that the new number would be T650. Subsequently, the reorganization of the product line made the T-series dying, the manufacturer decided to update the designations for all models. The flagship of the line in 2003 was the T610, which was the company's bestseller, and even today the device is sold in a number of markets. This was followed by a model update with minor improvements. Until then, the situation was similar for the T68 and the T68i. At the end of the review, we will recall these facts.

New flagship the company received the name K750i, the internal name of the development of Clara. Similarly to the previous flagships of the company, the emphasis is on the most demanded or actively promoted functions on the market. For 2005 such opportunities include a high-quality camera and a built-in mp3 player. All other functions have undergone changes, or, if you wish, you can call it a quantitative increase in characteristics. Based on the previous top models, the device inherited all their strengths, but the hardware filling has become more powerful. This is the main requirement for working with a 2-megapixel camera and processing images from it. Processor power and performance have grown, software optimization has become a central theme in the development of Sony Ericsson K750i. But the main challenge for the company's engineers was not the general functionality of the phone, but the formation of a given set of characteristics in a body comparable in size to the previous flagships. The company decided that users should see the continuity of one model and another, not only in design, but also in the form factor of the phones. Why teach a person to a small phone size in order to offer other, larger dimensions in the next model of this class? This is not only not logical, but also alienates part of the audience. A similar path was chosen by companies that do not have the resources to develop modern devices in a short time, with poor engineering resources.

The phone's design is interesting, the model is available in two colors. Models of additional colors will be available for operators, but they have different designations, for example, the analogue of K750 for T-Mobile was named D750.

The dimensions of the K750 are quite comfortable (100x46x19.5 mm, 99 grams), but not typical for a phone with such a set of functions. The device belongs to models with a two-sided orientation - on one side a telephone, on the other side a digital camera. Combining the phone and digital camera interface allows users to take no extra effort to learn how the camera works, just like a digital point-and-shoot camera. When looking at the front surface, you can see the standard arrangement of functional elements. The first unusual thing is that the speaker holes are very high, almost close to the top edge. This is a requirement of diminutiveness, the volume of the phone has not changed, but its filling has changed. This arrangement did not affect the performance of the speaker, during a conversation the interlocutor is heard well, no additional positioning is required. A negative factor in relation to the loudspeaker can be considered a decrease in its nominal power, due to a number of tweaks it was possible to achieve the same sound and volume in the mode of playing ringtones, mp3 player, as in the models of the current series. The power consumption of the speaker is at the same time lower, which is an undoubted plus.

The screen has not undergone any changes, it is familiar from the previous models, for example Sony Ericsson K700 or K600. The screen has a resolution of 176x220 pixels (28x36 mm), can display up to 262K colors (TFT). You won't find a big difference between 65000 and 262000 colors on this screen, the screen is of high quality, the picture is good, lively, the interface drawing is especially pleasant. The display is inferior in picture brightness to models from Samsung, Sharp, but on the whole it belongs to their group rather than to the middle class. There can be no complaints about the screen in its class, and most importantly, it is clearly one of the best in devices of this form-factor. The picture fades in the sun, but the text remains readable. True, a small font height does not always allow you to see all the necessary details (this does not apply only to SMS messages, and names in the phone book, everything is fine here).

The phone keypad is made of plastic, the number keys are located in a single block. Working with the keyboard is average, this is a compromise option. The keys cannot be called inconvenient, but they are not too comfortable either. For most, the keyboard will be acceptable and nothing more. The backlighting of the keys is white, it is well seen in various conditions.

The joystick in this model is unusual, it is made in the style or according to the “soft touch” technology, the slightest touch allows you to control the movement of the cursor across the screen. At the first moment the joystick does not look comfortable, erroneous operations are frequent, there is a feeling that it lacks some rigidity. Over time, you get used to the joystick so much that on other devices they seem very tough and difficult to control. Many people who first got acquainted with the K750, found it very convenient precisely due to the joystick.

Above the joystick in the middle there is an Activity Menu button, which is an innovation of this model. To some extent, here we see a combination of changes in the phone's interface, plus its hardware support. There are three tabs in the Activity Menu, on one you can add your own shortcuts to frequently used functions, the third tab is used to indicate links to various resources. The main tab, which is shown by default, is a list of recent events, be it missed calls, calendar events. A kind of analogue of the list of events in latest models from Siemens. This is the main difference of this model in the field of interface from other devices of the company. It should be considered as a prototype of the future total update of the functionality of phones, which will mainly fall on the models based on the K750i.

At the top there is an IrDA window and a button for turning the device on / off. At the bottom there is a new interface connector - Fast Port. The explanation for the need to replace the old interface connector is that the data transfer rates have increased, and it was for them that the connector had to be replaced. The company does not take such steps very often, they look justified. Complete change of all accessories from chargers and ending with cables. Unfortunately, the phone does not have a standard headphone output, connection only via Fast Port. Taking into account the peculiarity of the connector structure, the phone adds about half a centimeter in size, a similar gripe is present for Nokia phones.

If the phone size was severely limited, the company made a different decision for accessories. The included USB cable is long, but that's a disadvantage for those who will be using it in multiple locations. Most modern PCs have front USB outputs, there is no need for a long cable. The same goes for laptops and other portable devices. Initially, the company planned to offer a short cable, it was ideal for carrying from one place to another. The second drawback is the openness of the cable pins on the side of the phone connector. In the bag, there is a possibility of damaging the contacts without a protective cap, and it turns out not a very mobile solution either.

Unfortunately, the implementation of hot-plugging via USB is not ideal and differs from what can be seen in the same Motorola E398. It is always necessary to install "native" drivers, otherwise the phone will not be recognized. Further, it should be mentioned that access is carried out only to the memory card, the user data area in the phone is inaccessible. This is not a serious drawback, since exactly the same data is stored on the card and by default all applications, pictures, photos are saved there. This way of working allows you not to turn off the phone when connected via USB, it remains always on. The phone acts to some extent as an external storage device for MS Duo cards.

The memory card slot is located on the left side surface, it is covered with a rubber flap. Unlike smartphones, a floating curtain was not used here, this is a deliberate simplification of the design. The plug is tight, it must be pressed down so that it locks in place. With careless handling, sudden movements, you can pull the plug out of the groove.

The supported volume of memory cards is up to 4 GB, cards with a capacity of up to 2 GB are announced. The bundle comes with a 64 MB card, which is the minimum required to add to the built-in memory. In the original delivery with all installed applications the user has about 30 MB of free space in the phone's memory. This is enough literally for all operations, and considering that the device does not see the difference between the memory card and the phone itself, there is no need for a larger volume.

On the left side surface there is a key for accessing the last musical function, it can be a radio or an mp3 player. In one motion, you can activate the playback of the previously selected playlist or radio. The solution is convenient, especially considering that these functions work in the background, their implementation is the best, the phone has no analogues in this parameter.

On the right side surface there is a coupled volume control button, it is made in the form of a swing. The size of the key is minimal, which does not allow you to comfortably adjust the volume of the sound, not paying attention to it, you need to focus on the action. To a greater extent, the key works in photo mode, it is not so applicable for a phone (small size, located on the right side). With the same key or by holding it down, you can activate voice dialing.

On the back surface you can see a flash, as well as an active shutter covering the lens. Opening the shutter activates the camera, you can take the phone horizontally and take pictures.

The battery compartment has been changed to save space. The hinged lid has no potential problems and the construction is reliable. Naturally, there will be users who, without closing the lid, will drop the phone to the floor and, as a result, lose it or, more precisely, break it off. In normal mode, there can be no problems.

Lithium-ion battery with a capacity of 900 mAh, according to the manufacturer, it can provide up to 400 hours of standby time and up to 9 hours of talk time. In the conditions of the Moscow MTS network, the device worked on average about 3 days with an hour of talks, up to 45 minutes of using other functions, and two hours of listening to the radio. With less time with the phone, it can work for about 4 days. It takes about 2 hours to fully charge the battery. Using the device as an mp3 player does not cause a serious decrease in the operating time, the model works for about the same amount of time (power consumption is comparable to the radio mode).


In terms of menu organization, this is a typical model of the last generation from Sony Ericsson, it only implements Activity Menu, all other features are familiar from previous models. By deflecting the joystick, you can assign shortcuts, that is, a quick call to a particular function. The main menu is represented by four rows of three icons each. The user can take advantage of quick navigation using number sequences, then the transition to the desired item will take a few seconds.

The convenience of typing has remained the same, so by pressing the # key, you bring up a list of available languages ​​and you can easily switch between them while typing.

In addition to traditional vertical menu items, the manufacturer has provided horizontal thematic bookmarks. For example, in the call list, which is called by pressing the call button, you can see not only the last dialed numbers, but immediately (horizontal pressing of the joystick) switch to the bookmarks with the last missed, received calls. In the phone menu, such navigation is used in all possible places, it greatly facilitates communication with the phone. Note that similar horizontal panels are in the phone book, settings menu, and a number of other menus.

To a greater extent, this model is a replica of the K700, a slightly different display of the main menu, new themes have appeared, the number of entries in the phone book has expanded, but the basis is still the same device. The next major interface update is planned for the end of 2005, and in mass production for the summer of 2006.

Phone book... Unlike previous models, 500 names with fully filled fields are supported (similar to K600, Z800). In total, this gives about 2000 numbers in total, which is quite enough for most users.

For one name in the phone memory, you can save several numbers, address Email, IM number, other contact information. In the settings, you have the opportunity to select the required fields, they will be displayed when filling out. There is sorting by fields, in particular by last name and first name, but there is only one input field. Such sorting plays a role only when transferring data from a PC; it is useless for recordings from a phone. For individual names, you can specify a personal ringtone, assign your own picture to the name. In this case, when a call comes in, its own melody will play, and the selected image will be displayed.

When you enter information, you move between tabs, the first one is used to enter phone numbers, their distribution by type. In some ways, the organization of input with bookmarks is similar to that in Outlook, it is convenient. Now you can enter voice tags for individual numbers recorded for a name, there can be up to 40 of them. If you remember, voice tags for a name were previously supported, but additional numbers (home, work, etc.) were dialed using an additional voice tag.

When viewing a phonebook entry, you can scroll through the numbers by horizontal deviations of the joystick, and the rest of the information is also viewed. Naturally, the default number is assigned by you.

Traditionally, the company believes that the SIM-card and its memory can be used by the user in extreme cases, and not for storing permanent information. You can view the data on the map from a separate menu, they are not displayed in the general list.

Messages. All the possibilities for working with messages are standard, there are templates with the ability to create your own. Both the phone memory and the SIM-card are used to store messages. The chat function is supported, in general everything is the same as on other phones of this company.

Implementation of MMS is at its best, you can literally create videos, the number of settings on the one hand and their simplicity on the other hand compares favorably with many devices.

Mail client supports sending and receiving messages, all possible encodings are supported, including all Russian ones.

This menu now also contains the Instant Messaging section, a kind of analogue of mobile ICQ.

Call lists... The general call list contains up to 30 entries with date and time. Opposite each entry there is an icon showing the type of call (missed, received, dialed number). In addition, additional icons are displayed in the general list showing whether there is a number in the phone's memory or a SIM-card. The list of missed calls can also be viewed separately, it can contain up to 10 entries. Data on the price or time of the last call and all calls are also displayed here. Moving between separate lists is possible using bookmarks, they save a lot of time.

Entertainment... In this menu, you can access the album with photos, the list of music files. The MusicDJ function is interesting, although it is very niche and is unlikely to be in demand by a wide range of consumers. In this editor you can create your own melodies, edit up to 4 tracks.

An advanced version of MusicDJ is the VideoDJ function, it allows you to edit not just music, but also add pictures, inscriptions, the final result is drawn up as a 3GP file, which can be sent to an MMS or Email message, and immediately sent to another phone.

For creative people, the device provides a graphic editor PhotoDJ, in which you can draw the simplest drawings. Sometimes with its help time flies unnoticed, but more often this function is simply superfluous.

Organizer... Many functions are hidden in the organizer menu at once, let's consider the calendar first. There are three types of event views, weekly, monthly or today. In the latter case, you see a list of all tasks and memos, in the other two, a time with events or a day is highlighted. There is a quick transition to the selected year, month and day, everything is quite traditional, as well as entering the schedule. So, you get the opportunity to select the type of event from 6 icons, indicate the place where it will take place, the duration, set a reminder (in advance, or at a specified time). There are no recurring events in the device. From the editing menu for individual events, a different time and day can be set, but no more. Reminders work even when the device is off, if you have specified this in the settings. A nice feature of the device is that in the same settings you can mark the automatic switching of the profile when an event occurs, and its return at the end of the event to the previous state. To some extent, this is an analogue of Time Profile in Nokia phones.

The to-do list in the device is austere, there are only two variants of events, in particular, a call and a reminder. On the other hand, this is really enough, simplicity has its positive sides.

The phone has a full-fledged search, organized for the calendar, you set the search string (a word or part of it) and all events that match this search term are displayed in front of you. The function works quickly even when the number of records is more than 100; from the resulting list, you can quickly jump to the event.

The device implements the normal sending of the schedule to other devices (as always, IrDA, bluetooth). Select the desired interval in the form of a day, week or month and send all records. I'll make a reservation that the receiving device must have some form of PIM function in order to read this data and display it. An attempt to send your schedule to the TV via an IR connection is possible, but it will not be able to display them. Likewise, you can receive data, for example, from a home or office PC, without the involvement of special synchronization software.

Notes. The phone can record short text notes, the first word from the note is displayed in the general list. This is not always convenient, because you have to start the text with the word of the marker, in order to then remember what it is actually about.

Alarm clocks. The device has a one-time alarm clock, as well as a repeating one, which can be set on the selected days of the week. The alarms work even when the phone is off.

Countdown timer, everything is pretty standard here, however, the same can be said about the stopwatch with intermediate values. The device has a code memo, so much loved by many, an ordinary calculator.

There is also a world time function.

Connectivity... From this menu you can configure all the communication capabilities of the device, starting with WAP, GPRS and ending with bluetooth, as well as synchronization. I will not dwell on standard applications, they are quite obvious, everything works. I would like to emphasize the stability of bluetooth operation, no problems arise in the device, synchronization with devices proceeds without problems, all profiles are supported.

Remote and local synchronization settings are available from the same menu, everything is also standard. The phone supports the HID profile, which allows you to use it as remote to control a computer, another device.

The following bluetooth profiles are supported:

  • Dial-up networking profile
  • Generic Access profile
  • Generic Object Exchange Profile
  • Object Push Profile
  • Serial Port Profile
  • Handsfree Profile
  • Headset Profile
  • Synchronization Profile
  • Basic Imaging Profile
  • File Transfer Profile
  • HID Profile
  • SyncML OBEX binding
  • JSR-82 Java API

WAP... The browser is assigned a separate menu item, it is version 2 and supports secure connections, which is important for electronic transactions. Using the browser, you can download new wallpapers, themes, melodies to your phone, all of this is available on the original site.

Settings... Actually, this menu contains all the settings related to the operation of the device, partly with the appearance of the screens. There is nothing special to tell, everything is traditional. I would especially emphasize the presence of updated themes, they greatly diversify the appearance of the device.

Radio... The phone has a built-in FM-radio, the difference from the previous versions in the support of RDS is a creeping line with information transmitted by the radio station, an analogue of the function in car radio tape recorders. You can store up to 20 stations in the phone memory, the included stereo headset acts as an antenna. If you use the autosearch of stations, the device will detect about 6-7 stations with the strongest signal in Moscow, save them in memory. At the same time, radio stations with a weaker signal, but quite accessible, will be skipped. They can be added to the playlist manually. As regards this parameter, the phone is identical to the devices from Nokia, there are similar problems.

The signal reproduction quality is high, the headset allows you to set literally any volume, the maximum level is excessive, the music drowns out everything. The user can switch the radio to speakerphone mode, then the radio will be heard by everyone around. The radio volume is quite high in this mode.

Unfortunately, all radio control takes place only from the phone keypad. So switching channels stored in memory is a vertical movement of the joystick. You can adjust the volume using the side keys. If you want to leave the radio and move on to work with other menu items, then you can minimize it, just like you do with applications on your computer desktop. In order to be able to change channels again, you will need to open the Radio application. In minimized mode, the corresponding icon is displayed on the screen.

Briefly, the impressions from the radio can be described as positive, in this respect the phone is interesting, moreover, it offers a high-quality implementation of this function. The radio is no worse than in Nokia phones, and that already costs a lot, while the radio works in stereo.

File manager, memory size. The user has 30 MB of free space available (in general, if you delete everything, about 41 MB will be freed), here he can store his data, files (photos, videos, applications). The remaining memory is occupied by preinstalled applications; as a rule, you cannot delete them. Also, part of the memory is allocated for functions such as the phone book, call recordings, etc.

The phone has a simple file manager, with its help you can sort files into different folders, create your own directories in the phone's memory and store files there. The phone, both with and without a cable, is perfect for the role of a storage device, you can keep your work files on it.

Player... The phone has a built-in mp3 player, as well as 3GP, mpeg4 files. The player is a good tool for listening to mp3 files. Among the settings there is the ability to adjust the equalizers, and there are preset values ​​(Bass, Voice, Tremble, etc.), as well as the ability to create your own settings. Depending on the selected settings, the sound really changes, it is noticeable. The presence of the card turns the K750 into a full-fledged mp3 player, the quality is decent.

Camera... The phone has a 2 megapixel camera, CMOS matrix. This unit is the first widespread phone with a 2 megapixel camera, apart from the Sharp 902. Another feature is the autofocus, which is present in this model. Autofocus works at any distance, including Macro mode.

The device supports three possible resolutions - 1632x1224, 640x480, 160x120 pixels. There are two types of image compression - Normal, Fine. Most of the photos in the examples are shown in Normal quality, which is quite decent. The difference in the size of the images at the maximum resolution is approximately two times. So, a picture in Normal mode takes about 300 KB, in Fine mode it takes about 500-600 KB. The time taken to save images is the same in both cases, it is 1-2 seconds, which is extremely good for this file size. The recording appears to be taking place in the background and the user is able to take the next photo. If you try to take a series of pictures in a row (not Burst mode, but just take pictures one time after another), then you will see a slight slowdown in the recording speed (up to 3-4 seconds). Subjectively, the device's buffer is designed for 2 MB of memory.

The camera settings look like this:

Auto power off camera. If there is no activity, the camera can automatically turn off after 30 seconds, 1, 2 or 3 minutes.

Shutter sound... Choice of one of three shutter sounds, the sound cannot be turned off.

Light metering (Spot photometry). Light metering at the central point, a function unusual for a camera in a mobile phone.

White balance. Choose between automatic mode, as well as Incandescent, Fluorescent, Daylight, Cloudy.

Light... Backlight activation, you can also turn it on by pressing a key on the side surface.

Effects. Several effects can be applied to pictures, namely Negative, Solarize, Sepia, Black & White.

Timer- is activated for a certain time to take pictures of yourself.

Night mode designed for shooting at night or in low light conditions. The noise in the photos increases, the shutter speed increases (you cannot move the camera, otherwise you will get a blurry picture).

Shooting mode. Normal mode is taking ordinary photos. Burst mode (Burst 4) - taking 4 pictures at once, a series. Panorama - taking panoramic images, a very interesting mode that allows you to get unusual photos, there are no analogues at the moment. The last mode - taking pictures using frames, the photo resolution is automatically reduced.

Macro mode- automatic activation of macro mode.

In shooting mode, the phone's screen plays the role of a viewfinder, the movement of the picture on the screen is smooth, everything is seen very well. Using the numeric keys, you can quickly switch between various functions and shooting parameters, which greatly speeds up the operation of the camera.

Autofocus works well in most situations, it only fails in front of fast moving objects like cars. Here, the picture is often blurry, not sharp. At the same time, for example, a running person is always in focus, the photo is sharp.

A special feature of the phone is the processing of photos after shooting. Before shooting, you see a very sharp picture on the screen, half-pressing the shutter key is responsible for focusing similarly to conventional cameras. When you press, you take a photo, and here the picture on the screen becomes blurry, it loses its sharpness. The explanation is the photo processing algorithm, the phone does not waste time to draw the photo well on the screen, it creates a rough sketch, it takes less time. If you enter the folder with photos in the file manager and show a separate photo in full screen, then you will see that it is sharp, the picture is rich.

Let's take a look at the photos taken in various conditions. To compare the quality of photos, we considered it possible to choose the Samsung P750 as a competitor, which is equipped with a 2 megapixel camera with a CCD matrix (all images from this phone are in maximum resolution and quality). Looking ahead, I would like to note that the product from Sony Ericsson has shown itself from the best side and objectively better, despite the fact that the matrix is ​​CMOS. Let's start with the photos that were taken outside.

It is not difficult to compare several photos to see that the quality of Sony Ericsson K750 is higher. Comparing this device with any phone on the market, you can safely give it the palm, the quality of pictures from the K750 is higher than that of any competitor. It was interesting to compare the quality of work indoors, because there may be problems due to lack of light.

It is not hard to see that the comparison is again not in favor of the Samsung product, in the future we will allow ourselves not to provide photos for comparison, but simply publish a number of images.

The lighting under the subway stairs, where there is very little light, could be critical, but even here the phone passed the test. The activation of the night mode on this device does not seem necessary at all.

In the conditions of a night street, the pictures look quite decent, they are sharp in most cases. The best shots are obtained when there is a bright spot of light, in conditions of uniform lighting and a long distance from the subject, pictures with noise, which is typical.

There is no light in the elevator chronically, and here the built-in flash comes to the rescue.

In the twilight, the pictures are of no less quality than in the daytime, however, see for yourself.

We also took many photographs in various weather conditions, but here are the most typical ones.

Of the interesting possibilities, the macro mode and work in it remained unconsidered. It is enough to set the Macro function from the menu or with a shortcut key and the phone starts shooting objects at a distance of several centimeters. There are no complaints about this mode of operation, it copes with its function perfectly. You just need to remember to turn off the Macro mode, because in the future, if you shoot with it, the photos will be out of focus.

The zoom in this model is digital, its implementation is average, the maximum magnification is up to 4. The zoom factor is 0.1, the use of zoom is not very justified, since the picture deteriorates. An example of zoom operation in one file - 2.99 MB, ZIP >>>

The frames are quite varied, but familiar from other models. In principle, you can impose a frame in graphic editor, in shooting mode, this function is for the lazy. The panorama mode is interesting, here you can show your creativity skills.

Sample video (3GP, 698 KB)

There is no video rewinding during viewing, subjectively, the implementation of the function is average.

The conclusion that can be made about the camera is quite simple, it is the best product on the market at the moment and it will stay that way for at least 7-8 months. The phone has no competitors in the quality of the pictures. For so portable device the quality of images in various conditions is close to ideal.

Java... The phone supports Java (MIDP 2.0), as well as the execution of a 3D engine that allows you to run really three-dimensional games on the device (not only Mascot Capsule is supported, but also JSR-184). The set with the phone includes several games already familiar from other models of the company.

Performance... We used JBenchmark to measure the performance of the device, and the support of usual 3D Java allowed us to run the corresponding test.

Its results were as follows:

JBenchmark 3D
HQ 75
LQ 129
Triangles ps 17583
KTexels ps 819
3.0.2 version

M3G Version 1.0
Antialiasing false
True color false
Dithering false
Mipmapping true
Perspective correction true
Local camera lighting false
Max lights 8
Max viewport dimensions 1024
Max texture dimensions 256
Max Sprite Crop Dimensions 1024
Max Transforms Per Vertex 3
Number of Texture Units 2
Other properties
Color Screen true
Number of colors 65536
Transparency (alpha level) 256
Double buffer true
Total memory 524284
Free memory 436256

Comparison of results with Sony Ericsson Z800, K600 shows a slight loss of K750. Measurements on updated version the software showed a coincidence of the results, the HQ parameter rose to 92 points. In my opinion, the resulting operating speed will be comparable to the Sony Ericsson K600, there will be no big growth.

A low score in comparison with competitors (on average they have 120 points) is characterized by the relative "rawness" of 3D Java for this model; the company has implemented this standard to ensure competition with other manufacturers. The main emphasis in the model is still placed on the Mascot Capsule Engine, it provides faster performance, is less demanding on resources. Unfortunately, there were no similar games with preinstalled ones for 3D Java, but subjectively, the performance of Mascot Capsule is much higher, there are no slowdowns.

The second version of the test suite gave the following results:

Jbenchmark 2 Image manipulation Text Sprites 3d Transform User Interface

176x176 True 65536

The result for the previous devices was high, here it is practically the maximum among all the devices on the market. The model is second only to Linux solutions in performance and several smartphones. For comparison, the score of Nokia 6630 is 246, which is much less.

The first version of the package also showed an increase in performance compared to previous models, including the K600:

JBenchmark 1 Text 2D Shapes 3D Shapes Fill Rate Animation

The performance is also close to maximum. Actually, in terms of the speed of the Java virtual machine, the phone is one of the strongest in its class, it is quite comparable even with smartphones.


The phone has 40-tones polyphony, the sound is at the level of Sony Ericsson K700 or even lower, this concerns the built-in midi melodies. The loudspeaker volume at maximum has no reserve, it can often not be heard if you are using a non-mp3 melody as a ringtone. The speaker volume is a weak point for the device, it is worth listening to it before purchasing and determining if the volume is sufficient for you. The power of the vibration alert is average, there are no peculiarities here.

When there is an incoming call, a photo of the caller is shown, his number, which is replaced by a name and an icon of the phone type (alternating on the screen).

The company's flagship has become not only the most interesting offer from Sony Ericsson, but also the strongest model in this class on the market. For at least six months this model will dominate the market, other manufacturers will have to adjust to it, determine their pricing policy based on the existence of Sony Ericsson K750i. The main competitors, or more precisely the models that are being compared with the K750 today, are Samsung D600, Nokia 6230i. In the case of a Samsung product, the functionality is comparable, but a different form factor is present. In general, you can put them on the same board, the models are very similar, Samsung is inferior in camera capabilities. Nokia Model 6230i belongs to a lower class of devices, it has worse screen, camera, mp3 player. In general, the device is clearly aimed at another segment of the market and of the possible advantages, only the presence of EDGE. The delay in the release of Nokia 6230i will not provide this model with a clear advantage over the solution from Sony Ericsson, we should expect them in a comparable time on the market.

Among the strengths of the K750, it is worth noting the small size of the case, a full set of entertainment options (radio, mp3, 3D Java), and a good implementation of the interface. The model will become a bestseller, just like the Sony Ericsson T610, there is no doubt about that. Other manufacturers will not be able to integrate a camera of the same quality in a small-sized phone in a comparable timeframe. Nokia as a whole preaches the use of a smartphone platform for the implementation of cameras, which does not allow today to make a device of the Sony Ericsson K750 class. At the end of the year, the analogue from Nokia may appear on the market, but its price will be high, the functionality will be at the same level as that of the K750i. In general, there is no alternative for Sony Ericsson K750i in this class of multifunctional and compact devices today. In terms of capabilities, the phone is as saturated as possible, smartphones can compete with it. Proceeding from the fact that the form factor of these two classes of devices is different, we cannot talk about direct competition. Each user can choose a phone to their liking and, most importantly, according to their hand. But even in smartphones, similar cameras will be rare until the end of the year.

The appearance of the model is expected from the end of May, the initial saturation will occur only by the middle of August, then the price will decrease. The initial price offer may be at the level of 500 Euro, the price follows from the absence of competitors, high interest in the new product. The cost safety margin for this model is at its maximum today; if desired, the company could bring its cost to the level of 250 Euro in retail chains. But there is no need for that. The price adjustment is also due to the appearance in September of the musical version of the K750 under the Walkman brand - W800. The difference between the models is solely in design, equipment (the W800 has a 512 MB card included, software for fast CD recording to a card), the ability of the W800 to work with the radio unit turned off (mp3 player mode). The W800 will cost around 650-700 Euros at the time of its launch. This is a good offer for a certain category of users, the product is not positioned as a mass product. At the same time, the K750 has a maximum life cycle and will be interesting for a long time (at least 2 years).

Possible disadvantages of the first commercial designs

There is currently no commercial software available for this model. In preliminary versions, there are a number of errors that I would like to describe in a separate paragraph, most should be fixed by the beginning of sales.

When assigning a picture for a contact in the phone book, remember that the phone does not convert the file to a smaller size. This was not relevant for cameras with low resolution, but here the photo may well take up about 500-600 KB. When you call, an empty window appears accordingly, the picture does not have time to load and starts to be displayed in jerks. In the phone book, when editing an entry with a "heavy" photo, you will also not be able to quickly scroll through the list, displaying and drawing the picture is slow. The advice is quite simple, use the minimum resolution when shooting portraits for the phone book, or process photos on a PC.

When working in camera mode (the viewfinder shows the surrounding reality), incoming call leaves artifacts, streaks appear. Although both the caller's number and name are displayed, the screen orientation changes. This error will obviously be corrected at the beginning of sales.

The operation of the shutter is not always correct. In standby mode, opening the shutter removes the phone from the screen saver, but does not activate the camera. Only re-deployment will activate the camera.

In general, the software is stable and does not cause any complaints even today, when there is a month and a half left before the start of sales. The model turned out to be well balanced and well developed. It has no serious software flaws that would have been noticeable with prolonged use of the device.

At the very beginning of the review, we recalled the paired models - T68 / T68i, T610 / T630. For the Sony Ericsson K750, a pair was announced right away, this is the W800. But the development of the line will not stop there, and the flagship will be equipped with the only function missing from it, namely UMTS. It is quite possible that this device will finally feature a fully functional accent-independent voice recognition system. There will be no need to record labels, it will be possible to call individual menu items, quickly switch them. The date of the appearance of this model is unclear, everything will depend on the current sales of the K750. Given their popularity, we can expect the update to appear no earlier than autumn 2006. Preliminary specifications indicate the presence of a 3 megapixel camera or even slightly better. But the emphasis will be on a number of other original and not yet presented functions. So, the continuation of the K750 will be interesting and, most importantly, compact.

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