
Leading the conference. News in one line Professional host and DJ services for the conference

We offer a service - ordering a host and a DJ for a conference. Our team has been working in the holiday services market since 2007.

In the understanding of many ordinary people, a conference is a boring and uninteresting event, which brings together the same boring people who read reports and talk about new achievements in a particular area. In the best case, the conference can end with a buffet table, where you can chat in a more intimate atmosphere. In fact, the conference is a rich event, where good music and a professional host are not superfluous, without which ceremonial events rarely do today. At the same time, one should not forget about the role of music, which can emphasize the solemnity of the moment and help to relax.

Do you want to hold a conference on a professional level?
Then you have come to the right place!


Host and DJ for the conference with equipment!

Many organizers of ceremonial events, and the conference is no exception here, do not pay serious attention to musical accompaniment, entrusting this issue to amateurs who, at best, know how to press the right button in time. Everyone knows that everyone should mind their own business, and as for music, a professional DJ can best cope with this task, who must find understanding with the host of the event, and this is also not always possible. The best solution in this case would be to order the services of a host and a DJ for a conference at a website company, where you are guaranteed an individual approach and service at the highest level. Our presenter knows exactly how to hold the event, and the DJ will make it more attractive and meaningful.

Professional host and DJ services for the conference!

You can order the services of a host and a DJ for the conference by visiting the company's website, after which all the worries for organizing the event will fall on their shoulders. If you do not have musical and lighting equipment, you can also rent it from our company. We can offer both a standard set of equipment necessary for holding a minor event, and the most modern equipment. We have at our disposal musical and lighting equipment from world manufacturers, we can provide powerful projectors and monitors, which will help raise the level of the event. In the event that you have your own equipment, our DJs, who are also sound engineers, in combination, will be able to connect it in a matter of minutes.

Presenter and DJ at the conference with inexpensive equipment!

As you know, the conference is not a standard event, and in order to select musical accompaniment, you need to try hard. DJs of the site company have extensive experience in holding such events, and they carefully approach the preparation of the musical program, studying the content of the event, first of all. The result of the work of the DJ and presenter will be high-quality music that matches the theme of the conference and sounds at the right time, at least. In the DJ's music library you will find a lot of suitable compositions performed in different years, and our presenter will be able to create the appropriate mood and hold the event at the highest level.

Presenter and DJ for the conference - services and cost





Sound Engineer + Sound

Sound engineer + Sound + mic

DJ + sound + light + smoke

DJ + Dj equipment + sound + light + smoke

Sound engineer - 6 hours Sound engineer - 6 hours DJ - 6 hours DJ - 6 hours
Work of a very good presenter (5 hours) + 30,000 rubles

Each set includes the work of a professional DJ from a laptop (up to 6 hours): compiling a playlist, fanfare for awards in the competition, beats to the exit of the presenter, substrates for the solemn speech of guests, music for competitions for collaboration with the presenter / toastmaster
Prolongation of the DJ on the spot 3000 rub/hour (booking in advance for a longer time 1 500 rub/hour)

Our video presentation

Host for the event

The main component of any event: whether it's an anniversary, a children's party or a wedding - the right choice of host. It is on how the presenter works that the opinion of the guests about how the holiday went. Cheerful, groovy host or toastmaster, a true master of good mood, will be able to create an incendiary atmosphere of a sparkling holiday, a joyful atmosphere for all guests without exception. Nothing will make up for the absence of such a person: neither the fashionable atmosphere of the restaurant, nor the festively set table. Only thanks to a true professional, the holiday will be remembered not as an ordinary event, but as an amazing firework of positive!

Why should you choose our leaders?

Leaders of our company:

· Experienced and professional. Many years of experience in holding a wide variety of events in style, theme and format speaks in their favor. All our presenters generously share their experience and knowledge with clients!

· Taking into account the individual wishes of each client. A polite, friendly employee will carefully consider all your suggestions and take them into account in their work to the maximum. After all, this is your holiday, it should not be stereotyped, but the best and most memorable.

· Competent and well educated. The correct, concise, well-delivered speech of our presenter will make the most favorable impression on the guests.

· Elegant, graceful and presentable. The principle of "meet by clothes" has not been canceled yet. The representative appearance, impeccable taste and pleasant appearance of our hosts will add charm and elegance to your event.

Choose a leader for the event

We can offer you hosts for such events.

· Leader at corporate. A representative professional presenter, without exaggeration, is half the success of a high-quality and respectable corporate event. This is a real helmsman, unobtrusively managing a cheerful crowded audience. Our presenters are distinguished by the ability to attract the attention of many people and keep it for a long time. Every guest feels important and welcome.

· Leading the holiday. We will make your holiday unforgettable! Host for the New Year organizes funny author's competitions, will be able to "stir up" even the most important and shy guests. The ocean of positive emotions and the most pleasant memories will remain in the memory of the guests for a long time. The track record of our employees includes holding any holidays, including professional ones.

· Presenter for graduation evening. Difficult exams are over, yesterday's students are entering adulthood. A professional host will do everything to make parting with your favorite school memorable for a lifetime! Games and competitions will appeal to everyone: graduates, teachers and parents.

· Anniversary host. Birthdays, and especially anniversaries, I want to celebrate in a special way. Witty and charismatic toastmaster for anniversary will be able to color this day in the most iridescent colors, give a lot of pleasant emotions and memories.

· Leading the wedding. Of course, you want your wedding to be held at the highest level! Our professionals will take the organization of a holiday for two into their own hands! Witty toastmaster for a wedding will pronounce the most beautiful toasts to the health of a young couple. Original wedding script for toastmaster will not allow your guests to doze off at the table. Do you want a girl to lead your holiday? lovely leading to the wedding will not only conduct it perfectly, but will also help with good advice in preparing the wedding evening. We do not forget for a moment that the newlyweds are the main characters at this celebration of love, therefore wedding script for host agrees with them in the first place. Can be ordered fanfare at the exit of the presenters. If you need wedding host in Moscow, you have the opportunity to read reviews about our employees on the site and make your choice. Another option is " Tamada plus" - forum for professional leaders. " Tamada plus” is a site where the best presenters share their experience.

We consider the success of your holiday as our own!

Business events (exhibitions, seminars, conferences, presentations, team building) are an integral part of modern business, especially when it is necessary to show a company, product or service in person. Many different people - partners, customers, competitors - will pay special attention to the level of the event.

The preparation and implementation of a business event deserves special attention and requires the involvement of event professionals.

Your exhibition space can be the size of a runway or, conversely, be a compact booth in an exhibition pavilion. The event itself should be more dynamic and spectacular than competitors. Here you definitely cannot do without a professional presenter of presentations, conferences and exhibition events. Superbly delivered speech, presentable appearance, personal and business charm, the ability to quickly navigate in a stressful situation - these are the main and mandatory qualities of a host for an exhibition, presentation, conference, partner party.

Presentation or opening ceremony

Presenter at the exhibition or moderator of the conference.

As a rule, at a conference, exhibition, presentation in addition to company representatives and invited speakers. a professional moderator. This is a person who owns competent speech, impeccable diction and delivered voice.

The duties of the host of the conference or exhibition include the submission of introductory information about the event or product, voicing common places, introducing speakers. Also, the host of such an event holds lotteries, drawings and conducts interactive communication with the guests of the exhibition or the audience of the presentation.

Part of the job of the presenter is careful preparation for the event: maximum awareness of what is being presented, opened or launched is important. The presenter should be in the subject of the exhibition or conference - it depends on how convincing the information presented by him will sound. In the process of preparation and runs, the moderator specifies the correct pronunciation of the names of the conference speakers. And also examines the company's products or service, which is dedicated to the event.

Carrying out status events - showman and entertainer.

The opening of a store or a shopping center, the presentation of a new model of a car or a watch, tastings, test drives, horse races, regattas and many other significant events with the participation of VIP guests are not complete without the accompaniment of an experienced showman. A real professional will take an active part in the preparation of the script for the business and entertainment program. In addition, by contacting the leading experienced exhibitions, you will receive the organization of the event on a turnkey basis. Sound and video equipment, decorators, musicians, artists, photographers and videographers - a reliable team will make your business event professional and stress-free for the client.

Each company dreams of inviting a moderator with a solid track record as a moderator to their seminar or conference. The presenter's portfolio emphasizes his professionalism and trust on the part of large companies for which holidays, gala dinners, and business events were held. Konstantin Antonov hosts business dinners and celebratory events for Russian and foreign companies, which are attended by the top management of corporations, as well as heads of regions and representatives of the political elite.

Host of business events in Moscow and St. Petersburg: exhibitions, seminars, presentations.

Conference moderator or the host of the seminar is not just an entertainer who introduces the speakers and announces a break. Eo is the key character of the event, who owns an exhaustive amount of information on the topic of discussion, is able to support discussion or controversy, and is empowered to comment on what is happening and direct the course of the event in the right direction. When preparing for a seminar, conference, round table or presentation, the moderator studies all the features of the subject of the meeting: a product, a project or a set of items.

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20 / 06

Moderator or host of a business event

A moderator is a specialist who organizes professional communication during a forum, congress, symposium, various meetings, business conferences, discussions and plenary sessions. This is the person who organizes communications, controls the process of communication between the participants of the event. The purpose of the moderator is the successful holding of the event as a whole.

The moderator's means are careful indications, soft warnings, careful hints, sometimes accompanied by appropriate puns to soften the situation.

The organizer of the event (round table, conference, forum) creates the concept and rules of the business event. The task of the moderator is to monitor the observance of this regulation or scenario by all participants of the event: eliminate violations, make a decision - who is allowed to participate in the discussion, monitor the time of the report and the mood of the participants in the hall.

Competent management of the discussion process, non-standard manner of work, and most importantly - interest in the result, a high level of communication skills - these qualities must be possessed by a moderator. The right choice of an event leader or moderator is almost 50% of success for the organizer of a conference, symposium, forum, congress, etc.

The moderator needs to be able to set the right “tone” for a business event. Be able to clearly define the circle of persons participating in the speech, distribute who and what questions will have to answer, redirect the question to one or another participant in time (financial - to a specialist in this field, profile - to a representative of the profile industry of the Russian economy, etc.), be in conjunction with event administrators, photo and video engineers, journalists and media correspondents, security and control services at the event site and the organizing committee of the forum or conference (in case of any unforeseen situations).

It is important to take into account the fact that there are always cases at events when “uncomfortable” or inappropriate questions are asked from the audience, for example, on a topic that is completely unfamiliar to the participants of the event or from another area, in order to produce a certain effect on the participants and emphasize on your person. In such cases, it is necessary to master the technique of moderator skill (forum or conference manager), redirect questions to specialists, or offer to find the answer later, in order to adhere to the approved plan of the regulation.

The moderator is simply obliged to learn how to communicate with the participants with a single glance, he must follow absolutely everything that happens and not miss a single important or significant moment for the topic of the event.


Quite often we have to observe that the functions and terminology of "event moderator" are confused with "event leader". The host is the person who is mainly called upon to entertain the public at corporate events, concerts, team buildings, etc., and will definitely not let any of the participants get bored with his clever tricks and performance of pop, film and theater stars invited to implement the plan events and raising the mood of guests.

The moderator, on the other hand, provides the participants of the event with a sufficient amount of working and business information, expert analyzes and market monitoring in a fairly short period of time. It is necessary to take into account the concentration of participants' attention - in the first 10-15 minutes, interest is at a high level, then there is a decline, and in the last 10-15 minutes attention is again concentrated, but on condition that the participants are announced that the event is over.

The moderator should be flexible, be able to imperceptibly push the participants to dialogue, avoid awkward silence and, of course, rule the ball according to a pre-prepared scenario and regulations.

A competent moderator knows how to make the event interesting and memorable, understand the theme of the event, so it is better to invite a moderator to the event with the necessary knowledge in the area that will be consecrated at the event, make sure that the event takes place strictly within the given topic - without extraneous topics and questions.

Among other things, it is necessary to manage the process of holding a business event in such a way that business etiquette is impeccably observed, and the event itself does not turn into a "bazaar and squabbles between active participants." The moderator needs to seize the initiative in time if the conversation has turned to a topic that is contrary to the interests of those present. The intensity and sharpness of the discussion is important in order to keep increased attention to the topic of the forum or symposium and interest has not been lost. It is desirable to be as objective as possible, deservedly determining the weight of one or another side of business negotiations, especially with regard to the format of the round table. You should not be distracted by extraneous subjects of conversation that arose during the event, even if they are very interesting, but engage in a dialogue with the audience, because the moderator is an intermediary between the participants in the discussion and the audience of the business event.

NBF Agency invites you to contact us for help in selecting a moderator for your event. After talking with whom, during the preparatory period for organizing and holding business events, you will be able to feel confident in your conference and its positive outcome, having received maximum arguments from communicating directly with a professional event moderator.

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