
International project “Parajanov's worlds through the eyes of contemporaries. Exhibition "The Other Side of the Earth"

Dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Moscow Art Theater. S. Parajanova.
Sergei Parajanov is a director who turned his everyday life into a bright, noisy film, and cinema into a song without words. Millions admired and continue to admire his works, his work inspires many cultural figures. For the first time in Moscow, contemporaries and admirers of the master's work had the opportunity through their works to tell about their perception of Parajanov and present their vision of his work.
The exhibition presents the works of artists, sculptors, photographers, masters of the author's dolls, designers from all over the world, united by the common spirit of free creativity of the great Master in a common project under the motto "without borders".

The unique image of the master is made up of many bright moments, strokes, associations, film frames, strange pictures, put together like his unique collages. As part of the project, a museum collection of collages and assemblages dedicated to Parajanov is presented. S. Paradzhanov under the symbolic title "Rendezvous with the sacrament", many of whose exhibits are the decoration of world galleries around the world, and are also kept in private collections of famous cultural figures: Sofiko Chiaureli, Charles Aznavour, Michel Legrand, Vladimir Spivakov, Cher, Tatyana Samoilova, Svetlana Parajanova, Tamara Gverdtsiteli, Yuri Lyubimov, Tonino Guerra and others.

Parajanov's personality has been and remains an inspiration for many artists and directors who have dedicated their works to him. More than 35 artists from all over the world take part in the project, including Viktor Bazhenov, Yuri Rost, Valery Plotnikov, Mykola Gnisyuk, Galla Khachaturova, Alexander Grigoriev, Andrey Drozdov, Evgeny Kravtsov, Ivan Krutoyarov, Olga Naletova, Svetlana Rumak, Elena Schumacher, Lilit Melikyan, Vladimir Ryabchikov, Yuri Yakovenko.
“An exhibition of this format is being held in Moscow for the first time. Here are various artists with different philosophical approaches, who united around the great master. We do not show the works of Parajanov himself, but represent contemporary artists who create within the framework of his philosophy, ask their questions, often leaving them unanswered, because the world of Parajanov is an endless mystery, an eternal search for beauty, mystery, mystery, eternal signs of immortality. The artists who have united in the project carry a similar meaning and color in their work,” said Vladimir Gabbe.
The master knew how to turn his everyday life into an entertaining performance, into a theatrical carnival of life. Many photographers considered it an honor to shoot it, because Parajanov's mere presence transformed and enlivened the most ordinary background. The famous photographer Viktor Bazhenov often photographed the director. He recalls with particular trepidation the times spent in Parajanov's house in Tbilisi. “When photographing Parajanov, I never thought about the slightest possibility of publishing his photographs. It was not a planned photo shoot, but a meeting. It is not clear when he worked, wrote scripts, drew, needlework. The house was always full of people from morning to night. Once he asked people to free him a day for work and not to come: it was necessary to assemble a bulky and time-consuming collage on the same table at which he received guests, ”he said, noting that many of the photographs exhibited in the museum were presented to the audience for the first time.
“You can love it, admire it, you can not accept it, you can be annoyed by it, but this means that each of us (starting with a simple layman and ending with the most sophisticated art critic) understands that this is a great world, this is a great philosophy, where we can look, and where we are endlessly drawn. This world excites with its mysteries,” the artistic director of the theater named after A. S. Parajanova Vladimir Gabbe.

The exhibition will also include performances, creative meetings with various artists, theater and cinema figures.
03.12.16 at 14:00 Creative meeting. Artist Olga Naletova (painting).
04.12.16 at 14:00 Creative meeting. Artist Alexander Dragovoy (graphics).
10.12.16 at 14:00 Creative meeting. Photographer Mykola Gnisyuk.
11.12.16 14:00 Creative meeting. Photographer Viktor Bazhenov.
12/17/16 at 14:00 Creative meeting. Artist Ivan Krutoyarov (painting).
12/18/16 at 14:00 Creative meeting. Artist Chestnokov-Lodyzhinsky (painting).
24.12.16 at 14:00 Creative meeting. Artist Yuri Yakovenko (graphics).
01/04/17 at 14:00 Painting master class.
01/05/17 at 14:00 Painting master class.
01/08/17 Official closing of the international exhibition project "The Worlds of Parajanov through the Eyes of Contemporaries" in the Armenian Museum "Tapan".

The address: Olympisky Ave, 9, Temple Complex of the Russian and Novo-Nakhichevan Diocese of the AAC.

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On November 26, the Armenian Museum "Tapan" starts the international project "WORLDS OF PARAJANOV IN THE EYES OF CONTEMPORARIES", timed to coincide with the 25th anniversary of the Moscow Art Theater. S. PARAJANOV. The project is being implemented with the participation of the Russian and New Nakhichevan Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church, the Armenian Museum "TAPAN", the Moscow Art Theater named after S. Parajanov, the creative association "ART Bulvar" and the Charitable Foundation of the photographer Mikola Gnisyuk.

The project invites the modern sophisticated viewer to make a fantastic journey through the unidentified labyrinths of the mysterious world of Sergei Parajanov, his style, philosophy and aesthetics through the works of modern, bright, original artists, sculptors, photographers, masters of the author's doll, designers from all over the world, united by the common spirit of free creativity of the great Masters "without borders" in which they are able to SEE, THINK and FEEL.

More than 35 artists from all over the world take part in the project, such as: Viktor Bazhenov, Yuri Rost, Valery Plotnikov, Mykola Gnisyuk, Galla Khachaturova, Alexander Grigoriev, Andrey Drozdov, Evgeny Kravtsov, Ivan Krutoyarov, Olga Naletova, Svetlana Rumak, Elena Schumacher, Lilit Melikyan, Vladimir Ryabchikov. As well as a unique museum collection of assemblages of the Moscow Theater. S. Parajanova.

The name of Sergei Parajanov for the world intellectual elite is associated with one of the most mysterious and unread cultural phenomena. He belonged to a rare type - the Playing Man. His films, collages, scripts, letters are an endless play with images, paints, puppets, masks, myths, with their own dramatic fate. His work is a unique world of visual language with a cult of mystery, celebration and beauty. An improviser, a hoaxer and a great jester, he worked "miracles" that pulled people out of everyday life, from long-familiar boring roles and gave them a unique chance to change their own destiny. Parajanov's films are a magical combination of color, plasticity, music and words. He is recognized as the last genius of cinema of the twentieth century.

Officials from the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Culture of Armenia, the Embassy of Armenia in the Russian Federation, the Union of Theater Workers of the Russian Federation, the Mosfilm Cinema Concern, the Union of Journalists of Russia, the Union of Artists of Russia, the Union of Cinematographers of Russia, famous figures of culture and art, diplomats are expected to attend the grand opening , representatives of foreign countries.

The magical atmosphere of the planet "PARAJANOV" will be created in the unique space of the new exhibition hall of the "Tapan" museum, located on the territory of the Armenian temple complex in Moscow, which gives the event a special meaning and sound, imbued with the divine spirit of MYSTERY and BEAUTY - the eternal signs of immortality!

On November 26, the international project "Parajanov's Worlds through the Eyes of Contemporaries" launched at the Armenian Museum "Tapan", timed to coincide with the 25th anniversary of the Moscow Art Theater. S. Parajanova. The project is being implemented with the participation of the Russian and Novo-Nakhichevan diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church, the Armenian Museum "Tapan", the Moscow Art Theater. S. Parajanov, creative association "ART Boulevard" and the Charitable Foundation of the photographer Mykola Gnisyuk. The opening was attended by club member Tatiana Mordvinova. The word is Tatyana.

Personally, my acquaintance with Sergei Parajanov began in Tbilisi, in a lane near Chardin, where there is a monument to this unique "Man Playing"! This is how his colleagues and contemporaries characterize him. This is exactly how the wonderful Tbilisi photographer Yuri Mikhailovich Mechitov saw it in his time, according to the photograph of which another magnificent Georgian master Vazha Mekaberidze created an original monument: Sergei Parajanov seems to be flying over an old Tbilisi street. Despite the fact that Sergei Parajanov is Armenian by nationality, his fate was connected with different cities, and he was born and raised in Tbilisi. Unfortunately, there is no museum of this brilliant director in his native city, but Tbilisi immortalized his memory in this unusual sculpture.

Delving into the history of my beloved Georgia, I naturally learned more about the legendary Tbilisi resident Parajanov, watched films about him and about him, met wonderful artists who knew the director personally and were friends with him. Among such amazing meetings - acquaintance with the world-famous photographer Yuri Mechitov in Tbilisi, who thereby made a legendary photograph, and a meeting in Moscow with Viktor Petrovich Bazhenov, a unique theater photographer, who had a close long-term friendship with Parajanov. And now this amazing project has opened in Moscow.

Photos by Viktor Bazhenov in the project gallery

More than 35 artists from all over the world take part in the project, among them - Victor Bazhenov, Yuri Rost, Valery Plotnikov, Mykola Gnisyuk, Galla Khachaturova, Alexander Grigoriev, Andrey Drozdov, Evgeny Kravtsov, Lilit Melikyan, Sergey Bondarenko, Olga Naletova, Fridon Aslanyan. Spectators can also see the unique museum collection of assemblages of the Moscow Theater. S. Parajanova.

Contact Information:

The space of the new exhibition hall of the Tapan Museum
on the territory of the Armenian temple complex in Moscow
The address: Olympic Avenue, 9.

Diary / 24.11.2016

On November 27, the international project “PARAJANOV'S WORLDS IN THE EYES OF CONTEMPORARY PEOPLE” will start in the Armenian Museum “Tapan”, timed to coincide with the 25th anniversary of the Moscow Art Theater named after S.PARAJANOV. The project is being implemented with the participation of the Russian and Novo-Nakhichevan Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church, the TAPAN Armenian Museum, the Moscow Art Theater named after S. Parajanov, the ART Bulvar creative association and the Charitable Foundation of the photographer Mikola Gnisyuk.

The project invites the modern sophisticated viewer to make a fantastic journey through the unidentified labyrinths of the mysterious world of Sergei Parajanov, his style, philosophy and aesthetics through the works of modern, bright, original artists, sculptors, photographers, masters of the author's doll, designers from all over the world, united by the common spirit of free creativity of the great Masters "without borders", in which they are able to SEE, THINK and FEEL.

More than 35 artists from all over the world take part in the project, such as: Viktor Bazhenov, Yuri Rost, Valery Plotnikov, Mykola Gnisyuk, Galla Khachaturova, Alexander Grigoriev, Andrey Drozdov, Evgeny Kravtsov, Ivan Krutoyarov, Olga Naletova, Svetlana Rumak, Elena Schumacher, Lilit Melikyan, Pavel Nikolaev, Vladimir Ryabchikov. As well as a unique museum collection of assemblages of the Moscow Theater. S. Parajanova.

The name of Sergei Parajanov for the world intellectual elite is associated with one of the most mysterious and unread cultural phenomena. He belonged to a rare type - the Playing Man. His films, collages, scripts, letters are an endless play with images, paints, puppets, masks, myths, with their own dramatic fate. His work is a unique world of visual language with a cult of mystery, celebration and beauty. An improviser, a hoaxer and a great jester, he worked "miracles" that pulled people out of everyday life, from long-familiar boring roles and gave them a unique chance to change their own destiny. Parajanov's films are a magical combination of color, plasticity, music and words. He is recognized as the last genius of cinema of the twentieth century.

Officials from the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Culture of Armenia, the Embassy of Armenia in the Russian Federation, the Union of Theater Workers of the Russian Federation, the Mosfilm Film Concern, the Union of Journalists of Russia, the Union of Artists of Russia, the Union of Cinematographers in Russia, famous figures of culture and art, diplomats, representatives of foreign countries.

The magical atmosphere of the planet "PARAJANOV" will be created in the unique space of the new exhibition hall of the "Tapan" museum, located on the territory of the Armenian temple complex in Moscow, which gives the event a special meaning and sound, imbued with the divine spirit of MYSTERY and BEAUTY - the eternal signs of immortality!

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