
Program to create a multi-level menu. Creation of the restaurant menu. Saving the finished menu

Do you want to create a menu for the week so that you don't have to puzzle over what to cook for your loved ones every morning? Or maybe you have decided to lose weight and are already tired of searching the Internet for recipes suitable for your diet? Or maybe you go in for sports and a healthy and balanced diet is important to you? If you answered yes to at least one question, then read our material on mobile applications for creating a personal menu.

If earlier, to draw up a menu, you needed a pen, a lot of paper and even more time, now you can get by with two or three swipes on your smartphone. And all this is done on the go. You can put together a menu for the week on the way to work, for example. Or while you wait for a dentist appointment. There is no need to read thick books about tasty and healthy food, spend money on a nutritionist and go shopping in search of fashionable “healthy” products. Menu planning just got easier and faster. We bring to your attention a selection of six free mobile applications to compose a personal menu.

Apps for IOS:

Compared to the previous application, this is a more powerful program with wide functionality that will appeal to athletes and everyone who wants to eat right. The application calculates a personal menu based on your parameters and preferences. The proposed menu will contain the balance of calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates you need. Add your favorite products to the menu and it will be adjusted based on the changes made. The diet is calculated to the gram and helps to develop healthy eating habits.

Android Applications:

As the name suggests, this app is similar to the Dietograph. It also creates a personal menu that is selected according to your parameters of height, weight, age and physical activity. The amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and water you need will be presented in the form of recipes with pictures and descriptions. You can turn off ads by purchasing paid version for 39.90 p. However, if you write a letter to the developer, he will send you a free promotional code for the PRO version.

An unusual application that allows you to select a menu based on the principle of separate meals. If you did not know that kefir is incompatible with a loaf, and sweet fruits are best eaten with green vegetables and cottage cheese, then you will love this application. Well, if you knew, then the application will refresh in your memory some of the nuances of separate meals anywhere: in a restaurant, at a party or at a picnic.

For Windowsphone:

Concise application, corresponding to the name, created especially for those who want to lose weight. Choose the diet you like and eat according to the proposed menu. No need to count calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates, open the app and see what you are supposed to eat today. There are no recipes, and they are not needed - all offered dishes are easy to prepare and from available products.

A simple app for tracking diet and calorie counting. You choose from the products offered by the application (several thousand options) and compose a menu for the week from them.

Creating a personalized menu has never been easier. All you need is a smartphone and some internet. Now your menu will always be tasty, healthy or weight-loss. The way you want it exactly.

And today I want to talk about programs for making menus.

I must say there is little choice. I wish I could find a kind person and write an ideal program - so that she would store recipes and count the cost of dinner and warn about calories. And by itself it gave out a list of dishes for the whole week, and at the same time printed out a list of products. Cooking, okay, I agree myself.

But, until a kind person is found, we will choose from what we have. So, the results of my searches.

Programs for composing the menu.

  1. Recipes are a very serious program. Contains 12,000 ready-made recipes, can calculate the cost of dishes and take into account the products in your refrigerator. Sorts by different criteria, produces fields calculated by formulas (just like Excel) And all this can be automated. Unless she cooks herself. Well, I don’t know ... To be honest, I opened it, got scared and closed it. I don’t need so many functions, I would cook a family dinner. However, if you dig around, you can customize only the most necessary things for yourself, probably.
  2. Culinary notebook - this program is not so much for making menus as for recording and storing recipes. It copes with this simple function at five. Everything is convenient and understandable - sections, subsections, composition, preparation, notes. There is a search in the database. You can insert pictures.
  3. Menu making is a fun program for those who monitor weight. Contains three windows - food, dish editor and menu. The first already has a ready-made base of products with an indication of the energy value (you can also add your own), from which it is supposed to make up the menu. In the second, dishes are made from the specified products. In the third, the menu is being assembled. A little manipulation - and you have not just a menu, but with an indication of the number of calories! The only pity is that the program is paid (3500 rubles) Although there are free version, slightly limited in functionality.
  4. Simple Cookbook - Maximum simple program for storing recipes, literally for recording on the go. You can only create categories, scatter recipes over them, edit and print. And no problems for you.
  5. Culinary Notes is a cute program with a cozy blue interface. It has its own recipe base, you can add / change / delete. Good search... Dishes can be rated or marked as favorites. You can decorate the recipe with a picture and provide a link.
  6. Manager culinary recipes- cataloging of recipes, search and selection of recipes by ingredients, cooking time, complexity, etc. Paid program costs 300 rubles.

In addition to all of the above, you can use the Evernote service to store culinary recipes - all you need to do is take a photo of all your magazine clippings and notes. I wrote more about this unique service in the article

In general, this is all that I managed to find. If you can add to this list, write in the comments. I will talk about how you can organize a paper one next time.

P.S. You will not believe, but a kind person was found 🙂 Our reader Anastasia (she is a programmer) herself wrote a program that solves almost all the tasks listed at the beginning of the post - Menu planning. I have already tested her service a little - and I really liked it! Nice design and convenient control, it can do everything, but nothing superfluous. Free. Of the possibilities:

  • collecting and storing your own recipes
  • collection of recipes collected by other users
  • convenient search by ingredients, types of dishes, cooking times
  • menu planning - the list of products is immediately displayed in the next column. You can even choose how many servings you need to cook, and based on this, the number of products will be indicated. And under the list of products, the "Print" button is very prudently made.

There is absolutely nothing to find fault with 🙂 True, the calories and cost are not yet counted, but the author continues to work on it, and it is quite possible that such a function will appear. I have only one wish - eh, but if the menu block consisted of 7 days, to plan for a week at once, and see before our eyes that on Monday we have this and that, but on Tuesday we cannot whether to build something like that?

"... You better starve than eat anything ..."

Omar Khayyam

The best and most important marketing tool is creation of the restaurant menu. It is better to create a good and working menu at the start-up stage. All repairs, decoration, interior and everything that makes up the perception of the restaurant - serves to ensure that the guest sat down in a comfortable chair and picked up a menu of dishes. Until that moment, he has nothing to pay for, and often novice restaurateurs often repeat the same mistake: they pay too much attention to interior issues, and the menu is developed on the "by the way" principle.

Remember: the task of the interior is to attract the Guest to the “first purchase”, and the menu and service form the Guest's desire to come back and make a “second purchase”.

For a positive decision on the second purchase of a guest, you need a selling menu, one that will sell itself, supplement with visualization of the waiter's words, give full information about a dish, focused on increasing the average check, and should be drafted in such a way that it helps to use methods and technologies of active sales.

After all, it is the menu that ultimately determines the type target audience what qualifications you need employees, a list of equipment and much more. All this together will determine the sales and profit of the enterprise. Literate restaurant menu creation will not only attract visitors, but will also be able to guarantee a return visit to your restaurant guests.

You need a selling menu, one that will sell itself, supplement with visualization of the waiter's words, provide complete information about the dish, focused on increasing the average check, and should be designed in such a way as to help you use methods and technologies of active sales.

Therefore, the menu is always given special attention.

Food-laboratoryResto- MENU provides a full range of services to create the perfect menu for almost any type of enterprise in the Hospitality Industry.

The process of developing and creating a restaurant menu includes 10 stages:

1. Analytics and development strategy
2. Menu engineering -menu-engineering
3. Development of a selling menu
4. Development of dishes
5. ART-study of dishes
6. The stage of checking dishes by the tasting method
7. Development of menu text, algorithms and documentation
8. Training of kitchen staff to work on novelties in the approved menu
9. Design layout and menu design
10. Implementation of the menu in the work of the restaurant

The cost of work includes:

  • 2nd stage development documentation;
  • 3rd stage development documentation;
  • The developed technical and technological cards of the TTK with a compiled consolidated recipe and a fixed cost price (food-cost);
  • Production workflow documentation: acts, preparation standards, timing, workpiece algorithms, job descriptions and etc.;
  • Photo and video data bank (photographs and video filming);
  • Statistics on work with tastings;
  • Developed documentation for the 7th stage;
  • Developed documentation for the 9th stage;
  • Carrying out the learning process in our (in St. Petersburg) or in your territory;
  • Getting ready-made copies of the menu;
  • Carrying out the launch of the technological process and its debugging;

During the execution of work, the Customer additionally pays for:

  • Air transfer and auto transfer (airport, hotel, place of work)
  • Accommodation hotel 4 * or 3 * +;
  • Nutrition for the chef or technologist for the entire period of work;

Over the past year, we have developed menus for the following restaurants: Buffet, Rasputin, Teryoki, Pristan, Tryton Bich, Royal Bich, Tkemali and Maurice Pub, Vincent, KaZan, Wok & Kebab café, ZiZn, La Mama and others.

Cost and terms of work are directly dependent on the image of the project, its size and conclusions made on the basis of the customer's technical specifications and additional research work.

Duration of work: from 21 days to 3 months after providing the necessary documentation and making an advance payment.

The program for creating in visual mode a convenient and beautiful menu for the site. The advantage of this application is clean, valid, cross-browser ready-made menu code. An additional plus of such a menu is that the CSS technology that is used to create it allows you not to depend on the user's browser settings, as is the case with a JavaScript menu.

CSS(eng. Cascading Style Sheets) - cascading style sheets containing the description of site markup.


About a year ago, a small free programmer appeared in my list of programs that allows you to create multi-level drop-down menus for sites.

The menus in it were made according to one of the predefined templates, and the user, in fact, could only change the colors of the fill and text.

I thought I could find free app and better, however, it turned out that what I found from freebies turned out to be the best :)

I would like to dedicate today's article to one of our regular readers - Umbrella! After all, it was thanks to him that I spent a fairly global "shoveling" of the Internet in order to find the best free software to create a menu for the site.

What came of this - judge for yourself ... :)

Comparison with paid analogue

A similar result can be achieved with using JavaScript... This approach offers us paid program AllWebMenus:

The undoubted plus of a paid competitor is that with its help we can quite diversify our menu due to the ability to completely customize all its elements.

However, there is one rather significant disadvantage in creating navigation using JavaScript! For some users, scripts are automatically blocked, which means that such a menu cannot be used in their browser!

Therefore, the approach to creating navigation on pure CSS, at least to me, it seems more successful ...

For the sake of fairness, it should be noted that CSS Menu Generator also has a paid PRO version, for which you need to "pay off" neither more nor less than $ 19.

For this money, we will be able to visually work with background images for buttons, as well as add the necessary icons to the same buttons.

And yes! We will get the right to use the program for commercial purposes :).

Getting started with the program for creating a site menu

To get started with CSS Menu Generator, we need to install the program. To do this, run the installer from the downloaded archive and go through the simple installation procedure by clicking the "Next" button.

Saving the finished menu

In the meantime, let's go to the third tab of the program - "3) Get the Files":

This tab is used to save our menu in ready files... Here again we have three sections, the first of which allows us to save the menu.

In fact, everything that we set up with you in the previous tabs is saved in three separate files:

  1. csshover2.htc- patch file for correct work the resulting menu in Internet Explorer 6;
  2. style.css- style sheet, which provides the design of our menu;
  3. index.html- a ready-made HTML document containing the menu itself.

To save files, on the right side of the tab, which is, in fact, Explorer, you need to specify the output folder, and then click the "Export Files to Selected Folder" button.

However, I would advise you to postpone saving a bit and consider two additional sections of this tab.

Instructions for implementing a ready-made menu on the site

The first one is "Template Help Info":

It contains instructions for placing your menu on the site. Unfortunately, the instructions are in English, so I will give a short extract from them, which I hope will be useful to you.

So, for the created menu to work, you need:

  1. Upload files csshover2.htc and style.css to the root directory of your site. If the file style.css already exists, then you need to copy its contents and add to the contents of the existing file.
  2. Open file index.html using Notepad and copy from it -tags and everything between the inscriptions "" and "».
  3. Open a file with Notepad index.html your site and insert -tags in the section " », And the block with the menu to the desired place in the body of your page, and then save all changes.

That, in fact, is all :)

Changing the encoding for displaying the Cyrillic alphabet

Let's move on to the third section - "HTML / CSS Code":

If you already have a ready-made website on which you need to install the menu, then you do not have to save all the above files to your computer.

In this section, you can copy all the necessary data directly from the code of the generated files!

It is worth mentioning here our inconsistency in the display of Russian letters.

In the screenshot above, you can see the reason for this flaw. The "charset>" attribute, which is responsible for the page encoding, must be set to windows-1251!

If you have a different encoding installed on your site or the required META tag is missing at all, copy it from the code.

If you are at least a little versed in CSS, then in this section you can also make the necessary adjustments to the stylesheet, which is located on the "CSS Code" tab.

What is also noteworthy, in each tab there are buttons "Copy to Clipboard" and "Save File", which allows you to copy the selected fragments or completely save only individual files.

Advantages and disadvantages of the program

  • the ability to create multi-level drop-down menus;
  • vertical and horizontal orientation of the menu to choose from;
  • the ability to change the color scheme of the menu;
  • the presence of a preview window;
  • direct access to menu files without the need to save anything.


It is difficult to make an unambiguous verdict ... On the one hand, CSS Menu Generator has in its arsenal everything you need to create high-quality multi-level CSS-menus for a website.

But on the other hand, the developer would not hurt to think a little about users who are presented with very few templates available.

Naturally, if you have knowledge of cascading style sheets, then you can easily manually diversify the resulting menu without any problems. But for a "teapot" it would be possible to make more design options, IMHO :).

Moreover, it still costs $ 19 (if you want to get the paid version with two additional templates and the ability to work with pictures)!

However, as they say, in the absence of fish and cancer - a fish. And the best free program for creating a menu on the site I did not come across.

Therefore, if you need to quickly create site navigation, then CSS Menu Generator is exactly the tool that will help you do it in the shortest possible time and without unnecessary problems!

P.S. It is allowed to freely copy and quote this article, provided that an open active link to the source is indicated and the authorship of Ruslan Tertyshny is preserved.

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    Using the friendly interface of this programs, you can customize all colors, fonts, sizes, spacing, as well as a large list of other parameters (of which there are more than 50) to customize menu completely to your liking. ... you will be able to create navigation menu using a simple XML file with the ability to add an unlimited number of elements to the second level menu .

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