
Bold CSS text. Bold CSS Text Avoid Common Mistakes

In fact, these are basic things, but marketers stubbornly ignore them. How not to step on the same rake and do an a / b test on the mind - read in this article.


For an athlete, perfection is to show your maximum, to give your best physically and mentally, and achieve a result that no one has ever achieved before. This analogy applies to the A / B test as well. Thorough planning and execution of the test, website refinement and conversion increase as a result raises the bar of excellence.

Achieving an ideal is not about getting a specific result, but about improving the process.

Choosing what to test

First of all, select the correct site element to test, and create variant B for comparison.

Study heat maps and scrolling maps in Yandex.Metrica, as well as webvisor records. Find out what elements visitors click on, where they stay, and what they miss.

For the results to pay off, answer exactly why the original version of the page needs improvement. For example, if users frequently click on an inactive item, try making it active. What do they expect? Additional information, scrolling, forms feedback? Will it improve conversions?

The next questions are: why are you checking this particular element, and how much will the conversion to targeted action increase? How will you measure and compare with? This is the basis for your statistical hypothesis.

Before planning a test, you need a hypothesis. In terms of statistics, the null hypothesis is that nothing will change during the test. The competing hypothesis is what you are testing is true. The test is successful if the null hypothesis is disproved.

Decide for yourself what the threshold for the success value should be - for example, how much the conversion in the test should change so that you can consider this change as a success. Also think about the reasons why Option B should outperform Option A.

This table captures our observation, which we made at the beginning: site visitors click on an inactive element (image, title, etc.)

And once again about the choice of the test item, since this is the most important point in the test.

Pay attention to the headline, the list of benefits, the caption for the lead form, the call to action on the CTA button. It is these elements that most of all affect the conversion into calls, requests, orders. Not in what color and in what font they are made, but what is written there, what is the wording.

The point is that the headline, the list of benefits, the caption for the lead form, the call to action on the CTA button all together form the company's value proposition. What do you offer the user, what benefit for his contacts (phone - email).

Reduce uncertainty

It doesn't matter how much effort it takes to plan a test if there is a lot of uncertainty in the test.

Inaccuracy is often overlooked. Surprisingly, this significant parameter is often printed small print... Take a look at a recent example from the US election:

Then Clinton could have 48.5%, and Trump - 44.5%, which changes the situation. The margin of error is also related to the confidence interval, which is the range of possible values. For example, the confidence interval for Trump is 48% +/- 3.5%.

If the confidence intervals for options A and B overlap, this indicates a high uncertainty in the result.

If you're trying to find small improvements in your A / B test results, always keep in mind that there is margin of error.

You can increase the sample - the number of measurements, clicks. This will reduce the margin of error, but not eliminate it. The relationship between the sample size and the error is non-linear and decreasing; the increase in accuracy decreases as the sample increases. It is impossible to completely get rid of the error, and it is not advisable to expand the sample infinitely because of the falling returns to scale.

The font is even smaller - the level of statistical significance. By default, it is 95% and they don't write about it. For the election example, it is 95% true that Clinton has “real” numbers ranging from 41.5% to 48.5%.

However, 95% is not the ultimate truth. If you want to reduce the uncertainty in the results, there is another value - 99%. The risk of making a mistake falls from 1 to 20 to 1 to 100, and these, as they say in Odessa, are two big differences.

Avoid common mistakes

If you've carefully designed your experiment, minimized uncertainty, and tested both options with a sufficient sample size, you're on the right track. But just as a marathon runner can stumble and fall in the last 100 meters, there is a risk of ruining in A / B testing at the very end.

Avoid the following mistakes in data analysis.

1) Completion of testing ahead of schedule.

Want quick results? Even if a conclusion on the result is ready, take your time.

Scheduling is based on observable actions in user behavior and the repetition period. There is no harm in extending the test - you just end it with more sample and less uncertainty.

The converse is also true: if you have not collected a sufficient sample, extend the test. Even if the results clearly signal in favor of one of the options.

On average, a full test takes 3-4 weeks.

2) Extrapolating the results out of the box.

You have received positive results. Do not distribute them outside the verified area! Let's say adding or modifying a control item was successful. However, it does not necessarily work for other pages or another site. Even at a different time - when retesting a month later, the results may be completely different.

And vice versa: if you tested user behavior for a product card element, but on other product cards the same element is interpolation. When you interpolate the results, you are staying within the zone outlined by the test, and this is acceptable.

Use a feedback loop

Perfection attracts like a carrot on a stick in front of a donkey running after it. Rough, but very similar to some testers. And although we can't grab a carrot, we can improve the results with each round.

The process of continuous change is what makes experimentation interesting. There are always ways to improve and raise the bar.

Five steps to test:

  • Make a hypothesis and conduct an A / B test;
  • If successful, implement the changes according to the findings. Otherwise, go back to the first step;
  • Observe changes in practice and identify areas where test results did not meet expectations;
  • Schedule changes according to observations and discrepancies;
  • Go to step 1 and run the next test based on steps 3 and 4.

With this loop you can test specific element site several times or several elements in sequence. The trick is to build new tests based on the results achieved, and learn from both successes and failures.

Among the many different alcoholic mixes offered in various entertainment establishments, the layered “B 52” cocktail is especially popular. In order to diversify the taste of this drink, eminent bartenders have developed several variations of its preparation.

Today I would like to talk about one of the most outstanding enhancements to the original recipe, a cocktail called B 53. The main difference between this flaky shot and the classic drink is the replacement of the top layer, usually consisting of, with stronger absinthe.

I propose to get acquainted with a few bold and successful ideas, in which the fantasies of several eminent bartenders are realized and which can be easily realized on your own at home.

Cocktail B 53 has several recipes with a slightly modified composition. Usually it is drunk in quality, as it is a great addition to the meal just finished.

The process of making this drink is identical to the preparation of a classic mix, the only difference is in its composition. This version of the layered shot was developed as a male counterpart of the famous B 52 cocktail, since the total strength of the drink is from 35 to 50 degrees.

The classic version of this digestif includes three colors: the bottom layer is dark brown, the middle one is beige, and the top one is transparent green. While enjoying this drink, remember that it quickly leads to intoxication.

Required components

Step by step cooking

  1. We pre-send all the ingredients to the refrigerator for about half an hour. If we are going to set fire to a drink, then we do not cool the absinthe.
  2. Pour coffee Kahlua into a small glass.
  3. Gently and very slowly add Baileys on top of it, pouring it over the blade of a knife. You can also use a special cocktail spoon.
  4. Put the last layer in the same way, pouring in absinthe.
  5. Before serving, we set the alcohol on fire, and when the color of the fire changes to reddish, we lower a straw to the bottom of the glass.
  6. We drink the contents in large gulps until the tube is melted.

Other versions of making cocktail B 53

With cognac

The composition of the cocktail is modified in accordance with the requests of visitors to clubs or bars. For lovers of nutty aromas, as well harmonious combination strength and sweetness this recipe was developed.

The total strength of the drink is about 30-35 turns, and the mix is ​​drunk in one breath, in one gulp.

Required components

Step by step cooking

  1. Feel free to pour coffee alcohol into a small glass.
  2. Using the back of the spoon, carefully pour the creamy drink in a thin stream.
  3. In the same way we put the last alcoholic layer, adding cognac.
  4. Alcohol is drunk in one gulp, without a straw and without setting fire to the top of the cocktail.

With vodka

In this version of the drink, Jamaican alcohol "Tia Maria" is used as a coffee liqueur, which is made on the basis and has a vanilla taste. In addition, this liqueur has a strength of 20 degrees, which allowed the author of this mix to achieve a unique, balanced taste of strong vodka and light liqueur.

Representatives of the female half of humanity really like this version of the B 53 mix, and most often, before the direct use of an intoxicating woman, they shake the contents of a glass with a straw, and then drink it in small sips.

Required components

Step by step cooking

  1. We send all the ingredients to the refrigerator for at least half an hour.
  2. Boldly fill in the first layer of Jamaican alcohol.
  3. Next, form a beige layer of creamy Baileys.
  4. The final ingredient will be high quality clear vodka.
  5. We lower a thin straw at the bottom of the glass and, if desired, attach several slices of citrus as a snack.

For the first layer will work great:

  • Kahlua;
  • Captain Black;
  • Mocha.

For the second layer creamy liqueurs such as:

  • Irish Cream;
  • Baileys;
  • Amarula.

For the top layer you can use any spirits that differ in contrast from the two previous ones. I offer several options:

  • vodka;
  • cognac;
  • absinthe;

Video of cocktail recipes B 53

In order to better understand how to create even and neat layers of this drink, I recommend watching a few videos.

Video # 1. On the video, a professional bartender will quickly teach you how to prepare a layered B 53 cocktail and clearly demonstrate how to do it right.

Video number 2. This video will appeal to fans of extravagant presentation and combination of unusual ingredients, one of which will be coffee. Enjoy the work of the masters and listen to their tips for making mix B 53.

The subtleties of cooking

  1. Exceptionally small glasses with a volume of 60 to 100 ml are used as a container for serving a drink. The most commonly used shot glass.
  2. Before direct preparation of the shot, all ingredients of the digestif must be cooled. Do the same for the feed stack.
    If the mix is ​​served burning, then the alcohol, which will become a component of the top layer, is best removed from the refrigerator, otherwise there may be a hitch with the burning of alcohol.
  3. Cocktail B 53 is prepared according to the build method, which means “build” in Russian. It is very important that the mix has the correct layers, which can be achieved by following their sequence.
    The main rule in making a layered shot: the first to be poured is an alcoholic beverage that has a high density and thick consistency, such as coffee or cream liqueurs.
  4. The recommended standard serving of each of the three ingredients used is 15 ml to 25 ml, and a 1: 1: 1 ratio is used to make a good quality shot.
  5. It is also important to avoid mixing the poured drinks. To do this, use a knife or bar spoon to create a layered mix. If none of the above was at hand, then the liquid should be poured along the edge of the glass.
  6. Some varieties of this mix include preliminary preparation in a shaker - it is not allowed to form layers, but to stir the ingredients, but after serving the drink in a glass with ice.
    The absence of layers and corresponding colors does not change the rich taste of the mix in the least.

Submission rules

  1. Cocktail B 53 is often served burning. To do this, the bartender or the one who plays the role of "pouring" must set fire to the top layer before directly serving the drink.
  2. As soon as the flame acquires a reddish tint, it must be extinguished and without the slightest delay drink the liquid in one gulp, in one gulp.
  3. In some cases, the fire is not extinguished, and then extreme people drink it in large gulps through a tube of medium thickness until it begins to melt. The straw sinks to the very bottom of the glass.
  4. It is also allowed to mix the layers with a straw before directly drinking the cocktail - this helps to soften the strength of the drink, make its taste softer, and also allows you to prolong the pleasure, enjoying it in small sips.
  5. To prepare a simplified version of B 53, it is enough to pour all three ingredients into a shaker, add ice and shake everything well. In this case, the method of serving the mix changes: the prepared alcohol is served in a tall glass with thin straws.
  6. B 53 is recommended to be served immediately after production, since any delay can lead to a deterioration in the rich taste of the digestif and the possibility of setting it on fire, which to some extent disrupts the drinking culture of this alcoholic mix.
  7. The recommended dose for one evening is four servings of the drink. At the same time, you are also not immune from severe intoxication.

Useful information

  • I recommend that you study in more detail what “layered cocktails” are, which versions are the most popular and famous of them.
    You will also learn the various secrets of creating the correct and neat layers to make the drink look dignified and appetizing.
  • I think that it will be interesting for novice culinary experts to know why there are two straws in a cocktail and what types of them exist.
    In addition, you will receive detailed information about which straws should be used according to the rules of the culture of use.

Now you know the composition of the B 53 cocktail and how to make it. If you have your own ideas and fresh ideas for making a new B 53, be sure to share them in the comments. Tell us what ingredients you mix and what results you get. Thank you all for your attention and wish you a successful tasting!

The goals of B2B sites are generally more complex than those of typical B2C sites. This is one of the excuses why usability is so often poor on B2B sites.

However, in reality, you should design the interface better, the more complex the user scenario is. Thus, business-to-business sites should be even more careful about usability, because they are designed for more complex tasks.

In this article, we'll try to figure out where to start building a B2B website by examining good examples of e-commerce websites and services in the heavyweight category.

B2B vs. B2C

Shopping on B2B sites is often done in bulk and service contracts are long term. The products on these sites are extremely specialized with complex requirements. Finally, decisions made on B2B sites can have long-term consequences: customers don't just make a one-time purchase, they often sign up for a long-term relationship with a supplier.

Due to the above reasons, we can conclude that the user experience is based on market research and the assortment of a particular site in particular, as well as making a decision based on many criteria.

Therefore, B2B sites must provide a wider range of information than what is accepted for B2C. A B2B site should offer both simple facts that are easy and quick to read by the busy manager, and provide in-depth white papers and statistics from which to understand the prospects for use, ROI, and how the product will integrate with the customer's existing environment.

Strategy first, design second

Don't create a website in isolation from your marketing strategy. Take another look at your strategy before using best practices. And then again for a recommendation. And again on the strategy. Does the straightforward pricing fit into general policy? What purpose should the site serve: to increase brand awareness or will it be possible to place an order on it?

Transparency in pricing remains a perennial topic of controversy. Is it worth opening the cards right away or is it better to introduce the potential client to the sales manager first? No need to reinvent the wheel: let's look at the overall marketing strategy.

Common mistakes on B2B sites

It's always easier to use a template in a design or description. Firstly, there is no need to think, and secondly, there is less responsibility - after all, everyone in the industry does this. On business-to-business sites, clichés are ubiquitous. Here are some common mistakes.

Support and trust

Do you know this girl?

And if you look closely? Where could you see her? Perhaps everywhere.

Use photos of real employees - this creates a trusting relationship with customers. Collaboration between businesses is often long-term, and during the work, certain connections are established between colleagues from different firms. It is much more pleasant to call Anya or Gene, and not the soulless Support Agent # 3.

About company

Sometimes, when you go to the page of the same name, you start wondering: “Who did the boss instruct to write this text?”. Secretary? An accountant? Purchasing manager? Programmer?

Don't be boring. Free writing will not equate visitors with superficiality. Keep important content, but change the shape - get rid of stamps.

Maxim Ilyakhov will tell you how to write a text in the section “About the Company”.

More specifics

Anything that is not a number is all a lie. Remember who your customer is when talking about the benefits.

You are not selling to your mom, but to a skeptical, busy person who initially took a defensive position.

Operate with statistics, real achievements and benefits that the client will receive when working with you, expressed in numbers.

E-commerce in B2B

As examples, consider the large US e-commerce sites in the business-to-business segment: quill.com, grainger.com, amazon.com.

B2B and B2C users

Not abstract ones come to the site corporate clients, but ordinary people who in everyday life buy things for themselves in online stores. And they already have certain patterns of behavior on e-commerce sites.

A B2B site visitor is a user who has a clear purpose and purchase criteria, but he is still subject to emotions, he still does not like to fill out forms with 20 fields and wait a long time for pages to load.

The slogan of the largest B2B online store for offices, Quill, is:

A small part of your work is 100% ours.

The biggest difference between B2B and B2C users is that they are the first to visit your site because that's their job. Therefore, we must try to facilitate their share. Provide users with:

  • Payment without registration or automatic account registration
  • Credit card connection
  • Integration with ERP system
  • Intuitive self-service system

  • Simple process of repeat purchases or delivery after a certain period of time

Help find the products you want

70% of user activity on a B2B website is related to search.

Information search = navigation + product categories + tags + filters + search.

  • Create an intuitive navigation structure

There are thousands of products on the websites of Internet hypermarkets, but thanks to the clear structure of the sections, any product is located in a few clicks.

  • Use F-shaped page designs

In this design, the main menu, navigation, and page content make up the Latin F.

  • Show recommended products

  • Add bread crumbs

  • Several ways to filter and sort
  • Display sales statistics for each product
  • Make it possible to compare products

Aerobatics - A detailed comparison of detergents.

Site search

50% of users use internal search to find the product they want. What is important for searching on e-commerce B2B sites:

  • Ease of use and speed
  • Search is available on every page
  • Input hints

  • The ability to go to the purchase of an item from the search results page
  • Search results can be sorted or filtered

All roads lead from Google

As a rule, purchases begin with a search not within the site, but with a global search on the network. Therefore, internal and external search engine optimization for B2B sites does not lose its relevance. However, like contextual search advertising, ads of which should lead to product pages, and not to the main one.

Don't forget to create XML sitemaps and XML file for the catalog (product feed).

B2B buyers know exactly what they want

Requirements for company purchases are more formalized than for shopping regular user... Bayer often knows what he needs right down to the model and QR code of the product. What should be taken care of for the determined buyers?

  • Possibility of direct entry into the search bar of the code (part of the number, article)

  • Allow uploading Excel, XML or CSV files with codes and required quantity
  • Remember planned and recurring purchases

Product card in B2B

The second most important page of the site is the product card. It is the product cards that collect the most traffic. What should be present on the page:

  • Detailed description
  • Specifications
  • Price (price range depending on lot size)

  • Batch number
  • Zoomable images

  • Video or 3-D images for high-value items
  • Alternative goods

  • Accessories

Talk to your doctor about vitamin B12 injections. Talk with your doctor about how vitamin B12 injections can benefit you. Your doctor will most likely refer you for blood tests and other tests. If your doctor thinks you need vitamin B12 injections, he or she will write you a prescription for a specific dosage. In addition, the doctor should show you how to inject or direct it to someone who will do it for you.

Find out about the possible complications of a vitamin B12 injection. Because vitamin B12 injection contains cyanocobalamin, you should not inject this drug if you are allergic to cyanocobalamin or cobalt, or Leber's disease, which is a hereditary form of vision loss. Before your doctor writes you a prescription for vitamin B12 injections, tell them about any allergies or any possible medical conditions. Tell your doctor if you have:

  • Symptoms of an allergy or cold that are manifested by sinus congestion or sneezing.
  • Kidney or liver disease.
  • Iron or folate deficiency.
  • Any type of infection.
  • If you are taking any medications or procedures that affect the bone marrow.
  • If you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant while you are taking vitamin B12 injections. Cyanocobalamin can pass into breast milk and harm a nursing baby.
  • Understand the benefits of vitamin B12 injections. If you suffer from anemia or vitamin B12 deficiency, then you probably need vitamin B12 injections as a treatment. For some people, vitamin B12 is poorly absorbed from food or oral vitamin B12 preparations, so they have to resort to injections of this vitamin. For vegetarians who do not consume animal products, supplements containing vitamin B12 can help maintain their health.

  • Choose an injection site. The optimal place to inject the drug depends on your age and the practical skills of the person giving the injection. There are four main injection sites:

    • Shoulder. This place is often used by young or middle-aged people. Older adults may choose this site if they have well-developed deltoid muscles of the shoulder. However, if the dose exceeds 1 ml, then it should not be injected into the shoulder.
    • Hip. This site is most often used by those who self-inject themselves or if the drug is administered to infants and young children. This is a good spot as there is a lot of fat and muscle under the skin of the thigh. You need the vastus lateralis muscle, which sits halfway between the groin and knee, about 15–20 cm from the bend of the leg.
    • Outer thigh. This location, located on the side, below the hipbone, is suitable for young adults and adults. Most experts advise injecting at this site because there are no large blood vessels or nerves that can be accidentally punctured during the injection.
    • Buttocks. Usually, injections are given in the upper outer parts of the buttocks or gluteus maximus, located on either side of the body. This site should only be injected by a healthcare professional because it is located near large blood vessels and the sciatic nerve, which can be damaged if injected incorrectly.
  • Select the method of injection. At first glance, it is not difficult to inject with a needle and syringe with everything, but there are two injection methods that can be used to inject vitamin B12:

    • Intramuscular injection. These injections are more common as they tend to give better results. The needle is inserted at a 90-degree angle so that it penetrates deeply into the muscle tissue. When vitamin B12 is injected through a needle, it is immediately absorbed by the surrounding muscles. Due to this, all vitamin B12 is absorbed in the body.
    • Subcutaneous injections. These injections are less common. The needle is inserted at an angle of 45 degrees directly under the skin, as opposed to deep insertion into the muscle. The skin can be pulled slightly away from the muscle tissue to protect the muscle from being punctured by the needle. The best place for this type of injection is in the shoulder.
  • In HTML, bold text can be done in several ways. These include:

    • Tag b;
    • Tag strong;
    • CSS property font-weight.

    Let's talk about each of the options for selecting text in order.

    Bold text: tag

    Tag b HTML is applied like this:

    Website builder "Nubex"

    For tag there must be a closing, and universal attributes are available to it (such as class, id, title etc.)

    Although the validity of the tag b and is not deprecated by the HTML specification, more relevant to use is the tag strong, let's see why.

    Bold text: tag

    According to the HTML spec, the tag b serves to highlight text in bold. In contrast, the tag strong HTML is for highlighting important frames, words that are key for this page.

    This tag plays a significant role in the ranking of pages in search results, therefore it is widely used in website promotion and SEO optimization. Search engines take into account text enclosed in tags , and mark it exactly as important.

    Tag used strong the same way:

    Website builder "Nubex"

    You may notice that externally using tags and is not at all different (since all modern browsers interpret them in almost the same way), but the semantic differences in the code for search engines, after all, have a place to be. Therefore, most SEOs recommend using the tag strong.

    Bold text with CSS

    We have already noted the importance of the tag strong at search engine promotion, but what to do if you need to make a large amount of text bold (but the text does not need to be marked as important for search engines), or you need to control the degree of "boldness" of the font? In such cases, the CSS property is used. font-weight... It is applied as follows:

    Bold text with <a href="https://maccase.ru/en/news/wordpress-prozrachnye-stranicy-prozrachnyi-fon-ili-tekst-s-pomoshchyu-css-v.html">using CSS</a>- "Nubex"

    Our sites are, indeed, huge step in web development.

    We do for real quality sites.

    Trust us and we will you we will not let you down.

    The values bolder and lighter you can set the degree of fatness more (or less) than that of the parent. A numerical value (100-900) can set the degree of fat content.

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