
VK fans how it works. How to find out who visited my VKontakte page. What are the guest tracking options?

Nowadays, spending leisure time communicating in social networks is becoming more and more popular. With the number of active users, the number of applicants is also gaining momentum look guests In contact with.

At the moment, Vkontakte developers do not provide an official service that would allow view guests pages. This is the main difference between Vkontakte and other similar social networks.

Although, if you open the list of applications, you can always find several dozen so-called "spies" or "radar" (special applications that allow see of people who viewed your page).

So, in reality, is it possible Vkontakte look guests pages? Let's try to figure it out.

How to see guests on Vkontakte

Application "Trap" Vkontakte

Application « Trap guests« is similar to the previous application.

  • Open the link « Trap guests« , the application starts:
  • Confirm the application's right to access your personal data by clicking « allow« :
  • In the graph « Settings« copy the link:

Now it must be placed on your page, anywhere (field "personal site", wall, etc.).

  • The trap is set. In chapter "Caught" You can see who followed your link:

Program for viewing guests Vkontakte

Please note that there are NO third-party programs for viewing Vkontakte guests.

If you are offered to download such an application, then DO NOT DO IT. The consequence of this act may be an attempt to hack the Vkontakte page.

Remember view guests Vkontakte You can always use the official apps.

Many Internet users are interested in how to find out who visited VKontakte on my page, because the social network does not have a “guests” section where you can see the list of visitors. In this article, we have collected for you all the possible ways to find out who comes to your page and what other users are doing there.

The VK application "My guests and fans" is the easiest way to find out who visited your page. You can download this free app from here: vk.com/app638461_199358937. Immediately after launching, the application will move you to the "My guests" menu tab, where you can see the visitors to your page. You can even use the app on iPhone.

It is worth noting that this solution, alas, does not differ in high accuracy - it determines visitors solely by their activity. So if a guest came to your page, but did not take any action - did not like, did not repost your posts, did not add music or video from your audio and video recordings, he will remain invisible to the application and, accordingly, to you.

Application "My friends (connections, guests)"

Like the previous one, this solution can be used to find out who has visited your profile. It is also completely free. You can launch the application from here: vk.com/app662272_199358937.

After launching, you will be moved to the “Who visited?” menu tab, where you can view a list of visitors to your profile. Unfortunately, the functionality of this solution is also very limited - you will see only those guests who are somehow marked on your page - those who viewed photos, put likes, left any comments, and so on.

The most important difference between this solution and the previous one is the ability to obtain detailed statistics of visits: this function will allow you to find out the total number of views of your profile and data on visits to individual sections, but not the personal data of visitors. In addition, this opportunity is available only to those who have a hundred or more subscribers.

Other applications

In addition to the two applications described above, VKontakte has a large number of similar solutions that allow you to see who has visited your page. They work on the same principle, allowing you to be guaranteed to see only those visitors who have performed at least some actions on your page.

Here is a list of the most popular ones:

  • "My guests"(vk.com/app638461);
  • "Your guests and friends" (vk.com/app2289330);
  • "My guests + Analytics" (vk.com/app3745135);
  • "My Guests and Friends" (vk.com/app4390508);
  • "My fans and guests"(vk.com/your_followers);
  • “My guests are likes, friends, PR, ratings”(vk.com/likeomer);
  • "Active guests and PR" (vk.com/act123);
  • "I'm a spy" (vk.com/app4798268);
  • "Guests and infographics" (vk.com/infografer).

There are no significant functional differences between the applications, so you can use any.

Traps for guests

Using guest traps is a great way to find out who is visiting your page, especially if you are interested in non-friend visitors. Traps are links, by clicking on which the user leaves his "trace". You can place them in the status, in contact details or on the wall.

There are traps in almost all of the VKontakte applications described above. To use this feature, you must go to the appropriate section.

So, for example, in the application "My guests and fans" you need to go to the tab "Do you want even more guests?" and choose the most suitable placement method, and in order to attract the attention of potential “victims” to the snag, you can write a title to the link, for example, “Check out my new photos”, “Started blogging”, and so on.

Guest trap

There is also a special solution for “hunting” visitors - the “Guest Trap”. You can launch it from here: vk.com/app2942193_199358937.

Having launched the application, you must allow it free access to your data, then go to the "Settings" section and copy the link from there to your page, for example, in the "Personal site" field of the "Contact information" section. You can track users who follow this link in the "Caught guests" tab.

Programs for tracking guests and visitors

Even if you need to get information about the visitors of your page very urgently, do not download guest tracking software for anything. In fact, such programs do not exist, and everything that is distributed under the guise of such solutions is either a virus or malware aimed at stealing your personal data. And even if there are dozens of positive reviews on the page with such a program, never install it!

As you can see, finding out who visited your VKontakte profile is not so easy, and often completely impossible. But there are pluses in this: after all, you probably also don’t always want to give out your presence on someone else’s page, right?

Good afternoon dear friends!

Today we will figure out how to see the guests of VKontakte, what methods can be used and which ones should be avoided. Why is it so important? Because unreliable services allow scammers to get to your page and hack it. To avoid this, we will use accessible and safe ways to learn about the actions of people in the account.

Why does VKontakte not allow you to see visitors?

Some social networks, such as Odnoklassniki, allow you to watch those who were on the page, and even specifically notify you about it. But VK uses a different approach: maintaining confidentiality. After all, it often happens that we want to see who was interested in the page, but there is no desire to show that we visited, for example, an ex-boyfriend.

Therefore, the developers of VKontakte did not include such an opportunity in the usual functionality. Many even deliberately hide information about themselves from strangers. In a separate article, you can read how to hide friends.

But we are resourceful and will try to find out all possible information about visitors using several methods.

Using the My Guests app

Access to visitors can be obtained free of charge using special applications for VK. This is the easiest and most reliable way available when logging into the site from a computer and from a phone.

For example, "My Guests". To access the application, log in to the social network through a browser. It cannot be used through the mobile app.

To find this application from the VKontakte interface, go to the "Games" section in the profile.

In the search bar, type "My guests".

The add-on we are interested in will be the first on the list. Click on it and launch the application.

Under these tabs, I see those who visited my page and were active during the entire time I used the program. This means that the person did not just view the information, but liked it or wrote a message, shared the publication, left a comment.

You may see an unfamiliar name and a photo marked with a blue heart. This program automatically added the visitor to the list to stir up your interest and promote his account.

Application Features

Opening the page, we automatically get to the ʺGuestsʺ tab. But there are other menu items here:

  • Fans are the people who made the most actions: liked, shared the post, commented on the post.
  • Promotion - your photo is shown in the guest lists of other users so that they become interested and prove themselves: go to the profile, mark the photo with a heart, write a message.
  • Photo Show - allows you to view photos of users of the application, rate them, and also show your own.
  • All about friends - gives various information, including their guests.
  • My profile is the statistics of visits.

The "Invisible" function is needed in order not to leave traces in other people's profiles, and by paying for a PRO account, you can use the application without ads and get additional information about visitors.

By clicking on the gear under the main menu, you can block, clear the guest list, change the language.

Blocking does not mean that a person will not be able to visit you, you just won't see it in the application. To unblock visitors, you need to click on "Blocked guests" in the same menu.

For the convenience of regular use, the application is fixed in the profile. To do this, click ʺActionsʺ - ʺAdd to left menuʺ.

Click on it, a window pops up. You need to take the address and copy it to your page in the "Personal Site" field.

We go into the settings, select "Edit".

Paste the copied address into the field and click the "Save" button.

You can also place a trap on your wall, . In order for it to attract the attention of visitors, you need to come up with an interesting description for the link. For example: ʺHere you will learn everything about meʺ, ʺThe whole truth about my lifeʺ, ʺSharing secretsʺ or something like that. The trap forces a person to take an action, follow the link, after which you can see him in the list of visitors.


To find other similar services, you need to click on the link "Games" in the left menu and enter the phrase "My guests" in the search bar.

You can explore different options and choose the most convenient for you.

How to see the most frequent visitors on the page

At the very end of this tab we see the inscription ʺYou can delete your pageʺ. Right-click on the link and select "Open in new tab". Don't worry, I'm not encouraging you to delete your VKontakte page. But if you do it by accident, . To see our most frequent guests, we will use this function differently.

In the window that appears, among the reasons, select “My page is not commented on”. In the line that appears, we see 2 guests who have visited you the most in recent days.

If you refresh the page and complain again that there are few comments, you can see 2 more visitors. You can repeat the steps until the program shows all the people who like to visit your page. After that, just close the tab in your browser.

Using statistics to get information about visitors

Here you can get the following information about the guests:

  • how many people visited the page in total;
  • age of visitors;
  • what countries and cities they are from;
  • the number of subscribed and unsubscribed comrades;
  • the recording path if your friends have shared it with their audience.

The data is presented in numerical form, graphs and charts.

In statistics, you cannot see who came to visit you, specific people, their personal data. But information about the age of visitors, their activity, the number of subscribed and unsubscribed friends provides a lot of useful information for those involved in promotion and.

Guest viewers

The described ways to find out who visited your page may seem limited and you will be tempted to use the program offered by third-party developers. I do not advise you to do this, most likely they want to extract data from you to hack your account.

Another option: during installation, you will be asked to send SMS or pay money, but there will be no sense from the service, just waste your time and cash. People who have used such programs note that the choice of guests occurs randomly, and when checking, it turns out that the person has not been on the social network for a year, but at the same time “visited” your page.

Another most common threat from unverified software is viruses. Programs that show all visitors to the VKontakte page do not exist. The developers of the social network took care of this.


The VKontakte administration does not provide a direct opportunity to find out who viewed the wall, photos and other files. Realizing that a person learns about the visit, many will refuse to visit other people's pages. This will lead to a decrease in user activity on the social network. Such an effect is least of all needed by its owners.

Therefore, you will have to use the available methods of obtaining information:

  • application "My guests";
  • trap;
  • data that the service gives when trying to delete a page;
  • statistics.

Third-party programs do not show guests and can harm your VKontakte profile or computer, so you should not install and use them.

That's all for today. I hope you found the article interesting and useful. If so, then share it with your friends. And I say goodbye to you until we meet again on the pages of the blog.

Guests in VK every user has. It can be friends and friends of friends, random people, people who saw you in the recommendations or even found you in the search. There are a lot of guests on the pages, especially on popular pages.

Page Statistics

Contact Guide even introduced a new feature for page owners with more than 100 followers. The function allows you to see how many people visit your page, as well as detailed statistics: Countries, cities, activity, gadgets, coverage, etc. .

In a word, you can easily find out the traffic to your page. Just click on the button in the left column "page statistics".

Once again: not everyone has statistics, but if you have a popular page
(more than 100 friends)!

Of course, curiosity takes over and we wonder who are these impersonal people who visit my page? Who my guests vkontakte?

Get to know guests VKontakte pretty easy. There are several ways. Some of them work, and some of them, in addition to not working, are also dangerous for your page! So, let's begin.

How to view guests in VK through the application:

There are many applications that allow you to get to know your fans. They show not only random visitors, but also make a top by which you can see who visits your page most often.

Of all the applications, the best application is "my guests and fans."

And who liked?

There you can find out who most often visited, liked, and also see the guests of the pages of another person, friend, guy and girl, for example.

We do not recommend installing trap for VKontakte guests, because there is no sense from it. Also in this application, you can buy paid access, but it is also of no use to the thread, because. All functionality is available in the free version.

Free program for guests in VK:

There is a program "vkgos"

Download the program for free it is possible on the off site, which is called the same as the program itself, but we do not think that you will need it, because in this case you will have to specify your username and password, and this is fraught with account hijacking. Although it performs all the functions. Remember: never specify your own token!

You can also find fans through special sites that track the activity of your page, but they only track people who like your post, and guests do not always leave traces, so this option is no longer available.

Of course it's a pity that view guests in VK not built into the functionality of the site itself. This would simplify the task and reduce the number of page hacks of people who use unverified software. Although, if you could watch guests on VK, then the page traffic would not be so high. People would be afraid to show themselves)).

I hope that this article helped you and you were able to find out who visited VK on your page. Briefly summing up, it can be noted that applications do their job best. There is one minus from them: too intrusive advertising and requests to pay for the full functionality of the site. That's all. You can also see other articles on the site.

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