
Weather station with pressure sensor. Himself a weather forecaster or choose a weather station for the house. Weather stations for the home: budget Gal models with a wired sensor

How was the temperature measured outside? According to the thermometer, which was hung outside the window. But this device did not show: neither humidity, nor atmospheric pressure, nor other meteorological parameters. Today, in order to determine the weather conditions outside the home, you need to buy and install a small device called a weather station for the home. What it is, on what principles it works, and what models the modern market offers, we will analyze in today's review.

The device consists of two blocks. One with a display is located inside the house. It shows all meteorological parameters. The second is the one that tracks these indicators. It is located outside somewhere on the street.

Varieties of weather stations for the home

Manufacturers today offer two varieties that differ from each other in the presence or absence of wires, they connect two blocks to transmit the received data. In the first case, this is the simplest circuit in which there are only these two blocks.

In the second, there are up to five outdoor units that are installed in different parts, which gives a more complete picture of the weather outside. At the same time, it should be noted that another sensor is installed in the indoor unit, which monitors the temperature and. Such a small but very useful additional bonus that increases the functionality of the station. Most models are supplied with clocks, calendars, even lunar ones. You can set the clock manually or through communication interfaces, checking the exact time three times a day in automatic mode.

The variety of the model range is quite huge. There are devices with a small screen (black and white), offered with a large color display. Some of the stations are powered by drivers, some by batteries. There are even clocks with a built-in weather station for the home with a wireless sensor.

Home weather station with wireless sensor

Wired meteorological stations are gradually disappearing from store shelves, because wireless ones are more convenient to install and operate. They are not limited in any way in movement, so that the indoor unit can be transferred inside the house to any room convenient for residents.

So what are the advantages of this model.

  1. The ability to predict the weather up to 1.5 days ahead.
  2. If you configure the sensors correctly, they additionally show the wind speed on the street.
  3. The distance between the blocks for different models is different, it varies in the range of 3÷100 m.
  4. More and more manufacturers are equipping weather stations with software carriers. These are small discs with which you can establish a connection between the device and a computer or iPhone.
  5. Coverage temperature range from -70 to +50°С.
  6. Time range of measurement: from a couple of seconds to five minutes.
  7. Atmospheric pressure can be displayed in different units: Pa, kg/cm² or mmHg.

Attention! If the weather station with barometer is running on batteries, the battery level is shown on the display. This must be monitored in order to carry out the replacement in time.

Which weather station for home to choose

Before you buy a weather station for your home, you need to familiarize yourself with its basic functions. So what can home weather stations do:

  1. With their help, the air temperature is recorded both outside the house and in the interior. This parameter can be displayed in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit.
  2. Shows the humidity in the street and in the house.
  3. Brand models are equipped with a function that determines the amount of precipitation.
  4. Atmospheric pressure is measured.
  5. A weather forecast is being made. By the way, only devices that include a barometer have this function.
  6. A small memory makes it possible to store data for a not very long period.
  7. The wind speed is fixed.
  8. Motion sensors are installed inside the indoor unit, which turn on the backlight of the display.

It is clear that only expensive models from well-known brand manufacturers are equipped with all these functions. Cheap devices, which are mostly battery-operated, show only the temperature and. In some cases, this is enough.

According to the method of measuring weather parameters, all models are divided into analog and digital. The first ones have already given up their positions. And although they are much cheaper than the latter, their time has passed. After all, simply showing the temperature, besides with a high error, is no longer enough. For many, the requirements for devices are more serious. Moreover, digital stations have the ability to connect to computers and phones. So the future lies with digital weather stations with wireless sensors.

Weather stations with a built-in projector are very popular today. They can display weather parameters on the wall or ceiling. As you can see, there are a lot of selection criteria. But we must immediately make a reservation that each option or function is an addition to the price. So, choosing a multifunctional device, you need to prepare for the fact that you will have to pay a decent amount for it.

Rating of home weather stations with a wireless remote sensor 2017-2018

Before you buy a weather station, you must not only understand the functionality of the device, but also understand that the price-quality-functionality ratio will not always be optimal. And the ratings show that more often it is functionality that takes over, because many consumers want to see a truly weather station in their home. Therefore, we will consider several branded models that took the leading positions in sales in 2017 and with a high degree of probability will retain them in 2018.

RST weather station

This is a well-known Swedish brand that has been operating on the European market since 1943. Today the manufacturer produces three models:

  • First - RST 02555 .

  • Second - RST 88777 .
pros Minuses
Weather forecastHigh price
The screen displays the weather trend for the last 36 hours.
Connects 3 sensors
Readings can be displayed in five languages
Peak weather conditions stored in memory
Seven-color color illumination that changes if weather conditions change
Wall and desktop version

  • Third - RST 01921 .

If you want to buy an inexpensive home weather station with a remote sensor, purchase the first model.

Weather station OREGON

This is an American brand. According to the manufacturer, its devices work according to new algorithms for collecting and processing data. Hence the high quality. Again, this is stated by the manufacturer.

Today, the Oregon brand offers three models:

  1. Scientific bar208hg . Display 5 inches, which takes up most of the panel. The body of the station expands to the bottom, so it stands steadily without any stand. 3 sensors can be connected to the device, but one is included in the kit. The radius of action is no more than 30 m. The average price can be attributed to the pluses, while the weather station has quite serious functionality. A big minus is the processing of the data within an hour. So it will not quickly show sudden changes in temperature.

  1. Scientific Bar388HG . A fairly simple appearance that does not decorate the room. Rather, it can be designated as an element of the minimalist style. The case of the device is made so that it can only stand on a flat horizontal plane. All functionality and equipment repeat the previous model.
  2. Scientific TW396 . This is a weather station with a projector that is installed on the side of the main unit and can be rotated 180°. Powered by three batteries, which are located in the compartment at the back, or from the mains. Display illumination, numbers and pictograms. A big minus is the lack of a hygrometer.

La crosse Technology

This is another American brand from California, which has several subsidiaries in Asia and Europe. It is difficult to talk about weather stations from this manufacturer, because he has 67 of them. All of them have different functionality in terms of the number of functions. But they all differ in very accurate indicators of data collection. For example, a weather station La Crosse WS9057 :

  • number of sensors - 3, one in a set;
  • distance between external and internal block - 100 m;
  • data transmission interval (minimum) - 6 seconds;
  • there is a barometer;
  • humidity range from 1 to 99%;
  • temperature range: from -40 to +60°С;
  • mains powered or batteries, the latter are not included;
  • dimensions: 190×190×37 mm.

What is not in the model: illumination, determination of the speed of light, radio, sound indication.

Weather stations EA2

This is an Asian brand from Hong Kong. It produces three products: home weather stations, projection clocks and thermometers. The former occupy a serious segment in the trade turnover. Yes, and he has a considerable model line - 12 positions. At the same time, the manufacturer pays great attention to the external design of the devices, which not only differ in the quality and functionality of collecting data on weather conditions, but can also become a decoration for any room.

Consider for example the model Ea2 EDGE ED609 :

  • connects to three sensors;
  • range 30 m;
  • it is a weather station with a barometer;
  • predicts the weather for either 12 or 24 hours;
  • temperature measurement range from -10 to +50°С;
  • humidity from 20 to 99%;
  • pressure from 637 to 787 mmHg;
  • color LCD display with dimensions of 70x110 mm;
  • power supply: network or 3 batteries;
  • sensor power supply - 2 batteries (not included);
  • overall dimensions 120×230×69 mm;
  • desktop mount, back stop - this is the cover of the battery compartment.

One point - there is a backlight activation button on the back of the device. But it can only be used when powered by batteries. When plugged in, the backlight stays on all the time.

Weather stations Gal

This is a Russian brand from the Galax company, whose head office is located in Moscow. The company today offers six models with different functionality and price. All of them are wireless devices, the range of data reception is up to 30 m. Only one sensor is included in the package. Let's consider one of them, namely WS-2501 :

  1. outside temperature measurement range from -20 to +60°С;
  2. inside the house from 0 to +50°С;
  3. standard functionality;
  4. dimensions 125×75×23 mm;
  5. both external and internal units are powered by two batteries, which you will have to buy yourself;
  6. execution desktop and wall.

At weather stations "gal" there are not a lot of functions that are in the above models. They are simple, not capricious, and their price is appropriate. That is, if you need an inexpensive device that will show the temperature and, as well as wake you up in the morning with a built-in alarm clock, then this is it.

Weather station HAMA

This is already a Chinese product, but it has proven that it can compete with well-known brands. There is a huge assortment in the model line, so let's consider one device that, according to consumer reviews, corresponds to the quality of even American weather stations. This EWS-390 .

It should be noted that this model is fully consistent with the reviews. It works well, is not capricious, but at the same time the price is almost three times cheaper compared to similar devices. But she has her shortcomings.

  1. A small screen with a large number of different indicators. They are hard to see, which is already inconvenient.
  2. The buttons are hard, when pressed, they emit an unpleasant high-pitched sound.
  3. The screen glows blue, so the black numbers and icons on it are hard to see. At the same time, when the backlight is turned on, a quiet buzzing is heard.
  4. Temperature range of indicators from -10°С to +60°С. For Russian conditions, the lower limit is too small.

In all other respects, this is a multifunctional device, there is even a barometer.

Digital weather station - a device for determining the temperature and humidity in the house and outside the window. It consists of a base and a sensor that is taken out into the street. Signals from it can come via radio or wire. The data is transmitted to the screen and is regularly updated, so you will always have up-to-date weather information. Wireless sensors can be placed at a distance of up to one hundred meters, depending on the model of the device. Several radio sensors can be connected to some bases to determine not only the temperature of the air, but also the temperature of the soil and water.

Home weather station features

Digital weather stations for the home can perform additional functions. On the screen you can see information about high and low temperatures, humidity levels, as well as the exact date, time, weather forecast. Most models have an alarm function, a battery charge indicator, and a backlight. Electronic stations display data to the nearest degree and always update the values. The price of such a device is low, it has small dimensions and can be placed on any surface. The compact device performs a dozen functions that we use daily.

Benefits of buying a weather station

The weather station performs many functions, but it also has other advantages:

  • compactness;
  • Ease of Management;
  • ergonomic design;
  • safety;
  • durability.

Home weather stations are durable and reliable, despite the fact that the sensors are outdoors and subjected to various tests. Such a device is suitable for apartments and houses, it does not require special care and special attention. On Mircli you can buy meteorological equipment with delivery in Moscow.

Currently, the home weather station is popular. How to choose it, almost everyone is wondering. Yes, the choice is really rather big. An electronic device is replete with a huge number of companies, models, designs, functionality. It turns out that you can choose a home weather station according to your wishes. But you need to remember that the more functions, the more accurate the data should be, the more expensive the device costs.

Digital thermometers

In addition to conventional mercury thermometers, you can hang a digital one at home. It is better to say right away that the first is preferable. But someone wants to keep up with the times or improve the design. Digital thermometers are also the price of the device, its functionality - these and other questions concern every buyer. Here are examples of the most rated digital thermometers.

RST 02100

Its price is about 800-900 rubles. The dimensions of such a device are small. Shows both indoor and outdoor temperature. It is possible to save the previous values. Includes a remote sensor with a three-meter wire. Judging by user reviews, the readings are accurate. It should be noted that the device has no other functions, except for indoors and outdoors.

Oregon Scientific EW92

A similar device with a price of about 2000 rubles. There is a difference in dimensions (it is larger than previously described). The temperature is updated every 40 seconds. Frost warning.

with many indications

LaCrosse WS 9057

This is a European made model. The appearance is pleasing to the eye. Shows all necessary geophysical parameters. The only thing it doesn't show is wind speed and direction. There is a very similar model with such functions, but it costs about 17,000 rubles.

RST 02929

Weather station with a beautiful design and many indicators. The sensor on the street is able to determine the direction and speed of the wind, transmit it to the main unit. Measurement accuracy fails. There are almost all kinds of additional functions.

Kweller S8200

Stylish design, the presence of control buttons and settings. The display on the left shows the following readings: weather forecast (figure), pressure, date and time, current memory capacity (diagram in the form of a "pill"). On the right side of the screen, the humidity and temperature of the air in the room and outside the house, where the sensor hangs, are clearly displayed. The speed and direction of the wind is very nicely illustrated.

Home weather station with astrological calendar

Even for those who are interested not only in weather forecasts, watches, but also in astrology, such a home weather station is perfect. How to choose such models? In fact, the choice is not so great. Again, imagine the company RST, which creates such devices. Below is the model itself with the code designation 02787. Its price is from 7000 rubles.

The display changes its color depending on the weather. What data is displayed besides the astrological calendar? Street and room temperatures, humidity and atmospheric pressure with indication. In the upper left corner is a beautiful image of weather phenomena. The accuracy of the data is high.

How to choose a home weather station and not regret the money spent? Before buying, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with all the characteristics and study the opinions of people who themselves use such devices.

Models that are better not to take

Many interested people want to buy a home weather station cheaper and with the most features. A sample on a shop window can please the eye with its colorful display, many indications. If the price is not more than 1000-1500 rubles, it is better not to flatter yourself. These are ordinary trinkets, not home weather stations. What to choose then? Of course, whichever is more expensive.

Weather stations manufactured by Hama, unfortunately, are the most unreliable. The price for them most often does not exceed 1000 rubles, some cost only 500. There are plenty of functions, but, according to the reviews of users of such devices, they are completely useless. Humidity shows incorrectly, and temperature changes take a long time, including giving false values.

You can not rack your brains for a long time and buy the first device that comes across. But then regret the money spent. There is a problem not in the correctness of the readings, but in the settings. It is better to look at the instructions in the store. Are there step-by-step recommendations, a sequence of actions.

Someone likes an analog device more than an electronic home weather station. How to choose in this case? Yet they are completely different things. It's one thing to buy an ordinary one that shows the temperature absolutely accurately, and another is a digital device from which you don't know what to expect.

Undoubtedly, separate thermometer, barometer and other devices for determining values ​​in the old fashioned way are much more expensive, but they are more durable, unpretentious and most accurate. And electronics requires constant change of batteries and comparison of readings. It's a matter of taste for each person.

Does it make sense to buy?

Some people wonder: do I even need this weather station? It is also useful for those who suffer from chronic diseases. Someone's blood pressure rises when the weather changes, doctors recommend that someone keep the air in the room dry or, conversely, humid. And some dangerous diseases require a certain temperature in the room. A home weather station will help with this. How to choose such a device with the best performance and highest accuracy, the reader already knows. A home weather station will be a good purchase. Especially if it is necessary to control and maintain the physical parameters in the room of a sick person. Many parents try to monitor the state of the newborn's room. After all, it is so important that there are no drafts, cold and heat.

Fans of capricious and exotic plants will also be delighted with the purchase. Since it is important to observe and maintain the desired relative humidity in a room or greenhouse. Temperature is also important for plants. The gardener will know whether it is necessary to insulate the area, or, conversely, open all windows and doors if warm and sunny weather is expected.

Home weather stations have replaced ordinary household thermometers. Modern weather stations for the home are devices that can not only show the temperature of the air outside and inside the room, but also record indicators of humidity, pressure and other weather data. Such devices are able to provide accurate information about the current state of weather conditions 24 hours a day. The rating of the best weather stations for the home will help you choose the best model.

The home weather station complex includes two nodes: the main unit, which is located inside the room and a remote sensor attached to the window outside. The function of the sensor is to measure air temperature, humidity, pressure and send these data to the main unit. All received information is displayed on the screen of the indoor unit.

There are models of devices in which the blocks are interconnected using wires and weather stations for the home with wireless sensors. It is worth noting that the latter are more advanced devices and have a corresponding cost. With the help of such devices, in addition to temperature and humidity, you can find out the atmospheric pressure and what the climate will be like in the next day.

The functions of the simplest household weather stations include measuring air temperature and humidity outside and inside the premises. As for indoor measurements, they are made by a sensor hidden in the main unit of the device installed in the room. External data comes from an external node, which is attached to the window frame. In order for the readings to be as accurate as possible, it is advisable to install the outdoor unit on the north side.

Most models of weather stations are equipped with a clock that can be manually adjusted or automatically synchronized to an accurate time information signal that is transmitted three times an hour. The program of more advanced devices may include the regular and lunar calendars.

Depending on the model, weather station LCD displays can be small formats, transmitting black and white display, or quite overall dimensions (diagonal 7-8 inches), displaying many colors. Many devices have a screen backlight. Multifunctional expensive devices operate on AC power supplied through, simple analogues are powered by batteries.

Quite popular in home use are models of wall clocks with a weather station. The devices are endowed with the functions of displaying temperature, humidity, pressure in the room, many have luminescent illumination of the dial and hands. The attractive design of the instruments and the ease of use make them a leader among home weather stations.

Home weather station device with wireless sensor

The dependence of human well-being on changes in the atmosphere has long been proven. Moreover, the weather can determine both the physical and emotional state of people. Instruments capable of predicting the state of the atmosphere in the current and near future make it possible to take the necessary measures in advance and plan events correctly. It is possible to meet the vagaries of nature fully armed by purchasing a home weather station with a wireless sensor.

Wireless weather stations are becoming one of the most popular types of home appliances. They are climate control devices, consisting of the following blocks:

  • a basic receiver unit with a display that displays information from one or more climate sensors. The forecast generated by a home weather station with a remote sensor can cover a time period from 12 hours to one and a half days. The information displayed on the screen may include, in addition to temperature, wind direction and speed, time, date, lunar phase, precipitation and other data;
  • remote wireless meter (sensor), which can be located at different distances in the range from 3-5 m to 100 m (depending on the model of the device). Remote sensors are equipped with mounts and can be installed both indoors and outdoors;
  • a digital weather station with a wireless sensor may include a software disk, provided that the device supports the communication function with a personal computer.

Helpful advice! If the weather station is powered by batteries, you should monitor the level of their charge, which is displayed on the power indicator of the device.

Weather stations with a wireless sensor can cover the temperature range from plus 50°C to 70°C below zero. A feature of wireless models is that several sensors (no more than 5) can be connected to the main unit, each of which will measure data in different rooms or from different sides of the street. A weather station with multiple sensors will display the most complete weather information. The data of each meter will be displayed on the screen in a specific location.

The frequency of temperature measurements can be from a few seconds to 5 minutes. Pressure diagnostics are performed in different units: depending on preferences, these can be kPa, millimeters of mercury or kg / cm² (unit settings are available). Taking into account all measurements of weather conditions, the weather station makes a forecast for a short period and displays it on the screen of the device.

Key functions of weather stations with a remote sensor

Before you buy a home weather station with a remote sensor, you should familiarize yourself with the basic capabilities of the devices and the purpose of additional options. The conclusions of home “hydrometeorological centers” will guide you in choosing clothes according to the weather, remind you of the need to take an umbrella with you, and weather-dependent people will be helped to adjust their plans for work and leisure in time.

Having bought a weather station for the home, the sensors of which will be placed within the range of the device, you can receive information about the humidity in a garage or other room and, if necessary, select a comfortable value for these places. Typical instrument features include:

  • fixing the air temperature outside and inside the room - the room temperature sensor is hidden inside the body of the base unit, the outdoor meter is taken out of the room. For more reliable information, there may be several external sensors. The temperature value is shown on the display in degrees Celsius (°C) or Fahrenheit (°F);

  • air humidity diagnostics - measurements can be taken both inside the room (models with a built-in hygrometer) and outside (devices with remote humidity sensors). Given the data of the device, it is possible to judge the level of humidity in the room. The most comfortable value is from 40 to 60%;
  • information about the amount of precipitation per unit of time - this option is usually given to branded devices of the premium group;
  • atmospheric pressure measurement - displayed in units: mm Hg. Art., Pa;
  • weather forecast depending on changes in atmospheric pressure - this option is available due to the presence of a digital barometer;
  • short-term storage of information about the maximum and minimum indicators of temperature and humidity;
  • fixing data on wind speed and direction - displayed in unit systems: m/s, km/h, miles/h, as well as knots;
  • as additional options - an alarm clock, date information, an astrological calendar;
  • motion sensor - turns on the backlight of the display;
  • projector - displays the value of the date and time on a flat surface;
  • displaying the battery charge indicator.

All information can be seen on the screen of the main unit of the weather station located indoors. The power supply of multifunctional energy-intensive meteorological complexes is carried out through a household electrical network; for simpler devices, batteries are quite enough.

How to choose a home weather station

Household climate equipment is represented on the market by a large range of models that differ from each other in design, the number of basic and additional functions and cost. According to the availability of technical capabilities, all these devices can be divided into two categories: analog and digital home weather stations. Analog weather stations are equipped with mechanical climatic devices capable of recording only current changes in atmospheric parameters. The functionality of such devices is very limited.

Digital weather stations have the ability not only to record current data, but also to make a forecast for the next few days. In addition to domestic purposes, these meteorological complexes are used in the professional field. It should be noted that professional weather stations are the most advanced devices that have a high degree of accuracy of measurements and predicted information, the maximum possible functionality, including data synchronization with a computer.

For domestic use, electronic weather stations for the home with wireless sensors are the most acceptable. All measurements in such models are made using special digital meters. Due to the possibility to connect several sensors to the station, the amount of measured data is expanded. This allows the weather station to display more complete weather information.

Quite practical for use in an apartment or office of a company are wall-mounted weather stations with a clock, an alarm clock and a calendar. One of the most popular models for the home is a weather station with a projector function. In such weather complexes, temperature, time and date data can be displayed on a flat surface of a wall or ceiling.

Helpful advice! In weather stations with projection clocks, it is possible to adjust the color of the projection and its rotation with display on different surfaces.

Having studied the main features of models of various levels and classes, we can conclude which home weather station to choose for personal use.

Rating of home weather stations with a wireless remote sensor

Before choosing a home weather station with a wireless sensor, it is worth considering the potential of the device, its manufacturer, as well as the ratio of price, functionality and quality. An overview of popular models will help you buy a weather station for your home with an optimal set of functions. The rating of home weather stations is based on practical testing of models in an apartment, their functionality and ease of use.

RST Home Weather Stations

RST digital weather stations with wireless sensors (made in Sweden) are represented by a series of instruments with a high degree of reliability. Many models support synchronization with a PC and are used in the professional field. The company's product range also includes household and professional thermometers that record the temperature indoors and outdoors, hygrometers that determine air humidity, as well as barometers that show the value of atmospheric pressure.

Related article:

Electronic thermometer with remote sensor: features and benefits

Appointment of an electronic thermometer with a remote probe. Device characteristics. Varieties and tips for choosing.

One of the best weather systems for home use is the RST 02785 model. The body of the device, less than 3 cm thick, is made of high-quality plastic. Assumes both desktop, and wall placement. Intuitive monochrome screen interface, the ability to choose from three colors of display backlighting. The remote wireless sensor transmits information within a radius of up to 100 m, provided that the wave coverage area is open.

Helpful advice! Depending on whether the remote sensor is installed in the shade or in the sun, the air temperature displayed by it may be different.

In addition to basic measurements of temperature, humidity inside and outside, as well as atmospheric pressure, a highly sensitive weather station determines and displays on the display the maximum and minimum outdoor temperatures in the range from -50 to +70 (°С). The indoor temperature measurement range is from 0 to 50°C. The device's capabilities include short-term weather forecasting.

For ease of use, among the additional options of the weather station, there is a clock that reproduces the value of the current time on the display, an alarm clock, a regular and lunar calendar. As a bonus, the device displays the zodiac calendar. The device can be powered through a home network or from batteries, the sensor is powered by three microbatteries (AAA).

AcuRite 02027 Color Weather Station with

Compact digital weather station AcuRite 02027A1 Color Weather Station with has high accuracy and ease of use, combined with the original design. The manufacturer provided the device with only the necessary functions, without burdening it with unnecessary options. Hanging mounting method of the remote meter allows you to place it in any accessible place no further than 100 m from the main unit.

One of the factors in the popularity of the weather station among users is the successful design of the base station. On the color display, large icons and numbers show all the data that is conveniently read from any angle. For convenience, the outdoor and indoor sensor information is displayed in different colors on the screen.

It should be noted that the remote wireless meter accurately determines the outside air temperature even when it is cold outside to -25°C. When making a forecast for the next 12 hours or a day, the device processes the data received from the barometer and hygrometer. Another useful option of the weather station is the automatic change of time to summer or winter mode.

Among the additional functions of the device, one can single out an interesting service "weather trends". The weather station analyzes changes in the state of the atmosphere and tries to predict the likely dynamics for the next period. Information about how the humidity and temperature parameters have changed over the past few hours is displayed on the screen in the form of an arrow pointing up or down, respectively.

Considering that the devices use the most modern technologies, as well as numerous positive reviews, the AcuRite 02027 Color Weather Station with home weather station can be called one of the best quality wireless weather stations in the segment.

Oregon Weather Station Options Set

Oregon weather stations are of high quality construction, accuracy
measurements and stylish design. This company was one of the first to develop weather stations with projection clocks, introducing the fashion for projectors. The set of functions of some models is small, but they have the most original design. One of the creative models is a meteorological complex with a wireless platform for charging gadgets: smartphones and tablets.

Helpful advice! Having bought the Oregon weather station in the form of an original stand with crystals, you can not only keep abreast of weather conditions, but also use it as a night light or a stylish decor element.

Oregon home weather stations are represented by a line of devices with a wide range of
set of functions. The Oregon Scientific BAR368P PROJI meteorological complex model is a weather monitoring device and a projection clock combined in one device. Thanks to this combination, it is possible to find out all the information at once at a glance at the clock of the weather station with a time projector. The device provides manual adjustment of the projection angle with a deviation of 180 °.

The case of the weather station is made of black plastic and is equipped with a fairly large monitor. All weather data is displayed in large numbers and symbols. It is possible to connect up to 3 wireless meters to the device at a distance of 50 m, which makes the device suitable for large cottages or small industrial complexes. The weather station gives a forecast for the next day through symbols.

The weather station has the ability to project temperature and time indicators at night onto any surface located nearby. To focus the image, manual adjustment is provided. Of the additional functions, there is an automatic calendar, two alarm modes (rising signal and the “doze off” option), radio-controlled clock. The condition of the batteries can be monitored using the charging indicator.

For the convenience of reading data from the display, it can be briefly illuminated. If necessary, you can turn off time synchronization and set the clock manually. The main unit of the device is powered from a 220 V network through an adapter or using two AAA batteries. The remote wireless sensor is powered by an AA battery.

Meteocomplex La Crosse WS9057

The La Crosse WS9057 weather station is one of the most budget models of this Swiss brand, but its cost is higher than similar devices from other manufacturers with identical functionality. The design of the base station resembles a chrome-plated baguette photo frame. You can place a sufficiently large device on a vertical or horizontal surface. On the back of the device there is a control panel with several buttons.

Of the functions, this model includes temperature measurement (including outdoor temperature, information about which comes from an external meter), humidity, as well as recording the history of the highest and lowest temperatures. The wireless sensor is equipped with a small built-in display that alternately displays weather values. It can be installed at a distance of up to 100 m from the base unit of the device. Information from the sensor is updated every 5 seconds. The weather station can receive signals from 3 remote wireless sensors.

The large display of the meteorological complex is divided into several blocks, each of which displays certain data. At the very top, the time, calendar date, alarm clock and moon phase are displayed. The humidity and temperature values ​​from the internal meter are displayed below. I would like to note that if the level of humidity in the room does not match the comfortable one, an image of a “sad” emoticon appears on the screen. The third block with information displays data on the nearest weather forecast, and the fourth - the values ​​of temperature and humidity on the street.

A distinctive feature of this device is that any precipitation (snow, rain, hail) is displayed on a monochrome display as a rain icon, which is not very comfortable for perception. In addition, the device uses units of measurement of pressure, which are unusual for us, in inches of mercury. The weather station does not have a screen backlight option, which makes it difficult to view information when it gets dark outside.

The station is powered by rechargeable batteries (R14), which are located in a special recess in the case. The relatively large size of the power cells ensures long-term operation of the device compared to conventional AA batteries. The weather station does not have a reset button. To reset the data of the weather station, it is necessary to remove the batteries and install them again after a while.

EA2 weather station models

EA2 weather stations (Hong Kong) have proven themselves as practical and reliable devices with extensive functionality and optimal prices. It should be noted that this company specializes only in the development of climate measuring instruments. The range of the company includes dozens of models in a minimalist design with support for basic weather monitoring functions and many additional options. Devices can be wall-mounted or tabletop-mounted.

  • EA2 EN208 weather station model is a multifunctional device with a large screen that displays the upcoming weather forecast in the form of symbols. The user receives information about indoor and outdoor temperature, atmospheric pressure, humidity, as well as time, date, day of the week. Equipped with alarm clocks with snooze option. Has soft blue illumination of short-term action. The basic equipment includes one wireless meter (thermometer/hygrometer), it is possible to connect up to 3 remote sensors. The device has the option of meteorological data memory that records the highest and lowest temperature values;

  • weather station EA2 BL508 - the model has an elegant black case with a thickness of less than 20 mm. These devices can be produced in an aluminum or gray plastic case with a metal frame around the screen. Thanks to the special foot-support, it can be installed on a flat surface. The device is equipped with a wireless sensor. The weather complex records the temperature in the street and indoors, with the registration of maximum and minimum indicators, as well as humidity, pressure. Displays pressure chart and 24-hour and 12-hour forecast through weather symbols. Of the additional services - a calendar in eight languages ​​(including Russian, English), an alarm clock with the option of "short sleep", blue backlight;
  • models of weather stations EA2 BL502, EA2 BL503 are devices similar in design to the meteorological complex EA2 BL508, but have different functionality. The device EA2 BL 502 measures only air temperature (inside and outside), humidity and has no clock and calendar. The weather station EA2 BL502 adds to these functions the weather forecast for 12 and 24 hours, calendar, clock and alarm clock;

Helpful advice! Before you buy an indoor weather station, explore the possibilities of the models to choose a device with the set of functions you need.

  • home weather station EA2 AL802 is a compact universal model of a thermohygrometer in a plastic case, stylized as aluminum. The kit includes a remote sensor. The device measures and displays on a monochrome screen the values ​​of the air temperature in the room and on the street, as well as the humidity in the room. The weather forecast is transmitted as animated characters. The minimum/maximum temperature and humidity values ​​are recorded. Additional functions include a clock, calendar, alarm clock, the ability to highlight the display. The stylish weather station can be placed on a table or mounted on a vertical surface;

  • The weather station model EA2 EN209 is a sales leader, equipped with a color display and a weather forecast with color animation. In addition to the standard functions of measuring indoor/outdoor temperature, humidity in the room and atmospheric pressure, the device determines the humidity in the street, warns of frost and ice, has the ability to connect a special radio sensor for the sauna room. If the pressure in the street drops or the temperature approaches zero, the device sends a signal to the user about the upcoming frosts in the form of a snowflake symbol. The device reflects the history of changes in atmospheric pressure in the form of a graphic histogram. The weather station has additional options in the form of a clock, calendar, date, alarm clock, short-term and long-term illumination. There is a backlight brightness setting. Power is supplied from the home network, or from batteries.

Characteristics of the weather station Gal WS 1501

Gal's climatic equipment is characterized by a compact, concise body design, a basic set of measurements, combined with a relatively low price. The Gal WS 1501 weather station model has a high accuracy of the measured parameters. The device determines and sends to the display readings of temperature and humidity in the room and on the street. The measured temperature range is from 0 to 50°С, humidity - from 19 to 90%.

The wireless sensor included in the kit can transmit a signal to the base unit at a distance of no more than 30 m. The device has 3 channels and is able to receive information from three remote radio sensors. Meteorological parameters are displayed on the station screen in the form of numbers and weather symbols. For ease of use, the meteorological complex includes additional options, including a calendar, a clock, an alarm clock with a rising call. A separate bonus is the display of the lunar phases.

It should be noted that this weather station does not have a wall mount and can only be installed on a flat surface. Power is supplied by two AAA batteries. It is possible to select and configure convenient units of meteorological data. The device does not have an indication of the state of the batteries and the function of backlighting the display, which limits the viewing of information in the dark.

Helpful advice! Before choosing a weather station for your home, check out the leading device manufacturers, whose service centers are located in any major city.

Weather stations for the home: budget Gal models with a wired sensor

You can find an inexpensive but high-quality weather station for an apartment among Gal devices. The model of the digital weather station Gal WS 2501 is equipped with a wired sensor that can simply be hung out the window. The device captures and displays the air temperature in the room and on the street and can memorize its maximum and minimum values. A small foot-stand contributes to the stable position of the base unit on the surface of a shelf or table.

The Gal WS1403 weather station is similar in function to the previous model, but the ability to measure humidity inside the room has been added to the set of services. The device is equipped with a monochrome display, which displays the measurement results, as well as a calendar and the current time. The weather station displays temperature parameters in degrees Celsius and Fahrenheit. Power is supplied by two batteries.

Weather station Gal WS 1500 - a miniature device for determining the temperature
air indoors and outside. The kit includes one wired temperature sensor that operates in the temperature range from -45 to +60 degrees. Saves the history of temperature parameters. You can select the units of measure. The weather station is equipped with a clock, an alarm clock, and a battery charge indicator.

Models of home weather stations with simple functions can be useful for home use in families with small children and the elderly. The readings of the devices will inform you in time about the need to change the temperature in the room to a comfortable level.

Where to buy home weather stations

It is most convenient to order and purchase home weather stations by contacting online stores or official websites of manufacturing companies. Here you can buy inexpensive home weather stations with a remote sensor, wall clock models with a thermometer, barometer and hygrometer, as well as professional climate control devices. With the help of online resources of current offers, you can quickly find devices with an optimal set of functions.

Helpful advice! When making a purchase through Internet portals, you have the opportunity to compare prices for identical models offered by different companies.

All offers are accompanied by comprehensive information about home weather stations and their prices, as well as the technical characteristics of the devices. Each model of the weather station is accompanied by high-quality photos from several angles, a description of the full set of basic and additional functions, information about the method of mounting and powering the device. In addition, many online stores offer you a video review of each model.

If you, after familiarizing yourself with the options of the device, liked any model, there is always the opportunity to ask the opinions of users. This information will help you make your final choice. Customer reviews are usually placed in the field below the description of the device or in a separate block of the site. In addition, you can visit Internet forums related to this topic.

It is important to remember that the prices listed in the online catalogs are for guidance only and may differ from the current price at the time of purchase. The real price of a particular device must be clarified with a sales specialist at the time of ordering the goods. Quite often, online stores develop various discount systems, bonus programs and all kinds of promotions, which allows you to buy a device on more favorable terms.

Having decided on the choice of a suitable device, you will need to contact the site manager and place an appropriate order. The company's specialists will offer the most convenient way for you to pay for the goods and its delivery. All models of climate measuring equipment have a manufacturer's warranty. In the event that the device turns out to be of poor quality, there is always the possibility of returning the goods within the time limits established by law.

The most advanced weather complexes can interact with smart home systems, which makes it possible to control climate control. Using home weather stations with an extensive set of functions, you will always know about the weather conditions for the current time and the forecast for the next few days.

The world is developing at a fast pace: not only computers have small prototypes in the form of laptops, but ordinary thermometers have improved their functions. A weather station is now called a thermometer, which can show not only the temperature outside the window, but also the humidity inside the house, as well as the weather forecast for the day. How to choose a weather station when nothing really is known about it? To do this, you need to understand all its types, qualities and advantages, as well as pay attention to the shortcomings.

Types of weather stations

There are several types of weather stations. First of all, you need to distinguish between analog and digital devices. Analog weather stations are modern devices, but they take up a lot of space in an apartment or house. They need to be hung on the window or on the door frame to see the temperature outside. At the moment, they are not very practical, but their significant advantage is their low cost.

Digital weather stations are winning the race. The following types of weather stations are distinguished:

  1. wired weather station (with the removal of the sensor to the street, which is connected with a wire);
  2. wireless device;
  3. professional devices;
  4. Internet weather stations.

Let us consider in more detail the first two types of digital weather stations - wired and wireless. Such weather stations are designed for the home. The difference between a wired and wireless weather station is the presence or absence of a wire from a temperature measurement sensor. A wired sensor is attached to the outer glass of the house, and a wire goes from it to the apartment directly to the weather station. The disadvantage of such a device is that the device cannot be taken far from the sensor - it must be placed near the window.

The wireless weather station has a battery-operated sensor and can be hung anywhere outside the home.

Which weather station should you choose?

The first thing you need to pay attention to when choosing a weather station is its functional fullness with various programs.

The best weather station for use at home is a medium-sized device, since a small device may not have the necessary functions, and a large device is difficult to place in a small apartment. It is desirable that the device measures the temperature both outside and in the house. In addition, a necessary function for people dependent on natural changes is a humidity meter. So, if the humidity in the house is about 60-65%, a person will understand that it will rain soon, and will take appropriate measures.


The next important criterion for choosing the right weather station is the visual display of information on the display. There is a choice in different models: for example, in some weather stations numbers are simply displayed on the monitor, while in others the numbers are supplemented with a visual pattern of the present or forecast weather. Some devices even have options for weather modes: clouds with snow / rain, just clouds, clouds with sun and sun with birds. Of course, a device with a visual complement is more attractive.

Selecting the connection of the sensor to the device

An important point in choosing a weather station for your home is the presence of a wire from the sensor to the weather station. The best choice is a wireless device, as there is no need to look for a suitable place to fix the weather station next to the window. The wireless weather station can be moved from place to place in any direction, and the sensor will hang quietly in its familiar place. Another plus of a wireless device is that you can buy as many as you like, placed in different places, and each of them will transmit a signal to the display of the temperature measuring device. However, there is a significant drawback in using such a weather station - if the sensor detaches from the glass, it will fly away in an unknown direction. To eliminate this shortcoming, there is a little trick: the sensor must be put on a rope and fixed to the wall. Then neither a hurricane nor a thunderstorm will be terrible - even if the sensor unhooks from its familiar place, you will not have to purchase a new one, because the old one will be held in place by a rope.

If you purchase a wireless weather station, you need to consider the maximum distance you can move away from the sensors. This question is important, since the radius can vary from 30 to 100 meters.


When buying, you should pay attention to how the device works - from batteries or electricity. Each of the options is good in its own way. If the weather station is powered by batteries, this is not a very profitable option, since they sit down sooner or later, and up to 6 of them are required in the device. On the other hand, the device can be placed anywhere, regardless of the power source. If from electricity, then there is no need for the cost of batteries, but direct access to electricity is necessary.

As for wireless sensors, when choosing, you should pay attention to which battery they work on - ordinary salt or solar. The advantage should be given to solar.

Some modern models of weather stations have a photo frame function: weather information alternates with photos recorded on a flash card. This function of weather stations is not for everyone, but when choosing, you should also pay attention.

A good weather station must meet at least all of the above requirements, and as a maximum, contain some more useful and important functions.

Weather station rating

  • HAMA EWS-840
  • HAMA EWS-860

Reviews on the rating of weather stations

You should consider each of the models of weather stations presented in the list, based on feedback from people.

The first HAMA EWS-850 weather station on the list is very easy to use, wireless, radio wave reception radius is 30 m, there are wall mounts. Of the minuses - an unstable main unit, there is no air humidity meter.

The second is another variation of the previous brand - HAMA EWS-840. The display shows large, clear numbers that are visible from afar, and, unlike other models of weather stations, the temperature rarely goes astray. However, an uncontrollable error has occurred, and now the outdoor temperature is 300 C higher on the display screen, and it is not possible to return to normal. But the internal temperature shows correctly.

The next model from the same HAMA brand is EWS-860 in 3rd place. One of the most purchased devices: the advantage of this model is its inexpensive price. However, the device has a significant drawback - the display of a different color. It is difficult to look at the colored display: the temperature is displayed on a green background, and the pressure is on a rich purple with splashes of blue. There is also no stand for the main unit, that is, you only need to hang it on the wall. The lack of a humidity meter and an interface in Russian can be added to the disadvantages.

Dilutes the list with HighStar 7730B. This is a great weather station - there is a backlight, and humidity measurement, and even an alarm clock. At the same time, the temperature is noted with an accuracy of tenths - not essential, but pleasant. The only drawback is the wired sensor.

In the fifth position is the HAMA EWS-280 model. Everything is good in this weather station, there are no particular shortcomings. Clear large numbers display the air temperature both inside and outside. Disadvantages - does not predict the weather, there is no function for measuring atmospheric pressure.

The sixth and seventh positions are occupied by Ea2 weather stations, models EN203 and BL508, respectively. Model EN203 measures indoor temperature with enviable accuracy. There is both a table stand and a hanging hook on the device itself. Of the minuses, it can be noted that there is no protective case from the effects of external factors. This drawback significantly affects the accuracy of outdoor temperature measurement. The BL508 model is equipped with additional graphics for weather forecasting. The screen also displays all the main indicators: air temperature, humidity, date, time and barometric pressure chart. Of the minuses, it should be noted that the weather station overestimates the readings by a couple of degrees, and the forecast accuracy is 50%.

The eighth position is occupied by the leading company HAMA, model EWS-800. The advantages for the purchase were the versatility of the device, as well as the intuitive interface of the display itself. However, after the weather station worked for 2 months, for no apparent reason, it turned off and did not turn on again - an unreliable model.

The penultimate position is the HighStar 1146B weather station - an interesting and original model. There is an additional display that shows the weather forecast. There is an auxiliary function - the ability to remember the maximum and minimum indicators. This model, before all other competitors, highlights the quality in the performance of its direct functions. No cons found yet.

Last but not least is the Oregon Scientific TW369 measuring device. A special feature is the projection of the display data – for example onto the ceiling. However, there are also disadvantages: it does not predict the weather, does not display air pressure and humidity - that is, a minimum set of functions is provided.

Thus, when choosing a device, it is necessary to take into account not only the advantages and disadvantages, but also rely on the reviews of people who have already purchased various digital weather stations. © site



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