
How to raise statistics in World of Tanks ?! Raising the WN8 rating and efficiency. How to increase your personal rating World of Tanks How to increase your personal rating in tanks

Co-founder and VP of Optify. Develops promotion strategies software products... There are many large well-known companies among his clients. His main research focuses on marketing techniques and search engine optimization.

For most people, search engine optimization (SEO) seems like a complicated and confusing affair. But it turns out that all optimization can be boiled down to a few of the most effective tactics. Below you will find a list best practices SEO... Share them with your editors and developers so that they apply them in practice and achieve high ranking of your site in search engines Oh.

Top 10 SEO Techniques

1. Determine the target keywords for each page

2. Use target keywords in page titles / URLs

3. Use targeted keywords in the first four words of the title tag

4. Title tag must not exceed 65 characters and must be unique

5. Use one H1 tag for your page title

6. The H1 tag must contain the keyword

7. The main text should contain the target keyword

8. Write a unique and meaningful description by inserting keywords there

9. Build a network of linked pages using targeted keywords

10. Use alt-descriptions and thematic titles of pictures

1. Determine the target keywords for each page

Each page should only have one main keyword phrase. In addition, each keyword phrase must only belong to one page. Strictly separating pages and keywords will help you rank higher for those keywords. Your keyword phrase needs to be relevant to the content, supported by the text on the page, and relevant to your business.

2. Use target keywords in page titles / URLs

URL or page title is one of the main indicators for search engines when evaluating content. The content of the targeted keywords in the URL is very good for page optimization.

For example, if your target keyword phrase is “portable ultrasound,” then a good URL would look like this: http://www.portableultrasound.com or like this: http://www.medicaldevices.com/portable-ultrasound.html.

3. Use targeted keywords in the first four words of the title tag

The title tag is located at the top of the browser, not on the main page of your site. This means that it is often not visible to site visitors. However, it is extremely important for search engines for two reasons:

1. It is displayed as the title of the page (hence its name) and serves as an indicator for search engines of what keywords are on the page.

2. The title tag is used as a headline in search engine results when the page appears in search results, so it is doubly useful if it encourages the user to click on the link.

The first four words of the title tag are the most important. They should contain your target keyword, NOT your company name. Your company name will still be able to find your site regardless of its position in the title tag, so it's best to use this valuable keyword space. If you want the title tag to contain the name of your company, put it after the keyword, separating it from it with "|".

An example title tag for the keyword "portable ultrasound": "Portable Ultrasound | Acme Medical Devices "

4. Title tag must not exceed 65 characters and must be unique

Search engines display only the first 65 characters of the title tag in search results. If your title tag is longer, then its text will be truncated and the "extra" characters replaced with ellipses. Therefore, you should write short and succinctly to fit your message into 65 characters.
In addition, search engines hate duplicate content - text that is repeated in different places on the site - and value unique, original content above all else, so every effort should be made to make the title tag unique. This will help search engines understand that you haven't just duplicated the same content throughout your site.

5. Use one tagH1 for page title

H1, H2, H3 are content design tags that are used in HTML and are responsible for appearance text on the page in the browser. Search engines look at these tags in a hierarchical order, which helps them determine what content is most important on the page. The H1 tag has the highest priority and should only be used once per page - for the heading. H2 and H3 tags can be added several times - for subheadings, image captions, etc.

6. In the tagH1 must contain a keyword

Once you've placed one H1 tag on each page, make sure that tag contains the target keyword for that page. The H1 tag for search engines means the importance of content.

7. The main text should contain the target keyword

The body text on the page should match what is contained in the URL, title tag, and H1 headings. The content of the page must contain at least 3-4 occurrences of the target keyword, with at least one occurrence in the first paragraph.

8. Write a unique and meaningful meta description by inserting keywords there

Meta description is content that users do not see when visiting pages, as it is hidden inside the code. However, search engines often use the description meta tag when displaying search results. This means that the meta description serves more marketing purposes (moving users from search results to your site) than ranking goals (increasing a site's ranking for a specific keyword).

Better if the main keywords are at the beginning of the meta description, then they will be highlighted in bold when displayed in search results, and this will help to increase the click-through rate.

9. Build a network of linked pages using targeted keywords

The bottom line is that you should use linking to help search engines understand which pages are important for which keywords.

10. Usealt-description and thematic names of images

Search bots cannot read text embedded in an image, but they can read the alt description of that image, as well as its file name. Both will help you add targeted content to your page and enable your site to appear when you search for images. Google Images is the fifth largest search engine, so it's important that your image descriptions are descriptive enough.

When it comes to naming your image files, stick to a system that suits your development platform and allows for good keywords. For example, "cute-kitten-small-x3245.jpg" is much better as an image title than "small-x3245.jpg". It may take a little work, but in return you will receive good rating in image search.

V recent times more and more people are asking questions, “why can't I play like him”, “how to increase the percentage of victories and efficiency”, “why do World of Tanks players from the top clans have a personal rating and efficiency several times higher than mine, and how is it fix "? .. In this post you will find answers to all these questions.

Let's see what efficiency and personal rating in WoT are.

Efficiency, or Coefficient of Performance, has nothing to do with physics. In play, it is the ratio of your team's usefulness to accepted standards. For example, if you went to an enemy base, but you were destroyed, the efficiency drops. Experienced players use "extras tactics" - they do not climb on the rampage, hide behind bushes, houses and shoot back to the maximum.

How to determine the efficiency of tanks in World of Tanks? The efficiency is made up of a number of factors - average damage, the number of frags, detected enemies, base capture points, base defense points, the number of battles, etc. The more successfully you fight, the higher your rating. For exemplary tankers, the efficiency is close to 100%.

A camouflage net and a stereoscopic tube - "horns" among the people, help in battle. A tank destroyer is suitable for this tactic. If you prefer light tanks, then scout the location of enemy vehicles and share the location with your allies. Personal rating mostly depends on your usefulness to the team and on the percentage of victories. All this information can be viewed in statistics.

Experienced players in World of Tanks use "extras tactics" to increase efficiency - they do not climb forward and use obstacles

If you have a high efficiency and a winning percentage, then your personal rating grows very quickly. For a quick increase in your personal rating, take artillery and tanks with high damage (vehicles Ob.268, T110E3 or T1104, T49, E-100, etc.), or tanks that shoot in bursts (T57 Heavy, WT auf E100, T54E1, etc. .). It is these combat vehicles that are the best for raising ratings and efficiency.

For any type of equipment (heavy tank, medium tank, light tank, tank destroyer, ART-SPG) there is its own approach, technique and tactics of the game. Moreover, for single-class machines, it is different. Even if the breakthrough vehicle and the defense vehicle are heavy tanks, due to the characteristics of each, for example, speed, damage or armor, they are effective in different playing techniques. In order to play better on the car you like, compare its characteristics with others and at the same time choose the right tactics. Sometimes you have to change tactics on the fly - this will come with experience.

Follow these simple tips and you will achieve great results very quickly.

I invited readers to tell what goals they set themselves for 2018... Despite the unequivocal warning that aspiration earning rating points can lead to undesirable consequences, this is what most readers want.

Okay, your wish is my law. Today we will talk about what you can do to earn as many rating points as possible as quickly as possible.

I bet you have all heard the famous saying "in chess, 90 percent is tactics." It occurs more often than necessary, but correctly emphasizes the importance of tactical skills. (By the way, Yogi Berra (an American baseball player and trainer known for paradoxical aphorisms) could have ended the phrase like this: "and another 50 percent of the strategy", which is also true, but takes us away from today's topic).

So, if you want to improve your chess and improve your rating, you definitely need to work on your tactics! This can be done in many ways. By the way, you can practice directly without leaving the site! You can use books, videos, lessons online, etc. Regardless of which way of learning becomes your main one, you have to remember one simple thing: it all comes down to recognizing motives!

I've written about typical tactical motives - read them to learn more about combinations. What if you like to improve your chess by analyzing the games of super-grandmasters or just watching the game online? Undoubtedly this good way improve your chess! Unfortunately, some inexperienced players may underestimate the instructiveness of such games. Here is what one of them writes:

I never understood why analyze the games of the masters if I myself play very weakly. Is the idea really imprinted in my subconscious, what to do when I become much stronger? Why bother with pawn tension and light-figure endgames if I win material only if the opponent gives it to me?

We have already discussed great chess players. In one ofI have recommended the following strategy: "same way analyze the creativity of other strongest chess players. Try to find out their favorite ideas, favorite tricks, traps, and the like. You will see at a glance how quickly your game will level up.!"

Summarize. Everything is connected with tactical motives: when you see a new motive, try to remember it, because, most likely, you can his use in one of your own parties!

Experienced players will immediately recognize familiar motives at a glance at a position. Let's take a look at a few critical positions from recent tournaments and determine how sharp our combination vision is.

Looking through this game, I could not help but notice the familiar combination that could occur in it. Can you find a better move for Black?

I promise most of you will find it not at all difficult to remember this motive, since almost the same combination happened recently in the game on the very high level... Do you remember what I'm talking about?

Dota 2 is now played by a huge number of people who spend tens and even hundreds of hours on this incredibly exciting project. It was "Dota" that laid the foundation for a whole genre. computer games called a multiplayer battle arena. Its essence lies in the fact that you and your teammates need to defeat the enemy team, but the action will take place in a very limited space, and your heroes will have very little time to pump a small number of abilities. Thus, in this game, a lot depends on what skill you have, since if you play poorly, then you simply will not have time to swing as well as your opponent, which will lead to defeat. We should also talk about rating battles separately, since not everyone knows what it is. Also, you should learn about MMR - what it is, how to raise MMR in "Dota 2" solo and what it will give you.

MMR rating

So, before dealing with the most interesting and important question of how to raise MMR in Dota 2 solo, you need to get an idea of ​​what this reduction means. In reality, everything is quite simple, since the MMR is the rating that every gamer who plays at a sufficiently high level gets. If you win enough wins and play for on a regular basis then you will be taken to the ranking table where you collect points. What do these points affect? There is a whole system here that allows you to pick opponents that are equal to your level. This is done so that unpleasant situations do not turn out when very strong gamers are gathered in one team, and exclusively newcomers in the other. There is no pleasure from such a fight neither for the first, nor for the second. And thanks to the rating, the game automatically selects partners and opponents for you, which are approximately on the same level with you, in order to guarantee the most exciting and exciting battle. Thus, you definitely need to know how to raise MMR in "Dota 2" solo, as the higher your level, the more respect your opponents will have for you. And the more exciting the battles will be.

How to raise your rating?

Well, now it's worth talking about the most important thing - how to raise MMR in "Dota 2" solo? This question plagues many gamers, but in reality the answer is extremely simple. There are no specific criteria for raising a rating. All you can do is win. Only from the victories of your team will your rating grow, so you need to throw all your strength to achieve this goal in each round. Consider the fact that losing also affects your rating - it falls accordingly if you lose. So you need to seriously work on your skill in the game in order to learn how to play well and rise higher in the rankings. As you can see, MMR allows you to sort those gamers who play at a high level from those who do not do their best in the game "Dota 2". How to raise the MMR solo? This is what will be discussed later.

Solo-quality and team

The first thing you need to understand in terms of rating leveling is that here you can rely only on yourself, and not on your partners in the game "Dota 2". How to raise the MMR solo this way? This is the whole secret. The fact is that the team is always changing, and from time to time you can get both strong and weak partners. And your surest way to improve your rankings quickly and efficiently is to learn to act on your own, independent of your team. That is, your partners can help you well if they fulfill their assigned roles, but if they do not cope, this should not come as a surprise to you, since you have to do everything yourself. Also, you should understand that pumping the MMR solo rating is a very important task that you also need to complete yourself, so you should not rely on supports. The first and most important rule in this matter is to do everything yourself. The moment you start counting on someone else, you have actually lost. This is the only way you can learn how to raise MMR in Dota 2 solo quickly.

Choosing the right hero

However, this is not all you need to learn about solo leveling, as there are other aspects to consider if you are interested in soloing MMR. Dota 2 is a game in which a lot depends on what kind of character you play, as well as how well you know him. Accordingly, for this purpose, there is a number of heroes who will be ideal or close to it. Naturally, you do not have to use exactly those characters that will be indicated below - you can act with those who you like best. But not all heroes can cope with the task that will be entrusted to them when they are on duty in the mid lane and cope with everything alone. Just keep in mind that the mid hero is ideal for the task of raising the rating, the hard carry is a little worse, the rest is better not to use at all if you are going to figure out how to raise the solo MMR.

Storm Spirit

If you are interested in the question of how to raise MMR in "Dota 2", then the best character for this would be Storm Spirit. It has a number of unique parameters and features that will greatly help you in achieving your goal. First of all, it is worth noting the hero's passive ability, with which he perfectly harass opponents. Also, do not forget about the ult, which gives excellent mobility, well, about the high insciate rates - all in order to lure enemies, but not let them close to you. And in conclusion, it is worth noting the fact that Storm Spirit fights perfectly one-on-one with any characters both at the beginning of the game and at the end. But he also has disadvantages - for example, the lack of mobility before he has an ult, as well as a complete dependence on mana.

Templar Assassin

Another character that is equally well suited for this role is the Templar Assassin. This hero in itself is quite mobile, but at the same time the passive skill gives a good harass, like the previous character. It is also worth noting the refraction skill, with which you can both inflict damage on the enemy and avoid the damage that is inflicted on you. In general, a wonderful character, whose ult also gives you that much needed overview. Templar Assassin is strong at all stages of the game, but it is worth noting that it is not without its drawbacks. For example, at the very beginning of the game without support, you will have a hard time due to the low amount of health and mana, and throughout the game you will not have enough attack range.


Well, the last character that is just perfect for this role is Slark. It can be characterized very succinctly - easy to learn, difficult to improve.

In December 2013, a player rating or MMR appeared for the first time in Dota 2. That is, a specific number of virtual points earned in battles. MMR is divided into a single rating and a group rating, each of which has its own calculation.

Why is this rating needed?

Firstly, he is very mobile and allows you to judge the player's winrate, that is, about the game's success, no less! Secondly, it helps to achieve balance in the selection of teams. Fortunately, this does not mean that if your MMR is 300, you will not see skill teammates as your ears. It's just that the system will try to throw a player with the same skill level as yours into the opposing team.

We figured out the pros, now we have to note the cons of how to quickly raise MMR in Dota 2. The introduction of MMR triggered trading in high-rated accounts, so a 4k + player does not necessarily have straight hands and hundreds of hours of play. In addition, if a team, for any reason, shamelessly drains the match, and you alone drag her to victory, but fall a little bit, heads will fly from everyone. And you, despite your high skill, will also lose your hard-earned 25 rates. All sorts of abuses also spoil the blood of honest players interested in rating.

Both the advantage and the disadvantage is that MMR is a specific result that, as a rule, one wants to improve. It costs nerves and forces, although it serves as a certain motivation for teammates to win.

How to find out your MMR?

You can view your MMR in the profile on the left upper corner under the icon. If it is not displayed there, click the "Edit" button. The drop-down menu will display the calibration results - if you have already passed it.

How is MMR calculated in Dota 2?

The calibration system calculates your ranked game scores starting at level 13. As soon as you complete 10 matches in each of the five roles (mid, jungle, support, carry, solo hard), the system will display approximate MMR data. However, previous matches played before calibration are also taken into account, so if you played 50 games to the fullest and won, this does not mean that your MMR has reached sky-high heights.

Calibration can be influenced by five conditions - KDA, winrate, hero damage, s / m, o / m, but none of them, as practice has shown, is not decisive.

How to determine your level by MMR?

The average player usually has 3 MMR, the advanced 3.5k, the high skill up to 4.5k, and the pros about 5k. The highest MMR recorded so far is 7.5k virtual points. Still wondering how to raise 4K MMR in Dota 2? There is something to strive for!

Basic principles of boosting MMR

We will also consider their point of view. So, according to many players, it is best to be in the mid, in extreme cases - to be carry or solo hard. But instead of speculation, we will offer you the best guide on how to raise MMR in Dota 2.

How to raise MMR in Dota 2 solo and in a party?

As we said above, the role in the party does not matter to raise MMR in solo. Sticking around in the mid does not guarantee a rating increase in any way. The basic rule of boosting MMR is to bring as much real benefit to the team as possible. That's the whole secret of how to raise MMR in Dota 2.

To do this, you need to brush up on all the guides for the character, double-check the assemblies, perhaps even practice in the lobby with friends.

Also, for a successful boost, you need to stay in trend. With the release of new patches, the alignment of forces is also changing, so it will not be superfluous to get acquainted with the overall win rates of enchantments recently on Dotabuff. Perhaps among them there will just be a character well mastered, but unfairly forgotten by you.

For a good increase in MMR, it is important to play in several roles, otherwise the indicators will hit the "ceiling" - 3500 - and will not move anywhere else. And, of course, it is important to assess the opponent's peak.

Party boosting has its own differences, although it is generally similar to solo boosting. Universal principles apply to the problem of Dota 2 how to raise MMR.

Firstly, the same Dotabuff will help you - it will help you track the most effective combinations of heroes. Secondly, you still need to carefully monitor the peak of the enemy and pick your spell in accordance with the alignment of forces. Thirdly, your team should have a support in any case. Whoever the second, third, fifth charm is - if there is no support in the team, pick it. So, the ability to play this role, contrary to the common stereotype, can significantly help boost MMR. Fourthly, even in a group, still rely on yourself and do not forget to connect with the team!

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