
Walkthrough stalker capercaillie 2 part 1. S.T.A.L.K.E.R Shadow of Chernobyl Capercaillie. Download video and cut mp3 - we make it easy

3 more quests are added, first-aid kits and so on can only be obtained in exchange for artifacts, cartridges, the trading system with merchants has been completely changed - now it’s not a bad tool. There is a system of interlocation teleports, sugars, a cook, max, a miser, teleports can be opened for certain artifacts and means by such characters as a fan, a swamp doctor. Maybe because, as I understand it, a toz-34 shotgun can only be exchanged for an artifact flash at Sidor, you bought a shotgun toz. If someone else has such a problem, then I will either turn to this quest in the 2nd part, because the 1st has already been filmed and when it is processed, I will post it, or I will go through this episode separately. Emissions occur randomly before the next release - from 4 hours to a day. No, loaves, and the merit for the quest with this artifact on the cordon is not paid by anyone - you just need to go before talking with the wolf and help out a bit later to cross the road and around, to take the night star it is unnecessary to go to a landfill, it will fall. Not yet yet, as I'll post it then. The newest plot3 is 3 independent missions. Capercaillie II presents the latest plot with new locations, an abundance of the latest weapons and brand new plot twists, brand new missions. Added 40 more quests. A special box for repair kits has been introduced, thanks to which you can repair the weapon and armor of the most marked one. I can’t get to the location of the military warehouses, there is no transition to the location - my mod is not complete or the computer does not pull the mod and it lags - I read on one website that it seems that you need to reinstall the mod and everything will be fine. The beginning of the game has been changed, now it is not in Sidorovich's bunker. The action of the game takes place in the near future in an anomalous zone, a hunter who has explored the vast expanses of the zone where you are a stalker. Invisible anomalies have been added to all locations; they are not fatal, but unpleasant. Maybe the title contains invalid characters. Fashion is going nowhere. Five Nights at Freddy's. As they say, the skin of an unkilled chimera is best separated without it. It is necessary to acquire information from the informant after turning off the burner on the radar. We are looking for the missing group of scientists. To be able to use teleports, you need to complete the latest quest tasks from the specified characters. Last blog posts. The requested page title is incorrect, empty, or the cross-language or interwiki title is incorrect. Other configurations of the mod: it is possible to get neutrality with bandits in td, other bandits remain enemies, by completing two tasks from a boar, you can get recipes for modifying relics from ordinary things. Artifacts occur completely by chance, after each release. 12 more quests are added, there is a possibility of obtaining modification of relics - from the lowest to get the highest rank. Recipes for art modifications give virtually all quest characters you meet as merit for completed tasks. To neutralize the harmful radiation of relics, there are special protective containers - 3 types: for 1 artifact, for 3 artifacts and for 8 relics. You can only teleport there, ask a fan at the cordon, he sends current, you need an artifact of the soul. The newest characters have been introduced: a bandit Krysyuk, a trader in the agricultural industry - an ensign Sherstyuk, an informant in a bar - an assistant professor, a swamp doctor, a lanky bar repairman, a trader on the radar - syak. Changed the system of accumulation of radiation from radioactive artifacts.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Capercaillie II introduces a new storyline with new locations, new missions, many new weapons and new plot twists. The game takes place in the near future in an anomalous zone where you are a Stalker, a hunter who has explored the vast expanses of the zone. You are given complete freedom of action. The main task is to understand who he is, what his past is, what is happening in the present, what this formation is - the Zone. The search for his life path, his place among stalkers, those who come to the Zone for a while and sometimes stay here forever - this is the main incentive that drives our hero to go all the way ...

NLC 5.08
1. New_Level_Changer (NLC) adds 12 new transitions between locations to the game - these are:
I) Kordon-Agroprom
II) Agroprom-Kordon
III) Agroprom-Yantar
IV) Yantar-Agroprom
V) Yantar-Radar
VI) Radar-Amber
VII) Radar-Dark Valley
VIII) Dark Valley-Radar
IX) Dark Valley - Warehouses
X) Warehouses-Dark Valley
XI) Warehouses-Rostock
XII) Rostock-Warehouses
- The above transitions are not immediately available, in order to find (get) you need to complete several quests or find some documents (presumably in which unknown roads are described) (6 quests are added)
- Previously existing transitions: (I) Bar-Wild Territory, (II) Bar-Army Warehouses and (III) Radar-Army Warehouses in this version do not work until the completion of some story missions, namely:
- It is necessary to bring documents from the X-18 laboratory to the Bartender;
- You need to bring Kruglov's flash drive to the Bartender or buy the transition for money from the Informant.
- It is necessary to buy information from the Informant after turning off the burner on the Radar.
-There is a system of INTER-LOCATION TELEPORTS, teleports can be opened for certain artifacts and money by such characters as - Fan, Sakharov, Miser, Max, Cook, Swamp Doctor. To be able to use teleports, you need to complete new quest tasks from the specified characters. (i.e. 12 more quests are added)
-There is a possibility of obtaining (modifying) artifacts - get a higher rank from the lower ones. Art modification recipes give almost all quest characters you meet as a reward for completed tasks. (i.e. 40 more quests are added)

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New Plot3 is 3 independent missions.
1) We are looking for the killers of the Fang.
2) We are engaged in the search for the Ghost.
3) We are looking for the missing group of scientists.

Other mod changes:
-It is possible to get neutrality with the bandits in the TD (the rest of the bandits remain enemies), and by completing two tasks from the Hog, you can get recipes for modifying artifacts from ordinary things. (Added 3 more quests)
-Completely changed the trading system with merchants - now good weapons, ammo, first aid kits, etc. can only be obtained in exchange for artifacts ...
-Introduced a special box for repair kits, thanks to which you can repair weapons and armor of the Marked One himself.
-Changed the system of accumulation of radiation from radioactive artifacts. Now radiation accumulates even when artifacts are in the backpack.
-To neutralize the harmful radiation of artifacts, there are special protective containers - 3 types: for 1 artifact, for 3 artifacts and for 8 artifacts. Each container has a different degree of protection and, accordingly, a different weight and cost.
-Introduced new characters: Bandit Krysyuk, Repairman at the Long Bar, Informant at the Bar - Associate Professor, Merchant at the Agroprom - Ensign Sherstyuk, Merchant at the Radar - Syak, Swamp Doctor.
-Changed the beginning of the game, now not in Sidorovich's bunker.
-Invisible anomalies have been added to all locations (not fatal, but unpleasant).
-Artifacts appear absolutely randomly, after each Ejection.
- Emissions occur randomly (until the next emission - from 4 hours to a day).
-It is possible to obtain a unique artifact - "Living Heart", which allows you to revive quest characters. (5 more quests to get the recipe).
-It is possible to significantly (30 minutes of real time) increase the time before the release at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (2 more quests).
-Added the ability to select music in the Bar (for money from the Bartender)
- Docent can customize your PDA to detect dangerous monsters and needed people. (3 more quests)
-On locations where there is a loudspeaker - music plays.
-Strengthened the military in the agricultural industry (it is better to agree with Sherstyuk).
-Introduced addon "smart NPCs" from xStream, thanks to which, now the opponents throw grenades, heal each other, change into new body armor, drag the corpses away from the fires...
-Introduced addon "marauder mod" from Skunk, thanks to which the corpses remain exactly the armor in which the victim was dressed.
-Introduced Skunk's Corpse and Orphan Weapon Cleaner, now you don't have to worry about the huge number of corpses and weapons lying around.
-Cashes can now be obtained - if you drink a bottle of vodka with a character
- "mined caches"
-Now bases are not unsafe places (monsters attack)

-After the NPC robbed you, she immediately hides the swag somewhere in one of the nearby caches.
-So search the caches next to the NPC in search of your good.
-When clearing mines, the NPC sorts through grenades one at a time (up to five pieces), cleared ones - takes them for themselves.
-If an NPC explodes in your stash, then a piece of the swag scatters around the stash with an explosion.
-Nepis mine caches against GG. The probability of mining depends on the value of the swag, and the power
explosion from the rank of non-script. If the cache is mined, then the GG will certainly blow up on it by coming close to it.
-After the explosion, the GG is out for 2 game hours (the GG is sleeping). The GG is thrown back by an explosion from a mined cache.
-If you kill an NPC that has hidden your or your swag somewhere, then you can get the marks of these caches from the corpse.
-So try not to see such NPCs at close range
-You can put the GPS next to some cache. And if the NPC hides something there, then the GG will receive a message about it.
-Increased offline scan range for caches from backpacks to 200 meters. Also increased search chance.
hiding places with inscriptions. Now the nick at the edge of the location will also not be completely safe.
-If the GG stole a low-value thing from the hiding place of an inscription, then the inscription will also be offended, but not much. Therefore, do not be surprised if, when approaching such a non-script, the GG suddenly gets hit in the face.
-Stalkers mine corpses that they search (both online and offline).
The probability of mining depends on the rank of the corpse, and the power of the explosion depends on the rank of the miner.
-In case of an explosion on a cache or a corpse, the GG's armor is also damaged, depending on the power of the charge.
If the GG sticks himself in there with a bare ass (without armor), then he will certainly die in the explosion.
-Stalkers do not pick up weapons and armor if they already have one (both online and offline).
-Ambush near the marked cache appears with a probability depending on the value of the swag there.
-If you raise the GPS beacon, then the tags are removed from the NPCs that he set.
- NPCs trade less and hide swag more.
-NPCs don't steal swag from the caches of other NPCs.
-Now there are no guaranteed stashes - all caches are searched.
-Earlier, NPCs didn't search staves from backpacks - now they are searched (As I understand it, this was a flaw in the original AMK code).
-Wounded NPCs do not search caches, collect artifacts, do not fight, etc. (It was nonsense that
- a wounded NPC climbed into a hiding place for example).
-Fixed a bug in logic due to which the NPC did not sort through all the items in the cache.
-Now NPCs steal almost everything more or less valuable, including unique guns, vodka, first-aid kits, etc.
- NPCs actively hide their swag in one of the empty nearby caches.
- NPCs hide armor, barrels and pharmacies, leaving themselves one pharmacy, 2 best barrels and one best armor.
-GPS puts a mark only if the NPC took something from the cache.
-When the GG rummages in the marked cache, an ambush may pop up on him.
-Ambush appears if there is something more or less valuable in the searched cache.
-During the search of the marked cache, two enemies pop up, and the GG drops the weapon in fright when he hears their screams.
-If the GG climbed into someone's stash and stole something valuable, then its owner can recognize the thief from a close distance, and a notification is issued.
-At the same time, if he was a friend of GG, then he becomes neutral, and if he was neutral, he will become an enemy.
- NPCs steal any cartridges and hide them, leaving themselves only one pack for each barrel.
-Nepis, from whom the GG has stolen something, will chase him in an attempt to clean his face or shoot him,
if you saw it from a short distance (~20m). GG, of course, can run away - and the non-script will lag behind him in the end
as a result, but the penny will not leave plans to clean the Marked One - and next time he will try to do it again.
If the NPC wants to shoot the Marked One, he will try to do it within one real minute,
after which it will "cool down" a little and will be satisfied by driving GG in the teeth.
The mod allows you to mine the cache and prevent NPCs from robbing your
hard-earned property. How it works:
Place an RGD-5 or F-1 grenade in the cache and the cache will be mined. Now if non-script
if your cache is put in to rob, then with a certain probability an "explosion" will occur and the NPC will be injured
-Replaced reticle.
-Replaced shaders from L.U.R.K.
-Ability to break light bulbs.
-Round cursor instead of crosshairs.
-Returned the collision of dead bodies with NPCs and the actor (Walk over the corpses, move, and not go through them).
-Changed the position of the camera from the 3rd person. Shooting goes in the crosshairs, not in the direction of the actor.
-Added weapons-33pcs
-all weapons are right-bolt!

Installing and running the mod:

1) Download all 5 parts in one folder
2) Unpack using 7Zip "and or another archiver (to do this, double-click on the file Stalker_Gluhar_2.7z.001
3) Run the setup.exe file and follow the instructions of the installer
4) Launch the game using the desktop icon.
5) Play.

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"Stalker: Capercaillie-2", the passage of which is described in this article, is an amateur modification of a truly folk game. The original "Stalker" was released in 2007, but to this day there are various innovations that completely or partially change the gameplay. From our article you will learn the methodology for the complete passage of this add-on.

Beginning of the game

The player appears in the initial location from the original part - Cordon. You wake up after a coma and severe injuries in the basement of one of the houses in the first village. Talk to the doctor, who will give you the last instructions on treatment, and then go to the friend from the first part of the game Sidorovich (he is in the same basement). The passage of "Stalker: Capercaillie-2" will take only 5 hours, if you do not get distracted by side tasks and search for caches. However, at the very beginning of the game, it is still recommended to do additional tasks in order to get more resources, first-aid kits, ammo, and more complete equipment. Already in the first village you will find several caches with items in neighboring houses.

The first quest is entirely taken from the original part. You have to help Shustrom, after talking with the Wolf in the village before that. Go to an abandoned building, shoot the bandits and take the flash drive from Shustroy. You can also take a couple of additional quests to find artifacts from him, which will bring a lot of benefits in terms of enriching your wallet.

We take the flash drive to Sidorovich and take the reward. Now you will have access to a special task, from which the passage of "Stalker: Capercaillie-2" begins. You can find it in the additional quests section.

The second key task

Having taken a special order, we go to the tunnel, in which we find secret documents. We take the package with papers to the customer. Here you can also complete one of Shustroy's quests to find a jacket. You will have a choice - you can keep the jacket for yourself or give it to Shustrom for a fee.

After that, the passage of "Stalker: Capercaillie-2" continues on the quest of Sidor, who will tell you about the location of the shooter and name the people who could see him. First you need to find the shooter's hiding place. It is not so easy to do this. Go to the coordinates on the PDA. Aggressive bandits will meet you at the entrance, so stock up on ammunition and first aid kits in advance.

Further walkthrough of the game "Stalker: Capercaillie-2"

After traveling for the shooter's cache, you have to go to the Dark Valley. In the laboratory X-18 are the next documents that you have to find. Before going for documents, you can return to Cordon and help other stalkers, or immediately go to the Dark Valley. Before X-18, it is recommended to buy all kinds of ammunition, grenades and first-aid kits, because inside you will meet a lot of mutants. The passage "Stalker: Capercaillie-2" ends in this place. After opening the last door with the combination lock, you will see the final cutscene.

Other fashion changes

The Capercaillie-2 modification also provides for many minor improvements in the field of shooting, the balance between allies and enemies. A more difficult mode has also been added to the game. There may be stability issues and crashes in Windows.

An addon marauder mod from Skunk has been introduced, thanks to which exactly the armor that the victim was wearing remains in the corpses. Other configurations of the mod: it is possible to get neutrality with bandits in td, other bandits remain enemies, by completing two tasks from a boar, you can get recipes for modifying relics from ordinary things. NPCs hide armor, barrels and pharmacies, 2 best barrels and one best armor, leaving one pharmacy for themselves. After the NPC robbed you, she immediately hides the swag somewhere in one of the nearby caches. An ambush occurs if there is something of the least valuable in the cache being searched. How it works: place an RGD-5 or F-1 grenade in the cache and the cache will be mined. Introduced Skunk's Corpse and Orphan Weapon Cleaner, now you don't have to worry about a lot of corpses and weapons lying around. Now radiation accumulates even when finding relics in a backpack. After all, injections and vodka are unique in this fashion. You are given complete freedom of action. Added weapons - 33 pieces, the upper right gun - bolt. So try so that such NPCs do not see you at close range, you can put the GPS next to some kind of hiding place. Gg is thrown back by an explosion from a mined cache. Now there are no guaranteed spots - all caches are being searched. During the search of the marked cache, two enemies jump out, and he drops the weapon out of fright when he hears their clicks. Emissions occur randomly before the next release - from 4 hours to a day. New_Level_Changer NLC adds 12 new transitions between locations to the game - these are: I cordon - agricultural industry, V amber - radar, previously existing transitions: Ibar - wild territory, the above transitions are not available right away, to find them you need to complete several quests or find some documents supposedly describing unknown roads, 6 quests are added, IV amber - agroindustry, VIIIdark plain - radar, XII sprout - warehouses, III agroindustry - amber, II agroindustry - cordon, IIbar - army warehouses and IIIradar - army warehouses do not work in this version before completing certain plot tasks, VI radar - amber, IX black plain - warehouses, X warehouses - black plain, namely: you need to bring documents from the laboratory x-18 to the bartender; you need to bring a Kruglov flash drive to the bartender or purchase a transfer for funds from an informant, VII radar - a black plain, XI warehouses - a sprout. Wounded NPCs do not search caches, a wounded NPC climbed into a cache, for example, that they don’t collect artifacts, they don’t fight, and so on it was nonsense. Exe and follow the instructions of the installer, 4 run the game from the desktop icon. We are looking for the missing group of scientists. In case of an explosion on a cache or a corpse, the armor is also damaged depending on the power of the charge. Each container has a different degree of protection and, accordingly, a different weight and cost. Fixed a bug in the logic - for which the NPC did not sort through all the items in the cache. Passionate about finding a ghost. 12 more quests are added, there is a possibility of obtaining modification of relics - from the lowest to get the highest rank. 3 more quests are added, cartridges, first-aid kits, and so on can only be obtained in exchange for artifacts, the trading system with merchants has been completely changed - now it’s not a bad weapon.

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