
Channels of digital television in Chuvashia. Digital television coverage area: how to determine that you are in it. When analog TV will be turned off in Chuvashia

Residents of Chuvashia are increasingly turning to the editorial office with the question of how the transition to digital analog television will take place. We learned about this from the Minister of Digital Development, Information Policy and Mass Communications of Chuvashia Mikhail Anisimov.

Mikhail Vladimirovich, will all residents of the republic have access to a digital signal?

In Chuvashia, the branch of RTRS "RTPC of the Chuvash Republic" is engaged in the construction and operation of a digital terrestrial television network. In total, 42 digital broadcasting facilities were built and put into operation: almost the entire territory of Chuvashia is covered with a digital signal.

Today, residents of the republic can watch digital terrestrial television for free. Digital terrestrial television includes 2 multiplexes (packages of TV channels). The signal of the first multiplex can be received in almost all settlements of Chuvashia. Broadcasting of the second multiplex was launched in Cheboksary and Novocheboksarsk, Alatyrsky, Batyrevsky, Poretsky, Shemurshinsky districts. Until the end of 2018, this package of TV channels will be available everywhere. Wherever the viewer is - in the city or the outback - there will always be a high-quality picture on television screens.

Also in Chuvashia there were territories that did not fall into the broadcasting zone of digital terrestrial television. There are 83 such settlements, about 8,000 people live in them. In the near future we plan to sign an agreement with satellite TV operators so that the residents of these villages and villages can get equipment at a discount, and watching 20 TV channels is free.

Will additional equipment be required?

All modern TVs accept a digital signal. It is enough to check in the instructions whether the equipment supports the DVB-T2 standard and buy a UHF antenna. If the TV is old (produced before 2013), you will also need a digital set-top box. Although there is no shortage of equipment in the stores of the republic, I advise you not to postpone this issue until the last day.

When will analog television be turned off in Chuvashia?

The shutdown will begin on April 15, 2019. After the analog signal is turned off, a special information message will be broadcast on the screens of analog TVs. By this time, we plan to solve a number of important tasks. First of all, to help socially unprotected categories of citizens who cannot afford receiving equipment. Now, together with the authorities, we are developing a legal document that will regulate the distribution of compensation for the purchase of digital set-top boxes and antennas.

Where can I learn more about digital TV?

You can learn more about digital television and connection methods on the site seetsifu.rf, the official website of the Ministry of Information Policy of Chuvashia, by calling the free hotline 8-800-220-20-02. Also in the branch of the RTRS "RTPC of the Chuvash Republic" there is a "Consulting Support Center" at the address: Cheboksary, st. Nikolaeva, d.10A. Here everyone can get all the detailed information for free.

I want to note that now all possible problematic points have been taken into account so that the transition to digital terrestrial television is as comfortable as possible for all citizens.

Switching off analog TV in Russia was postponed for two weeks. This was announced by Deputy Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation Alexei Volin. Earlier, we recall, the process of switching from analog to digital television was planned to begin on January 1, 2019.

And no subscription fee

“I want to immediately console the slow-moving citizens who will not purchase digital set-top boxes and new television receivers capable of broadcasting digital television before the New Year,” Volin said in an interview with the Izvestia newspaper. - For them, we are extending the process of switching off analogue broadcasting of federal channels until January 14–15. People definitely have time to purchase the necessary equipment before the "analogue" is turned off. The cheapest digital set-top box today costs less than a pack of cigarettes - 700-800 rubles.

42 communications facilities are included in the digital terrestrial (terrestrial) television broadcasting network built in Chuvashia.

Volin also stressed that no subscription fee for digital TV would have to be paid. “The task of digital terrestrial television,” he said, “is to give every citizen of Russia anywhere in the country the opportunity to watch 20 television channels of the first and second multiplexes for free. The average person never watches more than six channels all the time, no matter how many they have. The 20 channels that make up the first and second multiplex, the free information standard of the Russian Federation, are the channels that people choose in 90% of cases, a couple of narrowly focused ones are usually added to them. Everyone can find a television to their liking.”

According to Alexei Volin, a recent sociological study conducted in all regions of the Russian Federation showed that today less than 10% of citizens live outside digital television, and in a number of regions they are only 2–3%. In small towns and villages with a population of less than 100,000, most residents today are able to receive only 10 digital television channels, but by the end of the year a second multiplex will be turned on throughout the country, so all viewers will be able to receive 20 high-quality television channels for free.

ten plus ten

Well, how are things in Chuvashia? At present, the republic has launched the broadcasting of the first multiplex, which includes 10 TV channels in modern digital quality, according to the Ministry of Digital Development, Information Policy and Mass Communications of the region. The signal covers 99% of the population of the republic. The first multiplex also provides local news and programs from the Chuvashia State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. Another 10 TV channels of the second multiplex today can be watched only in large cities - Cheboksary and Novocheboksarsk, as well as their environs and nearby settlements. But by the end of 2018, this signal can be received in the rest of the republic.

List of digital terrestrial television channels: FIRST MULTIPLEX - Channel One, Russia 1, Match TV, NTV, Petersburg-5 channel, Russia-Culture, Russia-24, Karusel, OTR, TV Center; SECOND MULTIPLEX - REN TV, SPAS, STS, Home, TV 3, Friday, Zvezda, MIR, TNT, Muz-TV.

To clarify, viewers who have connected to pay cable TV (in Cheboksary, for example, the majority of them) will not be affected by the shutdown of analog broadcasting. To receive terrestrial digital TV, a TV with a built-in DVB-T2 module and an antenna - individual or common for a house or an entrance - are enough. But for TVs without a built-in DVB-T2 module, you will also need to purchase a digital set-top box.

The issue of transition from “analogue” to “digital”, experts say, is relevant mainly for regional centers and villages. However, another option was found in the outback - a dish of satellite TV over an old log cabin in the villages is far from uncommon.

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Until 2010, almost half of the population of Russia (44%) could receive no more than four TV channels. At the same time, the possibilities for the development of analog broadcasting have been exhausted. Thanks to the introduction of digital broadcasting technologies, by the end of 2018, 98.4% of the country's residents can watch 10 TV channels of the first multiplex for free, more than 98% of viewers can watch 20 channels of the first and second multiplexes.

The package of digital channels RTRS-1 (the first multiplex) includes all-Russian obligatory public TV channels and radio channels. The list of these TV and radio channels was determined by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 24, 2009 No. 715 “On all-Russian mandatory public television and radio channels” and its subsequent editions: Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 17, 2012 No. 456, Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 20, 2013 No. 367 , Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 15, 2015 No. 365. Ten TV channels for broadcasting as part of the RTRS-2 package (second multiplex) were selected by the Federal Competition Commission for Television and Radio Broadcasting (December 14, 2012, December 18, 2013 and September 30, 2015). Digital TV channels are broadcast in the DVB-T2 standard.

We remind you that in accordance with the Law "On the Mass Media" as amended on July 13, 2015, TV channels and radio channels that have received the right to digital on-air broadcasting using positions in multiplexes throughout the Russian Federation are classified as mandatory public TV channels and radio channels. Mandatory public television and radio channels are subject to distribution in all broadcasting environments without charging consumers (TV viewers, radio listeners) for the right to watch and listen.

What is a multiplex in digital television?

Multiplex - a package of digital television channels broadcast by one transmitter. Usually occupies one frequency. In digital terrestrial television, the multiplex includes 10 TV channels.

In 2018, the implementation of the federal target program for the development of television and radio broadcasting in Russia is being completed. It was this document that launched the transfer of terrestrial television to digital technologies in our country.

In Chuvashia, work on the transition to digital television has been underway since 2013. During this time, the specialists of the RTRS branch "RTPC of the Chuvash Republic" put into operation 42 stations - key elements of the digital terrestrial television network. All facilities have equipment for broadcasting the first package of TV channels (multiplex). The signal covers 99% of the population of Chuvashia. Thus, residents of the region already today can watch 10 federal TV channels in modern digital quality for free. These are Channel One, Russia 1, Match TV, Russia - Culture, Russia-24, NTV Television Company, Petersburg - Channel 5, Karusel, Public Television of Russia, "TV CENTER - Moscow".

With the transition to the "digital" residents of Chuvashia, as before, will be able to watch local news and programs, but in a new format. The TV channels of the Chuvashia State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company are also presented in the first multiplex. Regional inserts are available on Russia 1 and Russia 24 TV channels. Broadcasting is conducted in test mode.

The second multiplex includes Ren-TV, Spas, STS, Domashny, Friday, Zvezda, Mir, TNT, Muz TV, TV-3. This package of TV channels is currently available only in large cities, in particular, in Cheboksary and Novocheboksarsk, as well as nearby settlements.

Analogue TV is being replaced by digital TV. Modern broadcasting technologies open up a lot of new opportunities for viewers. The digital signal is more resistant to various interferences, which ensures high quality of the image and sound. An equally good picture on TV screens will be both for residents of large cities and remote settlements. In addition, users will have additional options, such as watching a TV program or recording their favorite shows.

Connecting digital terrestrial television in the village of CHEBOKSARY is one of the most popular services in Russia and the countries of the former Soviet Union. Digital TV has replaced analogue broadcasting and will soon completely replace it. Therefore, the planned transition of all citizens to digital broadcasting is inevitable. In general, the deadlines for switching off analog are constantly being postponed, according to the latest information, analog television will be turned off in 2018.


  1. Unlike cable and satellite TV, you don't have to pay every month. There is no subscription fee.
  2. The perfect picture. You will forget about the ripples on the TV, bad weather will no longer spoil the picture on your TV screen.
  3. Simple and fast installation at a convenient time for you.
  4. 20 different TV channels. And their number is constantly increasing.
  5. Additional functions - pause, record, watch video from USB, TV guide.
  6. Digital terrestrial equipment operates throughout Russia.


You can check the technical feasibility of connecting digital terrestrial television in CHEBOKSARY, Cheboksary district, Chuvash Republic, by looking at the nearest TV tower on the digital broadcasting map and the presence of a digital antenna on it. If at least one of the two multiplexes has the “broadcasting” status, then you can set up digital television in CHEBOKSARY.

You can read the article how to set up digital television on how to independently connect digital terrestrial television in CHEBOKSARY. In general, the procedure is not difficult and in most cases it is on the shoulder of any adult. You only need

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