
What is go links. GoGetLinks - earn money by selling eternal links. Buying perpetual links from selected sites

Why do I choose for myself Gogetlinks and not other similar link exchanges? It's very simple, there are many advertisers here who are willing to pay money for perpetual links. The quality and price of these links completely suits me, and if you are a webmaster and want to make money selling links on your resource, then this is where I would send you in the first place. Now let's start reviewing this link exchange.

Greetings to all blog site readers. Today we will talk about one of the most popular services for webmasters and optimizers, namely the exchange eternal links Gogetlinks .

Why eternal, well, everything is simple, as in other similar services (RotaPost and Trastik.com), you pay for placing a link to your site once, and not daily and monthly, as for example in Sape(Wizard.Sape).

There is also something similar, but not only links are posted there, but whole articles (Miralinks or WebArtech), in fact, they also sell eternal links there, only surrounded by relevant text.

Why Gogetlinks? Sometimes also called Ggl or Ggl. It's just that this service is a recognized leader in this market, it has been working for a long time, it enjoys a huge reputation and assortment of advertisers and performers.

Promotion of your sites in Gogetlinks and earnings on links by webmasters

First of all, I started working with GGL as a webmaster, posted articles on my blog, thus getting a good income from this (see the article about Earning money on the Internet without investments). A little later, I decided to also be an optimizer (advertiser), that is, by buying several perpetual links and looking at how this is done and how effective it is.

There are three factors, the observance of which when promoting my blog lead to good results, and it is necessary to develop all three directions, otherwise, the weak development of one of the factors will reduce the overall success of the promotion of your Internet resource:

1. The first (basic) factor is the optimization of unique content to meet expectations search engines Yandex and Google. I want to say that the rules of internal optimization are not so complicated anymore (read the article on how to promote a site yourself), but remember that any small detail can affect this process in general. This process is complex and monotonous, but very necessary. The free Yandex Wordstat service can be an excellent helper in this.

2. Backlinks(which leads to your site from others) are still one of the main factors that affect the success of the promotion. You can buy such links on Gogetlinks or similar exchanges (Miralinks, RotaPost).

But build up link mass it is imperative that it be gradual so that there are no sharp jumps, otherwise sanctions from search engines are possible. Do not overdo it with direct occurrences of the request (it is better to find one, but powerful and thematically close to your donor), also dilute the link mass, without anchor links, in the form of an url or domain, as well as in the form of the full title of the publication, on the page you are promoting.

Many of the webmasters make money only in this way, and each of them also has such sites that are very difficult to monetize in other ways.

There are even those who buy already promoted sites to make money on them. This kind of activity for selling perpetual links Gogetlinks becomes the main and dominant one for such enterprising people (for example, the creator of the blog 9seo.ru earns more than 500k rubles a month, has a staff, more than 30 sites for which freelancers constantly write articles), since you can earn money without having high traffic, which just has to be to make money on the show contextual advertising from Google Adsense or Yandex network.

Well, the ICS (earlier, before 09/01/2018 it was the TIC), on which the cost of placing eternal links most often depends, can be increased by writing good and necessary texts (to increase the number of visitors, you need high-quality and useful content, as well as very good behavioral factors, which is expensive for a large grid of sites). V Lately optimizers began to use more often services and programs that help buy links from "good" Internet donors(this is XTool, CheckTrust and etc.) .

If you are withdrawing money for the first time, then you need to wait three months. In the future, the withdrawal will take place three times a week - on Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings, of course, if you order this very conclusion. From the picture you can see how much money came to me and when and how I took it out.

As a result, you should have a table showing the queries for which your site has any positions in the search results of Yandex and Google, as well as those pages that, in the opinion of these search engines, have the highest relevance to these same search queries. Positions, as well as the definition of relevant pages, I carry out using the free program Site Auditor (it somehow stopped working, but now it works fine again).

Those. the main idea that I want to convey to you is that links to your site (backlinks) are necessary buy not only and not so much for home page your promoted site, but also to all landing pages that are capable of moving forward in the search engine results in the Top for more or less frequent queries. Clear? Once again, I repeat backlinks with different anchors not to the main one, but to specific pages of the promoted site, which, in the opinion of search engines, are most relevant to the query that will be used as an anchor. It seems that the idea is quite simple, but for some reason it hardly reaches many novice optimizers.

It is also worth focusing your attention on the fact that buying 10 links from different sites (donors) in Gogetlinks is better than the same 10 backlinks, but from only three. However, if there are available funds, it will not be superfluous to buy several backlinks from a good donor, since all of them will transfer dynamic and static weight (and possibly a trust). But with a limited budget, it will be optimal purchase in Gogetlinks from different donors for the same promoted site.

I will also mention separately that when buying backlinks from resources themed to your site, you improve the growth of ICS - the quality index of the site (formerly TIC - the thematic citation index), which is also important, such links will work much more efficiently than those purchased there, but non-thematic (all other things being equal - donor's non-spamming, his trust, page quality where the link leads from, etc.).

Remember that a large number of links from non-thematic resources to your site may lead to the application of Penguin (filter in Google) or Minusinsk Yandex to it, which will require you to add them to Disavow links or crawl out from under Penguin or Minusinsk in other ways.

If you cannot find donor sites for the topics you need in GGL, then you can buy from media sites, Business and Portals, since such news resources are suitable for all Internet sites and you will hardly fall under any filter when buying links there.

How to set up a campaign in GogetLinks for website promotion

Enough already theorizing, let's start practicing, first you have to create and set up your advertising campaign on the Gogetlinks exchange. To do this, you need to go to the " Optimizer", Open the" My campaigns»And click on the button "Create a new campaign"

Next, a window for adding various fields, checkboxes and lists will open, which will need to be filled in or selected. I will try to explain what you need and how to fill in, and you will already do as you see fit using my example.

Next to each of the items there is a question mark, by moving the cursor to which and clicking on it you can read about its purpose. Below we will briefly introduce each of them:

1. Campaign name in GGL is necessary only for you so that you do not confuse it with any of your other companies. The main thing here is to give a name that makes sense to you.

  • The first two ( contextual links and short notes) are similar, only in the first case the vybmaster inserts a backlink into the text he already has, and in the second he writes several additional sentences of 15-30 words. Personally, I do not see any difference and I order based on the fact that the webmaster is cheaper.
  • Articles: v this type tasks the webmaster writes an article on the topic you proposed and inserts your link there, which has a beneficial effect on the promotion of your site, since the topic of the article coincides with the link where it leads.

3. Next, we have the fields where we will need to add an anchor (hyperlink text), keywords (they are used by the webmaster when writing an article) and the URL of your site's landing page. Of course, we will not limit ourselves to one backlink in our advertising campaign, so we click on the inscription and in a new window that opens we will see fields for adding an unlimited number of future backlinks:

Button " Add another anchor ..."Causes the appearance of new fields for adding backlink data, and the button" Ready"Allows them to save all this to the Gogetlinks service database. Note that for each anchor option in the field “ Plan"I usually put one, or, less often, two, or three. I'm sure a lot of backlinks with exactly the same anchor will look suspicious, unless it's Url ( https: // site) or site name ( site). Even below, I put a check mark in the position " Close campaign"So that this anchor is removed from the list when the specified number of backlinks have been successfully posted.

4. I also make sure to check the box in the campaign settings on GGL, allowing webmasters to inflect the words of the anchors I have indicated... Because as them, I usually use direct occurrences of the search query, so some dilution of the anchor list will be carried out.

We continue to competently set up our company.

As I mentioned above, the importance of choosing topics for donor sites can hardly be overestimated. It should be noted that the headings on the GGL have subheadings, but this is not easy to understand, as there are no usual plus signs in front of the name.

When you click on a heading, you will see a list of subheadings and you will see all possible options and you will be able to make a more accurate selection of donor topics. I usually put a tick only in front of such topics as " Internet". Sites that trade backs in Sape and similar exchanges, as search engines can simply ignore them. So everything is clear, let's move on!

It is advisable to limit the number of external links on the donor's page, but do not overdo it, otherwise few of them will suit you, usually no more than 3-5 pieces. Then you can check or uncheck the boxes in the " The nature of the pages».

What do they mean?

The first check mark ( Pages not indexed by the Search Engine (with 70 days indexing guarantee) will mean that you allow webmasters to post your perpetual link through the Gogetlinks exchange only in their new articles that have not yet been included in the Yandex index. I think so ideal option(most of all similar to the natural one), in this case, the backlink will appear simultaneously with the text of the new article and the search engines will have no complaints about them.

But sometimes, I also put the second checkbox ( Search Engine Index Pages), thus allowing me to add my backlinks to articles that were published earlier and already indexed by Yandex and Google. They will not look as natural as in the first case, but this allows the webmaster to place your backlink in an article that best suited to the subject of your link... It is worth remembering that sometimes your link may end up on a page so old that it has already stopped visiting. search robot or it will take many months, so I recommend that you tell the search engines a link to such a page so that they index it out of turn.

Further, in the campaign settings on GGL, we will only have to set the desired cost of links donors with different CEO indicators. Thus, you tell webmasters that you are ready to pay exactly that much for a backlink from their sites. And it is on these prices that they will be guided by offering you their services (after all, they can either wait for orders from the optimizer, or carry out a reverse search themselves).

Many optimizers in GoGetLinks They are not very wise and set average prices. In general, I think this is the right decision. Just do not forget to look at their initial prices for perpetual links when an application from a webmaster arrives, they may be lower than the one you set. Why pay more?

For example, situations are possible when a price is set in the webmaster's campaign. 100 rubles, and he makes an offer to you at a price 200 rubles since you have set this price cap in your campaign settings.

How check the real price with the webmaster in Ggl? Just click on the " More details »(Located to the right of the address of his site) with the offer (application) that came to you and see the price in the pop-up window.

Since I prefer to search for the donors I need myself, I hide my company for webmasters for this in the exchange GoGetLinks in the setting " Visibility"(For reverse search) for your campaign (the" Optimizer» - « My campaigns") I put " Hidden«:

By the way, in order to hide or open a campaign for reverse search by webmasters in the exchange of eternal links Ggl, you just need to click on the inscription in the column "Visibility" and in the window that opens, select the most suitable option:

Sometimes it is worth setting prices below average, then, although occasionally, it bears fruit in the sense that I receive offers (applications - GoGetLinks will notify you about them by e-mail) from webmasters at prices that are much lower those that they themselves have appointed in their campaign of the webmaster. But these are the features that you will customize for yourself as you master the exchange.

Yes, after setting and running prices, in the future you can put a tick in the box " Set these prices for all campaigns»For more quick setup your other projects in GGL. Your optimal rates will be duplicated in them.

Finding the best sites in GoGetLinks

It should be said right away that the GGL exchange has black and white lists, as you probably guessed, donor sites that do not want to be seen in the search by sites and which should not apply to you are added to the black list. I prefer buying perpetual links from several places at once - Gogetlinks.net, Miralinks and RotaPost. Therefore, so that the donors I use in different exchanges do not overlap, I add those who have already worked (put down a backlink in any of these three services) to the black list of the remaining two.

Add sites to " Black list" and " White list"You can simply click on the red cross in the column" Into a black list" or " White list"In the" Optimizer - Catalogsites»:

White list are used by those SEOs who promote many sites through Gogetlinks similar topics, often they are employees of Internet agencies promoting sites, since they do not want to waste time looking for reliable donors, they often insert the verified ones into the white list and throw them out of the task. It is a great success to be included in the list of such agencies, in which case you will always have a lot of well-paid applications.

If you are an optimizer, then it also makes sense for you to add good donors to BS and already for subsequent promoted sites, do not engage in the selection of suitable sites, but simply put a tick in the box " Search only those sites that are on the whitelist»Saves time and improves the quality of your link mass to the promoted resource.

For example, while traveling across the Internet, I come across interesting sites on which I would gladly buy a backlink. You can contact the site administrator directly, but that doesn't suit me. Therefore, I add such desired donor sites to the white list of this exchange, then when searching for sites I put a checkmark in the same field "Only sites from the whitelist", and I expand all other search filters to the maximum. As a result, in the future I can find and buy perpetual links from domains of interest to me with the proviso that they were added to the GGL at all.

Now let's start searching for sites: go to the " Optimizer» - « Site search". Previously, it looked a little different, but recently it has been updated and made more usable in my opinion.

Buying perpetual links from selected sites

We have finished setting up the search filters; now you can start the search for suitable advertising sites to place your backlinks there. Since the sites are updated as the filter is configured, no additional buttons need to be pressed. To check the site for the quality of the site, simply click on the url address of the site and in a new window that opens, study this site for its quality. I usually do this using cy-pr.com - it is very convenient, informative and visual.

If you have selected a suitable donor and the price for placing a perpetual link suits you, then it's time to move on to the process of purchasing it through the GGL interface.

To buy a backlink on the donor site, I need to check the box next to the selected site (site) and the type of placement I need (contextual, note or article), then it is advisable to check the box “ Insure reviews"(+14 percent to the price - alas, but the guarantee is not free) and press the button" To order»:

In the same way, you continue to select the indicators of donor sites that are suitable for you in terms of price and SEO and buy (order) backlinks on them. But do not forget about what you need to observe. smooth link building(which is especially critical for young sites) otherwise you risk falling under a negative search engine filter. Then you will need to wait for a letter from the GGL with a message that you need to check the tasks completed by the webmasters.

To check placement go to the tab " Optimizer» - « Reviews»And view the page of the donor's website to see if all your requirements have been met (just click on the url address of the webmaster who completed the task).

If you have no complaints about the placement of the backlink, then choose the option “ To approve". If the performer did something wrong, then you can click on the cross " For revision”And describe the shortcomings you noticed. After eliminating everything you described, this review will again go to you for verification and the exchange will send a notification to the mail about it.

Also, if you still have questions, I advise you look great step by step instructions on how to properly purchase links from GoGetLinks:

How to make money on the exchange of eternal links

This exchange is intended not only for buying backlinks for your promoted sites for their promotion by optimizers, but also for earning webmasters in Ggl by selling places on their resources. If the main thing for an optimizer is to get a high-quality eternal link as cheaply as possible, then for a webmaster it is to sell his service for the highest possible price. Well, let's look at the whole process from the opposite side?

The first thing you need to do is add your site to the Gogetlinks exchange. Just admission conditions are pretty tough and all candidate sites will definitely go through manual moderation, but this is good because it makes this exchange so attractive for advertisers (optimizers).

If everything is in order, then you will be offered determine the price for placement of all types of reviews (context link, note and article), which will then be seen by optimizers when searching for sites.

In this case, you can focus on the average prices given by the exchange, while you can set prices no more than seven times higher than the average.

Next, you will be asked if you are ready post backlinks on new and old pages your site. If you leave a tick in the first paragraph, then you will have to accept orders through the GGL, for which you will need to write a new article.

Many people are not satisfied with this and they leave only the second point in order to use the articles already available on their resource, simply adding to them the links suggested by the optimizers. How you will do it is up to you, but when both checkboxes are installed, earnings will be significantly higher but there will be much more work. That's it, then click " Ready“, After which you will see a line with the added site and a message about its being moderated.

You are waiting for the end of the moderation by the site administration, after which you can already start earning. This exchange has a number of conditions that must be observed to avoid the imposition of sanctions:

Further, on the tab “ Webmaster» - « My sites“By clicking on the URL of your site, you can, if necessary, change some of the settings that you made when adding this site to the exchange. By clicking in the column " Visibility»Opposite the site you need, you can choose one of two options for working on the exchange:

1.Wait for applications for placement from optimizers- in this case, the price for placement will be the same as you set it for your site.

2.Carry out a counter search for optimizers yourself on the tab “ Webmaster» - « Search campaigns". In this case, the price for placement will already be taken from the campaign settings of the optimizer (advertiser).

When you an application for placement will come, then you will have to go to the GGL on the tab " Webmaster» - « Quests and Suggestions» - « New"And click on the inscription" More details“Opposite one of the proposals.

After that, a window will open with the task, which you need to carefully look at (if you do not want to complete it, then click on the button " Reject«).

Next, you need to post a review on a new or old page your site (in the index or not in the Yandex index - depending on the conditions set by the advertiser and your preferences at the moment) and click on the button " Done»In the task window, and in the additional window enter the URL of the page where you placed the perpetual link.

First, the GoGetLinks system itself will check the correctness of the fulfillment of the prerequisites (the presence of a backlink, the number of external links), and then pfrfpxbr (the optimizer) will have to check and approve your work.

If you placed a backlink in a new article, then the money will be credited to your account only after indexing this new page Yandex, and if you posted a review in an old article, then immediately after the job is approved by the optimizer.

You can learn more about working as a webmaster with the GGL exchange by watching this video:

It is also worth mentioning that the GGL has affiliate (referral) program(you can get a reflink and view statistics by selecting the appropriate item from the drop-down list of your login in the right upper corner).

In general, the GGL affiliate system is very profitable and I strongly advise you to use it, especially if your site is suitable for such a topic.

Good luck in optimizing your sites and making money on them and see you soon on the pages of the seosait.com blog.

Hello dear readers of the blog site. Today I want to talk in detail about the exchange of perpetual links, which is very popular among webmasters and optimizers.

The very concept of "eternal" boils down to the fact that on this and similar services (GetGoodLinks or RotaPost) you pay for the purchased backlink only once, in contrast to the monthly payment in exchanges like Sapa (now there, however, this process was automated through) ...

There are also article exchanges (Miralinks or WebArtech), which, one might say, sell eternal links, but they have certain differences, which we will dwell on in this publication.

Well, Gogetlinks (abbreviated as Ggl or Ggl) is the leader in this market, because in addition to a huge number of webmasters and optimizers, it also has a high reputation, which attracts a large number of advertisers to it.

Website promotion in Gogetlinks and earnings on links

At first, I worked with GGL only as a webmaster, posting reviews on the pages of my projects and getting a pretty good income from this (see the article about). A little later, I also got into the shoes of an optimizer (advertiser) and quite actively buy eternal links in GoGetLinks (mainly for commercially viable projects).

The creators of this service offer to watch a short video on the topic - what is Ggl:

To comply with the concept laid down in the blog site, I will remind you of the three main aspects of website promotion, which can equally affect its success. Moreover, these factors are interrelated, and the absence or weak influence of one of them will nullify all the work that you did in two other directions:

  1. The first (basic) factor is the expectations of search engines. In fact, the rules of internal optimization are quite simple (read about this in the publication about that), but it is difficult to understand exactly that any little thing has an impact and something should not be neglected. In general, this is a difficult and dreary business, but vital. It can be a good help here.
  2. Backlinks (leading to your project from other resources) are still the main external factor influencing the success of the promotion. You can read about how it should (the texts of the attached backlinks) in the above article. The backlinks themselves can be bought in the same or similar services (Miralinks, RotaPost).

    But build up link mass must necessarily be planned, without fanaticism and harshness. As few direct occurrences of the request as possible (most often one will be enough, but from the most powerful and thematic your site that you can find) and as many dilutions, unancores, links in the form of an url or domain, as well as in the form of the full name of the publication (on page you are promoting). Thus, you will not go "beyond the bounds of decency" and will not be considered a spammer.

  3. Well, the trend of recent years is promotion. Now no one can neglect them, because everything can collapse precisely because of the unnatural user behavior for your topic on your site and in the search results of Yandex and Google.

And so as not to unnecessarily expand on everything advantages of working with GoGetLinks, I invite you to watch them. short video about how wonderful and good everything is (guarantees, insurance for a year, etc.):

Now let's look at this exchange from the point of view of a webmaster, as one of the ways to make money on your website.

I have already cited as an example an article about 17 main ways to make money on the Internet just above. Some webmasters create a number of sites designed specifically to earn money by selling links from them. Moreover, such grids are not only in services like Sapa, but also in our today's hero GGL (and others like him - Miralinkse, Rotapost, etc.).

Some webmasters generally only make money this way. For example, this is a fairly well-known Bigpiccha, and I also have one project that cannot be monetized in anything other than by posting eternal links and articles (and it feels great at the same time and ranks well).

Someone even collects their own grid by buying ready-made and partially promoted resources from other webmasters. Earnings on the exchange of perpetual links becomes for them the main and prevailing (100,000 rubles a month earned five years ago Alex Pro from "loot conquers evil", before he sold his grid), because it allows you to do this without having high traffic, which is necessary for desire to make money on an impression or on the Yandex network).

I personally do not think that it is necessary to rest on earnings with the help of Gogetlinks and others like it. But until the traffic of your project is high enough, you can forget about installing contextual advertising, but money from Miralinks.ru, RotaPost and GetGoodLinks will not seem superfluous during this period.

On one of my side projects, I tried everything (context, Vpodskazke and a number of lesser-known methods), and just starting to sell links from it in all the mentioned services (except Sapa), I felt a real return - requests fell like a cornucopia, and even at the current highly overpriced placement price, they still do not dry out.

Money earned in GGL you can, if you wish, partially use your own site for recruiting the link mass, or completely display it in real life on WebMoney (now, however,) or Qiwi (I have chosen them recently because of their convenient use).

If you are making a withdrawal for the first time, then you will have to wait three months (a kind of hold so that you do not remove the provided links and run away with the money ahead of time). And then the withdrawal will take place three times a week - on Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings, if you order this very withdrawal in advance, as shown in the screenshot (click on the amount of money earned in the upper right corner, select "balance", and then select "Withdraw funds").

Registration in the exchange and principles of promotion in GoGetLinks

As a result, for example, I got an Excel file with a table that contains the queries for which my blog has any positions in the search results of Yandex and Google, as well as those pages that, in the opinion of search engines, have the highest. Positions, as well as the definition of relevant pages, I carry out with the help (for some time deceased, but now again raised from the ashes).

Those. the main point of the last two paragraphs is that backlinks need buy not only and not so much on the main page, but also to all landing pages that are capable of moving forward in the search engine results in the Top for more or less frequent queries. Clear? It's not stupid that all backlinks with different anchors go to the main page, namely to specific pages of your site, which, in the opinion of search engines, are most relevant to the query that will be used as an anchor. The thing is simple, but not fully understood by many.

Well, in addition, it is better to buy 10 links through Gogetlinks from different sites (donors) than the same 10 backlinks, but from only three. However, with a good donor, if there are available funds, it will not be superfluous to buy several backlinks, because all of them will transfer dynamic and static weight (possibly). But with a limited budget, it will be optimal purchase in Gogetlinks from different donors for the same promoted site.

Well, and you should probably understand that when buying backlinks from resources themed to your site, you contribute to the growth of the thematic citation index of your project and, more importantly, such backs will work much better than those purchased in the same place, but non-thematic (all other things being equal, donor's non-spamming, his trust, the quality of the page from which the link leads, etc. .).

Actually, for a large number of backs from donors different from your subject, you can easily fall under or, and then you will have to add them to Disavow links (read more about this in the specified article) or in other ways or Minusinsk.

However, not for all topics in GGL you will be able to find a sufficient number of donors. In this case, you can buy from media platforms, Business and Portals, because to some extent they will suit almost everyone.

Setting up a campaign in GogetLinks for website promotion

Let's move from theory to practice. First, you have to create and set up your ad campaign in the link exchange. To do this, just go to the "Optimizer" tab, open the "My Campaigns" tab and click on the button "Create a new campaign":

An add window will open with many different fields, checkboxes and lists that you need to fill in or select. Let me try to explain what exactly and how to write or choose there, well, and you will already be free to do everything your own way.

Next to each item is a question mark, by moving the mouse cursor to which you can read about its purpose. Now let's go over the points:

GGL - how the optimizer pays less and gets more

I have already spoken about the importance of choosing a donor topic a little higher. I will draw your attention here only to the fact that in Gogetlinks the visualization of the fact that subject headings have their own subheadings... Guessing about this is not easy, because there are no intuitive plus signs to the left of the heading names or something similar.

However, by clicking on the name of a heading in Gogetlinks, you will see all the sub-headings nested in it and you can make the choice of donor topics more accentuated. I usually put a tick only in front of the "Internet" topic. I leave both languages ​​selected. Well, I cut off the sites that trade backs in Sapa and similar exchanges, because there is a high probability that search engines will not take them into account when ranking. Go ahead.

I usually limit the number of external links, but within reasonable limits. Then you can check or uncheck the boxes in the "Nature of Pages" area. What do they mean? The first checkbox will mean that you allow webmasters to post your perpetual link through the Gogetlinks exchange only in their new articles that have not yet been included in the Yandex index. In general, this is practically ideal (similar to natural), because then the backlink will appear simultaneously with the text of the new article.

But I still put the second checkbox, thereby allowing me to add my backs to those articles that were published a long time ago and have already been indexed by Yandex. They will look less natural than in the first case, but the webmaster will be able to place your backlink in the article the most suitable topic, up to its complete coincidence. However, their registration may take a long time, especially if the pages where they were posted have not been updated for a long time and, accordingly, the search robot of the Runet mirror has not visited them for a long time. In the worst case, he may not visit it at all, or he may not take into account this backlink, which is sad.

It also makes sense for webmasters to inform about your wishes, this is why the field "Description and comments to the task" is provided, where I usually write what is shown in the screenshot above

Further, in the campaign settings on GGL, we will only have to set the desired cost of links from donors with different SEO indicators. That. you tell the webmasters working in this exchange that you are ready to pay exactly that much for a backlink from their sites. And it is precisely on these prices that the webmaster will be guided by offering you their services (after all, they can both wait for orders from the optimizer and carry out a reverse search themselves).

Many SEOs in GoGetLinks set average prices without further ado. In general, it is correct. But when you receive an application from a webmaster, you should look at their initial prices for perpetual links.

Those. situations are possible when the price of 100 rubles is set in the campaign of the webmaster, and he makes an offer to you at the price of 200 rubles, because you have set this price cap in your campaign settings.

How check the real price with the webmaster in Ggl? Just click on the "Details" button (located to the right of the address of his site) with the offer (application) that came to you and see the price in the pop-up window (there is no way to take such a screenshot now, so I would be grateful if you send your own).

In this regard, I took it as a habit to greatly underestimate the prices at which I am ready to buy perpetual links from webmasters (up to the minimum possible in the system). I do this for two reasons. First, because I prefer to search for the donors I need myself, this allows you not to use the "Hidden" setting (for reverse search) in GoGetLinks for your campaign (the "Optimizer" tab - "My campaigns"):

By the way, in order to hide or open a campaign for reverse search by webmasters in the exchange of eternal links Ggl, you just need to click on the inscription in the column "Visibility" and in the window that opens, select the most suitable option:

Well, and secondly, although occasionally, it bears fruit in the sense that I sometimes receive offers (applications - GoGetLinks will notify you about them by e-mail) from webmasters at prices that are much lower those that they themselves have appointed in their campaign of the webmaster. But these are the nuances that you will set up for yourself as you work.

Yes, after setting and running the prices, in the future you can check the box "Set these prices for all campaigns" to quickly set up your other projects in the GGL. Your optimal rates will be duplicated in them.

Searching for optimal sites in GoGetLinks

I'll make a reservation right away that this exchange has black and white lists. As the name suggests, it’s probably worth adding to the black donors those donors whom you don’t want to see in the search by sites and who should not apply for you.

I buy perpetual links in several places at once - GetGoodLinks, Miralinks and RotaPost.

And just above, I explained that with a limited budget, it would be the best option to buy backlinks from different donors (without repetitions for the same project). Therefore, so that the donors I use in different exchanges do not overlap, I add those that have already worked (put down a backlink in any of these four services) to the black list of the remaining three (read about how to do this in, and).

To add sites to the black list in GGL, you need to go to the "Site search" tab and at the very bottom of the filter list click on the link " My blacklist":

You can add already used donors in other exchanges, as well as copy the existing HR from GoGetLinks in Excel format.

I think that everything is clear with this. Although, when choosing sites, you can add them to emergency situations by simply clicking on the red cross in the "To the black list" column:

The whitelist is used by many SEOs who consistently promote several sites of similar topics through Gogetlinks. In this case, it makes sense to add good donors to the BS and for the subsequent promoted resources not to engage in the selection of suitable sites, but simply put a tick in the box "Search only for those sites that are in the white list" (I already ran a little ahead, but a little below I will show everything in the screenshot). Saves time and improves link quality.

For example, wandering around the open spaces of the Russian Internet, I sometimes come across resources from which I would like to get a link. It would be possible to contact the admin and buy a backlink directly, but to me. Therefore, I add such desired donors to the white list of this exchange, after which, when searching for sites, I put a checkmark in the same field. "Only sites from the whitelist"(see the third screenshot above this paragraph), and I expand all other search filters to the maximum.

As a result, in the future I can find and buy perpetual links from domains of interest to me with the proviso that they were generally added to GoGetLinks.

Well, now we go directly to the search for sites: the tab "Optimizer" - "Search for sites". Previously, it looked a little different, but recently it has been updated and made more usable in my opinion.

Buying perpetual links from selected sites

That's all. Now click on the "Find" button and start browsing and selecting the most suitable donors in this exchange. To do this, click on the URL of the site and in a new window examine its site for quality. I usually do this with the help - very convenient, informative and visual.

Have you found the right donor? And are you satisfied with the price for posting a perpetual link? Great, it's time to move on to the process of purchasing it through the Gogetlinks interface.

Because I selected manual assignment of anchors in the campaign settings in Ggl, then I will need to select the text closest to the donor from the drop-down list in the "Anchor" column, tick the column with the desired review type, tick the box "Insure reviews" (+ 12 percent to the price - alas, but the guarantee is not free) and click on the "Order" button:

In the same way, you continue to select donors that are suitable for you in terms of price and Seo and buy (order) backlinks for them with the anchors you need. But don't forget about smooth link building(which is especially important for young projects, for which buying through one link per day or even less often will be the norm). Then you will need to wait for a letter from GoGetLinks with a message that you need to check the tasks performed by webmasters.

To check placement go to the "Optimizer" - "Reviews" tab and view the donor's website page to see if all your requirements are met (just click on the url address of the webmaster who completed the task).

If everything is in order, then choose the "Approve" option. If the webmaster did something wrong, then you can click on the "For revision" cross and describe the shortcomings you noticed. After eliminating all that you have described, this review will again come to you for verification and the exchange will send a notification about this by mail.

Well, and to top it off, I advise see great step-by-step instructions on how to properly purchase links from GoGetLinks:

Earnings on the GoGetLinks exchange of perpetual links

Actually, now is the time to move on to the question of making money in Ggl for webmasters. It will be like a look at the same thing, but from the other side. If the main thing for an optimizer is to get a high-quality eternal link as cheaply as possible, then for a webmaster the main thing is to sell his service for the highest possible price. Those. on the face of a conflict of interest, however, it is quite solvable within the framework of this exchange.

First you need to get your site accepted by Gogetlinks. The fact is that admission conditions are pretty tough and all candidates must pass manual moderation, but this is precisely what makes this exchange so attractive for advertisers (optimizers).

Anyway, you you will need to register first, and then go to the tab "Webmaster" - "My sites" and click on the "Add site" button:

Enter the URL of the site, after which it will be automatically checked for Tits other than zero, for age (more than six months) and some other criteria described in detail. If everything is in order, then you will be offered determine the price for placement of all types of reviews, which will then be seen by optimizers when searching for sites.

In this case, you can focus on the average prices given right there, but you can go to the directory of sites as an optimizer and see how many tugriks are asked by sites similar to yours.

Next, you will be asked if you are ready post backlinks on new and old pages your resource. If you leave a tick in the first paragraph, then you will have to accept orders through GGL, for which you will need to write a new publication.

This is annoying for many and they leave only the second point in order to use the publications already available on their resource, simply adding to them the links suggested by the optimizers. It's up to you, but when both checkboxes are installed, the earnings will be higher, but also more hassle. That's all, click on "Finish", after which you will see a line with the added site and a message about its being moderated.

You are waiting for the end of the moderation, after which you can already start earning. This exchange has a number of conditions that must be observed to avoid the imposition of sanctions:

Further, on the tab "Webmaster" - "My sites", by clicking on the URL of your site, you can, if necessary, change some of the settings that you made when adding this site to the exchange. By clicking in the "Visibility" column opposite the desired site, you can choose one of three options for working on the exchange (depending on your shyness):

When you an application for placement will come, then you will have to go to Gogetlinks on the tab "Webmaster" - "Tasks and offers" - "New" and click on the inscription "More", opposite one of the proposals.

As a result, a window will open with the task, which you have to carefully read (if you do not want to complete it, then click on the "Reject" button).

Then you will need to post the review on a new or old page of your site (in the index or not in the Yandex index - depending on the conditions set by the advertiser and your preferences at the moment) and click on the "Completed" button in the task window, and in the additional window enter The url of the page where you actually posted the perpetual link.

First, the GoGetLinks system itself will check the correctness of the fulfillment of the prerequisites (the presence of a backlink, the number of external links), and then the optimizer will have to check and approve your work.

If you placed an eternal link in a new article, then the money will be transferred to your account only after indexing of this new page by Yandex, and if you posted a review in an old article, then immediately at the time the job was approved by the optimizer.

You can learn more about the optimal strategy for working as a webmaster with the Ggl exchange by watching a rather detailed video:

What else do I want to say? They have a wonderful one (you can get a reflink and view statistics by selecting the appropriate item from the drop-down list of your login in the upper right corner) - read what it is on the link.

In general, the affiliate program is very profitable and I definitely advise you to use it for those sites for which it suits the topic (where there is a target audience for this business). My successes in this field at the moment are as follows:

True, I have been working with her for a very long time (six or seven years). But I think it's never too late to start ...

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

You may be interested

GetGoodLinks - how to make money on the site and how to buy links on the GetGoodLinks exchange
Megaindex - how to analyze website visibility in Yandex and Google for free, select requests and check positions Website output from under the Google Penguin filter - step by step guide Where to buy natural links and how to sell links from your site for one and a half times more
Kwork - a freelance service shop at a fixed price (500 rubles)
Internal optimization - selection keywords, check for nausea, optimal Title, content duplication and linking under low frequencies

Gogetlinks (GGL, Gogetlinks, Goget, Gogeta)This is a service for buying and selling perpetual links, within the service you can buy perpetual links, links in reviews or links-pictures.

Historical fact

Gogetlinks was released in 2009. under the leadership of Alexei Kurakov.

Today, Gogetlinks has more than 43 thousand users and more than 8 thousand sites (from 10 to 50 sites are added daily).


Service tools do not require special knowledge and skills and are easy to use for both advertisers and site owners.

Using ordinary exchanges, webmasters tend to actively buy links for their Internet resources, but modern search engine algorithms, in particular, Yandex, quickly recognize such sites, which not only reduces the effectiveness of any advertising campaign to nothing, but also favors the sites getting filtered.

With the help of the Gogetlinks service, webmasters can buy only natural perpetual links and not be afraid of imposing search engine sanctions on their sites.

The service provides the following services:

  1. Placement of contextual links on related sites. By operating with such links in the texts, the advertiser is able to manipulate the interests of his target audience.
  2. Placement of eternal advertising notes on websites. Such a phrased link is found by search engines and provides more value than regular SEO links.
  3. The placement of picture links is an innovation of the domestic Internet, graphics are placed on sites along with links.

Gogetlinks tools significantly distinguish it from other systems in that they not only contribute to the promotion of sites, but also guarantee the durability of the results.


Sites registered with Gogetlinks are manually moderated. But the system does not accept sites that aggressively sell links, and with copied text content.

Perpetual links are paid only once, and their lifespan is equal to the lifetime of the site. The warranty period set by the developers of the service expires after 3 months, but they can be insured by deducting an annual 15% of the total cost. The optimizer is indemnified for full material damage if the page with the link is not indexed for more than 45 days.

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