
GoGetLinks is an exchange of eternal links and earnings from this. Buying perpetual links on GoGetLinks Buying perpetual links from selected sites

Most of the sites are created for the purpose of making a profit. Why is this happening? It takes a lot of time and effort to develop them. In addition, this is a complex step-by-step work that requires money. In any case, at least you will have to spend money on buying a domain and hosting.

Therefore, the topic of site monetization is extremely relevant. Among the many effective and not so effective ways to monetize sites, the placement of paid reviews and articles stands out favorably. For these purposes, special exchanges are provided that act as intermediaries between optimizers and webmasters.

GoGetLinks is perhaps the best exchange of perpetual links for making money

Of all the existing services that specialize in placing contextual links, GoGetLinks (GGL), which was born in 2009, stands out favorably.

Please note that in order to pass moderation, you must have a high-quality "live" site created for people.

Less than 20% of the proposed resources are successfully moderated. The system cuts out dubious, ineffective, risky donor sites, which may soon be filtered search engines.

If your site hasn't been moderated, don't despair. It can be sent for re-moderation after 2 weeks. The main thing to do is fix the problem or multiple problems that caused it to be rejected. The results are notified by E-mail. You can check the reasons for rejection in your account.

The moderation process takes into account the quality of the content, behavioral factors(refusals, viewing depth), traffic quality indicators, linking.

Here are some of the requirements for candidates:

  • The resource must be in the Yandex index (there are at least 80-100 pages).
  • Sites that post auto-links (Sape, MainLink, TrustLink, etc.) are rejected.
  • Successful moderation of satellite sites is a big question.
  • Sites containing non-unique content are not accepted by GoGetLinks. These include Internet projects, which, for example, publish information about the laws of a country, official technical regulations, etc.
  • The site must contain information that does not contradict the laws of the Russian Federation and the norms of public morality.
  • The resource must be at least 6 months old.
  • The site should not be located on a free third-level domain. An exception is the org.ua zone.
  • Forums at GoGetLinks are not accepted.
  • The site should not contain annoying ads that interfere with the study of the content.
  • The project should not refer to resources of prohibited topics (porn, "for adults", hacked, gambling, occult services and magic, sports betting, dating sites).

To fully understand this issue, look through the site moderation cheat sheet.

Why GoGetLinks - 8 Unprecedented Reasons

  1. Unlike autolinks, which are temporarily placed on the site and not in the best place (most often the footer or sidebar), GoGetLinks' eternal links are backlinks forever. However, it should be understood that "forever" is abstract. After all, if the donor site flies out of search or ceases to exist, the investment will be unjustified.
  2. Perpetual links from GoGetLinks are more natural, as they are placed in the body of the article and appear simultaneously with the publication (relevant to the "Article" format).
  3. Friendly intuitive clear interface... It will take no more than an hour to figure out which tab is responsible for what.
  4. Everything in one bottle. Once registered, the user gets access to the webmaster and optimizer panel. This is convenient, for example, if you want to not only sell space for links, but also build a good link profile.
  5. Quality assurance of sites. This is facilitated by strict moderation rules.
  6. There can be only one sales link on one page, and that one from the GGL.
  7. Link indexing guarantee. This advantage is mostly for SEOs, who can be sure that the purchased link will be 100% indexed by the search engines. If the backlink is not displayed in the search within 50 days, the money will be returned to the advertiser's balance.
  8. Three review formats (contextual link, note, article) allowing to increase the number of orders and the webmaster's profit.

Review types

Let's dwell on each type in more detail:

  • Contextual link- can be placed inside both new and old articles. The link should fit organically into the content. It is forbidden to post links of this format in copied and pasted texts.
  • The note- a small text, consisting of one to three sentences written on the topic of anchor text, which contains the link needed by the optimizer. If desired, the text can be more voluminous. The main thing is that it is unique and not copied from other sites. Most often, a note is placed at the end of the article.
  • Article- a full-fledged new article with 2000 characters (including spaces) on the anchor topic, which contains the link the optimizer needs. If the customer specifies a non-anchor link as the link text, the article must correspond to the promoted page.

Getting Started at GoGetLinks

Before you start making money on GoGetLinks, you need to register. To do this, click on the "Registration" link, which is located in the right upper corner.

Will open modal window in which you should enter a valid address Email, username, password, put a tick in the "I am not a robot" box and press the "Register" button.

At the next stage, go to the Webmaster / My sites tab and click the "Add site" button.

A new modal window will open, which contains fields for entering the site address and its name. Enter the data and click "Next", after which the site will be automatically checked for compliance with some of the criteria mentioned above.

If everything is OK, the GoGetLinks exchange will offer to set prices for all possible formats assignments.

To make it easier to navigate, pay attention to the average prices indicated just below the input fields.

The next modal window is aimed at finding out on which pages you are ready to post reviews.

To earn more at gogetlinks.net, check the boxes opposite both options. In the first case, links will need to be placed on new pages of the site that have not yet been indexed. That is, you actually have to write new unique articles. In the second, the links organically fit into the already existing materials indexed by Yandex.

It remains only to click the "Finish" button and wait for manual moderation. Verification takes up to 2 business days.

Getting to know the GoGetLinks panel

The first rule that every webmaster must follow is to use the service tips marked with a brown circle with a question mark inside.

After successful moderation, you can start earning. But for more productive work, it would not hurt to familiarize yourself with the GGL panel.


All your projects added to the platform are displayed. Certain icons may appear next to the domain name. An asterisk inside a red circle indicates that the site does not participate in other link exchanges (RotaPost, Sape PR, MiraLinks). The yellow icon means that we have a site with a high GGL trust.

There is also the "Settings" tab, when you click on it, the site card opens. It allows you to set or change the short title of your site, add / edit a description, adjust prices.

Pay attention to the parameter "post an article of any subject". This option makes it possible to receive assignments from sites whose topics do not coincide with yours. I recommend that you refrain and leave this checkbox empty, since by placing everything on your site, you can ditch it.

You can delegate rights if necessary. For these purposes, the link "Transfer the site to another account" is provided. It is also possible to edit the "Pages where reviews will be posted" parameter.


Responsible for hiding or showing the site in the search. The fact that the resource is available is indicated by a white check mark in a green circle.


Indicates the quality index of the site. The higher it is, the more you can earn in GoGetLinks. If the service displays an incorrect number, click on the link to automatic update data.


The quality of the site's incoming links is shown.

Traffic per day

Traffic data based on statistics from the reputable service SimilarWeb is displayed. Influences the formation of a trust!


Indexing rates are reported. It is important to understand that the service does not take into account the total number of articles published since the moment your site was added, but only those that were posted when ordering for optimizers.

Indexation affects the number of applications, the level of income and the formation of the trust!


The ratio of all outbound links (to unique domains) on the site to the number of pages in the Yandex index. The lower this indicator, the more attractive the resource is in the eyes of optimizers. Referencing affects the number of applications, the level of income and the formation of the trust!

Placement speed

Indicates how quickly the webmaster completes tasks. It is in the interests of the contractor to complete the order within 3 days. Otherwise, the optimizer has the right to cancel the order. Even if the optimizer is not in a hurry, the request for link placement will be canceled automatically after 7 days.


The numerical value of the effectiveness of the donor site in terms of SEO. In theory, the higher the trust, the more applications there should be.

Limit of applications

The number of requests that the executor can send to the optimizers. To increase the limit, you need to familiarize yourself with the introductory course for a webmaster, remember important rules and successfully pass a special test. The answers to the GoGetLinks test can be found on the net.


Posted by


The amount the performer earned.

GoGetLinks - how to work

Keep in mind that E-mail notifications can be spammed, so periodically visit the GoGetLinks exchange and check for orders.

There are three options for making money in GGL:

After receiving the letter, you need to go to the service in the Webmaster / My sites tab and click the link "tasks from the optimizer", which is located near the green exclamation mark.

As a result, you will automatically find yourself in the "New" tab. Here we are interested in "Description". Press the button "More ..."

and carefully read the requirements of the optimizer.

If you are satisfied with the requirements, take on the task. Any actions related to order confirmation are not required from the contractor. If something confuses you, you can click the "Decline" button (this will not affect the rating).

After you are finished, click "Done", paste in the appropriate field the address of the page on which the review, note or contextual link is posted, and click on the "Finish" button.

First, the exchange checks the correctness of the task. eternal links GoGetLinks. This takes about 10 seconds. Then it waits for the webmaster to check. He is given 5 days for this, after the expiration of which, it will be approved automatically. In the panel you can see how much time has passed.

If the advertiser, as in the example above, specified in the requirements: the type of review "Article"; indexing of pages "Only pages not indexed by Yandex", money will be transferred to your account only after indexing this new page Yandex.

Verification of rights in GoGetLinks

The site owner or his authorized representative can work in GoGetLinks as a webmaster. In order to prevent the removal of links that may be posted on a web project without the knowledge of the owner, a procedure for confirming rights is provided.

The system offers two verification options:

  • Site confirmation by whois email. GGL sends a letter to confirm the rights to the mail to your registrar, and he, in turn, forwards the letter to you.
  • Confirmation of rights by WebMoney certificate. In this case, the WebMoney passport must be at least personal. If you have indicated the confirmation of rights by WebMoney certificate, and it is, for example, formal, write to the support and consultants will change the rules for confirming rights by whois email. All that remains is to wait for the letter from your hosting provider and follow the link indicated in it.


GoGetLinks provides an excellent opportunity to monetize a site that is 6 months old. The main thing is that it is for people! Register, complete tasks and recoup your time spent on filling and developing the resource.

And even if you do not have your own Internet project, you can make money on GGL. For this, a wonderful affiliate program is provided.

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Gogetlinks (GGL, Gogetlinks, Goget, Gogeta)This is a service for buying and selling perpetual links, within the service you can buy perpetual links, links in reviews or links-pictures.

Historical fact

Gogetlinks was released in 2009. under the leadership of Alexei Kurakov.

Today, Gogetlinks has more than 43 thousand users and more than 8 thousand sites (from 10 to 50 sites are added daily).


Service tools do not require special knowledge and skills and are easy to use for both advertisers and site owners.

Using ordinary exchanges, webmasters tend to actively buy links for their Internet resources, but modern search engine algorithms, in particular, Yandex, quickly recognize such sites, which not only reduces the effectiveness of any advertising campaign to nothing, but also favors the sites getting filtered.

With the help of the Gogetlinks service, webmasters can buy only natural perpetual links and not be afraid of imposing search engine sanctions on their sites.

The service provides the following services:

  1. Placement of contextual links on related sites. By operating with such links in the texts, the advertiser is able to manipulate the interests of his target audience.
  2. Placement of eternal advertising notes on websites. Such a phrased link is found by search engines and provides more value than regular SEO links.
  3. The placement of picture links is an innovation of the domestic Internet, graphics are placed on sites along with links.

Gogetlinks tools significantly distinguish it from other systems in that they not only contribute to the promotion of sites, but also guarantee the durability of the results.


Sites registered with Gogetlinks are manually moderated. But the system does not accept sites that aggressively sell links, and with copied text content.

Perpetual links are paid only once, and their lifespan is equal to the lifetime of the site. The warranty period set by the developers of the service expires after 3 months, but they can be insured by deducting an annual 15% of the total cost. The optimizer is indemnified for full material damage if the page with the link is not indexed for more than 45 days.

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